Corner of physical education and health in kindergarten. Health corner at school How to design a health corner in kindergarten

Barkinhoeva Tanzila

Angle value health in the group A modern person needs to think seriously about his health, because the active use of the achievements of civilization is fraught with negative consequences for physical fitness, and sometimes for mental state. Therefore, many caring parents of a very early age try to teach their children an active lifestyle, healthy eating, and a proper daily routine. In some families, insufficient attention is paid to these points, since their importance is underestimated. In this regard, the main goal health corner, which should be created in every group of preschool educational institutions - to help mothers and fathers protect and improve the health of their children. Not all families lead a healthy and active lifestyle, so advice in corner health will help parents understand the importance of these moments. This goal is realized through specific tasks. Give specific recommendations for physical education of preschoolers (issues of hygiene, posture, hardening, etc.) Talk about the importance of properly organizing your daily routine. Provide information on the prevention of infectious diseases. Counsel the family on psychological issues (for example, adaptation to kindergarten, preparation for school, etc.). Medical corners benefit preschoolers themselves. With their help, you can easily explain to children many useful things that help them maintain their health. This should only be important information so that the child’s attention does not wander. (for example, a specific visual algorithm for washing hands or brushing teeth). Children's Auditorium Corner health includes pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Sometimes the teacher organizes corner health in a group room exclusively for preschoolers. There are various didactic pictures for children (for example “Healthy and poisonous mushrooms and berries”, books on suitable topics, posters (for example, about the structure of the human body, models, workbooks (for senior and preparatory groups, didactic games ( "Ascorbinka and her friends" etc.). A game character - a doll of Doctor Aibolit - is also often placed in this zone. This health zone is organized, as a rule, starting from middle preschool age. But if you wish, you can also arrange it for younger preschoolers. corners health directly for preschoolers B diagrams are presented in the corner, pictures, coloring books and educational books B corner health for younger preschoolers there are mainly game characters, bright pictures and puzzles on "health tree" you can place various information. This zone should be located in the place where parents (or legal representatives) spend the most time in kindergarten- and this is the locker room (or reception). Upon registration corner health, the teacher must show creativity and imagination - then he will interest mom or dad (after all, today any information can be found and read on the Internet). The following important points need to be taken into account. Location. Information should be placed in a visible place to attract the attention of parents. Wherein corner should fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the locker room. Titles of materials play an important role. They should be bright and "catchy", create a desire to get acquainted with the information. For example, there is no need to write dryly “Basic methods of preventing influenza and acute respiratory infections”, but expressively designate“Strong immunity will defeat colds!” or “The flu won’t go away!”. Another example: Not “How to prepare your child for school”, A “Let’s go to school with joy!” The material presented should be extremely simple and accessible. It's good when its color contrasts with the background. The title should be made larger and highlighted in a different color. Colorfulness. Well designed medical corner involuntarily attracts the eye with its rich colors, bright illustrations, and interesting photographs. Popular characters from fairy tales and cartoons, or just funny little animals, would be very appropriate. The material must be updated periodically to ensure interest in the corner of health has not faded away. Photo gallery: important design nuances corner The title of the material should be concise and bright Medical corner should be located in a visible place and fit harmoniously into the interior of the reception room. Information is typed in large font and has a contrasting heading. How to name corner health The teacher should think of a bright name medical corner, because it also attracts the reader’s attention and influences the subsequent perception of information. You can take note of these options. "Advice from Doctor Aibolit". "Advice from Doctor Thermometer". “The country is not sick”. "Just a little bit". "Healthy". "Our health". "For a healthy lifestyle". “Health is great!”. Basic means for design and filling corner For registration and filling medical corner certain means are used. First of all, these are stands. They have plastic pockets in which information is placed on a thematic basis (for example, in one - tips on disease prevention, in the other - recommendations on general physical education). Pictures are also inserted into these pockets. The stand has plastic pockets in which information is placed. Another popular means of decoration and filling corner - sliding folders(they are screens made of thick paper). They are installed on booths, usually directly under the stand. Content corner health and main activities in this area Key component of success corner health - its content. It is advisable to highlight three main blocks here. Useful information for parents These are consultations on a variety of topics. The main thing is that they are relevant. At the same time, all articles are united by a single goal - to tell the family about measures to strengthen children's health. Possible themes. “Prevention of seasonal colds and flu” (as well as symptoms, methods of combating diseases). "How to Avoid Food Infections". “How to protect your baby from insect bites” "How to avoid sunstroke". “Safety precautions when relaxing on a pond”. “So that your teeth are always healthy” (oral hygiene). “We form correct posture”. “We take care of vision with childhood» . "Prevention of flat feet". "Device that promotes health" (humidifiers, ionizers). “Healthy diet for preschoolers”. “We prepare delicious healthy vegetable dishes for the child”. "Hardening from an early age". "Breathing exercises for children". “We dress the child correctly for the season”. Articles on psychological Topics: “If your baby is afraid of insects”, "Children's Fear of the Dark", “How to help a shy child”, "Children's fear of doctors", “We train childhood memory» . Photo gallery: examples of consultations for parents on various topics. Only those who know what a healthy lifestyle is can raise a healthy child. Consultation on a psychological topic. In the block for parents you can also place information about vaccinations (their schedule and description, telephone numbers medical institutions, anthropometric data of pupils, daily routine in the group. To Contents corner health, you can include a daily routine, because this is part of a healthy lifestyle. Parents will also be interested in reading the article from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which talks about health protection. Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1. Everyone has the right to health protection and medical care. Medical assistance in state and municipal health care institutions is provided to citizens free of charge at the expense of the corresponding budget, insurance premiums, and other revenues. 2. In the Russian Federation, federal programs for the protection and promotion of public health are financed, measures are taken to develop state, municipal, and private health care systems, activities that promote human health, the development of physical culture and sports, environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being are encouraged. 3. Concealment by officials of facts and circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of people entails liability in accordance with federal law. Information for preschoolers Materials for preschoolers themselves are colorful pictures and diagrams and illustrations. On them, fairy-tale characters perform certain actions. (brushing teeth, washing, doing exercises, etc.). Such visibility will attract children's attention and serve as an example to follow. Approximate content of the pictures. Hand washing algorithm. Algorithm for brushing teeth. What types of hygiene products are there? The structure of the human body. Harmful and healthy products. Vitamins and foods that contain them. Types of hardening (sun, air and water). As children grow older, the content of the pictures becomes more complex. (although the topic may be the same). In the preparatory group, they may already contain small signatures. Photo gallery: pictures for children in corner health Children will learn which foods contain essential vitamins Senior preschoolers will learn how to maintain correct and beautiful posture A step-by-step algorithm will teach kids how to brush their teeth correctly Reports on health-improving activities that were carried out in the group. Parents will be able to see what activities are taking place in kindergarten on the topic of health Parents can also bring photographs to demonstrate how the family adheres to a healthy lifestyle (bicycle rides, picnics in nature, outdoor games, skiing and skating, exercise in the gym, hiking, etc.). Each family can take turns providing this information. Such photo reports will help encourage even the most passive families to be physically active. But this is one of the key goals of functioning health corner. Similar photos posted in health corner, will serve as motivation for passive families to lead an active lifestyle Video: group health week (video presentation materials can be used to fill health corner) Approximate sketch and design layout medical corner Today, a teacher can purchase a variety of ready-made information stands, including those on the topic of health. As a rule, they are bright and easy to use. Photo gallery: layouts of ready-made health stands The stand already contains poems about cleanliness and vitamins On the stand, Dr. Aibolit treats a poor bunny with a bandaged leg, and a kind crocodile helps him The stand depicts a girl in a doctor’s costume, which, of course, will attract the attention of children and parents If desired, a teacher can produce corner health with your own hands. And if he works with older preschoolers, they will be happy to help him in this process. Photo gallery: health corners, decorated with your own hands Information is placed on a homemade stand made of foam tiles with beautifully designed edges. Various information is placed on house stands. Doctor Aibolit holds files with information in his hands. Health is an important component of the harmonious development of a child. That's why in groups medical corners are organized in the kindergarten.

— Girl doll, boy doll (for studying the face, clothes of a boy and a girl in comparison);

— a set of human faces depicted with different facial expressions (for flannelgraph);

— plot pictures depicting the child’s actions;

— a notebook with a set of proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems about a person, about health, etc.;

- templates for figures of children and adults;

— sets of illustrations: about a girl — a girl — a woman — a grandmother; about a boy - a youth - a man - a grandfather;

— plastic figures of a girl and a boy for studying the main parts of the body;

- an album of photographs of each child from newborn to 3-4 years of age;

— didactic games: “Guess who it is?” (use parts of the face and head to guess the boy, girl, aunt, uncle);

Sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, hoops,

Middle group

— books: “Moidodyr”, K. Chukovsky; “Lessons from Moidodyr”, G.V. Zaitsev; “Know Thyself” by K.A Parms; “Everything about everything” (Children's Encyclopedia);

— didactic games: “Make a portrait” (select facial features and describe them); “Find out by touch” (develop tactile sensitivity); “What benefits do they bring?” (about the meaning of body parts for humans); “Dad, mom, I want to know and be able to do everything” (individual homework in physical education);

— screen “The sun, air and water are our faithful friends” (about the importance of movements, hygiene procedures, hardening for health);

— diagrams, illustrations: “How to brush your teeth correctly”; “I keep my body clean, each part of the body is important, but it works in its own way”;

— album “Help Yourself” (about basic help with scratches, bruises, etc.);

— height meter, “Health Wall” (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide);

— sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, hoops, ring throws;

- homemade aids for vision correction (beetles, butterflies, Christmas trees on a stick)

- aids for breathing development (snowflakes, butterflies on strings)

Senior group

— didactic games: “Assemble a human figure”, “Guess by touch”, “Find the correct posture and describe it”, “Amazing face” (facial expressions);

- books: “From A to Z”, N.B. Korostelev, “The Secret of Anatomy” (translated from English by I.G. Gurova); “Good morning”, G. Androsov and others;

— individual mini-notebooks: “I take care of my health, I will help myself”; “Exercise for home exercises”; “Useful exercises for muscles”; "Acupressure";

— folder (album) with illustrations: “Man and his body”, “First aid for injuries”;

— screens on the topics: “It’s possible - it’s not possible”; “Beneficial - harmful”;

- manual - advice: “Take care of your eyesight”; “Learn to distinguish smells”;

— a folder with materials for determining the state of your health: “Determine the acuity of your vision”, “Distinguish the colors”, “The acuity of your hearing”, “Is my posture correct”, “Tests to determine strength, agility, endurance, speed, flexibility”,

— items for individual lessons on the prevention of flat feet and poor posture;

— first aid kit with first aid items;

— microscope, micropreparations, hourglasses, dummies for observations and experimentation;

— mood diary;

— height meter, “Health Wall” (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide);

— homemade aids for vision correction (beetles, butterflies, Christmas trees on a stick);

- aids for breathing development (snowflakes, butterflies on strings);

"Paths of Health".

Preparatory group for school

— a folder with illustrations “Man and his body”;

— didactic games: “Healthy and harmful foods for your health”, “What you can share with a friend” (about personal things), “Find the correct posture and describe it”, “Photo sketch” (composition of parts of the body, face, human movements) ;

— games from the Vesna-design publishing house: “How to avoid trouble at home”, “How to avoid trouble on the street”, “How to avoid trouble in nature”, “Healthy baby”, “Teeth, ears, eyes”, “Skin, nutrition” , sleep”, “If the baby is injured”;

— educational lotto games (“Healthy Products”, “Healthy and Poisonous Mushrooms and Berries”, etc.);

- lotto “Robot of the Heart”; - books: “The Human Body: Look Inside Yourself”, P. Abraham; “The Main Wonder of the World”, G. Yudin; “Growing Healthy”, R. Rotenberg; “Skeleton”, S. Parker; "Anatomical Atlas", T. Weston;

— poster — signals “Remember these phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04”;

— diagram, illustrations on the topics: “Beneficial exercises for the heart (lungs)”; “Help yourself, help others”;

— notebook “I want to be able and know everything” (individual homework in physical education);

- microscopes, micropreparations, hourglasses, dummies - for making observations and experimenting;

— a first aid kit with items to provide first aid for injuries;

- anatomical doll;

— advice to parents: “Breathing exercises”, “Vitamins are always useful”, “Rules for caring for a sick person”, “Training your memory”, “How you can harden yourself”, “Provide first aid correctly”;

— folder “Soon to school”: “My daily routine at school”, “Exercises to relieve fatigue”, “Safe road to school”, “What dishes can I cook”, “First aid for a burn, needle prick, abrasion, etc. .";

— diary of moods.

— height meter, “Health Wall” (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide;

— sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, jump ropes, hoops, ring throws, rope games (“Who will fly to the Moon faster,” “Whose car will arrive faster,” etc.);

— posters about the structure of the human body, food, healthy lifestyle

— “Paths of Health”

Didactic games to promote a healthy lifestyle (APPENDIX 9).

To be continued…

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The duty of parents is to strengthen the child’s health at the moment and ensure the favorable development of the child’s body in the future. Normal development and health are ensured by the creation of optimal conditions, that is, the organization of the correct regime. In the physical education of preschool children, physical exercises are used (walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, outdoor games), sports exercises, hygiene factors (daily routine, nutrition, sleep, etc.), natural forces of nature (sun , air and water). Tasks and explanations should be clear and precise, they should be given in a cheerful voice" and immediately show all the movements. Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons, for example: "bird", "cat", "locomotive". The main principle that parents should adhere to when engaging in physical exercises with children is to portray everything as a game. A cheerful tone, a joke, laughter, and the active participation of an adult always captivate the child. The number of repetitions of movements for preschoolers usually ranges from 2-3 to 10. After the most difficult exercises, it is necessary to give short rest breaks (30-60 s). Average values ​​​​of indicators of motor activity of children for a full day - volume of 17,000 movements; intensity of 55-65 movements per minute. Physical exercises are only beneficial when they are practiced systematically. Parents are obliged to find time every day for physical exercise with their children and carefully monitor their health, paying attention to the appearance, mood and well-being of the child.

By accustoming children to a certain regime, to fulfill hygienic requirements, we create in them skills that are useful for the body and thereby preserve their health. A firm daily routine, established in accordance with the age characteristics of children, is one of the essential conditions for the normal physical development of a child. The main requirement for the regime is accuracy in time and correct alternation, replacing one type of activity with another. There must be a set time when the child goes to bed, gets up, eats, walks, and performs simple, feasible duties. This time must be strictly observed. Nutrition. Children receive food 4-5 times a day. The first meal is given half an hour later, in any case no later than an hour after the child wakes up, and the last one is given an hour and a half before bedtime. Between meals, intervals of 3-4 hours should be established, they must be strictly observed. The most nutritious food is given at lunch, less nutritious - for dinner. Dream. Only during sleep does the child receive complete rest. Sleep should be long enough: children 3-4 years old sleep 14 hours a day, 5-6 years old - 13 hours, 7-8 years old - 12 hours. Of this time, it is necessary, especially for younger children, to allocate an hour and a half for daytime sleep. Children should go to bed no later than 8-9 pm. Walks. No matter how accurately the time of sleep and food is observed, the regime cannot be considered correct if it does not include time for a walk. The more time children spend outdoors, the healthier they are.

“+” Advantages of a computer: A computer can help children develop such important thinking operations as generalization and classification; In the process of studying on a computer, children's memory and attention improve; When playing computer games, children develop the sign function of consciousness earlier, which underlies abstract thinking (thinking without relying on external objects); Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of children’s intelligence, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions; And most importantly, you cannot rely only on the computer. A child is a small person; he can only form and develop by communicating with people and living in the real world. Modern children communicate a lot with television, video and computers. If the previous generation was a generation of books, then the modern one receives information through a series of videos. Children 3-4 years old should not sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, and by 6-7 years old this daily play time can be increased to half an hour. “-” Disadvantages of a computer: Excessive handling of a computer can lead to deterioration of a child’s vision, as well as negatively affect his mental health. This is especially dangerous for shy children.

Children should spend as much time as possible outdoors to stay healthy and strong. In summer, children can spend more than 6 hours a day outside, and in autumn and winter, children should be outdoors for at least 4 hours. The best time to walk with children is between breakfast and lunch (2-2 1/2 hours) and after naps, before dinner (1 1/2-2 hours). In severe frosts, the duration of walks is somewhat reduced. The reason for canceling a walk for a healthy child may be exceptional circumstances: heavy rain, severe frost with strong winds. Based on the experience of kindergartens, it has been established that preschool children accustomed to daily walks can walk even at a temperature of 20-25° below zero, if there is no strong wind and if they are dressed appropriately for the weather. Children should go for a walk on cold winter days in a warm coat, a hat with headphones, felt boots and warm mittens or gloves. From time to time it is useful to take longer walks with children, gradually increasing the distance - for younger ones up to 15-20 minutes of walking, for older ones - up to 30 minutes, with short stops of 1-2 minutes along the way. Having arrived at the place, children should rest or play quietly before returning back.

Rule 1. Try to get your baby to move more, run, and jump. Rule 2. Include eye-healthy foods in your diet: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled sea fish, seafood, beef, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, parsley, dill. Rule 3. Watch his posture - with a “crooked” back, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which provokes vision problems. Remember: the distance between the book and the eyes should be at least 25-30 cm. Rule 4. Do not allow the child to sit in front of the TV for a long time, and if he does sit, then only strictly opposite and no closer than three meters. Rule 5. Do not read while lying down and as little as possible in artificial light. Rule 6. Don't forget that watching TV in a dark room is undesirable. Rule 7. A preschooler can play on the computer no more than half an hour a day, after 7 years - 1 hour a day or two sets of 40 minutes. Rule 8. It’s better to forget about playing games on your cell phone. Rule 9. Do eye gymnastics together every day - turn this procedure into an exciting game!

Watch your eyes. The world is so beautiful, especially if we see it... The exercises are performed while sitting, the head is motionless, the posture is comfortable, with maximum amplitude of eye movement. 1 . Blind Man's Bluff. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, for a count of 1 - 4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, looking into the distance, for a count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times. 2. Near and far. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1 - 4. You should not let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times. 3. Left right. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1 - 4, then look straight into the distance on the count 1 - 6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with your gaze fixed to the left, up, down. 4 . Diagonals. Turn your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1 - 6; then left - up - right - down and look into the distance at the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 3 - 4 times. We offer a special set of exercises for the eyes, which, if performed regularly, can be a good training and preventive measure for preserving vision. It is better to do the exercises in a playful way, with the child’s favorite toys, moving them left and right, up and down.

Hardening children is necessary in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high air temperatures and thereby prevent frequent illnesses. When hardening children, one should adhere to the following basic principles: carry out hardening procedures systematically, increase the time of exposure to the hardening factor gradually, take into account the child’s mood and carry out procedures in the form of a game, begin hardening at any age, never perform procedures if the baby is cold, avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure to cold water or very low air temperatures, as well as overheating in the sun, choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials, harden the whole family, combine hardening procedures with physical exercise and massage, Never smoke in the room where the child is.

“Cold basin” Pour cold water into a basin with a temperature no higher than +12C and pour over the feet of the child standing in the bath. Ask your child to stomp his feet while the water drains. The hole for water drainage must be open. Dry your feet with a towel. On the first day, the duration of the walk is 1 minute, add 1 minute every day, bringing it up to 5 minutes. Remember! It is better to carry out hardening for 1 minute when the child is in a good mood than 5 minutes with whims. “Cold towel” If the child does not like being doused with cold water, lay a towel soaked in cold water (temperature 12 C) in the bathtub. Ask the child to stomp his feet (do not stand!) on it for 1 minute (in the morning and at night). Dry your child's feet without rubbing, but by dabbing with a towel. The main hardening factors are natural and accessible “Sun. Air and Water." You can start hardening children from the first month of life after examining the baby by a pediatrician. “Contrast shower” The child takes a bath in the evening. Let him warm up in warm water. And then tell him: “Let’s make a cold rain or run through the puddles.” You open the cold water, and the child exposes his heels and palms to the water. If a child is afraid of being exposed to a cold shower, then you can first put a basin with cold water and say: “Come on, let’s run through the puddles!” And then from a warm bath - into a cold basin (or “in the rain”), and then - again into the bath. And so on at least three times. After the procedure, wrap the child in a warm sheet without wiping, but blotting the water, then dress him for sleep and put him in bed.

How and when is the best time to go barefoot? Of course, in the cold winter, you shouldn’t start teaching your child to do this, but in the spring or summer, the baby can easily run barefoot on the floor of the house, or even better, on the green grass. The child should regularly walk barefoot; the real hardening effect occurs only after long-term systematic training. Use special rubber mats with spike corrugation. Every morning, start your exercises by walking barefoot on such a mat. It is useful to massage your feet with a rolling pin or a round stick, rolling them with your soles for several minutes a day. Another way of hardening is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also stimulates the nerve endings on the foot and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. According to some experts, the soles of the feet are a kind of switchboard with 72 thousand nerve endings, through which you can connect to any organ - the brain, lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver and kidneys, endocrine glands and other organs. . When walking barefoot, the intense activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, and mental activity improves.

The foot is finally formed in a child by the age of 7-8 years. Flat feet are considered one of the most common diseases in children. But parents often do not take this disease seriously and this is the wrong position. The child's shoes should be made of natural materials, with a solid instep inside that raises the inner edge of the foot. The sole of children's shoes should be flexible and have a heel (5-10 mm), which artificially raises the arch of the foot, protecting the heel from bruises. Shoes should match the shape and size of the foot, be comfortable to wear and not interfere with the natural development of the leg, do not squeeze the foot, impairing blood circulation and causing abrasions. In terms of weight, the shoes should be as light as possible, fairly rigid, with a good heel. Remember, the length of the footprint should be longer than the foot in the toe part, an allowance of 10 mm. When determining your child's shoe size, be guided by the length of the foot, which is determined by the distance between the most protruding point of the heel and the end of the longest toe (first or second)

A set of exercises for flat feet (therapeutic gymnastics) Description of exercises Number of repetitions Walking a) on toes, arms up for 20-30 seconds. b) on the heels, hands on the belt c) on the outer arch of the feet, fingers bent, hands on the belt d) with a ball (tennis) - hold the feet, walk on the outside of the feet 2. Standing on a stick (hoop) 6-8 times a ) half squats and squats, arms forward or to the sides b) moving along the stick - place your feet along or across the stick 3-4 times 3. Standing a) on the outer arch of the feet - turn the body left - right. 6-8 times b) raising on toes with emphasis on the outer arch of the foot 10-12 times 4. “Boat” - lying on your stomach, simultaneously raise your arms, head, legs and hold for up to 5-7 minutes 4-6 times 5. “Angle” " - lying on your back, keep your legs at an angle of 45 degrees. 4-6 times 6. Sitting a) flexion - extension of the toes 15-20 times b) maximum abduction and abduction of the heels, without lifting the toes 15-20 times c) with tension, pull the toes toward you, away from you (knees straight) 10- 12 times d) connect the feet. Knees straight 10-12 times e) circular movements with the feet inward, 10-12 times f) grasping and lifting a pencil or small object with the toes 10-12 times g) grasping and lifting a small ball with the feet, knees straight 6-8 times If your child complains of fatigue after a walk and/or wears out shoes too quickly, then he may develop flat feet Degrees of longitudinal flat feet

1. Improves the functioning of internal organs, develops the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. 2. Under conditions of prolonged exposure to water, thermoregulation processes are improved. The body is hardened and resistance to adverse environmental factors increases. 3. Swimming is one of the best means of developing correct posture for a child. 4. Dosed swimming can be useful for children prone to colds. Early swimming in children promotes their rapid physical and psychomotor development. When swimming, the child's skin experiences the beneficial massaging effect of water, which improves blood circulation and strengthens the nervous system. 5. Regular swimming classes help strengthen the nervous system, sleep becomes stronger, appetite improves, the overall tone of the body increases, movements improve, and endurance increases.

Posture is the habitual position of the human body. It is considered correct if a person holds his head straight and free, his shoulders are at the same level, slightly lowered back, his body is straightened, his stomach is tucked, his chest protrudes slightly forward, and his knees are straight. Correct posture is not innate; it begins to develop from the first years of our life. The most critical period for the formation of posture is from 4 to 10 years. When teaching your child to hold his body “correctly”, do not forget about your posture. The reasons for the formation of incorrect posture are: Lack of a strong, sufficiently developed muscular corsage - the muscular system; Uneven development of the muscles of the back, abdomen and hips, changes in traction, which determines the vertical position of the spine; Long-term illness or chronic diseases that weaken the body; Consequences of rickets Furniture that does not correspond to height; Uncomfortable clothes and shoes. Monitor your child’s posture once every six months on your own, without resorting to the help of a doctor.

Take off and undress the child down to his panties, stand him upright, his arms should be lowered along the body. Sit on a chair yourself at a distance of 2-3 m and look carefully at the child. Examine your child during the day, in good and even lighting. Are the ears, shoulder blades, waist, folds under the buttocks and the buttocks themselves symmetrical? If they are at different heights, there is cause for concern! ask the child to reach with his hands to the floor, arching his back. Check to see if there are any ridges along the lumbar vertebrae or if the shoulder blades are sticking out. Look at the child from the side and check if he is slouching, ask him to tilt his head forward and, without raising his head, turn it first in one direction, then in the other. Make sure that the range of movements is the same and that they are performed without restriction. Let's monitor posture together Show your child this method: stand against the wall, pressing the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels tightly, with your chin slightly raised. The child must fix in his consciousness the muscle sensations in this position of the body. If a child tries to hold this position for several seconds 3-4 times a day, this will have a beneficial effect on his posture. To develop correct posture, do exercises with children with objects on their heads, balancing, and walking on an inclined plane.

A beautiful smile not only attracts attention and helps in communication, but also indicates that you have healthy, strong teeth. When people lived in caves, they did not have toothbrushes, but they still took care of their teeth, pulling out pieces of meat with small sticks with sharp ends. Take care of your teeth every day, eat healthy foods, visit the dentist once every six months, and then your teeth will be strong and your smile will be snow-white  You need to brush your teeth correctly, carefully remove any remaining food with a brush from the most inaccessible corners. You need to brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes. Brush the front teeth up and down, then the back teeth. Teeth should always be brushed in a circular motion. As soon as the child has milk teeth, give him boiled water after feeding, and teach older children to rinse their mouths after eating. At 3 years old, give your child a toothbrush and teach him to brush his teeth every morning and evening after meals. Start paying attention to the condition of children's teeth over the age of 2-3 years, when they develop caries. By about 10-12 years, a child’s baby teeth are completely replaced by molars, and the incidence of caries increases again.

Adaptation. Any person, finding himself in unusual conditions, behaves unnaturally, gets used to it, and adapts. The same thing happens with the child, so in September-October changes may appear in his behavior. Suddenly the child may become capricious, whiny, as if he had become small again and wants to be treated like a baby. Study-game. It is very important to combine play and study. Learning while playing is much easier, because the child knows how to play very well. And education is an area where a first-grader child is a beginner. Errors. Mistakes and failures are natural milestones along the learning path. Why do we, adults, often treat mistakes as something unnatural that should not happen? And errors only indicate weaknesses that require additional attention and that’s all! By criticizing for mistakes, we seem to not allow things to be natural; we treat the child as if he should already be able to do everything, and not just learn. Evaluate results, not the child’s personality. Grades are often a painful issue in the life of a first-grader. A child, through his attitude to his actions and academic results, forms an attitude towards himself. “How well written, what a good boy! ". It would seem, what's bad here? And if tomorrow he writes worse, does that mean he’s already bad? Of course not, but the child will judge that way. It is important that the words of adults do not confuse the attitude towards the child’s personality with the attitude towards his academic results. School is like work for adults, only the child receives knowledge, not money, for his work. School is an authoritarian structure where discipline and obedience are a very important component in the learning process. Therefore, you should not expect that your child will be loved at school, that they will care, that he will feel good and have fun there, that all kinds of abilities of the child and his creative potential will develop there. The school has different tasks - to give knowledge to the child and make him able to live in a society where there are certain laws and restrictions, where people are different and can relate to each other differently.

FEATURES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WHEN THEY ENTER SCHOOL The transition of a child from the conditions of upbringing in the family to school is a turning point in his life. The school makes a number of demands on children that are new to them, related to systematic learning and being part of a team. For schoolchildren in grades 1-2, the following regime is established, developed by the Institute of Physical Education and School Hygiene of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, approved by the Directorate of Schools of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Awakening - at 7 o'clock in the morning, morning exercises, hardening procedures (rubbing, shower), making the bed, washing. At 7:30 am. the child sits down to have breakfast. Classes at school last 4 hours. Upon arrival from school - lunch (13:00 - 13:30); rest for an hour (for children 7 years old it is useful to sleep at this time). After rest, a mandatory stay in the air: a walk, outdoor games and entertainment, skiing, skating, sledding, etc. The time allotted for this is from 14 hours 30 minutes to 16 hours. After this, preparing lessons (1-1 1/2 hours) and again being in the air. From 19 to 20 hours - dinner and free activities. Getting ready for bed, cleaning clothes, shoes, airing the room, evening dressing - 20 hours - 20 hours 30 minutes, sleep - from 20 hours 30 minutes to 7 hours. Much attention should be paid to creating hygienic conditions for home activities and children. Preparing lessons requires diligent work at the table, so first of all you need to take care of organizing the place where the student prepares his lessons. Raising a healthy, physically well-developed person requires friendly teamwork between family and school

What could be more important than health? Of course nothing. Therefore, health must be protected from a young age and monitored. We have prepared templates for the health corner in kindergarten. Interesting and informative stands, posters and wall newspapers with moving folders for parents will help you look at children’s health in a different way. In addition to the basic rules of healthy eating and self-care, there are also auxiliary posters, for example, about hardening and articular gymnastics. Next, you can familiarize yourself with all the templates in more detail; we have made small pictures for you.
Firstly, to make the corner look beautiful, we made a stretch called the health corner. Each letter is stretched on A4 format and you can easily print everything out.

Wall newspapers and posters in A3 format about health, about hardening and about preventive treatment.

And also 18 A4 sheets with children's and funny rhymes about diseases and medical terms.

Our kit includes the following templates:
5 posters and wall newspapers;
2 moving folders for parents;
18 posters with rhymes;

The cost of the entire set in JPEG format is 200 rubles. To purchase templates, write to our email: zakazportfolio@site

(If you wish, we can add additional posters, wall newspapers, moving folders to the kit, for an additional fee)
Key tags.

Health corner in kindergarten is an information stand that helps educators and medical workers introduce parents and children to very important information about health. Here we recommend posting the most current selection of materials and recommendations that relate to a healthy lifestyle in every family. These could be articles on disease prevention, healthy eating, and devices that promote family health. Bright pictures and colorful posters will attract the attention of parents and children.

Today, modern man, taking advantage of the benefits of civilization, is forced to seriously think about his health if he wants to extend the period of an active and happy life. Many parents are deeply aware of the problem of maintaining the health of their children from an early age and teach their children to healthy eating and an active healthy lifestyle.

An important role in the design of a health corner in a kindergarten is played by the form of presenting the information itself. It is unlikely that anyone will be interested in large articles typed in small print or cut out from any scientific publications. All information is in a convenient and simple form. Includes a little imagination and creativity.

In group rooms, small children's health corners have been created, where pictures are posted showing heroes from fairy tales washing their hands before eating, washing their faces and brushing their teeth. This is very effective for babies. They begin to imitate them.