Challenge options. What are the challenges for YouTube? Perform one selfless act every day

30 days of planks, 10 days of abs, a month of push-ups - adidas running ambassador Ekaterina Zemskaya tried everything on herself, but to no avail. So what's wrong with these 30-day plans and why are they ineffective? Let's find out!

Everyone has heard the expression “It takes 21 days to form a habit.” For some reason we accept the word “forming” as something modern: do the same thing for 21 days and you’ll get used to it. It turned out that this is not at all the case.

In short: it takes exactly 90 days for a habit to become second nature. After 21 days, the habit is just forming, but the old one continues to circulate (we cultivated it in the same way as we are trying to cultivate a new one). After 40 days, the old habit begins to “overgrow with grass,” but it is still “visible,” although not so obvious. And only on the 90th day does she become a “dear mother”, so necessary and necessary. And the point here is more in chemistry than in psychology.

The essence of habit is memory. And memory is a process more chemical than psychological, and in humans it works something like this. We receive information through analyzers, they excite a certain portion of the cerebral cortex, and for some time this excitation circulates along the neural circuit, fading and getting lost in the abyss of other excitations. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called reverberation (the basis of short-term memory).

To maintain circulation, we need to regularly repeat what we want to get used to. If the circulation of a new stimulus occurs on an ongoing basis, short-term memory turns into long-term memory. And then - pure chemistry: changing the protein composition of the cell. A memorable trace appears, which reinforces the change in the speed of the nerve impulse. As a result, the memory trace is fixed and activated the next time an impulse is received.

That's it, let's breathe out. And now in human terms. The brain convulsively forms a connection between the object of attention (banana instead of candy) and the excitation of a certain lobe of the cerebral cortex (delicious!). Every time we follow a new habit, this excitement wanders along the neural circuit for some time (banana, banana, banana), and then fades away (candy is also an option) if we do not repeat the action. And in principle, the number of repetitions determines whether this habit will remain in the short-term memory or in the long-term (of which, regularly, more is what wins).

It takes more than 21 days for the brain to move from a declaration of intent to a stable connection.

21 days - start

After 21 days we are at a fork in the road: should we follow that road (the old, familiar one) or the newly paved one? 21 days is the first milestone on a new path. To adopt a new habit, it takes about the same amount of time to weaken those connections that we stopped using. This happens in 40 days.

40 days - second period

In 40 days, the old habit begins to “overgrow with grass”, because you no longer walk this path. You are already getting used to the new habit, but it still does not work “automatically” - it requires some effort to follow it. This is the period of consolidation of the habit.

90 days - third period

If you overcome it, the new habit will steadily enter your life. You will no longer need to strain to follow it. The action becomes automatic.

The 21-40-90 rule works great in all areas of life, be it health, relationships, finances - these three stages will be everywhere.

In general, it takes about 90 days for your intention to turn into a single neural connection, and for your hand to rush for a banana, and not for candy. So don't relax at the end of your 30 day challenge, but extend it to 90 days and then you can say that you have changed your life.

And in the end I will tell…

To be honest, only now, having dealt with this issue on my own, did I understand and feel the cause-and-effect relationship and validity of all our “40 days of planks”, “100 days of running” and others like them. I just finished the “40 days without refined sugar” challenge - it’s been 60 days since I’ve eaten chocolates, buns, pasta or white rice. And I can say for sure that I gave up all this only in a month. So if you also decide to take on the challenge, prepare for three months. Otherwise, what's the point?

Every day someone postpones plans until next week or next year. But not everyone has the willpower to pull themselves together and finally start jogging in the morning, study English every day, or make it a habit to turn off all gadgets an hour before bed. Challenges are just for those who constantly need a kick. To strengthen motivation, many of their participants talk about their results on social networks under appropriate hashtags and receive support from subscribers.

In English, “challenge” means “challenge”. They first became known about 10 years ago, but now people are just going crazy: coming up with tasks, setting goals, sharing results and challenging friends.

Abdominal strengthening

This challenge is for those who want to get their figure in shape. Start with 15 repetitions and add 5 sit-ups every day. Give your abs a rest every four days. This task is performed by both men and women. In a month, you will have at least developed willpower and an elastic stomach.

From walking to running in 30 days

Strengthening your abs alone will not make your body perfect. For greater effect, go jogging. Start the first day with a four-minute walk and one minute of jogging. Repeat the exercise 3 times. We spend the second day in the same spirit, but we already go through 4 laps. After 30 days you will become more energetic and resilient, your immune system will improve.

In pursuit of new emotions

If you miss new sensations or have simply lost your zest for life, then this is not yet a reason to bury yourself in pillows and watch TV series. Start a new day with something brave or crazy. Go on a mini-trip, discover new places you’ve never been to, or invite all your friends to visit. If you do something new for a month, then over time the sparkling eyes and feeling of life will return.

Order in the house

Some people have a natural desire for cleanliness. But there are also those who are infuriated by cleaning. It is not at all necessary to spend the whole day and energy on cleaning. It is enough to do one thing every day. Start putting things in order from the kitchen, move to the bathroom and then through the rooms. You can finish with a garage and car dry cleaning. A month later it's waiting for you perfect order, cleanliness and good mood.

New photos

This challenge is for those who are tired of taking selfies and photos of their legs while walking. For 30 days, take photographs on a specific topic, and your imagination will begin to develop on its own. Your Instagram followers will thank you for saving them from the same type of photos.

Mindfulness Challenge

The challenge is intended for those who need to get their lives in order. The founder of the project, Varya Vedeneeva, teaches each of us to appreciate the moments and be present. Have you tried spending a whole day without your phone? Making a to-do list for the whole year ahead? Try to take stock of each day and observe your thoughts. You can share your results on your personal page in in social networks, blog or personal diary.

Design challenge

We stock up on colored pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. The publishing house "MYTH" with the support of the magazine "It's Interesting to Live" presents a challenge where everyone can express themselves as an artist. All you need is to skillfully hold a pencil in your hands and have imagination. The rest will come after hard training. First, test yourself for creativity: draw different ways a man, a dragon's lair, your dreams and other images that will be in the challenge. You can share your results and follow the creations of other participants using the hashtag #mif_challenge

50 books per year

Challenge yourself to read 50 books in a year. It can be anything from fiction to professional literature. Audiobooks also count. IN ideal read one book a week. Write about your results on social networks, recommend your favorite works to others and look for like-minded people using hashtags

Today, all over the world, especially among teenagers, so-called “challenges” have become very popular - competitions or flash mobs in which people do crazy things. For example, what is the Ice Bucket Challenge worth, during which people all over the planet poured a bucket on their heads? ice water, filming it on camera. This review contains the most popular challenges that anyone can take part in..

"Ice Bath Challenge"

This challenge is quite simple. You just need to fill the bath with ice water and sit in it for as long as you have patience. Apparently some people think it's fun to get hypothermia.

"Oreo Challenge"

The Oreo Challenge is an adorable diabetes test in which blindfolded participants try 12 different types Oreo cookies. They must guess the flavor of each Oreo correctly to win.

"Raw Onion Challenge"

The next test is also quite simple. People eat as many onions as they can in 60 seconds. The one who loses must rub onions into his eyes.

"Nose-less Food Tasting Challenge"

In the "pinched nose tasting," participants must wear a blindfold and have someone hold their nose while they eat something. Which a fun way eat something delicious and not feel the taste.

"Blindfold Makeup Challenge"

The “Blind Makeup Challenge” requires a lot of courage for women. The idea is that makeup is applied to them by another person who is blindfolded.

Chubby Bunny Challenge

From childhood, everyone was taught not to talk with their mouth full. However, this clearly went unnoticed by the Chubby Bunny Challenge contestants. You need to put as many marshmallows or marshmallows in your mouth as possible and say “Chubby Bunny.”

"Egg Drop Challenge"

In this competition, participants must make a box out of cardboard, paper, straw or any other materials in a short period of time, and then put a raw egg inside it. After this, the box is thrown to the ground. The winner is the one whose egg does not break.

"No Mirror Makeup Challenge"

It's like applying makeup blindly. Only in this case, the participants apply their own makeup, just without a mirror.

"Blindfolded Drawing Challenge"

The challenge for this challenge is drawing. Participants are blindfolded and must draw a specific object. The one who draws it wins.

"The Powdered Donut Challenge"

It seems that everything is simple - you need to eat five donuts sprinkled with powdered sugar in less than 1 minute. It's harder than it seems.

"Baby Food Challenge"

In the baby food challenge, contestants place ten jars on a table different types baby food. Blindfolded, they must taste each sample and guess what it tastes like in order to fully experience the torture they inflict on their children.

"Accent Challenge"

In an "accent challenge," contestants try to speak with different accents while others try to guess what the accent is. It sounds and looks stupid.

"Foot Ice Bath Challenge"

Participants in the next competition draw a foot bath... from ice water. Then they put their feet there and endure it. Hello, cold.

"Blindfolded Hairstyle Challenge"

And again a blind challenge. One participant, blindfolded, does another person's hair.

"Popsicle Stick and Cup Tower Challenge"

It's pretty simple. The Popsicle Stick and Cup Tower Challenge involves building a “house of cards” using cup sticks until it falls apart.

In this article we will tell you what popular YouTube challenges are that every blogger could complete.

So, what are challenges? Challenge from English. challenge - challenge. The blogger poses to himself (either one of the viewers or another blogger) a challenge that must be accepted and fulfilled at any cost. All this, of course, needs to be filmed.

What are some popular YouTube challenges?

Challenges for YouTube are gaining popularity every day. This fashion came from the West and very quickly took root among us. There are many different challenges and now we will try to talk about the most popular ones.

Stuff Your Mouth

Translation: occupy your mouth. Typically two people take part in this challenge. One stuffs a whole bunch of some kind of food (most often marshmallows) and after that says some phrase. The second one must guess the phrase. Then the roles change. The challenge is considered completed only when both guess the partner’s phrase. For honesty, phrases do not need to be spoken to each other in advance.

Whispers Challenge

As in the previous challenge, 2 people are needed here. The point is that one puts on headphones with loud music, and the second says some words or phrases. The task is to guess what your partner said.

Yoga Challenge

This YouTube challenge can be either solo or group. The task is simple: display any selected yoga pose on video. The challenge is not the most difficult, but it requires some physical preparation.

Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

You need to apply makeup to your partner with your eyes closed. Usually the eyes are blindfolded. The makeup turns out to be very, very funny.

Touch My Body Challenge

A minimum of two participants will also be required. One's eyes are closed. And the other substitutes some part of his body. A blindfolded participant must touch only one finger and guess what part of the body it is. If there are more than two participants, then you can also try to guess who is being touched, and not just the body part. But this is optional.

Ice Bucket Challenge

And of course, the most popular challenge of 2014-2015. You need to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself or pay $100 to charity. After which the call was transferred to three other people. Many people took part in the challenge famous people. Not only bloggers, but also movie actors and just billionaires like Warren Buffett.

What are the challenges on YouTube? final list

And so, earlier we talked about the most popular Youtube challenges, now we will repeat them again:

  • Stuff Your Mouth
  • Whispers Challenge
  • Yoga Challenge
  • Blindfolder Makeup Challenge
  • Touch My Body Challenge
  • Ice Bucket Challenge

Use different challenges on your blog - this can increase interest in it and add new subscribers. The main thing is to do everything honestly and make every effort.

Now every blogger can throw his own challenge, which will bring fame and unprecedented popularity - this is one of the most simple ways make yourself a dizzying career……………………………

In this article we will look at the list of the most popular challenges for YouTube, and also look at several interesting ideas in this direction ↓↓↓

What is it and what are they?

Not long ago it began to gain popularity on the Internet new trend– the people in the video performed a certain action, after which they passed the baton to their friends.

So, more than a dozen so-called challenges (translated from English - this is a challenge) swept across the well-known YouTube hosting service.

It is best to launch such ideas on popular channels, as they fly away instantly.

For example, a recently popular blogger Ivangai presented his challenge, which received an ambiguous name - “ Rip your mouth» ↓

Main types of calls on YouTube:

  • food challenges;
  • try not to laugh;
  • sports challenges;
  • video game competitions;
  • guess the melody.

In fact, the list of challenges on YouTube for two is much larger, and we have listed only the most popular trends.

In any challenge there is always action, punishment for non-compliance and passing the baton.

We will consider some of them below in private. ↓↓↓

1. 24 hours – call accepted

This is one of the most popular challenges that recently swept across the CIS !!!

→ The message is that you leave home for 24 hours, cutting off all contact, and spend time in a completely different place.

For example, you can spend the night in a forest, an unfinished building, or any other place.

All your movements must be recorded on video - this is one of the most difficult tests, which not everyone can do.

2. Ice Bucket Challenge

Back in 2014, this type of competition gained popularity, the purpose of which was to draw attention to the incurable pathology of ALS. According to the conditions, it was necessary to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself and pass the baton to 3 of your friends.

From now on, they have three days to complete the task, and if they cannot do it, then they must make a charitable contribution of $100.

Many of you remember this desperate race and how popular this challenge became in its time.

3. Touch My Body

This is also a ready-made challenge idea for YouTube, which has already gained considerable popularity. This is a competition for two people.

→ You need to blindfold your partner and give him a certain part of the body, touching with one finger, he must guess.

In general, it turns out very funny, because often it is not possible to recognize a part of the body on the first try. This challenge can attract audience to your channel.

4. Rainbow Milk Challenge

This test is not for everyone and can cause outright disgust.

The task is to drink 3.5 liters of milk.

That’s not all, as you might have guessed, because soon the milk will be asked to come out.

If you decorate it with interesting colors, you will get something like a rainbow. Overall, a very good challenge that can be filmed on YouTube.

5. Whispers Challenge

Another simple competition between two people. One person puts on headphones and turns on music, and the other says any words. The task is to guess your opponent's words.

6. Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

This is another great YouTube challenge idea that's good for two.

You blindfold each other and, using quickly washable paints, apply makeup to your opponent.

This kind of entertainment will help you relieve stress and have a good time.

The end result is very interesting, which will amuse not only you, but also the viewers of the channel.

→ Among other things, there are other types of competitions that are considered downright dangerous !!!

For example, let's consider what dangerous challenge can be filmed for YouTube: ↓↓↓

  • Condom challenge;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Hot peppers;
  • Chocolate in 100 steps and others.

Thus, now you don’t have to go to Wikipedia to find out what a YouTube challenge is.

Use any of the ideas described above or come up with your own - challenge your friends right now.