Completed form 2 tp waste. I

(waste, air, water management)

The cost is from 4900 rubles.

Terms - from 1 day.

Reporting in the 2TP form is submitted by users of natural resources annually in accordance with the Legislation Russian Federation. Initially, the prerequisites for it were laid down in the law “On the Protection environment» No. 7-FZ dated 10.01.2002. It says that for the formation of data on the State accounting of NVOS objects, data are also required on the pollution carried out by these objects as part of emissions, discharges or waste generated. It is for the compilation and formation of such data that users of natural resources submit reports on the 2TP forms, which include water (water management), air and waste.

The development and submission of 2TP reporting (waste, air, water management) can be carried out both by the nature user himself, represented by a full-time ecologist, and by a specialized company. No licenses are required for this type of activity. Preparation of the 2TP report and its subsequent transfer to government bodies occurs according to the standard procedure once a year.

Who is required to submit Form 2 TP reports?

At the same time, reporting in the form of 2TP waste is submitted by those enterprises whose field of activity is related to waste management.

2TP air is handed over by industrial and other enterprises in charge of stationary sources of air pollution, regardless of the fact that specialized treatment plants have been installed on them. Users of natural resources should take into account that, in accordance with the requirements of the Legislation, a 2TP form report is submitted by those enterprises whose emissions exceed 10 tons per year, as well as those whose emissions are from 5 to 10 tons, but subject to the presence of hazardous substances in it, which belong to substances of 1 and 2 hazard classes. Enterprises where the emission will be less than 5 tons per year do not report on this form.

A report in the form of 2TP water management is required to be submitted to those users of natural resources who consume water from water bodies or water supply systems.

Another document regulating legal relations in the field of statistical reporting is Rosstat Order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of agriculture and the natural environment."

Report in the form 2TP waste.

As mentioned earlier, a report on this form is required to be submitted to enterprises, production activity associated with waste management. The form of this report is established by the Order issued by the Federal State Statistics Service No. 17 dated January 28, 2011.

The deadlines for submission of this type of reporting differ from the forms 2TP air and 2TP water management. In this case, the form is submitted before February 1 of the new year that has come after the reporting period. A report is submitted to the local department of Rosprirodnadzor, located in the area of ​​operation of the reporting enterprise.

In order to fill out the waste reporting form, the enterprise prepares all documents confirming the transfer of waste to the organization to third-party enterprises, the purpose of which is their further processing, neutralization, etc. You will also need to provide a log containing information on the movement of waste at the enterprise (according to order 721). In their absence - contracts with organizations for the collection and transportation of waste, as well as acts on the basis of which the calculation was made.

Report in the form of 2TP air.

The standard form for this report was approved by Order No. 344 described above. It should be noted right away that the previously existing 2TP urgent form was canceled in 2016 on the basis of the same order.

A form is completed for each branch of the reporting organization. These reports are generated based on the information contained in the primary accounting journals of the enterprise.

Such data includes information about all components of harmful emissions of the enterprise produced by stationary sources of pollution.

In addition to primary accounting journals, to generate a report in the 2TP form, an enterprise will also need:

  • approved MPE volume with an emission permit,
  • information about the fuel used at the enterprise,
  • as well as the data contained in the program of industrial environmental control of the enterprise.

The deadline for submitting the report under this form is January 22 of the year following the end of the reporting period. A report form is provided for the location of the enterprise (stationary emission sources) in local authority Rosstat.

The 2TP air report does not include information such as mobile sources.

Report on the form 2TP Vodkhoz.

To generate a report in this form, the user of natural resources should rely on the requirements of the Order of the Federal State Statistics Service No. 230 of October 19, 2009. The deadline for submitting a report in the 2TP form of water management coincides with the deadline for submitting a report in the 2TP form of air, and is also submitted to regulatory organizations on January 22 . The difference is that this report is submitted to Rosvodoresurs, geographically located at the location of the reporting facility.

Filled in this report such information as the actual volumes of both taken from water body water, and used for the needs of the enterprise. Also, the forms are filled in by enterprises that transfer water to meet the needs of the population with hot and cold water.

The 2TP Vodkhoz report is prepared subject to the discharge by the enterprise Wastewater, as well as the withdrawal of water with a volume of more than 50 m3 from water bodies, for the use of water for agricultural needs (> 150 m3), the receipt of water of more than 300 m3 from its suppliers, as well as with a total circulating water supply of more than 5000 m3.

To complete this report, the nature user should refer to such documents as:

  • VAT projects with a release permit,
  • water contracts,
  • certificates containing information on the actual volume of water use and water consumption.

Information about the development of reporting documentation.

All three types of environmental reporting are completed in a specialized program called "Natural user module", which is provided for free use.

As for filling out this type of environmental reporting in the 2TP form, it is usually performed by an ecologist who is on the staff of the nature user enterprise. However, the law does not prohibit the involvement of third-party performers. For example, specialized design companies whose area of ​​activity is the development of environmental documentation.

The terms for the development of environmental reporting in the presence of all the initial data can be from 1 day. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the development time depends entirely on the amount of planned work. The larger the organization, the more waste and pollutants generated in the course of its operation, the longer it will take to prepare and generate a report. The same factors affect the cost of work, which starts from 4900 rubles.

Initial data for the development of 2TP.

There is a standard set of documents that will be required to develop all three types of reporting in Form 2 TP. It will include:

  1. Information about the enterprise. These are details, name, PSRN, SNILS, etc.
  2. Contracts or other documents confirming the rights of the enterprise to the land plot on which it is located.
  3. Acts for the export and disposal of waste.

The rest of the information is provided depending on the type of report being developed, or at the request of the designers.

Failure to provide reporting data can be considered as non-compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, for which the enterprise may be subject to administrative liability under the "Code of Administrative Offenses" of the Russian Federation registered on December 30, 2001 under the number 195-FZ. This breach may fall under Articles 8.1 and 8.5 this document and turn around for enterprises with a fine of 20 to 100 thousand for the first article and from 20 to 80 thousand for the second.

Cost: from 15,000 rubles.

Terms: from 5 working days

Reporting in the form 2-TP: one form, many reports

What's happened?

Since this type of reporting is completely called “State statistical reporting in the 2-TP form”, for convenience, environmentalists use abbreviated versions of the name - “2-TP certificate” or “2-TP report”.

This report contains information about the degree and parameters negative impact, which the organization has provided to the environment for the year. In fact, there are three ways to have a negative impact - the release of harmful substances into the air, the discharge of pollutants and the formation of production and consumption waste.

In this regard, there are three main types of annual environmental reporting that users of nature must submit to Rosprirodnadzor, Rosstat and Rosvodresursy - reports 2 TP (Waste), 2 TP (Air) and 2TP (Water).

  • The 2-TP report on waste contains information on the generation of waste at the enterprise, their types and composition, as well as their further fate - use, neutralization and further disposal. All information is submitted within the reporting year.

Form 2TP (Waste) can be found.

This report is submitted electronically via official program Rosprirodnadzor - "Module of the nature user".

  • Report 2-TP (Air) has a similar meaning to a similar form for waste and applies to those enterprises that have sources of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air, and also emit a significant amount of harmful substances.

Officially, this reporting is called "Information on the protection atmospheric air» and contains information about all sources of emissions at the enterprise - both organized and unorganized. In the first case, we mean sources specially adapted for the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere (for example, pipes, ventilation shafts), in the second case, they emit harmful substances into the air “unintentionally” (for example, parked cars or damage in a pipe).

You can familiarize yourself with the 2TP (Air) form itself.

The report is submitted in a different way than for waste - this form is submitted to the territorial body of Rosstat in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

  • Report 2-TP (Vodkhoz) deals with the third possibility of environmental pollution - the flow of waste into water bodies and / or the use of water for the needs of the enterprise from natural sources.

The full name of this type of environmental reporting is “Information on the use of water” and it contains information on the volumes of water withdrawn and used by the organization.

A certain "pitfall" in the provision of a report in the form 2TP (Vodkhoz) is the need to fill it out and send it through certain program- "IAS 2-tp (vodkhoz)". This action is not mandatory, but highly desirable, up to direct recommendations from the regulatory body - Rosvodresursy.

Since the generation of reports on this form is a responsible but confusing business, we recommend that you seek help from EcoVilleTrade.

Who needs?

  • Reporting 2TP (Waste) must be submitted by all users of natural resources in the Russian Federation who somehow handle production and consumption waste - that is, the vast majority of enterprises;
  • Reporting 2TP (Air) is submitted by all enterprises, the volume of harmful emissions of which exceeds 10 tons / year. In addition, organizations with an emission volume of 5 to 10 tons / year must report, provided that the emission contains substances of I or II hazard classes;
  • Reporting to 2TP (Vodkhoz) should be provided by those organizations that use water resources for their needs, including those that discharge pollutants there. WITH complete list the conditions to which the respondent organization must comply can be found in an extract from Rosstat Order No. 230 dated October 19, 2009.

Why is it necessary?

The main motivation of enterprises in the correct and timely submission of 2-TP reports is the avoidance of penalties. And if the penalty for providing incorrect statistical information is relatively low (up to 5 000 rub. per organization), then for violation of the requirements for users of natural resources in the field of waste management or water use, a fine of tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles can be applied to the violator (according to Art. 8.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

What is the price?

Correct and error-free formation of all reporting in the 2-TP form and its submission to the appropriate authority (Rosprirodnadzor, Rosstat and Rosvodresursy) costs from 15 000 rub. for one report.

Deadlines for filing and submission

It takes about 7 working days to collect information and generate a report.

Form 2-TP reports are annual and have different deadlines for submission:

  • For waste - until February 1 of the year following the reporting year;
  • By air - until January 22;
  • For water management - also until January 22, but the exact deadline for delivery is set by Rosvodresursy (in its notification).

Cost: from 15,000 rubles.

Terms: from 5 working days

Reporting in the form 2-TP: one form, many reports

What's happened?

Since this type of reporting is completely called “State statistical reporting in the 2-TP form”, for convenience, environmentalists use abbreviated versions of the name - “2-TP certificate” or “2-TP report”.

This report contains information on the degree and parameters of the negative impact that the organization had on the environment during the year. In fact, there are three ways to have a negative impact - the release of harmful substances into the air, the discharge of pollutants and the formation of production and consumption waste.

In this regard, there are three main types of annual environmental reporting that users of nature must submit to Rosprirodnadzor, Rosstat and Rosvodresursy - reports 2 TP (Waste), 2 TP (Air) and 2TP (Water).

  • The 2-TP report on waste contains information on the generation of waste at the enterprise, their types and composition, as well as their further fate - use, neutralization and further disposal. All information is submitted within the reporting year.

Form 2TP (Waste) can be found.

This report is submitted electronically through the official program of Rosprirodnadzor - "Module of the nature user".

  • Report 2-TP (Air) has a similar meaning to a similar form for waste and applies to those enterprises that have sources of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air, and also emit a significant amount of harmful substances.

Officially, this reporting is called "Information on the protection of atmospheric air" and contains information on all sources of emissions at the enterprise - both organized and unorganized. In the first case, we mean sources specially adapted for the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere (for example, pipes, ventilation shafts), in the second case, they emit harmful substances into the air “unintentionally” (for example, cars in a parking lot or damage in a pipe).

You can familiarize yourself with the 2TP (Air) form itself.

The report is submitted in a different way than for waste - this form is submitted to the territorial body of Rosstat in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

  • Report 2-TP (Vodkhoz) deals with the third possibility of environmental pollution - the flow of waste into water bodies and / or the use of water for the needs of the enterprise from natural sources.

The full name of this type of environmental reporting is “Information on the use of water” and it contains information on the volumes of water withdrawn and used by the organization.

A certain "pitfall" in submitting a report in the 2TP (Vodkhoz) form is the need to fill it out and send it through a specific program - "IAS 2-tp (Vodkhoz)". This action is not mandatory, but highly desirable, up to direct recommendations from the regulatory body - Rosvodresursy.

Since the generation of reports on this form is a responsible but confusing business, we recommend that you seek help from EcoVilleTrade.

Who needs?

  • Reporting 2TP (Waste) must be submitted by all users of natural resources in the Russian Federation who somehow handle production and consumption waste - that is, the vast majority of enterprises;
  • Reporting 2TP (Air) is submitted by all enterprises, the volume of harmful emissions of which exceeds 10 tons / year. In addition, organizations with an emission volume of 5 to 10 tons / year must report, provided that the emission contains substances of I or II hazard classes;
  • Reporting to 2TP (Vodkhoz) should be provided by those organizations that use water resources for their needs, including those that discharge pollutants there. For a full list of the conditions that the respondent organization must meet, see the excerpt from Rosstat Order No. 230 dated October 19, 2009.

Why is it necessary?

The main motivation of enterprises in the correct and timely submission of 2-TP reports is the avoidance of penalties. And if the penalty for providing incorrect statistical information is relatively low (up to 5 000 rub. per organization), then for violation of the requirements for users of natural resources in the field of waste management or water use, a fine of tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles can be applied to the violator (according to Art. 8.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

What is the price?

Correct and error-free formation of all reporting in the 2-TP form and its submission to the appropriate authority (Rosprirodnadzor, Rosstat and Rosvodresursy) costs from 15 000 rub. for one report.

Deadlines for filing and submission

It takes about 7 working days to collect information and generate a report.

Form 2-TP reports are annual and have different deadlines for submission:

  • For waste - until February 1 of the year following the reporting year;
  • By air - until January 22;
  • For water management - also until January 22, but the exact deadline for delivery is set by Rosvodresursy (in its notification).

Reporting 2-TP (waste)- annual statistical reporting, which indicates information on the management of production and consumption waste. The form is provided by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs engaged in the management of production and consumption waste.

Under the term waste management refers to activities for the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of waste.

Under the term production and consumption waste refers to substances or objects that are formed in the process of production, performance of work, provision of services or in the process of consumption, which are removed, intended to be removed or subject to removal.

Federal Law No. 89 On production and consumption waste.
Reporting form 2-TP (waste) was approved by Order of Rosstat N529 dated August 10, 2017.

Who needs to submit reports 2-TP (waste)?

Still there is a myth, that reporting 2-TP (waste) is submitted only by those organizations that generate more than a certain number of tons of waste per year. This has not been the case for a long time, today, the waste report form 2-TP (waste) mandatory for everyone legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

If you don't report, then the inspector can identify this during the inspection of the enterprise, and after the deadline for receiving reports is completed, a list of violating organizations is formed.

Some may be knocked down the right way the wording that the form is provided by jur. persons and individual entrepreneurs engaged in waste management activities. The concept of waste management includes waste accumulation- this is a temporary storage of waste (for a period of not more than 11 months) in places (on sites) for the purpose of their further disposal, neutralization, placement, transportation. Thus, under this definition fall under all enterprises. Waste is generated by everyone and before being taken out, there is a temporary accumulation in specially designated places (for example, a garbage container).

Responsibility for failure to provide reporting 2-TP (waste) is determined by Article 8.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ( 20-80 thousand rubles to a legal entity). It should be borne in mind that the price of preparing a 2-TP report (waste) is much lower than the fine.

Do not confuse 2-TP (waste) reporting with SMSP reporting (report of small and medium-sized businesses). These are different documents.

Where to submit Form 2-TP (waste)?

Reporting must be submitted to the local Office of Rosprirodnadzor before February 1 every year.

The report itself can be issued in several ways:

  1. Make a report in the program Nature user module ( free program, you can download it from the website of Rosprirodnadzor).
  2. Make a report in the program produced by a private company (there are paid and free ones, you need to be careful with the latter, since they are not always updated on time).
  3. Make a 2-TP (waste) report completely yourself in MS Excel, for this you need to download the form to fill out.

Filling out the 2-TP form (waste)

Consider reporting 2-TP (waste) without using software. When using programs, the principle is the same.

We assume that you have already downloaded the report form from Rosstat Order No. 529 and opened it in MS Excel.

First and last page is information about the company. Everything is simple here, enter the information that you are asked to write (if the address means the address, etc.).

First and only table(sometimes it is divided into 2 pages) is filled in according to the instructions and the names of the columns. Please note that only the actually generated waste of hazard class 1-5 should be indicated. The amount of waste is indicated in tons, and rounded off: with an accuracy of one decimal place - for waste of 4-5 classes; with an accuracy of three decimal places - for waste of 1-3 classes.

The reporting includes all types of production and consumption waste that were in circulation by the organization for the reporting year, except for radioactive waste.

Let's explain a little how to fill in the table. The initial data is taken from the supporting documents and the waste register.

  1. Names, codes and hazard class waste are prescribed in accordance with the new FKKO (Federal Classification Catalog of Waste). We remind you that the last digit of the code indicates the hazard class.
  2. Waste availability at the beginning of the reporting year- this is the amount of waste remaining from previous years, at the beginning of the reporting period.
  3. Waste generation for the reporting year. Write down the total amount of each type of waste generated from your activities (excluding waste received from other legal entities and individuals).
  4. Counts Processed, Recycled, Detoxified relate to the company's own waste management activities.
  5. Transfer of waste to other business entities. Here we note the columns storage and burial. The difference is that storage- this is the storage of waste in specialized facilities for a period of more than 11 months for the purpose of recycling, neutralization, burial, and after burial they do not plan to take any action with this waste.
  6. Waste disposal at operating facilities for the reporting year. It is filled in the same way for their waste disposal sites.
  7. Waste availability at the end of the reporting year. It is calculated by adding generated, received and the presence of waste at the beginning of the reporting year, then sequentially subtract processed, disposed, neutralized, transferred to other organizations and placed waste.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions(any territorially separate subdivision where jobs have been created for more than 1 month) this reporting is completed for each separate subdivision and for legal entity without these separate divisions. Also, reporting to 2-TP (waste) must be provided by branches, representative offices and divisions operating in Russia foreign organizations.

Explanatory note to reporting form 2-TP (waste)

The need for explanatory note not specified, but if required, it should contain the following information:

  1. Organization data (TIN, name, legal address and site addresses).
  2. Number and date of issue of the license for waste management of 1-4 classes.
  3. Limit on waste disposal (details of the document) or information on reporting to the SMSP.
  4. Information about the reorganization or liquidation (conservation) of the enterprise (or individual structural units).
  5. The volume of main production (plan for this year, indicators for the past 2 years and the difference between them).
  6. Reasons for the increase (decrease) in waste generation.
  7. If there are waste disposal facilities and installations for the neutralization or use of waste, their characteristics, performance and other data are indicated.
  8. Implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact of waste management.

If there is no waste

Sometimes the question is asked how to fill out the 2-TP (waste) reporting if no waste has been generated. In that case, you need submit a zero form, but we advise you to check whether all waste is accounted for by you, since Every activity generates waste..


  1. Reporting is made on paper in two copies.
  2. Sometimes an electronic version of the report is required (it is better to take it with you).
  3. Bring a power of attorney to represent the interests of the organization.

For all questions, including if you need help, advice or want order preparation of reporting 2-TP (waste), write to us, our