Adam from Dagestan changed gender. The “brutal murder” of a Dagestan transgender has spread throughout the world media

25-year-old Adam Aliyev, who officially became a woman named Raina in September 2016, was brutally murdered a couple of days after his wedding to Victor from Karachay-Cherkessia. This was reported on the website of regional law enforcement agencies, the Reedus agency reports. It was previously reported that after the operation, 25-year-old Adam Aliyev warned the police that they wanted to kill him.


Despite the fact that the groom's parents were calm about the transgender bride, Adam-Raina's parents categorically refused to accept him in his new image. And fellow villagers, enraged by Adam’s act, threatened to kill their fellow countryman if he came to Dagestan. They stated that by his act he disgraced not only his family, but the entire republic. According to the family's neighbors, the transgender's own father said that he would not mind if his son was killed in front of him.

As the deputy head of the village of Chontaul, Abdutagir Israpilov, said, every second villager dreamed of killing Adam. “Both the district police officer and the prosecutor’s office came to our administration in connection with his statement,” he explained, the village official.

“Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child,” a village official admitted to Express Gazeta. According to him, Adam always dressed in tight leggings, had a feminine demeanor, and a voice like a girl’s. “According to our customs, it is believed that he not only disgraced the whole family is a stain on the entire Caucasus. For the mother, her son’s operation came as a shock; today she does not communicate with any of the residents. My father had a stroke,” Israpilov said.

Let us remind you that Adam Aliyev, a 25-year-old native of the Kizilyurt district of Dagestan, moved to Moscow after school because he was oppressed in his homeland because of his non-traditional sexual orientation. Like Dni.Ru, in the capital he made money in clubs, where he met his love, Victor G. After Adam turned into the girl Raina, the couple in love got married.

Gender changer 25-year-old Adam Aliyev warned the police that they wanted to kill him

The tragedy occurred in the small Dagestan village of Chontaul. 25-year-old Adam ALIEV had sex reassignment surgery in Moscow in September of this year. Relatives cursed their son, who had disgraced the family. Threats were poured into his address. The other day, a newlywed woman was found murdered.

In the Caucasus, the male mentality is treated with reverence. 25 year old Adam Aliev, By changing his gender to female, he disgraced the proud highlanders. His native village is now called Moiseevka among his neighbors.

Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child, said the deputy head of the village of Chontaul Abdutagir Israpilov. - He grew up in large family Alimshaykha Aliyeva. The father withdrew from raising his children. Being a married man, he started affairs with another woman and left the family. Alimshaikh's new sweetheart took him around the world, he got into debt, and had to sell his house. Over time, however, he came to his senses and returned to the family. My wife forgave me, and they seem to be living well. Built new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there was no order in his head.

- Did you know Adam?

Yes. He dressed in tight leggings and had a feminine demeanor. Even the voice is like a girl's. After school, he went to Makhachkala, then to Moscow, where he worked in nightclubs and earned good money. I don't blame him. In him, the feminine principle prevailed over the masculine. Apparently, he decided to correct nature’s mistake. They say that after changing his gender, Adam married a Kabardian Vitaly.

- Is it true that he received threats from the villagers?

Yes. Both the district police officer and the prosecutor’s office came to our administration in connection with his statement. Every second Caucasian dreamed of killing him. According to our customs, it is believed that he not only disgraced the entire family - this is a stain on the entire Caucasus. For the mother, her son’s operation came as a shock; today she does not communicate with any of the residents. My father had a stroke.

Adam himself said in a letter to a friend that he was offended by his family. They say that when they asked, he helped with money, but they, having learned about the operation, betrayed him. When Adam's cut-up body was brought to the village, I did not recognize him.

A Farewell to Arms

According to law enforcement estimates, about half of the capital's transgender people come from the Caucasus. Having undergone surgery, former horsemen turn into burning ladies. Some beauties dance in variety shows in clubs, the majority engage in prostitution. The police are well aware of these “moths”, which, while they were “caterpillars”, were called Rezo, Sultans, Ramzans, Soslans, and then turned into Malvin, Barbie, Christine and Suzanne. But why disturb this exotic little world if you can throw your proboscis into it?

Think about it!

* The leader in the number of sex reassignment operations is Thailand. This procedure brings the kingdom approximately $4 billion a year. The cost of one operation is about $10 thousand. Up to 90 percent of patients are foreigners.

* In Moscow, transgender people are treated in several private clinics.

In Dagestan, a local resident who changed his sex was brutally killed, whose scandalous wedding was the cause, first Russian and then Western publications reported.

The first news was published by Express Newspaper, according to which 25-year-old Adam Aliyev from the small Dagestan village of Chontaul, who in September 2016 officially became a woman named Raina, was brutally killed a couple of days later. The website of the republic's law enforcement agencies was indicated as the source. The scandalous news was circulated by hundreds of media outlets, including the British newspaper The Mirror.

At the same time, there are no reports about this incident on any of the websites of the republican law enforcement agencies (Inc., Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor's Office). As Reedus found out, there is no official confirmation of the tragedy. But on the Internet there is a video of the wedding of Adam (Raina) and Victor, which, according to available information, was celebrated in Thailand. The happy newlyweds decided to spend their “honeymoon” there, so it is unclear how they could end up in the “bride’s” native village.

As Reedus already wrote, the young man moved to Moscow after school because in his homeland he was not only not accepted, but hated and oppressed because of his non-traditional sexual orientation. In the capital, he made money in clubs, where he found his love, Victor.

After the operation, 25-year-old Adam Aliyev warned the police that they wanted to kill him. This desire, according to the deputy head of the village of Chontaul Abdutagir Israpilov, was felt by every second villager.

“Both the district police officer and the prosecutor’s office came to our administration in connection with his statement,” explained the village official.

“Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child. He grew up in the large family of Alimshaikh Aliyev. The father withdrew from raising his children. Being a married man, he started affairs with another woman and left the family. Alimshaikh's new sweetheart took him around the world, he got into debt, and had to sell his house. Over time, however, he came to his senses and returned to the family. My wife forgave me, and they seem to be living well. We built a new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there was no order in his head,” Israpilov admitted in an interview with Express Gazeta.

According to the official, Adam always dressed in tight leggings and had a feminine demeanor. Even the voice is like a girl's.

Despite the fact that the groom’s parents, on the contrary, reacted calmly to the transgender bride, the parents of Adam/Rain himself categorically refused to accept such a son/daughter.

“According to our customs, it is believed that he not only disgraced the entire family - this is a stain on the entire Caucasus. For the mother, her son’s operation came as a shock; today she does not communicate with any of the residents. My father had a stroke,” Israpilov said.

According to the family's neighbors, the transgender's own father said that he would not mind if his son was killed in front of him.

Adam himself, in a letter to a friend, said that he was offended by his relatives, since they allegedly betrayed him after learning about the operation while he himself regularly helped them with money.

The couple did not register their marriage at the registry office, but simply had a wedding in the family circle

25-year-old native of the Kizilyurt region of Dagestan Adam A., whose name is Raina after a sex change operation, married Victor G. from Karachay-Cherkessia. The young people celebrated their wedding in the groom’s homeland, reports

The couple did not register their marriage at the registry office; they simply had a wedding in a quiet family circle,” said a friend of the newlyweds.

According to Victor’s fellow countrymen, his relatives were more loyal to the man’s choice and to the operation that Adam-Raina performed. The “bride’s” relatives categorically rejected their son’s new appearance, and fellow villagers even promised to deal with him if he came to Dagestan.

According to Life, after the wedding the newlyweds went on a honeymoon.

Adam and Victor met in Moscow, and then decided to get married. For this reason, one of the men decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery in one of the capital's plastic surgery clinics.

IN in social networks There is a heated discussion about the past wedding. Users write that the guests present at the wedding are relatives and friends of Victor’s family. They were misled and had no idea that the bride was previously a man.

« I swear to Allah, not one alive soul except these two... I didn’t know the truth... They are still in shock, and like all of us... We can’t recover... They wrote to him in nicks... he’s such a sin normal people signed with his deceit...,” wrote one Instagram user.

« AND I wonder what was going on in the head of this Victor from Beslenei when he conceived this! You have to dislike your parents so much to bring them such shame for the rest of their lives! Of course, there is their fault, but most likely they curse the day when their son went to Moscow “to meet his destiny” and they lost control over him. I would like to wish them the strength to survive this shame, the anger of their fellow villagers, the people! This will not pass without a trace for your health, but everything is in the power of the Almighty! R.S. I would like to believe that this is some kind of canard, it’s not true, and I think there is no need to repost this, because it will not give credibility to our republic“- wrote on Facebook the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Kemal Bytdaev.

To this, blogger Murat Kudanetov replied: “ This is not a case that should be kept quiet, many of us behave like ostriches,hiding his head in the sand. Such actions must be condemned and stopped. Otherwise, we will turn a blind eye to everything, and in about 10 years this will become the norm for us, or at least we will turn a blind eye to it all.”

Previously, he contacted the police and reported threats against him. It is still unknown under what circumstances Raina was killed.

The Dagestani came to Moscow from the village of Chontaul, where he was hated for his non-traditional sexual orientation, and after his gender change he was cursed and threatened. However, the young man decided to take such a step in order to marry his loved one: he turned out to be Victor from Karachay-Cherkessia. The couple's wedding outraged the public, Russian Dialogue reports.

According to the deputy head of the village of Chontaul, Abdutagir Israpilov, every second villager dreamed of killing a transgender person.

“Both the district police officer and the prosecutor’s office came to our administration in connection with his statement,” said the village official.

“Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child. He grew up in the large family of Alimshaikh Aliyev. The father withdrew from raising children. Being a married man, he started affairs with another woman and left the family. Alimshaikh’s new sweetheart took him around the world, he got into debt, had to sell house. Over time, however, he came to his senses and returned to the family. His wife forgave, they seemed to be living well. They built a new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there was no order in his head,” Israpilov told Express Gazeta.

The official notes that Adam always dressed in tight leggings. In addition, he was characterized by a feminine demeanor and even a feminine voice.

His relatives also reacted negatively to Raina’s changes.

“The father immediately said: “Let them kill him, I don’t want to see him.” He said so right away. “Bring him and kill him before my eyes,” a neighbor of the girl’s parents told REN TV reporters.

Meanwhile, the law enforcement agencies of Dagestan do not have any information about the death of a transgender person. According to some reports, the transgender is currently in Thailand with his husband.