Chubushnik crown planting and care. Mock orange - an unpretentious shrub for sunny places

Chubushnik ( Philadelphus) often called garden jasmine, although it has nothing to do with real tropical jasmine. This is a shrub reaching a height of more than 4 m. Garden mock orange blooms white in the first half of summer, in many species and varieties fragrant flowers. Thanks to the exceptionally rich flowering of the shrub, mock orange attracts the attention of breeders. Currently, many varieties and hybrid garden forms have been developed. They differ in aroma, flowering time, and bush shape.

Many of them belong to the hybrid species Lemoine mock orange (Ph. x lemoinei).

There are small-leaved ones (‘Avalanche’, ‘Manteau d’Hermine’)

Large-leaved varieties (‘Alebastre’, ‘Glacier’). Small-leaved varieties of mock orange have relatively small flowers, while large-leaved varieties, on the contrary, have large, often double flowers.

Corona mock orange (Ph. coronarius) has the 'Aureus' form with golden yellow leaves and the variegated 'Variegatus' form.

Miniature, up to 0.6 m in height, ‘Nana’ shape, like other dwarf forms and varieties of mock orange, does not bloom, but forms a dense cushion-shaped bush.
When describing mock orange, it is worth noting that it prefers fertile, moist soils. During drought, it needs watering. Can grow in both light and partial shade.
It tolerates pruning well, which involves removing old stems for better development of young shoots. The stems are either cut out close to the ground or shortened to a strong branching point. Mock oranges are rejuvenated by pruning to the stump. The shrub is easy to propagate from green cuttings. If you see a plant on your friends' lawn that reminds you of a jasmine flower, do not make hasty conclusions: most likely, this is a real mock orange - garden jasmine. By the way, gardeners value this plant because it can delight the human eye most of the summer. And the shrub belongs to the proud Hydrangeaceae family.

The bush received its outlandish name – Philadelphus – thanks to the ancient Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus. But the second part of the name stuck because from a plant with such a plastic structure, very important elements for pipes, popular in “hard times”, were previously produced - for example, mouthpieces. Modern chemists have managed to develop a huge variety of mock orange species and varieties. However, you need to pay attention that the homeland of the shrub still remains North America, most of the European continent and the territory of East Asia. Look at the photo of the mock orange shrub: before us is a plant characterized by thin stems covered with brown or gray bark and small leaves.

This variety is considered light-loving, but can also be grown in dark places.

Planting and caring for mock orange in open ground

Experts note that planting mock orange in places where moisture accumulates and stagnates can cause the death of the plant. Therefore, it is still worth choosing moderately moist soil. A very important feature of the shrub is that it is very resistant to changes. temperature conditions- for example, temporary drought - and reacts normally to air polluted by exhaust gases. When the bush bears fruit, you can see tiny boxes on its branches containing the seeds necessary for the propagation of mock orange. Simple, double or semi-double fragrant flowers, forming lush clusters, are formed on young shoots. You can look at this description of mock orange in the photo in more detail to see for yourself the extraordinary beauty of the plant:

Undoubtedly, the most important feature of the shrub is that it is very frost-resistant: however, a lot also depends on the type and variety of mock orange that was chosen for planting. But one thing should be remembered: even if the plant has suffered greatly from the influence of low temperatures, only the above-ground part of the bush will die, which can be easily trimmed in the spring. Garden jasmine is characterized by rapid regeneration, so there is no need to worry about its possible appearance. Caring for mock orange is simple: The bush itself tells a person when, for example, it urgently needs to be watered. This becomes clear if you carefully observe the leaves of garden jasmine. They will certainly hang in the hot summer if they do not have enough moisture.

In almost any description of mock orange varieties, you will read that they need weekly watering in the amount of two to three buckets of water. This is especially true for the period when the bush pleases your eye with its flowering: during this period of time you should even repeat the watering procedure almost every day.

The soil in the watered area should be thoroughly loosened and all weeds removed from it. True, if you were prudent and mulched in the spring, then you will have to weed the ground much less often.
To the best varieties mock oranges feel most comfortable in your garden, feed them with slurry every year in the spring. It would also be reasonable to fertilize the soil under garden jasmine after it blooms: you should use ordinary wood ash and simply scatter it under the plant before watering.

How to plant mock orange in spring

It is best to plant and care for mock orange if it is located in a well-lit area, because then you will have a guarantee that the bush will definitely give lush color and fill the entire garden with a delightful aroma.
When thinking about the question of how to plant mock orange in the shade, remember that you are deliberately signing up for the fact that your plant will have very elongated shoots and small flowers.
Before planting, be sure to prepare soil for the bush that combines soil, sand and a sufficient amount of humus (3:2:1 ratio). Don’t miss the point that in the absence of good soil permeability, it would be wise to fill the garden jasmine hole with a drainage layer. Experienced gardeners recommend planting plants in the autumn, starting in September and throughout the first half of October. But if you are thinking about how to plant mock orange in the spring, keep in mind that the procedure should be carried out as soon as possible - before the buds swell. It is also necessary to think about how to plant mock orange correctly so that it does not suffer root system. For example, if you need to plant several plants, experts advise digging holes at a distance of at least 50 cm. To create a hedge, you need to place seedlings at a distance of approximately 70 cm.
The next stage involves filling the dug hole with the already mentioned drainage layer with a soil mixture. This is done in advance - at least a couple of weeks before planting garden jasmine.
Be careful that planting and caring for mock orange open ground implies careful immersion of the root: the neck must appear slightly above the ground. Maximum depth immersion should not exceed 3 cm so that the plant does not begin to rot. After all this, you should thoroughly moisten the soil under the seedling by pouring a couple of buckets of clean water. Next, you need to add dry soil to the holes. Do not forget to mulch after 3 days from the moment of planting - fill the area under the bush with sawdust, for example. Be sure to take a look at caring for mock orange: these stages involve abundant watering of the young plant:

If you need to replant garden jasmine, do not be afraid: the bush will tolerate this procedure easily, but it will have to sacrifice its beautiful lush crown. But you can see in the photo the mock orange after planting, which was done twice: the plant feels great and pleases the owners with new abundant flowering:

How to achieve this result after transplantation? You just need to prepare a hole for the plant two weeks in advance so that the soil settles. Next, you should water the mock orange tree well, which will need to be replanted, remove half of the shoots from previous years, and trim the remaining ones. Only then can the bush be dug up and moved to another place. We recommend that you replant in the first half of September or March.

How to prune a mock orange bush correctly in spring

Pruning mock orange ensures that your landscape design will be full of magnificent fragrant garden jasmine flowers year after year. Moreover, you see in the photo a mock orange shrub, in the description of which it is important that such large buds open only on last year’s strongest branches:

Therefore, everything unnecessary - weak shoots - can be safely removed! How to prune mock orange so that in a year it will delight you with new flowers? To do this, it is necessary to remove branches that have bloomed to young strong shoots located below. By the way, this procedure is carried out in the fall and also involves sanitary clearing, which helps to get rid of branches that thicken the crown, and diseased or broken parts. And every three years, branches that have reached twelve years old are also cleared. Renewal pruning of mock orange in the spring suggests that several trunks of the bush must be pruned to about 30 cm, while others are mercilessly cut down to ground level. To know how to prune mock orange in the spring, novice gardeners ask for advice from experts, who certainly recommend using pitch to treat the plant sections and mulch the soil with peat. If you listen to the advice, you will see healthy shoots appear in the fall.

Propagation of mock orange in spring by cuttings

You can already see that this plant is not very demanding. Therefore, a similar situation arises with the procedure for growing shrubs. We mentioned that garden jasmine can be propagated using seeds - that is, generatively - and now we will also talk about the vegetative method - propagation of mock orange by cuttings, dividing the bush and layering.
If you nevertheless chose the first option - generative - then you should remember that before planting the seeds, you must keep them for two months in a place where the temperature will not exceed 2-3 ºC. This procedure is called stratification.
In order for everything to go well, at the beginning of the year, skilled gardeners add the same seeds to the peat, immerse the mixture in various containers, and leave it in this state in the refrigerator until spring. When the time comes, the seeds are sown in boxes, which are first filled with a mixture of humus, leaf soil and, of course, peat (ratio 1:1:2), and sprinkled with a layer of sand on top, then covered with glass. You must remember that the soil must remain moist, so the crops should be sprayed with a sprayer 2-3 times a day.
In just a week and a half, you will see the result of your efforts: shoots will begin, and when the first leaves appear, you can safely transplant the seedlings into the ground.
It is the propagation of mock orange by cuttings in the spring that ensures that the plant will take root and produce color for many years in a row. This method is carried out by cutting cuttings from large adult shoots. The best option is considered to be cuttings with a heel - this is the one planting material, which was cut from annual shoots with a piece of last year's twigs.

Experts tell us how to propagate mock orange using cuttings: after cutting, they must be treated with a preparation for root formation, and then planted in containers with a mixture of sand and nutritious soil. Finally, you must not forget that you need to cover the containers with a glass or plastic cap, which will help create the effect greenhouse conditions. Note: cuttings should be sprayed regularly for effective rooting.

How to propagate mock orange by dividing the bush and layering

Reproduction of mock orange in the spring is also possible by dividing the bush, until the process of sap flow begins. If you are going to do this in the fall, wait until the leaves fall. In the first and second cases, the plant is dug up and, accordingly, divided into parts, which are quickly planted in different areas. Very effective way Reproduction of shrubs includes layering. In literally 70% of cases they are well received and take root. It is better to carry out this procedure immediately after updating pruning. This is done as follows:
  • the area under the bush is dug up, always fertilized and leveled;
  • then the healthy branch is carefully pulled together with a fishing line near the outermost bud, carefully placed in a previously dug hole, secured and covered with earth.

If you want to get a certain number of new plants with strong roots at once, remove not just one shoot from the bush, but as many as you consider necessary. A year later, next spring, you just need to separate them from the mother bush, dig them up and grow them within two years.

How to get rid of mock orange pests

Pay attention to the photos of various varieties of mock orange: the greatest threat to these stunning plants is insect pests - for example, weevils or aphids:

  • The flowers are colored in creamy white undertones and do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. This variety is characterized by a wonderful aroma.
Moreover, given the harsh weather conditions of our territory in winter, the common mock orange is the plant that can withstand even -25 ºC. Among the main species forms shrubs - terry, willow-leaved, low, golden, large-flowered and silver-edged. The most popular are:

The variety that was bred in 1909 by Emile Lemoine is the Virgin mock orange.

Reaches a height of up to 3 m, has a wide crown and shoots with peeling bark. Blooms luxuriantly in July. The buds are collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes. The variety retains its decorative properties for 20 years;

Another child Emile Lemoine is Belle Etoile.

Unfortunately, the description of this variety of mock orange is such that in our temperate latitudes the shrub does not grow above one meter. The bush has small leaves with retracted tops and flowers that smell like strawberries. The buds are shaped like bells with a distinct deep scarlet spot in the center;

A fluffy shrub that grows up to 2 m in height is called mock orange Bicolor.

It is distinguished by single flowers. This variety is best suited for landscaping. The curious reader can see in the following photo one of the varieties and types of mock orange - crown mock orange:

  • This magnificent variety has a delightful aroma and charming white flowers. By the way, this shrub was brought to our region from Western Europe. The plant is quite tall - up to 3 m. The bush typically flowers in early June for 20 days. Life expectancy is approximately 30 years. By the way, the variety is extremely frost-resistant (down to -25 ºC) and is tolerant of polluted air.
The plant can please true connoisseurs in such best forms as:

Innocent– a shrub characterized by its compact size – up to 2 m in height – and single snow-white, strong-smelling flowers;

Bowles Variety- a variety that is distinguished by leaves that have a wide cream stripe along the edges;

Aureus– mock orange, which is characterized by a spherical crown and rich yellow leaves that can change their color until the very moment of leaf fall. It reaches a height of up to 3 m. One of those species that is endowed with a divine aroma. Pay attention to the photo of the mock orange variety, the description of which must begin with the fact that this is a real hybrid of ordinary and small-leaved mock orange:

And this one is called variety – mock orange Lemoine. We have already briefly mentioned it a little higher.

By the way, the plant is most common in North America and Europe. It can reach a height of up to 3 m, and its branches are covered with ovoid leaves. Large snow-white buds are collected in inflorescences in the shape of brushes. It is worth noting that this hybrid has plenty of “heirs”:

Firstly, variety "Ermine Mantle", which can grow up to 1 m. It is covered with elegant white semi-double flowers that can give their wonderful aroma for a whole month;

It is impossible not to mention Mock orange "Schneersturm", with fragrant soft white buds collected in brushes. The plant reaches up to 2 m in height;

And here shrub "Glacier" with double, large, incomparably fragrant white flowers, it grows up to 2 m and blooms for only about three weeks;

The next variety is the real “Charm”. Breeders recognize it as one of the most beautiful types of mock orange. The plant is distinguished by its huge snow-white flowers, which, alas, are practically odourless. But each “Charm” bush has a significant drawback - the bare lower part. And so that the aesthetic appearance of your garden is not compromised, it is recommended to plant some low-growing shrub in front of this plant;

Garden jasmine (mock orange)

Chubushnik- one of the most popular beautiful flowering shrubs in landscaping in central Russia. "Garden Jasmine"– this is what amateurs call mock orange for its resemblance to real jasmine, which is grown in greenhouses or indoors.

Let's talk about what kind of plant this is. A little about the history of chebushnik, its biological characteristics and varieties. About, how to grow garden jasmine in your garden, about the rules of pruning and propagation. And also in what compositions of various garden plants will mock orange look more successful.

History of the distribution and selection of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Mock orange genus received the Latin name (Philodelphus L.) in honor of the Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus. There are about 60 species found in nature that live in temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, America and Asia. More than half of the species have been introduced into culture. It is called “mock orange” for the soft part of the wood from which chibouks for smoking were made, and jasmine for its white fragrant flowers.

The Lemoine family began to actively engage in the selection of varieties. Since the 1950s, Victor Lemoine and his firm Lemoine and Son have been widely known for their breeding achievements with floral herbaceous perennials and beautiful flowering shrubs - hydrangeas, mock oranges, deutias and weigelas. Many varieties developed then are still popular today.

Lemoine's son and his wife, Madame Lemoine, were also actively involved in breeding, and Madame bred several varieties on her own. Chubushniks were one of the last crops that Lemoine Sr. paid attention to, so the result of joint family creativity was about 40 varieties. These were mainly plants of hybrid origin, obtained from crossing small-leaved mock orange with common mock orange.

Almost all breeders pay special attention to the aroma of flowers, considering it the main advantage of the plant. The aroma of the varieties is very diverse: from subtle floral to bright fruit and berry. The exception is varieties with double flowers, which, due to the reduction of stamens into petals, have practically no scent, but they bloom longer, since pollination does not occur.

Mock oranges spread very quickly due to the fact that the plant reproduces well by cuttings and seeds. In the 18th century in Russia, mock orange was grown in the royal gardens along with lilacs and roses. In Europe, hybrid mock oranges of American and Asian origin appeared in the 14th century. The varieties obtained by Lemoine became popular in Europe, and since that time the description of forms and varieties has been given ample space in specialized literature.

N.K. made a great contribution to the creation of promising varieties for Russia, winter-hardy and highly decorative. Vekhov. He was engaged in the selection of mock orange at the Lipetsk forest-steppe station in the middle of the last century. During his work here, using the method of interspecific hybridization, he created about 30 interesting hybrid forms of mock orange; Among the most popular of them are varieties "Academician Komarov" , "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya" , "Kazbek" , "Blizzard" , "Elbrus" , "Airborne" , "Komsomolets" , "Yunnat" , "Pearl" , "Obelisk" , "Moonlight" , "Snowballs" , "Arctic" , "Memory of Vekhovo" .

Biological features of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Common mock orange

Representatives of the genus are mainly deciduous shrubs of the Saxifraga family with simple large, oppositely arranged leaves. The flowers are often white, fragrant, collected in clusters at the ends of the side branches, appear on the plant in May, flowering lasts 7-10 days. But sometimes single or 2-3 pieces in shields.

U simple shapes There are 4 sepals and corolla petals, many stamens. The fruit is a four-leaf capsule with numerous small seeds. Mock orange plants form spreading tall bushes from 1 to 4 m. The genus contains both winter-hardy and heat-loving species.

The most common cultivated species in Russia are the following: Caucasian mock orange , pale mock orange (common) and its many garden forms, large-flowered mock orange , small-leaved mock orange ,mock orange "Lemoine" , and hybrid varieties N.K. Vekhova.

How to grow garden jasmine in your garden. Rules for pruning mock orange

Pruning mock orange (jasmine)

Seedlings are most often planted in a permanent location in the fall, as they take root better. The soil is prepared as nutritious, light and well-drained. With proper care and pruning, mock orange can grow in one place for up to 20-40 years. Then the plantings are updated. Mock orange is neutral to soil acidity, so it can be grown in both slightly acidic and alkaline soils.

When planting, the root collar should not be buried more than 2-3 cm.

Mock orange (garden jasmine) moisture-loving culture, in dry conditions summer months Requires weekly watering.

In a sunny place it always produces larger flowers, does not stretch out, and blooms more profusely. In shade and partial shade, formative pruning is used to maintain decorativeness, since flowering is still reduced. Dwarf varieties and those with golden leaves are generally undesirable to plant in the shade.

To maintain decorativeness, sanitary pruning of broken shoots and branches is carried out every spring.

In spring or autumn, formative pruning is carried out, the number of shoots on the bush is normalized of different ages. Leave according to the scheme:

  • 3-5 one-year-olds, 3 two-three-year-olds, 3-5 four-year-olds.

Shoots older than six years are cut out completely. Also, once every 6-10 years, a strong anti-aging pruning is carried out, a year will produce many annual “fattening” shoots, the bush will be thickened, the shoots will stretch out and overwinter poorly, as a result the plant will freeze very much and may die.

Reproduction of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Reproduction of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Garden jasmine varieties are mainly propagated by cuttings– green (in July) and woody (in February). To create the correct standard forms and grafting, seedlings are grown.

Mock orange reproduces very well from seeds, but the variety is not maintained. The seeds are small. They begin collecting the boxes as soon as they change color from green to yellowish. They are collected, dried in warm, ventilated areas, waited until they crack, and the seeds are isolated. Store seeds in paper bags or sealed glass containers at a temperature no higher than (4-5°C).

Sowing is carried out before winter or in winter on snow cover on previously prepared ridges or grown through seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses.

When sowing in protected soil, the seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for three days, then sown in boxes superficially without covering with soil. Shoots appear by the end of the 2nd week, and a month later they begin picking.

Also, a small number of plants can be obtained by layering, division, or root suckers. But the mother plants should be located freely.

Today, one of the promising growing technologies is tissue culture. Mock oranges easily reproduce vegetatively; after a year or two of growing, the “microplants” look like standard seedlings. With this technology, the grade and a very high reproduction rate are preserved compared to cuttings.

These shrubs bloom profusely in the garden in well-lit places; they can grow in partial shade, but in heavily shaded places they stop blooming altogether. They are used in single and group plantings.

Chubushnik (garden jasmine) in group compositions

Mock oranges (garden jasmine) use in plant compositions different species and varieties with different heights and flowering periods. They go well with other beautiful flowering shrubs: hydrangeas , weigels , spirea .

Mock oranges look impressive against the background of trees with an openwork crown or brightly colored foliage.

Low-growing mock oranges will take their rightful place in a rock garden or on an alpine hill.

Tall mock oranges can be planted along the fence as a hedge.

Skillfully combining mock oranges (jasmine) in compositions, you can create groups of continuously flowering plants:

The first version of the composition with mock orange (garden jasmine)

Scheme of planting plants in a composition with mock orange No. 1. (Click to enlarge).
  • The best starter plant is to plant mock oranges fluffy (Fig. 2) or odorless (Fig. 1) . Both are about three meters tall and bloom in July.
  • If the composition has the shape of a circle, then lower ones can be planted around them. mock orange thin-leaved (Fig. 4) and new variety "Alabaster"(Fig. 3) . Their height is about 2 m, they bloom in June. If the composition is cascade-shaped, then it can be planted as shown in the diagram.

The next tier can be formed from low (up to 0.8 m) varieties "Ermine mantle"(Fig. 5) – (blooms from mid-June to mid-July) and low-growing non-flowering varieties such as "Dwarf"(Fig. 6) with very small and narrow light green foliage, up to 30 cm high.

The second version of the composition with mock orange (garden jasmine)

Scheme of planting plants in a composition with mock orange No. 2
  • In the center of the composition a mock orange variety is planted "Airborne"(Fig. 4)
  • Plant western thuja behind it "Emerald"(Fig. 3)
  • Place mock orange on both sides of the thuja "Belle Etoile"(Fig. 1)
  • Place similarly from “Airborne Assault” Mock orange "Aureus" (Fig. 2)
  • Plant in the foreground in front of mock oranges "Mahonia holly"(Fig. 5) .

The third version of the composition with mock orange (garden jasmine)

Scheme of planting plants in a composition with mock orange No. 3

Create on your site plant mixborder, continuously blooming from early spring to late autumn. For the composition you will need:

  • Juniper horizontal varieties "Prince of Wales" (Fig. 1) or "Wiltoni" (Fig. 2) - this plant creeping along the ground will cover the soil with an evergreen green carpet. It is advisable to choose juniper of the same variety. The diagram shows two of the possible options. Plant junipers in one row in the form of a long arched border.
  • Heathers with yellow leaves varieties "Boscope" (Rsi. 3) is a compact evergreen shrub 30-40 to 50 cm high, with lilac flowers. We also plant the heather border in one row - in the shape of an arc.
  • Heather varieties with yellow leaves "Gold Hase" (Fig. 4) - a small evergreen shrub 40-50 to 70 cm high, blooms with white flowers. This variety of heather, planted in one row, will close our compositional oval.
  • Chubushnik "Avalanche" or mock orange "Erectus" . "Avalanche" (Fig. 5) - a shrub 1.5 meters high with flowing branches and semi-double flowers on them. Externally, reminiscent snow avalanche. The flowering shrub emits a strong strawberry aroma. "Erecruz" (Fig. 6) – a plant 1-1.5 m high. A small, compact, erect shrub with a dense crown. The flowers are white, numerous, emitting a strong strawberry aroma. Having chosen one of the proposed options, we plant mock orange. This is the starting plant in the composition.
  • Nedzvedsky apple tree (weeping form) (Fig. 7) is a very decorative tree. It blooms with pink flowers, the reverse side of the leaves is painted in a burgundy hue, the fruits are small apples, reminiscent of cherries, also of a bright burgundy color. The shape of the crown, falling towards the ground. The apple tree is planted after the mock orange is planted "Avalanche" or "Erectus" .
  • Skumpia "Royal Purple" (Fig. 8) - this is simply a magnificent plant! Very beautiful, with purple-red leaves, 1.5 m high. The flowers are small, pinkish in color, collected in openwork inflorescences, and during fruiting, covered with long reddish hairs, which in appearance resemble light pink clouds. Skumpia will be located almost in the center of the composition - a sort of bright and at the same time delicate spot.
  • Spiraea japonica "Shirobana" (Fig. 9) is a not too tall shrub up to 0.8 m high, with dark green leaves. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, the color of which varies from white to bright pink, less often red. Great for rock gardens, low borders, and coniferous compositions. Spirea will serve as a soft transition from burgundy-pink Nedzvedsky apple trees to purple-red Skumpii.
  • Chubushnik "Arctic" (Fig. 10) - a shrub up to 1.8 m high. The branches are thin, drooping, the flowers are elegant, double, pure white, with a faint aroma. The last in the composition will be “Arctic”, it will complete the riot of colors in the composition

Ecological features of the composition:

  • It needs to be planted in a place that is lit and protected from the wind.

Decorative features of the composition:

  • Some plants have a double decorative effect due to the coloring of the leaves.

! For note: Before you start purchasing plants (for any composition), as well as planting it, first draw a diagram of the composition on paper, and then directly transfer it to the site (using a hose, tape, stones or other available material). Decide exactly how many plants you will need and how they will be placed. Do not forget that each plant has its own biological characteristics and planting patterns, depending on the size of the crown.

The neighborhood of garden jasmine (mock orange) with other plants in the garden

Good neighbors for mock oranges - rose hips (wrinkled gray, apple, cinnamon ), and lilac , spirea (meadowsweet ).

Mock oranges look very beautiful in the fall, when their leaves turn yellow against the background of other plants that have purple leaves, for example, skumpii varieties "Royal Purple", hazel varieties "Fuskorubra" , maple sycamore "Crimson King" .

Looks great combination apple trees Nedzvedsky or blood red , blooming in May, from Lemoine mock oranges.

Low growing varieties such as "Yunnat" , are especially good in the corners of parterre lawns and in modular gardens.

Dense low hedges (borders) are formed from varieties "White Bouquet", "Moonlight" , "Komsomolets" , "Academician Komarov" . These hedges require virtually no trimming.

Plants make great hedges one type of mock orange: coronary , Caucasian ,grandiflora , Schrenk .

Amateur gardeners are always interested in such parameters as the size of bushes, the timing and duration of flowering of plants.

Some varieties of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Small-leaved mock orange

Chubushnik crown: blooms in 5-8 years. Flowering lasts from mid-June to mid-July for at least 20 days. The height of the bush is up to 3 m. The crown is dense, with a diameter of up to 2 m.

Schrenk's mock orange: It blooms almost throughout June, blooming earlier than many other species. Height is 2-3 m. The crown is quite loose, up to 2.5 m in diameter.

Chubushnik grandiflora: Blooms in July for 22-25 days. Height 3 m.

Caucasian mock orange: It blooms in June for about 15-20 days. Height 3 m.

These plants tolerate pruning well. They can be successfully used in all other types of plantings of beautiful flowering shrubs.

Other compositions with mock orange (garden jasmine)

Mock oranges are great in solitaires and groups. In a hedge, plants are planted at a distance of 0.5-1 m, in groups (depending on the size of the bush) - 1.5-2.5 m.

Very colorful group made from plants common mock orange cultivar "Aurea" with yellow leaves, against the background of other shrubs and trees with dark or purple leaves. It can be hazel "Fuskorubra" , scumpia "Royal Purple" or trees with red flowers, like apple trees Nedzvedsky .

The shoots of old mock orange bushes must be heavily pruned, sometimes even “planted on a stump,” which leads to the rejuvenation of the plant.

Single compositions of mock orange (garden jasmine)

For single plantings, choose plants with a beautiful crown, for example, variety "Virginal" with erect branches, up to 2 m in height, which blooms in July for more than 20 days.

Or variety "Mont Blanc" about 2 m high with shoots slightly curved and drooping from the abundance of semi-double flowers, emitting a delicate aroma and blooming throughout July.

Amateur gardeners especially like mock oranges with strawberry scent:

  • small-leaved (height 1-1.5 m, flowering time June-July);
  • Variety "Airborne" 1.4 m high with a compact crown. Its flowers are simple, medium-sized, cup-shaped, with wide petals, creamy white with creamy yellow stamens. With their original shape they resemble opened parachutes.

Fragrant varieties of mock orange (garden jasmine)

Gardeners who create “scent gardens” prefer mock oranges with a strong odor. Among them - variety "Lemoine" . This mock orange hybrid ordinary And small-leaved . Deciduous shrub up to 2 m high. The flowers are large, white, collected 3-7 pieces in one raceme. Blooms in July for 15-20 days.

Very popular variety "Belle Etoile" " This is a low deciduous shrub with vertical main shoots. The flowers are large (up to 6 cm in diameter), unusually beautiful, exuding a delicate, delicate aroma, white with pink-purple spots and yellow stamens. Grows on any soil. It also has a wonderful aroma mock orange ordinary , or coronary .

Varieties of jasmine (mock orange) without odor

For those who are allergic to flower smells, it is better to use odorless mock oranges or very faint aroma . Among them mock orange grandiflora up to 3 m high. The flowers are snow-white, with wide petals and numerous stamens, collected in racemes of 3, less often 6-9 pieces. They reach 6 cm in diameter. Blooms 8-10 days later mock orange ordinary . Flowering duration is 20-30 days.

Creating compositions from garden jasmine (mock orange) in your garden, select species and varieties of plants that will harmoniously fit into the design of your site, delighting you with their splendor!

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Many people have seen mock orange at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that it was exactly that. Fragrant shrubs with white flowers are found in parks and resemble jasmine. For this reason it was nicknamed garden jasmine. It got its name because of the so-called chibouks - smoking pipes that were made from its branches. This unpretentious plant is loved by gardeners and landscape designers. It is easy to grow and easy to care for, and looks like a luxurious green fountain. The homeland of mock orange is Europe, North America and the eastern regions of Asia.

general characteristics

Mock orange is a perennial that belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. These are small shrubs with small leaves and thin flexible shoots. They bloom throughout the summer. The brownish-gray bark is notable for being slightly flaky. Shoots reach 3 m, but more often grow to a meter. They thicken and become woody only towards the base.

The leaves are ovoid, elongated or oval, up to 7 cm. They are smooth and dark green, with pronounced longitudinal veins. Single or double flowers with pointed petals are collected in clusters of up to 9 buds. The maximum diameter is 6 cm. The fruits are sectional capsules about a centimeter, containing tiny dusty seeds.

Mock orange needs sun, but tolerates shade well. It requires moisture and constant hydration, but withers if the water stagnates. Short-term drought has almost no effect on the condition of the flower. Fragrant flowers attract numerous insects to the garden.

Dense thickets - excellent hedge. They are used in the design of fences, borders, facades and commercial buildings. When flowering, the bushes turn into fragrant cascades. Tall varieties are an ideal background for flower beds and seedlings, while low and miniature ones will harmoniously fit into an alpine hill or rock garden.

Types of mock orange

There are approximately 60 species of mock orange. They differ in aroma and slightly in appearance. The smell of some varieties is reminiscent of citrus or strawberries.

Classic upright branched mock orange with graceful three-meter shoots. The leaves are simple oval, medium in size. Loose clusters with delicate cream flowers appear on the shoots. Like the rest of the variety, they are small and elegant.

This is a frost-resistant spreading three-meter shrub. Its homeland is the southern regions and Asia Minor. The shoots are flexible, long and branched. The bark has an unusual reddish or yellowish tint. The thick oval leaves are arranged oppositely. They are smooth on the outside and slightly pubescent on the back. Flowers are about 5 cm in diameter, of a delicate cream color, in large and loose racemes.

The flowering period begins towards the end of spring and lasts up to 3 weeks. Coronet mock orange tolerates winters down to -25C. Interesting subspecies include golden Aureus, wide and dark Variegata with edged leaves and spreading Innosens with sparse flowering and decorative marble patterns on leaf blades. Such mock orange lives up to 30 years.

The extensive breeding category includes dozens of ornamental varieties and their interspecific combinations. For example, the compact colorful Moonlight, the spreading Majorie, the graceful Elbrus, the slender Snowflake, the tall weeping Schneeshturm and others.

This variety got its name because of the light, airy bottom leaves. Large and neat cup-shaped flowers have almost no scent. But large inflorescences of 5–10 buds are very decorative. The tall bush grows up to 3 m. Flowering begins in midsummer.

The bush with large green four-meter shoots and large leaves has no odor even during the flowering period, as indicated by the name of the variety. But it is beautiful and decorative, with large white flowers of 5 buds per cluster. The length of leaves on shoots on which buds do not grow sometimes reaches 12 cm. This variety is notable for its width. The flowering period begins at the end of June and lasts almost until August.

Its homeland is the Far East, China and Korea. main feature– early flowering. It is one of the first to bloom in mid-latitudes. The oval, tapered leaves resemble an egg. Delicate fragrant flowers reach 4 cm. An inflorescence contains an average of 9 buds. The flowering period starts in June and lasts 3–4 weeks.

This is a hybrid that includes several dozen subspecies. They are united by a rich, sweet smell. The bushes grow into dense three-meter thickets. Small and bright leaves are diluted with fragrant flowers. Of the most known species– frost-resistant terry mock orange, thick and compact Mont Blanc, fluffy bell Snowbel, flexible and spreading Virgin, fluffy decorative Bicolor and luxurious Ermine mantle.

This is one of the tallest varieties, which under favorable conditions grows up to 5–6 m. It has large glossy leaves and large snow-white flowers, which also make it one of the most decorative varieties. The aroma is almost indistinguishable. The flowering period begins towards the end of June.

Selected varieties

The number of decorative mock orange species bred artificially is almost unlimited. These are the tall Airborne, the snow-white Arctic, the miniature Unusual, the original Moth Ballet, the graceful Pearl and others.

By its nature, mock orange is a very unpretentious ornamental shrub. But it is important to choose the right place. In order for it to intensively turn green and bloom, it needs as much sun as possible, and for it to grow and stretch, it needs shade.

The ideal soil is leaf soil mixed with humus and sand. It must be loose, lightweight and nutritious, certainly with a neutral level of acidity. Periodically, the soil needs to be loosened and weeds removed. Fertilizers are applied systematically. In spring - organic matter, and immediately before flowering - mineral mixtures with potassium and phosphorus.

To avoid stagnation of water, drainage is needed. The simplest option is a fifteen-centimeter pebble layer. This is more than enough for the plant to live comfortably. As for watering, natural precipitation is sufficient for mock orange. It needs additional watering during the dry season.

Mock orange is pruned in several passes. In spring, all damaged, dried out and frozen shoots are removed. At the same time, the crown can be shaped. Old thickets must be rejuvenated by completely cutting off the stems to stimulate growth. This will increase the number of buds and significantly improve the appearance of the crown. In the fall, sanitary cleaning is carried out, shoots growing inward and excess ground growth are removed.

Transplantation and propagation

Mock orange planted in the fall takes root best. In spring, this can only be done before the leaves bloom. Otherwise, the bush may die. When planting, lower only the root into the ground, but not the stem, so that it does not start to thread. The average planting depth is about 0.5 m. The interval between bushes is up to 1.5 m. When forming a bushy hedge, it can be reduced. The ornamental bush propagates in any classical way.

To grow from seeds, take only fresh material that is not yet a year old. A couple of months before planting, mix the seeds with sand and leave in the refrigerator. By early spring they can be planted in containers. The first shoots appear within 10 days. After another 2 weeks, the seedlings can be picked, and by the beginning of summer they can be transplanted into open ground. But keep in mind that such a shrub will not bloom soon. Sometimes - only after 5-8 years.

A convenient natural method is root shoots or air layering. At the beginning of spring, large, mature and healthy bushes are dug up and divided. But this method is not very suitable for miniature varieties.

Cuttings are an effective and almost win-win option. You don't even need any special experience or skills here. During the summer, cut the shoots to 10 cm and treat the cut with charcoal or a special rooting compound. After this, plant the cuttings in a box with garden soil and cover with film, spraying systematically. Roots appear within two weeks.

Pest and disease control

The most common diseases of mock orange are gray rot, septoria spot and other fungal infections. The control mechanism is standard: collect and destroy all damaged leaves and preventively treat the bushes with Bordeaux mixture and its analogues.

Chubushnik - photo

If you are just looking for where to get inspiration and fresh ideas on decorating home seedlings, we offer you our selection of photographs! We have collected bright and original photographs with mock orange so that you can find a solution to your liking!

Mock orange or garden jasmine begins to delight in the spring with its magnificent beauty and indescribable aroma. A wonderful aroma is exuded by the abundantly blooming snow-white or cream flowers of a perennial plant. The flowers of the bush can have a diameter of 2-5 cm. Their forms are simple, double and semi-double. Collected in clusters, they grow at the ends of young shoots.

The leaves of “garden jasmine” are 2-7 cm long and, depending on the variety, can have different shapes: simple, broadly ovate, elongated ovate. Whole leaves of bright green color are placed oppositely on the bush. In autumn the leaves turn yellow, but there are species of evergreen bushes.

"Garden jasmine" is a deciduous shrub. Its straight trunks are covered with thin gray bark. The height of plants of dwarf varieties is only 70 cm. Tall varieties grow up to 6 m. The jasmine flower pleases with its beauty and aroma for about two to three weeks. So that white clouds of flowers envelop garden more long time, you can select varieties of mock orange with different flowering periods.

Varieties and types of mock orange

Thanks to the fruitful work of breeders, many new varieties of this plant have been developed. Let's talk about the most common types.

Common mock orange (pale). This species develops well and blooms well in fertile and well-moistened soils. Its creamy white flowers are very fragrant. The shrub can have a height of 3 m. Its leaves are slightly pubescent, bright on top. green, below – pale green.

Mock orange crown. This shrub can reach a height of 3 meters. Its flowers have shades of cream and white. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm are collected in inflorescences of 7-9 pieces. Large leaves 8 cm long are located on strong shoots. This species blooms in mid-June and has several forms, for example:

  • terry, this is a very beautiful shrub with an unusual decoration in the form of multi-row flowers;
  • yellow-leaved or golden-leaved, this amazing leaf color for the summer period looks very impressive against the general background of the garden until mid-July.

Mock orange Lemoine . The deciduous shrub has a height of 3 m. Its spreading branches are strewn with white, large, very fragrant flowers and ovate-lanceolate leaves.

Ermine robe. This species is the record holder for the longest flowering time (up to 50 days). The height of the bush is up to 1 meter. This variety is interesting for its semi-double white flowers located on hanging stems. It is like a mantle of ermine skins. The shrub has an amazing strawberry aroma.

Mock orange "Avalanche". A low, stately shrub has light green leaves and arched shoots. This species is characterized by abundant flowering, which lasts three weeks.

Chubushnik "Airborne". A tall (up to 3 m) spreading bush with drooping bell-shaped flowers that look like small parachutes.

Mock orange "Mont Blanc". Of the low species, these shrubs deserve special attention. Their densely double and strongly fragrant flowers delight with their beauty for about a month. The maximum height of a bush of this species is 2 m.

Chubushnik "Ballet of the Moths". The “moth” flowers of this charming variety seem to “flutter” over a tall (up to 3 m) and wide shrub. Semi-double greenish petals create the illusion of a night butterfly.

"Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya" A very popular variety of mock orange. The bush, 2 m high, has large double flowers with a greenish tint. Their aroma is weak.

Chubushnik. Planting and care


To enhance the growth of young shoots and make the mock orange bush look beautiful appearance it is necessary to carry out its regular pruning. This is done in early spring. Weak branches are shortened by half, those that are too long are trimmed off a little.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out when the branches of the bush become bare and begin to choke the plant itself. This look does not decorate the plant at all.

Sanitary pruning is carried out every year. Flowers that have lost their attractive appearance must be removed. Excess shoots are cut off and the bush is thinned out.

Reproduction of mock orange

The plant is propagated by seeds, layering or cuttings.

  • Seeds are sown in pre-prepared soil before the onset of severe frosts. For the winter, the beds with seeds embedded in them are covered with spruce branches. In spring, snow melting under the sun will saturate the seeds with moisture, and young shoots will soon appear. Seedlings grown from seeds are more resilient and are less susceptible to diseases. But this method of reproduction is very long. The plant blooms only after 7-8 years.
  • Reproduction by layering is carried out in the spring. To do this, the strongest lignified branch is bent towards the ground and placed in previously prepared grooves. For good fixation, you can secure the shoot in several places with wire. The grooves are covered with a layer of sand, then peat. New shoots will appear on the cuttings in 1.5 months. During the entire growing season they need to be hilled a couple of times. In autumn, the shoots are separated and planted in a permanent place.
  • Cuttings are cut only from well-developed shoots. This must be done in June. Their length is approximately 5 cm. The lower leaves and inflorescences are cut off with sharp scissors. Each cutting should have no more than three pairs of leaves and one internode. The cuttings will root successfully in a mixture of sand and peat. First, a small depression is made in this mixture, then a cutting is inserted into it at an angle of 30-40°, and the whole thing is carefully crimped. Cuttings must be covered Mock orange bushes of many varieties are quite tall and are suitable for creating shade, which can be taken into account when thinking through the landscape design of your site

    Diseases and treatment of mock orange

    Dangerous pests for the plant can be spider mites, aphids and leaf weevils.

    You can drive away ticks by spraying the bush with fufanom. The aphids will die when spraying potato tops with infusion. A small amount of weevils can simply be shaken off the branches, or you can sprinkle them with the same fufanom.

Although mock orange has no botanical relation to true jasmines, for all inhabitants of climates with harsh winters it is the one that is associated with jasmines. This is a real king among garden shrubs that are widespread in our gardens. It “earned” this status due to its unpretentiousness, durability, and beauty of flowering. Mock oranges are one of the easiest flowering shrubs to grow. Equal to them in landscape, gentle and romantic beauty of the spectacle in summer garden can not found. Of course, garden jasmine has competitors, but this in no way prevents it from remaining an inimitable favorite.

Description of the plant

Mock orange (Philadelphus) is a genus of ornamental flowering deciduous shrubs belonging to the Hydrangeaceae family. Homeland - temperate climate zone of Europe, Asia and North America. The plant received its Latin name in honor of Egyptian pharaoh Philadelphus, a big fan aromatic plants. The Russian version of the name comes from the word “chubuk”. This was the name given to part of a smoking pipe, which in ancient times was made from the trunk of this culture. The hollow stems of mock orange are used to make flutes and pipes. Among gardeners, the more common popular name is “Garden Jasmine” or “False”.

The genus Philadelphus contains more than 70 species, several of which grow wild in Far East and the Caucasus. About 30 species, represented by a variety of garden forms, have been used in gardening. Mock orange bushes grow up to 4 m. The leaves are medium-sized, entire, ovate. The flowers are white or creamy, collected in racemes or solitary, often very fragrant. Varietal specimens have a double flower shape. The fruits are small multi-seeded capsules. The plant is an excellent honey plant.

In Siberia, the height of bushes is standardized according to the level of snow cover. The plant can tolerate frost and air pollution. Year after year, at the beginning of summer, the mock orange looks like a bride, covered with a “veil” of delicate white flowers. At the same time, the entire garden is filled with a charming aroma. The bushes have been growing in one place for more than ten years.

Planting and proper care

Despite the general undemandingness and ease of care of this species, in order for the plant to become a real decoration of your garden, it is recommended to create the most favorable conditions for its growth and development. Practical assistance in organization proper care The following basic recommendations will be developed for the crowned mock orange:

  • choice of location

Considering the durability and size of an adult shrub, the choice of planting site must be approached in advance and carefully. Mock orange grows equally effectively both in open space and in partial shade, but the quality and duration of the flowering period directly depend on the lighting - in sunny areas the bush blooms longer and the inflorescences are larger;

  • soil composition

In general, the plant is not picky about soil; the only limitation is that it does not tolerate soil salinity and wetlands. In heavy clay areas, it is advisable to arrange drainage. It is capable of fully demonstrating all its decorative qualities on almost any cultivated soil, so before planting it is recommended to improve the soil with organic matter or compost.

  • landing

It takes root equally effectively both during spring and autumn planting. The roots of the seedling are placed in a small hole (depth and diameter up to 50 cm) up to the root collar and covered with fertilized soil. The soil around the planted shrub is compacted and then watered abundantly;

  • pruning

After planting, regardless of the time of year, it is necessary to shorten the main branches by a third and completely cut off weak shoots. Subsequently, annual pruning is carried out after the end of the flowering period. Underdeveloped branches are cut out and at the same time a bush-like crown is formed. If the bush is frozen in winter, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning in early spring;

watering and fertilizing

In the first year after planting, the plant needs regular watering, and subsequently - as needed, depending on weather conditions. It is advisable to apply fertilizing or mineral fertilizers twice a year - in early spring and after flowering. You can apply complex mineral fertilizers diluted with water with irrigation; if organic matter is present, prepare slurry and water with a solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Thus, the crown mock orange, being an unpretentious ornamental shrub, only needs timely thinning, periodic watering and removal of weeds from the tree trunk space. Planting and care are quite simple, do not require excessive effort or a lot of time, and propagation will not cause much trouble either.

Reproduction of mock orange

Mock orange is propagated by dividing the roots or, during the flowering period, by cuttings with young green bark. They are planted in a place specially prepared for them. They take longer to take root.

Mock orange can also be propagated by seeds, but the bushes will bloom no earlier than after 5 or 8 years. Seeds can be planted in autumn, spring, and even winter - in prepared furrows in the snow. Such plantings are usually covered with straw or dry branches, and removed when spring arrives. The sprouts that appear are protected from direct sun, but not completely isolated from sunlight. In the fall, they are sown in a prepared bed, such as garlic. In the spring they are usually sown in greenhouses, but first the seeds are saturated with moisture, like many seedlings:

  • in a nylon sock, immerse in water to start the germination process;
  • then placed in sawdust or other similar substance that retains moisture;
  • the swollen seeds are dried and planted, adding a little sand and manure.

There are three methods of propagation of mock orange:

Many people propagate the shrub using seeds, which germinate quickly but are very small in size. To protect small sprouts, they must be grown in greenhouses. Only when the sprouts reach twenty centimeters can they be planted in the beds. But the shrub should be placed in its permanent home in the second or third year of life. Propagation by seeds is effective, but takes quite a long time. In winter, you can propagate shrubs using cuttings. To do this, the cutting must be placed in a protected place, for example, in a basement. During the winter, the cuttings become stronger and grow, and in the spring they are planted in the soil to be enriched with nutrients. By layering. For vegetative propagation, it is necessary to take young healthy shoots, cut them in winter, and harvest them in the fall. You need to choose non-thick shoots with a delicate coating; they should be young and fresh.

Preparing for winter

In the autumn, when the plant has finished flowering, thinning and sanitary pruning is carried out. The mock orange is fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, and the surface of the soil around the bush is sprinkled with a fairly thick layer of mulch (sawdust or peat).


There is no need to cover the bush for the winter. If some shoots are damaged by severe frost, then after pruning in the spring the bush will grow again. There is no need to care for the bush in winter.


Most of the natural species of mock orange, and there are about 50 of them, are representatives of the temperate zone, although no more than 4–5 are found in large quantities in Russian gardens. Despite the abundance of beautifully flowering varietal material, semi-wild plants with small simple flowers They occupy their niche with dignity and are in no hurry to give it up. Among their advantages are natural endurance and vitality, adaptability to cold climates, annual and long-lasting flowering, and rich aroma.

  • Common mock orange is a multi-stemmed, vigorous shrub that, when mature, forms a spreading fountain 3–4 m high. It opens the flowering period of garden jasmines. The flowers are simple, white with a slight cream tint, fragrant. Among the advantages of the species is winter hardiness (down to -25⁰ C). The genotype of the plant formed the basis of many varieties, the first of which was the Virgin or Virgin mock orange.
  • Ch. grandiflora came to Russia more than two hundred years ago. As the name suggests, the main advantage is the large snow-white flowers, although the aroma is weaker than that of Ch. vulgaris. It will bloom two weeks later, but the bloom does not shed for almost a month.
  • Ch. fluffy is unusual in its narrow crown shape with vertically growing shoots. The flowers are small, with a weak aroma, and are more bell-shaped than others. It is distinguished by an abundance of inflorescences located not only at the top, but also along the entire length of the shoots of previous years. Blooms almost all of July.
  • Mock orange is a welcome guest in the gardens of the Moscow region, where it is often represented by dwarf and variegated forms. IN natural form also good - slender, spreading, flowers are quite large (up to ø4.5 cm), with a creamy tint, smell delicious. Withstands low temperatures(-25⁰ C), in case of freezing, it is quickly restored.
  • Ch. small-leaved is a low (up to 1.5 m) shrub, during flowering it is completely covered with small flowers that smell like strawberries with notes of pineapple. Formed the basis for many Lemoine varieties.

Note! Sometimes in separate species isolated from Lemoine mock oranges. This is a group of varieties and hybrids bred by the French company Lemoine on the basis of wild plants - Ch. common, small-leaved, etc. It is represented by a large assortment with double and semi-double flowers.

Using mock oranges in design and the best partners

In garden design, mock oranges use:

  • as one of the main landscape and romantic shrubs;
  • as the main summer-flowering shrub;
  • as a soloist against the backdrop of low-growing compositions and lawns;
  • as a background plant;
  • as a visual center of flowering compositions;
  • in mixborders;
  • in classic flower beds with a play of heights;
  • in front gardens and parterre plantings;
  • in the design of rockeries, alpine slides, ponds and water bodies (low-growing varieties);
  • in a regular style (non-flowering varieties “Gnome” and “Dwarf” look like green buttons and cropped spheres);
  • for creating hedges (both monospecific and complex, landscape and strict);
  • for decorating recreation areas and terraces, gazebos, pergolas as a fragrant and picturesque accent;
  • for masking unsightly areas and communications;
  • to create voluminous “wild” compositions;
  • in ensembles with a continuous relay of flowering.

The best partners for mock oranges: all flowering shrubs from spirea and weigela to scumpia, ornamental apple trees, lilacs and hydrangeas, woody ones with an unusual crown and decorative leaves (maples, derain, hazel). In flower beds and ridges it goes well with decorative deciduous and beautifully flowering perennials and annuals.

Pest and disease control

Mock oranges are considered hardy garden plants. Diseases practically do not occur on them. But specific pests can cause a lot of trouble on weakened plants. Spider mites, green leaf weevils and bean aphids are found on mock oranges. It is better to deal with problems first with biological preparations (herbs, infusions, decoctions), and if there is no result, use systemic fungicides.

Use in landscape design

Mock orange is planted both in single plantings and in groups. It looks beautiful in combination with others ornamental shrubs(rosehip, lilac), rosemary and coniferous. Mock orange is effective in the background of a flower bed with perennials. Low-growing and dwarf varieties are planted in rock gardens and rock gardens, like tapeworms on the lawn, as well as near artificial ponds. Mock orange bushes are used to build hedges. Mock orange is also popular for landscaping city streets and parks.

The unusually beautiful flowering and pleasant aroma of mock orange have made it a favorite among gardeners, especially since it is quite easy to grow.