Birthday at the school of magic and wizardry. Issues for discussion

Conscious modern man Phenomena such as magic and witchcraft seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond belief. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. And today you can learn magic, become a fortuneteller or clairvoyant, and master the basics of witchcraft very easily. The only thing it is advisable to have for this is the right mentor. The role of a mentor can be anyone or anything: from a competent literary guide or an innate great talent for magic to a wise, experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is, in essence, the same everyday practice, profession or specialty as other traditional types of human activity, but the aura of mystery around it is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals dedicated to or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out on a subtle level. This is why not everyone can undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimum set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be performed purely mechanically, without talent for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the act decreases sharply if the individual performing it is not involved in the process with his whole being. What does a future magician need to become a professional in the field of witchcraft?

Hereditary Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and magicians come from those who inherited a gift of this kind from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such areas as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that a magician should only be hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then he simply has nothing to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to master complex witchcraft technologies. They search the Internet for rare videos of rituals, collect and learn incantations and whispers used by various healers in all corners of the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, etc.

If an individual has a strong desire, which becomes meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable destiny and, without any special talent for magic, become a good wizard.

If you have never understood how to cast a spell, and magic itself seemed only an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in your family, this is not yet a reason to claim that the minimum magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, absence? This can also be done at home, since basic tests are usually used (however, they cannot be carried out independently; you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is asked to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of identifying magical abilities). There is also an option to distinguish in photographs people who are now living and who have already passed away. better world, consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, such testing should be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a true Master can easily say whether the test results were a mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Teacher of magic and witchcraft

The importance of a teacher on the path to becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that secret information and special energy are transferred. The mentor invests part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience, in the student.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we undergo training in witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge we gain from books, but also on the experiences that other people have had. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs good mentor, who could dilute the book information with his own comments from practice. Only in this way can dry words and numbers come to life and turn into the background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the topic about teachers of magicians, one immediately remembers horror stories about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the magician’s profession, they, in their general mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in the real world there is no reason to be afraid.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on the topic of how to learn to conjure, how to master the magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, a lot of such books were published, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells, written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an ancient tome, and a manual for novice magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who shows interest in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or your own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding “your book” and hit the road. If the stars are favorable and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often handwritten with a pen on ancient paper, and its pages sewn together with black thread, it is both a powerful source of information (providing true knowledge) and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the “correct magician’s book”? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only of literary and historical value, but is also a powerful artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, a collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes a strong assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

Witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, on memorizing spells, magical texts and the features of certain rituals) is only an extremely small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of the witchcraft craft, since teaching is one side of the coin, but practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for carrying out magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercise in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest decent result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard for something to start working out as it should. And given the specifics of the craft, one cannot make mistakes here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved may suffer, but also the unfortunate magician himself, who has not coped with his work.

First witchcraft

In order to practice primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced ones offer special witchcraft for beginners, which does not have any risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult task. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to whom it is attached.

For example, you can train using a universal spell. It must be done in the dark, with extreme concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow) and bring it home.
  • Light two candles and turn off the lights.

After this, you need to say the following words to the water:

“Water, water, help me learn. What I tell you will be woven into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say an event that is about to happen). You are the connection between heaven and earth. Let it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast a spell with your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting a spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what was said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activities!

For example, you can practice various spells for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing your own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out, how to cast water, then it will be possible to master many witchcraft techniques at once in one fell swoop. After all, water is a strong energy concentrator. Using this concentrator, you can record and transmit any information and energy to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first spell, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, you have special abilities for this).

Experts also advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for humans: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - must be done by a Russian (or Slav),
  • German magical rituals will be the ideal beginning for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, etc.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of indigenous, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that a sorcerer has developed at a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.

Since Misha is a Harry Potter fan, I didn’t have to rack my brains about the birthday theme. It was decided to hold the birthday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To convey the atmosphere of Hogwarts as much as possible, I hung up pictures depicting various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), downloaded a coloring book about Harry Potter, music for films about him, and made a stand on which the class schedule hung ( in two languages), Hogwarts plan, Anthem and Hogwarts emblem.

In the room on the wall hung the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the “song of the hat,” the runic alphabet, and images of the ghosts of each faculty. Stars and white balloons hung from the ceiling—ghosts. Inscriptions were attached to the doors - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: “potions class”, “great hall”, “room of help”, “prefects’ bathroom”, “trophy room”, etc. There were spiders hanging next to the sign to the “forbidden forest”.

The following inscriptions were also prepared: “Platform 9 3/4” (hung on the gate) and “Welcome to Hogwarts!” (above the entrance to the house).

The invitation was also prepared in the spirit of Hogwarts.

In the invitation, in the list of necessary things, I left 2 items - a hat and a magic wand, but despite this, I still prepared several more hats and magic wands. Prepared high school diplomas.

I am very grateful to my parents and friends, who once again helped me to have an interesting and fun holiday. Thank you all so much!


  1. Prof. Albus Dumbledore. (dad)
  2. Prof. Minerva McGonagall (mother)
  3. Prof. Pomona Stem (friend's mom)
  4. Prof. Serus Snow and Filius Flitwick (friend's dad)
  5. Prof. Rolanda Bibin (friend's older sister)

Before entering the "Great Hall" children are met by Prof. McGonagall (hereinafter M.G.).

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts! The banquet to mark the start of the new academic year begins, but before you take your seats in the "Great Hall", you will be divided into 4 faculties. This is a very important ceremony!
You should also know that during the entire time you are at school, your department will be your second home!
So, please... (to the appropriate music, the children enter the room where the professors and the school principal are already waiting for them).

McGonagall: When I call your name, you will come up to me, sit on a stool, put your hand in your hat and pull out a note with the name of the department. I start!

M.G. calls each child's name in turn. The child whose name is called puts his hand into his hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who loudly reads the name of the faculty.

Children stand by faculties (teams). After the distribution procedure is completed, the floor is transferred to the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore (hereinafter referred to as A.D.).

We probably could have sung the anthem, but we decided not to do so so as not to delay the process.

Props: sorting hat, cards with names of departments.

Albus Dumbledore: Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! While the banquet has not yet begun, I want to say a few words to you. Today is a special day. Today we celebrate not only the beginning of a new school year, but also the birthday of one of the school students!

HELL. calls Misha and, together with everyone else, congratulates him on his birthday. Wishes everyone a good mood and a happy holiday!

Everyone applauds. The banquet (snack) begins. After the banquet, everyone goes to classes according to the schedule.

Lesson 1. Potions

Pomona Stem introduces himself to the children and says that today they will learn to brew a potion that will lift their spirits and fill them with energy. Distributes recipes and manages the process.

I made several copies of the recipes. Potion recipes hung on the wall, lay on the table in front of the children, and one was read out by the teacher. On the next table were all the necessary ingredients. The potion was an ordinary compote.

I must say that the children were very interested in this activity. The potion was brewed with great pleasure.

When everything was ready, Pomona put the “cauldron” on the fire, everyone together cast the spell “Reducto!”, and the potion began to brew, and the children went to the next lesson.

Props: recipe, “cauldron”, containers with ingredients, spoons, ladle.

I got the idea from the script by Elena T. “School of Magic”.

Magic potion recipe

Pour the boiled jellyfish and dragon eggs into the cauldron. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers and immortelle leaves. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Carefully combine the mixture with toad feet and crocodile tears. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. saliva bat. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add 3 tbsp. air crystals. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Place on the stove and cook for 20 minutes.

Let it brew for one quarter of an hour.

  1. Boiled jellyfish - peeled apples, cut into slices;
  2. Dried dragon eggs - dried apricots;
  3. Mandrake flowers - strawberry;
  4. Immortelle leaves - mint;
  5. Toad's feet - dried lime;
  6. Crocodile tears - water;
  7. Bat saliva is honey or jam;
  8. Air crystals - sugar

Lesson 2. Protection from dark forces

Meets children prof. Severus Snape(hereinafter referred to as S.S.). He greets the children, introduces himself to them and says that today the children will study the Cornish Pixies.

To make it clearer for the children who they are, I hung a little information about the Cornish Pixies on the wall. And before starting the lesson S.S. “briefly, about 40 minutes” (joke) told the children about them.

S.S.: In order to be able to cope with them, you need to get to know them better. And to get to know them better, you need to be in their place. That's why I'm turning you all into Cornish Pixies! Casts the spell: "Mutenluten Malinpesti!"

Game: Cornish Pixies

All the children turned into Pixies, Snape is the leader. Pixie on the command "Moveman!" begin to run and make chaotic movements. After some time, the presenter casts the spell “Immobilus!”, and everyone should freeze in place. Then Snow gives the command “Smooth movements!”, then “Immobilus!” etc. Anyone who moves or laughs is eliminated from the game.

Command options

  • Smooth movements!
  • Free movements!
  • Let's move like a lion on the hunt!
  • Like a sleepy fly!
  • Like a fast train!
  • Like a hurrying hedgehog!
  • What a funny frog!

After the game ends, Snape says goodbye to the children and they go to their next lesson.

Lesson 3. Transfigurations

Meets children prof. Minerva McGonagall greets them and announces that today in Transfiguration class they will learn to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a frog. Hands out diagrams to the children, and everyone makes a frog together.

We turned a sheet of paper into a frog using the origami technique. For clarity, I printed out a diagram for making a “jumping” frog.

The frog is ready, we press it with a magic wand or finger, say the spell: “Avada Kedavra”, and the frog makes a jump.

This concludes the lesson. The children leave for the next lesson.

Props: sheets of origami paper (you can use regular paper) and a diagram.

Lesson 4. Magic

Children are welcomed prof. Filius Flitwick. Flitwick tells the children that the simplest thing in the art of magic is levitation, i.e. lifting and holding an object in the air. And today they will learn this. But first you need to learn the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

Then practice begins.

Game: Hold the balloon

Children are divided into 2 parts: 2 faculties stand on one side and 2 opposite. Flitwick throws up a balloon with his wand, while pronouncing the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

The first team members must bring the balloon to the opposing teams without letting it fall, but you cannot throw the balloon with your hands. You can blow on it, you can throw it with your head, nose, or, in extreme cases, with your magic wand.

Members of opposing teams pick up the ball and carry it back in the same way. When all children have completed this task, the lesson ends.

Props: 2 balloons, nose, head, etc. etc. participant.

Lesson 5. Quidditch

Meets children

prof. Rolanda Bibin.

Greetings, introduces himself. She says that in her classes children will learn to play Quidditch. Explains the rules of the game.

Game: Quidditch

There are 2 hoops suspended on a rope. Lines are drawn with chalk on one side and the other - special marks. On the one hand, to one line, the “catcher” stands, and on the other hand, to the other line, the one who throws. On the opposite side of the area there is a broom and balls.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on one side, behind the hoops. When the whistle blows, the first team members run for brooms and balls. At this time, the second team players approach the special line and prepare to catch the ball. The first take the balls, sit on brooms, jump towards the hoops to a special mark and throw the balls into the hoop, and the second players, the “catchers” standing behind the hoop, try to catch these balls.

After the ball is caught, the second player (the “catcher”) sits on the broom of the first player, and together they jump back.

The first player remains in place, and the second (who was the catcher) jumps back to the line with the ball and throws the ball into the hoop, the third team member becomes the catcher. He catches the ball, sits on a broom and jumps with the second player towards the first.

Then the second player remains with the first, and the third returns on the broom to the hoops, throws the ball, and the fourth catches it, etc. Whose team gathers faster on the opposite side of the court wins. This concludes the lesson.

Props: rope, 2 hoops, 2 brooms (with Nimbus 2009 stickers), 2 small balls, whistle.

I had two options for ending the holiday, depending on the amount of time and the desires of the children.

First: after Quidditch, Dumbledore holds a final exam quiz. He congratulates everyone and presents them with school completion diplomas. Then a banquet with birthday cake and disco.

Second: preparing for the Triwizard Tournament.

Our children played with pleasure, no one was tired and everyone was ready to continue, so we also played the second part.

Triwizard Tournament

Prof. Dumbledore congratulates the children on finishing their classes and announces that the next Triwizard tournament will take place soon. And he wants all Hogwarts students to be well prepared for him. To do this, all students must pass several tests.

Test 1. Solve the maze

Dumbledore gives out letter mazes to children. And there are forms to fill out. There are letters placed inside the labyrinth. If the children correctly find the way out of the maze, they will get a word that they will have to write into the form. In our case, these were the names of faculties.

The labyrinth and the idea were taken from Tatyana Evtyukova's script "You're fifteen..."

Props: 4 labyrinths with a hidden word, a form to fill out, pens.

Challenge 2: Find the golden dragon egg

Having finished the maze, the whole team sits on a broom, jumps to the balls and begins to pierce them.

The children's task is to find out where the golden dragon egg is hidden. One of the balloons contained a note that read: “Look for the golden dragon egg in the Forbidden Forest!”

The remaining balls contained notes with the inscription "Hello Voldemort!"

For each team, a bunch of balls was prepared (according to the number of participants), which was given to the team on the spot.

Props: balloons according to the number of children, broom (optional), notes, toothpicks.

Challenge 3: Find the House Banner

After the team discovers where the egg is hidden, they run into the Forbidden Forest, find their egg, and crack it open.

She attached a picture of a sleeping dragon to the tree and hung “golden eggs” under it. The golden eggs were golden balloons. To ensure that the team recognized their egg, ribbons with the colors of the faculty were tied to it.

The egg contained a task note: “Find the banner of your faculty!”

In addition to the note, the egg contains one rune and the runic alphabet. The children take everything and return to the castle.

Props: golden balls, rune, runic alphabet, ribbons with faculty colors, picture with a dragon.

With the help of the professors, the children decipher what their rune means by finding it in the runic alphabet. We used the following runic symbols:

e — Ehwaz — “Horse” s — Sowilo — “Sun” k — Kaunan — “Torch” t — Tiwaz — “Arrow”

Having solved the rune, the children receive a map indicating the location of their banner and go on a search. If they correctly identified the place, then there will be a picture and a sign - a symbol corresponding to the found rune.

Corresponding pictures were hung around the territory of our site in designated places, and under them I attached the banner of each faculty.

After the banner is found, everyone returns to the castle.

Albus Dumbledore and other professors congratulate the students on successfully passing all the tests and present them with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Everything was fun and dynamic, the children were happy, and, to be honest, I also received satisfaction from the work done. There was a complete feeling that the time and effort were not wasted. Although I am very tired.

As gifts for each child, I put in a bag: stickers with images of Harry Potter characters, a small badge with a funny face, and a bag of golden snitches. The Golden Snitches were Ferrero Rocher candies.

From unrealized

  1. There was an idea to make the “sorting hat” “talking”. I thought about making a list of the children to be called and, according to this list, in the same sequence, recording literally a few words about each child on a tape recorder in a raspy voice. But then, firstly, a person would be needed to turn the tape recorder on and off in the right place, and secondly, not all the children came, and the sequence would be broken, and they would have to urgently rewind and look for the right child on the tape. Although it was possible to come up with something to implement this idea. I think it would be more interesting with a “talking hat”.
  2. After the ceremony of assignment to faculties, I wanted to take a photo of all the children with their professors on the threshold of Hogwarts. I forgot what I regret.
  3. During the magic lesson, it was initially planned that Misha would show several tricks; he even began to prepare, but then for some reason he changed his mind. Then they decided that Prof. would do it. Flitwick, but this idea, unfortunately, could not be realized.
  4. There were several ideas for conducting a lesson on Transfiguration, namely: buy makeup paints, give the children the opportunity to paint themselves and turn into some mysterious creature; develop some ideas for turning an old teapot into something; turn a blot into a real image, but still settled on origami, it was faster, easier and no less exciting.
  5. You could take up divination, astronomy, tell fortunes using runes, and also find out the number of your name, because... and Ancient Runes, and Divination, and Numerology are included in academic disciplines Hogwarts.

In general, I want to say that the topic is gracious, and at the School of Witchcraft you can organize not only birthdays, but also other holidays.

All the best to you and good luck in all your creative endeavors!

The discipline of consciousness is focus and concentration.

Concentration is a basic skill for many magical practices. Therefore, the ability to concentrate must be well developed in anyone who wants to achieve results in Magic.

Concentration is an integral part of disciplined consciousness, which will be discussed separately, and can only manifest itself in it. Concentration is the ability to focus your attention from a scattered beam into some sharp needle and hold it on the desired object or process for a long time.

The human body is designed in such a way that focusing attention on an object soon causes a merger with it at the level of consciousness, with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, there are quite a lot of overlapping mechanisms responsible for the timely breaking of the established organism-object chain. These are the mechanisms of the psyche that you have to deal with when developing the skill of concentration.

With prolonged concentration, the mentioned mental mechanisms are activated and due to this, a person is distracted by other objects, scattering his attention, in addition, various thoughts appear directly or indirectly associated with this object of concentration. Sometimes the physical body gets involved in the process of mismatch and persistently asserts itself, disrupting the established state.

Let's look at this with an example. Remember what the front door of your house looks like and concentrate on this image, without noticing anything around you. Only an image. Most of you can hold this image for 10-15 seconds, and then memories associated with the original image (or vice versa, not connected with it at a conscious level) will come flooding back, you will want to change your position or adjust your clothes. Inevitably, a mismatch of consciousness with the object of concentration occurs, attention is scattered, covering surrounding objects or memories.

Such absent-mindedness can be very costly when practicing magical practices. Therefore, you will have to learn concentration, without which there is no further path.

Below are two effective exercises for developing this wonderful ability. The key to success in each of them is the psychological attitude - “you have nowhere to rush, everything that happens around you does not matter.” The better you get into this state, the less work you have to spend and the faster you will gain the necessary skill.

Exercise No. 1

1. Choose an evening time when it starts to get dark in your room.

2. Place a mechanical watch with a second hand on the table.

3. Sit comfortably. Relax.

4. Watch how the second hand of the clock makes its revolution, concentrating on its tip. You don’t need to think about anything - just look at the arrow, or, as a last resort, just think about the tip of the arrow.

Achieve such a result that during the turn of the second hand not a single extraneous thought interrupts your concentration and you are not distracted by anything. Never compromise with yourself - this is a bad and dangerous habit. If you are distracted, then so be it, complete the exercise to the end, but, of course, it does not count.

You will need to practice regularly until it starts to work out and a stable skill is established. This exercise can be done anywhere – even in transport.

Exercise No. 2

1. Find a dark room.

2. Remove all sources of sound.

3. Take the thinnest wax candle (just not red, a church candle will do just fine) and make a mark approximately in the middle. Place it vertically and light it.

4. Sit comfortably. Relax.

5. Concentrate on the candle flame and do not be distracted by anything else.

6. Your task is to wait until the candle burns down to the mark you made, concentrating on its flame without being distracted by anything else. Whenever you have extraneous thoughts that distract you from contemplating the flame, bend another finger on your hand, in no case counting how many there are already.

The candle has burned down to the mark. Ten was obviously not enough to count how many times you were distracted from the exercise. There's nothing wrong with this yet - you're just learning. If this happens, next time mark only 1 cm on the candle and do the exercise again. Do it again and again until you learn not to get distracted in such a short area of ​​the candle.

Next, increase the distance to the mark on the candle. Do the exercise until you learn to concentrate during the burning time of at least half of the thinnest church candle. Without this, practicing Magic will be a waste of time for you.

When you can easily do this, change step 2 of the exercise - turn on the tape recorder with intrusive music. The result of the exercise - prolonged concentration - must be observed in this case as well.

When you are no longer distracted by sound, eliminate step 1 of the exercise - turn on a bright light. Learn to concentrate again in changed conditions - now nothing should distract you.

It is possible and even quite probable that, having achieved a stable result in the original exercise, you change external conditions and at the same time everything works out right away. This means that the skill has already been developed and will always be with you.

Training, exercises to gain energy, meditation - all these are ordinary and everyday activities of a magician. They can be compared to personal hygiene ordinary person, with the fulfillment of certain cultural requirements in relation to the individual.

There are both single exercises and complexes, united by one goal - to strengthen and develop the Personality and capabilities of the individual, to increase receptivity and sensitivity. First of all, these are exercises to gain energy, concentration exercises, sensitivity development exercises and many others. Before starting each exercise, not only the technique will be described, but also the result that you will undoubtedly achieve. Almost all trainings have one principle that connects them with a single thread, a criterion based on which you can determine the timing of the exercise and the effect. And this criterion is you and your awareness in the action-exercise. It is your perception and connection with the technique that determines the process.

Here are a few principles to achieve this result.

Do not attempt magical work if you cannot clearly imagine your influence, but only imagine general opportunity influence.

Do not try to build a theurgic operation if you have only seen ready-made templates of other people's prayers, repeated them with your lips and never prayed with your heart, did not condense its specific tones, so to speak, did not hear the timbre of the roar of your hermetic Lion.

Do not redraw other people's pentacles if you do not feel your own worldview in them, if their Kabbalistic signs do not seem to you like organs of your own astral body, if their limits do not feel to you like fences built from your own active fluids.

Better your own bad Kabbalah than something completely foreign, not experienced, not studied by you; better is a meaningless phrase, which you misunderstood as a mantra, than the most learned combination of Kabbalistic elements, which you did not understand and did not think through.

Try not to do, avoid in every possible way:

1) Avoid reflexive responses dictated solely by memory without the participation of other elements of meditation. Learn to think, analyze, compare. This will teach you to control your own magical actions and find mistakes there.

2) Avoid disputes that boil down only to a comparison of forms (dialectics), and not ideas. Don't waste your time.

3) Exercises in the knowledge of the human astrosome, not limited to the knowledge of the physical shell of a person. This also applies to objects. It is necessary to delve into the essence of a question or subject, receiving initial information from the physical plane, moving on to the rest. Do not neglect studying the so-called “parallel” sciences to occultism - you will not only expand your horizons, but will also be able to take a fresh look at many things.

4) It is necessary to look for and consider analogies of various things and examples everywhere.

5) Do not neglect cases of studying harmony: visiting museums, exhibitions, etc. Often, a thing listed among the so-called artistic values ​​has more to do with magic than can be seen the first time. The more you observe, the more you can examine and see.

6) Do not rush to become a great magician in a short time - not many people can achieve this, but with hard work and patience you can become a highly professional magician.

Also, in addition to the above rules, it is necessary to resort to a story about the principles of the magician, which he must strive to observe.

1. Eliminate physical cowardice in yourself.

2. Eliminate indecision within yourself.

3. Eliminate retrospective regrets about things you have done that cannot be corrected.

4. Fight superstitions.

5. Fight prejudice.

6. Fight conventions.

7. Implement physical order around yourself, and maintain health within yourself.

8. Achieve astral and spiritual order and harmony

9. Organize mental order, that is, purity and clarity of views and worldview and one’s significance in the world.

Exercises and trainings.

1. The first, simplest and most effective exercise is to gain energy. A person stands or sits, without crossing his arms or legs. Right hand The right nostril is pinched. A slow breath is taken through the left nostril for as long as possible. Then hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then exhale smoothly and slowly. This exercise helps in gaining energy, especially when more complex exercises are impossible to do and fatigue is quite severe. The exercise is good to do in the morning, especially in front of an open window; it not only gives a boost of energy for the whole day, but is also one of the exercises to tighten and increase the human biofield. But it is also possible to use this exercise during the day if you feel tired and need energy replenishment after a difficult patient or high flow rate.

2. The next exercise is also aimed at gaining energy, but concentrated on a specific chakra. The person sits facing east, hands closed so that the fingertips touch tightly and the palms form a boat. The legs are folded under you so that the soles of the feet are in close contact with each other. Now you need to prepare your breathing. Inhale slowly for 10-15 seconds, then hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then exhale for about 20 seconds, after exhaling, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds. Carry out this cycle 6-8 times, then come to the main stage of the exercise. Sitting in the same position and closing your eyes, you need to imagine yourself in black space, becoming transparent like a glass figurine.

Working with energies
Then, while inhaling, which lasts about 25 seconds, you need to imagine filling yourself and the figurine with the energy of the required chakra color. If the chakra gains energy from the coccygeal to the heart, then the filling occurs from below, from the feet to the head. If from the parietal to the clavicular, then from the head and down. The energy must be the color of the required chakra. After inhaling completely and filling with energy, hold your breath as long as possible. Then exhale for at least 30 seconds; during exhalation, you need to imagine that the energy is splashing out like a fountain through the parietal chakra and enveloping the space around. A complete exhalation is a complete release of energy. Then a new cycle begins, but the energy is taken not from around you, but from the outside, coming in the form of lines or one line, and just as you exhale, the space around is filled, becoming thicker and more saturated.

After completing at least 4 sets, you need to move on to the next stage. When you inhale, you need to absorb all the energy around you. In this case, the figurine becomes contrasting with the color required when setting. Then hold your breath as much as possible, then exhale, but slowly and carefully so that all the energy remains inside. After a complete exhalation, the figurine begins to become a normal flesh color. The energy gain is over.

This type of energy gain is very powerful and it is not recommended to carry it out more than 2 times a month, unless, of course, a large expenditure of energy is required during magical ceremonies or the achievement of a complex goal directly related to the potential of a particular chakra.

Charging your hands.
The body position and landing are the same as in the second exercise. The hands are cupped and the fingertips are touching, the legs are touching with the feet. It is necessary to open and close your hands, leaving contact with the pads of your fingers, for several minutes until a pulsation appears in each finger. Then, without unclenching your hands, it is necessary to carry out pendulum movements along the body so that this pulsation intensifies. After this, feel the warmth that comes from your hands and spreads throughout your body. Warmth, and then an overflow of power from the received energy and charging. This Image of power and warmth must be held for 20 minutes.

The training is aimed at developing extrasensory abilities of the hands and increasing sensitivity. It is carried out at the initial stage once a week, and after 1-2 months - as needed.

Training on self-pumping of chakras.
Having assumed the pose as in the second exercise, you need to become completely calm, then do the breathing exercises from the beginning of the 2nd exercise. Then, starting from the coccygeal chakra, select from it the image of a small luminous ball of the appropriate color, then begin to rotate the ball clockwise around yourself, like a hoop. Keeping the first hoop in your consciousness, move to the second chakra, then to the third and to the last parietal chakra. This will create seven hoops rotating around you parallel to the ground. The rotation occurs for 3-5 minutes, and then, while inhaling slowly, you need to pull these balls into their previous places of correspondence with the chakras. Pumping is complete.

Also in this exercise, instead of rotating the chakra energies in a circle, it is possible to use the rotation of the balls along the trajectory of the infinity sign or the figure eight passing through the middle component chakra.

In addition to several rules and training for a person just beginning to comprehend occult science, we will give several examples of elementary self-defense, although these techniques are suitable not only for a novice magician, but also for an ordinary person.
The method of repelling attacks in all plans is the same: don’t yawn, be active, be busy, be focused on something.
A man guarding his field will notice, along with his vigilance, both a wood cutter and a poacher.

Don't yawn mentally: pray! especially for enemies. He who prays for his enemies does not plan revenge. Those who do not make plans for revenge themselves will forget how to attribute such plans to others; he who does not suspect others of evil intentions knows no fear; He who does not know fear is difficult to induce into danger.

Do not yawn in the astral plane, be occupied with certain forms, chosen or generated by you, so that forms are not imposed on you from the outside. Know what you want so that disorderly desires are not imposed on you. Love the chosen one of your heart, so that a false semblance of love is not imposed on you from the outside. Join a certain current that corresponds to your worldview, so that you are not drawn into the chain of an egregor alien to you.

Don't yawn in physically. Train your body so that its vital force is produced qualitatively and quantitatively in a manner suitable for certain activities; so that your organs develop multifunctionally, then they will resist any kind of involtation.

This is the general tactics and development strategy for the coming period. It should be noted that all of the above exercises should be carried out in a well-ventilated area and in the absence of strangers who may interfere with your concentration. It is not recommended to change the order of the workouts given in this lecture, so as not to harm yourself and others.

What school do you go to? Does it include lessons in spells, potions, or broom-flying competitions? Would you like to be in such a school for one day? If yes, then we invite you to the school of magic and wizardry.

A small note. On February 1, my son will turn 10 years old; he has long since re-read and then watched all of Harry Potter. That year on New Year I bought him a Harry suit (robe, glasses, and most importantly magic wand), and recently I bought a Distributor Hat with the opportunity. I also have a large number of scientific kits and chemical glassware that can be used as part of such a holiday. There was a desire to make a holiday on this topic back in 2014, but we never got around to it. If it weren't for the competition, we might not have made it :).

Age and number of guests— 8-10 years old, mostly boys, 10 people

Location— Rented room in a children's center or anti-cafe

Room decoration

  • Invitations on aged paper written in green ink
  • "Express to Hogwarts" sign
  • I really want to make a curtain with a brick wall
  • Tesla ball (prediction ball)


  • Custom cake in the shape of Hogwartz Castle
  • Butterbeer (cocktails with dry ice)
  • Cookies Magic Wands
  • jelly shaped

Brief story of the holiday— The guys receive invitations to study at the school of magic and wizardry. To successfully study, you need to obtain credits in all core subjects.


  • magic cauldron (fondue maker)
  • sheets of origami paper and diagram
  • copper pipe with magnet
  • hair dryer, ping pong ball
  • flasks, test tubes, pipettes
  • magic wand, foil figures

Detailed description of the holiday with games and tasks.

Hat distribution by faculties. Place notes in the hat with the inscription written in ink from a spy pen. The inscription appears when you shine an ultraviolet flashlight on it. For further outdoor competitions, it will be convenient for the children to be divided into two teams, so there will be only two names of faculties.

Potions Lesson

First, Professor Sprout invites students to explore how different magical liquids interact.

Experiment 1. Three flasks: in one - living water (ordinary water), in the second - unicorn tears (water with citric acid), in the third - crane tears (water with a pipe cleaner, for example, “Mole”). In small flasks there is snake venom (red cabbage juice), dragon blood (beet juice), phoenix blood (hibiscus).

Little wizards receive a set of empty test tubes into which they pour solutions from three flasks, and then add snake venom, dragon or phoenix blood drop by drop.

(Juices are natural indicators, so solutions will begin to change their color. For example, red cabbage juice is blue, in an acidic environment it turns red, in an alkaline environment it turns green. Our wizards will observe real magic).

Experiment 2. Brew the potion of eternal friendship.

Into a magic cauldron (fondushion) with hot water add ingredients according to recipe.

Recipe: Kindle the Flame of Friendship (ignite dry alcohol)

Each guest must pour joy powder into the cauldron clockwise (powder from the supermarket for making jelly), while each wizard must cast part of the spell (some good wishes), stirring three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers (carnation buds). Stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Each on the tip of a knife, add a finger of romance (ground cinnamon) and stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Add motes of loyalty ( vanilla sugar) and stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Cast the spell “Reducto!”, pour into cups, drink and send to the next lesson.

Transfiguration Lesson

Prof. Minerva McGonagallsuggests using a spell to transfigure a piece of paper. Ogiram schemes.

Quiditch competition.

Pre-paint one tennis ball gold. On others, write different numbers of points. Spread around the room.

The children, assigned to different faculties, must first collect the balls in a certain time, and then use an object that produces wind (a hairdryer) to collect all the balls in one place. If a golden ball is found, the collection of balls stops and only those that have already been found can be transferred.

The children are invited to make a tennis ball levitate using a hairdryer. (The air stream will keep the ball in the air thanks to Bernoulli's principle).

Levitation lesson.

Prof. Flitwick teaches little wizards letitation. First, the professor himself demonstrates the wonders of levitation with a magnet and a copper pipe. The professor first asks how long will the magnet fall in the air? (About half a second). The magnet passes freely into the pipe. How long will he fall in it?

The professor casts the Wingardium Leviosa spell and the magnet hangs in the pipe.

(The reason for this is the inextricable connection between magnetism and electricity. The movement of a magnet generates a change in the magnetic field, which, in turn, induces circulating circular currents in the pipe. And these currents generate magnetic fields, which interact with the magnet's field, slowing down its fall.)

Next, the children are given a magic wand. (A science toy that has a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator inside, which, as the name suggests, generates static electricity). The task is to keep the foil figures in the air.

Magic Lesson

The professor teaches children several simple tricks

Divination Lesson

Experiment 1. Fortune telling with milk

Pour full-fat milk into a bowl for everyone and add some dyes. Next, the magic wand (ear stick) is dipped into the elixir of truth (liquid soap) and the dyes begin to move and an abstract picture is obtained. Imagination will help us see what awaits us in the near future.

The wizards pull out sheets of paper that look blank. Predictions are marked on them in advance with an indicator. The guys use a brush dipped in alkali, and the predictions appear.

Lesson in Care of Magical Creatures

The guys make a slug (chewing gum for hands from polyvinyl alcohol and borax).

Congratulations. You have successfully passed the exam in all subjects and received a Master of Magical Sciences diploma!

Best regards, Oksana Rusanova

P.S. This article is copyrighted and is entirely intended exclusively for private use; publication and use on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.


Purpose of the lesson: learn to evaluate words and actions; develop in the child the desire to show good feelings; develop skills of sensitive and caring attitude towards others.

Methods: conversation, explanation, story, game, exercise.

Resources: album, reader, audio recording from the “Music from Fairy Tales” series, a package containing candy (fruit, toys, etc.), fluff made of cotton wool or other soft material.

Circle of Joy

Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you!

Let's dream

"If I Were a Wizard"

Imagine that you have become a wizard and can make everyone love you. How would you do it? Music is playing. (Children's reasoning).

Let's play

Game “Letter from the Fairy of Love”

The teacher says that in one kindergarten there are children who do not love anyone - neither themselves, nor their friends, nor their relatives. The Fairy of Love heard about such children and was upset. She asked to listen to several stories that happened to such children and give them advice.

Story one

In one family there lived an old grandfather. It was difficult for him to move. He walked with a limp, leaning on a cane, and often stopped to rest. Two brothers lived next to him. Seeing grandfather, they began to laugh, imitating his gait.

What can you say about these boys?

Do they love themselves?

Do they respect grandfather?

If they respected him, what would they do? (Children's reasoning).

Story two

There are a lot of people on the tram. Everyone is on their way home from work. One girl saw that a seat had become available and quickly took it. The girl was glad that she sat right by the window, not paying attention to those who were nearby. And her mother stood next to her, and she had a heavy bag in her hands.

What would you do if you were the girl?

Do you think the girl respects her mother and loves her? (Children's reasoning).

Story three

One boy received a toy as a gift and brought it with him to kindergarten. He showed it to the kids, but didn’t let them play with it.

What can you say about such a boy? (Children's answers).

It is important for every person to be loved and respected, and for him to love and respect his loved ones.


Children stand in a circle.

Swap places those who love the sun; Swap places those who love to smile; Swap places with those loved by grandparents; Swap places those who said kind words today; Swap those whom mom and dad love; Swap places those who love their kindergarten; Swap places with the ones your friends love.

Circle “From Heart to Heart”

Exercise “Warm Fuzz”

In one fairy-tale country called “The Land of Warm Fuzzies,” all people loved to give each other fluffies. As soon as they met each other, they immediately took out the warm fluff from the bag and gave it as a gift. This meant: “I am glad to meet you; you are very good; I love you very much. The fluff is soft, warm, colorful, and pleasant to hold in the palm of your hand. Each person, having received a fluff as a gift, cpa3v felt warmth, attention and care.

The Fairy of Love has sent a bag of warm fluff for each of you.

The teacher distributes fluff made from pieces of padding polyester, cotton wool, tinsel, fluff and other soft materials.

Each fluff needs to be warmed in the palm of your hand and whispered to it tender and affectionate words of love. If you give a piece of fluff with words of love, it will become magical.

The teacher offers to give fluff to friends with good wishes.

Let's summarize

How do you feel about those who love you and who care about you? How do you show your feelings?

Remember those who love you, treat them with respect, smile more often and be happy!


Please think of what kind of fluff you would like to give to the Fairy of Love. Draw some fluff.

Additional material for the lesson:

Game "Wizard's Hat"

To play you need multi-colored cards and a hat. The teacher gives the children three different-colored cards each, seats them around him and says: “There lives a kind wizard in the world who heals sick children. He flies to the patient, puts his magic hat on his head, and the child instantly recovers. He also flies to you, but you don’t see him, because he is invisible. But the trouble is, this wizard is a terrible loser. And now he has lost his hat and has been looking for it for two days now, and it lies with him.

you and me. (The teacher shows the hat to the children.) There is only one way to return it to its owner. Do you want to help the wizard and all the sick children at the same time? You need to fill his hat with your colored cards, and then, flying past, he will notice it. But there is one more condition: so that the hat does not lose its healing power, multi-colored cards cannot be placed just like that. Each of you must help the other in some way and only after that put down your card, otherwise the hat will no longer heal children.”

During the day, the teacher reminds the children that by evening the hat should be filled with colored cards, and they can only be put down after the child has helped a peer. In the evening, the teacher gathers the children again and solemnly places the hat on the windowsill so that the wizard will find it at night.

E. Permyak “How Masha became big”

Little Masha really wanted to grow up. Very. But she didn’t know how to do it. I tried everything. And I walked in my mother’s shoes. And she was sitting in my grandmother’s hood. And she did her hair like Aunt Katya’s. And I tried on beads. And she put the watch on her hand.

Nothing worked. They just laughed at her and made fun of her.

One day Masha decided to sweep the floor. And swept it. Yes, she swept it so well that even my mother was surprised:

Mashenka! Are you really getting big with us?

And when Masha washed the dishes cleanly and wiped them dry, then not only her mother, but also her father was surprised. He was surprised and said to everyone at the table:

We didn’t even notice how Maria grew up with us. He not only sweeps the floor, but also washes the dishes.

Now everyone calls little Masha big. And she feels like an adult, although she walks around in her tiny shoes and short dress. No hairstyle. No beads. No watch.

Apparently, they are not the ones who make little ones big.