Conservatism is a way of solving social problems. Socialism and ways of solving the problems of modern man

Subject: HISTORY

Romanova Natalya Viktorovna

History teacher

Achinsk Cadet Corps

Lesson methodology.

    Grade: 8

    Course name: " New story"

    Topic title: Liberals, conservatives and socialists: what society and the state should be like.

Lesson Objectives:
    Introduce social trends: liberalism, conservatism, socialism;
    Determine how they influenced the development of society and what role they defined the state in public life;

    Develop speech, logical thinking;

    To form the ability to select the necessary information and briefly write it down;

    Develop students' curiosity.


    Microsoftpowerpoint, MicrosoftWord.

    LLC "Cyril and Methodius" and the library of electronic visual aids "New History Grade 8"

Technical support:

Multimedia projector and screen, scanner, printer.

Lesson plan:

1. Exploring a new topic:

    Updating a new theme;


    Work with text;

    Work on the table;

    Scene on the topic;

3. Summing up.

4. Creative homework .

During the classes:

    Exploring a new topic.

    Updating a new theme.


How is society developing? What is more preferable - revolution or reform? What is the role of the state in society? What rights does each of us have? These questions have haunted the minds of philosophers and thinkers for many centuries.

In the middle XIXcentury in Europe there was a surge of new ideas, which led to an amazing leap in science, prompted Europeans to question the entire state and social system.

Jean Jacques Rousseau argued that "the human mind is able to find the answer to any questions."

What do you think he meant by that?

Society during this period ceases to feel like a mass. The prevailing opinion is that every person is endowed with personal rights and no one, not even the state, has the right to impose their will on him.

Questions were raised not only about the place of man in the world, but also about new system management of society, which was created by the industrial class of the West.

Therefore, the problem arose of how to build relations between society and the state.

Trying to solve this problem, people of mental labor, inXIXcentury in Western Europe were defined in three main socio-political doctrines.

The theme of our lesson is "Liberals, conservatives and socialists: what should society and the state be like"

From slide 1: the topic of the lesson.

What do you think we should learn when studying this topic?

We will have to get acquainted with the main socio-political doctrines, trace how they influenced the development of society, and what role they determined for the state in public life.

This is a serious topic, it is very important to understand it, since the material studied today will be useful to you in the 9th grade.

    Conversation, work with text.

Slide 2: work with terms


    Think about what these terms mean?

    Using the dictionary in the textbook, write out the definitions in the notebook?

    Work on the table, work with text.


Let us trace the basic principles of each trend in terms of what role was assigned to the state in economic life how it was proposed to solve social problems and what personal freedoms a person could have (fill in the table by dividing into rows while working with the text of the textbook).

Assignment: 1. socialism (pp. 72-74 - “Why did socialist teachings appear?”, “The golden age of mankind is not behind us, but ahead”)

2. conservatism (72pp. - "Keep traditional values")

3. liberalism (70-72pp. - “Everything that is not forbidden is allowed”)

Slide 3: table.

Questions in the process of filling out the table:

    Conservatives: how did representatives of conservatism see the path of development of society?; Do you think their teaching is still relevant today?

    Liberals: how did representatives of liberalism see the path of development of society?; What points of their teaching do you think are relevant to today's society?

    Socialists: what caused the emergence of social doctrine?

We have traced the basic principles of conservative, liberal and socialist teachings.

    Scene on the topic.


Imagine that we witnessed a conversation between three passers-by on a London street inXIX century.


    Hello William! We haven't seen you for a long time! How are you?

    I'm good! Here I go from Mass. Have you heard what's going on in the world? God bless our king!

    And I recently arrived from France and, you know, at the next meeting in Parliament, I will raise the issue of protecting the rights of the poor in order to prevent revolutionary moods in the country! It seems to me that the government should choose a course of social reforms - this can smooth out class discontent!

    I doubt it. It would be better if everything remained as before! What do you think, Ben?

    I also think that this will not solve our problems! However, it makes no sense to leave everything as it was. I believe that all evil comes from private property, it must be abolished! Then there will be neither poor nor rich, and, consequently, the class struggle will cease. That's my opinion!

Assignment: based on the conversation of the disputants, determine who belongs to which trend. Justify your answer.

There is an opinion that none of the socio-political doctrines can claim to be the "only" truly correct one. Therefore, as opposition to each other, there are several teachings. And today we met the most popular ones.

    Consolidation of the studied material.

Task: mark the ideas belonging to conservatism, liberalism, socialism.

    The development of society can lead to the loss of fundamental traditions and values.

    The state of the dictatorship of the proletariat will replace the capitalist state.

    Free market, competition, entrepreneurship, preservation of private property.

    A commitment to something that has stood the test of time.

    Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed.

    Man himself is responsible for his own well-being.

    Reforms distract workers from the main goal - the world revolution.

    The elimination of private property will lead to the disappearance of exploitation and classes.

    The state has the right to intervene in the economic sphere, but private property remains.



    What social and political doctrines did you get acquainted with today?

    What was the impact of these teachings on the development of society?

(Answer: people became politically active, they themselves began to defend their rights.)

Those socio-political processes that were launched inXIXcentury, led to the formation inII half XXcentury of modern legal European states.

We all admire the standard of living, the state of the rights of Europeans. And as we can see, this is the result of a long social struggle.

Slide: lesson outcomes.

    Creative homework.

Based on the teachings you have learned, try to create your own project possible ways development of society in our time.

"Social work" - In the content of the interview (exam), two interconnected parts are structurally distinguished. Education in the magistracy is carried out on a full-time basis on a budgetary and contractual basis. State guarantees and minimum social standards in the system of social protection. Social work with youth.

- ... was proposed to science by the English scientist G. Spencer. A majestic mechanism was created political power Roman popes. There was a need to unite disparate communities under a single church authority. Operating conditions social institutions. The Institute of Economics contains the institutions of the market, trade, banking, marketing, etc.

"Social Psychology" - Federal component: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY master's program. Purpose and objectives of the program: Fields of activity of graduates of the master's program. Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty. National-regional component (elective disciplines): Theoretical part History, methodology, and contemporary issues science and production.

"Social advertising" - State - the revival of patriotism, - well-being family relations, - fulfillment of civic obligations of the population. Use caution in advertising. For respect for elders in transport and on the streets, against age-related egoism. Television commercials, printed, street, transport advertising.

"Youth as a social group" - Labor activity concept of youth subculture. Increasing the degree of freedom in learning is not for everyone. The value of education - the future is associated with a good acquisition of knowledge. What is the best education. Terms: teenagers, infantilism, subculture, counterculture. Think about youth issues social group in the province?

"Social Policy" - Directions of Russia's social policy: Inconsistency of signals. The middle class has been destroyed, conditions have been created for clan-mafia capitalism. Instruments of influence on social policy. Social policy: Demographic processes - population aging, unemployment, increase in the number of households with 1 person..

The role of the state in the economy - liberalism

  • The main value is freedom

  • The ideal is a market economy

  • The state should not interfere in the economy

  • The principle of separation of powers: legislative, executive, judicial

Position on the social question - liberalism

  • The individual is free and is responsible for his own well-being.

  • All people are equal, everyone has equal opportunities

Ways to solve social problems - liberalism

  • Government reforms

Limits of freedom - liberalism

  • From birth, a person has inalienable rights: to life, freedom, etc.

  • “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed” - complete freedom in everything.

  • Only those who can be responsible for their decisions can be free, i.e. whether the owners are an educated person.

The role of the state in the economy - conservatism

  • The goal is to preserve traditions, religion and order

  • The state has the right to intervene in the economy if it is necessary to preserve traditions

  • The power of the state is not limited by anyone and nothing

  • Ideal - absolute monarchy

Position on the social question - conservatism

  • Saving the old estate layer

  • Do not believe in the possibility of social equality

Ways to solve social problems - conservatism

  • The people must obey, the state can use violence against revolutions

  • Reforms as a last resort to prevent social explosions

Limits of freedom - Conservatism

  • The state subjugates the individual

  • Freedom is expressed in the observance of traditions, religious humility

The role of the state in the economy - Socialism

  • Destruction of private property, free market and competition

  • The state completely controls the economy, helps the poor

  • MARXISM - form of government - DICTATORY OF THE PROLETARIAT (workers' power)

  • ANARCHISM - the state must be destroyed

Position on the social question - socialism

  • All people should have equal rights and benefits

  • The state itself decides all social issues, ensuring workers their rights

Ways to solve social problems - socialism

  • socialist revolution

  • Destruction of inequality and the class of owners

Limits of freedom - socialism

  • Freedom is achieved by the provision of all goods and is limited by the state

  • Work is compulsory for all

  • Entrepreneurship and private property are prohibited

Question 01. Explain the statements in the paragraph: “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed”, “Preserve traditional values!”, “The golden age of mankind is not behind us, but ahead”, “Property is theft”.

The phrase “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed” literally means that in controversial cases a person has the right to do what to do, if the law does not prohibit it. Man is free to take his own initiative. This statement is typical of liberals, who just welcomed private initiative in all spheres, especially in the economy.

I don't think it's necessary to decipher the call to "Preserve traditional values!" It is typical for conservatives, from radical ones (for example, in Russia), who reacted with hostility to almost any innovation, to moderate ones (for example, in Great Britain), who themselves sometimes proposed reforms, but called for weighing any decisions about changes, opposed reforms for the sake of reforms. .

Since antiquity, people have been looking for a golden age in the past, calling it one or another period of history. But in the 19th century they began to say "The golden age of mankind is not behind us, but ahead." In this way, boundless faith in progress was expressed, in the solution of all problems in the future thanks to progress. This belief was shaken only by I World War, which showed that progress brings not only unprecedented improvements in human life, but also the means of destroying people, which they could not even think of before.

One of the principles of the socialists was "Property is theft." This phrase directly belongs to an anarchist named Proudhon, but such convictions were also characteristic of other socialists. Socialists, especially radical ones, believed that only when all resources are under the control of society (in practice it turned out, the state), the distribution of benefits will be fair. Ownership means that someone can own more than they deserve and because of this, others will not have what they need.

Question 02. Describe the main views of liberals on the development of society, the role of the state and human rights.

Answer. Liberals stood for the maximum possible freedom of a person within the framework of the laws of society, but subject to the responsibility of a person for his actions. They especially emphasized the importance of the individual rights of each person. In order for the state not to encroach on the rights of a citizen, it must be based on the principle of separation of powers, have other mechanisms for mutual regulation of parts and control of society over the state. In the economic sphere, in their opinion, freedom should be maximum, only then the economy will develop and regulate itself.

Question 03. List the basic principles of conservatism. Think about the differences between liberals and conservatives on issues of the role of the state in society and human rights.

Answer. While the liberals assigned the state only a minimal role of punishing criminals, the conservatives proceeded from the ancient Roman proverb “Man is a wolf to man” and argued that in order for people not to oppress each other, a strong state is needed, which should regulate relations between people. This was to be achieved, in their opinion, by maintaining the traditional structure of society with inequality of rights, but also duties of different strata of society.

Question 04. Tell us about the basic principles of Marxist teaching.

Answer. Marxism is the doctrine of building communism, in which all property should be concentrated in the hands of the whole society and distributed according to the principle: from each according to his ability, to each according to his work. Communism was to be built by the proletariat as the most progressive class, headed by the party of the proletariat, seizing power by force.

Question 05. Fill in the table "The main ideas of socio-political doctrines of the 19th century."