Derain white is it poisonous for children. Derain types: white, blood red and others

Derain (svidina, hornfels, turf) belongs to the dogwood family. Some species are considered within the genus Swida. The plant is considered to be native to East End North America. Durable wood has found its reflection in the Latin name "cornus", which means "horn" in translation. This culture includes about fifty species, most of which live in the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. It should be noted that Central Africa and South America also "sheltered" on their territory one species of this plant. Most of the derens are deciduous, less often they are evergreen shrubs (trees).

The decorative beauty of plants has forced gardeners to pay close attention to them - they are planted for beautiful foliage, as well as delicate flowers and white, red, yellow, pink or blue fruits that ripen closer to September (drupe berries are oval or pear-shaped). Even in winter, the deren pleases the eye with shoots painted in burgundy, bright red, yellow and bright green. All types of turf are frost-resistant, absolutely undemanding to the soil and tolerate city gas pollution well. In nature, the plant is found in floodplains of rivers, along the banks of lakes, as well as in the undergrowth of deciduous and dark coniferous trees.

The benefits of deren (svidina)

Deren is an excellent honey plant. Wood is used to make various handicrafts (caskets, canes, etc.), and the bark and leaves are used for tanning and dyeing skins. AT traditional medicine deren is used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the secretion of gastric juice, as well as an anti-inflammatory and temperature-lowering natural medicine. Dry fruits are recommended for colds. It has been noticed that regular consumption of berries allows you to cleanse the body of harmful elements (including oxalic and uric acid). The fruits are useful for anemia, diabetes, tuberculosis and scurvy, as well as for diseases of the liver and joints. A decoction of the seeds is effective for hemorrhoids. A decoction of fruits and deren bark can be used as an stimulant, tonic, tonic. The bioactive substances that make up the fruit help normalize blood pressure, eliminate headaches and prevent sclerosis. Deren can be used for metabolic disorders and obesity, as well as for swelling of the legs, joint diseases, gout, venous insufficiency and inflammation of the veins. Berries are also effective for skin diseases.

The chemical composition of deren (pork)

The composition of derain berries includes sugars, organic acids (malic, succinic, citric), pectin and tannins, as well as essential oils. They have a high concentration of vitamins A, P and C, as well as mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Derain pits contain oil and tannins.

Methods for harvesting turf (pork)

Derain is a food, multivitamin, honey and medicinal crop. Sweet and sour derena berries are dried or consumed fresh. Derain is harvested in the form of compotes, syrups, juices, wines, liqueurs, tinctures, jams, preserves and marmalade. Marshmallows are made from berries, and they are also harvested in the form of a completely ready-to-eat filling for pies.

Contraindications to the use of deren (svidina)

Deren (svidina) should not be used when hyperacidity stomach, as well as with nervous excitement and individual intolerance. It is not recommended to eat berries at night.

Derain white, at first glance, seems to be an unremarkable shrub. It is he who can be seen growing along the roads, on the edges of the forest, on the banks of reservoirs. However, with good care, he is able to become a real garden area decoration. To date, many gardeners and landscape designers have appreciated the beauty of culture, which lies in beauty and unpretentiousness, and they grow and propagate it with might and main, ennobling their own and other people's plots.


Derain white is the most popular culture, which is grown in our latitudes. Because it adapts well to harsh climatic conditions. The branches, depending on the species, are red, red-brown or brown, they are spreading and quite flexible, creating a chic crown, reaching 2.5 meters.

The plant blooms twice a year: May-June, August-September. It is decorated cream flowers collected in fluffy inflorescences, in autumn each flower turns into a ball. They can be white, red-gray or black. Against the background of bright green, orange or purple foliage, they look just great. You might think that along with the leaves, all the beauty of culture will disappear, nothing like that! In winter, shrub shoots acquire a very decorative and interesting color. They can be dark green, yellow and even coral, which looks very impressive. In the photo you can appreciate the beauty of culture.

Derain white varieties

The plant has more than 20 species. Varieties grow almost throughout our country. The following varieties of white turf can often be found in the form of hedges in landscape design, popular:

  • elegantissima. It withstands cold well, grows up to 2.5 - 3 meters. Its leaves are bluish-green with a white rim along the edge, which acquires a pinkish tint with the advent of autumn.
  • Siberia. It reaches 1.5 meters, it is distinguished by juicy green foliage, coral shoots, which look especially interesting in winter, contrasting with the whiteness of the snow. The fruits are white with a pale blue tint. Siberian sod looks good in a hedge.
  • Siberian Variegata. It grows up to 2 meters, the crown is formed from light green leaves, bordered with a white rim, with the advent of autumn they turn brown-purple. It blooms not very luxuriantly, forming inflorescences-shields of a greenish-cream color. This is a great option for cold growing. climatic conditions because the plant is cold hardy. Also, Sibirika Variegata fits well into small areas due to its small size.
  • Aurea. Reaches a height of 2 meters. The variety has the largest leaves among the brethren. In the spring, brown-burgundy leaves appear from the buds, which eventually become a delicate yellowish. It blooms with light cream inflorescences.
  • Shpet. It grows with a spreading crown, reaching 2.5 meters in height. The shoots of the red bush stand straight, the green foliage has golden stripes and the same border. The coloring does not change throughout the year, thanks to it the impression of a golden speck is created when viewed from afar.
  • Ivory Hal. The shrub stretches in height with straight red-brown shoots, can grow up to 2 meters. The foliage is green with white veins and has the same edging, which acquires a red-brown color by autumn. When flowering forms yellow inflorescences. It grows quickly, but little growth is formed when compared with the elegantissima variety.
  • Guhalti. This deciduous shrub reaches 2-3 meters. The shoots are twig-shaped with a bright red color, the foliage is green with yellowness bordered by pink, the fruits are white-blue.
  • cream cracker. Height can vary from 80 cm to 3 meters, it depends on the growing conditions. Purple-red branches stand straight, freely arranged. The leaves are light green in color and have creamy stripes and a border. Young shoots are distinguished by bright golden leaves. Creamy flowers are collected in inflorescences-shields, in August small white fruits appear.


Derain white belongs to unpretentious plants, because even novice gardeners can plant and grow it. The shrub can be planted in any soil, it applies equally well to sandy, heavy and loamy soils. Unfavourable conditions, such as drought, great frosts and others, he endures calmly. Also, white-edged turf is resistant to most diseases and unattractive to pests. But despite these positive points, yet there are some rules that should not be neglected when planting a crop.

If you want to get a beautiful bush, you should:

  1. planted on sunny places. The shrub will grow more actively, will delight with bright colors.
  2. Before planting, fertilize the soil with microelements. The cuttings will take root better and will grow more actively.
  3. If the site has swampy soil or is located near water bodies, drainage must be done, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

Derain white breeding

An unpretentious plant is propagated by two methods:

  1. seeds,
  2. cuttings.

How to propagate by seeds?

This method is considered slow, it is more often used only on a large scale. But if you still choose this method, then you need to consider the following points:

  1. Seeds are harvested at different times, as they ripen at different times.
  2. The collected seeds are stored for up to 5 years in signed paper envelopes or small boxes, the date, collection period, variety are indicated. The place must be dry.
  3. Landing is done in early spring or late autumn.
  4. Before sowing, the site is fertilized and dug up well.
  5. Before spring sowing for 2-3 months, the seeds are kept in a special substrate of sand, moss, peat and sawdust at a temperature of +5 degrees. Take one part of the seeds to four parts of the soil. If sown in autumn, seeds are used fresh without stratification.
  6. To ensure good germination, you need to take 5-15 g of seeds per 1 square meter.
  7. Seeding depth no more than 5 cm.
  8. Crops are regularly cleared of weeds and watered.
  9. With proper planting, the plant will grow after a maximum of 5-8 years. Fast-growing varieties will reach their apogee in 2-3 years.
  10. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place when they are about 60 cm.

cuttings - fast way breeding:

  1. A strong adult bush with lignified shoots is selected and cuttings are cut. It is better not to take young shoots, as they may not take root.
  2. Cuttings are cut in June and planted immediately.
  3. The soil must be dug up in advance and treated with fertilizers.
  4. They dig small grooves 15-20 cm deep. Sand and peat, taken in equal proportions, are poured onto the bottom.
  5. Each cutting falls to the very bottom of the groove near the side wall.
  6. The distance between the cuttings is from 10 to 15 cm.
  7. They are sprinkled with soil in 2 or 3 approaches, pressing each layer well.
  8. Seedlings are watered abundantly.
  9. The compost near the cutting is well compacted.
  10. It is impossible to check and remove cuttings from the ground. The appearance of buds will tell that the cutting has a root.
  11. The cuttings are planted in a permanent place after a year and a half.

Planting seedlings of white derain

Seedlings can also be purchased from the nursery. It is best if they are four-year-olds. They grow faster and branch well. So, in the hands of seedlings that were purchased or grown from cuttings:

  1. Derain white is planted in early spring or late autumn until frost.
  2. If the roots of the seedling have dried up, it must be placed in a container with water for 2 or 3 hours so that they absorb moisture.
  3. Dig up the soil and fertilize with humus.
  4. Dig holes. For high varieties, the interval between them should be about 2-3 meters, if they took low ones - from 1 to 1.5 m.
  5. Spread compost in each hole and pour a bucket of water.
  6. Put on a seedling and sprinkle with soil several times, carefully tamp each layer.
  7. Young seedlings need to be watered regularly.

culture care

Derain white does not require a complex approach to care. It will not take much time and will not take much effort:

  • Regular watering should be done only when growing young seedlings. Adult bushes are watered only in dry summers. Moisture is given every day to young ones, it is enough to water adult bushes 2-3 times a month. 2 or 2.5 buckets of water are poured onto the root system.
  • Derain white can not be fed. But if you want to get the brightness of colors, rapid growth and abundant flowering, fertilize the bush twice a year. This is done in spring and summer. In the first case, mineral fertilizers are taken 150 g per plant. In the second, you need organic matter, consisting of 5-7 kg of compost or humus for each bush, chicken manure is also suitable.
  • Pruning is an important step. This is the main part of care.

white derain

Pruning the crown of a white derain

With a plant, you can work real miracles. After all, its crown can be made in the most diverse forms, it is also possible to grow a variegated shrub on a trunk with proper formation. To do this, you only need to stock up on patience and perseverance. Along the way, you will need parting words and recommendations:

  • To carry out pruning, purchase garden pruners and a saw.
  • Before decorating the crown, you need to remove all frostbitten, sick, old, lost branches.
  • Then the protruding shoots are cut off, which will interfere with the formation of the crown.
  • Decorative shape needs regular correction all year round. If you start, then there will be a lot of work. Pruning is not carried out only in winter. But if the winter season turned out to be not frosty, then you can correct it by cutting off a few branches that stand out from the general view.
  • Do not be upset if you overdid it and removed a lot of branches in the hedge - the shrub quickly sprouts new shoots, and the situation can be quickly corrected.

The use of plants in landscape design

The culture is planted alone and in a group with other plants. Used for mixborders of coniferous and deciduous shrubs. The hedge of white deren looks great, it also adorns the winter garden. The plant is also used for landscaping city streets. Often it can be seen near schools, medical facilities, in squares and alleys. All this is possible as the plant shows resistance to dust and city exhaust gases and is combined with many plants. Derain white grows in the company:

  • coniferous shrubs
  • Spirea
  • Fern
  • ivy
  • Alyssum

So, white derain is great for decorating a suburban area, as well as for landscaping a city. Its unpretentiousness allows it to be grown in the harsh climatic conditions of our country.

Derain white (Cornus Alba) is an original garden culture, which is distinguished by unique decorative qualities. The shrub is able to decorate the garden plot, delighting with its beauty throughout the year.

All types of derain are considered spectacular ornamental crops, however, white deren won special love from Russian gardeners.

The shrub is also called white dogwood and svidina. And in the West and in the USA, the sod is called a dog tree (dogwood). This is probably due to the fact that the fruits of derain resemble wolf berries. However, it is possible that dogwood is a modified form of the word dagwood, which means "wood". Previously, in fact, weapons were made from the wood of this shrub - knives, daggers. Also popularly referred to as a shrub krasnotalom.

The shrub belongs to the dogwood family. Derain white belongs to the species that get along well on the territory of Russia, since it is perfectly adapted to harsh winters. This is a large culture. Its branches are spreading and flexible. Coloring of the bark of branches: red, red-brown. In nature, krasnothal is often found along roadsides, on the coasts of reservoirs and on forest edges.

The shrub is beautiful all year round. At the end of the summer season, fruits ripen, which have a rounded shape and white color. Their diameter does not exceed 8 mm. At this time, white small flowers appear, which are collected in inflorescences. In autumn, the foliage of the shrub is decorative. It acquires possible colors: burgundy, orange, crimson. And even in winter against the background white snow the reddish bark of the deren looks very beautiful.


Thanks to the work of breeders, varietal species of this plant were bred.

Siberia (Sibirica)- This is a popular variety in Russia. This is an ornamental shrub. It is distinguished by spreading branches, the bark of which has the color of corals. The bark acquires a particularly bright color in winter. The bush grows up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are oblong and dark green in color. With the onset of the autumn season, they acquire purple and burgundy colors. After the rains, the color of the foliage becomes even juicier, while the drought is fraught with their pallor and rapid fall.

From the beginning of summer to autumn, Siberian blooms with white flowers, which are collected in inflorescences in the form of corymbs. At the same time, the fruits ripen. At first they are white, and as they mature, they become bluish.

It is a shade tolerant and frost tolerant variety. Widely used in garden design. Shrubs are planted in groups, they create beautiful hedges, mixborders from shrubs. It can also be used for landscaping parks, squares and squares.


Elengatissima (Elegantissima)- This is a common shrub variety. Differs in large sizes - up to 3 meters in height and in width. It features spreading branches, decorative bark and foliage throughout all seasons of the year. Can live over 50 years.

Flowering begins in May and ends at the end of June. Flowering is represented by small flowers that are painted white. They are formed in inflorescences in the form of corymbs. The leaves are very decorative. Green leaves are distinguished by the presence of a wide border of white. They can reach 8 cm in length. In autumn, they take on yellow, orange or purple hues. At the beginning of the autumn period, berry-like fruits ripen, which have a bluish color.

The variety is fast growing. For a year it can grow by 40 cm both in height and in width. Elengatissima is a drought-resistant, frost-resistant and shade-tolerant variety. The shoots are distinguished by a red bark, they look especially great in the winter season.

The variety is good for group plantings, plantings in cities, squares and parks. Combines well with other shrubs. Perfect option applications - the creation of hedges.


Siberian Variegata (Sibirica Variegata)- a varietal variety, somewhat similar to Elengatissima. At the same time, its dimensions are somewhat smaller. The height that the bush can reach is 1.5 meters. Shrub diameters - up to 2 meters. The branches are spreading, rich red.

The leaves are large, dark green inside with a creamy border. From a distance, they just look like a white spot. With the onset of the autumn period, the leaves acquire a purple color, while the border remains light. This makes the shrub very decorative throughout the year. It blooms with white small flowers with a greenish tint. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. White fruits turn blue as they ripen.

It is a shade-tolerant, winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety. It is used for group plantings, goes well with deciduous and coniferous shrubs. Great for small gardens and forming hedges.

Siberian Variegata

Shpeta (Spaethii)- decorative variety. On average, it grows up to 2 meters. It is distinguished by incredible beauty in the autumn due to the purple color of the leaves with the preservation of a yellow border.

Castings are large. In summer they are light green with a wide yellowish border, and in autumn they turn purple, while the color of the border is preserved. The bark of the branches is red-brown. Looks great in winter against the background of white snowdrifts. Berry-shaped fruits ripen in September, they are distinguished by a bluish tint. Small white flowers form inflorescences no larger than 5 cm. Flowering lasts from May to July.

The variety is shade-tolerant, drought-resistant and frost-resistant, however, it often freezes in cold and snowy winters. Shpeta is a good tapeworm and also great for planting in groups. One area of ​​​​use of the variety is the creation of hedges.

Ivory Halo- This is an ornamental varietal variety. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. Shoots differ in cherry color, they form a compact crown. On green leaves there is a wide yellowish border. In autumn, the leaves change color to purple.

Blooms with small yellowish flowers. They form themselves into inflorescences in the form of shields. The fruit ripening period is September. They are white and spherical. As they ripen, the fruits acquire a bluish tint.

Ivory Halo is suitable for planting in groups and as a tapeworm. It goes well with other deciduous and coniferous shrubs. Good for forming hedges and urban landscaping.

Ivory halo


Planting derain Sibirik, Elengatissima and all the others does not require special skills and knowledge. The shrub is unpretentious. It is not demanding on the composition of the substrate. At the same time, it grows better and longer on fertile soil. It is better to choose cultivated soil, which is cleared of stones and various debris. However, wastelands and city streets are also suitable for the successful growth of turf.

White derain does not like acidic soils, so it is better if the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. The shrub lovingly refers to the high content of humus in the soil. In addition, a good drainage layer is required. There should be no standing water in the ground. It is advisable to choose sites for planting where the soil is loose. In such soil root system will develop much better.

For planting a plant, it is best to choose places well-lit by the sun. However, sod grows well in partial shade, since most varieties are shade-tolerant. However, in strong shade, the leaves will not be as bright as in the sun. This is especially true for such varieties as Elengatissima, Sibirika Variegata, Shpeta.

It is advisable to plant in early spring, when the ground has not yet had time to thaw. If a seedling was purchased that has a closed root system, then it can be planted at the end of autumn. It is better to do this at least a month before the arrival of stable frosts, so that the plant adapts to such conditions.

The planting hole should be slightly larger in diameter than the size of the root system.

Siberian Deren and Morrow Sedge


Adult specimens tolerate drought well, but young plants need high-quality watering. Watering should be plentiful so that the entire root system is saturated with moisture. Insufficient watering can lead to drying out of the shoots. Adult plants should not be watered as plentifully as young ones. The exception is a long drought.

Curling leaves and drooping branches are a clear sign of a lack of moisture. If this happens, then the culture needs to be watered abundantly, moistening not only the surface of the soil, but the entire root ball.

During the hours of midday heat, it is impossible to water the culture. The best time is early morning or evening hours.

Care in the spring includes pruning, top dressing and occasional watering.

Top dressing is mainly needed only for young specimens. It is recommended to feed with humus or humus. Mature plants need to be fertilized only after diseases or pruning, and also if the bush is poorly or slowly developing.

Shelter for the winter is not required, as white turf is a frost-resistant crop. So, for example, the Elegantissima variety is able to withstand the most severe frosts. Even if the trunk of the bush freezes above the snow cover, then with the advent of spring the plant will quickly recover.

Composition with geyhers and allium onions.

Reproduction by cuttings

Derain seed propagation is a long and difficult process, therefore it is used extremely rarely. In view of this, propagation by cuttings is used for the varieties Elengatissima, Sibirik and others.

As cuttings for propagation, semi-lignified or lignified are used. If there are a lot of cuttings, then they can be planted in cold greenhouses. If not enough, then separate containers are taken, flower pots are suitable.

Propagation by cuttings is done in spring.

Planted cuttings should be regularly watered and sprayed.

This method of reproduction allows you to get a large number of new plants.

The border of the conservatory at Bressingham Gardens, Norfolk, UK.

Pruning and haircut

Rejuvenating pruning is necessary in the spring. You can do this in the fall, but in winter the culture looks very decorative, so you should not prune in the fall. When pruning, all old branches are pruned. Pruning stimulates the growth of new young shoots. Leave the height of the shoots about 20 cm from the stump.

Several times per season (about 3 times) the culture is sheared. Since the crown is very spreading, it needs to be shaped. Usually given an oval or spherical shape. In addition to improving the visual appearance, cutting helps to preserve the decorative properties of the shrub.

Varieties (Elengatissima, Sibirika and others) lend themselves well to pruning and shearing.

Application in landscape design

Derain white is used in single and group plantings, used for mixborders of deciduous and coniferous shrubs. With it, hedges are created, as well as winter gardens.

Deren is one of the genera of the dogwood or deren family, which includes several dozen species. Under natural conditions for growth, they choose a temperate zone: the Far East, Europe, Siberia, North America, northern China. Shrubs of this genus are particularly decorative, often used in landscape design, used in landscaping. It received this property due to the many corymbose inflorescences, dense foliage on the shoots, and the plant is also known for its unpretentiousness and easy reproduction. There is even one edible kind of this plant is male turf.

The most widespread species in culture is white turf, also sometimes called white svidina. In nature, it lives among shrubs in the north and east of the Russian European part, along the banks of streams and rivers of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This shrub reaches 3 m in height, has many branches, has thin erect red-brown and coral-red shoots. The young bark has a bluish bloom and a bright color. The leaves on the branches are opposite, have a dark green color, slightly bluish-white below and are covered with hairs on both sides. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical or broadly ovate. At first glance, they appear to be slightly wrinkled due to prominent venation. Shrub flowering and fruiting occurs at 3-4 years of life of the deren and begins in May-June. Its yellow-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Especially ornamental shrub is in the autumn at a time when its leaves turn purple-red or purple-red. The shrub grows very quickly for the first 13-15 years, and then growth slows down and fades. The shrub at this time becomes darker, and the red color is preserved exclusively on young shoots.

This species is also widespread due to its winter hardiness and frost resistance, it is not picky about the shade, it perfectly adapts to the conditions of the city. It grows remarkably well on any post, although it is more supportive of moist sandy loam. During a prolonged drought, the leaves wither, but as soon as the humidity rises, they recover. It is unpretentiousness and unique decorative properties that contribute to the use of shrubs in landscaping since 1741. It is ideal for large loose groups, for hedges. Propagate white sod by layering, cuttings, root suckers, seeds. Sometimes it can be slightly damaged by aphids, but it is well pruned.

Derain blood red

Slightly less common in landscape design is blood-red svidina (blood-red turf). natural habitat - European part Russia, Carpathians, Scandinavia, Caucasus. Prefers forest edges, wet places near lakes and rivers. Under such conditions, the shrub reaches 3-4 m, has flexible green shoots, but with age, acquiring a reddish tint. It also has bright, green, egg-shaped leaves that are covered with hairs. At the end of the month of May, corymbose inflorescences bloom. Flowering occurs every year, starting at the age of seven, and lasts for two weeks. Sometimes in August there is a second flowering.

The fruits ripen in autumn, with the leaves becoming really bloody red.

This shrub is also well adapted to urban conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates drought and shade well, but prefers moist sandy loam or fresh loose loam. It recovers very quickly after a haircut. Shrubs are also used for other purposes: baskets and hoops are woven from its shoots, wood is used for the manufacture of joinery. The oil present in the seeds is used for technical purposes. The shrub is a good soil fixer, because it has many root offspring. Therefore, it is often planted in hedges and on slopes.

Other types of derain

Good indicators of resistance to winter conditions, even in Central Russia, have Deren, alternate-leaved, otherwise called alternate-leaved svidina. In Moscow, the height of the shrub reaches one and a half meters, initially its shoots are green. After that, they change color to red-brown.

Just as unpretentious to winter conditions is the North American species of offspring sods, which lives in thickets of shrubs along reservoirs and rivers, as well as in moist forests. In appearance it is similar to white turf. A shrub blooms at 4-5 years of age with milky white flowers, its fruits are bluish-reddish. The shrub propagates by root shoots, cuttings, seeds, layering.

Other North American species also have no less good winter hardiness: Bayle's turf, fragrant turf, oblique turf, racemose turf.

Much less winter-hardy are such species as Coase's derain, Canadian derain and flowering derain.

Flowering derain, otherwise - blooming bentamidia, grows in eastern North America. This shrub loves warmth, under natural conditions it grows up to 6 m. The leaves are elliptical in shape, small flowers gather in an inflorescence that is surrounded by large bracts. Coase's benthamidia has 4 large white bracts and small yellow-green flowers. The leaves of the shrub are elliptical in shape, dark green in color, but slightly bluish-green below, and in autumn they become bright yellow. The fruits of Coase's benthamidia are juicy, scarlet fruits, edible and have a tart taste. Bentamidia canadensis lives not only in Canada, but also in China, on Far East, in Russia, Japan. This view in Moscow during the winter survives thanks to the snow cover. If the winter is snowless, then the shrub can be severely affected by frost.

Many East Asian species, most often from China (medicinal turf, Walter's turf) are not resistant to frost. And even if they are sheltered in winter, they still die, surviving only in the botanical gardens of Moscow State University.

Derain propagation

Any kind of deren reproduces vegetatively. Its cuttings are rooted in greenhouses under glass in washed sand, which is poured in a 3-5 cm layer on a substrate from a turf mixture, or, as an option, sand with humus soil. Before planting a shrub, the soil must be well watered. Cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees by 5 cm deep into the ground. During rooting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of + 20-25 degrees Celsius. Also, one should not forget about the high humidity, which is maintained by spraying with water and using a fogging installation. By autumn, the plants form strong and strong roots, which allows them to be planted in the ground. But in the first winter, the sod should be covered with spruce branches and leaves.

Derain red (video)

The use of deren in the landscape

Many varieties of derain are used as material for creating hedges. To do this, they land next to each other and, growing up, create a high and dense wall. Thanks to it, the air is filled with freshness and pleasant aroma, protection from dust and wind is formed. A very spectacular and decorative hedge is formed from white deren, the special beauty of which is given by its variegated varieties with bright shoots. They are easily and well trimmed and grow back very quickly.

If you are choosing a shrub for your site, then Special attention should be given to the possibility of combining this plant and other ornamental species: flowering time, decorative properties, appearance, tolerance of certain conditions, size.

What is a house with a chic garden? First of all - the face of the owner, an indicator of his taste and beauty. On the site you can place all kinds of plants - ampelous or huge bushes. And today we’ll talk about such, at first glance, a nondescript shrub, like white turf. Why nondescript? The white deren shrub in summer is no different from most shrubs - dense branches with green leaves and small white flowers. However, all its decorative charm and potential are revealed with the onset of autumn. The hedge formed from it will delight the eye not only in spring and summer, but also in late autumn. Proper planting and care of hedges are described in detail in this article. Well, you can see the white turf in the photo illustrating all the charm of the shrub:

This is a genus of ornamental evergreen shrubs of the "Kizilov" family. In Latin, Сornus (this is its real name) is translated as "horn". And it was obtained for a reason - the branches of the plant are very strong, like the horns of animals.

What is the secret of the bush?

In culture, white turf is described as a hedge that changes its robe several times a year. After all, as soon as the heat subsides, the period of rains begins, the cold snap of the turf will heal in a new way. The first impression of him is an ordinary, unremarkable bush. All that greenery that surrounded the branches becomes completely different - they are transformed into burning orange leaves. They can also be purple, red and even purple. It all depends on the variety that was planted. And in winter you can observe the wonderful coral color of the bark of the branches. The decorative value of this shrub is very high due to these qualities of reincarnation in different periods of the year.

Among gardeners, white turf or cornus alba remains the leader among gardeners. Very tall, sometimes reaching three meters bushes cannot go unnoticed. Blossoms twice a year - after 2-3 years of growth, the first flowering period will begin in early summer and possibly repeat in September. In addition to flowers, fruits will also appear. So, this plant is also used as a fruitful one. Some species are known for their delicious, sweet and sour red fruits.

Proper planting and propagation of white deren

The most favorable time for planting white turf is the beginning of spring. In this case, the plant will have enough time to take root well. This will cause the roots to absorb the minerals from the soil well, which promotes further healthy growth. And by winter it will fully ripen and safely survive the cold. Proper planting of white turf begins with the selection of a site and a landing line.

In general, these bushes are unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But if the gardener starts everything from scratch, then the need will arise for the following:

  • Before planting, you need to prepare the soil - in a pit that has been prepared in advance, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers - humus, for example;
  • If the area where the bush will grow is swampy, then drainage is necessary;
  • Also, drainage is necessary in soils with highly suitable waters.

When buying a finished bush, you must choose a young seedling, not older than 3-4 years. And special attention to the roots - if they are a little dried up, then they need to be placed in water for a while so that the plant is saturated with moisture.

Let's talk about the reproduction of white dogwood, which can occur in two ways - by planting seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are sold in flower shops. Gardeners who have planted their crops collect seeds that are stored for no more than 5 years. Prepared seeds are planted in the ground in late autumn or early spring. The holes should be no deeper than 5 cm. In order for the turf to grow, you will have to wait from 5 to 8 years.

As for cuttings, an important fact must be emphasized - the plant will grow much faster this way. The strongest and healthiest bushes are selected, from which they are cut green cuttings. Planted cuttings in June, so that the roots can germinate well until autumn. For the winter period they warm or bring into the room.

Rules for caring for a white deer hedge throughout the year

The most important thing in caring for white turf is pruning. It should be carried out by a three-year-old plant regularly. Without it, the lower part of the bush begins to become bare, which will lead to its death. Usually, pruning is carried out twice a year, in autumn and spring. For pruning, the oldest shoots are selected, which in the future will cause exposure. The rules for caring for a hedge throughout the year include timely top dressing and loosening of the topsoil. Hedge from white deren develops rapidly and requires fertile soil.

Pruning of the turf planted with hedges is carried out in the summer, in July and August, when the shoots bloom profusely. And those bushes that were planted for the sake of decorative bark in winter are carried out once every 2-3 years in early spring. Branches are cut off on which leaves have not yet begun to grow at a distance of 20 cm from the base. This will lead to abundant growth of new branches.

Unpretentiousness is a good factor for a novice gardener. Watering is not needed often. In dry weather, the bushes are watered no more than 3 times a month. About 15-20 liters of water per watering is spent on each deren.

Top dressing for turf is also optional. Only during the development period after planting can it be fertilized with humus several times.

The most popular types of deren for hedges (with photo)

Breeders and nature have developed many species that are designed for various purposes. The most popular types of white turf for hedges among gardeners will be considered below. They can also be seen in the photo. Some are used for planting hedges, others for the sake of winter beauty. And now we will talk about the most popular varieties and their characteristics:

  • white dogwood Elegantissima and Argenteo Marginata - these varieties are popular with gardeners due to the color of the leaves. Each leaf has a unique pattern and white edging, in the form of stripes along the edges. These varieties do not lose their unique color even in the shade. In height, such bushes reach 3 meters;

  • white dogwood Sibirica Red Gnom (Red Dwarf) - small bushes that reach a height of no more than 1 m. Distinctive features from their counterparts - bright green spring leaf color in spring, which darkens in summer, is an excellent addition to scorching red shoots. The name speaks for itself;
  • white dogwood Siberian Variegata - reaches a height of as much as 2 m. hallmark are coral-colored shoots, leaves with a narrow white border. And by autumn, the bushes change into a purple-pink color. Derain white Variegata is very similar to Elegantissima. You can distinguish by the height and color of the leaves;

  • turf white Aurea reaches 2 m in height. The young plant has reddish shoots, and the leaves of this variety are the widest. Aurea is interesting just by them - during the blooming period they are brown with a pink tint. Over time, they acquire a matte yellow color. And by autumn, the leaves turn a bright red hue. In the shade, the leaves are a normal green color.

In the photo, white soren looks very interesting, especially in the form of a hedge. As a single plant looks ridiculous. Useful not only as an ornamental plant, but also fruitful.