The Egyptian Oracle of the Pyramids is a new online divination on Egyptian symbolic tablets. Online divination egyptian oracle


High gates leading to many temples in Egypt marked the beginning of a sacred place, a kind of fenced area. Temples were the religious and administrative centers of Egypt. They were sacred buildings, and they also housed workshops, schools, what today we would call offices, and even a slaughterhouse. The temples were the physical representation of the pharaoh and his relatives, sacred gods and goddesses. The presence of the Temple scarab in divination may indicate that the person to whom the prediction is made is experiencing or will soon enter a period of "temple service" when it will be necessary to be freed from esoteric duties. The temple, in addition, can remind of the need to escape from worldly concerns and the importance of work carried out for the purification of one's soul, and not for the sake of earning.



Relationships that have a sacred aspect and may or may not be sexual or romantic. Holy union and sometimes marriage.


Sufficient, but not abundant resources, which will be enough for every day without problems.


Work in large organizations or corporations. Charitable organizations, religious group. May indicate a call to work as a leader of a religious service.


Strengthening relationships. Family holidays. Religious and spiritual activities within the family. Ceremonies.


You may need hospitalization or a thorough medical treatment. Reducing stress.

Spiritual development

The Scarab Temple represents an active period, both religious and spiritual. It is the right moment for daily learning and mastery of practices, as well as the study of traditional or ancient beliefs. This scarab favors the organization of ceremonies, rituals and the founding of spiritual organizations.


Priests, ministers/clergymen and all kinds of clergy, especially those who speak on behalf of the organization - both men and women. Representatives of government, company, head office, etc.

The Egyptian oracle is an ancient knowledge of an esoteric orientation, having an age of more than 5 thousand years. The word "oracle" in translation means prediction, and its principle is based on the ability to see through a person, how much light and darkness outweigh him.

Many divination came to us from ancient Egypt, for example, Tarot cards, which many people use today very successfully to clarify and better understand a particular situation, as well as to search for its optimal resolution. So the Egyptian oracle will help to understand the complex, intricate love relationships, insoluble situations at work, in business or career, conflicts and quarrels with relatives. In general, in everything where you need a look from the side and a hint from higher powers.

Therefore, people turn to this fortune-telling with a variety of life problems and questions, since the Egyptian oracle has been tested for many centuries. different nations. After all, sooner or later each of us needs such advice, everyone knows the situation when you stand at a crossroads and do not know which way to turn.


Fortune telling the Egyptian oracle, like any other, requires a serious approach and compliance with certain rules that are already well known to everyone. You need to properly tune in to an exciting question before starting fortune-telling, concentrate on it as much as possible, so you are already sending a signal to the subconscious mind to start active work and turn on for clues and answers. After all, any fortune-telling is an example of mysterious communication with our subconscious, and different types divination are nothing but different types tools, tools in this process.

Fortune telling the Egyptian oracle requires complete detachment from external and unnecessary thoughts, try to relax as best as possible. Another rule of this divination is the requirement not to ask the same question for one day. There will be no sense from this, you will only waste time in vain. If you adhere to all the listed rules of the Egyptian oracle, the result will amaze and delight you.

The Egyptian oracle online is massively presented and allows using modern technologies with one click of the mouse to get an answer to a question that has long been of interest. Such an Egyptian oracle immediately determines your strengths, then weak, analyzes, comparing, and then the answer that is relevant to your life situation. The principle of divination according to the Egyptian oracle is unusually simple and logically understandable.

After a carefully crafted question, you select three tiles to be presented in a virtual isolation room. Behind each tile lies a certain magic number, which will form the answer. Having learned all the numbers in this way, you will get a clear picture, because the decoding of each number is filled with a thoughtful and philosophical description.

The Egyptian oracle online is a very popular form of virtual divination in cases where you need to quickly get an answer to some controversial exciting question in a matter of minutes and for free.


The first portal in the world wide web, which presented the Egyptian oracle, the House of the Sun, for users. Among all other online divination, the Egyptian oracle is quick and easy. In addition, you do not need the help of third parties or the search for an interpretation of the meaning, since the decryption occurs automatically. If in reality, to conduct the Egyptian oracle, you need runes that give a decoding in the form of the names of the ancient gods of Egypt or higher powers that were relevant at that time. Then you still need to look for the interpretation of these runes. That online option much easier, and therefore more famous than the usual way. Therefore, the Egyptian oracle in the House of the Sun, the largest collection of virtual divination, is gaining more and more popularity.

The Egyptian oracle scarab is held with the help of runes, which are symbolically called scarabs. Elite runes are made of copper, faience, but the most common material is stone, and at home, runes can be made from improvised materials: dough, clay, plasticine. One side of them is made flat, and the second is more convex, where all the symbolism of the ancient runes is applied. The symbols are derived from all known Egyptian gods.

The scarab principle of the Egyptian oracle consists in a clearly formulated question, and then the runes are folded in pairs, and the one that remains and will be the answer to the earlier question asked. After that, you can begin to interpret this symbol, your response to existing life circumstances.

The Egyptian oracle is a horoscope and a forecast of events in the near and distant future in order to find a way out of an impasse when the outcome of fate depends on the choice made. The Egyptian oracle allows you to do this as close to reality as possible, using the powers of the ancient gods of Egypt. Even those who are little familiar with ancient Egyptian history, having opened the Egyptian oracle in the form of a horoscope, will learn a lot for such knowledge and can get acquainted with all the mythology that was relevant at that time.

Until the end, no one has been able to unravel the secret of Egyptian knowledge of those times, but what has managed to be preserved in the form of cultural monuments and traditions excites the minds of millions of people from different countries.

In addition to the shape of the runes, the Egyptian oracle cards have the same divination principle, which have the same symbolism and decoding. However, some will find them more comfortable and easier to transport due to the fact that they are flat and have almost no weight. In the same way as ordinary runes are sometimes presented in the form of cards, so in the case of the Egyptian oracle, cards are an analogue of hands. Everyone chooses what is convenient for him in the process of divination, the Egyptian oracle in any case will give an answer to the question posed, and only you can choose in what way.


Egyptian Oracle - a well-known and popular fortune-telling online on symbol plates, each of which depicts either a certain Egyptian deity, or a magical sign or symbol (for example, a scarab, lotus, sphinx, ankh).

It is believed that the rituals of the Egyptian priests of the ancient pyramids, who turned to the Higher powers for prophetic predictions, served as the prototype of this divination.

To carry out the fortune-telling ritual "Egyptian Oracle", clay triangular tablets (they were chosen at random from all the signs and symbols) are laid out by the servants of the Gods in the form of a pyramid, which is crowned with the symbol "Eye of Horus" ("Eye of Ra").

Below the sign "Eye of Ra" put 5 Egyptian tablets for divination. The next row of the pyramid consists of 7 characters, and the bottom row consists of 9 characters. In total, 21 tablets are involved in fortune-telling. After the symbols are laid out, a question of interest is asked and three symbols are randomly selected.

First tablet online divination"Egyptian Oracle" indicates the fortuneteller's strengths, the second speaks of his weaknesses, and the third predicts the outcome of the situation.

When starting to interpret the result of fortune-telling, it should be remembered that the prediction of each tablet changes, and depends on the position in which it finds itself.

State your question clearly and click on the image

Choose 1st plate

Your strength is for you

A balanced mind, fortitude, a sense of responsibility and justice. You are one of those who rely on, you have a certain authority.

Compassion, kindness are your trump cards. As a mother takes care of her children, so you need to take care of those around you.

Your courage and mental strength are trump cards that you can definitely count on. You are in complete control of your abilities.

Embodies grace and beauty. Your trump cards are the sincere joy of being and the ability to trust your intuition in everything.

Mind and ability to communicate are your main trump cards. You will certainly come to success through study, respect for the laws and reflection.

Your charm, ability to emphasize your advantages give you true trump cards. You also have a head on your shoulders, you know what you want and what you don't.

Your power lies in... the invisible. Knowledge of people and situations, restraint, inner calm, silence will lead you to the right path.

Ingenuity and skill are your trump cards. It is necessary to create something tangible, visible, material. You are on the path of creation.

You are under the protection of mysterious forces that orient you in the right direction, despite the intrigues and intrigues. Or you yourself play this role of guide for other people.

You have to face all sorts of hardships or adverse circumstances. Many of your problems are not caused by other people or external conditions, and you yourself.

Gives such trump cards as physical strength, endurance, healthy adventurism and consciousness in work. You want to rise up, shine, and that's a good omen.

Discipline, leadership, natural authority are your trump cards to change your position. But maybe you are not aware of this.

You have an enviable sensitivity, dexterity, insight, this makes you the master of the situation. Your forces are significant, you must be aware of this.

Inspiration, wisdom, ideas to be realized. You seek to develop, rise or find a new lifestyle that better suits your inner aspirations. This is a good omen.

You have great trump cards for creating communities, alliances, for meetings, for joining a team.

Patience is your main asset. Know how to wait for a favorable moment for action, learn to keep your feelings to yourself. Silence is gold!

It gives great trump cards if you are trying to transform some situation, to resume everything from scratch. The scarab is a symbol of renewal, rebirth.

Seeing the long term, holding the situation with a firm hand is what you must do to achieve your goal. Now the question is not about transformation, but about stabilizing and even strengthening the current situation.

To live and love is what this symbol calls you to. Live to love, love to live...

If you decide to join a group, find your "I", freely develop among other people, then now you are on the right track.

Against you - your weakness

Osiris - God of rebirth, king of the underworld and judge of the souls of the dead
There are no negative factors, no weakness.

Isis - Goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation
The meaning of your help is poorly understood by others, you lack perseverance, or you are too authoritarian.

Horus - God of the sky and the sun in the form of a falcon
Beware of the desire for revenge, unbridled passion or aggressiveness - this would lead you to discord, to a tense or embarrassing situation.

Bast - Goddess of joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility and hearth
Beware of carelessness, frivolity, anxiety, causeless sadness. There is a risk of self-isolation from the world or loss of interest in it.

Thoth is the God of wisdom, knowledge, the Moon, the patron of the world order
You must beware of vanity, pride, and not to speak more than the state of affairs requires. Either you have been misjudged, or you have misjudged your neighbor.

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, love, femininity, beauty, fertility, fun and dancing
You are scared, suffer from an inferiority complex, or show indecision, which can put you at a disadvantage. A similar situation can arise because of the desire to live idle, carelessly going with the flow.

Nephthys - wife of Seth, mistress of the monastery, mistress of the house and twilight
Do you have hidden fears or concerns that you cannot express. Beware of illusion and mirages, because in your position you know less than you think.

Ptah - God of the city of Memphis, God-creator, patron of arts and crafts
Perhaps we are talking about a refusal to take responsibility, about the fear of not being up to par? Be that as it may, your thoughts are not directed in a positive direction.

Anubis - the guide of the dead to the afterlife, the judge of the kingdom of the dead, the keeper of poisons and medicines
You lack tact, diplomacy, a sense of humor, or you have gone the wrong way and are now faced with disappointment.

Seth - God of rage, destruction, chaos, sandstorms, war and death, lord of the desert
We are talking about a jealous, envious, malicious person towards you, whose influence is detrimental to you. But maybe it's you yourself - jealous and envious?

Sirius - the sacred star of Egypt, the heavenly foundation
In the tossing between stubbornness and connivance, between aggressiveness and humility, you are trying to find your way. Beware of physical or verbal abuse or harassment.

Your body, like your mind, is subject to tossing, restlessness, nervousness. Every now and then you close in on yourself, stubbornly preventing your deepest nature from manifesting itself. Beware of focusing on yourself.

Wand and Flail - signs of the power of the pharaoh
You lack tolerance, indulgence, or you seek to control the situation and even dominate it with the help of force. Maybe you are too eager to command other people? Don't try to do everything alone.

Urey - a sign of the sacred cobra Wajit, a symbol of supernatural forces
A clear warning - you are playing against a stronger player, but point blank you do not see the danger; time is running out, or you are overwhelmed with insane passion.

Winged solar disk - the image of the Sun at the time of the eclipse, the greatness, power and eternity of the spirit
Be careful, you agree with some ideas without thinking. Pause, assess the situation more objectively. Otherwise, you will blind yourself and end up disappointed.

Sphinx - guardian of tombs and temple buildings, guardian of the pyramids
You committed a tactless act, showed indifference to your neighbor. You are required to solve some kind of riddle or figure out what is happening behind your back.

Scarab - a sacred beetle, a symbol of the birth and movement of the Sun, giving energy and new opportunities
An unwise change was made, you were careless, upset some situation, or you were vindictive. Now you are dealing with yourself, with your mistakes and grievances.

Pyramid - the ascent of the soul to the higher worlds
You were careless, careless, or you wished to maintain the status quo at all costs. The main thing is not to stand on your positions, even if they seem comfortable to you.

Ankh - a symbol of life, the key to secret knowledge and hidden wisdom, the power that opens the gates of immortality
You drove someone away or neglected someone, rejected someone's love or tried to get without giving anything in return. You have the key, but you can't find the lock! Now you need to go through a narrow door.

Buckle (Knot) of Isis - a protective amulet that protects against witchcraft spells, revealing a magical gift in a person
Maybe you have shown disloyalty, inconstancy, selfishness. You will have to set aside some idea, project, or feeling to fix the situation.

Outcome of the situation

Osiris - God of rebirth, king of the underworld and judge of the souls of the dead
Your plans are doomed to success if you act in the same spirit and trust your own opinion.

Isis - Goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation
You must think of others more than yourself. Everything will be fine if it is about your children (or having them), or your role as a partner.

Horus - God of the sky and the sun in the form of a falcon
Good omen. Depending on your question, it is about a struggle that you will win, about recovery, about a new harmony in family relationships or the presence of a worthy partner.

Bast - Goddess of joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility and hearth
The current difficulties will end, pleasure will be with you, you will extract all the best from this situation.

Thoth is the God of wisdom, knowledge, the Moon, the patron of the world order
Thoth's prediction is favorable if your question is about studying or any intellectual project. If you manage to be patient, luck will surely smile at you, and chance will play a beneficial role.

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, love, femininity, beauty, fertility, fun and dancing
Blossoming and satisfaction in love. You can receive and share pleasure.

Nephthys - wife of Seth, mistress of the monastery, mistress of the house and twilight
The change is yet to take place. The position is unclear, your intentions are uncertain, some answers remain hidden. We have to wait to get better...

Ptah - God of the city of Memphis, God-creator, patron of arts and crafts
Your situation will evolve because your mind is open to new things. You will lay a solid foundation and move on, provided that you do not stop learning and remembering the lessons of the past.

Anubis - the guide of the dead to the afterlife, the judge of the kingdom of the dead, the keeper of poisons and medicines
Be ready to take the most decisive steps, even if they seem doubtful or difficult to you. Anubis guides and guards you.

Seth - God of rage, destruction, chaos, sandstorms, war and death, lord of the desert
The plan you are so diligently hatching cannot be carried out in its present form. You must reconsider what is no longer true. It is necessary to break down in order to build again, but on more sound and solid foundations.

Sirius - the sacred star of Egypt, the heavenly foundation
It portends a sudden, unexpected change in your assessment of the situation. Look far enough ahead, be able to look at things from the outside, open your mind to innovation. This is how you achieve good luck.

Lotus - a symbol of the birth of the Sun, a sign of the birth of the Sun God Ra
You will achieve your goals by relieving inner tension and strictly following the rules. healthy lifestyle life. Learn not to worry, feel safe and be calm - in the end everything will be fine.

Wand and Flail - signs of the power of the pharaoh
An extremely good omen for acceptance important decision or taking responsibility. If you feel such abilities in yourself, agree to this role with enthusiasm, otherwise, transfer the command of affairs to other people.

Urey - a sign of the sacred cobra Wajit, a symbol of supernatural forces
You get all or nothing! If your intentions are pure, devoid of selfishness, you will certainly achieve great success. If you act only for yourself, failure will be crushing.

Winged solar disk - the image of the Sun at the time of the eclipse, the greatness, power and eternity of the spirit
It is necessary not to stabilize the situation, but to transform it. A great omen for starting a project, journey or overcoming difficulties. Your plans will surely succeed.

Gemini - guardians of the sky and the horizon
A magnificent omen for those who want to create a team of like-minded people, to bring harmony into relationships with other people. You will be successful if you consider yourself integral part the group of people you are interested in.

Sphinx - guardian of tombs and temple buildings, guardian of the pyramids
It is useless to express your point of view, to argue, to argue. Don't reveal your intentions yet, know how to keep your secrets, watch but don't say a word. Only time will give answers to your questions.

Scarab - a sacred beetle, a symbol of the birth and movement of the Sun, giving energy and new opportunities
It will be about transformations in your life, about some kind of shock, about a new start. These are good prospects for those who agree to start living differently, to act differently. But stability cannot be maintained.

Ankh - a symbol of life, the key to secret knowledge and hidden wisdom, the power that opens the gates of immortality
Great omen! It's about meeting someone, the flowering of attraction, intimate relationships, marriage, the birth of a child. Your relationships with friends and loved ones will be strengthened.

Buckle (Knot) of Isis - a protective amulet that protects against witchcraft spells, revealing a magical gift in a person
In this case, we are talking about grains that are planted in fertile soil. The symbol speaks of fruitful work, creative talent, true love, the creation of a project or the birth of a child.

On our site, you can also tell fortunes using the famous divination, find out the future by interpreting symbols, or decomposing.

For lovers of oriental wisdom, we offer several options for divination in ancient Chinese, as well as on cards and bones.

Divination The Egyptian oracle has a long history and came to us from Ancient Egypt. His predictions are distinguished by their accuracy and allow you to open the path to success, the secret of the future, the present, the mysteries of fate and the world as a whole.

What is the Egyptian oracle

At all times, Egyptian culture attracted with its mystery. First, let's figure out what the word "oracle" means. Translated from Latin, this is a prediction. On the Internet, the Egyptian oracle is the most popular online divination, and it is also free. This type of prediction is built on the ideas of the Egyptians about good and evil, about the unity and struggle of these two principles in man. It is believed that the oracle sees through everyone, all good and bad thoughts, the essence of man. The virtual oracle compares your strengths, then weaknesses, assesses the potential and anticipates what to expect in the future from you. The modern Egyptian oracle is a separate isolated room, with a mysterious atmosphere, in which you have to choose three triangles to choose from. For a quality result, it is important to focus on the question and the answer will be represented by the selected tiles. The presented online program was created according to the table of celestial signs.

History of the Egyptian oracle

Egyptian culture gave many different types of divination, which were used very widely in ancient times. Such a prediction, which contains all the wisdom of Egypt, was very popular in ancient Egypt about 5000 thousand years ago. In those days, priests were called oracles, and divination was based on the ability to predict events. Oracles directed a person to achieve a new spiritual level and attract joy, goodness and harmony. In many ways, thanks to this, we have preserved information about many secret knowledge of ancient civilizations. Therefore, this oracle remains relevant to this day, with daily increasing interest.

Rules for divination with the help of the Egyptian oracle

Using the online version of the Egyptian oracle to get the correct answer to your questions, it is important to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Before proceeding to fortune-telling, you need to relax and choose an appropriate calm environment, get rid of unnecessary extraneous thoughts.
  2. Completely trust the oracle, do not doubt the result, show respect for the ritual.
  3. Focus on a topic that interests you.
  4. Concentrate and clearly formulate the question. Choose only the question that is really important to you today.
  5. Do not ask the same question several times in one day. Even if you are not satisfied with the result, wait the next day and repeat the ritual again.

Following these rules, you will get an amazingly truthful result: the oracle will warn you about being ready for trouble, tell you how to overcome difficulties and do it completely free of charge.

What the oracle can tell

This divination method will help to understand the following situations:

  • problems in personal relationships with a loved one;
  • troubles in matters relating to work, career, business;
  • conflict situations in communication with relatives;
  • disagreements with friends.

As you can see, Egyptian fortune-telling will help you understand almost all areas of your life in the present and future, give good advice and help you avoid many troubles and problems. Time-tested, amazingly accurate predictions will help you reveal all your personal secrets in the shortest possible time.

Virtual divination The Egyptian oracle is able to reveal to you many secrets of the present and future, to indicate the right path. This divination is more than 5000 years old, it came to us from Ancient Egypt, and is able to reveal the secrets of fate and the world. Many predictions of the Egyptian oracle are amazingly accurate, but for this you need to concentrate extremely on the question being asked.

Divination "Egyptian Oracle" online for free

If you want to tell fortunes, the Egyptian oracle will mediate between you mystical Egyptian gods. Think of any question, and the oracle runes will tell you when your innermost desire will come true.
Open the Egyptian oracle online for free, and he will show you the possible development of the situation that you thought up in advance.
The scarabs of the Egyptian oracle will deliver in their paws the most cherished desire to the main Gods. They will advise you on what to do in the near future, and the Oracle will transmit their decision. The gods only open a window into the future, and you will need to decide on your own how to proceed.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

The culture of Ancient Egypt has always been associated with something mysterious and unknown. For this reason, many people are addicted to mythology and various esoteric methods from this country. One of the ways to predict the future is a fortune-telling called the Egyptian oracle, which was carried out back in the era of the pharaohs. However, at that time, only wealthy people could afford fortunetelling following this technique, since its implementation was associated with the need to use complex mechanisms.

Now the task has been simplified many times - the Internet service allows you to replace the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians.

The essence of free online - divination egyptian oracle

Below will be a special internet service where fortune-telling is carried out by the Egyptian oracle online. Using it, you are guaranteed to do everything as the technique initially implies. The guessing algorithm looks like this:

  1. Ask yourself three right questions (in this case, right means that they concern your life). They must be asked with closed eyes;
  2. You should carefully look at the original icon, which vaguely resembles a cross. He will lead you on the right path!
  3. Following the amiya symbol of good luck, you will see a structure in which there will be many cells - in fact, these are the doors behind which your future is hidden, or rather, its interpretation.
  4. To find out fate, a person will need to choose three "doors", behind which the values ​​\u200b\u200bare constantly changing in order to exclude a false result.
  5. By selecting the cells, you will see three results, which are during the online divination Egyptian oracle will introduce you to the presiding deities of ancient Egypt.

It is important that online divination predictions are correct, it will be necessary to ask only three questions, and read the resulting interpretations in three successively opening cards, on which the words of Set, Isis and Thor (Egyptian deities predetermining the future) will be stated.

Things you can learn with the help of the Egyptian oracle

The proposed methodology will never indicate the need to perform this or that action - all predictions received from the most ancient deities will be abstract (rather, the features of the Egyptian culture matter here). That is, you will not receive specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. All the predictions people get during the Egyptian Oracle, it will be possible characterize in the following way:

  • Information on what surprises may arise in the near future, and from whom in the first place you will have to expect trouble.
  • With the correct formulation of the question from this fortune-telling, you will find out what fate has prepared for you in terms of personal life.
  • Is it possible to somehow influence the outcome of a certain situation, as well as change the fate of people close to you. In addition, the Egyptian oracle can indicate not only the feasibility of this action, but also its expediency and usefulness.
  • The technique helps to find out whether it is worth waiting for health problems in the near future, because this value was considered the most significant in Egyptian culture.
  • Should we expect dramatic changes in the field of career growth, and what needs to be done to implement them as soon as possible.

This is an interesting technique, which, thanks to a combination of the wisdom of the ancients priests and modern technology allows you to know your future , without leaving home. Agree, there is nothing complicated in the implementation of this process - you will not need any ingredients that cannot be found anywhere. And fortune-telling itself does not require a person to have supernatural abilities - anyone can use the service offered below!

Let the wisdom of the deities of Ancient Egypt help you find out your fate and, perhaps, at least change your life a little for the better, having learned about the upcoming events in advance. Divination is free!