Water filters for home. Water filters for a private home: are they needed and how to choose? How direct-flow filters help you save money

Everyone knows that drinking tap water is contraindicated, since the leaking liquid is heavily contaminated with various impurities. It is better to drink it only after it has undergone additional purification. It is for these purposes that water purification filters exist. But how do you know which water filter is best? Our article is devoted to finding an answer to this question.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the best water filter?

    What types of water filters are there?

    How to choose the best water filter

    How to choose a main water filter

Which water filter is best?

It’s better to say right away that there are no ideal filters that would purify water from absolutely all impurities at once. However, the modern market offers a huge number of options. There are both individual filters and complex solutions that provide high-quality water purification.

In order to figure out which water filter is better, let’s get acquainted with the main characteristics of these devices.

When choosing the water treatment equipment that is best for you, here are some things to consider:

    How safe is the material from which the water filter is made;

    Is a water treatment device capable of reducing concentration levels? harmful substances during operation;

    Is a water filter capable of preventing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms?

Also, the material from which the water filter is made should not have any foreign “chemical” odor. Moreover, devices connected to the water supply must have a durable and reliable design: modern models usually use glass-filled plates.

Professionals say that it is better not to skimp on a water filter, since with the help of cheap equipment you will not achieve the required degree of purification, and besides, you can add foreign pollutants to the water.

In order to decide which water filter is best to choose, you should pay attention to:

    Number of cleaning stages– the higher this indicator, the better the quality of water purification.

    Filtration Features– it is necessary to determine which impurities should be purified from water in your case (chlorine, iron, etc.). In order to understand which water filter is best to choose, you should conduct a preliminary study of the composition of the water.

    Mineralizer– quite often it is installed by default, but on this moment its beneficial properties have not been confirmed by science.

    Performance– this property depends on the number of people who will use this equipment. For example, for one or two people a jug-type filter will be sufficient, but for a large family it is better to use a stationary model, since the water in the jug will not have time to settle.

    Confirmation of high level of purification. In the technical data sheet of the equipment you will find information regarding the certification of the filter, and acceptable cleaning standards should also be indicated.

In order to decide which water filter is best to choose for an apartment, check out the ratings of filters, the reputation of companies and the results of examinations of household equipment on the website of Roskontrol of the Russian Federation.

Which water filter is better: TOP-5

The modern Russian market offers five options for water purification devices, and you have to determine which water filter is better. Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    Filter jug ​​consisting of two containers. The first is a jug, and the second is the volumetric lid of this jug through which water is poured. This lid is equipped with a replaceable filter in the form of a cylindrical cartridge, through which water flows into the jug.

    Nozzle for water tap. This type of filter is attached directly to the water tap. You can pour purified water into any container.

    Flow filters installed on the sink. In this situation, only a tube is mounted to the water tap, through which water flows into the filter located nearby. Passing through it, the water is purified and exits through a special tap, which is installed in this filter.

    Flow-through filter that is installed under the sink. It is connected directly to the water supply, and a small separate tap is brought to the sink, through which purified water flows. This way you can pour purified water directly into the glass.

    Reverse osmosis system. In this case, only one tap is brought to the sink. And under the sink, the filter itself is installed, as well as an additional container in which higher quality cleaning is carried out.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above water filter models.

Filter jugs

The simplest and cheapest option. These devices are the most popular in our country due to their low cost and mobility. For example, you can easily take a filter jug ​​to your dacha to purify water.

The disadvantages of a water filter jug ​​are limited resource, volume and selection. The first disadvantage is that the water purification filter you purchased will last you no more than a month and a half. After the expiration date indicated on the package, the removable cartridge must be replaced with a new one. However, the life of the cartridge does not depend on a certain period of time, but on how much water you purify with it every day. Therefore, the more liters of water you purify, the more often you will have to change the cartridge.

The volume of this filter is limited by the displacement of the jug. In order to make a large supply of water, you will have to pour it from a jug into another container. Which water filter jug ​​is best to choose? It all depends on the composition of the water. For example, one pitcher-type filter softens water better, another reduces the level of iron in water, etc.

Such filters are not capable of providing a high level of purification. It is better not to use this model for residents of those cities where tap water is highly contaminated.

A water filter jug ​​is suitable for those people who live alone or young families renting an apartment. But for a family consisting of several people and actively consuming clean drinking water, it is better not to use this option.

This type of water filter is not the most popular in the Russian Federation, however, they can still be found on sale. As a rule, these models are produced by foreign companies.

The advantages of this filter are its inexpensive and affordable price and compact size. Thanks to these characteristics, this device is best suited for people who are often on the road. In this case, they can easily transport the filter in any travel bag, and it will also fit most water taps, except those that have a non-standard shape.

Also, these water filters have their disadvantages. Due to their compact size, they contain a small amount of purifying substances, therefore, this leads to a decrease in the degree of water purification. Also, these filter models are characterized by a low level of performance. For example, using this device you can purify no more than half a liter of running water per minute. If the filter cleaning speed is higher, then the quality of cleaning decreases.

The filter installed on the sink is also not very popular in our country. Just like the filter attachment, this model is usually produced by foreign companies.

This model, unlike the above options, has several advantages. This filter is capable of providing deeper water purification and also purifies a larger amount of liquid than previous models.

But we can also highlight disadvantages associated with discomfort. The main inconvenience of this water filter is that during operation it is necessary to connect and disconnect a flexible hose from the tap, through which water enters the filter, and then the purified liquid enters the glass. This water filter is large in size and, as a rule, is not suitable for small kitchens.

This option is best used by family people renting housing. This filter has such qualities as a deep degree of purification, a long service life and a high degree of performance, and does not require complex installation. You can turn off the water filter at any time and move it to another location.

This type of water filter, like a filter jug, is best sold in stores. It consists of fairly voluminous replaceable cartridges, which are fixed to a base installed under the sink. The tap of this device is placed into a hole specially cut in the sink, and the filter is connected directly to the water supply.

This water filter for washing has a number of advantages. The first plus is represented by a fairly large resource, which allows you to replace the nozzles once every 6 months or even a year. Another advantage of this water filter is its deep level of purification. It is better to install a filter equipped with two, three or even four cartridges, each of which is designed to perform its own function. At the same time, the water becomes not only clean, but also enriched beneficial properties. Moreover, you have the opportunity to collect purified water in any container.

This type of water filter also has its disadvantages, the main one being the lack of mobility. If, if you move, you want to take it with you, then the hole from the special tap will be visible in the sink. In addition, this model of water filter, as well as replacement cartridges for it, are quite expensive.

This type of filter, despite its size and complexity of design, is very popular in Russia. The peculiarity of the reverse osmosis system is that the water is purified not only with conventional filters, but also with the help of a special reverse osmosis membrane, which better purifies the water, helping to eliminate not only various impurities, but even the smallest bacteria and microorganisms.

The main advantage of such water filters is the ideal degree of purification. The water will be filtered from various impurities and dangerous, pathogenic bacteria. This system allows you to use water in its pure form. Another advantage is the long service life of this model. For example, a conventional filter cartridge, also included in this system, must be replaced once a year, and the osmotic membrane will need to be changed no more than once every three years.

The disadvantage of such a system is its high cost; any other model of water filter will cost several times less. Oddly enough, an excessively deep degree of water purification can also be classified as a disadvantage, since the membrane prevents the penetration of not only harmful microorganisms, but also minerals contained in the water.

So you may also incur additional costs for installing a mineralizer and water structurer, which, in turn, are also high in cost. Do not forget that the design of this system is quite voluminous, and you will no longer be able to place a trash can under the sink.

A water filter with a reverse osmosis system is best suited for a wealthy family living in an apartment with a large kitchen or in a private house.

Water treatment kits in our catalog

Main water filter: which one is better?

A very popular model is the in-line water filter. It is installed on water mains. Accordingly, if the house has hot and cold water supply, then two devices will be required.

Using these devices, preliminary water purification is carried out, as well as:

    Chemicals, various bacteria, pesticides and other hazardous substances are removed from water.

    The taste of the water becomes better and, consequently, the taste of the cooked food improves; unpleasant odors and turbidity are eliminated.

    Rigidity softens. Many people complain that tap water dries out their skin. This filter is best suited for hard water.

    The equipment is protected from a variety of contaminants.

Each water treatment device has its own operating principles. And in order to decide which water filter is better, you need to understand which one is most convenient for you to use.

Reinforced plastic, metal and stainless steel are used to make the filter housing. The material is selected depending on the characteristics of the water that needs to be purified. There are various models designed for cold or hot water, and also highlight universal devices.

The water in the filter is purified thanks to special cartridges. They need to be changed over time. Fine cleaning involves the use of backfill, which is selected based on the composition of the water.

Main water filters are distinguished:

    Single stage, which are capable of only the weakest level of water purification. In this case, it is necessary to change the cartridge every six months. Remove rust, sand, coarse suspensions and particles.

    Two-stage differ in better quality water purification. The filter has a carbon carbon block and a mechanical barrier built into it. They remove both large particles and organic matter, chlorine and unpleasant odors.

    Three-stage best way to purify water. These filters are equipped with three cartridges - a sediment cartridge, a layer of activated carbon and an ion exchange element that softens the water.

There are main filters for mechanical, chemical, biological and hard water purification.

It is important to know that to purify water at home, it is better not to use chemical purification, since an unpleasant odor may appear, but harmful impurities will remain. This method of water purification is best used for a well.

Many filter elements usually perform a certain type of water purification; it is best to use several stages for a more effective result.

The plumbing systems of private houses and apartments may differ. For an apartment, it is best to choose a water filter with two rust removers - for hot and cold mains; you can also use fine cleaning. To understand which water filter is best to purchase, you should analyze the following characteristics:

    The main device for purifying hot water at the dacha must have an optimal degree of mechanical cleaning, thanks to which the water will be clear. It is better to give preference to a filter with a fine mesh, which effectively traps contaminants.

    The body type of the “geyser” design can be metal, transparent or matte. The first one is generally best used for hot water to avoid melting plastic materials.

    Hydraulic loss is an important factor, so it is best for an apartment to use a water filter with minimal hydraulic loss. Water flow usually slows down when a filter is installed in the pipeline.

In order to understand which water filter is better, you need to pay attention to the filter module. The cartridge can be equipped with absorption material (activated carbon), silver ions, membrane material and osmotic composition, and is intended for mechanical cleaning only.

This water filter is best suited for wells or boreholes. Each cartridge has its own operating principle, and the result is a completely different composition of water.

Advantages of pipeline water filters:

    the main filter provides all types of filtration, including coarse mechanical, fine ionic, etc.;

    elimination unpleasant odors– the filter makes the water taste better thanks to activated carbon contained in the cartridge;

    Most mainline filters provide a deep degree of water purification.

Disadvantages of mainline water filters:

    if the filter does not have backwashing, and a well is used as a water source, then it is necessary to constantly clean the system and water supply;

    As a rule, you have to constantly change filter modules if the water comes from a contaminated well.

our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

Tap water often leaves much to be desired; it is harmful to health and negatively affects the taste of drinks and dishes.

There are 3 ways out of the situation:

  1. Come to terms with it.
  2. Buy bottled water.
  3. Install a filter.

The most common type of filter is under the sink. This is a water purification system that is installed under the kitchen sink on the floor or wall. Using flexible connections, the filter is connected to the water supply, and a separate tap for filtered water is installed on the countertop or sink surface.

What types of water filters are there for sinks?

Flow filters

The design consists of 2-4 modules connected in series. Water goes through several stages of purification, each filter has its own purpose:

  • Mechanical cleaning filter. Removes solid particles from water. It is a cellular fabric or mesh material. Cell size - up to 30 microns.
  • Fine filter. A carbon filter that traps particles up to 5 microns in size effectively fights odors.
  • Ion exchange filter. Its main purpose is water softening. Calcium and magnesium ions are replaced by sodium, chlorine ions and other soluble compounds. The cartridges contain both artificially synthesized resins and sulfonated carbons.
  • Iron removal elements. The filter contains chemicals that help bind the iron and oxygen atoms. Metal oxides form a deposit, which remains inside the filter.
  • Antibacterial filter. Purifies water from bacteria and viruses; manufacturers claim that silver ions are used in the manufacture of such filters. Ultraviolet lamps are used less frequently.
  • Combined. They are almost never used in multi-stage systems, only in single-flask filters. One cartridge combines several types of filter elements.

Important! The composition of tap water must be taken into account! The tougher it is and the more impurities it contains, the more often the cartridges will have to be changed.

Reverse osmosis systems

The design of a reverse osmosis system is similar to a flow-through one, the difference is in additional modules and improved filters. Most often, membrane filters with micropores are used in such installations. Almost all organic and inorganic substances remain on the filter; contaminants are removed by a stream of water into the sewer. According to performance, filters are:

  • 50G - this marking indicates a water purification rate of up to 200 liters per day.
  • 100 G - productivity about 400 liters per day.

Important! Reverse osmosis filters purify water longer than flow filters, so they are often equipped with tanks for storing filtered liquid (up to 10 liters).

Reverse osmosis systems must have a polypropylene filter (coarse cleaning), a carbon or iron-removing element, and less often an ultraviolet lamp. Only after this does the water pass to the membrane filter. It is very important that plumbing system was normal pressure(1.5-3 bar). If the pressure is low, you will have to purchase an additional injection pump.

Since the water that has passed through the reverse osmosis system is close in composition to distilled water, it will not benefit the body. The necessary salts and compounds have simply been removed from it. The mineralizer filter restores its structure and saturates it with minerals. The liquid is enriched with magnesium, calcium, sodium, silver ions, sulfites, chlorides, fluorides. A high-quality filter allows you to obtain water with a composition close to mineral water.

How to choose a water filter for washing

The first thing you need to do is submit the water for analysis (to a sanitary and epidemiological station or testing center). In the laboratory, the sample is checked for the presence of heavy metals, salts, organic impurities, and pathogens. The characteristics of color, PH, transparency, smell and others are determined. You will be given a detailed document on the basis of which you can select a cleaning system.

What problems does a water filter solve?

Most often, users encounter the following problems:

  • Increased content of chemical compounds (chlorine, heavy metals and others). The cleaning system must have a polypropylene cartridge (mechanical), carbon and iron removal.
  • High water hardness. It is better to give preference to a reverse osmosis system. On flow filters you will have to change cartridges almost every month - this is extremely unprofitable. In osmotic systems, a membrane filter copes well with this task.
  • Increased organic content. Water may contain microbes, viruses, bacteria, which a disinfecting filter will help deal with. This is a silver ion cartridge or an ultraviolet lamp. A reverse osmosis membrane filter will also come in handy.

What to look for when purchasing

When purchasing a filtration system, you should also pay attention to other criteria:

  • Number of degrees of purification (from 2 to 6) - the more, the more best quality you will get water. If the water differs slightly from the norm, a 3-stage filter is sufficient.
  • Performance. With flow filters everything is clear, but a reverse osmosis system purifies water more slowly. The manufacturer must indicate the number of liters per hour in the passport.
  • Quality. The materials from which the equipment is made must comply with environmental and sanitary standards. Don’t be lazy to ask the seller for certificates.
  • Availability of components. It is easier to find replacement filters and spare parts on models from well-known manufacturers.
  • Dimensions, presence of a water storage tank.

The best manufacturers of filters for water purification for washing

TOP 5 best filter manufacturers

5. Barrier (Russia). It has been producing filters for over 15 years. There are 4 own enterprises and a research center. Brand of JSC "METTEM Technologies". The product line includes flow-through and osmotic systems for household and industrial use. Among the disadvantages, users note a poorly developed customer service.

4. Geyser (Russia). The first domestic manufacturer of filters for water purification. The company was founded in 1986. They produce both flow filters and reverse osmosis systems. The manufactured goods are exported to 45 countries around the world. Components are interchangeable with TM "Aquaphor".

3. Aquaphor (Russia). The company was founded in 1992 in St. Petersburg. Production facilities are located in 3 more cities. Products are exported to more than 20 countries. The range includes both flow-through and reverse osmosis water purification systems. Slot machines are also available drinking water- the same reverse osmosis technology, but the models take up less space and require less pressure in the system - 2 bar.

2. Aquafilter (Poland). This company has been producing water filters since 1994. Products are exported to 45 countries. Basic production capacity are located in Poland and Germany. A wide range of models: from simple to industrial water purification systems. Advanced technologies are used, including micro- and nanofiltration.

1. Atoll (USA). The first filters were brought to Russia in 1994. Now production facilities are located not only in the USA, but also at the Russian plant “Comintex-Ecology” (since 2004). The product has an international NSF certificate. The range includes flow-through, reverse-inspection, and main-line filtration systems.

Also known in Russia are filters from the brands Praktik (Germany), Novaya Voda (Ukraine), Zepter (Germany) and others.

Rating of water purification filters for washing

TOP 5 flow filters

Barrier Expert Complex

Average price - 3500 rubles. The filter is recommended for hard water with a high iron content. Cartridge types: polypropylene, ionized resin and carbon with silver ions. Working pressure - up to 7 atmospheres. Average productivity is 2 liters per minute. Water temperature - from +5 to +30 degrees. The system purifies water well from heavy metals. The filter itself is compact, the cartridges are easily and quickly replaced. Among the disadvantages, users note the high cost of replacement cartridges; it is not always possible to find components in the store.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 4
  • Overall rating: 4.5

Novaya Voda Expert M420

Average price - 5400 rubles. 5-stage cleaning, 4 filter elements. Filter types: carbon with silver ions, ion exchange resin, carbon with shell coconut, membrane. Comes with an improved ceramic faucet. There is an ultraviolet membrane. Compact device, productivity 1-2 liters per minute. Recommended water temperature is +5 - +35 degrees. High resistance to water hammer. Cleans water of medium hardness well. The downside is that the cartridges are expensive and not suitable for very hard water.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

Aquaphor Crystal Quadro

The average market price is 6,500 rubles. System of 4 filter units, throughput - 2.5 liters per minute. Designed for cleaning and softening very hard water. Water temperature - from +5 to +40 degrees. Pressure - from 0.6 to 6 atmospheres. There are 5 options for completing the modules, including very fine cleaning. The model has small dimensions, and the cartridges are replaced along with the flask. Users note weak fastenings and the high cost of replacement elements.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

Atoll A-313E Lux

Average price - 5000 rubles. Suitable for purifying water of medium hardness. Three-stage system with mechanical, iron and carbon filters. Operating temperature from +2 to +42 degrees. Withstands water hammer, operating pressure - up to 6 atmospheres. Throughput - 2 liters per minute. Cleans water well, good cartridge life. The components are not cheap, but are sold in most specialized stores.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Aquafilter Excito-B

Estimated cost - 7000 rubles. Seven-stage cleaning system (5 cartridges, 2 of them with double action). Working pressure 4 atmospheres. Recommended water temperature is from +2 to +42 degrees. It cleans even very hard water well and is equipped with a membrane filter for very fine cleaning. Average throughput is 3 liters per minute. Quite compact, the filters are enough for 4000-6000 liters of water. The membrane needs to be changed once a year. There are no particular complaints from users, except for the high cost of components.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

TOP 5 reverse osmosis systems

Geyser Prestige 2

Average price - 6000 rubles. A budget option for a reverse osmosis system for medium-hard water. Three-stage cleaning system (mechanical, iron removal, membrane filter). Includes faucet and fasteners. Productivity - 300 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is from +4 to +40 degrees. Working pressure 1.5-8 atmospheres. The pre-treatment unit replaces the three-stage pre-filtration typical for reverse osmosis systems. The disadvantages are weak fastenings and no water tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 4
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 4
  • Overall rating: 4.5

Aquaphor DWM-101S Morion

Cost - from 11,000 rubles. Six-stage cleaning system. The filter is equipped with a 5-liter plastic tank and a tap. There is a pre-filter, a water treatment unit, a membrane filter, fine cleaning, and a mineralizer. Productivity - 190 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is from +2 to +40 degrees. Pressure from 2 to 6 bar. The disadvantages are lower productivity, plastic tank for water.

  • Productivity - 4
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 4.75

New water Expert Osmos MO530

Average cost - 11,000 rubles. A four-stage cleaning system is equipped with a tap and a storage tank with a volume of 15 liters. Productivity - 280 liters per day. It is equipped with a polypropylene, iron-removing, softening filter and membrane. There is a mineralizer. Working pressure 2-29 atmospheres. Recommended water temperature is from +5 to +35 degrees. Compact unit that gets the job done well. The downside is the plastic tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Aquafilter RX-RO6-75

Average price - 10,000 rubles. Six-stage cleaning system, complete with faucet and water storage tank with a capacity of 12 liters. It is equipped with filters: coarse and fine, carbon, membrane, post-cleaner. There is a mineralizer. Withstands pressure up to 6 bar. Productivity - up to 300 liters per day. Recommended water temperature is +2-+40 degrees. The only downside is the plastic tank.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Atoll A-550 Max

Average price - 20,000 rubles. It is equipped with a tap and a tank for storing clean water with a volume of 12 liters. The system capacity is 280 liters per day. The 5-stage filtration system ensures proper water quality even with increased hardness. There is a prefiltration cartridge, 2 carbon filters, a membrane filter and a postfilter for fine cleaning, and a mineralizer. Operating temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees. Pressure - from 2 to 6 atmospheres. The storage tank is made of metal. No particular shortcomings were identified.

  • Productivity - 5
  • Water purification quality - 5
  • Availability of components - 5
  • Ease of installation and maintenance - 5
  • Overall rating: 5

Filtration systems are a necessary purchase, because your health depends on the quality of water! A high-quality filter will allow you to get truly clean and healthy water, the main thing is not to forget to change the cartridges on time.

Write in the comments if you use water filters, how do you like the result?

Sink filters use replaceable modules through which water is filtered sequentially. The cleaning method is determined by the “filling” of the modules and the technical design of the model:

  • . Water is forced through the membrane cartridge using pressure water supply network. Water with impurities cannot pass through the membrane and is drained through the outlet drain tube.
  • Use activated coconut charcoal. It, like a sponge, absorbs harmful impurities from the water flow: chlorine and organochlorines. At the same time, like a sieve, it retains rust, silt, sand and other particles. This filter is suitable for removing major contaminants from drinking water.
  • The Aquaphor company offers another type of filter for washing: . DWM are models based on reverse osmosis technology for convenient home use. They take up 2 times less space than classic reverse osmosis systems and can operate at low pressure: 2 atm is enough (“classic” requires 3.5 atm).

If you are selecting a filter based on pollutant type, please note:

  • Anyone can handle major water pollutants good filter under the sink. For specific impurities, the installation of special systems may be necessary.
  • Not all contaminants can be identified by the sight, taste, or smell of water. To be sure that you are solving exactly the problem, it is better to first have your water tested.

The quality of tap water has long ceased to be considered sufficient for consumption without additional purification. The specific taste and smell of untreated water can spoil the prepared dish, and drinking it is completely unpleasant. For this reason, many people install a water filter under the sink in the kitchen of their house or apartment; which one is better and what characteristics are important when choosing – we’ll look at it in this article.

Why is it needed? The operating principle of various models. Which flow-through water filter is best? Table with characteristics of the most popular models.

Which water filter to buy for washing: the best domestic manufacturers

There is a lot of debate about whether it is worth giving preference to domestic manufacturers, or is it better to purchase a foreign model from a famous brand? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, but it is important to understand that most of our companies operate in accordance with international standards and are in no way inferior in the quality of their products to other manufacturers.

Water filter Barrier

Barrier is one of the most popular brands you can find on the market today. Together with Aquaphor, it occupies a leading position. It appeared in 1993 and belongs to the domestic company “METTEM Technologies”. Being a fairly large-scale enterprise, Barrier owns four factories, fully equipped with high-quality German equipment. In addition, they have their own research center.

Both reverse osmosis and standard flow filters come off their conveyors, most of which have three degrees of purification. A special feature of their models is the presence of a special one-piece lid, which ensures no leaks. The filter capacity is up to 2 liters of water per minute. Replacing cartridges in water filters for Barrier sinks is done simply, within a few seconds.

Household filters for drinking water purification Aquaphor

The main competitor of Barrier filters and an equally popular manufacturer of water filters is Aquaphor. The company first announced itself on the market in 1992 and today has two large factories, one of which is located in St. Petersburg.

Among the brand's products you can find both main and reverse osmosis systems. But filter jugs for water purification are especially popular. You can buy them for several hundred rubles, and yet the level of cleaning they offer is more than high.

In addition, the company’s specialists presented their own development: the Aqualen sorbent. Its thin carbon fibers are capable of providing a particularly high level of purification of water passing through it.

Filters for water purification New water

Buying New Water filters is also very simple. Despite the fact that the company is slightly younger than the previous two and was founded in 1996, already in 2006 it received membership in the world Water Quality Association, which specializes in water quality. The company's product range includes both reverse osmosis and flow-through cleaning devices, as well as a variety of types of replaceable cartridges.

Water filters for sink Geyser

Geyser is one of the oldest, and therefore respected, companies on the water purification filter market. Having existed since 1986, it has managed to offer its customers a huge variety of scientific developments, which are now used in filters of its own production. During this period, the company was officially issued more than 20 patents.

Among the developments of this company, which have been recognized throughout the world, one can highlight a microporous ion-exchange polymer. It was he who provided the company with global popularity and allowed it to take a position in the world market. However, users are often much more interested in the fact that the cartridges are easily replaced with Aquaphor cartridges, which greatly simplifies the procedure for replacing them.

Reverse osmosis water filters Atoll

Buying an Atoll water filter means getting American quality at a very reasonable price. The thing is that the components are produced in the United States, while the assembly is carried out in Russia. All products are certified according to the international NSF standard, and therefore are recognized as one of the best.

Depending on the purpose, four different filter models are available to solve a particular problem. All devices have three stages of cleaning.

Rating of water filters for flow-through sinks: 5 best models

In order for you to choose the most suitable model, we will consider the five most popular options that were recognized by users as the best. The table will allow you to compare the characteristics, and a detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages will allow you to form your own opinion about each model:

CRYSTAL N (Aquaphor) EXPERT M410
(New water)
Number of cleaning stages 3 3 3 5 5
Filtration of mechanical impurities + + + + +
Carbon filtration + + + + -
Ion exchange + + + + -
Mechanical filter porosity (µm) 5 5 0,8 5 0,1
Iron removal function + + - - -
Water softening - - + + -
Cleaning from chlorine + + + + -
Resource of one filtration module (l) 10000 10000 6000 n/a n/a

EXPERT Ferrum (Barrier): the best filter for purifying water with high iron content

The advantages of this model include the following indicators:

  • the filter provides high-quality water purification from impurities such as iron, chlorine, etc.;
  • the cost of the device is more than moderate;
  • installation of the filter is extremely simple;
  • the filter does not affect the overall water pressure in the pipes;
  • It’s very simple to buy a cartridge for the EXPERT Ferrum water filter, as well as replace it yourself;
  • The filter is small in size and has a nice design.

But according to reviews, the Barrier EXPERT Ferrum water filter has the following disadvantages:

  • copes quite poorly with increased hardness and practically does not soften water;
  • replacement cartridges have a high cost, which, with constant use of the filter, significantly affects the budget;
  • Long-term use of the filter leads to the appearance of a specific taste characteristic of coal.

Helpful advice! If any foreign taste or odor appears in the water, first drain at least 5 liters of water. If the situation does not improve, then the problem is in the filter itself and it needs to be replaced.

From the above information we can conclude that this model is great choice, if your goal is to clean water from iron impurities, which often cause rust stains in the sink and bathtub. Moreover, drinking such water is not only unhealthy, but also tasteless, since the taste of iron is pronounced. Here's what the reviews say:

“An analysis of our water showed that the iron level is very high, but the hardness is fine. Therefore, this filter was ideal for us. Moreover, it is very inexpensive, and the cartridges are very easy to change.”

Evgeny Astakhov, Ekaterinburg

The filter is simply not designed to reduce water hardness; however, at its low price, the EXPERT Ferrum Barrier water filter fully performs its main function of iron removal. The system is located under the sink, and replaceable cartridges are changed in one motion.

EXPERT Hard (Barrier): membrane filter for water purification

The positive aspects of using this filter can be formulated in several simple points:

  • Thanks to this purification, the water becomes much tastier, cleaner and more transparent, the smell characteristic of chlorine impurities completely disappears, and scale does not appear in the kettle even after a long time;
  • the filter design is designed in such a way that thin flasks easily fit even into very limited space under the sink and at the same time look very aesthetically pleasing;
  • the filter does an excellent job of softening water;
  • the service life of the cartridges for these filters is at least six months, and replacement is done in one motion;
  • the filter is capable of processing more than one liter of liquid per minute;
  • Such a device is not too expensive and is very easy to install.

But EXPERT Hard also has disadvantages, which are best known in advance:

  • the device is quite heavy and therefore it is best to place it on the floor or the bottom of a kitchen cabinet;
  • The basic configuration of the filter includes a special ball valve, which, as users note, is not very convenient to use. This is primarily due to the fact that there is no nut for it that would allow it to be unscrewed if necessary;
  • Another difficulty that often arises during the installation process is the mismatch of the adapter in relation to some mixers;
  • immediately after installing the filter, the water from the tap will flow cloudy, so the first at least 10 liters must be simply drained into the sewer;
  • the cartridge responsible for softening is not very effective over a long period of time if the tap water is very hard.

To summarize, we can say that this flow filter can inexpensively solve the main problems associated with purifying water from free chlorine and softening. It is not intended for very harsh operating conditions, but as a simple household option it copes with its tasks perfectly.

Water filters for sinks Aquaphor Crystal N

This filter from the Aquaphor company is especially popular among users, and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • it has a very convenient design, and all the materials used for its manufacture are highly durable;
  • the manufacturer indicates that cartridges need to be changed every year and a half, which is a considerable service life for elements of this type;
  • copes well with the function of softening tap water;
  • has a positive effect on water characteristics such as smell and taste.

Disadvantages of using the Aquaphor Crystal N filter:

  • The cartridge responsible for softening the water does not have a very long resource. On average, it is enough to process 200-250 liters of water, although this largely depends on the degree of its initial hardness;
  • The softening module can be restored by washing it regularly. However, performing this procedure every 2 months is quite tedious, and replacing the cartridge with a new one is expensive.

Helpful advice! If you're daunted by the prospect of constantly worrying about the need to maintain replaceable modules, you might want to look into cartridge-less water filters.

Perhaps the only drawback of this filter is the need to regenerate the softening module. Otherwise, the device copes with all functions perfectly, providing clean and tasty water, purified of all unnecessary things. The device itself looks beautiful and is inexpensive.

Expert M410 (New Water): a good choice of water filter for washing

This device has a number of unique advantages that make it indispensable in certain operating conditions:

  • The filter width does not exceed 10 cm, which allows it to be used even in very limited space under the sink. But even if there is enough free space, this option allows you to save space in order to use it to place other necessary items;
  • High-quality plastic is used for manufacturing, and the manufacturer pays special attention to the reliability of connections;
  • The faucet for the drinking water filter that comes with the kit looks very nice. It will be a worthy decoration for any kitchen;

  • for a very reasonable price you get a complete set of parts necessary for installing and operating the filter;
  • the filter does an excellent job of eliminating free chlorine, which makes the water much tastier and clearer;
  • As many as five degrees of purification are used, one of which is ultrafiltration;
  • The water filtration speed is quite sufficient for everyday use, and replacing cartridges is very quick and easy.

This model does not have any serious drawbacks, however, users noted that the replacement cartridges for this model cannot boast of a low price, and the water softening element often requires maintenance after just a month of regular use.

So compact and beautiful model includes as many as five degrees of purification, including ultrafiltration. This undoubtedly makes the filter one of the best candidates to buy. Of course, too hard water can become an obstacle to the comfortable use of the device, but otherwise it copes well with its tasks.

Crystal Quadro (Aquaphor): the best filter for water sinks with the ability to select modules

There are several advantages of this filter:

  • You can select modules for your filter individually, which allows you to independently determine the most suitable configurations that can solve actual problems associated with the presence of foreign impurities in water;
  • cartridges can be replaced directly with the flask body, which greatly simplifies the replacement procedure;
  • The device is compact in size.

The disadvantages of this device include a number of the following characteristics:

  • the presence of a fourth cleaning stage significantly increases the price of the device, while it is not always necessary and justified;
  • due to the design features, it is necessary to replace not only the cartridge, but also the flask, which also increases the cost of replacement elements;
  • Like most flow filters, scale appears on this model after just two months of use.

Generally speaking, this is a compact filter that will allow you to select the modules yourself, thus ensuring the most effective cleaning. However, this model can hardly be called economical, which is worth considering before purchasing it.

Reverse osmosis systems: which filter is better for water purification

Another popular method of water purification is osmosis. Filters for this purpose have a special design and differ significantly from flow-through filters. Let's consider several popular models from different manufacturers: their main characteristics in the form comparative table, as well as advantages and disadvantages:

(New water)
PROFI Osmo 100
Reverse osmosis function + + + +
Number of cleaning stages 2 5 3 5
Mechanical filtration + + + +
Ion exchange - + + -
Carbon filtration _ + + +
Availability of storage capacity - + (8 l) + (3.25 l) + (8 l)
Maximum capacity (l/m) 0,3 n/a 0,13 from 0.2
Availability of filter module included + + + +
Standard module resource (l) 3500 n/a n/a 5000
Minimum permissible water temperature at the filter inlet, °C 4 5 5 5
Maximum permissible water temperature at the filter inlet, °C 40 40 35 35
Minimum required pressure for full operation of the filter (atm) 1,5 2,8 2 3
Maximum permissible inlet pressure (atm) 8 6 8 7
Pore ​​size (µm) 0,0001 n/a 5 1
Additional mineralization - - - -
Deferrization + + + +
Oxygen enrichment - + - -
Water softening + + + +
Chlorine removal + + + +
A pump that allows you to increase the pressure in the system + - - -

Filter Prestige 2 (Geyser): ideal price-quality ratio

When deciding which is the best water filter for your home, you should definitely pay attention to this model. After all, it gained its popularity for a reason, but thanks to a number of advantages:

  • among models of this type, Prestige 2 boasts a very high water filtration rate;
  • removes unpleasant odor and taste, making water suitable for drinking and cooking;
  • the model has moderate dimensions;
  • the cost of replacement elements is low, and replacement is simple;
  • The life of the cartridges is so long that some users note their proper operation for 2-3 years;
  • Installing such a filter yourself is more than simple.

Disadvantages of Prestige 2:

  • Most likely, you will have to buy a faucet for a drinking water filter separately, since the one that comes as standard cannot boast of an exquisite design or beauty;
  • purchasing replacement cartridges is often difficult, since they are not always available;
  • the connection point with the ball valve must be additionally sealed using tow, adhesive tape, etc. to avoid leakage.

Helpful advice! Keep in mind that such models consume water for drainage, which can lead to serious financial costs if you have a water meter installed in your apartment or house.

The main difficulty that arises with this filter model is installation and maintenance. Otherwise, the filter is very popular due to its long service life, as well as high-quality water purification for quite modest funds. Here are some reviews you can find on the Internet:

“Before making the purchase, I spent almost a month researching which filter for hard water is better. I probably read and looked at all the information that could be found on this topic. I settled on Prestige 2 because of the high quality of their cartridges and fairly long service life. I’ve been using it for almost a year and so far I’m happy with everything.”

Vitaly Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod

Atoll A-550 STD: particularly high performance filter

Advantages of the A-550 STD (Atoll):

  • The manufacturer took care of ease of installation by making all the hoses in different colors. This greatly simplifies the task and allows you not to confuse which should be connected where;
  • the use of components manufactured and tested in accordance with international quality standards ensures the highest quality of water purification;
  • The plastic from which the filter is made is of very high quality;
  • despite its compactness, the filter has extremely high performance;
  • The basic filter package includes not only a stylish and elegant tap for clean water, but also a special silicone lubricant and FUM tape.

Disadvantages of using the Atoll A-550 STD filter:

  • despite the fact that installing the filter is quite simple, the abundance of connections still does not have a very positive effect on the strength of the system;
  • The kit does not include spare retaining rings;
  • Such a filter is not cheap and it can only really be repaid if the daily consumption is more than 20 liters per day;
  • Users also note that the key, made of plastic, which is designed to unscrew the flasks, breaks very easily.

If you are not concerned about the cost of the device or you are simply ready to spend serious money on high-quality water purification, this model can be called ideal option. All components are imported and boast high quality. The filter itself is characterized by high performance, and therefore is suitable for an apartment or house where a large family lives.

Barrier PROFI Osmo 100, household filter for drinking water purification: reviews and characteristics

First of all, this simple model is famous for its low cost and the presence of as many as 5 stages of cleaning. But besides this, the following points stand out:

  • all flasks can be disassembled, which allows for significant savings in the future;
  • after cleaning, foreign odors and taste disappear;
  • cartridges have a long resource and do not require frequent replacement;
  • Reverse osmosis filter Barrier Profi Osmo Boot

    Among the shortcomings most discussed by users on forums and thematic portals are:

    • The quality of the parts leaves much to be desired. This applies both to the plastic itself and to such little things as the lack of a special latch, which should ensure a reliable connection of the elements;
    • the four-way valve emits a specific hum when the storage tank is empty;
    • it is necessary to constantly monitor the pressure level so that the filtration system works properly;
    • water consumption during the filtration process is very high;
    • This model can hardly be called compact. Most likely it will take up all the free space under the sink.

    In short, this is practically the cheapest version of a five-stage water purification filter that you can find. In this regard, one has to face a number of difficulties, such as increased water consumption and the need to control pressure. However, this model is quite inexpensive. Here's what those who purchased this filter say on the forums:

    “The main thing that attracted me to this under-sink water filter was the price. Initially, I didn’t plan to spend much on this, and therefore such a cheap option suited me quite well. In general, it’s a very economical thing: I installed it myself and everything is fine. Fortunately, I don’t have a water meter.”

    Nikolay Tyumentsev, Ufa

    “Everything is fine with the filter, except that it is very sensitive to pressure. I had to spend time and solve this problem once, but now everything works great and there are no problems.”

    Konstantin Pritulny, Volgograd

    Expert Osmos MO510 (New Water): compact and convenient water filter

    Buying a membrane filter for water purification of this quality means paying due attention not only to the quality of the water itself, but also to the design of the device. Here are some of its benefits:

    • the membranes used are made in Japan and meet all quality requirements;
    • both the filter and the faucet included in the kit boast an original design and ease of use;
    • the filter is easy to install yourself, but at the same time you can always get qualified help by using the support service on the company’s official website;
    • the membrane, like the cartridges themselves, are easy to maintain and replace.

    Disadvantages of using this filter:

    • the fairly high cost of both the model itself and individual components, in particular cartridges;
    • filtered particles tend to clog the membrane, which negatively affects the water supply pressure;
    • Unfortunately, leak tests are not provided for these water filters for washing, which leads to the risk of encountering a leak immediately after installation.

    This model is quite suitable for water purification, provided that the content of mechanical impurities is not too high. However, it is better to entrust the installation of this particular filter to a professional.

    Devices without replaceable cartridges: main-line water purification filters

    Water filters without replaceable cartridges occupy a special place in the modern market of water purification devices. One of the most prominent representatives of this category is the titanium water filter Titanof. Reviews about it unanimously indicate both ease of use and high quality cleaning. The efficiency of using a titanium filter is several times higher than the installation of a coarse water filter, as well as most membrane models. Here's what users say about this device:

    “We have been using the Brita water pitcher filter for quite some time. Buying a cartridge seems to be not too expensive, and not too difficult, but in reality, you very soon get tired of thinking and remembering about it. Therefore, when choosing a filter for the sink, we chose a titanium one primarily because it does not have replaceable cartridges. And the quality of water purification is at the highest level.”

    Miroslav Velikhodov, Ryazan

    The titanium filter provides high-quality water purification from free chlorine, iron, aluminum, metal salts, as well as nitrates and other unsafe chemical compounds. At the same time, on mineral composition The water filter has no effect.

    Helpful advice! If you are just deciding where to buy a water purification filter, then it is best to place an order on the manufacturer’s official website. This way, you can at least be sure that you purchased an original product, and if there is a problem, you can contact the manufacturer directly.

    Installing a water filter under the sink yourself

    Having finally decided on suitable model and having purchased it, all you have to do is install the filter in place and start using it. The easiest way is to invite a master to do this, whose qualifications will allow him to do this with the highest quality possible. However, often the considerable price of household filters for drinking water purification pushes people to save on installation.

    Installing a filter for water purification can be done independently. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account both the basic rules for installing such devices and the manufacturer’s individual recommendations.

    Let's consider the general procedure for installing a filter for water purification under the sink:

  1. First of all, remove from under the sink anything that could get in the way or get wet during operation. Prepare a cloth, bowl or bucket.
  2. Turn off the water and relieve pressure in the system by opening any of the taps.
  3. Unscrew the water supply hose in the place where the transition from the common line to the mixer is located.
  4. Be sure to measure the current pressure on the line and, if the indicator does not correspond, take necessary measure: at high blood pressure a gearbox is installed, and if it is too low, a special pump is installed.
  5. According to the instructions provided by the filter manufacturer, secure all components. At the same time, do not forget about small but important details, such as gaskets and rubber bands, since they are the ones who ensure the tightness of the system.
  6. Take care of the high-quality connection of the drinking water faucet with the filter. Inspect all joints in advance and make sure they are strong.
  7. Before checking, place a bowl under the sink and place a rag around it in case there is a leak somewhere. Allow the water to drain down the drain for at least 10 minutes. If everything is in order during this time, you can return everything previously removed to the sink.

Helpful advice! In order to increase the service life of the rubber parts of the filter and prevent them from drying out, pre-lubricate them with Vaseline or silicone.

When you decide to take care of the quality of the water you use for drinking and cooking, you will definitely be faced with a difficult choice. But after carefully reading the reviews of under-sink water filters, operating features, as well as the main characteristics, you will certainly understand which filter you need to buy for under-sink water purification.

Pure water without impurities, enriched with minerals is the key good health and durability. To ensure that purified and maximally healthy water is always available in the house, it is recommended to install purification and filter systems. Our ranking of the best water purifiers 2019 will help you make your choice.

Water filtration began to be practiced at the dawn of the human era. One of the earliest purification methods, carbon filtration, has survived to this day. The Russian cleaning equipment market is rich in a choice of filters of different systems, cleaning levels, sizes and purposes. The main classification is by type of cleaning:

  • mechanical filters are multi-level cleaning systems that are used to protect plumbing and household appliances from scale and dirt.
  • ion exchange filters – systems for softening water hardness, operating on the basis of ion exchange resins. They filter not only iron, but also manganese, which most other systems cannot handle.
  • Reverse osmosis filters are the most environmentally friendly and most efficient systems. They cope with the removal of all impurities and bacteria; before leaving, they additionally mineralize the water (optional).
  • biological filters - the system works on the basis of microorganisms that purify water from organic contaminants. Used in aquariums and wastewater treatment plants.
  • absorbent filters - the main cleaning component is absorbents that retain impurities (sorption process).
  • aeration filters – water is purified using oxygen in special tanks.
  • electric filters - purify water with ozone from all oxidized and dissolved organic and inorganic contaminants, however, they are very wasteful in energy consumption.
  • filters of jug design - the design consists of a container for untreated water, a container for purified water and a carbon filter.
  • cartridge filters - the design consists of several flasks, inside of which there is filter media for each type of impurity.

Choosing a water filter

The most important parameter choosing a cleaning system is degree of water purification. Highlight:

  • single-stage cleaning level (elementary) – this includes pitcher-type filters. Clean only coarse dirt;
  • two- and three-stage purification level (medium) – filter large and fine contaminants;
  • three-, four- and five-stage level of purification (high degree of purification) - filters from all types of contaminants.

Once you have decided on the degree of purification, you should choose filter installation type:

  • filter with connection to the faucet - a special nozzle for the faucet that connects directly to the outlet of the mixer, productivity is only 0.3-0.5 l/min;
  • filter with connection to the sink - a system “for the sink”, installed near the sink or on the sink, connected to the faucet mixer using a flexible hose, average productivity - 1-1.5 l/min;
  • a filter with a permanent connection under the sink - an “under the sink” system, according to users, one of the best water purification systems, installed under the sink, directly connected to the water supply system, and has a second tap for purified water;
  • desktop dispenser filter – the quality of water purification is not inferior to a “under-sink” filter, is not connected to the water supply system, is easy to maintain and fits harmoniously into the interior.

TOP-3 built-in filters for washing

3rd place - Aquaphor Crystal Eco H (from RUB 3,950)

Aquaphor Crystal Eco H is a budget family option with very high performance. Compact installation, four-stage cleaning system, withstands inlet temperatures up to +45°C.


  • Dimensions: 260×350×90 mm
  • Cleaning levels: 4
  • Purification: ultrafiltration, carbon
  • Filter resource: 8000 l
  • Capacity: 2.5 l/min
  • Inlet water temperature: +5+45°C
  • Porosity: 0.1 µm

Extra options:

  • water softening and chlorine removal;
  • works on cold water;
  • filtration module included;
  • separate tap.


  • filters water efficiently, removing harmful salts and chlorine;
  • The output is very tasty water without taste or smell;
  • the filter is easy to install;
  • easy to use - just open the tap;
  • compact, fits under small sinks;
  • filters are installed and replaced quickly;
  • good water pressure;
  • free maintenance and high-quality warranty service.


  • missing: pressure pump, storage tank, filtration module replacement calendar;
  • expensive replacement filters;
  • after more than six months of use, the system begins to wear out;
  • long regeneration procedure;
  • unreliable connecting hoses connecting the filter to the mixer;
  • poor quality equipment.

2nd place - Novaya Voda Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600 (from RUB 17,800)

New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600 is a six-stage multifunctional filter with an osmosis-carbon cleaning system, a pressure booster pump and auto-cleaning. Withstands consistently heavy loads, users note the high quality of the build and all components.


  • Type: under-sink cleaning system
  • Cleaning levels: 6
  • Filter resource: 50000 l
  • Capacity: 1.25 l/min
  • Inlet water temperature: +2+ 35°C
  • Porosity: 1 µm

Extra options:

  • water mineralization, iron removal, softening and purification from free chlorine;
  • works on cold water;
  • connection to water supply;
  • pump for increasing pressure;
  • inlet pressure – 3-11 atmospheres;
  • separate tap.


  • multi-stage filtration;
  • replace the filter once a year;
  • compact system;
  • ideally purifies water;
  • works silently;
  • electronic type of system control;
  • high water pressure thanks to a pump to increase pressure;
  • copes with the task at any water pressure;
  • protection system against pressure drops;
  • auto flush is activated after each use, keeping the system clean;
  • undemanding to maintenance;
  • high-quality assembly and durability;
  • self-diagnosis function.


  • high price.

1st place - Atoll A-575m STD (from RUB 9,600)

Atoll A-575m STD – this cleaning system received leadership in the TOP-3 for its high quality and affordable price. The kit includes a 12 liter storage tank.


  • Type: under-sink cleaning system
  • Dimensions: 430×420×150 mm
  • Cleaning levels: 5
  • Purification: reverse osmosis, carbon purification
  • Storage capacity: 12 l
  • Capacity: 0.135 l/min
  • Inlet water temperature: +4+38°С
  • Porosity: 1 µm

Extra options:

  • mineralization, removal of metals from water, softening and removal of chlorine;
  • works on cold water;
  • automatic membrane washing;
  • LED backlighting of indicators;
  • connection to water supply;
  • pump for increasing pressure;
  • inlet pressure – 2.8-6 atmospheres;
  • filtration module included;
  • separate tap.


  • system with storage tank;
  • The output water is clean, scale-free under stable daily loads;
  • high quality of assembly and materials of the case and parts;
  • value for money.


  • missing: pump for increasing pressure;
  • high cost of filters and consumables.

TOP 3 desktop dispenser filters

3rd place - Source Bio ER-5G (from RUB 3,700)

Bio ER-5G is a compact budget five-stage filter. The resulting water is free of impurities, clear and tasty. Suitable for a small family.


  • Type: tabletop dispenser
  • Cleaning levels: 5
  • Cleaning: carbon cleaning
  • Storage capacity: 5 l
  • Porosity: 0.3 µm

Extra options:

  • mineralization, deferrization of water, softening, purification from chlorine;
  • works on cold water;
  • does not connect to the water supply;
  • filter module included;
  • separate tap;
  • transparent body.


  • filters efficiently and is easy to clean;
  • strong and reliable design, easy to use (children use it without problems).


  • missing: pump for increasing pressure, calendar for replacing the filtration module;
  • low filtration rate;
  • expensive components.

2nd place - Coolmart SM-101 Redox (from RUB 9,300)

This model is designed for large volumes of water and constant load. It works on five-stage carbon-magnesium filters; the filters themselves last a long time, purifying the water from harmful substances and organisms, enriching the outlet water with minerals.

  • easy to install, maintain and replace filters;
  • large volume of the flask (suitable for both a large family and an office);
  • Thanks to its light weight, it can be moved without problems.
  • Minuses:

    • expensive additional equipment and consumables;
    • Over time, the system begins to malfunction, sediment appears at the bottom, and filtration properties deteriorate.

    1st place - Keosan KS-971 (from RUB 6,900)

    Six levels of purification, carbon-magnesium filters, a 12-liter storage tank, cool and tasty water output - all this is the leader in the rating of Keosan KS-971 dispenser tabletop filters.

    • missing: pump to increase pressure in the system;
    • large size (not suitable for a small kitchen).

    Let's sum it up

    If you need a stationary system, then under-sink filters are the most suitable option for you; If you are looking for a compact source of clean water that is independent of the water supply system (for example, for an office), you should pay attention to tabletop dispenser filters. The more contaminated, high-hardness water in your area, the more levels of filtration are needed to purify it (systems with 5-6 levels of purification); For water of average contamination and hardness, a three to four-stage filtration system will be sufficient.

    Updated: August 2019