Analysis of the work of methodological associations of dow. Analysis of the work of the RMO dow

1. Subject: social and communicative development of preschoolers

2. Head: Dementieva G.N., senior teacher of MDOBU kindergarten No. 1

3. Number of members of the MO: 13 people

4. Planning:

Analysis ( Yes /No) _________

Passport of members of the Moscow Region with an indication of the methodological topic ( Yes /No) ______

Tasks ( Yes /No) ____________

5. Number of meetings (% completed): 5 out of five scheduled - 100%

Availability single theme meetings ( Yes/ no) "Interpersonal relationships of children in the group"

6. Forms of meetings (the number of forms should not exceed the number of meetings): lecture, direct educational activity, workshop, analysis of specific situations, training exercises

7. Study and implementation of modern educational technologies at the meetings of the Moscow Region

8. Screen of creative activity of teachers at the meetings of the Moscow Region.

Ivanova E.I.- "Characteristic features of children of different social status" - lecture

Ivanova O.B. - "Game methods for determining the sociometric status of a child in a group" - video clips of practical exercises with children

Ivanova A.D.- "Strategies for playing techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers" - presentation, memo

Ivanova M.T.- “Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers” - video clips of practical exercises with children.

Ivanova S. A.- "Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers" - a workshop with teachers.

Ivanova V.L.- showing direct educational activities.

K activity = ---------- = 2.3

9. Availability of the website of the Ministry of Defense (with the address indicated) and the number of methodological materials from work experience posted during the 2012-2013 academic year:


Signature of the head of the Moscow Region _______ / Dementieva G.N.

Passport of the participants of the methodical association

In our methodological association there are 12 educators and one teacher-psychologist, of which they have

  • the highest category - 3 people
  • first - 6 people
  • compliance with the position - 1 person
  • no - 2 people
  • bring up children of the early age group - 5 people
  • junior preschool age- 3 people
  • senior preschool age - 4 people

Educators work on various methodological topics:

  • « Project activity in teaching children the rules of fire safety "
  • Removal of anxiety in children of senior preschool age
  • “Having mastered ways of communicating with children and adults”
  • "Familiarization of preschool children with inanimate nature through experimentation"
  • "Development of sensory abilities of young children through objective activity"
  • "Unconventional forms speech development children"

Meeting plan of the methodical association

the date






"Diagnostics of the social status of preschool children"

Directly educational activity "Game - Journey"

Kindergarten No. 1

Leadership Phenomenon. Summing up the work"

Kindergarten No. 1


Currently Special attention is given to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschoolers, which is one of the components State standard on preschool education. Increasing attention to the problems of socialization is associated with changes in the socio-political and socio-economic conditions of life, with instability in society.

So important tasks states and societies in relation to children are to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, self-regulation, the formation of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, familiarization with universal human values.

The specificity of preschool age lies in the fact that socially the child develops under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The latter cooperates with competent adults, as a member of society he is included in the system of human relations with a dialogue of personalities, values. The development of patterns and norms of behavior, the search for the right attitudes in life occurs in a preschooler in interaction with peers, educators, and parents. Adults open the future to children, act as intermediaries, accomplices in relation to the activities of children, in order to help them gain their own experience.

One of the most important indicators of a child's successful adaptation in society is his position in the system of interpersonal relations and the measure of his psychological influence on group members. So main theme the work of our methodological association has become « Interpersonal relationships of children in the group.





  1. generalize the experience of teachers on the problem of organizing interaction with leaders.

While working on the topic, teachers:

  1. got acquainted with the methods of determining the sociometric status of a child in a group, created a card index of psychological and gaming diagnostic methods;
  2. singled out characteristics children of different social
  3. status;
  4. outlined the main strategies of psychological and pedagogical assistance to unpopular children;
  5. formed a card file of gaming methods for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers;
  6. developed methods of interaction with positive and negative leaders;
  7. adjusted the content of the activities of the methodological association in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The following tasks were also solved during the work:

  1. increase the competence of teachers on the problem of social and communicative development of preschoolers;
  2. to form a sense of belonging to the group through games, exercises and joint activities;
  3. to identify the requests of participants mo;
  4. define a general theme for the academic year.
  1. to update in the minds of colleagues their image of a teacher;
  2. develop the ability to reflect;
  3. designate the theme of activities for the new academic year.

The result of solving these problems was:

  1. increasing the competence of teachers on the problem of social and communicative development of preschoolers within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  2. determination of the general topics of the meetings;
  3. formation of reflection skills (in oral and written form);
  4. determining the topics of meetings for the new academic year.

The structure of the meetings included:

  1. Organizing time. Games and exercises for group cohesion.
  2. Analysis of homework (work in groups, workshop).
  3. Work on the topic of the lesson
  4. Reflection
  5. Homework

First meeting

Subject:"Social and personal development: content and problems"

Target: getting the participants acquainted with each other, determining the topics of classes for the academic year.

1 . organizational stage. An exercise " Good morning". Goal: relieve emotional stress. Method: psycho-gymnastics

2. Exercise "I know" Purpose: formation of group cohesion. Method: psycho-gymnastics

3. Updating the knowledge of teachers on the problem of social and personal development of preschoolers. Method: round table

4 . Theoretical part . The content and problems of social and personal development of preschoolers. Purpose: increasing the competence of teachers. Method: conversation (presentation).

5. The game "Rag doll and soldier" Purpose: relieving muscle tension. Method: relaxation

  1. Group work. Purpose: to determine the topics of the meetings. Method: practical activity
  2. Filling out the questionnaire. Purpose: drawing up a passport of the participants of the method association.
  3. Breathing exercise "Hug yourself." Method: breathing exercises
  4. Reflection. Purpose: retrospective assessment of the lesson. Method: cinquain based on the impressions of methodical association

Second meeting

Subject: "Diagnostics of the social status of preschool children"

Target: familiarization of educators with psychological and pedagogical methods for determining the social status of a child in a group


  • characterize children of different social status;
  • to acquaint with the diagnostics of determining social status;
  • to form the ability to determine the position of the child in the group in the process of playing activity.

1. organizational stage. Exercise "Name and movement"

Goals: It's easier for children to feel like they belong to a group when they can use their bodies. This is exactly what they get in this game. It also gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to the group in an unusual and fantastical way. Method: psycho-gymnastics

2. Introduction. The concept of sociometric status and its features for preschool children. Method: story

  1. "Characteristic features of children of different social status" Method: lecture.
  2. "Diagnosis of the social status of the child". Method: story
  3. "Game methods for determining the sociometric status of a child in a group" Method: practical work on the analysis of video clips of children's play activities.
  4. Homework - pick up and carry out(preferably on your methodical topic) observation games for the social status of the child. Try to make it to different types activities (cognitive, playful, productive). Try to isolate the reasons for the popularity and isolation of children.
  5. Reflection. Exercise Microphone. Purpose: to express your impressions of the lesson from the point of view of practicality.

Third meeting

Subject: How to help your child win the favor of peers

Target: the formation of the competence of teachers on the organization of work with children rejected by their peers.


  • highlight the behavior of the rejected child;
  • introduce gaming methods for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers;
  • designate the main strategies of psychological and pedagogical assistance to unpopular children.
  1. Warm-up exercise “Counting with the eyes” Purpose: inclusion in work, training of attention, removal of accumulated tension, rallying, creating a sense of trust and acceptance in the group. Method: game
  2. Analysis of homework: highlighting the reasons for the popularity and unpopularity of children. Method: work in groups.
  3. "Strategies of game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers" Method: story, presentation.
  4. "Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers". Methods: gaming, analysis of video fragments.
  5. "Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers". Method: workshop with teachers.
  6. Homework. Adapt or pick up one game for each stage of work with an unpopular child.
  7. Reflection. Feedback. Determine the quality of the material offered to you according to three criteria: interesting, practical, understandable. We evaluate on a three-point system: everything is wonderful - red color; it is possible and better - yellow color; somehow not very purple. Method: color painting.
For the full text of the material Analysis of the work of the methodological association of educators on the social and communicative development of preschoolers, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a snippet.


methodological association of educators

for 2017-2018 academic year

Head of the MO of educators:

Khasanova T.N.

Characteristics of teaching staff.

ShMO educators consists of 4 people: 2- 41-50; 2- 51-55 years old.

3 teachers have higher education, which is 75%.

1 teacher - secondary - special - 25%

Pedagogical experience - 3 - 11-20 (75%), 1-21-30 (25%).

2 educators have the highest category (50%), 2 - correspondence to the position held (50%).

This year passed certification for the highest qualification category - Vishnevskaya Lyudmila Yurievna, Khasanova Tatyana Nikolaevna.

Methodical theme MO:

"Improving the professional skills of educators in the context of the implementation of the SFES"

The purpose of the work of the MO educators: improving the forms and methods of correctional and developmental education through improving the pedagogical skills of the educator.


    Improving and increasing the effectiveness of educational work in a boarding school;

    Implementation of innovative correctional and developmental technologies in the daily practice of educational work;

    Raising the theoretical level of educators in matters of education and the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practical activities;

    Implementation of the creative abilities of educators, generalization of pedagogical experience through the organization of open educational events;

    Study and implementation in practice modern ways diagnosing the activities of pupils;

    Rendering the necessary methodological assistance educators in solving the main problems of organizing educational work.

These goals and objectives correspond to the needs of teachers, members of the MO, their characteristics, and are also conditioned by the social and professional order for a teacher focused on educational work at school and improving their own professional activities.

The forms of work of the methodological association of educators are divided into three groups:

1) Group (review of novelties in methodological literature, reports, messages, mutual attendance of educational classes, creative reports of educators)

2) Individual (problem consultations, self-education, introspection, etc.)

3) Frontal (exhibitions of developments of events, didactic materials, etc.)

Such forms of work made it possible to achieve more precise, concrete work in improving the activities of the educator; educators not only studied, received information, but also were active participants in the meetings of the MO, which had a positive effect on the work of educators.

During the past academic year, five planned meetings of the Ministry of Defense of educators were held.

The following topics were discussed at the MO meetings:

Subject: Organization of the educational process for the 2017-2018 academic year

Target: Approval of the planned documentation, the work plan of the Ministry of Defense for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Work form


"Bring to your attention"

    Approval of the work plan of the Ministry of Defense for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    Approval of the schedule of open classes, school-wide events (KTD), topics on self-education of educators, thematic planning of the educational process.

Round table

boarding school director

deputy Director for VR Pletenyuk T.V.

"Share my experience"

“One is a step, two is a step” or what the 2016-2017 academic year was remembered for

From work experience

Medvedeva G.S.

Compilation features work program on labor education and vocational guidance in the conditions of SFGOS

From work experience

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

Master class for teachers with elements of art therapy "Color Mosaic"

Khasanova T.N.

"Bring to your attention"

    Schedule for tutors.

    HS control schedule.

    Working hours of boarding school services.

    Work plan of circles, sections, electives.


Deputy Director for VR Pletenyuk T.V.

The first meeting was organizational and introductory. At this meeting, during the discussion, the work plan of the Ministry of Defense for the 2017-2018 academic year was approved, the topics of self-education of each educator were approved, the schedule for conducting open classes and uniform requirements for maintaining the documentation of the educator were discussed.

Subject: "Innovative pedagogical technologies and their application in educational activities"

Target: Implementation of innovative correctional and developmental technologies in the daily practice of educational work.

Work form


"Bring to your attention"

    Report of the head of the Ministry of Defense of educators on the work done for the first quarter.

    Acquaintance with the work plan for the second quarter.


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

"Game", "Application of health-saving technologies in the educational process of a correctional school."

Experience exchange

Medvedeva G.S.

Barcheninova S.V.

"Project activities after school hours", "Collective creative work"

Experience exchange

Khasanova T.N.

Akhmadullina S.P.

"Bring to your attention"

Plan of work for the autumn holidays.


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

"Share my experience"

Master Class"Creating interactive games in PowerPoint"

Exchange of work experience

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

Subject:"Health saving"

Target: Show the importance of health-saving technologies in improving the health status and quality of life of students in the process of extracurricular activities.

Work form


"Bring to your attention"

    Report of the head of the Ministry of Defense of educators on the work done for the II quarter.

    Acquaintance with the work plan for the third quarter


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

Health saving - the main areas of work of the boarding school educator

From work experience

Barcheninova S.V.

Implementation of health-saving technologies in Everyday life teenagers in a boarding school.

From work experience

Khasanova T.N.

The principles of health saving in the educational process of the "Special Child" group

Medvedeva G.S.

"Bring to your attention"

Work plan for the winter holidays.


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

"Share my experience"

Work on the prevention of fatigue in the classroom.

Exchange of work experience

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

Subject: Organization of extracurricular activities, and educational work in the light of the SFGOS

Target: increasing the competence of teachers in the field of implementation of the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standards of HVZ and the Federal State Educational Standards on / UO.

Work form


"Bring to your attention"

    Report of the head of the Ministry of Defense of educators on the work done for the third quarter.

    Acquaintance with the work plan for the fourth quarter


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

"Discussion of current problems"

Analysis of educational work for the III quarter in classes (grades 1-9)


Deputy Director of BP Pletenyuk T.V.

"Let's discuss"

Legal support and methodological literature on the organization of extracurricular activities (FSES, SaNPiN, Law on Education (with mental retardation, ...)

Khasanova T.N.

The main directions, types and forms of VD activities in the group of girls.

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

Extracurricular activities as a means of forming the social competence of students.

Medvedeva G.S.

"Share my experience"

Exchange of work experience

Barcheninova S.V.

"Bring to your attention"

Plan for spring break.


Head of the Ministry of Education of Educators

The fifth meeting is the final one. It summed up the results of the work of the Ministry of Defense in the 2017-2018 academic year, and also presented preliminary planning for the work of the Ministry of Defense for the next academic year. It should be noted that preliminary planning of the work of the Ministry of Education took place in the course of interviews with educators, which made it possible to identify the requests of teachers and the problems that arise in the course of working with teachers and pupils.

Subject: Analysis of the work of MO educators

Target: continue the study and implementation of methods, techniques of correctional and developmental work in special (correctional) institutions of the VIII type according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Throughout the school year, teachers constantly exchanged experiences. Each of the educators took for himself a certain topic of self-education in educational work and built his own educational plan, starting from this topic.

Theme of self-education

Report Form

Vishnevskaya Ludmila Yurievna

"Upbringing personal qualities a child with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) in the process labor activity»


Barcheninova Svetlana Vasilievna

"Formation of a culture of behavior among younger pupils of a boarding school"



Khasanova Tatyana Nikolaevna

"Formation of skills healthy lifestyle life of schoolchildren in a boarding school.



Medvedeva Galina Sergeevna

"The significance of classes for the development of fine motor skills of hands in the formation of sensory representations among students of the special class "Special Child"


During the academic year, teachers took an active part in the work pedagogical council of the school, methodological meetings, they made presentations, reports on the following topics:

"Formation of a safe lifestyle among pupils" (December, 2017) - Barcheninova S.V.

« personal development learning through moral education” (January, 2017) – Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

The program of extracurricular activities of the "Skillful Hands" circle for students of the "SKShI of the VIII type" (April, 2018 ) - Barcheninova S.V.

All teachers continue publish their developments on the all-Russian websites of educators.

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

    Publication "Peculiarities of drawing up a work program for labor education and vocational guidance in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards" - website (09.2017)

    Presentation "Field of Miracles "On a visit to Autumn" - site (10.2017)

    Publication "Creating interactive games in Power Point" - site (11.2017)

    Presentation "Field of Wonders" All about New Year"- site (12.2017)

    Publication "Work to prevent fatigue in the classroom" - site (02.2018)

    Presentation "Field of Wonders "Winter Sports" - site (03.2018)

Khasanova T.N.

    "Extracurricular activity" Safe way to school and home "- site (09.2017)

    "Self-analysis of pedagogical activity for the attestation period" - site (11.2017)

    Interactive game "Autumn Kaleidoscope" - site (12.2017)

    Information and analytical report for the inter-certification period "- site site (12.2017)

    "Implementation of health-saving technologies in the daily life of adolescents in a boarding school" - site (01.2018)

    “Extracurricular activity“ To the zhvezhd! ” - site (04.2018)

Barcheninova S.V.

    Master class "Wonderful living room" (12.2017)

    "Formation of a safe lifestyle among pupils" (01.2018)

    "Health saving - the main areas of work of a boarding school teacher" (02.2018)

    Extracurricular activity "Hurry to do good" (03.2018)

    Report "The program of extracurricular activities of the circle" Skillful hands "for students" SKSH VIII type "(04.2018)

Teachers continue to actively participate in all events, competitions school, district, intermunicipal and all-Russian level.

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

    All-Russian competition "Emerald City", nomination "Best presentation" Field of Miracles "I know everything about the fire!" - 1st place - http://emeraldcity.children/ (September, 2017)

    All-Russian competition "Umnata", blitz-Olympiad "Application of computer technologies in the interaction of teachers with parents" - 1st place - site (October, 2017)

    All-Russian competition "Emerald City", nomination "Best Presentation" Field of Miracles "Visiting Autumn" - 1st place -http://emeraldcity.children/ (November, 2017)

    All-Russian competition "Umnata", blitz-Olympiad "Modern educational technologies" - 1st place - site (December, 2017)

    All-Russian competition "Emerald City", nomination "Best Presentation" Field of Wonders "Winter Sports" - 1st place - http://emerald city.children/ (February, 2018)

    All-Russian competition "Emerald City", nomination "Best presentation" Field of Miracles "Kindness in favorite fairy tales" - 1st place - http://emeraldcity.children/ (March, 2018)

Khasanova T.N.

    All-Russian competition, blitz-Olympiad "Extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard" - 1st place website WWW (09.2017)

    All-Russian competition, blitz-Olympiad "Organization of the educational system in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation" - site (10.2017)

    All-Russian competition, blitz-Olympiad "Extracurricular activities in accordance with GEF" - 1st place website WWW (12.2017)

    All-Russian competition "Umnata", blitz-Olympiad "Health-saving technologies - the basis for building the educational process" - 1st place - site (01.2018)

Barcheninova S.V.

    All-Russian blitz - Olympiad "Professional and pedagogical competence of a modern teacher" 2nd place 1st place - site (01.2018).

Course preparation

Completed advanced training courses:

Analytical Scientific and Methodological Center "Development and Correction" "Modern technologies for organizing and planning the educational process in a correctional boarding school (taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)" - 240 hours - Barcheninova S.V.

In order to exchange experience, within the framework of the MO, 3 master classes.

    Master class for teachers with elements of art therapy "Mosaic of Color" (September, 2017) - Khasanova T.N.

    Master class "Creating interactive games in PowerPoint" (November, 2017) - Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

    Master class “Felting from wool. Beads” (April, 2018) – Barcheninova S.V.

    "Wonderful Living Room" as part of the inter-municipal festival

« School years wonderful "(October, 2017) - Barcheninova S.V.

All master classes were methodically competent, had a corrective orientation. The events carried out made it possible to look into the creative laboratory of the teacher, to discover the methods, techniques and forms of education used by him. Educators tried to creatively approach the event, seeking to solve specific and promising tasks of education. Master classes are modern, relevant, interesting in content, held at a high professional and emotional level, with the use of TCO (music, presentations), which contributed to the development of professional and creative activity, the disclosure of the inner potential of each teacher, by creating conditions for individual and collective work created a positive emotional climate in the teaching staff.

Monthly thematic weeks have already become traditional, the plan of which is drawn up at the beginning of the academic year, which allows organizing socially useful activities for students; engage in diversified creative activity; develop positive communication skills; develop the skills of organizing and implementing cooperation with teachers, pupils different ages; cultivate diligence, will, perseverance, develop the ability to set a goal

and organize their activities to achieve it, the ability to overcome difficulties, analyze the results and adjust their plans; to form a positive attitude towards basic social values ​​(person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture); to promote knowledge of the basics and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle; to deepen the content, the use of new forms and methods of employment of students in their free time from study; to improve the methodological skills of boarding school educators.

the date

Topic of the week


Attention, children!

Autumn dress of the earth

Kindness walks the planet

The New Year is upon us!

Hello - we are looking for talents

Sport is our life!

In the world of beauty

Let's bow to those great years

During the academic year, creative hours were held, in the circle work, educators pursued the following correctional goals:

    Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

    Development of focused attention, logical thinking.

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Increase independence and perseverance.

    To develop the aesthetic taste of pupils.

    Ability to work with different materials - paper, thread, salt dough, natural and waste materials.

Prize-winning places in creative competitions of various levels became an indicator of the work of teachers and pupils.

Medvedeva G.S.

    Intermunicipal handicraft competition "A bouquet for a teacher" - Certificate (Volchek Valeria) - October, 2017

    Interregional exhibition of arts and crafts " landscape design"in the framework of the interregional conference "Park of my dreams" - Diploma of the participant - (Vladimirov D.) - November, 2017

Barcheninova S.V.

    DiplomaIIIdegree Leontiev Bogdan for participation in the exhibition of decorative and applied art within the framework of the intermunicipal festival "Wonderful School Years" among correctional schools south Perm Territory(October, 2017)

    Participation Certificates in the district competition of children's drawings "Save water"

Zinurov Igor and Afanasiev Pavel (November, 2017)

    DiplomaIIIdegree Isupov Ivan for participation in the interregional exhibition DPI "Landscape Design" within the framework of the interregional design and research conference "Park of my dreams" among the VIII type SKOU (November, 2017)

Vishnevskaya L.Yu.

    Intermunicipal competition of hand-made articles "A bouquet for a teacher" - Diploma of 1 degree (Sarapulova Sofya) - October, 2017

    Interregional exhibition of decorative and applied direction "Landscape design" within the framework of the interregional conference "Park of my dreams" - 2nd place (LeontievaVlada) - November, 2017

    Municipal competition of drawings "Save water!" - 3 certificates (Saburova Anya, Chukavina Marina, Sarapulova Sofya) - November, 2017

Khasanova T.N.

    Intermunicipal handicraft competition "A bouquet for a teacher" - Diploma of the 2nd degree (Nikita Gorozhaninov) - October, 2017

    Interregional exhibition of decorative and applied direction "Landscape design" within the framework of the interregional conference "Park of my dreams" - 1st place (Nikitin Denis) - November, 2017

In order to optimize the educational process, introductory, intermediate and final monitoring was carried out according to diagnostic maps of students' socialization. This contributed to increasing attention to each child, prompted him to study, quickly fix the difficulties that arise and timely provide him with the help he needs in the process of upbringing. The monitoring results allow us to conclude that the ongoing educational work has a positive impact on children. There is a positive trend in the level of upbringing.

special child

After analyzing the work of the Ministry of Defense of educators over the past academic year, it should be noted the positive in the work:

    The tasks assigned to the MO were completed.

    The professional level has risen.

    More effective forms of work with pupils are being developed.

    Scenarios of educational hours have been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in all areas of educational work.

    Improved the content of the educational process.

Thus, the planned work plan of the Ministry of Defense of educators for the 2017-2018 academic year has been completed in full, the work of the Ministry of Defense is considered to be satisfactory.

To improve the competence of educators in analytical activities to improve the quality of education of students, through visiting extracurricular activities of colleagues, seminars, Internet conferences.

To replenish the methodical piggy bank during the academic year and disseminate experience through the publication of works on the website of the boarding school and social portals;

Show initiative and participate in competitions of various levels.

Conduct master classes in various fields.

The work of the methodological association of educators MOU: NShS p. Elizarovo in the 2010 - 2011 academic year was planned in accordance with the data of the questionnaire and the request of teachers.

The purpose of the work of the Ministry of Education of educators is: Improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers.

Strengthen work to protect and strengthen the physical health of children through the formation of a health-saving developmental environment in preschool educational institutions.

To improve the work on the formation of ecological ideas of children through the optimization of the ecological-developing subject environment.

Continue the work of the teaching staff to create conditions for the organization role-playing game in preschool age groups.

To promote the improvement of business qualifications, professional skills of teachers and the development of pedagogical creativity.

During the 2010-2011 academic year, 4 meetings of the MO of educators were held, where various topics were considered, taking into account the wishes, interests and difficulties in the work.

The work of the Ministry of Defense was aimed at diversifying the educational process, expanding the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of educators, determining the activities of the teaching staff for advanced training and certification of teaching staff.

  1. Installation MO was held on September 13, 2010, where they got acquainted with the analysis of the work for the summer recreational period, discussed and approved the work plan for the new 2010-2011 academic year, summed up the readiness of the groups for the new academic year.
Based on the results of the work of the installation MO, directions were identified for summarizing the experience of working in kindergartens and providing targeted methodological assistance to educators on the following issues: the child enters kindergarten, work with parents, and organize role-playing games.

Summing up this work, we can say that it was effective. Based on the materials presented by Tkachenko E.V. a brochure of teaching materials "To help parents whose children go to kindergarten" was published.

Based on the results of the readiness of the groups for the new academic year, a positive assessment was given to the commission.

Developing subject environment in groups and classrooms kindergarten was built taking into account the requirements of the program "From Childhood to Adolescence" and the concept of building a developing environment for organizing the lives of children and adults in the system of preschool education.

The developing environment in the premises of the kindergarten was created based on a student-oriented model of interaction between adults and children, taking into account fundamental principles building a developing environment.

Children have free access to toys and play equipment, every child's need for movement is satisfied; in junior group there is a sports corner with the necessary equipment for the development of movements. There are multifunctional attributes for all kinds of games and theatrical activities, substitute toys, symbol toys are widely used.

There is a lot of desktop printed material, a variety of didactic and educational games, which are concentrated in special game zones and are constantly replenished.

On the MO No. 2“Role-playing game in preschool age groups”, dated November 02, 2010 Tkachenko E.V. noted that in the life of a child of preschool age, the game occupies one of the leading places. The game for him is the main activity, a form of organizing the life of children, a means of comprehensive development. Each kindergarten teacher is faced with the task of creating a friendly organized team, teaching children to play.

The game should occupy a special place in the life of children, as it affects the development of attention, memory, imagination and speech. They help to develop perseverance, patience, mutual respect, mutual assistance, accuracy, organization.

The game is an excellent means of development, it requires various kinds of efforts aimed at achieving the goal and overcoming the obstacles that arise.

Strong-willed qualities are brought up in the game: perseverance, self-control, endurance, independence, the will to win.

The ability to choose the right game is just as important as the ability to play it, given mental capacity, physical and mental state, moral and aesthetic education of children. Tkachenko E.V. shared from experience:

In terms of educational work, she paid great attention to the formation of an independent, more detailed plot-reflective game of children with different toys, planned special events for the development of the first plot-role-playing games.

Subject MO No. 3"Legal education of a preschooler - myth or reality?" . The following questions were considered:

1. Formation in children of elementary ideas about their rights and freedoms.

2. The main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Organized and carried out business game"Legal Academy"

An exhibition-presentation of abstracts of classes to familiarize children with their rights and obligations has been arranged.

On the first question "Formation in children of elementary ideas about their rights and freedoms", the head of the Moscow Region Tkachenko E.V. spoke. with a presentation.

Each state has its own Basic Law, but in order for this state to rightfully call itself a legal state, it is necessary that the country's Constitution comply with international legal documents. Today I will remind you of two international documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of important documents The UN has absorbed the centuries-old aspirations of people in all corners of the planet. Its main significance lies in the fact that for the first time in the history of mankind, fundamental human rights and freedoms were formed for the implementation in all countries, which are considered all over the world as standards, models for compliance with national legal documents, for example, sections of constitutions on the rights of citizens. The Declaration declares all human beings free and equal in dignity and rights.

The Universal Declaration is an international legal document that promotes human rights and freedoms.

On the second question, the kindergarten teacher, Agonen V.V. spoke about the Convention, about the rights of the child.

Tkachenko E.V. held a quiz on fairy tales "Question - Answer", individually guessed the crossword "Children's Rights".


"I have a right!" Why are you violating my rights?

By September 01, 2011, teachers were given the task to arrange a corner for parents and children "My Rights".

MO №4 was held on the topic: “Creating a health-saving pedagogical system in preschool". MO was carried out jointly with primary school teachers.

We are all concerned about the health of our children. And the role of physical culture in improving the health of the child is difficult to overestimate.

The causes of soreness in children are complex and serious: this and ecological situation, and social conditions of life, and the psychological climate in the family.

But we in kindergartens can create conditions for physical activity for the child, teach him to take good care of his health:

We may not tell something to a child from the field of mathematics, we may not be in time, introduce him to a computer - this is bad, but fixable.

But if we do not pay more attention to physical culture preschooler - precisely as an element of the universal culture of life, we will inflict irreparable damage (if we have not already done) to a whole generation of children.

In modern society, new, ever higher demands are made on a person, including a child - on the level of his development. Most people do not need to prove that a successful child is first and foremost a healthy child.

Caring for the health of a child and an adult has become a priority all over the world. And this is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active, healthy personalities.

Over the past three years, on average, about 10% of children enrolled in our kindergarten are assigned to the first health group. More than 13% have chronic diseases. Among them are postural disorders, allergic diseases, vision pathology, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The number of children of short stature, with a lack of body weight, with a discrepancy between the level of physical development and biological age, has increased.

A reflexive role-playing game “What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy” was held with teachers

We deliberately raised the question of negative impacts on a child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons, the consequences of which we can influence without affecting the global ones: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition.

The participants of the game had to determine in writing the reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending our kindergarten from being healthy.

The participants of the game were united in groups:





A discussion was held between teachers.

The psycho-emotional exercise "Sun" was carried out.

Teachers were given the task: to issue consultations for parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle (01.09.11).

To issue in the corner for parents a permanent rubric on physical. upbringing and health improvement of children together as an educator - instructor in PHYSICAL (09/01/11).

Create a brochure on health-saving technologies.

During the academic year, teachers took part in:

  • "Our child is our flower"

  • " Christmas story"

  • "Mosaic"

  • "Sunny Bunny"
Positive in the work of MO:
- A brochure "To help parents whose children go to kindergarten" was published.

Teachers were given the opportunity to take courses and learn information technologies in practice, work on the Internet.

The goals set for the year were met in full.

When drawing up a work plan for the next academic year, the following will be taken into account:

  1. The results of a survey of educators on opportunities and difficulties.

  2. Topics for self-education.

  1. Plan of advanced training courses for teachers.

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" for the 2014 - 2015 academic year

Machulina T.N. - Head of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" of the city of Gaya, Orenburg region.
Description: The publication presents an analysis of the work of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" for the year. A presentation has also been created where you can see a photo report of each meeting of the methodological association. This publication will be of interest to senior educators of preschool educational institutions and heads of GMOs.

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" for the 2014-2014 academic year

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" was given
Target:"Improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers."
To achieve the goal, the following tasks:
1.Activate teachers to use in professional activities information and communication technologies.
2. To optimize the conditions for the personal growth of the teacher, through familiarization with the experience of his work.

3. Create conditions for the exchange of best practices.
Throughout the 2014-2015 academic year, 4 meetings were held, the professional development of teachers was carried out through such forms as communication, consultation, report and open views of educational activities in the form of a circle, in the form of a role-playing game (in accordance with the annual plan).

The first meeting of the city methodological association - "Variability of the educational process", was held on October 23, 2014 on the basis of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14 "Baby", the meeting was attended by the chief specialist in preschool education and 11 teachers.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, the teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14" Kiseleva Galina Vasilyevna presented a message on the topic "Introduction to the origins of Russian folk art» as part of an additional educational program on patriotic education "My homeland is Russia".
In the practical part, the organized educational activities in the senior group “Visiting Grandmother Matrona” were presented to the attention of teachers. This educational activity is aimed at implementing the program of additional education for preschoolers in patriotic education "My homeland is Russia".
Educational activities organized in accordance with the new requirements for the construction of the educational process. Open viewing was integral part attestation work for the first qualification category of a teacher: Kiseleva Galina Vasilievna. The teacher showed how with the help of means visual arts there is an introduction of children to the origins of Russian culture.
The event was held at the highest level, there was a huge preliminary work, the quality of the tasks performed by the children and the professional competence of the teacher.

The second meeting of the city methodological association - "Variability of the educational process", was held on November 6, 2014. in MADOU "Kindergarten No. 20" Thumbelina", the meeting was attended by 13 teachers.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, the teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 20" Elena Alekseevna Lapochkina presented a consultation on the topic: "Introducing children to the art of origami in the course of circle activities"
The practical part of the productive (constructive) activity in the group preparatory to school in the form of circle work on the topic: “Paper miracle”, was also presented by Elena Alekseevna Lapochkina. Educational activities were aimed at developing the productive activities of preschoolers as part of the implementation of the program of additional education for preschoolers in the artistic and aesthetic direction "Steps of Creativity".
In an entertaining way, the children mastered the elementary techniques of origami technique, answered with interest the problematic questions proposed by the teacher. In the course of educational activities, children took a lively, interested part, showed interest in various tasks, made interesting forms for crafts using diagrams. Colleagues highly appreciated the preparation of the teacher, the level of organization and conduct of organized educational activities.

The third meeting of the city methodological association - "Variability of the educational process", was held on November 25, 2014. in MADOU "Kindergarten No. 19" Brook", the meeting was attended by 12 teachers.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, Zoya Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva presented her consultation on the topic: "Development of coherent speech through experimental work with preschool children."
Nikolaeva Zoya Alexandrovna, in the practical part of the methodological association, organized and conducted directly educational activities in preparatory group on the topic: "What do we know about water?". Cognitive research activities always attract children, especially if it is organized by a teacher who owns advanced technologies. The teacher with the children presented interesting experiments with water, while discussing the importance of water on Earth. Wonderful musical accompaniment, holding a physical minute "To a watering place", as well as experimental activities, decorated the educational activity and made it interesting for both children and educators. The enthusiasm of the guys was boundless!

The fourth meeting of the city methodological association - "Variability of the educational process", was held on March 19, 2015. in MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15" Teremok ", the meeting was attended by a methodologist of the education department of 12 teachers.
The theoretical part was presented by the teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15": Chekanova Natalya Petrovna, she read a report on the topic: "Small folklore genres as a means of forming the correct sound pronunciation" The practical part of the methodological association was organized interestingly and meaningfully ...
The teacher Natalya Petrovna Chekanova presented the direct educational activity in organizing a role-playing game with children of the early age group “The bear got sick”, the activity was organized in the form of a game situation. The introductory part of the educational activity was organized very interestingly, in order to create a mood for the upcoming activity, the teacher invited the children to put on medical clothes (gowns, caps), in the main part the teacher used an artistic word to attract the attention of children, and in order to increase interest in productive activities, the children were asked to fill the jar with vitamins for the bear. Children with interest and pleasure were included in the game activities, answered questions, solved problem situations.

Summing up the results of the work, we can say with confidence that all meetings of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process" were held at a high methodological level, they were interesting, meaningful, the issues considered at them are relevant. positive moment is also that there is a trend towards stability in attendance at our meetings. The average attendance is 12 people, this suggests that the methodical association, "Variability of the educational process", an interesting and useful form of work, is the exchange of experience, its generalization, presentation and implementation in the work of colleagues. Not a single one of our methodological associations passes without a trace, because. educators are trying to translate into their work what they have learned new, useful, interesting, I also want to note that the work plan has been completed in full. The work in the methodological association is structured in such a way that each teacher has the opportunity to systematically and fully demonstrate their intellectual and creative potential, this stimulates teachers to reveal professional secrets, which they generously share with colleagues.
Conclusion: GMO activities during the 2014-2015 academic year were varied and multifaceted. Results achieved work, in general, correspond to the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the academic year.

Presentation on the topic: Analysis of the work of the city methodological association

Larisa Mashkova
Analysis of the work of the district methodological association of educators of senior groups of preschool educational institutions for the 2015–2016 academic year

District methodological association of educators of senior groups DOW carried out its work in terms of updating the content of teacher education, modernizing education, the main goal of which is to achieve a new quality of general education, based on the main tasks defined by orders, recommendations, instructive methodical letters and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory.

The work of the district methodological association of preschool educators was

is aimed at the implementation of the problem "Development of modern educational, educational technologies that promote

the quality of the educational process”, on the use of productive forms and methods of organizing a training session, development of alternative pedagogical programs, acquaintance with the experience work of colleagues in implementation

modern pedagogical technologies.

In this regard, in 2015-2016 educational year, at the meeting of the RMO, the following goal was set and tasks:

Target: creation of organizational conditions conducive to increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.


Providing psychological, pedagogical and methodical support of the process of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of DO in the activities of preschool educational institutions improvement of pedagogical skills based on modern requirements and best practices creatively working caregivers;

Creation of a data bank of innovative ideas of preschool teachers to summarize the best pedagogical experience; development of the creative potential of the personality of the teacher through active participation in work of the RMO, events of various levels and translation of pedagogical experience.

The structure of the regional methodical associations:

Part 1 Theory questions

2nd part Practical demonstration

3rd part Analysis practical material

4th part Development of methodological recommendations for participants district methodological association

It is known that the content methodological work of the district methodological association largely determined by the characteristics of the educational situation in which the professional activity teachers according to their skill levels.

Activity district methodological association of educators built on the basis analysis and had a practical focus.

Identification of problems, the most pressing issues of the activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions on issues of improvement, questioning of teachers made it possible to determine the range of issues that needed to be paid attention to.

As a consequence, in the work of the district methodological association of educators of senior groups included the following questions:

1. "Organization of direct educational activities in accordance with the GEF DO."

3. "Problem situations in direct educational activities in senior preschool age

4 “Gender aspects education and education of preschool children.

5. "Gender approach in the musical development of preschool children"

6. "Personal- oriented approach in the activities of the DOE. Problems, searches, solutions.

7. View direct educational activities with analysis personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with children

8. Technology of generalization and description of pedagogical experience

The introduction of modern technologies in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

9. Building an educational process according to patriotic education in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the introduction of GEF DO.

10. Regional component in cognitive development preschoolers.

11. "The use of information and communication technologies for the development of cognitive activity of children senior preschool age.

12. Activity approach in educational working with preschoolers: experience, achievements.

13 "System-activity approach in practice work kindergarten during the implementation of GEF DO.

14. Activity approach in working with parents of pupils.

15. Use of health-saving technologies in working with children.

During the year, scientific research was systematically carried out. methodical work on the study of methodical letters, recommendations.

The practical part consisted of open classes, workshops, master classes.

The open events showed that caregivers skillfully combine educational areas in their work, own methodology have professional competence. The events were distinguished by the accessibility of the presentation of the material, the effectiveness working methods and techniques, expediency of time distribution, logical sequence and interrelation of stages.

However educators it is very difficult to adapt to GCD using problem situations, so it is necessary to plan for a new training year open events in accordance with GEF DO.

In the theoretical workshops during the year, the participants of the meetings of the RMO were presented with presentations on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the context of modernizing the system of preschool education, the benchmarks of which are quality and efficiency, one of the main requirements for preschool educational institutions is the introduction of innovations in the pedagogical process, and this entails an increase in requirements for the level of pedagogy and qualifications educators, which contributed RMO work in 2015-2016 academic year.

However, despite positive trends in education and education, the following limitations:

Insufficient methodical ensuring the pedagogical process.

Difficulties in implementing the FSES DO in the educational process during the main stages of directly educational activities, joint activities teacher and children, independent activity.

Evaluation on the organization of activities district methodological association of educators of senior groups showed that the RMI meetings senior group teachers contributed to the introduction of modern technologies, effective pedagogical experience into practice work of teachers.

However, along with this, it should be noted that the the work of the district methodological association on the organization of inclusion educators Preschool educational institution in the process of mastering modern technologies.

Work self-education is one of the most important areas for a teacher to improve their professional skills. The goal of self-education of a teacher is to expand and deepen the professional methodological knowledge and skills, most teachers systematically engage in self-education in the intercourse period, although there are also teachers who approach this episodically or practically do not engage in self-education. The increase in the professional competence of teachers is facilitated by the study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience identified in the course of studying the state of educational process.

In 2015-2016 educational year, none of the teachers of educational institutions provided experience work on self-education for study at the RMO meeting. What says about the reluctance of preschool workers improve your professional level. Thus, self-education of teachers remains a problem.

AT the work of preschool methodological associations for the 2016 - 2017 academic year year it is necessary to include presentations or public defenses of self-education topics.

During the problem-oriented analysis the following Problems:

Practical implementation is not effective enough caregivers active educational and innovative technologies;

Insufficient orientation of teachers to their participation in competitions of professional skills;

Remains relevant operating time actual pedagogical experience caregivers.

Today, the main goal of the activity district methodological association is: Improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers

For this purpose, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: The main stages of the direction are determined work of the district methodological association of educators preschool educational institution on the problem under study "Mastering modern educational, educational technologies that contribute to improving the quality of the educational process.

The main activities of the RMO educators DOW organizes its activities in the following directions:

Development of creative initiative and activity of teachers;

analysis of your work the ability to see shortcomings, identify their causes, take measures to eliminate them;

The desire to constantly improve their professional skills.

Studying the most effective technologies, methods and techniques of work of the best teachers of the district;

Monitoring the information needs of teachers, monitoring the formation of professional skills and abilities;

Consulting support for young teachers.

When making a plan the work of RMO educators of senior groups for the next academic year will be taken into account:

1. Survey results educators to improve the pedagogical process and improve the quality of education and parenting.

2. Organization work on self-education of preschool teachers.

Head of RMO senior group teachers