Why dream of washing the floors in the temple. The woman had a dream

If a dream alarmed you with something, you should not immediately get upset and panic, perhaps its interpretation has the opposite meaning.

Why dream of washing floors? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of washing floors - the main interpretation

Not everyone loves cleaning. But what if you dreamed about how you wash the floors? What is the meaning of such a dream. If you dream that you are washing the floors in the morning, what is the significance of such a dream? It means your new undertaking, a new business that you have long dreamed of.

But how to correctly and completely interpret the dream?

It is necessary to take into account all its details:

Do you wash the floors in your house;

Are they dirty;

Can you wash them?

Who else washes the floors with you;

How do you feel after cleaning?

If you wake up and experience inexplicable fear after a dream about how you wash the floors - such a dream means that you are afraid to change something in your life. You are afraid to take responsibility for all possible changes. It’s easier for you to sit out, do nothing, but also not take risks.

Even if the risk is not justified, the dream book indicates that huge prospects will soon open up before you, and if you don’t try now, don’t try your luck, you will regret it for a long time to come. The dream in which you wash the floors all night speaks of the difficulty of making a decision. You will worry and doubt and you will not be able to accept it.

Try to think ahead of all your next steps and don't worry if something doesn't work out for you, try again and again. The dream in which you wash the floor from blood speaks of some terrible events that will soon happen to you. Get ready for the challenges.

If you dream that you are washing a wooden floor, such a dream suggests that in reality you will encounter a number of unforeseen circumstances and resistances. They will not be objective and dependent only on you. Such circumstances will directly depend on the influence of strangers on your life.

If you wash a wooden floor in a dream and after that it rises, such a dream means that unexpected expenses await you soon. Your wallet will be empty and you won't be able to do anything about it. You will try to minimize costs, but you will not be able to do it. Try to set aside a certain amount of money in advance, which you can then spend on your own needs. Do not rush to acquire expensive values. Now you do not have the opportunity to spend so much money.

The dream in which you wash the concrete floor indicates that your hopes for a favorable set of circumstances will not be successful. You will very much want a new development in your life, but it will not happen. Your hopes will be empty and in personal life and in the professional field. You should not count on success in advance if you wash the concrete floor from dirt after rain.

Are the traces you washed away reappearing? Then you should seriously think about whether you did the right thing with your loved ones. Someone reaches out to you, someone wants love from you, constantly reminds of himself, but you always refuse to pay attention to a person. The dream book says that you are acting recklessly and wrong. Don't bring resentment to the fore. You need to learn to forgive, then unpleasant situations will stop pestering you.

If you wash the floor in a dream, and it falls apart under your feet, cracks and holes appear in it - such a dream means that soon you will have troubles in your personal life. You will lose your support and hope, you may even stop enjoying life. But these difficulties will be temporary. Don't worry too much about them.

If in a dream you wash the floor with water Green colour- such a dream speaks of stagnation in your affairs and no matter how you want to change the situation - you will face the same recurring problems. It is important not to retreat before them, not to be afraid of stagnation, but to use this time for good.

For example, you can effectively do something else while it is stagnant. It is important to understand that you have taken on too much and now you may not have time to deal with the accumulated cases.

A dream in which someone else washes the floors means that someone else will take on the responsibility for an important matter for you. You shouldn't worry about this. You are doing your job well. And if someone volunteered to help you, you can only thank the person.

The dream in which you are preparing floor cleaning equipment indicates your preparation for something very important. You have long dreamed of realizing yourself in this business, and finally came close to solving this issue.

Try not to put off your plans if you rub the floor to a shine. Your decision will concern something new and unique. You will need it so much that you will gladly decide to make every effort to improve your financial situation and to improve your life in general.

Why dream of washing floors according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that washing floors in a dream means experiences and suffering in relation to personal life in reality. You are very worried about how your personal life will turn out. You don't really give yourself a chance to reconnect. It is difficult for you to live for someone if the floors in your dream are not washed.

You are most likely not ready to sacrifice your personal time and space for someone else, so in a dream you get tired when you wash the floors. To see how you wash the floors in a huge chic house is to change your relationship to a more productive one. If you see that you are washing the floors in the mall, you should think about whether you value yourself and your relationships too much, maybe you do not attach due importance to them.

A dream in which a man washes the floors for you - says that in reality he will take care of you and show attention. But do not abuse his attention and disposition towards you. Better - try to reciprocate, then the relationship will reach a new level.

If a pregnant woman dreams about how she washes the floors, such a dream means that she will suffer because of unrequited feelings. It may seem to her that no one loves, everyone is abandoned, no one expects love from her and is not ready to give it to her. But actually it is not. Everything in her life is yet to come.

Why dream of washing floors according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says why you dream of washing floors. Such a dream means a streak of bad luck and failure. If you try to wipe the floor from dirt, you will be blackened and slandered. You will not be able to fully restore your reputation. You will have to prove your worth for a long time.

If you see that you are washing off some inscriptions from the floor, it is important to listen and look at the little things. They will make your life full and beautiful. Try to be more attentive to your colleagues if in a dream you wash floors at work. Such a dream speaks of possible troubles with them. They will create discomfort and trouble for you. The dream in which you wash the floors dirty water- means that you will be fixated on the same question for a long time. To understand it, it is important to look inside yourself.

If you see someone else washing the floors in your house, remember who it was. A lot depends on this person in your life. You will be more and more inclined to believe that it was the influence of ill-wishers on your life that led to stagnation in business.

Why dream of washing floors according to other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that washing floors - such a dream is a dream of indignation and hard work. Perhaps you yourself know where and in what you were wrong, but do not want to admit it. Try not to actively contradict yourself. The more you reread and resist life, the more problems you will have. This is evidenced by a dream in which you wash the floor too hard.

Aesop's dream book says that if you wash the floors of an unfamiliar woman, you are subconsciously afraid of betrayal. Are you afraid that you will be betrayed close person. And the sooner you stop being afraid, the sooner you will get a healthy, cheerful relationship.

If in a dream you see how you wash the floor in a cafe, in reality you will rest so well that you will have to be ashamed of your actions and words. Try to worry less about it and give yourself more work. Your results in work will soon be colossal. Especially if you dreamed about how you washed the floors to a shine. Whatever the dream, listen to your intuition.

The floor is considered an important part of the house, which symbolizes the basis of all spheres of human life. Washing the floors demonstrates the dreamer's attempt to clean up his important matters. Particular attention should be paid to such details as the material from which the floor is made, its color, where the cleaning took place, the presence of other people next to the dreamer, what kind of water was used for these purposes.

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    Key values

    A night vision in which the dreamer washes the floors means that cardinal changes will soon take place in her life.

    Seeing in a dream how someone is cleaning means that the cherished position will go to this person.

    To wash the flooring in your apartment - to pleasant and joyful news from old acquaintances, in the kitchen - to move up the career ladder, in the living room - to receive a big bonus, a valuable gift. Cleaning up in the bedroom is a good pastime.

    To clean the house using a mop - for a family celebration.

    Wash the floors under the beds - for an emergency business trip, travel.

    According to the erotic dream book, cleaning portends changes in a person’s personal life.

    Washing clean floors in night vision - to ailments and troubles.

    What floor is washed in a dream?

    If the floor is strong and reliable, then this suggests that in reality a person has a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. A loose and unstable coating is a sign that someone close to you can betray the dreamer. Holes in the floor symbolize serious material losses or dismissal from work.

    A slippery floor warns a person that you should not make acquaintances with unpleasant people and sign important documents with unfamiliar persons. There is a possibility of deceit or a scam into which ill-wishers will try to drag the dreamer. Wet flooring portends separation from a loved one.

    Garbage symbolizes the dreamer's aggression. More time should be given to rest. You may need to see a qualified psychologist.

    Tidying up the wooden floor - to gossip and false rumors. Another meaning of this dream is complete trust and understanding with the other half. Stone floor - soon we should expect a profitable business offer, which should not be refused.

    Tiled flooring suggests that a person manages to keep peace of mind in life. He is confident in himself and in his abilities, thanks to which he easily solves all troubles, especially financial ones.

    If you dreamed that a person washes linoleum, then his cherished goals will be achieved.

    The parquet floor symbolizes the support of friends in difficult times.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Floor color

    The color of the flooring is of great importance for the accurate interpretation of a dreaming night vision:

    1. 1. If the floor was in dark colors, then this is a clue to the dreamer about his internal psychological problems. A person pays too much attention to trifles. It is necessary to concentrate efforts to achieve the main goals and not worry about trifles.
    2. 2. Coverage in light colors symbolizes the dreamer's adequate attitude towards himself and the people around him. A person is firmly moving towards his goals. Another interpretation of night vision is joyful and unexpected news from afar.
    3. 3. Some dream books claim that mopping promises separation from your home for an indefinite time. Another meaning is the visit of unexpected guests, meeting with whom will bring a lot of positive emotions.

    What else can dream of washing the floor?

    If a married woman had a dream about cleaning, then this is a sign that she is extremely dissatisfied with her family life. You should talk frankly about problems with your spouse. This will help avoid a scandal or divorce.

    Attempts to wash the blood stain on the floor symbolize the dreamer's desire to hide some facts from her biography from strangers.

    Diligent washing of the parquet portends a sharp rise up the career ladder. For this to happen sooner, you should not argue with your superiors or stubbornly defend your point of view. The guide will appreciate such qualities in the dreamer as diligence and the ability to compromise.

    Thoroughly wash the dirty floor - to a new page in a person's life. There will be major changes in the near future. This may be a move to a new place of residence, a job with good pay, a romantic acquaintance, which will end with a solemn marriage ceremony.

    What does the place where the cleaning process took place say about?

    For the correct interpretation of the dream, you must try to remember where you happened to wash the floors.

    Cleaning up in a room that is unfamiliar to the dreamer is to have a great influence on someone's fate.

    If a person in a dream began to clean up the workplace, this means that the authorities consider the dreamer a very valuable employee. To wash the floors at the same place of work - to a small amount of money. Cleaning up in the director's office - to buy equipment or furniture. Try to wash the working corridor - family life will be filled with love, peace and harmony. Finding a valuable thing during cleaning is a fulfillment of a cherished desire.

    If you happen to do cleaning in someone else's apartment, then in the near future a person will radically change someone's life.

    Washing the floors in the church means washing away sins from oneself. The dream says that in the distant past a person committed an act for which he is still ashamed. Thoughts about this do not allow the dreamer to live in peace. He wants to atone for this sin and start life with clean slate.

    Washing the floor in the entrance promises the acquisition of real estate in another city and an early move to a new place of residence.

    Cleaning up at school - to a change of job or a transition to a higher and more revered position.

    Interpretation of sleep depending on the room

    Cleaning the house of parents - you should expect a big family celebration.

    Washing the floors in the hospital promises a deterioration in the dreamer's financial situation. There may be expenses associated with the treatment of one of the distant relatives.

    Cleaning the floors in the toilet or bathroom - to gossip and false rumors of envious people and ill-wishers, in the kitchen - a new romantic acquaintance with an interesting person. If you had a chance to clean the mother-in-law's home, then you should be prepared for a difficult life period.

    Cleaning up with a dead person is a bad sign that promises an unpleasant event. This may be a disease of a well-known person, dismissal from work, a break in relations with a loved one.

    Putting things in order in the store is a good purchase for the home.

    Cleaning up the mansion of a famous person symbolizes the dreamer's great desire to start her own family. If a famous person paid the dreamer's work well, then she will meet a worthy candidate for husbands.

    Who does the cleaning?

    If in a night vision it seemed that mom was washing the floors, then this promises quarrels and misunderstandings in relations with her mother. The dreamer should be wise and not argue with a loved one over trifles.

    To see in a dream how a grandmother is cleaning up indicates that a person will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation thanks to the mind and experience of communicating with different people.

    A dream in which the mother-in-law washes the floors, and the daughter-in-law does not help her, promises a warm and trusting relationship with her husband's mother. She will help in matters relating to everyday life.

    To see how a man is cleaning - to the appearance of gossip and envious dreamers in the immediate environment. They are up to something unpleasant against the mistress of the vision.

    Washing floors by an unfamiliar person promises a fun holiday among colleagues.

    Other dream meanings

    Washing the parquet with dirty water portends unexpected monetary gains. Spilling water is a waste of money.

    Cleaning with a dirty rag - one of the good friends will ask the dreamer for a large sum of money. Money can be safely borrowed only if the floor has been washed completely.

    If during the cleaning process a strange child offered to help, then this is a symbol of getting rid of anger, aggression and negative energy.

    Breakage of a mop promises the beginning overhaul in your housing.

    Wash floors in a dream with your hands - to attempts to restore your reputation. The dreamer will succeed in this, and he will start life from scratch.

    If a woman had a dream in a position, then this portends an easy birth.

    Cleaning under the bed - for a long journey.

    If a person dreamed in a dream that he fell during cleaning, then this warns of betrayal and betrayal of the second half.

    Interpretations of sleep by famous personalities

    Many famous people they are interested in everything related to the hearth, the place where a person spends most of his life. Cleaning your home and washing floors is no exception.

    Sigmund Freud claims that cleaning his home portends a big scandal with a partner. The reason will be the person's dissatisfaction with the couple's sexual life.

    The great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga says that mopping is an auspicious sign that promises the start of a successful career.

    Nostradamus believes that such dreams are a symbol of the transition of a couple in love to a higher and more serious level.

    According to Miller's dream book, washing the floor is a quick romantic acquaintance. Relationships will be filled with sincere love and care for each other.

    The interpreter of Loff's dreams claims that if a person changes his mind about washing the floors, then this portends the arrival of long-awaited guests or a meeting with old friends.

    The esoteric dream book suggests that such dreams promise an unexpected twist of fate. Pleasant changes should soon occur, with which the dreamer will be incredibly happy.

In night dreams, the most incredible things can often be seen. But it is they who can become a harbinger of certain events in the real world. For example, any person, having seen how he washes the floor in night dreams, will definitely ask why such a dream is dreaming. But deciphering such a dream, you need to remember all the emotional burden that it carried in itself.

Washing floors in a dream can have a dual interpretation. It is possible to positively decipher such a dream if the water in the bucket was clean, and the washing process itself was not accompanied by internal discomfort. Highly a good sign is if the dreamer pays attention to the result of his work. That is, the floors after washing remain clean.

Why dream of washing floors in an apartment?

It is very important to remember the place where you had a chance to wash the floors in a dream.

So, if you dream that you are washing the floors in the apartment, then you need to remember whose it is:

    If its own, then this indicates that the dreamer seeks to clear the space in which he lives from the negative. This dream is favorable and portends bright changes in life. If a stranger, then this indicates that the dreamer is very overtired. In addition, such a dream can focus on the fact that you are trying in vain to change the character of another person.

Interpretation of a dream for a married woman

But if a married woman dreams that she washes the floors in her own house, then this indicates her dissatisfaction with family life. For single representatives, general cleaning with mopping portends a long-awaited meeting with a soul mate.

Floor material - dream book

To understand what the dream is about, in which mopping appears, and to decipher it correctly, you should try to remember what the flooring was made of. And so, the floor material that you have to wash in a dream:
    The tile indicates that real life a period of stabilization begins, both material and moral. The tree symbolizes that the dreamer is trying to remove squabbles and gossip from his life. The carpet, which had to be washed with a vacuum cleaner, portends an improvement in living conditions in reality. that you have to work hard to achieve certain successes in life.

Wash clean floor

A dream is considered a bad sign in which the dreamer had to wash an absolutely clean floor. This portends the development of serious diseases and a deterioration in the general condition. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of strong life disappointments.

Freud's dream book

According to the interpretation of Freud's dream book, a dream in which you wash floors with pleasure indicates that you will have to sort out real life relationships with your partner. And this is due to the fact that you began to get tired of the routine of relationships, and dream of modifying them in some way. To avoid parting, it is necessary to try to bring new emotions and feelings into life after such a dream.

Wash floors in official institutions

Washing floors in various official establishments means the following:
    At work, washing floors in a dream indicates that your efforts and labors will soon be marked by management. But if you feel discomfort from your actions, then, most likely, new responsibilities will fall on you, which will be very unpleasant and burdensome for you. In a hospital, washing floors in a dream means waking up opportunities for growing material well-being. If in the process of this you had to wash the stains, then this means that you have to hide some points of your biography. Washing the floors in a church in night dreams means that you will have to endure something in the near future. Washing floors at school in a dream suggests that you need to listen to the advice of loved ones.

For correct decoding dreams, the color of the floors that had to be washed is of great importance:
    Dark tones portend strong life experiences. But in fact, they are simply invented and a person is largely mistaken. Light shades symbolize that a person perceives correctly the events taking place around him. A white or black floor symbolizes the dreamer's wisdom and that he is able to make the right decisions. The red color of the floor reflects internal aggression dreamer.

Why dream of washing floors by hand?

If the floors were washed by hand, using an ordinary rag, then this means that the dreamer in real life does everything mechanically and does not enjoy it. If a mop was used to clean the floors, then a person seeks in reality to push unpleasant events away from himself. But if a modern washing vacuum cleaner was used to wash the floors, then the dreamer is actively involved in building his own real life and manages it. Understanding why washing floors is dreamed of according to information different dream books, you can listen to your own intuition, link the plot of the dream with the events of real life. As a rule, such night dreams are warning, so it is possible to prevent any Negative consequences events that are destined for fate.

If you want to know why you dreamed of washing the floors and what the dream of cleaning means, it is recommended that you read this article, which describes all the known interpretations of such a dream.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's house, in your own, at the entrance, in your parent's house, store

If you have to mop the floors in someone else's house, the point is that you will have the opportunity to help someone at work or in the family. Sometimes a dream to the death of a little-known person. If washing takes place in your own home, it means that you will have changes in your life, and for the better.

Washing the floors in the entrance indicates the availability of opportunities to improve living conditions, including the promise of moving to a new place, for example, to a rented apartment. As for the parents' house, in this situation it is worth preparing for a possible misfortune in the family. In the case of the store, we are talking about the presence of additional chores around the house.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's apartment, at my grandmother's, in a church, in a hospital, at school

In a strange house, washing floors in a dream suggests that your actions will cause a change in the lives of those who trust you or consider you an example to follow. In the case of the deceased grandmother, we are talking about the fact that within your family you should expect conflict situations, the resolution of which is entirely your concern.

If you dream of washing floors in a church, then it's time to be wary, because soon there will be a lot of troubles and dangerous life moments. Why dream of washing floors in a hospital or a large room? In such a situation, you need to prepare yourself for a series of failures in your personal life and at work.

In the case of school, it is about the fact that you can achieve success both at work and in the educational process. Such a dream is positive and does not promise failure.

Wash floors in a dream with dirty (clean) water, what is it for

If the water is not polluted, you should prepare for good news. In the case when the washed floor is dirty, like water, then condemnation from the outside awaits you. A man will have such a dream for the appearance of envious people.

Why dream of washing floors in a dream in the kitchen, street, cemetery, work

If you dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen, then you have to wait for a new relationship with the opposite sex. If there are already any, you can count on strengthening mutual feelings.

If washing is on the street, then a dream can mean grief or numerous experiences. Your friends or relatives may have unpleasant situations in which you will be presented with a chance to help in solving the problem. If you dreamed of a cemetery and mopping in it, it means that a bright streak begins in life and you don’t have to wait for failure.

Washing the floor at work suggests that you are fed up with it and this is a good reason to find another job.

In a dream, wash the floors with foam, at home, at the mother-in-law

If foam or soapy water is used, soap bubbles in a dream, then the joyful moments will not last long, and the previously planned will not be destined to end.

To wash the floors in your home, what is it for? In such a situation, they talk about family well-being and improved health. Helping the mother-in-law always brings new troubles, both on the love front and in the workplace.

In a dream, wash the floors with a mop, with your hands, around the bed, in the bath

The use of a mop in a dream indicates that it is worth agreeing to the offer that was or will be made by a stranger. Washing the floor in a dream with your hands will symbolize the desire to whiten your reputation, including guaranteeing the elimination of any problems that have appeared recently. Cleaning under the bed or around it is a trip or a business trip, and seeing a bath is a desire to improve your reputation and become a new person.

Sleep to wash the floors of a pregnant woman

In this case, expect childbirth in the coming days.

To dream of washing dirty floors in an old house

Washing such a floor indicates future troubles or that you will get sick. An old house in a dream is a change of place of permanent residence.

In a dream, mom washes the floors, husband, deceased (deceased)

If the mother washes the floor in a dream, then you will have problems with personal communication, and the husband will indicate the presence of envious people and ongoing slander. In the case of the dead who washes the floor, you can count on the restoration of trust from the one who is disappointed in you.

Wash floors in a dream Islamic dream book

Laundry and washing will talk about getting rid of many problems, burdens and misfortunes.

Wash floors in a dream Miller's dream book

You should beware of envious people who can interfere with career advancement or seek to ruin your reputation.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

The reason why people look through the dream book is the interpretation of dreams. Washing floors in a dream is a banal action, but what does it portend? There can be many values. It all depends on the circumstances that accompany this action during sleep. But in most cases it is good sign which portends positive changes in different areas of life.

Dream Interpretation: wash floors - to move up the career ladder

This means that cardinal changes are waiting for you soon. Most likely, they will be related to your activities. Perhaps you will receive a new offer, sign a lucrative contract. It is likely that hitherto unseen horizons will open to you. This dream can promise you an increase in income or career advancement. In any case, you are waiting for drastic changes for the better. Another interpretation is a likely change in the situation on the "personal front." you will meet interesting person or mend existing relationships.

Dream Interpretation: wash the floors in your house

If you are cleaning in your own home, then the changes will happen to you. And in the area of ​​​​life that is very important to you. Expect pleasant surprises soon!

Dream Interpretation: wash floors in someone else's house

If you wash the floors in a friend's house, then this dream has two interpretations. In the first case, thanks to your actions, the situation with the owner of the house will significantly improve. And this applies to people who respect you, appreciate and recognize your authority. In the second case, if you are washing the floor in the house of a person with whom you cannot find a common language, you should analyze your relationship with him. Perhaps you are worried about old grievances, unresolved conflicts? Think about it and try to resolve the situation. If you wash the floor in the presence of a person with whom you are in a quarrel, you should forgive him, because resentment lives deep in your soul, and such a state can harm your health.

Dream interpretation: my floors at work

If you are cleaning in the office of the company you work for, then you do not experience satisfaction and pleasure from your work. You may feel that you are not appreciated and that you deserve more. You realize that you could receive a better reward for your work, you cannot fully realize yourself and are forced to perform routine work from which you do not feel pleasure. In any case, you should think about it and take action: for example, talk to your superiors or find another job. If you do not wash, but sweep the floors, this indicates that you are not doing your duties too conscientiously.

Dream Interpretation: wash floors - a thirst for love and understanding

If a woman has such a dream, this may indicate that she suffers from a lack of attention and misunderstanding. A woman feels lonely, wants others to take more care of her. She dreams of creating a more trusting and warm relationship with the household. Such a woman wants to make the house more comfortable, as well as to achieve intimacy with loved ones. In any case, the subconscious gives us a signal. It is only important to understand it and act in accordance with it.