Can you get your period in 2 weeks? Why menstruation occurs twice a month

Usually, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, no more, after which spotting usually stops. In the time intervals between menstruation, women may notice various kinds of vaginal discharge. Sometimes they may contain a little blood and / or be brownish, but there are cases when heavy bleeding opens in the middle of the cycle, which in medicine is called metrorrhagia.

Menstruation went in a week - reasons

There are plenty of cases of bleeding that are not associated with menstruation. The reason can be both natural changes in the woman's body, and certain pathological conditions that require immediate medical attention.


Bloody discharge a week after menstruation can be a symptom of chronic endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium). Usually, this disease can develop due to diseases and infections that are sexually transmitted. Endometritis left untreated can cause polyps.


If menstruation started a week after menstruation ended, then this may indicate a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones. Increased fatigue, irritability, fatigue are symptoms that also indicate this pathology. For diagnosis and further treatment, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

If bleeding began a week after the onset of menstruation and at the same time:

  • accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • dizziness

then its cause may be an ectopic pregnancy, a case when the attachment of a fertilized egg occurs outside the uterine cavity. This variant of pregnancy is dangerous to health, therefore, it requires immediate medical intervention, since without it it can be fatal.


If after the last menstruation in a week they start again, then this may be one of the symptoms of anovulation. This is the name of the pathology in which there is no monthly ovulation. This condition is usually caused by:

  • prolonged absence of menstruation
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • the appearance of light bleeding from the uterus at any time.


During ovulation, the amount of estrogen, the female sex hormone, changes in the body. It is hardly possible to feel the moment the egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle, but it is quite possible to notice small discharges. And this is a normal situation, which is not a deviation from the norm.

uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids is another reason that menstruation can begin immediately after the critical days that have just ended. As a rule, fibroids are one of the most common diseases in women in the late reproductive period and during menopause.

Typical symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
  • Feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

If your period started a week after your period has already passed, then this may be a symptom of endometriosis (brown discharge). In this condition, endometrial cells (the innermost layer of the uterine wall) grow outside of this layer. Sometimes they are localized in the vagina or in the cervical region. In endometriosis, bleeding leads to inflammation in the surrounding tissues, which can lead to the following problems

  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Strengthening and lengthening of menstrual flow
  • Infertility

Menstrual irregularity

It happens that a woman begins her period two weeks after the previous ones. Most likely, this indicates a violation of the menstrual cycle. The reason may be:

  • Overwork
  • climate change
  • Change of time zones (jet lag)
  • Chronic lack of sleep
  • Hormonal disbalance

In any case, a consultation with a gynecologist will not hurt.

Bleeding during menstruation is often difficult to tolerate and is accompanied by weakness, nausea, pain and other unpleasant phenomena.

In some cases, heavy bleeding during menstruation is normal, but most menstrual irregularities are associated with pathologies. internal organs and require competent medical attention.

The cause of severe bleeding during menstruation is usually infection organs of the reproductive system, hormonal imbalance, fibrous tumors, uterine and endometrial polyps, oncological diseases, violations of the position of the intrauterine device, blood diseases that violate clotting.

With short-term and irregular abundant discharge, such monthly periods can be considered a single deviation. If bleeding during menstruation lasts longer than 5 days, it is better to establish the cause in a timely manner by contacting a gynecologist and find a way to stop monthly bleeding as soon as possible.

How to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding

Pathological uterine bleeding be the result of dysfunction of the organs that regulate the menstrual cycle. The cause of dysfunctional bleeding can be fibroids, adenomyosis, polyps, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hypothyroidism (thyroid disorders), iron deficiency. Miscarriage and early ectopic pregnancy can cause bleeding. Taking anticoagulants and installing an intrauterine device can cause uterine bleeding as a complication.

A sign of uterine bleeding may be heavy bleeding during menstruation, especially if its duration is more than a week. A large number of blood clots, weakness, fatigue, sharp and aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, anemia also indicate the presence of dysfunctional bleeding. Bleeding between periods clearly indicates a pathology.

In the presence of fibroids, uterine bleeding can be stopped only by surgery. With polyps, drug treatment is also impossible; hysteroscopy is performed for treatment.

How to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation

When abnormal bleeding occurs or during heavy periods, hormonal and non-hormonal hemostatic agents are often used. Drugs, the action of which is based on a change in the hormonal background, are recommended to be taken as directed, since only a specialist will be able to develop an individual regimen that will prevent the occurrence of complications and re-bleeding. Self-medication with hormonal drugs often causes additional pathologies, fertility disorders and complications during childbearing and childbirth.

Blood clots during menstruation

Some consider such a phenomenon as menstruation with blood clots to be a completely normal and natural process, but for many women this causes alertness.

The reproductive system of a woman is incredibly fragile, and not only the ability to give birth to a healthy child, but also good health and self-confidence depend on her health. So, let's see why menstruation has blood clots and whether to worry about it.

Physiology of a woman

We all know that menstruation is a certain period of the cycle of a healthy reproductive system. In the first part of the menstrual cycle, the egg matures. Also at this time, the walls of the uterus noticeably thicken, as the uterus prepares for the bearing of the embryo.

Most often, if blood clots come out during menstruation, this is not a pathology, but on the contrary, it is quite normal. The fact is that during menstruation, not only an unfertilized egg comes out, but also the functional layer of the endometrium exfoliates. Moderate bleeding is considered a sign of normal menstruation, it is about 250 ml of blood in 4 days. For ease of calculation, with this amount of discharge, a woman uses no more than 5 sanitary pads per day. Also, menstrual blood is characterized by a scarlet color at the beginning of menstruation, by the end of menstruation it can darken noticeably, and blood clots during menstruation will turn brown.

There is another type of blood clots during menstruation - these are thrombus-like clots. They appear if the blood coagulates in the vagina. This phenomenon is usually observed by women with heavy periods, and if such blood clots appear frequently during menstruation, and a woman uses more than 5-6 pads per day, an urgent need to consult a doctor, since such periods can cause severe blood loss.

In any case, if your periods are accompanied by blood clots, not very plentiful and moderately painful, there is nothing to worry about. A cause for concern should be menstruation during pregnancy, heavy and very painful periods.

Menstruation 2 weeks after menstruation is a fairly solid signal that may indicate the development of serious diseases or an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat this symptom negligently. If the menstruation ended and started again in the middle of the menstrual cycle, you should immediately consult a gynecologist for advice in order to avoid negative consequences.

An alarming sign - if menstruation goes on for almost a whole month. This is already a clear pathology, indicating oncological diseases.

For any normal woman, the main thing in life is children. But for multiple reasons, infertility develops. Almost all gynecological diseases can be accompanied by a violation of the reproductive function, and sometimes a disturbed menstrual cycle helps to determine not only the disease, but also the true reason for the inability to conceive a child. It should be remembered that the earlier the disease is detected, the more successful and faster the treatment will be. As a result, a woman's dream of motherhood will come true.

But not only those girls who are on their second menstruation need to visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough examination. For the prevention of gynecological diseases, it is necessary to visit a doctor at least 3 times a year. Given the fact that many pathologies are “getting younger”, experts recommend being examined once every 2 months.

Manifestation of polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries is a hormonal pathology and is characterized by endocrine and reproductive disorders of the ovaries. As a result, the egg does not leave the ovary, which prevents the woman from becoming pregnant.

The main symptoms of the disease are manifested by irregular monthly or long delays. And the second menstruation comes in 2 weeks. Some women may observe that their periods have gone in 2 days or 1 week.

The disease occurs against the background of pathological changes in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries. It is precisely because the development of the disease is due to more than one factor that it manifests itself in different ways. For some, menstruation comes a week or two after menstruation, and some women wait up to 6 months for the “crying of the uterus”.

The development of disorders in the organs often develops against the background of severe stress, depression, because it is not in vain that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Causes also include the following:

  • change in climatic conditions;
  • the impact of bad ecology;
  • acute bacterial and viral infections (tonsillitis, influenza pneumonia).


It is impossible to carry out self-treatment! Polycystic is fraught with infertility and the occurrence of cancerous tumors of the endometrium, uterus, and mammary glands. Therefore, if a woman's period came a week after menstruation, gynecologists advise not to delay visiting the hospital. Treatment of polycystic difficult task. Surgery and hormonal therapy are almost always prescribed.

Symptoms of endometriosis

This is a fairly common pathology today, both among the female and among the male. It is characterized by the growth of tissue in various organs, mainly the tissues of the small pelvis. Most often, the cause is a malfunction of the hormonal system. It is diagnosed in women most often at the age of 24-37 years.

Symptoms are manifested by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, especially during intercourse and during menstruation, a violation of the menstrual cycle (menstruation comes after the previous ones in 1-2 weeks). Prolonged menstruation, which cannot end in any way, is also a sign of endometriosis. Blood can be released during defecation, urination. In many women, endometriosis is asymptomatic and manifests itself already with visible pathologies - ectopic pregnancy, peritonitis and infertility.

The disease proceeds in 4 stages. Endometriosis can be internal or external. If pregnancy occurs in parallel with the developing pathology, the fetus dies in the womb.

You should know and remember that during a routine gynecological examination, the pathology may not be noticed. If a woman has stable and persistent pain in the abdomen, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, then you need to undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, laparoscopy or MRI. Any focus of endometriosis can become a malignant tumor at any time, so a biopsy is used for diagnosis.


To treat the disease, contraceptive hormonal drugs are used. By suppressing the work of the ovaries, they block the development of foci of endometriosis. At the advanced stage, an operation is scheduled.

Disorders in the production of thyroid hormones

Hypothyroidism. A disease caused by disorders in the production of thyroid hormones. It is a fairly common disease among women. The main reason is autoimmune thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by the formation of autoantibodies). One of the signs is menstruation 10 days after just past menstruation.

Pathology can develop against the background of the following problems:

  • congenital hypoplasia;
  • hereditary defects in the biological synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • transferred surgery on the thyroid gland;
  • some methods of treatment of toxic goiter;
  • insufficient intake of iodine in the body;
  • medicines;
  • tumors, acute and chronic infections of the thyroid gland;
  • necrosis or injury of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus.

An insufficient amount of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body leads to a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, mental and sexual activity. Symptoms progress slowly. Signs of the disease are almost invisible. But one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism is precisely the violation of the menstrual cycle - repeated periods come 2 weeks after menstruation. The woman feels lethargic, she is constantly sleepy, regardless of the amount of coffee drunk. Against the background of hormonal disruptions, memory, attention, and mental activity worsen. The structure of the skin changes - it becomes dry, hair begins to fall out intensively. There may be swelling. Often, diseases are accompanied by weight gain, constipation.

If pathology is not detected in time, it can have serious consequences, for example, hypothyroid coma, from which 45% of patients cannot be removed and they die.


In the event that the fair sex has the above symptoms, menstruation came 10-14 days after natural bleeding, then you should contact a gynecologist, who, after examination, will refer you to an endocrinologist - a narrow specialist studying thyroid pathology. During the diagnosis, a blood test for thyroid hormones is performed, blood is donated for biochemistry. Thyroid scintigraphy and fine-needle biopsy are performed.

To prevent the development of the disease, hormone replacement therapy, iodine-containing drugs are used.

uterine fibroids

Myoma is a benign tumor that develops in muscle and connective tissue. Some of the fair sex, having heard such a diagnosis, begin to panic and prepare for the worst. This pathology has nothing to do with cancer. But do not forget that benign cells can always become malignant.

With myoma, uterine cells divide spontaneously and actively. The reasons for this sudden division have not yet been established. It is only known that the pathology can be provoked by increased secretion of estrogens. Another one of the most common causes the occurrence of the disease - abortion in early age overweight and diabetes.

The disease often occurs, especially at the age of 27-45 years. But, the disease does not always need to be treated. Sometimes after childbirth, without the intervention of doctors, the tumor resolves on its own. Many resources give out information that the disease is asymptomatic, but this is not so. Signs of uterine fibroids are periodic pain during ovulation, sexual intercourse. Menstruation a week after menstruation or 10 days that have just passed - main symptom uterine fibroids. Some women live long time with fibroids, ignoring pain and irregular bleeding. But you can’t ignore these symptoms! Uterine fibroids are fraught with anemia due to large blood loss, constipation, squeezing Bladder, which leads to corresponding complications. The disease is also terrible because the “leg” of the node can twist, which will cause necrosis or rupture of the tumor. Consequences - inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis). Sometimes, due to pathology, a woman cannot become pregnant.

The only reliable and correct way to detect a tumor is a gynecological examination. Moreover, women who are at risk (in the presence of a disease in a family line) should be examined at least 3 times a year. Gynecologists prescribe ultrasound, laparoscopy, biopsy, hysteroscopy.

Treatment of pathology depends on many factors - the age of the patient, the state of health, the planned pregnancy. Some women can't get rid of fibroids without surgery. But in most cases, after taking hormonal drugs, the tumor stops its growth and gradually disappears over time.

Ectopic pregnancy

If your period starts again 2 weeks after the end of your period, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg attaches anywhere but in the uterus. The places of its dislocation are the ovary, the abdominal cavity, the fallopian tubes. The diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" is no less common than the above diseases. The pathology is insidious in that if an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time and proper treatment is not provided, the developing egg will simply burst and peritonitis will occur. Very often, women, ignoring the pain and the fact that menstruation began again 2 weeks after menstruation, then end up in intensive care with acute peritonitis. Therefore, in order for the outcome of the situation to be favorable, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately contact the gynecologist. The earlier an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the greater the chances of successful therapy.

With an ectopic pregnancy, menstruation begins in the middle of the cycle, they are plentiful. Pain develops against the background of contraction of the fallopian tube. As a result, the fetal egg partially or completely exfoliates, bleeding appears.

Diagnosis includes a puncture of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment is aimed at stopping intra-abdominal bleeding. For this, a surgical operation is performed. Immediate laparotomy (surgical incision of the abdominal wall to gain access to the organs of the peritoneum) is performed to restore impaired hemodynamic parameters, exclude hemorrhagic shock, or if there is a need to rehabilitate reproductive function.


In cases where the ectopic pregnancy is in advanced form, the tube is removed. But basically the treatment is organ-preserving.

Do not ignore symptoms that are not natural. Menstruation 10 days later, 2 weeks after menstruation is a pathology, and it is good if it occurs only against the background of a malfunction of hormones. But in other cases, surgery may be necessary. To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to come to the doctor for a consultation. Self-medication is useless and meaningless.

Women who closely monitor their own health are wary of any changes in their periods. They are especially afraid of the resumption of menstruation 14 days after the end of the past.

Menstruation should be regular, and failures in them are a concern

What factors disrupt the normal course of the menstrual cycle

Doctors identify a huge number of factors due to which menstruation can begin two weeks after the previous ones. Most of them are not dangerous for women's health. They can be called a completely natural phenomenon. The menstrual cycle often changes due to:

  • Taking oral contraceptives. Girls are increasingly choosing this option to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Sooner or later, almost every one of them is faced with the problem of the onset of menstruation in two weeks.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body. The cycle becomes unstable and it is difficult for women to predict the onset of the next menstruation. This usually happens due to inflammatory processes in the genitals or due to abortion. Hormonal disorders also occur after childbirth.
  • Pregnancy. In the early stages, women take other bleeding for menstruation that began in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, this occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
  • Cycle formation. The first two years, menstruation is irregular. Therefore, it can begin at any time, regardless of whether after 14 or more days the blood has gone again.

Not a single woman is immune from such phenomena. If on the 14th day there was a re-start of the cycle, then you should not worry too much. This is caused by harmless factors and soon everything will return to normal.

Hormonal disorders due to abortion bring down the monthly cycle

The main reason for the onset of menstruation after two weeks

The resumption of the cycle after a couple of weeks in most cases occurs due to various inflammatory processes in the genital area. According to such bleeding, a woman may suspect a disease that has not previously manifested itself in any way. This symptom indicates the formation of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, adenomas, or tumors. There are not so few options. And only a qualified doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

If premature menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, then the woman should immediately contact a specialist. Most girls try not to pay attention to this, which is why they miss the opportunity for timely treatment. Women also try to do without the help of a gynecologist if the disturbed cycle passes without any pain and spasms. By doing this, they greatly harm their own health.

Why can menstruation start prematurely?

What other reasons can disrupt the menstrual cycle? Why do periods go again 14 days after the end of the last ones? The answer to these difficult questions will be the following factors:

  • Being in stressful situations. It has long been known that constant unrest negatively affects general health person. After an emotional overload, women notice a change in the usual cycle. A day later, you can notice scanty spotting. But they quickly pass as soon as she gets out of a stressful situation.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. The cycle may change due to disturbances in the work of this part of our body. If the gland ceases to secrete a normal amount of hormones, then reproductive function fails. Due to this, after 14 days, a woman can observe her early menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous for a woman, since it can be difficult to identify it. Such a pregnancy develops in the same way as a normal one. But as a woman grows, she begins to experience severe discomfort in the genital area. And bleeding, which can happen after a couple of weeks after the end of menstruation, will be provoked by damage and tissue ruptures.
  • Overwork and bad dream. The most common reason for which, after a few days, unnatural bleeding begins. An unpleasant phenomenon is the body's reaction to such shocks.

Having become acquainted with the reasons for the violation of the normal cycle, you can understand that premature menstruation does not bode well. Almost always, it indicates a failure in the work of a particular organ.

In this case, bleeding after fourteen days is considered as a symptom. And than used to be a woman starts to worry about this, the more effective her treatment will be.

Lack of sleep and overwork can trigger the process of premature menstruation

Problem Solving Methods

After the completion of the cycle, women expect a new menstruation in an average of 28 days. If something is wrong with the body, then bleeding will begin much earlier.

There is no need to worry about this once again for girls who are at the stage of their growing up. Their cycle can end and begin on any day over the next two years. Everything will return to normal. In other cases, you will need to consult a specialist.

A woman will be able to avoid a long examination due to the fact that her cycle is severely disrupted, she will only be able to if this is caused by taking hormonal drugs. It will be enough to discuss the problem with the doctor and ask him to prescribe other remedies.

If a woman's cycle should have normalized a long time ago, and she does not take any hormonal drugs, then she is worried about premature menstruation after fourteen days due to illness. In this case, it is necessary to inspect and conduct a series of complex analyzes that will help to find out the cause of the cycle change.

Women need to know exactly what day their periods begin and when they end. This is the only way to understand whether the cycle is normal or failures occur with it. It's pretty hard to figure it out otherwise. In addition, it is not in vain that the gynecologist is first of all interested in how long her cycle lasts, and on what day was the last menstruation. These questions need to be answered accurately so that the doctor can identify problems with women's health female patients.

Sometimes a woman herself can understand the reason why her cycle was broken, and its beginning was postponed to a completely different day. It is enough just to remember if she had a cold or was very worried about an important event. Perhaps the change in the cycle occurred due to constant lack of sleep and a violation of the diet. To get everything back to normal, you just need to take a closer look at your own health over the next few days. It is recommended to provide yourself with a good rest, which will allow the problem to evaporate. But still, it doesn’t hurt to make an appointment with your gynecologist the day after the start of strange bleeding. A visit to a specialist will not be superfluous. In addition, a consultation with a doctor will help to understand whether there are real reasons for concern caused by this trouble or not.

Every woman who is attentive to her health is alarmed by any changes in the usual menstrual cycle. The phenomenon that most panics is when menstruation begins two weeks after the last menstruation.

Factors affecting menstruation

There are a huge number of factors that can trigger the onset of menstruation 2 weeks after the previous menstruation. Most of them do not pose a danger to the life and health of a woman, and are considered natural phenomenon. The menstrual cycle can change:

  • due to the use of oral contraceptives. A huge number of couples prefer this particular method of contraception. After some time, each of the women is faced with the fact that after menstruation, after a couple of weeks, menstruation begins again;
  • when hormonal changes occur in the body. The cycle becomes irregular and it is difficult for a woman to calculate when the next menstruation can begin. This phenomenon is often observed with inflammatory processes in the genital organs, or after abortions. Also, hormonal instability after childbirth is not excluded;
  • during pregnancy. At an early stage, most women confuse the bleeding that has begun, which occurs during the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, with a cycle failure and the onset of menstruation;
  • at the time of its formation. For several years, when a girl's menstruation has just begun, it may flow irregularly. There are no women who would be immune from this, so do not panic. Over time, everything will return to normal, and every month, menstruation will begin on time.

Reasons why menstruation occurs after two weeks

Menstruation that began two weeks after the previous ones mainly indicates the onset of inflammation in the genital area. A woman should think about a possible disease that has not previously manifested itself. It can be polyps in the uterus, fibroids, adenomas or tumors. There are a huge number of reasons, so it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor. Only after conducting examinations and taking the necessary tests, he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

If menstruation began earlier than usual, while the woman had pain in the lower abdomen, you should also not delay a visit to a specialist. Many do not attach any importance to this phenomenon, thereby delaying the start of timely therapy. Sometimes women try to delay a visit to the doctor if, in addition to the failure of the cycle, there is no pain and spasms, also harming their health.

There are the following reasons why bleeding starts again a few weeks after menstruation:

  • constant stress. It has already been proven that the constant presence of a woman in an atmosphere of stress negatively affects her health in general. The usual menstrual cycle also changes. The absence of stress and the use of sedatives will help get rid of the problem and establish menstruation;
  • thyroid disease. Menstruation may be irregular if there are problems with the thyroid gland. When the gland does not produce the required amount of hormones, the woman begins to malfunction in the reproductive system. Therefore, after menstruation in two weeks, they may appear again;
  • ectopic pregnancy. This phenomenon poses a danger to the health and life of a woman. It is quite difficult to determine such a pregnancy in time, because its development is no different from the usual one. However, when the baby begins to grow, the pregnant woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding, which can be mistaken for menstruation, which began a couple of weeks after menstruation, will be the result of the onset of damage and tissue ruptures;
  • fatigue and poor sleep. This is considered the most popular reason for premature menstruation. Thus, the body reacts to the lack of rest and proper sleep.

Knowing possible reasons menstrual irregularities, a woman should understand that menstruation, which began two weeks later, does not bode well. For the most part, it signals the presence of a malfunction in the functioning of organs or systems, so a timely visit to the doctor guarantees the effectiveness of the therapy.

How to solve the problem of menstruation that began two weeks later

On average, the interval between menstruation in women lasts twenty-eight days. The failure of the cycle and the early onset of menstruation indicates a disorder in the work of the body. Only girls who are just beginning to form a cycle should not worry.

The only thing that should not require treatment is early menstruation due to the use of hormonal drugs. It will be enough to consult a doctor and change the remedy. All other cases require a full examination and examination by specialists in order to determine the exact diagnosis.

First of all, the gynecologist takes an anamnesis, so you definitely need to know the exact date of the last menstruation. It is also important: whether the woman has recently suffered from diseases, or perhaps she was in a stressful situation. Also, two weeks after menstruation, blood discharge may occur if a full-fledged sleep and nutrition regimen is disturbed. To normalize health will help attentive attitude to the signals of your body for several days. A visit to the doctor should be mandatory, so you should not delay and go for a consultation if your period starts too early.

Regular painless menstruation for a woman is an indicator of health. But the body of the fair sex is so sensitive that it reacts to almost everything: a change in climate and even mood, the slightest illness and medication, which can lead to a cycle failure. The line between the norm and pathology is thin, most often you cannot do without a specialist. Should I be worried if my period is every week? Does this happen normally?

Read in this article

Causes of failures

Every woman should lead at least the simplest one, which will clearly show all cycle failures immediately when they occur. Then it is easy to calculate and determine whether complaints fit into the norm or already indicate pathology.

Normally, the duration of the menstrual cycle should be within 21 - 35 days. Moreover, it is correct to count from the first day of any spotting to the beginning of the next. This is very important, because sometimes women mark incorrectly and begin to worry that the duration of the cycle does not meet the necessary parameters.

ovulatory secretions

In the middle of the cycle (approximately 14-16 days with an ideal schedule), the hormonal background of the girl changes - the restructuring of the first phase to the second. Sometimes, even in normal conditions, this may be accompanied by a small spotting discharge, which is called ovulatory bleeding. It should last no more than 1 - 3 days, while the use of daily hygiene products is enough for the girl.

When ovulatory bleeding occurs, it turns out that menstruation has barely ended and discharge has begun again. All this can lead to confusion and anxiety for a woman. But if this continues from month to month, you really should “sound the alarm” and undergo an examination, since such clinical picture may have cavities and cervix.

During the formation of menstrual function

For the first two years after menarche, a girl may experience irregular periods, sometimes occurring less than 21 days later. This is considered an absolute norm, if the discharge is not abundant, does not disrupt the girl's normal life. But if this is observed after two years, you should consult a gynecologist.

During the perimenopausal period

When a woman's ovarian function fades, there may also be various. But at this time, you should already be more wary of your health, since only in 10% of cases the violations will be functional. Everything else is a serious disease, including cancer.

Against the background of hormonal pills

Women very often use oral contraceptives for the purpose of protection and treatment. In case of violation of the regimen, as well as in the first months of use, various menstrual irregularities can be observed. As a rule, if all the recommendations are followed, menstruation is getting better.

Dysfunctional disorders

The diagnosis of "dysfunction" is quite common. Usually, he is preferred when no visible reasons are found, and a woman has a “bouquet of problems” of a gynecological and general somatic profile. In fact, dysfunctional disorders are not always harmless.

Often, with such cycle failures, menstruation occurs every 2 weeks. It is important to understand that if this continues for a long time, in the end it will lead to an anemization of the woman. This entails a decrease in working capacity, poor health, age-related changes will appear faster, etc.

Dysfunctional bleeding develops against the background of the following pathologies:

Cause Why is this happening
Thyroid diseases All conditions that lead to a change in the concentration of its hormones in the blood, one way or another affect the functioning of the genital organs. Pathology of the thyroid gland can "start", which further leads to or, conversely, frequent menstruation.
Overweight Many people know that adipose tissue is hormonally active, in which androgens are converted into estrogens. It is from the weight of a woman that her menstrual function largely depends. With a sharp decrease in body weight, an estrogen deficiency occurs in the body, as a result, menstruation may disappear altogether.

And with an excess, a woman is exposed to excessive exposure to sex hormones, which entails a number of pathological processes in the uterine cavity (for example, polyposis), which lead to the fact that sometimes menstruation occurs every week. Such conditions require mandatory additional treatment and timely diagnosis.

Stress and constant psycho-emotional overstrain As a result, they lead to various cycle failures in a woman. Periods can disappear for a long time, become irregular and occur in the form of bleeding, even after less than 21 days.
Dramatic change in climate, living conditions It also affects the functioning of the female reproductive system. On average, it takes from 3 to 6 months to adapt, during which various failures can be observed.
Excessive exercise First, intense training affects a woman's body weight. Secondly, overwork, as well as the use of anabolic drugs, which is often practiced to quickly achieve results, lead to an imbalance of sex hormones and various dysfunctional disorders.
Inflammation With inflammation, menstrual irregularities also often occur. This may be the only symptom of an infectious process, sometimes it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge, etc.

- a consequence of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman and the growth of pathological foci. Against this background, various bleeding may appear. But also with myoma, the likelihood of endometrial hyperplasia, polyps increases - all this at any time can provoke the appearance of which can be mistaken for menstruation. Bleeding occurs with submucosal fibroids more often than with or subserous nodes.

Tumors of the ovaries

Not all, but some of the formations of the ovaries can affect their work, as well as the overall hormonal status of a woman. As a result, various failures occur.

Pathology of the cavity and cervix

Frequent menstruation of a different nature occurs against the background of hyperplasia, polyps of the cervix and cervical canal. There are many reasons for their formation. Treatment is not always effective, the percentage of relapses is high.

During pregnancy

Sometimes menstrual-like discharge occurs during pregnancy just on the supposed critical days, and then without any regularity. Such threats of interruption can last even several months until a woman suspects pregnancy. Pain in the abdomen, as well as other signs may not be. The intensity of the discharge varies from a slight daub to heavy bleeding.

With oncological pathology

With acyclic discharge, various oncological pathologies should first be excluded, since the nature of the treatment is fundamentally different from all other diseases.
Frequent menstrual-like bleeding can manifest as a malignant pathology of the uterine cavity, ovaries, and cervical canal.

Watch the video about the causes of menstruation twice a month:

When is it time to see a doctor

If a woman notes such violations for more than one month and for no apparent reason (stress, change in body weight), it is necessary to seek medical help immediately. The earlier the pathology is detected, the better it can be treated.

In the case when a provoking factor is detected, for example, a woman used emergency contraception or violated her birth control, after moving, you can wait a while for the body to come into balance on its own. But if in doubt, you should consult a doctor.


Why menstruation goes every week, you can say for sure by performing a certain set of examinations. The main ones include:

  • examination of the cervix and vagina in gynecological mirrors;
  • cytological examination, if necessary - a biopsy of the cervix;
  • hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;
  • diagnostic curettage - the most common procedure for pathological discharge from the uterine cavity;
  • examination for hormones, sexual infections.


Treatment depends on the identified pathology. So, if the cause is organic in nature (tumor, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.), then menstruation every 2 weeks will pass only if the pathological focus is removed. Most often, this is curettage of the uterine cavity with the removal of its inner lining. Hysteroscopy is also widely used, during which polyps and hyperplastic areas of the endometrium can be removed under visual control, as well as small submucosal fibroids, etc.

Sometimes there is a need for serious surgical interventions, such as removal of the ovaries and even the uterus.

If there are violations of a functional nature, the entire arsenal of conservative gynecology is used here. Most often, preference is given to the following:

  • vitamin therapy,
  • hormonal drugs (gestagen-estrogenic or monocomponent),
  • antibacterial agents,
  • physiotherapy and some others.

Also, in most cases, symptomatic treatment is necessary (to combat anemia, pain, etc.). The most correct and effective therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist after a comprehensive examination.

Irregular periods are no longer the norm. And if bleeding is repeated more often than after 21 days, in 80% of cases this hides serious diseases that require competent and timely treatment.

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