Sentences with the word “not unimportant.” What is laminate, its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons Also an important factor

Russian is considered the most difficult language in the world after Chinese in terms of learning. For us - Russians - this is wild, but for foreigners it is quite close and understandable. And pronunciation, and dialects, and the abundance of diminutives, synonyms, homonyms, and, finally, grammar - everything is given to the majority of foreigners who study “the great and mighty” with great difficulty. However, if illiteracy is excusable for them, then this fact disgraces us. However, this phenomenon occurs regardless of the language a person speaks. International Literacy Day is intended to eliminate the harmful disease that arises as a consequence of the reluctance to learn and master one’s native or necessary speech.

History of the holiday International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th. This holiday was established by UNESCO a little less than half a century ago - in 1966. The reason for this event was the recommendation of the “World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy.” The event took place in Tehran a year earlier, in the fall.

It is known that there are still many illiterate people in the world who cannot really write or read, despite obvious progress in all spheres of life, especially in the field of information. After all, in addition to advanced Europe and America, there is also Africa and Asia, where there are many peoples who have no idea how important it is to master writing skills, and to be able to correctly apply them in practice.

Statistics confirm the above. Indeed, currently more than 15% of the world's population is illiterate. You won't be surprised to learn that 2/3 of this figure is female. Almost 40% of illiterate adults live in India, 1/5 live in African countries. However, even in fairly highly developed countries there are still people who do not fully possess writing and reading skills. This is every fifth person or 160 million inhabitants. In EU member states, 75 million people are illiterate. As for the children's generation directly, there are more than a hundred million children on the planet who do not attend school.

It is clear that the situation in the middle of the 20th century was many times worse. Thus, UNESCO pursued the establishment International Day literacy the most important goal: to unite and intensify the efforts of the world community in the process of widespread literacy and educational attainment.

The year 2002 was a very important year for those who created International Literacy Day and worked hard to make it flourish. The UN General Assembly declared the “United Nations Literacy Decade”. A year later, she also approved the “UN Action Plan for the Literacy Decade,” entrusting UNESCO with the “position” of coordinator, responsible for carrying out specific activities within the framework of this event.

Every year, International Literacy Day is celebrated under a specific theme. Thus, in 2006, the theme of the holiday was “Literacy ensures sustainable development”, in 2007 - “Literacy and health”, and 4 years ago the slogan of the date was the thesis “The importance of literacy for women”. Last year, in 2013, International Literacy Day events were organized under the theme “Literacy in the 21st Century.”

Many symposiums, awards ceremonies, colloquiums and seminars are held on International Literacy Day. Prizes are awarded for certain achievements in the field of activities related to the elimination of illiteracy. For example, there is a prize named after King Sejong - its owners are individuals who have achieved specific results in the process of spreading literacy in to the globe. Another award, the Confucius Prize, finds its heroes in the field of promoting literacy in rural areas, as well as among the female population.

What are UNESCO's plans for further action in the field of educational programs? The main task facing the peacekeeping organization is the following: to achieve a halving of the number of illiterate adults by 2015, with special emphasis on the female half. In other words, it is planned to implement the “Education for All” strategy.

Literacy concept

From school we are taught that it is necessary to be able to read and write fluently and correctly without errors. In other words, they are taught to be literate. After all, many doors in life are open to a literate person. But literacy is not only about certain writing and reading skills, correct speech and skillfully constructed sentences. Literacy is also an engine of progress (meaning personal and spiritual development). A competent person feels at his best, smart, competent and feels that he can handle a lot. Thanks to literacy, a subject is able to reveal his inherent potential, develop natural inclinations, abilities and talents, and at the same time demonstrate them to the public.

The level of literacy of a person at a certain stage of life serves as a criterion by which one can determine whether further learning and development of the individual is likely or not. You might argue that today “money is everything.” Indeed, many incompetent employees are currently flooding firms of various types of work. And this is very bad - the quality of the goods and services produced, as well as the process of contacting the manufacturer and the distributor, suffers. Implementer and consumer. Based on all of the above, we can conclude: literacy is the right and at the same time the responsibility of each of us, as well as an instrument for the cultural and civilized development of society.

Causes of illiteracy

International Literacy Day is a great opportunity to think about the causes of illiteracy.

Why does a child grow up illiterate, despite the fact that his parents regularly study with him, and he goes to school, and is naturally given a smart head? If we ask this question to specialists, namely psychologists and sociologists, we will receive the following answers:

  • Lack of love for reading. As a result, there is no habit of picking up interesting book and immerse yourself in a fictional, so attractive world. Today, few people read, and people who do not ignore this process choose completely wrong things to read.
  • Internet communication is a fairly influential factor. Internet users have long developed their own virtual slang. In addition, frequent shortening of words and making spelling errors are unwittingly duplicated in standard written language.
  • Training preparation. Unfortunately, in schools and universities today it is lame. This is because the competence of teachers often leaves much to be desired. And many teachers are too lazy to fully perform their duties.
  • Laziness of the student himself. This is also an important factor in the development of illiteracy in a person. Why read a book when you can play an exciting game? computer game or kick a ball in the yard with friends?

Each of us should stand up for literacy - at least for ourselves and our loved ones. Otherwise, a reverse development of personality will occur, and Darwin’s theory will be put into practice, only in the opposite direction...

We congratulate everyone on the holiday, International Literacy Day!

To always be in great shape and have a beautiful figure, you must definitely follow the principles healthy eating.

Just think, just 15 nutritional principles that are easy to follow, you can make a habit of, and the bonus will be a wonderful figure and excellent health!

Basic principles of healthy eating as a step towards an ideal figure

The most important rule is to eat when you are hungry, and not because you were invited to eat with company. True, a feeling of hunger that lasts more than an hour makes us uncontrollable gluttons. We begin to frantically suppress this feeling with fast food, sandwiches, sweets, etc. If we are very hungry, we are guaranteed to eat more than usual. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to our feelings.

It is important to ensure that you have full meals at least once every 5 hours, and between them you need to have snacks in the form of an apple or a glass of kefir. Research data from US scientists showed that those women who ate an apple or drank a glass of liquid about one hour before lunch consumed 200 calories less during the meal than usual.

2. Chew food thoroughly

There are two advantages to this: first, the stomach will digest food more easily, and second, there is a chance not to overeat and gain weight. Since the feeling of fullness comes about 20 minutes after you start eating, it’s best to eat slowly so as not to eat three times as much during this time.

3. Combine products

There are a number of foods that are contraindicated to be consumed at the same meal. They can cause severe bloating. For example, milk, cabbage and grapes are incompatible, because they are already the culprits of fermentation.

If you eat milk (alkaline environment) and tomatoes or cranberries (acidic environment) at the same time, you are guaranteed to get an upset stomach. There are products that, when combined, will add extra centimeters to your figure. So, by combining fats and carbohydrates, for example, bacon and bread, coffee with cream and cake, you risk acquiring new deposits of fatty tissue.

4. You can’t wash down your food

Drinking while eating disrupts the digestive process! If you are unable to give up this habit, it is better to take the liquid in tiny sips. Less is more!

It should also be borne in mind that what you drink should not account for more than a third of the total volume eaten. According to the rules, a glass of water and a cup of tea can only be drunk an hour and a half after a meal.

5. Choose your drinks wisely

What you drink is also an important factor. Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, coffee, tea are incompatible with food.

In extreme cases, such drinks can be supplemented with dark chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and other simple desserts.

By themselves, they should be drunk half an hour before and an hour and a half after a meal. Alcoholic drinks can be combined with food.

6. Use small dishes

There will be less food on the dessert plate, but it will seem to you that there is enough food, because the plate will be full. Moreover, adding an additive or some other dish will not work right away.

We have a bad habit of finishing everything to the end, so we always try to leave the dishes clean. If the plate is smaller than usual, then you can eat 20 percent less food.

While eating, you need to concentrate on the meal itself, so set aside all important conversations, discussions of events, reading magazines, books, and watching TV.

All external stimuli lead to you eating more. In addition, you also need to listen to your taste sensations: hunger sharpens them, and satiety dulls them. If you no longer enjoy eating, then it’s time to stop eating.

8. The right desserts

The choice of dessert should be approached with particular importance, because some fruits (pomelo, lingonberry, grapefruit, pomegranate) go well with vegetables and meat. They are all digested gastric juice with the same acidity, so they can be combined.

If your goal is beautiful and slim figure, dessert is your enemy. Occasionally you can allow yourself a “little joy”, but only after the main meal, an hour and a half later. This rule also applies to fruits, because different products require participation different types enzymes and different digestion times. Experts recommend eating fruit before six o'clock in the evening. It is believed that until this time they saturate the body with energy, and in the evening they can create fat deposits and cause fermentation.

9. You shouldn’t eat stress

Emotions can sometimes become so overwhelming that it becomes impossible to control food intake. This threatens to overextend both calories and weight. A feature of emotional experiences is the choice of products.

Most often these are cakes and chocolate bars, to which we are “attracted” due to the high production of the hormone cortisol.

You need to fight like this: do not endure hunger, but eat only healthy food - boiled breast, bakery products from whole grains, etc. In addition, we are looking for non-edible ways to get pleasure.

10. We recognize satiety by sight

Many people don't eat right. Some people fast all day and in the evening they are ready to eat an elephant. Others constantly snack, but do not feel full or hungry.

And eating everything down to the last crumb, even if you can’t eat it anymore, is also the rule of many. What to do? Eat slowly, from small dishes, stop when you are full. You can also purchase a kitchen scale and accurately measure the amount of food you eat. With this approach, your figure will be perfect.

11. You need to have a hearty breakfast and lunch, and choose light foods for dinner.

12. The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the metabolic system.

13. It is better to exclude refined foods from your diet.

14. During the cooking process, heat treatment should be minimized. It is advisable to steam dishes.

15. Eat less sweet or salty foods. At first, it will be difficult for the body to get used to the new rules, but after 3 weeks you will no longer feel the restrictions.

Try making these rules your healthy habits and you will be healthy and happy! Surely you will be interested to know about the ones that have appeared on the market!

Important... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Important, significant, significant, significant, epoch-making, fateful; of great importance, of great importance, of paramount importance, paramount, serious, weighty, fundamental, of paramount importance, having... ... Dictionary of synonyms

IMPORTANT, oh, oh; wife, wife Important, significant. N. argument. Important events. | noun importance, and, wives. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Adj. Significant, significant. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

No small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small, no small,... ... Forms of words

important- quite important; briefly form of wives, wives... Russian spelling dictionary

important- cr.f. non-negligible/zhen, non-negligible/zhny, zhno, zhny... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

important- *considerable... Together. Separately. Hyphenated.

important- Syn: important, significant, essential, significant, epoch-making (publ., amplified), fateful (pub., amplified) Ant: unimportant, unimportant, insignificant, insignificant ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; wife, wife, wife. Quite significant, significant, important. What l. had no meaning. Who l. played an important role. Who l. was an important figure. ◁ It is important in the function. tale (with additional addition). N., what does he think about us? For… … Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The Heat of a Gun, Richard Prater. Strong fists and a strong forehead are an important factor for the successful work of Hollywood private detective Shell Scott. But not only this helps him understand the tragedy that occurred on...
  • PR for high flying birds. 18 tricks for promoting top managers, officials, stars, etc., Roman Maslennikov. The elite are a special people. Personal PR is interesting to them, but not too important. Wise people say that, in general, this is how you should treat everything: family, business, employees,...

Google is increasingly taking to defining the “quality of content” when it appears in search results. Of course, this fact is not news to most marketers, but keep in mind that the way Google evaluates content is constantly changing and evolving.

Based on research, positive signals, such as the amount of time a visitor spends on a page, have a huge impact on how Google will rank that page. We conclude that it is extremely important to create content that will catch the reader’s eye. Simply interesting content.

So, based on both research and my own work experience, I would like to explain how you can achieve the level of “quality content” on your website.

1. Make content relevant and easy to read

That's the point. If your content is too abbreviated, your articles are short and incomplete, you will not be able to immerse the reader in the topic and captivate him. And considering that there is probably content on this topic somewhere on other resources, it would be nice for you to offer the visitor something more complete and detailed.

Readability is obviously also an important factor. It doesn't matter how much useful information and the meaning you have invested in your content if a visitor leaves your page due to the fact that the text on it is written in a rather confusing language, or even with an abundance of jargon.

2. Focus on UX

Creating a great UX is something we talk about the importance of very often, and if you go by logic, it won't be a surprise that good UX can have a big impact on how your content ranks in Google.

If your content is well structured and has good and easy navigation, people are unlikely to leave quickly. And if people linger on your page, Google thinks your content is interesting and should probably rank it better.

Don’t forget that today, when we talk about creating high-quality UX, we already mean convenience not only for computer users, but also for visitors who view your site from other devices, such as tablets, smartphones and others (reader ratio text content on the Internet from PCs and from mobile devices is approximately 40%/60%, respectively, so do not underestimate the mobile segment). Make your website easy to view on mobile devices. We conducted a study for which we collected informational sites from the first 30 pages of Google results, and only 30% of them had a design that made it easy to use the site from a mobile device.

3. Stop worrying so much about keywords

We all remember those “dark days” for the Internet, when Google had not yet begun to punish sites for using dirty marketing techniques: using sentences that make no sense but are full of keywords, inserting sometimes completely unreadable structures and other garbage in order to increase rankings in search engines.

Fortunately, those days are gone, and we are seeing an explosive growth in the amount of content that is made primarily for people.

If you're writing any content, no matter what it's about, your priority should be making it easier for people to understand. In short, it should be readable and meaningful, at the same time concise.

If you want your content to be relevant to a particular search phrase, use keywords so that they look as natural as possible in the text and do not stand out. Look at the chart (screenshot below this paragraph), you will see that the top 5 (according to Google) pages contain much less keywords in the text than the next 5 pages.

4. Backlinks are becoming less and less important

Based on research, we can confidently say that year after year the connection between backlinks to your pages and their positions in search engines is weakening and weakening.

This only confirms what we have been talking about often lately - building an unnatural link strategy (buying links, etc.) is becoming a crazy waste of time. Better spend this time making your content better and more interesting for people. This will be helpful. Backlinks with key phrases in the anchor are completely rejected by Google.

5. What about social cues?

Official statements regarding the impact of reposts on social media. networks, your content was not in its position in search results, however, if you conduct research, you can observe a direct connection. Web pages in the first position have twice as many Facebook signals as those in second place, for example.

The point here is not the link, but something slightly different: than more people share your content, the more people will see your content. This is important, if only because this way you can bring more people to your site, this will improve the behavioral factor and ranking in search results.

It is also worth noting that social. signals - good way for marketers to find out where the target audience of the content is, or, conversely, where it is not. If no one likes or reposts the content, it means working with target audience is carried out incorrectly, and vice versa.

Let's draw conclusions

We have heard that quality content- this is important, so the results of the research will most likely not surprise people too much.

However, what they show is that marketers were right when they argued that the days of “gaming the system” are over, and time should be focused as much as possible on creating quality UX and content. Now these are the main tools.

Personally, I think this is a huge plus for both marketers interested in clean, high-quality work, and for people who simply want to receive interesting and readable content.

Pathological forms of sperm are determined using a spermogram. Today you will find out the reasons for the development of the abnormal structure of gametes and what is the likelihood of conceiving a child in a married couple.

Statistics now, unfortunately, show sad reproductive rates for the strong half of humanity.

Only 60% of men after conservative treatment various deviations associated with seminal fluid, can restore the ability to conceive.

The composition of live bait is influenced by many factors, among the main ones are poor ecology, poor lifestyle, bad habits and substances. Let's look at it in detail below.

Why does abnormal sperm development occur?

The fact that a man has poor seminal fluid with developmental abnormalities can only be revealed when planning a pregnancy and if a married couple is unable to conceive a child.
The defectiveness of gametes is determined using a spermogram.

It can be taken in all medical institutions, specializing in pregnancy planning, or in independent laboratories.

A spermogram shows the pathology of sperm, their structure, structure, mobility and how likely it is to prevent infertility through conservative treatment. It is necessary to prepare for it so that the results of the analysis are not distorted.

How to take a spermogram correctly:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 5 days, do not masturbate.
  • The collection of ejaculate is carried out in specialized laboratories with special rooms where a man collects it through masturbation.
  • You can collect the analysis at home, but provided that you have time to bring it within 1 hour in a special container (take it in advance).

It is with the help of analysis that the diagnosis and picture of sperm pathology will be determined. There are several types of the disease - aspermia, oligospermia, azoospermia, ostenozoospermia, teratozoospermia.

Deformed cells can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Disruptions in the endocrine system and hormonal background of men.
  2. Stress, prolonged depression, psychological shock.
  3. Heredity and location at the genetic level.
  4. Age-related changes. A man over 38 years of age has a risk of developing anomalies.
  5. STIs, viral and bacterial infections can adversely affect the results.
  6. Bad habits, alcoholism and drug addiction, as everyone knows, destroy the structure and structure of sperm.
  7. Testicular injuries inflammatory processes scrotum
  8. Varicocele, hydrocele, orchitis and even an inguinal hernia can affect the seminal fluid.
  9. Working with harmful substances and chemicals.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health at any age in order to avoid infertility or the birth of a long-awaited child with severe disabilities.


One of the causes of infertility in men is head and tail defects, which means “ugly sperm” and the percentage of such specimens in the ejaculate should be no more than 15-20%.

This pathology can be either temporary or fraught with the risk that a man will remain infertile forever. Therefore, the help of a qualified doctor is necessary when planning a pregnancy.

With this anomaly, sperm in large numbers have a defective morphology, i.e. irregular shape of the head and tail. At what time does the anomaly appear?

Sperm abnormalities occur regardless of age-related changes (although this is also an important factor); many reasons influence the development of sperm in the ejaculate.

Above we described the main ones. With teratozoospermia, the conception of a child is reduced to zero; often with this pathology, IVF (artificial insemination) is offered if conservative treatment does not help.

With this method, the healthiest and most active are selected, there is no risk of conceiving a baby with pathologies. This type of abnormal development is difficult to treat. The prognosis is bleak; according to statistics, 10% of couples remain infertile.

Tests and diagnostics

The norm of living creatures per 2 ml of ejaculate is only 40 million. Of these, there are a large number of defective, inactive and dead ones. When the ejaculate decreases, there is a possibility of infertility.

To do this, a spermogram is prescribed in several stages to exclude the presence of problems with reproductive function in a man, as well as other additional tests. You need to contact an andrologist for advice.

What to take?

  1. Ultrasound of the testicles and genitourinary system.
  2. Blood for hormones.
  3. STIs, HIV, syphilis.
  4. Analysis of genetics and heredity, for the presence/absence of extra chromosomes.

Decoding the norm of sperm in the ejaculate

Table of sperm norms in ejaculate

Indicators Norm
Volume2 or more ml
ColorGrey, white-gray
SmellSpecific (raw chestnut)
pH (hydrogen value)7-8
LiquefactionUp to 1 hour
Structure of ejaculate (viscosity)Up to 0.5 cm
DensityPer 1 ml/120 million
Total sperm count40-600 million (Density P x Volume V)
Sperm motilityCategory A - normal sperm (>50%);
Category B - slow sperm (up to 20%);
Category C - lazy sperm with oscillatory movements (up to 20%);
Category D - immotile sperm (up to 20%).
Morphologically normal spermCapable of fertilization, according to scientists, should be at least 50%
Live (motile) sperm >50%
Immature spermNo more than 5%
Sperm agglutinationSperm glued together should not appear in the spermogram at all.
LeukocytesUp to 4 in sight
Red blood cellsNo
Amyloid bodiesNo
Lecithin grainsNo

It is quite important that the spermogram is read by a qualified laboratory spermiologist; the diagnosis and prescription of treatment depend on the correct interpretation. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with infertility, do not despair; retake it in another independent laboratory.


Treatment of a disease in which abnormal sperm develops requires a professional and conservative approach. First of all, the technique is aimed at preventing the occurrence of deformation and death of sperm in the ejaculate.

Quite common when interpreting a spermogram is the following dynamics of frequently identified sperm pathologies:

  • inactive – up to 80% of detected deviations;
  • dead – 40%;
  • sluggish – 40-50%;
  • deformed – up to 20%.

For severe infertility in men, artificial methods are offered (IVF PIXI and ICSI).

Types of therapy:

  • Surgical intervention (for example, for varicocele).
  • Stimulating sperm production with the help of medications - “Spematon”, “Spermaktin”, “Speman”, “Tribestan”, “Verona”, “Viardo”.
  • Micro-TESE testicular biopsy to obtain sperm using an invasive method.
  • Vitamin therapy.

In many cases, when the underlying disease is eliminated, the number and quality of cells returns to normal.

In parallel with treatment, it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, give up bad habits and, where possible, prevent work with chemicals and radioactive substances. Subscribe to our website. Learn a lot new information. Be healthy!