Happy moments in life. Happy moments The most joyful moment in my life

I will immediately write an answer that will seem incredible to you. To be happy, you have to be happy. That is, you can enter a state of happiness and pleasure right now. To do this, you don't need anything other than the decision to be happy right now. You already know how to do this. And in my article I will prove this to you.

To make the proof clearer to you, I will give you a task right now. While you are reading this article, try to be happy. Enjoy reading this article, regardless...

I already wrote in the book “Money Codes” that on your financial situation influenced by thoughts, how you think about money, what you say. If you speak about money disrespectfully, say that it is “wooden”, or you are sure of it.

That you can’t earn money honestly, or you think that if a person has money and can afford to buy an expensive car, furniture, etc.., then he is dishonest, a bandit or something like that, then you have a barrier of acceptance is created on a subconscious level...

Incorrigible losers achieved success at work, students who regularly received bad marks turned into almost excellent students in just a few weeks. Timid, shy, inhibited people became happy and sociable.

A significant event in the field of psychology was the discovery of the so-called self-image. Whether we are aware of it or not, each of us carries within us a mental image or portrait of ourselves. Sometimes it appears somewhat hazy before our inner gaze...

Living without fear means living in joy and with pleasure. Is it difficult? Some will say that this is not real, and some will say that only those who have a lot of money live in pleasure)), while the rest are destined to “toil and suffer, through hard work to achieve a place in the sun, overcoming many obstacles. What doesn’t work out will be taken away, taken away, and in general - many generations have lived like this, but why are we better / worse?”
Yes, everyone has their own destiny, their own lives lived and “lessons not learned”, but... everyone...

In the life of every person there is 99 percent of husk: affairs, worries, routine, worthless experiences, empty feelings, boring people, stupid companies, stupid activities... And only one percent of what is truly important and necessary, which we put off “for later”, in Hoping to do it “when I have time.”

As a rule, there is no time. This continues until retirement; you look back and still haven’t done the most important thing.

This happens in 99 percent of people. Ask your parents - they...

Every person wants to be happy, but for some reason some feel happy more often than others.

The feeling of happiness does not always depend on specific circumstances or events. So what's the matter?

In fact, there is no secret: the feeling of happiness comes more often to people who have certain personal qualities. And you can develop these qualities in yourself, which means you can feel happy more often!

Let's see what these qualities are.

1. Flexibility. Only...

Each of us has fantasies and dreams about that ideal life, where we do what we love, live in beautiful houses by the sea and are surrounded by love and care.

Perhaps someone's picture differs from the one I described, but that is not the point.

And the fact is that everyone, without exception, dreams. Some boldly and desperately, and some quietly, almost in secret from themselves.

Last weekend I thought about how often and how many people...

Each soul faces several tasks that we need to solve during this human life.

It's like exams that are already assigned to us in advance.

We approach each such exam with knowledge or skills, or not very prepared.

After successfully passing the exam, we move to another energy level and receive new opportunities and energy.

If the exam is not passed, then no new forces will arrive, and the energy given to go through this period is almost completely...

To determine happiness, which would be indisputable for all inhabitants of the planet, the scientist turned to the theory of the famous psychologist Eric Fromm.

The most prominent representative of the Frankfurt school of psychoanalysis in his book “The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness” described two opposing aspirations of the psyche - love of life (“biophilia”) and the desire for...

The article includes quotes about happy moments in life for psychological reflection. And here is the first saying: Fate sends us a repetition of experience with the sole purpose of teaching us what we did not want to learn right away.

Don't raise children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Jean de La Bruyère

Love life, and life will love you too. Love people, and people will love you back. A. Rubinstein.

It is important to learn to accept yourself, to value yourself, no matter what others say about you.

A warrior acts, but a fool protests. Peaceful warrior

In life we ​​reap what we sow: he who sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed. Luigi Settembrini

An owl is a wise bird, but a chicken still lays eggs every morning. M. Shargan

The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in being able to rise whenever you fall. Confucius

Platonic love is a pure idea that arises from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Brothers Goncourt

The key to happiness is to dream, the key to success is to turn dreams into reality. James Allen

It is better to be a slave to the beloved than to be free to the unloved. E. Bern.

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has run out. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that he has run out of clean clothes.

Never buy something because it's cheap; it will end up costing you dearly. Jefferson Thomas

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts.

The most enjoyable thing is to do what people think you will never do. Arabic proverb

Tomorrow is the first blank slate books of 365 pages. Write good book. Brad Paisley

You can never judge what is on a person's mind by what he says.

You love to talk about your love, but you forget to share it.

A romantically inclined woman is disgusted by sex without love. That's why she rushes to fall in love at first sight. Lydia Yasinskaya

A love story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. J. Richter.

Don’t forget that compared to eternity, all these are seeds.

Life is neither suffering nor pleasure, but a task that we must do and honestly complete it. A. Tocqueville

The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their ability to acquire it. Bernard Shaw

Stupid people dream, smart people plan. The lazy wait, the hardworking work hard. The greedy grab, the kind give. The wicked punish, the generous forgive. Cunning people deceive, simpletons believe. And only the wise do all this on time. Stas Yankovsky

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. F. Mauriac.

A wise man is one who does today what fools will do in three days. Abdullah ibn Mubarak

There are people who will see the speck in someone else's eye without seeing the beam in their own. Bertolt Brecht

The contemplative life is often very bleak. You need to act more, think less and not be an outside witness to your own life. N. Chamfort

The ideal is the guiding star. Without it there is no solid direction, and without direction there is no life. Tolstoy L. N.

Life goes on when the way of life dies.

Ordinary " common sense“discovers a steady tendency to reject the problem of human existence (existence). He intuitively believes that in matters of human existence he, common sense, has nothing to do. Khersonsky B.G.

Love is the perfection of virtues.

Learning wisdom is as impossible as learning to be beautiful. Henry Wheeler Shaw

The life of the spirit is higher than the life of the flesh and independent of it. Often a warm body contains a numb spirit, and a fat one contains a skinny and frail spirit. What do all the riches of the world mean to us when we are poor in spirit? G. Thoreau

Recently I realized why I need e-mail to communicate with those you don't want to talk to. George Carlin

Suffering has great creative potential.

We cannot learn values; we must experience values. Frankl V.

Sometimes you think: it’s all over, period, but in fact this is the beginning. Just another chapter.

If love has passed, remain human!

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

A man who has come to know his life is like a slave man who suddenly finds out that he is a king. L. Tolstoy

If you manage to deceive a person, this does not mean that he is a fool, it means that you were trusted more than you deserve. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history. Bernard Shaw

The world moves forward because of those who suffer. Leo Tolstoy

It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

Whatever happened to you, it all happened to someone you know, only it was worse. Meader's Law

Except higher education you need to have at least an average understanding and, at a minimum, basic education.

Desire is a thousand ways, unwillingness is a thousand obstacles

Trahit sua quemque voluptas - everyone is attracted by their own passion

Our life is wonderful! Are you a happy person?

If you couldn't remember right away happy moments your life then
We offer a list of popular and interesting answers from people to the question of what moments in their lives were the happiest.

When your loved one hugs you in a dream
When you're just happy for no reason
Hot bath after a hard day
First kiss
When you see the sea for the first time
When you find something amazing
When you're fooling around together
Get together with the whole family
When you feel the warmth of a dear soul

This list can be extended indefinitely...
for everyone has their own happiness... and their own happy moments ..

You don't need to search for it...

It's inside... bottomless... causeless...

Never stops sounding...

Open the window one day at dawn...

And drink up the first ray of the sun...

And remember... as children always know how to do

Live life's moments to the fullest...

Become a trusting child again...

Feel everything.. notice.. remember.

And rejoice.. and admire loudly...

And brightly... boldly... in full growth... dream...

You don't need a reason for happiness.

You see... You hear... You love... You live...

You have everything... even in ruins

You will build your own happy city.

Happy moments in life-
They are like drops of dew
Like splashes of colorful rainbows,
When you don't look at the clock.

And I so want to fly high, oh God!
Spread two wings like a bird!
To embrace the sky with your hands,
Birth to meet the morning sun.

Rush with a light warm breeze;
Purr quietly in your ear with a gentle song.
And give everything when eye to eye;
When the Soul and the Universe merged together.

Take care and enjoy yourself
Definitely know how.
Live with pleasure! Loving!
Believe me - it's valuable!

And let them run, let the years run
And it's hard to keep them
But always be HAPPY
You can afford it!!!..

Make every day of your life a little more joyful,
and your life will become brighter and happier!

Together with you we want to enjoy happy moments life.
Looking for happy moments let's try to take a look
V various corners our life,

Let's look at some striking examples successful people, friends and just acquaintances.

In general, let's taste life together
with all its spicy notes and amazing aromas.

We invite you to a new project - Happy moments
the project starts March 19 from and last until November 20

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Please bring completed work
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Why do people have such complex relationships with the closest person on Earth - themselves?

A rather strange question - “how to love yourself?” is one of the most popular requests among girls on the Internet.

Here are some tips you can use to like yourself and take responsibility for your life:

Become a beauty hunter

First, look around and find something pleasant and beautiful - the sound of rain on the roof, summer clouds over the city, the smell of hot corn in the park. We are surrounded by thousands of things and phenomena that can bring us pleasure.

Start enjoying life, and then you will pay attention to yourself - a figure that is not so badly built, hair that curls very nicely, a shape of eyes that gives you a certain peculiarity.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The more we like the world around us, the more satisfied we are with ourselves and our lives.

Stop devaluing yourself

Forget the phrase “I just...” - I’m just a teacher, I’m just a manager, I’m just a housewife. Behind all this is your work and development. You didn't "just" end up where you are now.

Praise yourself for your achievements and achievements. Praise yourself for the simplest things - I cooked a wonderful breakfast, I helped my close friend, I ran around the park.

Write down your daily activities on paper, and you will find that you actually get a lot done - both for yourself and for others. Well done.

Don't listen to your inner critic

Again, stop doubting. Stop berating yourself for every momentary mistake. And even more so, stop scolding yourself for your dreams - “what stupidity,” “nothing will work out anyway,” “I don’t deserve this.”

Don't focus on the bad. Better close your eyes and think about the person who loves and supports you. Look at yourself through his eyes and tell him that no matter where you are now - in an unhappy relationship, looking for something you love, or at the moment of betrayal, you will get through it.

Don't try to please everyone

Become free from the opinions of others - admit that you have your own quirks that simply cannot please everyone.

There is such a principle as “1 and 100” - one person out of a hundred may not like you. Just don't try to please that one person.

There are people who love and appreciate you, think about them the next time you are rude in public transport or given the wrong look. You don't have to please everyone.

Give yourself a medal

Take responsibility for your life and actions - allow yourself to live the way you always wanted.

Each person is unique and inimitable. We all have a mission in this world. And he, this world, already loves you. The rest is up to you.

Publisher: Gaya - June 12, 2019


How to enjoy your weekend and be empowered.

To spend these days with maximum benefit, first of all, for yourself, do what you have long dreamed of. And make these points part of your vacation so that you return from it fresh and rested.


Yes, don’t forget to rest, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. After all, even during vacation we try to do a lot of things and get everything done, we show concern for everyone except ourselves. Put all your worries aside and take a break. Give yourself time to rest and recover.

Practice yoga, play sports, eat more fruits and vegetables, walk, fill yourself with the energy of nature. Having gained strength, you can become even more energetic and fiery. Then you will inspire and push your loved ones to action.


Depending on the circumstances, you can spend your vacation not only abroad, but also in your own country and even city. This is a great opportunity to become a tourist in your city or country. Learn something new about them, even if you thought you knew everything about them.

And if you went abroad, that’s also good. Explore the country and customs, meet the locals and look at this country through the eyes of its inhabitants. Show interest in the people of the country and everything happening around. Make your vacation an opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain knowledge about the cultures of other countries and your own.

Time for yourself

First of all, you are going on vacation for yourself. You deserve it, so take time for yourself and allow yourself to rest. Every day, give yourself a certain amount of time that you will spend only with yourself.

During this time, you can do everything that will help you relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle. everyday life. Do what you've always wanted, or do nothing. This is your time.

And even after your vacation, take time every day to relieve stress, decompress, feel yourself, look around and understand that the world does not stand still. And maybe you're missing out interesting points life, hiding behind business and not devoting time to yourself.

Publisher: Gaya - June 12, 2019


How to talk, think and breathe to create a life filled with abundance and possibility.

When you meditate, wishing for a lot of money, an interesting job and more free time, you create vibrations that you don’t have all this. This is a poor man's meditation. True prosperity comes from a state of complete contentment.

We offer 3 techniques to clear your subconscious of old limiting patterns and tune in to the flow of abundance and prosperity.


People who do not work with their breathing take, on average, 16 breathing cycles per minute. This is a waste of energy - especially if you trust texts that claim that we are born with a limited supply of prana (read - inhalations and exhalations).

Pranayama - special breathing exercises - can not only turn on the self-renewal mode, but also change the state of mind, tuning it to the flow of prosperity. In the tradition of Kundalini yoga, the following exercise is recommended:

Inhale for 7 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds. Repeat 3 minutes every day.


Prosperity is always based on effective communication. The ability to clearly express your thoughts, keep your word and listen to your interlocutor is already half the success.

Yogi Bhajan outlined 3 more laws that are worth listening to if you want to rise above your limitations and reach a new level of freedom:

Don't talk bad about others. Don't talk bad about yourself. Be kind to everyone.


Never forget the law of resonance: like attracts like. Think right now about everything you would like to realize in this life. Imagine that you already have all this. How are you feeling?

Radiate this state - and everything will come. Remember: patience pays off. Wait for the Universe to create for you.

Publisher: Gaya - June 12, 2019

When you are twenty years old, there is no question of living your life like everyone else. This is that wonderful period when it is obvious that all people are like people, and you are the chosen one. And the future, of course, awaits you in the most special way. There is some truth to this, but the point is how much courage you have not to succumb to inertia and to be chosen, and not just think so. But that’s not what we’re talking about now.

It's a different question when you're over thirty. Habits have been formed, beliefs are reinforced concrete, your social circle has stabilized, the burden of the past is carried everywhere with you on your own hump - you see, it’s a pity to throw it away. And here two simple and accurate ways to find out what will happen to you and your life in 5-10 years are quite relevant, and most importantly reliable. Will you check?

How to find out your future in ten years


Take your surroundings: colleagues, relatives, friends, acquaintances - all those with whom you regularly communicate. At least a couple of times a month. And especially those with whom you cross paths on a weekly basis. Moreover, we are talking not only about friendship and warm communication, but about any, even forced, interaction.

Take a close look at those who are five years older than you.

Congratulations, this is your future in five years!

Take those who are ten years older than you - this is your future in ten years.

I am happy for you only if (and I hope that such people read me too) if you are surrounded by inspiring examples that you want to emulate.

Otherwise, watch carefully and analyze.

If you leave everything as it is, move along the same rut, without taking drastic steps towards your true desires (for example, to be chosen, huh?), then you can already see where this will lead you. You don't have to go far.

I propose to objectively evaluate, as external attributes, what a person has (financial wealth, family, business, appearance), and his state: how he feels, how often he smiles, how susceptible he is to fears and anxieties, whether he is kind or angry at the world, and so on. Look holistically and coolly. The coincidence with you in the future will be 80% with the most optimistic forecast, but most likely up to 97%...

Let me remind you:

The biggest stupidity in life is to expect change while continuing to do the same thing day after day.


But there is another way to find out your future - to create it.

This is where the options for forecasting the future end. Either you create it yourself or reproduce the environment.

Create your own picture of the world, paving your own path step by step, choosing your environment, business, thoughts, scenery and even emotions with the precision of a jeweler. This is the path of the few, which, according to statistics, is chosen by only 3% of the population. It's difficult, but it's worth it. You must constantly take responsibility for yourself, not be afraid, take risks, ask yourself a lot of questions, say “no” to suffering and doubts, get up every time, no matter how deep you fall, and most importantly, continue to move forward even in those moments when it’s not always possible. It’s clear where that “before” is.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is a personal choice.

Haruki Murakami

This is probably how one becomes the chosen ones, but this no longer matters compared to the opportunity to become deeply calm and happy man. The author and editor of your own life...at least in ten years.

One of the most logical questions of a sane person is: “Why?”

Why change anything? Why create yourself again? This is the last key question that makes sense to ask yourself before starting a conscious transformation of your life experience.

The first question is – Where? Where am I at the moment?

Second question - What? What brought me here?

Having fully answered them and written down the coordinates of your current state of affairs, the meaning of the third question will be deeper and more conscious.

The third question to yourself: Why? Why should I change anything and create myself? Especially again?

Having received an answer from the depths of your being, all further actions will find ground under your feet and will line up into a completely tangible road, which, as you know, the walker will master. Motivation will begin to grow from within, and this is the only condition for real transformation.

In this material I want to give my personal answers to this question, perhaps they will also be close to someone:

Why should I create myself again?

1. A person is a blank slate, the first part of his life was not written by him

We come into this world with a completely blank slate of our own life story, which describes not only our experiences (what we do) but also who we are (what we feel, think and what we base our decisions on). And the moral of the fable is that our very first records are kept by parents, teachers, friends, the entire environment and our childish, still completely unconscious self.

From the very beginning, without realizing it, we begin to broadcast the image of how others see us, through the prism of our own, at first childish, understanding. And we become who others see us through the prism of our own understanding.

I've already said it, but I want to repeat it here:

Today is what you did and thought yesterday, and tomorrow is what you do and think today. We create ourselves and our experiences every day, every second, and even, it would be more correct to say, every moment. Not only when we decided to write down our life goals for the year, and not only when we radically changed our type of activity or country. Not when they came (or didn’t come) to sports, not when they gave birth to a child. And always. Every moment.

We create ourselves not from the age of 18, when we officially became adults, and not from the age of 25, when we grew wiser. We create ourselves from the age of 15 (remember your complexes), from the age of 7 (remember your fears), from the age of 3 (remember yourself). We are continuously creating ourselves from...the very beginning. And they have already created a lot of things, most of which are dutifully stored in our subconscious and manifest themselves according to the situation. Hence the “universal rake”, when some problem plays out in our lives over and over again, and we still cannot understand: why? Why the hell is it the same thing again?

Question. Should we hit the repeat button over and over and play out the residuals of our past each time, or maybe start playing a new record of our lives?

2. Even after growing up, our paper continues to be covered up and down by past experiences and current surroundings.

If you don't create yourself consciously, it will happen on a subconscious level. Our environment influences us much more than one can imagine, every second driving details into our subcortex: who I am, what I am, why this way and not otherwise.

As long as you live only on the praise or criticism of other people, you are doomed to eternal anxiety.

In general, there will always be external handwriting on your letterhead (that is, the influence of the environment), but personally I want my lines to be there too. And not just carbon-copy dialogues from yesterday.

3. A pencil is in our hands just like a sheet of paper.

We are not only a blank slate, but also a hand with a pencil that draws there. We create our own experiences, whether we like it or not, at all levels and in all situations.

Growing up is not just about surrendering to the painting of your external environment, but also about finding a pencil in your own hands, inventing a story and starting to write it, realizing that in any novel it is not enough to say “Chapter 1. It was a warm sunny day.” We must continue, day by day, composing the story of our own life. Over and over again, rewriting those paragraphs that should have long ago remained in the “Childhood” chapter, and not copied them into “Today’s day of my life.”

So when I say “again,” I mean that the current chapter could easily be rewritten. Start from the beginning. They say that Leo Tolstoy rewrote War and Peace 12 times. Can’t I redraw the “I’m 28 years old” section a couple of times?

A blank slate is in front of us every day, or rather every moment, we just need to stop rewriting past experiences (who I am, what I can do, what I feel, what I want).

4. Change is a continuous phenomenon

Let me return to the formulation “Why change anything?”

Because it is already changing, with or without us. Constantly and continuously. Look in the mirror, when did this person grow up? What specific day or hour? Or maybe this process happens every moment and is happening now?

In short, change is inevitable. Selyavi. And the formulation “why change something” is not entirely appropriate. It would be better to ask:

- Why create change yourself?

Let everyone decide for themselves.

Olesya Novikova

Publisher: AR Ka - June 12, 2019

When you have prophetic dreams

Even in ancient times, sages and philosophers believed that dreams are sent to a person so that he could see a completely different world and expand the boundaries of knowledge. In fact, when we fall asleep, we move unhindered over vast distances, traveling across any country and continent. In addition, sleep is a real “time machine” that allows you to return to childhood, youth and any time period of life. In a dream, it is possible to meet with friends and relatives, many of whom are far away or have died.

It is believed that in a dream the soul can leave the body and independently go on spatial and temporal travel. However, even in this state, the body and soul are inextricably linked by an invisible thread. Sometimes, the soul wanders into unknown, otherworldly worlds. In these cases, a dream seen during moments of such wanderings may turn out to be special or prophetic.

According to the Old Believers healer Maria Fedorovskaya, dreams can be physical or empty. This means that the soul has not flown so far from the body, and therefore sees and feels what disturbs the sleeper. Such dreams never come true and are only a reflection of everyday worries. An example of bodily dreams is nightmares. Fortunately, all the horrors seen in dreams never come true. To get rid of the difficult thoughts caused by them, you just need to drink water and get some sleep.

Many people claim that they do not dream. This is wrong. Modern science It has been established that every night a person on average “observes” 4 - 5 dreams. But when he wakes up, he sometimes cannot remember any of them. Perhaps, in this way, our body protects itself from an overabundance of unnecessary information.

And only in rare cases are we sent dreams that we not only remember, but also intuitively realize their significance. The only problem is that prophetic dreams don't come true right away. Sometimes a dream and an event in real life separated by a decade.

Dreams and visions are a special kind of prophetic messages that certainly come true. In them, the sleeper is able to see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and other Saints. Visions are signs of communication with certain higher powers, which can promise either protection and patronage, or warn of retribution for some unworthy offenses.

It is extremely rare and not everyone is able to see such dreams. It is important to understand and carefully decipher their meaning. After all, they are true and necessarily come true, regardless of the day of the week when they were seen. They cannot be “drained,” that is, to ensure that the prophecy sent to the sleeping person does not come true.

Such dreams are considered God's revelations, and the words heard by the sleeper, warnings from his Guardian Angels, who, on the one hand, can promise patronage and protection, on the other, can be signs of awakening in the person who saw such a dream of unusual abilities.

Dreams - fortune-telling - are visions of the sleeping person in those cases when, when he went to bed, he performed a special ritual in advance or uttered special words. For example, the most common option, the sentence: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed about the bridegroom...”. Such dreams come true in almost all cases.

Dreams are omens. To interpret them correctly, you need to have experience or special books - dream books. The fact is that everything the sleeping person sees is a set of symbols. For example, pancakes - for a letter; Twisting your hair with your finger means a headache. Such dreams do not always come true. As a rule, only on certain days of the week.

It is believed that small children, in the first twelve months of their life, have prophetic dreams in which the little ones can see their future. And if the baby laughs while sleeping, then the angels amuse him.

On what days can you have prophetic dreams?

Not every vivid dream that is remembered can be considered prophetic. Special ones come only on certain days of the week, or coincide with the dates of church holidays. The exception is dreams - visions, which were discussed above. But these are rare, truly prophetic dreams that an ordinary person sees 1-2 times in his life.

It is most likely to see a prophetic dream during the week that separates the two church holidays of the Nativity of Christ (January 7) and the Epiphany of the Lord (January 19). These seven days, surrounded by many omens and signs, are called Christmastide. It is believed that it was during this period that the souls of deceased ancestors wander among the living, and among them are other otherworldly creatures, both angels and evil spirits. Therefore, all these unusual “guests” can tell a person’s future. Including in dreams.

All Christmas dreams are prophetic. And every night of the week following Christmas carries special “sleepy” prophecies. For example, falling asleep on the night of January 7-8, you can learn about the plans of insidious rivals or competitors. On the eve of the 10th, you will have dreams telling about family, about the fate of loved ones. The next night is about health and moral well-being. And from January 11 to 12, you dream of probable “prospects” for business development and career advancement.

Falling asleep on the eve of the 14th, you can think of an answer to any nagging question. By plunging into the arms of Morpheus from January 14 to 15, there is a chance to receive information about the right way to build relationships with an opponent or competitor. The next night they don’t wish for anything. However, a dream seen on the eve of January 17 will suggest all sorts of difficulties that will lie in wait in the coming year.

Next night will bring information about love relationships, about the possibility of marriage, about family and children.

When guessing Christmas dreams, you must not forget to repent. Trying to predict fate, that is, by telling fortunes, a person, voluntarily or unwittingly, activates the forces of darkness and all kinds of evil spirits. And she will definitely ask for payment for her services.

Dreams seen on the eve of any holiday celebrated by the church can be prophetic. Their peculiarity is rapid implementation. In ancient times, there was even a popular proverb: “A holiday nap is before lunch.”

It is believed that falling asleep on the night of the 3rd day of any month, you can see a prophetic, prophetic dream. Some interpreters are confident that such dreams are “fair and soon to come true.” But everything that you dreamed about, resting peacefully from the 24th to the 25th, can be ignored. This is the night of empty, unfulfilled dreams.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday is of particular importance. On this day of Passion Week, Jesus was crucified.
They believe that there is no point in planning the start of important things on this day of the week - there is a high probability that they will be fraught with setbacks and failures.

At the same time, the fifth day of the week is considered mystical, activating the hidden, secret powers of a person. For example, intuition.

Fridays preceding some events have especially powerful energy. church holidays. Dreams that occur on such Good Fridays can predict fate and a number of other events.

The Good Friday calendar begins with: When do you have prophetic dreams?
1 week of Great Lent.

The next one will be on April 7, on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation,
3 - I precedes Verbnaya,
4 - I will be before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord,
5 - I am in front of the Trinity,
6 - I falls on June 7 (before the Nativity of John the Baptist),
7th (August 2) precedes the feast of Elijah the Prophet,
8th (August 28) - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
9 - I falls before the Day of the Archangel Michael (September 19),
10th (November 14) - Day of Saints Cosmas and Damian,
11 - Good Friday will be before January 7,
12 - I, accordingly, before Epiphany (January 19).

These 12 Fridays are also called nominal Fridays. Each of them has its own name. For example, Epiphany, Blagoveshchenskaya, Voznesenskaya. Orthodox people should fast on Fridays. And one should especially strictly observe fasting on these Great or nominal Fridays, which carry special meaning and grace.

It is possible to see amazing, prophetic dreams not only on Fridays. Everything that you dreamed about on other days of the week also has its own meaning and special significance.

On Monday night you can guess what the sleeping person will dream about. They say that the moon “looks” this night. It helps to solve complex and important issues that concern a fallen asleep person in life. If what you dreamed about on Monday night is difficult to remember, then it is most likely an empty or physical dream. And if you saw the same symbols throughout the night, then it’s worth deciphering them. This way you can get important information that will help a person or warn him about a problem or trouble.

Everything you dream about on Tuesday does not come true and has no special meaning. Except for cases when Tuesday falls on the 3rd day in the calendar.

But the next night is interesting. A dream seen on Wednesday's eve can be surprisingly realistic, filled with details, signs, and symbols. It cannot be taken literally. The interpretations differ markedly from what was seen.

For example, if you see yourself as the beloved woman of a rich man, it means that you need to provide support to your loved ones. If you dream that you are receiving guests, then there is no reason to worry about your appearance and the impression you make on people.

Everything that is “broadcast” to someone who falls asleep from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday can be forgotten. These are bodily dreams that have no sacred meaning. Although, some interpreters believe that on Thursday's eve, the patron, who is Jupiter, should receive useful information regarding the professional sphere. Such a dream comes true on the day of the Sun - Sunday.

When do prophetic dreams come true?

Traditionally, we sleep at night, believing that sleep helps our brain cells rest and restore their energy reserves. But this is a misconception! As scientists have found, the brain works with greater intensity during sleep than when awake. This is an active physiological process during which a lot of information is processed.

Much depends on the phase and time of sleep. So, everything that you dream about during the day, when an adult sleeps no more than 1-2 hours, or simply dozes, is a “product” of rapid or paradoxical sleep, in which the brain actively analyzes the data received. Therefore, daytime dreams should not be considered prophetic. Exceptions are visions with prophecies of the Saints.

Evening and night dreams are often physical and do not contain much meaning. There is a simple explanation for this: while falling asleep, a person continues to think about the events of the passing day or makes plans for the future. There is still no place for the mystical revelations of the soul setting off on a journey through the sacred worlds. And she hasn’t been able to get that far away from the body yet.

But in the morning hours the most interesting and important things happen. The soul is free. The brain of a sleeping person is free from everyday thoughts and is ready to receive information from mysterious worlds.
What to do to fulfill a prophetic dream?

It’s paradoxical - while we are in a sleeping state, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most fantastic transformations, words and actions. But in reality, we understand all their absurdity and illogicality. Therefore, it is not always possible, and not for everyone, to tell a dream clearly and in detail. More often than not, people remember only fragments.

It is important to remember that only those dreams that are remembered come true. If there is a goal to leave in memory the events predicted in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you can try ancient folk methods:
a small pebble is placed under the head (under the pillow);
fall asleep turning on your right side, but not on your stomach;
upon awakening, there is no need to look out the window or stare at the flame;
You can bite the corner of your pillow in the morning.

The most important condition:

For 3 days you cannot tell anyone about what you dreamed. Or better yet, hide the information you receive altogether.

Publisher: AR Ka - June 12, 2019

Many people one day begin to think about self-development, and many, despite the difficulties ahead, embark on this path and achieve certain successes, change themselves and change the world around them. Someone, not finding support and having taken several “steps” along the path of self-improvement, turns away from it and returns to their previous life. It is understandable, we embark on the path of self-development in order to better cope with life’s problems, but along the way we encounter even more problems, and are faced with the need to create these problems ourselves.

The path of self-improvement is truly difficult; it involves obtaining the necessary knowledge and spending incredible effort and time. And if you decide to take this path, try to remember one great truth: “He who walks can master the road,” and you will also master this road, the main thing is to keep walking. Yes, difficulties are inevitable, but by overcoming them, you will become stronger and wiser, and in the future, setting goals for yourself, you will begin to achieve them effortlessly, receiving only joy and pleasure from it. What follows are ten seemingly simple self-improvement tips that, if followed on a regular basis, will shorten the distance between you and your highest good.

1. Meet the day wisely.

Get up as early as possible, do exercises, and have a big breakfast. The earlier you get up, the more things you will have time to do during the day. If you decide to make your life as full of positive things as possible, make it your rule to get up earlier than usual, force yourself to get out of bed and do exercises for your body. Morning exercise will help you wake up fully, get the blood flowing through your body and increase your activity level. Well, a hearty breakfast will energize you for the whole day ahead. We remember the age-old wisdom: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a neighbor, and give dinner to your enemy,” and we try to follow. Do any of you follow this wisdom? Perhaps most of you have a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich for breakfast? Try changing this approach and see what happens.

2. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Try to follow the schedule you created. This will allow you to tackle more of the challenges facing you each day. It’s best to make a list of tasks in advance, in the evening, so that you spend your entire next day solving them, and not thinking about the tasks that need to be completed. Get a special pocket notebook so that you can carry it with you everywhere without the risk of forgetting about tasks that need to be completed. As you complete a task, check it off your list. If you can’t complete all your tasks during the day, it doesn’t matter – just move them to tomorrow. But, this evening you will be able to analyze why you were unable to complete your tasks and what you can do tomorrow to increase your efficiency.

3. Get plenty of rest.

If you spend too much time on your own affairs, if for a long time sitting at a computer or exhausting yourself with physical work, this can lead to burnout and many other negative consequences for your physical and mental health. I understand that achieving your goal is for you the most important task, however, spending all your time on it and forgetting about basic rest is too unreasonable. Think for yourself, working incessantly, you deprive your body of the opportunity to rest and gain strength, and, no less important, the opportunity to comprehend current circumstances and the effectiveness of your actions in the current conditions. Who knows, maybe what you are doing now has ceased to produce results, and you have long been able to rise to a higher level. Find time for relaxation and entertainment, communicate with friends, travel, just think about where you are, where you want to go and how you want to get there.

4. Be generous

Try to be kind and generous with other people. Generosity does not necessarily mean the ability to share money, but a smile, good advice, a kind word and helping people. Everything you give into this world, you receive in multiplied quantities - this may seem like a too naive idea, however, for most people this is what happens. Try to help the people around you. Nobody knows what will happen in a year, five years or ten, perhaps that’s when you yourself will need help, and the people you helped will be more willing to help you overcome difficulties. In a metaphysical sense, the process of giving also has great meaning; by giving, you create within yourself a feeling of abundance, which tends to multiply - this is familiar to those who believe and observe the principles of the law of attraction, about which many words have been said on our website

5. Accept what you cannot change.

Almost everything we encounter in our lives, we try to change. If we don’t like the salary, we find another job or start working even more. If we don’t like the arrangement of our house, we rearrange the furniture or make repairs. If we don’t like our appearance, we try to somehow smooth out the shortcomings. If we don’t like the behavior of the people around us, we try to change them, tell them what they can do and what they can’t do. In a constant attempt to adjust the world around us to ourselves, we forget that there are things that cannot be changed, and when trying to change them, we encounter disappointment, anxiety and depression. Having learned to accept what we cannot change, we will become much happier people and will begin to cope with problems an order of magnitude faster, so that our efforts will not be wasted.

6. Learn new languages.

Studying foreign languages is one of them the best ways improve understanding native language. In the process of studying, you not only expand your vocabulary and improve your knowledge of the grammar of your native language, but also give your brain a task, which ultimately allows it to work even better. In general, knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, which is an international language, will help you quickly find your way around another country if you are going there on vacation or are sent on a business trip. Agree, it is much more interesting to communicate with people from other countries in their language than to express your thoughts through gestures that you do not fully understand. Another thing to note is that the more languages ​​you learn, the easier it becomes to learn new languages, partly because your brain works better, partly because many languages ​​are similar.

7. Eliminate routine.

Try to be a little more well-rounded person. Don't let your life become ordinary and boring. Try new things and do things differently whenever the opportunity arises. Choose a different route for going to work, or a different cafe, restaurant or club for relaxation. If you're going to the grocery store, choose another store, and it doesn't matter that it takes a little longer to get there than the one you usually go to. Do something new every day, gain new experience and new knowledge, expand your horizons. Remember that your brain is capable of storing an unimaginable amount of information and deciding the most complex tasks, so use it, develop your abilities. Everything you learn at this stage of your life may or may not be useful in your future life, but the process of eliminating routine from your life can bring a lot of pleasure and joy.

8. Face your fears.

IN modern world So many fears arise that entire books are written to describe them. Each of us is afraid of something, some of the dark, some public speaking, some are judged by other people, some are afraid of looking stupid. The more fears you have, the more difficult it becomes for you to live life to the fullest. But it really doesn't matter what you're afraid of, it's how you deal with your fears that matters. Do you submit to their will or do you challenge them day after day? The point is that only by facing your fears can you overcome them. Therefore, every next day, do what you don’t want to do, what makes you uncomfortable, what makes you afraid. If the fear is too strong, try to cope with it gradually, “meter by meter” expanding your comfort zone.

9. Live in the present.

Often, when we achieve a goal, especially when achieving it takes us not days, but months and years, we begin to experience a feeling of emptiness. We complete our journey in the place we have dreamed of for so long, and we cannot understand where it is, the long-awaited happiness? After all, we thought that having reached the top, we would finally find happiness, but instead, it’s as if we are losing a part of something important, elusive and unnoticeable. Our dreams of a goal prevent us from seeing and experiencing the joy of the present, because the feeling of happiness depends not on whether we are where we want to go, but on how we feel about where we are at the moment. It's not the goal that's important, it's the journey to that goal - that's what should bring you happiness, and that's what you're missing out on when you finally achieve it. Set goals and achieve them, but do not forget about the present moment, life does not stand still, and it would be too unreasonable to deprive yourself of the joy of life here and now for the sake of a moment of rejoicing at the moment of achieving the goal.

10. Stop putting things off.

For many people, it is common to put aside their affairs and “feed breakfast” to themselves and their loved ones. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” we tell ourselves, sit down on a chair, turn on the TV or DVD, and “fast-forward” a few hours. It’s not uncommon for the next day to pass in the same way, until procrastination becomes our habit. Laziness grows to unrealistic proportions and in the future it becomes difficult to force yourself to work. If you know this situation firsthand, it’s time to pull yourself together and take control of your life. Think about what you want to achieve and think about how much time you would like to spend achieving those goals. And right here and now, decide to plan your work, leisure and entertainment. If you intended to work today, then even if you don’t raise your hands and your mood is at zero, still force yourself to work. Promise yourself a reward for your efforts and visualize your goal to increase your motivation level, get organized and develop self-discipline, it will pay off handsomely and bring you more joy and satisfaction than mindlessly sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Publisher: AR Ka - June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


The wisest, most loving and most balanced people you have ever met are most likely familiar with grief, have fallen face first into the dirt more than once or twice, they are well aware of the pain of loss... But despite everything it is they who have found their own way out of the abyss of their own despair.

During their lives, these people experienced many ups and downs, but it was they who taught them to appreciate life as they are, taught them the subtlety of feelings, understanding, and that wisdom that cannot be obtained in any other way. People are not born like this right away... No, they slowly become like this over time.

Honestly, when times get tough and we're faced with big challenges, we can either let the situation define who we are, let it destroy us, or... twist it to make us stronger. And the choice is only ours.

I want to remind you of a few very powerful truths that will certainly help you make wiser choices and become stronger even in the most difficult times...

1. Pain is a part of both life and love. She helps you grow.

Too many of us are afraid of ourselves, our own truth, and our own feelings to boot. We talk about how great the concepts of life and love are, and then we hide from them. Every day. We hide from our truest and deepest feelings. Because the truth is that life and love sometimes hurt us, and the feelings associated with it bother us immensely.

From early childhood we are taught that any pain is harmful. That this is evil. But will we ever be able to deal with real life And true love, if we are afraid to feel what we really feel? We should feel pain just as much as we should feel alive and loved.

Pain is sobering, it helps us awaken from harmful dreams. But we try to hide our pain. We are trying to distance ourselves from her... Understand one simple thing. Pain must be accepted willingly, just like common sense. Why? Yes, because you can learn to be strong only when you have no other choice.

The question is not whether you will experience pain on life path- everyone experiences it. The question is how will you deal with life situation, when everything doesn’t go quite the way (or not at all) the way you would like it to. That's what really matters.

Pain is also a feeling. And your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. And if you are ashamed of them, if you try to hide them, you are allowing the lies of self-doubt to destroy your reality.

You must stand up for your right to feel pain... To endure it, to bear the scars it leaves with pride, and to deal with all the realities of life and love on your own, as they help you become a stronger, wiser, truer version of yourself.

2. The right attitude is half the battle won.

It's normal to have good days and bad days. Expecting life to be wonderful all the time is like wanting to surf in an ocean where the waves only rise, but never fall. However, when you realize that both the rise up and the fall down are still part of the same ocean, they will stop annoying you. You will be able to come to terms with the realities of these ups and downs. And sooner or later it will become clear to you that if you want to experience the ups of life, you will have to come to terms with its downs.

In other words, life isn't perfect... but it's still good. Our goal should not be to try to create for ourselves perfect life, because it is simply impossible, but an attempt to live the imperfect life we ​​have in a state of constant admiration.

When we wake up in the morning, we should look around this world and admire everything that we see in it, without taking anything for granted. Everything we see is wonderful and unique. Our every day is an immeasurable, limitless, invaluable gift. Never take your life for granted. To be a spiritual person means to live in a constant state of admiration for your own life, the world and your place in it.

Don't let the pain of the situation rob you of hope. Don't let negativity creep into your soul. Don't let the bitterness of life rob you of its sweetness. And although other people may not agree with you, be proud of the fact that you know that the world is a beautiful place. Change your view of the world and you change your reality.

And in particular, you need to pay attention to the way you think and look at the world when it comes to accepting the fact that...

3. Your greatest fears simply don't exist.

When times are tough, it can be very difficult for you to follow your heart and take the next step in the right direction. But if you let the lies of your fears stop you, it can be a real tragedy. Although fear may seem overwhelming, it is actually not nearly as powerful as it seems.

Fear has only the power over you that you give it yourself. He is not omnipotent at all, even if fear fills your mind, you can still control your life. So do it! Take back control of your own destiny!

And the key to taking control of your own destiny is to recognize your fear and try to overcome it. Illuminate it with the light of your attention and look at it more closely. Because if you don't, if fear turns into a pitch-black darkness that you avoid, you will become defenseless - and at the most inopportune moments. And all because by avoiding combat with this enemy, you gave yourself only a temporary respite.

When you stop expecting life to be exactly the way you want it to be, you can begin to appreciate it for what it is. And over time, you will definitely realize that the greatest gifts of this life are rarely wrapped in the wrapper you expected.

Life experiences are what we most often experience when our plans don't go the way we wanted them to. And this is the most valuable thing we have, because it helps us become wiser and stronger.

You have the power to transform your wounds and worries into invaluable wisdom. You just have to take advantage of it. You must accept what happened and use what you have learned to take another step forward.

When you blame others for what you are going through, you are trying to absolve yourself of responsibility and are willingly placing power over that part of your life in someone else's hands.

But make no mistake, because ultimately the price of happiness is responsibility. And the sooner you stop trying to make strangers or even loved ones responsible for your happiness, the happier you will be. And if you are unhappy, then, most likely, it is you who are to blame, and not someone else.

Ultimately, your happiness depends on how much you can rely on yourself - on your unyielding determination to take responsibility for your life. You must take control of your life circumstances, start thinking for yourself, and make the only decision that really matters - the decision to decide everything for yourself from now on.

Sometimes we distance ourselves from the place and circumstances where we are because, based on our beliefs and experiences, we convince ourselves that this is not where we should be and that we do not want it at all. But the truth is that you are exactly where you need to be right now to get to where you want to be tomorrow. So appreciate your life and circumstances - they are not nearly as bad as you think.

Your friends and family are too wonderful to ignore. Think about how lucky you are that you are alive, that you are breathing, and that you have the opportunity to see the beauty of this world. Look around with your eyes wide open and you will see how full of possibilities and wonders it is.

Most of what you fear simply doesn't exist. And a fair amount of what you love and strive for is much closer than you think. You are just one brief thought away from realizing what a blessing life is to you.

Happiness is a way of thinking that can only be based on the present. Happiness is not some abstract point in the future or a moment in the past, but unfortunately, many people mistakenly think of it as just that. Too many young people seem to think that happiness is just somewhere ahead of them, and even more older people believe that it is far behind them and will not return. Don't be one or the other. Don't let the past and future take away your present.

Remember, patience is not about being able to wait, but rather about being able to stay positive while you work hard for something you believe in. It's the desire to stay focused, confidently moving forward one tiny step at a time, knowing that you can truly move a mountain if you do it one pebble at a time. And every stone you move, no matter how small, moves you towards your goal.

Quick note: You deserve more than instant gratification. Even the most valuable thing that you got quickly and without any effort can go away just as quickly. Value, the creation of which requires considerable time and effort, often outlives its creator—you—for a long time.

Ultimately success is when you live happy life, the way you want it.

You don't have to do something ostentatious to impress people. You don't have to be famous to be relevant. You don't have to be a celebrity to be successful. You don't need someone from the outside to confirm your value and importance. You are already valuable and significant - you just need to believe more in yourself and what you are trying to achieve.

You can be a humble and quiet person and still be talented, creative and insanely effective. Just because you don't have your own fan club doesn't mean you're a failure. Quiet success is just as sweet as loud and flashy success, and often it turns out to be much more real. Sometimes these problems are so serious that we want to give up, even if we don’t show it outwardly. And if only we were brave enough to be more open about it, we would quickly realize that we are far from the only ones who feel lost and alone.

Believe me, many of us are fighting the same battle as you right now. No matter how confused or pathetic you feel right now, know that there are other people who feel the same way. And when you hear yourself saying, “I’m all alone and no one will help me,” know that in fact, your worried mind is simply lying to you.

You can always find someone with similar circumstances. They may not be at arm's length, and you may not be able to talk to them at this very moment, but these people exist.

And if right now it seems to you that everything is bad for you, you are in complete despair, listen to me: I quite often feel the same way, and my life, too, can be a string of seemingly insoluble problems. I care about many of the same things you care about, just in my own way. And although some people don't understand us, we understand each other. You are not alone!

Publisher: Gaya - June 11, 2019

I am a vain person, moreover, prone to cheap effects. Which at my age looks like a bikini on a fat butt. The long struggle against this atavism once ended in victory. By that time, I had had my fill of admiring my name in print media in several countries. I happened to have a drink in the intimate company of three vice-rectors. I have a house in a quiet area, new car, beautiful wife... I would also like to get a cat, but that’s a different topic. In general, the concern about tail fluffiness seemed to leave me alone forever. If it were not for the destructive passion for networking. It’s like being in grandma’s barn: it’s dark and the rake is at the ready.

Apparently, vanity is an incurable disease. My boss is 64 years old. An impressive list of his credentials litters dozens of articles and books. This list should make him sick. But now he publishes another book. And he calls me to give gifts (I helped with something there).
“Pay attention,” he says, “what gorgeous printing, and reviews!” Here, read it... I’m reading it. I put on a serious face.
– Mmm, Jeff, the reviews are good. Especially this: “an outstanding scientist of our time.”
He pretended to be embarrassed:
- Oh, these Americans, they always exaggerate!
But it glows like chinese lantern. Then I remembered my recent victory in some failed competition. And puppy delight on this topic. How I got drunk and proved to my wife that next to her was a genius. But, to tell the truth, my euphoria was a little false. Something was bothering her. And can a person who is seriously in favor be completely happy? Cellulite or skepticism, debts or hemorrhoids - something certainly lies on the opposite side of the scale. And it’s good if it’s just one thing.

What if you rewind the tape? – I thought. – And to find at least one truly happy episode in my stupid life. The sound of the customs seal in Sheremetyevo? A pathetic permanent residence stamp next to an elegant visa for a new homeland? Not so... Imbalance of reward and effort. The Martin Eden effect – it was all too difficult. Defense and subsequent banquet? Not either. I remember one wish on that crazy day - that it would end as soon as possible. Love, sex? Interesting question... And suddenly! – I remembered this moment. A minute of absolute, pure, like white heroin, unclouded happiness. I'm telling you.

I then worked in the Mayak pioneer camp as a loader and radio operator. The duties of a loader were almost never tiring. Unload the car twice a week. Chop the meat and deliver the ration to the kitchen. Take out trash cans. And, as a bonus, friendship with the chefs. It was harder to wake up at an ungodly early hour and exclaim over the speakerphone: “S good morning! Ascent is announced for the Mayak camp. Leaders should form their own units...” My voice at this hour is rarely perky. Mostly hoarse, sometimes drunk. But then - freedom. And how do you think a twenty-year-old slacker will spend his free time? Attention: correct answer.

We sat in a clearing by the road, symbolically covered by bushes, and drank a liter of vodka for three of us. Participants: my friend Yura Krugly - a smooth, rosy-cheeked young man, the son of a cook from the Vympel camp. And Sanya, a gypsy-type boy with an open smile, is Yura’s friend and a petty bully who has a chance of turning into an average bandit. There were plenty of snacks: cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon. And most importantly, a still warm slice of meat pie. The kitchen workers baked it for themselves, but had to share.

The conversation, I remember, was about dancing with live music, planned that day at the Zarya sanatorium. About how to get in there and capture your ladies. They won’t climb over the fence... Sanka also had a fight planned with someone at this dance. And he said that he was counting on me and Krugly, if anything happened. The last topic didn't inspire me. This Sasha was nobody to me, and there was no need to substitute myself for him. And so I thought about how to preserve both my physique and my reputation. Here Krugly says:
– Do you see four boys coming?
Along the road, four stylish guys walked past our clearing, two with guitars in cases, one with a backpack.
- So what?
– Team from “Central”. They are the ones messing around at Zarya today.
“It’s strange that they are walking and not driving.” - I said.
- So we need to invite them! – Sanya got excited. He went out onto the road and shouted:
- Hey, guys! Are you going to Zarya?
The four stopped. We turned around.
“Well, let’s say...” the person closest to us responded gloomily, “what’s the matter?”
“Yes, let’s get to know each other...” Sanya smiled. - We are going there today to dance.
- How much longer to go? – asked another: a thin, shaggy guy with round glasses (he looks like Lennon, I guessed. But he looks like...). – The car broke down halfway, and we were ordered lunch there.
“For about half an hour,” Sanek said joyfully, “but you were late for lunch anyway.” So... please come to our table!
The musicians looked at each other.
“There’s plenty of snacks,” Sanek pressed, “and there’s something to drink.”
– We don’t drink for free. - Lennon said. And he took out a bottle of Zubrovka from his backpack.

Half an hour later global warming came and everyone started talking at the same time. My interlocutor was Lennon, and his name was appropriate – Zhenya. It turned out that our musical tastes coincide down to the comma: Beatles, Creedence, Smokie. There were also mutual friends.
“So, Max,” Zhenya said, “I’m waiting for you at Central at any time.” Even when I'm not there. And I’m there almost every day... that is, evening. You come in and say, I’m visiting Zhenya, the keyboard player, I’m his friend. And alles - you are inside. I'll warn whoever needs it, the bosses are tame. I’m not only a keyboard player, I’m a vocal dandy, you know!? I have a personal table...
“Zheka lifted his tail again,” someone from the group remarked. - Listen, dandy, it’s time for us to move.
- That's it, let's go. – Zhenya stood up. He swayed slightly. “But we don’t say goodbye to the guys.” Thank you guys, we had a great time.
“You have a song,” I said, “with an announcement.” Well... for our friend Max, his favorite is rock and roll.
- Chervonets. – Zhenya patted me on the shoulder. - Joke. No problem, bro. Just remind me.

We were lucky - everyone was allowed into Zarya that evening. People, ready for fun, were actively approaching the sanatorium. I (by God I’m not lying!) walked with two spectacular blondes, sisters Galya and Olya. I had an affair with one of them, it seems Galya, that summer. The heavy pulse of live music with an echo effect was heard from afar, forcing you to speed up your pace. Inside we quickly found Sanka and Krugly, galloping in a large company of drunken youth: servants, cooks, counselors and local punks. I knew many of them. We were greeted noisily and taken into the circle. The middle of it was decorated with a string bag with “Agdam”.

The brigade of labukhs worked hard. They filmed “Machine”, “Dynamic” and “Alpha” almost to zero (they were supposed to start with domestic songs). Zhenya himself did a good job of imitating Makar’s nasal tone and Kuzya’s howl. Then, “by popular demand,” they produced a then-current hit about a white ship, which completely blew the minds of the young ladies (squealing, screaming, striptease). During the break I catch Zhenya:
- Well, is the agreement valid?
-What are you talking about? Ah, no question! As soon as you hear “Imagine”, the next one is yours.

Soon Zhenya started singing “Imagine”. I was expecting closeness to the original, but not such goosebumps. I invited Galya and whispered in her ear:
– The next song will be for me.
- How so?
- And like this. They will announce: rock and roll for Max.
- Do they know you or what?
- They love it. You'll hear it now.
“Now there will be a song for Max,” Galya boasts to her sister. And then, without a hint of an announcement, it sounds... “Stand by Me.” Damn, he got into character! – I got angry. “And I forgot, you bastard.”
- Yabber. – Galya grinned.
- No, yes. - Olya said.
Through the sweaty rows of dancers I rushed to the stage. I gesture to my new friend: what the hell?! He winced: I forgot, sorry! And it shows: OK. Now, they say...

And now the moment of truth has come. Imagine, I am young and handsome. Dakota jeans. Zero worries. Girls, just whistle... And Zhenya’s voice, with pure Komsomol intonations (I wish I had that in the morning), flies over the dance floor:
- Friends... sons... yaa! A moment of attention... little girl... mania... ania... - Zhenya clicked some kind of toggle switch and spoke like a human being.
– And now... For our friend Max. From the Mayak camp... Performing... his favorite... ROCK AND ROLL!!! The crowd howled. The lights above the stage flashed like fireworks. Hundreds of hands reached out to me. A dozen blondes rushed to my neck. Time stretched like an elastic film and... click, click, click - it burst, stitched with the chords of Creedence's greatest hit. The dance floor rushed into the last battle! Drummer poured out potatoes, and Zhenya screamed in falsetto:

Seven thirty seven coming out of the sky,
Won't you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride?
I wanna move!
Playing in a traveling band. E-yeah!
Well, I"m flying"cross the land, trying to get a hand,
Playing in a traveling band! Wow!

I don’t remember how that evening ended, but there was definitely no fight. It seems like they were walking somewhere after dancing through a shaky black forest. And then they drank something again. Or vice versa, they drank first and then walked. Or maybe they didn’t go at all, but they took someone drunk home. And it was most likely me.

Summer, shuddering, hurried away. Started academic year. Almost on every scholarship we visited the Central restaurant. They just called it “Zhenya’s”. The prices there, however, were steep, but drinks were brought in almost legally, and the doors were opened with one's foot. It cannot be said that Zhenya and I became friends. We called back once or twice. We exchanged records. I didn’t order any more songs from him.

A year later I had to move far and long.

And when I returned, I discovered a shoe store on the site of my favorite restaurant. Zhenya’s phone did not answer. Later I found out that the “vocal dandy” had gone to work somewhere in the south. Krugly was running away from the investigation: he was caught for fraud with caviar. His mother told me that Sanek ended up in prison for stealing a motorcycle. My institute friends were also in no hurry to embrace me. One got stuck in family dramas. Another became a farmer and sold beef at the market. The third one went crazy... One day, suffering from insomnia, I muttered something like a poem. My friends, as it turned out, are alive. But their meeting became like a mourning rite, or rather, breaks that speak of more. It’s no longer possible to gather everyone in a restaurant... and so on. Much later, more than twenty years later, I realized what I had written then. It’s impossible to gather everyone at Zhenya’s restaurant...

I made this discovery at work. And all the way home I thought: what is this? Mere coincidence or tricks of the unconscious? And at home I poured myself a glass of cognac and found “Imagine” on YouTube. And, looking at the man at the piano, I drank to another, who gave me the happiest moment in my life. Perhaps this moment is a little stupid. So... life turned out to be not very smart. And there won’t be another one anyway. Eh, okay! On the second - and we'll have a bite, gentlemen!