Decorating wedding cars with initials. How to decorate a car for a wedding: we implement interesting ideas with our own hands

Vika Di

During the preparation of the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds are faced with the question of decorating not only the banquet hall, but also the wedding motorcade.

You can decorate everything in a car: the hood, door handles, roof, trunk, hang decorations on the mirrors, the main thing is that it does not look too overloaded. That is, it is better to choose one or two places where the decor will be located. Most often they decorate hood and roof.

When choosing decor, it is important to remember several general rules regarding wedding cars:

  1. The bride and groom's car should preferably be white or black.
  2. Guest cars can be of any color, but in the column it is better to have white, black and silver models first, followed by brighter shades.
  3. It is better to use jewelry of no more than two or three colors; a more colorful range will look tacky and tasteless.
  4. All elements must not obscure the driver's view.
  5. If cars are rented, then you need to clarify whether they can be decorated and with what. It is advisable not to choose too adhesive decor so as not to leave marks.
  6. The style of the entire tuple must be the same.

Photo of a simple and beautiful DIY wedding car decoration

What can you use for decoration to simply and tastefully decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands:

  • ribbons made of any material;
  • fabrics: chiffon, tulle, organza;
  • flowers: fresh or artificial;
  • Balloons;
  • figurines and figures, plush toys;
  • paper decorations: pompoms, posters, appliques;
  • comic numbers with inscriptions and drawings.

Decorating a car with your own hands for a wedding is a significant saving on the budget of young people, especially if you rent a car. Plus - it's an opportunity show your imagination and creativity, achieving exactly the result you want.

Master class on decorating a car for a wedding using tulle with your own hands

Fatin Quite often used as decoration for wedding cars - it is a relatively inexpensive fabric, and it also looks chic as part of the wedding decor.

As a rule, the fabric is most often used as hood or roof decor.

Decorating the hood of a car with tulle is done very simply - the fabric of the desired color is stretched diagonally from the windshield to the bottom of the hood so that it expands from below. The lower part of the fabric slams shut with the hood, the upper corner can be attached with an elastic band to the side glass or secured with double-sided tape. The fabric alone will not look complete, so it needs to be supplemented with flowers or balloons. Another decorative option is two strips of tulle, stretching from different sides of the car to the center of the hood.

Photo of DIY car decoration for a wedding made of tulle

In this case, double-sided tape or rubber bands will again help. Strips of tulle can be tied with ribbons at equal distances from each other or decorate with flowers.

How to make a decoration for a wedding car with your own hands?

Wedding decor can be easily done with your own hands, the main thing is a little patience and perseverance. One of the most popular decorations on a car is, of course, large wedding rings on the roof of the car.

Master class on how to make gold rings on a car

For the rings you will need: a corrugated pipe 2 meters long, polystyrene foam, bright gold ribbon, tape, glue, scissors.

Gold rings for a wedding car

Stages of work:

  1. The corrugated pipe must be cut into two parts and connected into a ring. Secure with tape.
  2. Wrap the rings with ribbon: here you can show your imagination and use not only gold color.
  3. The two finished rings must be glued together and wrapped with tape.
  4. Next, take the foam: you need to attach the finished rings to it. The entire structure is assembled together - secured with glue and additionally decorated with fabric, flowers and ribbons. For better grip, the corrugated pipe can be pierced with a knitting needle.

They look very nice satin ribbons on the hood of the car, and it’s very simple. What you need: satin ribbons of the desired color, scissors, floral arrangements for decoration.

Stages of work:

  1. The required sections are cut from the tapes to the size of the hood plus a little for fastening.
  2. The tapes are attached to the hood in the desired order - diagonally, from the edges to the center or vertically from the side. You can attach it with tape or rubber bands, pressing the bottom edges with a lid.
  3. Decorate the attached ribbons with flowers. The decoration is ready.

Miniature boutonnieres will be an excellent decoration for door handles; they can be attached to the same satin ribbons. The hood or roof will be decorated with figures of the bride or groom, or paired swans. Can you make hearts out of paper napkins.

How to make cute hearts from napkins step by step? For work you will need: napkins of the desired color, cardboard, glue, stapler, scissors, pencil, double-sided tape.

Stages of work:

  1. From cardboard you need to cut out a heart of the required size and a separate strip for the sides.
  2. Fold the strip in half lengthwise and make cuts along the bottom with scissors for fastening.
  3. Attach the strip to the base with the cut side down using double-sided tape to form sides.
  4. On 3-4 napkins you need to draw circles with a pencil and stitch them with a stapler, crosswise. Then cut out the resulting circles and gather the layers, crushing them with your fingers to form petals.
  5. Glue the finished roses to the base with glue, placing them tightly together. The paper heart is ready.

Decorating your wedding car yourself with flowers

Flowers are a must in the decor of the motorcade! Certainly, fresh flowers look fresher and better than artificial ones, but in the case of decorating a car, it is better to opt for the latter - they will retain their properties longer appearance.

How to make flowers with your own hands? Very simple. The main thing is to stock up necessary materials: fabric, wire, floral ribbons, glue and scissors. Buds can be made from felt, tulle, floral paper, or you can purchase ready-made artificial flowers.

Buds from corrugated paper for a wedding car

Looks very interesting and gentle corrugated paper buds. For these flowers you will need: sheets of corrugated paper, white, pink and green, scissors, glue, wire or skewers for the stems.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut petals of the required size from white and pink sheets - depending on the type of bud, whether it will be a rose or a peony.
  2. Make a core for the bud out of paper.
  3. Attach the core to a wire or skewer with glue.
  4. Attach the petals one by one around the base, collecting the bud.
  5. Cut a strip from a green leaf for the stem and wrap it around the wire, securing the petals. You can cut leaves from the same sheet and also attach them to the stem with glue. The bud is ready.

You can use corrugated paper to make several colors to decorate your car.

How to make a bow for a wedding car yourself?

Usually a large lush bow. These bows are the easiest to make. Any fabric is useful for making: satin, tulle, felt.

Master class on how to make a satin bow in just a few simple movements. For it you will need: a piece of satin, tape for fastening.

Stages of work:

  1. The fabric should be spread out on a table or other hard surface.
  2. Then fold it in three so that you get a strip. It is better to fold it inward so that the edges of the fabric are not visible.
  3. Mark the middle of the strip and bend the edges so that they lie crosswise, leaving an untouched part of the strip between them.
  4. After this, the fabric is gathered together in the middle and tied with tape. Adjust the edges and the satin bow is ready.

Another version of the bow is made of felt. For it you will need: felt in two colors, for example, white and pink and of different sizes, rubber bands, and a glue gun.

Felt bow for a wedding car

Stages of work:

  1. A large piece of felt needs to be folded with the edges towards the middle and the edges secured with a glue gun.
  2. Then, at the gluing site, the fabric is collected and tied with an elastic band. It turns out to be a bow.
  3. A second cut is placed on top and folded in a similar way so that the assembly point of both cuts coincides. Once again it is tied with an elastic band.
  4. The elastic band can be covered with a satin ribbon or a decorative element, for example, a decorative butterfly or flower. The bow is ready.

What if you dress your car in a wedding hat?

Wedding hats– the groom’s top hat and the bride’s hat or veil are also an excellent option for decorating a car roof. How to make a hat with your own hands? Here you will have to work a little, but the result will be worth all the effort. For the hat you will need: three sheets of whatman paper (one A1 and two A2), PVA glue, glue gun, Moment glue, hat fabric (at least 1 by 1.5 meters, preferably water-repellent), three meters of white tape, newspapers, thick ribbon , cardboard.

Wedding hats on the roof of a wedding car

Stages of work:

  1. Base for a hat. Two circles with a diameter of 26 and 37 centimeters are cut out of sheet A1, with a reserve for fastenings. The two remaining sheets of whatman paper are fastened together in the shape of a tube using a glue stick. The prepared circles are attached to it on both sides - this is the bottom and top of the hat.
  2. PVA must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one. Then the newspapers are torn into small pieces, soaked in the prepared adhesive solution, and the base is carefully covered with them, according to the papier-mâché principle. The base will need to dry for at least a day. The edges can be shaped by placing the base in a basin and bending the edges upward.
  3. While the base dries, you need to sew the cover. A circle with a diameter of 28 cm is cut out of the fabric, two strips are cut out - one 12 cm wide and 1.5 meters long, the second - according to the shape of the base plus seam allowance. First, the main part is sewn, then the circle is sewn to it. After the turn of the edges. Here you need to be careful, first baste the circle, then stitch it on a sewing machine or sew it by hand. The case is ready.
  4. “Wear” a hat. The finished cover must be attached with glue to the base so that the top sticks, without staining the fabric or catching other parts. After this, the cover is put on entirely and secured at the bottom. It is better to glue the fields pointwise so that the folds are preserved.
  5. From cardboard you need to cut a circle of the same diameter as the bottom, cover it with the main fabric and attach it to the bottom of the hat with a glue gun, additionally securing it with a ribbon.
  6. The hat is decorated with a white ribbon and other decor as desired. The wedding top hat is ready.

By analogy, you can sew jewelry for the bride, just take white fabric and reduce all the details. How is such a hat attached to the car lid? On magnets or suction cups, It's better not to use glue for fastening. You can decorate the bride's car with a white hat - it will look beautiful and match the groom's car.

Decoration of car handles in a wedding procession

Doors are usually decorated boutonnieres, but you can decorate the handles with bows or ribbons. Bows can be made by analogy with large bows, only using a piece of fabric of the appropriate size.

Photos of decorations for the wedding procession

If the wedding is planned in the warm season, then you can use fresh flowers in the decor. But you need to keep in mind that such decorations are short-lived. Therefore, artificial flowers are also quite suitable for decoration.

You can watch a video on how to make a car decoration for a wedding with your own hands at the link:

How to beautifully decorate the car of guests at a wedding with your own hands?

Guests' cars are not given as much attention as the guests' cars, but this is not a reason to neglect their decoration. The main rules for decorating guest cars are: combination in style with the entire tuple and color combination. If contrasting decorations look great on black or white models, then for bright colors you need to choose the color scheme of the decor so that the decorations do not get lost against the bright background. For example, if a guest has a red car, then blue or yellow decorations will go with it.

Video of a master class on decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands:

As you understand, there are a lot of options for decorating a wedding car! Main decide on the details and start doing everything in advance.

4 May 2018, 12:32

A wedding is a celebration of two hearts in love, which is remembered for the rest of your life. On such a day, everything should embody a fairy tale: the atmosphere, the bride’s dress, the groom’s suit, and, of course, the newlyweds’ car. This is where the question arises: how to decorate a car for a wedding?! Below are basic examples of wedding car design and tips for choosing basic decorative elements.

Ideas for decorating a car for a wedding

Today, many agencies are engaged in providing services for an outdoor wedding ceremony, accompanying the evening with a cheerful host, decorating and preparing a festive car.

Each themed wedding has its own special style, which you can adhere to in order to save money without the help of specialists.

Decorating a car for a wedding is not difficult, you just need to think through the image down to the details, arm yourself with an idea, patience, good mood, a mass of balloons, ribbons and other festive accessories.

How to decorate a wedding car yourself?

Before starting work, it is worth presenting the final design of the car or simply defining the scope of future actions. For example, if the choice fell on decorating with fresh flowers, you should not be overzealous with a variety of shades. To make the wedding car appear to be in the same style from the outside, you should choose a color scheme of no more than two or three colors. Also, you don’t need to get carried away with decor in order to get a good aesthetic result. To hold all the elements together, you can use tape, both regular and double-sided, and decorative glue.

In order for the completed work to be successful and have an irresistible appearance, you should adhere to the following:

  • determine the color and size of the main car;
  • choose holiday accessories that will be used for decoration;
  • For greater color harmony, you need to know the tone of the bride and groom’s outfits.

There are many options for how to decorate a car for a wedding. Some of them are given below.

A simple option - glitter and colored paper

The most original and unique decoration for a wedding car can be hand-made garlands made of colored paper.

By using inexpensive material, you can get wonderful and original jewelry. For a greater festive effect, you can use rhinestones, miniature butterflies, ribbons, flowers, bows and sparkles - both large and small. The most important task at the beginning of work is to fully think through the image of the future decoration. It could be:

  • multi-colored garland in the shape of angels, butterflies or hearts;
  • a large poster for the bride and groom’s car with the festive inscription “Wedding” or “Newlyweds”;
  • posters for other “Guests” cars and so on.

Decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands is an art that must be supported by a creative vision of the process and basic hand-made skills.

Standard decoration made of multi-colored gel balloons

Various compositions made from balloons and gel balloons look beautiful on a festive car. In order to create one of them with your own hands, you should look at the decoration of cars for a wedding, photos of which were left after the weddings of your acquaintances and friends, in various wedding catalogs, and maybe find a simple master class on how to make fours and eights. It is also worth choosing the color of the balls correctly and adjusting their size in each figure.

Let's say to create an ordinary four-flower you will need four medium-sized plain balls and one contrasting small one for the middle. We tie all the balls together with tails, fasten them and connect them to the middle. Such creations can wonderfully decorate the hood of a wedding car; thin ribbons and bows can also be used, and smaller figures can be attached to guests’ cars.

Car decoration with colorful ribbons

The most common and simple way to decorate a car for a wedding is known to our parents. After all, they also tried to hold their celebrations to the highest standard. The main attribute on the roof of the wedding car was rings, and multi-colored ribbons on the hood. Guests' cars were also decorated with ribbons, but less actively. For a more festive effect, you can experiment with ribbons and fold them into roses or bows.

Decorating a car for a wedding with ribbons is easier to do, since the ribbons are quite easily attached to the car. Based on this, you don’t have to worry that they will get lost along the way.

Today it is fashionable to decorate the entire hood with ribbons of different widths, attach flowers to them or combine them with tulle.

Wedding image of a car using tulle

With the help of tulle you can create a festive and airy look on the hood of your car, which is easy to experiment with. Below are several options for using this material.

Bridal rings

We place tulle in the center of the hood or roof of the car, to which we attach the rings. Decorate with fresh flowers and, if desired, decorate with ribbon. The resulting decoration of the wedding car with tulle will look more advantageous on a dark car, and the rings can be replaced with a figurine of the newlyweds, bears, swans or doves.

Newlyweds' crown

A wide tulle ribbon is attached to the hood of the car, and a circle is formed from it. Next, the necessary decorative elements are placed one by one on the tulle and firmly attached to the hood. If desired, you can place your favorite figurine or wedding doll in the center of the newlyweds’ crown.

Bridal veil

Take a long, wide tulle ribbon and attach it to the hood, roof of the car and trunk. Each place where the material is fastened to the car is decorated individually according to preferences. If there is a ribbon left on the back of the trunk, then you can not cut it, but leave the end of the tulle to flutter in the wind like a bride’s veil when the wedding car moves.

Making compositions of fresh flowers for every taste and color

Elegant wedding car decorations can be easily made using fresh flowers. Having decided on the color palette and the type of colors needed, you can safely begin decorating the car.

The main location of the future accessory will be the hood; car handles and mirrors are also often decorated with buds and ribbons. Flowers are collected in small bouquets and secured to the wedding car. Multi-colored ribbons are used together with them; a bouquet based on tulle or any other fabric looks bright. The florist's main task is not to overdo it with the number of buds, as you can get carried away with the process and end up with a whole flowerbed on the hood of a car.

Doves and butterflies will add a romantic style

Bright large butterflies and doves look original on the back of a wedding car. You can purchase and select suitable decor options at any gift store. Also, anyone can make such jewelry themselves.

If desired, multi-colored butterflies can be cut out of colored paper, painted with paints, decorated with sparkles or embroidered with bright ribbons. It will be more difficult with pigeons, and it is advisable to buy them in a specialized store. Decorating wedding cars with your own hands adds originality to the celebration, makes it possible to completely create the desired image, and also adhere to it in all the details and little things.

“For good luck!” Miniature bride and groom dolls

Today, dolls and figurines of newlyweds that are attached to a car are gaining great popularity. They touch you, convey the whole spirit of celebration and simply look great against the backdrop of the bride and groom.

Basically, the location, color scheme and additional decor are determined at will. Below are ways to decorate a car for a wedding using soft toys.

  • Many lovers choose toys (bear cubs) as such dolls and attach them to the trunk with the inscription “Newlyweds.” You can attach matching ribbons to the bottom of the sign, which will flutter in the wind as the car moves.
  • In some cases, the figures are placed on the hood of the wedding car and surrounded with tulle, hearts, flowers or balloons.

Now you should arm yourself with an idea, decide on the choice of decorative elements and start training.

It should be remembered that decorating a car for a wedding is not difficult, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to use all types of decor at the same time. It’s better to choose a combination of two types, for example, tulle plus fresh flowers, and get good result How to form balloons, ribbons and other accessories into one awkward bouquet. You should also pay close attention to the color scheme of the elements. Don't try to get a rainbow, but focus on one bright and two complementary colors.

By following all the basic rules for decorating a wedding car, you can get a decent result without extra costs for the services of specialists.

Success in creative work! May you live happily ever after!

On your wedding day you can afford everything. And even a luxurious limousine, decorated to your liking. But if you don’t want to spend a lot on decorations for your car, and besides, you yourself have extraordinary creative abilities, do you have good taste, or are there a lot of ideas swarming in your head?

Original ideas for decorating wedding cars!

In this case, preparing for your own wedding can be an entertaining pastime. Moreover, the anticipation of a happy moment also has its own joy.

Traditionally, cars at a wedding are decorated with:

  • ribbons (satin and plastic);
  • tulle;
  • organza;
  • mesh for floristry;
  • compositions of fresh and artificial flowers;
  • balls;
  • dolls, bird figurines, top hat and veil;
  • hearts;
  • wedding rings;
  • funny numbers.

The first thing you need to consider when decorating a wedding car is the color scheme. And the car itself, and the clothes of the bride and groom. Floral decorations on your car will look good if they harmonize or contrast in color.

White compositions and boutonnieres on the car handles will look more impressive on a black car, and pink ones on a white one. In any case, contrast can be achieved by using a boutonniere, ribbons and other materials of a suitable color.

Wedding hood decoration

If the bride and groom’s outfits are far from classic, then you can also experiment with the decoration of the car.

So, instead of the usual beautiful flower arrangement, you can dot the entire car with artificial daisies without stems. To do this, they are attached either to tape or to thin strips, and the strips are already fixed on the hood.

If, just before the wedding, one of the guests can make this from live daisies, then the result will be something incredible! You can also experiment with artificial butterflies, dotting the hood of your car with them. And festive, and fun, and unusual!

Try to make such a simple decoration for a wedding car with the help of our Master Class!

How to decorate a wedding car with flowers

A sophisticated style in car decoration is to use moderate amounts. beautiful accessories. This could be several ribbons or a tulle train, a floral arrangement on the hood or on the roof around the rings, small boutonnieres on door handles, matching the tone and style of the bride’s bouquet and the main composition.

How to make a flower arrangement for a wedding car with your own hands

You can make a flower arrangement for a wedding car yourself.

What you will need for a flower arrangement for a wedding car:

To do this, you will need to visit a florist store and buy: artificial flowers, spikelets, leaves, accessories for them, several meters of mesh or tulle, ribbons.

Making a flower frame for a car

For the main composition you need to make a frame. This can be a circle of thick cardboard or a plastic ring. We will attach the flowers collected together to them. The composition can be either round or linear; it can be composed of flowers of different or the same length.

Booklet for a wedding car

To make it look more magnificent, envelopes rolled from floral film and decorative greenery are inserted between the stems, and everything is tightly fixed with tape. When composing a hemispherical composition, Biedermeier uses tulle, from which you can sew a bouquet in the form of a fluffy skirt, reminiscent of a bride’s dress.

Finishing touches for the wedding arrangement for the wedding car

When the composition compiled to your taste is ready, the ends of the stems are carefully wrapped with tape so as not to harm the hood of the car. Next, the flowers are fixed on a base made of cardboard or a plastic ring. The decoration obtained in this way is attached to the hood using tape or to a tape stretched tightly around the hood and secured on the back with an elastic band.

Wedding car rings

How to make rings for a wedding car with your own hands?

You can also make traditional car rings with your own hands. To do this, you will need plastic hoses, which can be connected into a ring using AA batteries.

When the rings are ready, they are wrapped in a spiral with gold decorative ribbon for floristry, the ends of which are firmly fixed with either glue or tape. You will need three such rings. One is used as a base, which lies horizontally, and the other two are installed perpendicularly on it and fixed with tape, and, if necessary, with glue.

This entire structure must ultimately be firmly fixed to the taxi checker magnet.

Original rings for a wedding car with white flowers

Decorating door handles on a wedding car

The handles on the doors of a wedding car are usually decorated with ribbons or small bouquets of flowers. They can be made on a base of tulle, flower mesh or satin ribbons.

To do this, cut out a long rectangle, run a thread along the edge and assemble it into a small boutonniere. A flower with ribbons is attached to the center. With the help of ribbons, such a mini-composition clings to the handles of the wedding car.

Bouquet of sweets for a wedding car

You can create an avant-garde bouquet for a wedding car if you make all the flowers from white paper or film and place candy in the middle. ? To do this, you will need a stand: a small bucket tightly filled with foam.

How to attach candy to a wedding car

The candies themselves are secured on long wooden skewers, after which they are wrapped in colored or white paper for floristry, secured with tape. When the flowers are ready, they are inserted into the foam, and the space between them is filled with foliage.

How to make foliage for a wedding car

To make it, green paper folded into envelopes is glued or tied onto sticks. You can complement the composition, like any bouquet, with tulle, mesh, or satin ribbons. Then the flower pot is placed in a small wicker basket.

Such a basket will come in handy when during honeymoon guests will want to drink a glass of champagne. Treats can be taken directly from the car! It is better, of course, not to rush with this, so as not to ruin all the beauty prematurely.

The cortege is an integral part of the wedding ceremony. If invitation cards are a calling card for invited guests, then a string of wedding cars is business card for everyone who sees her. The most beautiful, of course, should be the car in which the newlyweds will travel. They usually decorate it last and in a hurry. It would not hurt to approach this matter with full responsibility. A master class on DIY car decorations for a wedding will help you quickly understand this matter.

Economical and simple

The most economical and simple way out is balloons.

To do this, you need to purchase balloons, inflate them and fasten them in the desired composition using beautiful ribbons. Balls can be grouped into pyramids and garlands, formed into hearts and rings - it depends on the number of balls and on the imagination of those who decorate the car.

Note! They need to be fastened tightly, otherwise if you move quickly you can lose the entire outfit.

Space for imagination

The most common way to decorate a car for a wedding is to decorate it with fabric and bows.

Two colors of fabric on the hood are a good solution:

Sew one big bow:

Make a heart out of fabric:

Assemble the fabric and ribbons:

There are a lot of options.

In order not to be considered lacking in taste, you need to remember: if a large bow is made, then there should be one. There may be several small ones.

Ideally, all cars in the wedding cortege should be decorated in the same style. If the bride and groom have a huge bow on their car, then the rest should also have smaller copies of the main decoration.

Bright flowers

Decorating wedding cars with flowers is rightfully considered the highest priority.

Waiting for a wedding is no less a happy time than the event itself. They prepare for it in advance, because they need to purchase outfits, decide on a restaurant and carefully think through the decor. An important task is to decorate a car for a wedding, which should fit into the overall theme of the celebration. Many brides and grooms turn to specialized agencies, but you can handle car registration yourself.

What do they decorate cars with?

You can decorate cars with a variety of decorative elements and accessories. It all depends on the theme of the wedding, fantasy and For example, vintage cars are almost not decorated, but only a few nice details are attached to them. But modern stamps can be decorated in several ways:

  • Balloons.
  • Fabrics and ribbons.
  • Flowers.
  • Big wedding rings.
  • Toys and dolls (doves, hearts, etc.).
  • Figurines of newlyweds.
  • Stickers with interesting inscriptions and dates.

Design rules

Successful decoration ideas can be seen in photographs of agencies that deal with car decoration for a wedding (in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities). But when decorating a wedding car, you need to follow some recommendations.

You should not make your vehicle colorful, loading it with all kinds of decor and an abundance of shades. There should be no more than three colors on the car. At the same time, dark, rich tones look good on light cars, while on dark cars, on the contrary, light and muted tones look good.

Decorative elements must be firmly attached so that they do not fall off when driving. But you definitely need to consider a fastening that will not damage the paint and varnish. Also, decorations should not block the driver’s view, otherwise there is a high chance of an accident.

Pay attention to how car decorations are used for a wedding in Abakan. There are very successful examples in this city. Also, study the laws of color and decoration technology in advance so that the design goes smoothly and without nerves.

Decoration of the wedding procession

If you are planning a machine build, then all the cars will have to be dressed up. To do this, you need to find out how many people will arrive in their own transport to make the decor in advance. Of course, you can ask guests to decorate their cars themselves, but then it’s unlikely to be able to maintain the overall style. Therefore, it is still better to think about simple fastenings and distribute the decor in the morning.

It is worth remembering that the newlyweds’ car should be the most beautiful and slightly different from other vehicles. It is better to place light-colored or similar-colored cars in front of the motorcade, and it is recommended to complete the column with dark and bright models.

Decorating with balloons

Perhaps, decoration with balloons is the cheapest and in a simple way. True, recently this option of decorating a car for a wedding has already become boring for the newlyweds. But nevertheless it takes place.

The easiest way would be to inflate bunches of balloons and tie them on the roof, bumper, mirrors or radiator grilles. Simple, but tasteful, the main thing is not to overdo it with quantity. However, this method is not considered reliable in terms of fastening.

Also, all kinds of designs are made from balloons: flowers, bows, hearts, lines, ticks and other unusual compositions. They are tied with threads to dense twine and pulled between two support points on the hood, roof or trunk.

Decoration with fabric

You can use any fabric as a material, but organza or tulle behave best as a decorative element. They are transparent, lightweight and hold their shape well.

There are several options for decorating a car. The fabric can be pulled over the hood with a neat drapery, securing it on the inside, where the engine is, with a regular elastic band.

The unique garlands look beautiful. You need to cut strips measuring 200 by 20 centimeters. Then, every 20 centimeters, the fabric is collected on a needle and thread. Flowers or other decorations are attached to the bends.

You can also make original pom-poms for your wedding car with your own hands. From organza or tulle you need to cut strips 70 by 20 centimeters. Then a thread is laid along the center and pulled together. The resulting pompoms are used as independent elements or additional decor.

Dressing up with ribbons

For decoration, use paper, nylon or satin ribbons. Typically, three different colors are chosen to decorate one side of the hood. The following tones go well with each other: white, blue, red (national flag of Russia); blue, light blue, pink; yellow, red, blue; red, pink, crimson; three shades of pink or any other color.

It is very easy to determine how many centimeters of tape you need. The length of the hood should be multiplied by 1.5, or better yet by 2, so that there is a reserve just in case. One of the ends of the tape is folded in half and a piece of linen elastic is sewn to it. Next, the workpiece is put on the hood. All that remains is to sew the free ends of the tape and elastic to each other. You can do it simpler: do the same thing, only without a needle. The ends of the elastic and ribbon are simply tied to each other.

This is a great way to decorate a car for a wedding. In Yaroslavl, Volgograd and other cities, buying ribbons is not difficult. In addition, you can make roses and bows from them, which will perfectly brighten up antennas, trunk lids, mirrors and handles.

Decoration with flowers

It is best to choose artificial flowers, because live ones will not withstand either frost or heat and will quickly wither. It is recommended to pre-assemble the buds and vegetation into an arrangement before placing it on the machine.

The flowers are fastened together with stems and, if necessary, the resulting bouquet is placed on the hood or roof using an elastic band and ribbon.

It would be safer to take one with suction cups and stick flowers and leaves into it over the entire area. This design will definitely last all day. You can also attach bouquets with magnets, after wrapping them in a soft cloth so as not to damage the paintwork.

But the example of decorating a car for a wedding in the photo above is not entirely successful. Individual flowers placed throughout the car only spoil the overall picture. It is better to attach large bouquets and complement them with ribbons or fabrics.

Decor from wedding rings

Often, large crossed rings are placed on the newlyweds' car, which are a mandatory attribute of any wedding. In specialized salons, such an accessory is not cheap at all, but making it yourself is very simple.

You will need 1.5 meters of gas hose, three AA batteries, a roll of golden satin ribbon and a glue gun. If desired, you can add other decorative elements.

The hose needs to be cut into three parts (60, 50 and 40 centimeters each), and the ends of each part must be fastened using AA batteries. Wrap the resulting rings with tape, simultaneously lubricating them with glue. The middle piece will serve as a stand. The remaining rings and other decorations for the car for the wedding are glued to it with your own hands. The master class is very simple, anyone can do it. Figures of doves, swans and children are usually placed at the junction of the rings.

Hood decoration options

Some decoration methods have already been mentioned. These are balloons, fabrics, satin ribbons and flowers.

If you are planning a walk at a late time or a wedding in winter, when it gets dark much earlier, then ordinary decorations will not be enough. An original decoration will be LED strips, which can effectively illuminate both the entire car and its individual parts. They are very flexible, so you can lay out both simple stripes and various shapes (hearts, rings, etc.) from them.

If you have a talent for drawing, you can decorate your car for a wedding with paints that can be easily washed off after the celebration. This is an effective and uncluttered option. Additionally, you can use stickers with interesting inscriptions.

Butterflies of different colors and sizes look very beautiful on a wedding car. They can cover almost the entire hood and trunk without looking overloaded. There are butterflies on sale with suction cups and magnets, which behave well in traffic.

Door handle outfits

The handles themselves are very small, so they should not be overloaded with decor so that everything looks harmonious and the door can be easily opened. There are a lot of decoration ideas, but in any case it’s worth focusing on one thing. For example it could be:

  • artificial flower;
  • ribbon bows;
  • lace or openwork fabric;
  • boutonnieres made of satin ribbons;
  • rhinestones or beads.

We choose one of the above and make inconspicuous decorations for the car handles. For a wedding, such decor can be made in stock and given to guests so that they can transform their cars.

Car interior

To create a festive atmosphere for the bride and groom, it is important to decorate not only the outside of the car, but also the interior. It also matters if a photographer will be working inside the car.

You can start with the steering wheel by wrapping a ribbon around it in a color that matches the style of the wedding. You can hang luminous garlands on the glass, attach luminous stickers or photographs of the newlyweds. The mirror will be perfectly complemented by a figurine of swans, hearts or a couple in love. If opportunities and finances allow, it is better to replace the covers in the interior with those that fit into the overall color scheme of the celebration.

Is it worth it to decorate your car for a wedding yourself?

The clear answer is: it’s worth it. If you approach this issue wisely, you will get no worse results than expensive designers. So why pay extra for this? simple work that you can do yourself? Creating wedding decorations for cars will bring special pleasure to needlewomen who love to constantly make something. All you have to do is show your imagination, a little patience - and everything will work out!