What is the status quo - a musical group or a calling card of a linguist? The meaning of the word status quo in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

status quo ante bellum - "the situation that was before the war", abbreviation - status quo) - "return to the original state". This is a legal provision, the designation of which is widely used in jurisprudence. Maintaining the status quo means leaving things as they are.

In international law, the status quo means any factual or legal situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the restoration or preservation of which is in question.

Also, the term "status quo" is often used in debate games. The status quo is one of the main elements of the debate case. Often used in the American parliamentary format. In a debate, the status quo means the position in which a society, a country, etc. is located according to a given resolution. Statistics are usually given in the status quo.

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    ✪ Status Quo: I'm in the military now

    ✪ Status quo - Viktor Savelyev


Political use

original phrase in statu quo res erant ante bellum came into modern use from diplomatic Latin of the 14th century. In international legal practice, this term was used to refer to the situation that existed before the start of the war. Subsequently, the phrase received a shorter equivalent - "a state in which (something was) before the war" (indicating the withdrawal of enemy troops and the restoration of the power of the pre-war leader).

Often there is the so-called "politics of deliberate vagueness", when it is easier to refer to the status quo, instead of giving official status. One example is the uncertainty about Taiwan's political status.

Clark Kerr is reported to have said, "The status quo is the only decision that cannot be vetoed," meaning that the status quo cannot be overturned by a simple decision; to cancel it, you need to take certain actions.

The status quo can also refer to what people find mutually undesirable, but the outcome of any change in it can be too risky; at the same time, they recognize that eventually there may be a change that entails the possibility of achieving best solution but over time. "Status quo" can also mean - "to see what happens next."

STATUS QUO (lat. status quo - lit.: the position in which ...)

the state of the international situation, the factual or legal situation that has developed at some point regarding the delimitation of territorial possessions, the balance of power between states and their groups, the existence of various international (intergovernmental) organizations and their role in foreign policy, etc. The most commonly used variants of S.-to .: status quo ad praesens - the situation that exists today; status quo nunc - the state in which things are now; status quo ante bellum - the situation that existed before the start of the war that caused any changes; status quo post bellum - the situation after the end of the war.

Restore S. - to. - means to return to the state of affairs that existed before the occurrence of a certain event. the commission by their participants of certain actions. Thus, the Vienna Convention on the Law international treaties 1969 determines that, in the event of establishing the invalidity of an international treaty and recognizing it as having no legal effect each participant has the right to demand from any other participant the creation, as far as possible in their relationship. S.-k.: the contracting parties are obliged to eliminate, as far as possible, the consequences of any action. committed under a contract contrary to the peremptory norm of the general international law.

Peace treaties concluded in Paris by the states of the anti-Hitler coalition with the former satellites Nazi Germany in World War II in 1947, territorial issues were resolved mainly in accordance with the status quo ante bellum formula: with only a few exceptions, Bulgaria and Finland retained their state borders that existed on January 1, 1941, and Hungary was recognized as its possession within the borders of 1938

Volosov M.E.

Law Encyclopedia. 2005 .


See what "STATUS QUO" is in other dictionaries:

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    STATUS QUO, neskl., male. (from Latin status quo ante bellum the position that was before the war) (polit., jur.). A situation that exists or existed in any this moment. Maintain the status quo. Restore the status quo. Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - [lat. status quo] jur. in international law: the provision that exists in what l. certain moment. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. status quo (lat. status quo) in international law, the situation that exists in what l. definite… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Former position, position Dictionary of Russian synonyms. status quo, see previous position Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexander ... Synonym dictionary

    A political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the preservation or restoration of which is in question. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    - (lat. status quo lit. the state in which), the political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the preservation or restoration of which is in question ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    STATUS, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from lat. status quo a certain state, position) eng. status quo; German status quo. A situation that exists or existed at a particular moment. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    - (lat. status quo, lit. the state in which) the political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, the preservation or restoration of which is in question. political science: Dictionary reference. comp. prof… Political science. Vocabulary.

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    Status quo- (lat., English status quo) in international law, a legal or factual situation that exists or existed at any particular moment. To restore S. to. means to return to the situation that existed before its change. status quo… … Encyclopedia of Law


  • Srimad Bhagavatam. The third canto "Status Quo" part 1 (chapters 1-12) with original Sanskrit texts, Russian transliteration, word-for-word translation, literary translation and commentaries
  • Srimad Bhagavatam. The third canto "Status Quo" part 2 (chapters 13-23) with original Sanskrit texts, Russian transliteration, word-for-word translation, literary translation and commentary, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada A.C., Abhay Charanaravinda. The Srimad-Bhagavatam (Sanskrit for "The All-Beautiful Narrative of the Supreme Lord and His Devotees") was written around the third millennium BC. In this multi-volume work...

The meaning of the word STATUS-QUO in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language


An actual or legal situation that exists or existed at any particular moment (in international law).

Any position of something at any moment.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is STATUS-QUO in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (lat. status quo) - in international law, a position in some area international relations or in the relations of states, existing ...
    (lat. status quo) - in international law - any actual or legal situation that exists or existed at a certain moment. WITH. …
    (lat. status quo lit. - the state in which), a political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, about ...
    [Latin status quo] a situation that exists at the moment or existed at some time; maintain the status quo - maintain the status quo; reestablish …
    STATUS-QUO (from lat. status quo, lit. - state, in Krom), existing or existed for a certain time. moment polit., legal or other status, ...
  • STATUS QUO in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (lat. status quo, literally - the position in which), in international law, a term used to refer to any existing or existing on ...
  • STATUS QUO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    neskl., p. and m. A situation that exists at any particular moment.||Cf. MODUS VIVENDI ...
    (Latin status quo) in international law - a provision that exists in some. definite …
    [lat. status quo] in international law - a provision that exists in some. definite …
  • STATUS QUO in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
    m. 1) An actual or legal situation that exists or existed in any certain moment (in international law). 2) unfold Any…
    status quo, neskl., m. and ...
  • STATUS QUO in the Spelling Dictionary:
    status-kv'o, non-cl., m. and ...
    (lat. status quo, lit. - the state in which), a political, legal or other situation that exists or existed at a certain moment, about ...
    status quo m. 1) An actual or legal situation that exists or existed in any certain moment (in international law). 2) unfold …
    non-cl. m. 1. The actual or legal situation that exists or existed at any particular moment (in international law). 2. unfold Any…
  • STATUS in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    KVO, indistinct, m. (from Latin status quo ante bellum - position, which was before the war) (polit., right). A situation that exists or has existed ...
  • STATUS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • STATUS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    MOON AND OTHER HEAVENLY BODIES - modern problem international public law, which arose in the 60s of the XX century. in connection with…
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    ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS AND FACILITIES ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF - the coastal state has the exclusive right to erect or allow the construction and regulate the creation ...
  • STATUS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS AND STRUCTURES IN THE ECONOMIC ZONE - the coastal state belongs to exclusive right erect in its economic zone or allow ...
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    DEPUTY - the legal status of deputies of representative bodies of state power, determined by a set of legal norms that regulate public relations related to the political and legal ...
  • STATUS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (lat. status - position, state) - the legal status of the subject of law - a citizen or legal entity, characterized and determined by its organizational and legal ...
  • QUO in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    WARRANTO (lat. quo wairanto) - in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon system of law - a court order related to checking the legality of one or another ...
  • STATUS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. status - position state), legal status (a set of rights and obligations) ...
  • STATUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Status (Latin) - position, state; S. quo - the position in which a person or object is or was; S. quo ante (bellum)- …
  • STATUS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
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    (from the Latin status - position, state), 1) the legal status (a set of rights and obligations) of a citizen or legal entity. 2) Social status ...
  • STATUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. Legal status, condition. Social with. C. deputy. status - pertaining to ...
  • STATUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. Current state, position (book). WITH. public relations, the life of society. 2. Legal status (spec.). Legal s. citizen. …
  • STATUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SOCIAL STATUS, the position (position) of an individual or group in the social system, determined by a number of economics, prof., ethnic. and other specific for …
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    STATUS (from lat. status - position, state), legal status (a set of rights and obligations) ...
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    sta "tus, sta" tus, sta "tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, sta" tus, ...
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    (from Latin status - state, position) (state) - a special category of a name in Afroasian languages, expressing various meaningful connections of a name in ...
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    -a, m., book. Legal status (a set of rights and obligations of someone or something), as well as a general position, state. diplomatic status. …
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    Syn: civilian...
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    (lat. status state of affairs, position) legal status, ...
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    [legal position, …
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    Syn: civilian...
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    indigenate, modality, position, ...
  • STATUS in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    m. Legal status, ...
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    status, ...
  • STATUS in the Spelling Dictionary:
    status, …
  • STATUS in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    the legal status of the Admin, as well as the general position, the status of the Lib Legal s. citizen. The village was assigned with. cities. Admin status! legal …
  • STATUS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (from lat. status - position, state), legal status (a set of rights and obligations) ...
  • STATUS in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    status m. Legal status, ...
  • STATUS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m. Legal status, ...
  • STATUS in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. Legal status, ...
  • QUO WARRANTO in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    (Latin quo warranto) - in the countries of the Anglo-American legal system, a court order related to checking the legality of an action ...

Very often we hear from TV screens, less often we read in the press such a concept as the status quo. A perfectly reasonable question arises: “What is it?” To navigate this issue, consider several options for when it is appropriate to apply the concept of the status quo.

How is status quo translated?

This concept originated in Latin and originally it sounded like "status quo ante bellum", which translates as the position that was before the start of the war. There is such a definition of "status quo ad praesens", i.e. position today. And another version of “status quo nunc” is the current state of affairs. The modern term status quo refers to the state of affairs before an event. Like most foreign words, the concept is not declined by cases, it is acceptable to use it in the middle gender - “the last status quo”, for example. There are two spellings:

  1. Status quo.
  2. Status quo.

The ability to apply specific turns enriches a person's speech, provided that he knows the meaning of the term and uses it in the right context. Otherwise, a precedent is set for ridicule.

Legal significance of the status quo

Along with other terms, the concept of status quo is very often used in legal practice. It is applied in the context of either restoring the status quo or maintaining it. Restoring the status quo is the return of the state of affairs to the previous state that existed before any event. Maintaining the status quo means keeping the status quo unchanged.

If there are disputes that are considered in court, for example, family, financial or land, a decision can be made to maintain the status quo. Those. the claiming parties remain with the previous state of affairs, their claims are not satisfied.

Legal meaning of the status quo

For international law, the term status quo is no less significant than for lawyers. In 1969, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties was signed, based on which, if there is a fact that the concluded agreement is invalid or if such an agreement is recognized as null and void, the parties to the agreement are obliged to return the status quo. Those. the parties to the agreement must bring the state of affairs to the state that it was before the conclusion of such an agreement.

After World War II, the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition restored the status quo of borders for countries participating as supporters of Nazi Germany, which existed before the start of the war with a few exceptions. Finland and Bulgaria received borders on September 1, 1941, while Hungary restored the borders of their state for 1938.

The political significance of the status quo

Debate as a form for expressing an opinion and defending it has recently gained wide popularity. Political debates are arranged on television, debates at school, in institutes and even in courtyards. The main political focus is on debates leading up to elections at various levels, whether it be presidential elections or the elections of the head of a rural settlement. The skillful use of debate vocabulary adorns the speech of the speakers, gives additional weight and captivates the audience.

In a political context, the meaning of the term status quo refers to the state of affairs in a country, region, village, as well as the state of affairs in the social or economic sectors. That is, listeners and participants are familiar with the situation in these industries and do not dispute such data, this is a constant value and there is no point in discussing it. For example, the meaning of the status quo takes on the expression "we must be tolerant of all candidates."

The musical meaning of the status quo

Older music lovers for sure question asked they will answer that there was such a legendary English rock band “Status Quo” in the last century. She was remembered by many more written hits. The group is awarded for outstanding contribution to music. And Status Quo gained particular popularity after the performance of the song “You’re in the army now”.

Over the decades of its existence, the Status Quo rock group has released dozens of albums, recorded more than fifty songs, and occupied top positions in the music charts. The documentary "Entitled Hello Quo!" and the feature comedy Bula Quo! aired.

Thus, the meaning of the term status quo depends on the context in which it is used. And in legal, and in political, and in legal speech, the status quo will denote any state of affairs, the state of the situation. And look for the nuances that will help you understand the words in the context. This is easy enough, and every literate person will be able to explain the meaning of the concept of the status quo.