Seeing a big accident in a dream. Dream interpretation: interpretation of a car accident

A car accident seen in a dream is a harbinger of a bright and emotional passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. Sweeping away all barriers, this passion will leave in your memory the minutes of the highest bliss and pleasure.

Why dream of a car accident in which you saved a person? This portends either a new acquaintance during a car trip, or happy moments with an existing partner that will be associated with a car trip, for example, a successful trip.

If in a dream a loved one got into a road accident, this may mean that your separation is approaching, and you still have not given him a gift. intimate relationships anything you can give your loved one. Perhaps you are acting wisely, because you will break up anyway for another reason.

A dream about a road accident without victims suggests that you are very careful about love. None of the love adventures you experienced left strong feelings in your soul. This is your way of protecting yourself from future disappointments, but are you robbing yourself?

If you dreamed of a friend's accident that you witnessed, then this dream hints at your envy of him in terms of the lady of his heart. You should decide on this feeling, otherwise you may lose a friend and get nothing in return.

An accident when you knock people down characterizes you as a person in a relationship with a partner who is unbalanced and somewhat selfish. You should put more effort into ensuring that the pleasure is mutual.

If a young man dreaming of an accident with a girl in a car - in life the most intense and brightest stage of their close relationship begins.

An accident and death in a car accident personifies the moment of highest waking bliss that the sleeper will experience with his partner in a very seemingly inappropriate place for this. But the brighter this emotional outburst will be.

If not married woman dreams of a car accident with large cars, trucks, trucks, etc., then she will have a frank conversation with a partner, which she will decide on because of the uncertainty of her position. As a result, either she will finally acquire the desired status in the life of this person, or she will remain alone.

Accident, Loff's dream book

An accident in a dream, as a rule, is a warning about a threat to a loved one. It is a dream that relatives are broken in an accident, to clearly and clearly see an accident with their participation is a very alarming signal. Take into account such a warning should immediately take the situation under control, and loved one- under protection.

Dreams in which a child has an accident with you require special attention.

If a sister had an accident in a dream, this may also be a sign that in real life there is jealousy between you in relation to your parents, and sometimes a struggle for inheritance rights.

If the accident you saw in a dream occurred in a familiar place that you pass often, be on the lookout for a feeling of deja vu, this is an extremely powerful factor. Refuse dashing ride, otherwise even this effect will not have time to work.

I dreamed that a familiar person had an accident - find out how he is doing. There is a high probability that he will be delighted with your question and ask for help.

The dream enhances the meaning if a friend has an accident.

If a girl dreams that the guy she is dating had an accident (and especially if a loved one dies in an accident), then in reality she takes this relationship too seriously. In order to avoid future disappointment and personal spiritual tragedy, she should soberly assess her chances for their further development.

If you had an accident according to Tsvetkov's dream book

I dreamed of an accident and death on the water - disappointment in love awaits.

Seeing in a dream an accident with victims on land - events will turn out unsuccessfully.

The accident of cars moving in your dream in one direction means a clash of interests, a struggle for a place, rivalry. If you act recklessly, the result may be a common broken trough.

A bus accident on a bridge in a dream means that you are worried about a trouble that you think could have been avoided. Do not reproach yourself, it was inevitable in any of your actions.

During the bus accident, you were inside the cabin - a dream suggests that you should not force events that for some reason do not add up. You should soon take any delay and obstacle in business as a sign to stop and wait for a more favorable time.

Seeing in a dream how a wedding procession got into an accident - to a series of minor failures. If the accident at the wedding was a dream on Friday, quarrel with your partner.

To see your own death as a result of an accident - to longevity.

A major car accident is dreaming - do nothing in the coming days, and if possible, do not go anywhere at all.

The accident of your own car dreams of an unfortunate oversight at work.

The dream of a train accident in which the sleeping man rode testifies to his extreme distrust of people.

Why dream of an accident - an esoteric dream book

An accident in a car dreams of a successful arrangement of current affairs.

If in a dream you are a witness to an accident on the road, then you should not expect someone else's help in business.

For a woman, witnessing the accident of a loved one means that they will be able to avoid a major quarrel.

Become a victim of an accident on the road in a dream - a dream means that what you are doing now will benefit in the future.

A bus accident seen in a dream from the outside warns you not to get involved in some business, despite the fact that he will have many followers. It can be anything - a party (picnic), a lottery, a commercial project, etc. In the near future, you should stand aside from these matters.

If you dream of a major car accident, corpses - you should take into account who exactly suffered in it - a person walking along the road dies in an accident, a passenger becomes a victim or a driver dies. If your car knocks down a person, a dream means your interference in someone else's life, your actions will harm other people.

The accident and death of the driver tells the sleeper that no matter how much you want to help someone with advice, he will not listen to you.

If a passenger dies in an accident, this means that the dreamer is too responsible for the assignments that everyone who is not lazy hangs on him. He needs to learn to say no.

We witnessed an accident with young children - a dream warns of nervous exhaustion of the sleeping person, he urgently needs relaxation and rest.

Accident, Meneghetti's dream book

Dreams about accidents warn of a suicidal tendency in your character. At certain circumstances this as yet implicit predisposition can become fatal. Another possible warning is the possible impact on the sleeping person at the unconscious level of some deadly information. Its source is a person who appears in a dream either in the place of the driver, or next to him. You should also pay attention to the image of the passengers of another car involved in the accident - it could be one of them.

A train accident in a dream is associated for the subject with a short-term violation of a certain way of life. The harmony and logic of this period is only an appearance, as well as in general for this vehicle. A certain community of people acquires a strict order, lives, moves, eats, sleeps, but all this settles down for a very short period of time and in fact is absolutely chaotic and fragmented. A train accident in a dream should be considered from this position. The course of a promising, but very chaotically organized course of affairs will be disrupted.

Why do you dream of accidents, Longo's dream book

An accident with a family, a car accident of parents, close family members is a sign that everyone in this community of people has long been living on his own. A joint vacation or at least a weekend spent together would be very helpful.

Therefore, a car accident in which loved ones suffer (for example, a father died in an accident or a son had an accident and died) suggests that you should pay more attention to them in reality.

The exception is the plot when a married woman dreams that her husband died in a car accident - this means that she is subconsciously very afraid of any responsibility in the family and relies on her husband for everything.

If among the victims of a dreamed car accident were parents who are actually alive, you should talk frankly with them about your life. Worrying about you, they think that everything is much worse for you than it really is.

If in a dream you saved a person from an accident, the plot suggests that in reality you would really like to help someone close, but you don’t know how to offer help so that this person understands you correctly.

Save a child in an accident - you will be able to dissuade a loved one from an irreparable rash step.

Accident, English dream book

To have an accident in a dream in a car and get injured is a harbinger of the fact that you will be able to cope with a real or future personal tragedy.

The accident occurred at sea - an ambulance awaits.

If you had a bike accident, you will be disappointed in relationships, but it will not be difficult, because these relationships have not gone far.

Why do accidents dream - a modern dream book

A very terrible, terrible accident with corpses is dreamed, most often, not as information about the future, but as a result of overwork, stress, as a projection of everything experienced during the day or the last period. Despite the fact that such a dream is very shocking, depriving of sleep and does not go out of memory for a long time, it usually does not have a prophetic meaning. This is a subconscious defensive reaction of the body, which needs a discharge of emotions.

A motorcycle accident seen from the side dreams of unjustified risk in behavior. For example, it is not at all necessary to walk in dark lanes at a later time if there are lighter roads.

If you had an accident in a car with a loved one, then in the near future you will find harmony and lack of disagreement.

If you had a car accident, and the death of a person occurred before your eyes, the dream speaks of your extreme overwork and an impending breakdown. If you do not voluntarily rest, you will have to do so in a hospital bed.

The dreamed accident in the house is only a reflection of your inner anxiety about neglected household chores.

I dreamed that the car turned over and caught fire, and the flames of the fire were strong - such a dream suggests that you greatly regret something you missed in life. Even if it was a very sensitive loss, finally leave it in the past.

Dream Interpretation from YUM.RU

If you dreamed of a car accident, it means that you are doing something wrong or deceiving people.
The accident of a loved one dreams of a personal tragedy.
An accident to death means that a difficult life stage awaits you ahead.
I dreamed of a train accident - a warning of great danger.
If there is an accident and death in a dream, then in the near future you should cancel the trip.
If you dreamed of an accident and corpses in which no one was hurt, then you will quarrel with a loved one.
In a dream, an accident without victims - to the loss of a dream.
If in a dream there is an accident with victims, then in reality you will be very unlucky in something.
An accident and blood dream of a conflict.
If in a dream your loved one dies as a result of an accident, then in reality he will live a long time.
If in a dream an airplane crash occurred due to your fault, which claimed the lives of people, then in reality you cannot forgive yourself for something.
Seeing an accident on the railway in a dream is a great difficulty.
Rescuing people injured in an accident is for well-being.
If in a dream you had a terrible accident, but remained unharmed, then you will be lucky in something.
I dreamed of a motorcycle accident - to possible prolonged loneliness.
Accident and fire - in reality you will not succeed.
Roll over in a car in a dream - someone's attitude towards you will change.

Combined Dream Interpretation, why dream of an accident

A dream in which a car accident is a dream is a sign that you will be embroiled in legal proceedings or your rash actions will lead to the collapse of plans. Your partners will make claims to you, and you will have to make excuses for a long time. The dream warns that trouble awaits you, and you may lose your place.
A train accident in your dream portends a loss of money, and a shipwreck portends the loss of friends and disappointment in love.
An accident from the side in a dream, a sign of joy or sorrow, depending on whether people suffered in it or not.
If in a dream you witnessed an accident, but have nothing to do with it, then the dream promises you profit, which itself goes into your hands thanks to the oversight committed by other people.
To help the victim in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a friend in trouble.
A bus accident is a dream - this is an omen of a collision, a conflict with a group of people hostile to you.
When you see in a dream that you have lost one of your relatives or friends in an accident, do not rush to get upset - this good dream; it means that as soon as you turn to relatives or friends for help, they will immediately provide you with this help.

What is the dream of an accident - Freud's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of an accident on the road, it means that soon you will find a stormy all-destroying passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always remember this period of time.
Train accident - speaks of disturbances in the activity of the genital organs or fear for their functioning, which can be caused by physical or emotional overload.
You or someone else got into a car accident - they talk about the fear of death.
Get into an accident or vehicle- means the desire for sexual intercourse.
The presence of relatives or close people during an accident or breakdown indicates a brewing conflict with them, which you are still holding back.
The husband died in a car accident - on the contrary, he will live a long time.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

To dream of an accident on the road means that in reality you will learn about deceit, fraud and other actions that threaten your well-being.

To prevent an accident is a brilliant solution to life's problems.

Seeing the death of a friend in an accident is evidence of hidden aggression towards him.

To cripple yourself - to suffering in your personal life.

Survive an accident at sea in a dream - in reality, experience a new love.

If a woman dreamed that she had an accident, soon all her plans would be destroyed. If she watched the incident from the side, trouble will happen to a person she knows.

Inattention led to the accident - evidence of your absent-mindedness. Failed to manage - too hurry in business.

We saw in a dream an accident of several cars - there is a risk of ruining our business.

It was a dream that your deceased relatives had an accident with you - to trouble along the way.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A terrible accident in a dream warns you against rash actions. Remember, did you think over your affairs well, did you make any mistake the other day? This dream reminds you of the golden rule: "Measure seven times ...". If in a dream you managed to successfully avoid an accident, this is good sign, saying that, despite the mistakes made, you will have the strength to cope with the situation. After such a dream, it does not bother you to be more careful, trusting your intuition more.

A new family dream book, why dream of an accident

Getting into a car accident with your loved one is an unfavorable sign.
If a loved one has an accident - give him more attention, in the sense that due to inattention, he can break firewood.
If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will honorably get out of a confusing situation.
Dreaming of death in a car accident - and in reality it is worth driving more carefully.

Modern combined dream book

Get into an accident in a dream - avoid quick decisions for a while.
A friend's accident seen in a dream is an unfavorable sign.
If you dreamed of a train accident - in reality you should be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.
If you miraculously managed to avoid an accident, in real life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor.
If in a dream you see an accident and broken cars, in reality you should not rely on others if you want your plans to be fulfilled well and on time. You need maximum control over the situation.

Eastern female dream book

To have an accident in a dream - be prepared for some unplanned event to disrupt your plans.
If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but what happened will indirectly affect you too.
If you saw how you had an accident in the same car (plane) with the dead (relatives), take this dream seriously and postpone your upcoming trips.
Dreaming of an accident with corpses - with blood - bad, without blood - everything will be fine.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

An accident on the road (traffic accident) - a dream warning: it is advisable not to use vehicles for seven days and try to stay at home after sunset; news that will upset you.

Complete dream book New Era why dream of an accident

Road accident - the need to slow down and / or be careful. The need to "not smack the fever."
Car accident - can symbolize physical body; accident - can refer to the emotional body; with an airplane - can indicate a spiritual body.

What is the dream of an accident - Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To see an accident in a dream, and you saved a person - to the revival of all hopes and aspirations.
I dreamed of a bus accident - to narrow the circle of acquaintances.
I dreamed of an accident in the subway - to the failure of your secret plan.
Gone accident and death speaks of the need to be careful.

Accident - Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A friend had an accident - to changes in relations with him.
An accident on the bridge - it is unlikely that you will be able to make peace with someone.
I dreamed of death in an accident - do not rush to decide something important.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z, why dream of an accident

A dreamed accident promises a meeting in reality and a long explanation with a narrow-minded, but ambitious person, this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream, as if from the outside.
Being a participant in an accident is another matter - in this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from opposing forces.
If at the same time you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will surely avoid any complications and troubles.
If you yourself hit as a result of an accident - in reality, do not expect satisfaction from the rest that you decided to afford.
If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.
An accident that happened on board an airliner promises you a lot of new plans that can bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.
An accident on a sea vessel is good news, to success in a difficult business.
If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you a lot of risk.
An accident when you knock people down - you will need the protection and help of a friend.

Women's dream book

An accident in a dream - portends a violent all-destroying passion for a very extraordinary person. Unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss await you, which will be remembered for a lifetime.
Your boyfriend had an accident - be more attentive to his feelings.
If you dream that a person dies in an accident - do not rush to mourn anyone, this dream is not so bad.
If in a dream someone had an accident and survived - a very good dream.
I dreamed that my sister had an accident - she needs you, maybe she needs help or advice, but you are not around?
The father died in an accident - pay attention to his health, at first glance, not a terrible sore can turn out to be a serious illness.
The son had an accident and died - he really needs you, but perhaps it's too late. But do not be afraid, death does not mean physical death, but your mutual separation from each other.

Accident. Correct dream book

An accident in a dream is an alarming sign. To have an accident in a car means that in reality you should beware, in the future you will find unforeseen circumstances that will take you by surprise. If in a dream you avoided an accident, you will be able to honor yourself out of a difficult situation. In the case when in a dream you see not one, but several broken cars, you should better control the situation, and not rely on others. In this case, you will be able to complete the business that you have in mind on time.

Accident. General dream book

A terrible accident in a dream is a warning that your plans can be destroyed and you should consider your next steps.
To get out of the accident unscathed - portends a successful resolution of conflicts with superiors and enemies.
The accident of other people means that they are trying to involve you in dangerous business and that you should be more careful when concluding deals and contracts.
Losing relatives in an accident is a sign that your relatives are worried about you and will support you if you turn to them for help.
I dreamed of an accident at a wedding - the joint life of a couple close to you will not work out.
A child has an accident with you - pay more attention to him.

Accident. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

An accident is an eloquent sign telling you to slow down. Assess your current situation. What do you want from life? Move forward slowly and deliberately.
A car accident may represent your physical body, a water accident may refer to your emotional body, and an airplane crash may refer to your spiritual body.

Accident. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

A dream in which you had an accident or just see it - may be a warning that you may find yourself in a difficult situation, become a victim of deception or fraud, you should be careful when dealing with commercial and financial issues.
To have an accident in a dream can also mean upcoming clashes and conflicts with your enemies or ill-wishers.
A car accident merged with a loved one - it means to experience betrayal, humiliation, a blow to pride.
Driving a car and an accident means that you can expect a business meeting with a stupid, stupid person.

The accident and the car turned over - to significant changes in your life.

English dream book, why dream of an accident

If you dream that there was an accident with young children, it means that you have to go through some kind of personal grief, but after a while you will be able to cope with it.
If an accident overtook you at sea, it means that you are destined to fall in love soon.

Accident. French dream book

If in a dream there was a car accident and the death of a person, in reality you will have to go through personal grief and only time can heal you from a sense of loss.
Dreaming of a major car accident without casualties and blood - in reality, you will meet a person of the opposite sex who can awaken a strong feeling in you.
A helicopter accident dreams of a repetition of a recent unpleasant situation.

Accident. Italian dream book

An accident is an image of a latent suicidal formation that can be activated at the first opportunity, it also means that a person is under destructive deadly semantics from some person. The representative of this negative semantics can be in the form of a driver or someone next to (behind) the driver or people involved in this situation or in other vehicles (reactive induction).

Accident. Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Accident - this image suggests that in the past there were some events and situations associated with the destructive effect of another person on you. try to remember if any particular person you know did not appear in your dream about the accident? Maybe in a dream he appeared in the form of a driver of a car that had an accident, or some kind of witness to the accident, or someone who pushed you to that ill-fated trip or flight in which the plane crashed? In this case, the dream clearly demonstrates to you that once you received a mental injury from this person and the injury turned out to be so strong that it still affects you destructively and spoils your life. A dream about an accident is a very serious warning. He says that it is necessary to rewrite the situation associated with the trauma of the past as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to the most catastrophic consequences in life.

Accident. Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of an accident with a girl in a car, then soon you will meet a person for whom you will experience an all-consuming passion. You will be attracted by its eccentricity and originality, this connection will fill your life with unusual vivid impressions and happiness.

Accident. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bus accident on the bridge - bad luck; conflict (psychological, internal or surrounded by the sleeper).

Accident. Modern universal dream book

Accident - are you tired or inattentive? What crashed in your dream? Who is involved in this? Has anyone been hurt?
There was an accident and your car hits a person - perhaps this is a warning that you should take care of yourself more.
Other people suffered in an accident in a dream - how did you behave? Did you try to help them, or did you step aside and watch? Did you feel you were doing the right thing, or did you feel like you weren't helping enough? Did you feel helpless?
What caused the accident? If this is a lack of attention, the dream suggests that you should be more focused. Or the cause was insufficient control, which indicates the need to slow down.
An accident can also be - an awakening symbol, a sign that something has come to an end and you need to let it go.

Accident. Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Railway accident - your plans will be violated. Unexpected traps will appear that will make you "get off track."
Dreaming about the accident of your own car - this indicates a sense of guilt. You have committed an unworthy act. Think back to what you've done lately and think about how to solve the problem.

Accident. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of an accident when people were shot down - a quarrel, scandal, a serious conflict, the collapse of some hopes.

Accident. Esoteric dream book

Accident on the road - to the arrangement of affairs.
A friend had an accident - someone will help you settle your affairs.
Get into an accident yourself - your steps will benefit the cause.

Explaining why the accident is dreaming, the dream book pays attention to the details. The vision warns of the intrigues of ill-wishers, poor health, troubles, difficulties at work. But some details in a dream promise to successfully overcome obstacles, remind you of the need to take care of loved ones.

What does Enigma and Miller mean in the dream books?

Got a crash report? According to the Enigma dream book, this means a confusing situation or a violation of personal boundaries. Moreover, it can be either someone's interference in the dreamer's personal space, or the actions of the sleeper in relation to others.

Driving a car in a night dream and having an accident, according to Miller, is a warning that in reality you should be prepared for any unforeseen situations.

In a dream, did you see several broken cars at the scene of a car accident? Miller believes: if you want the planned business to be fulfilled as planned and on time, you should not rely on someone. Take control of the situation yourself.

What car crash did you see?

Recall the details of the dream:

  • received news of an accident - you can avoid problems;
  • someone arranged it on purpose - the enemies weave intrigues;
  • crash somewhere - avoid unnecessary recklessness;
  • the car killed a pedestrian - take care of your health;
  • the driver died - do not get involved in risky business;
  • all alive - upcoming troubles will not hurt you.

Why dream that the driver died of a heart attack and there was a disaster? Unforeseen circumstances will prevent your undertaking from waking up.

If in a night dream the usual trip to work ended in an accident, a crisis has emerged in ordinary affairs.

Being on an unfamiliar road and colliding with another car is an indication that you are doing ill-conceived actions or your project needs significant improvement.

Meaning according to Vanga and the Muslim dream book

Vanga's dream interpreter points out: after such a vision, something unpleasant will not necessarily happen. The plot suggests: there is a journey by car or with the help of this vehicle a romantic acquaintance will occur.

Had an accident where there were no casualties? The Muslim dream book explains: despite the obstacles and complications, the conceived deeds will be crowned with success.

Has anyone been hurt yet? The Islamic interpreter of dreams explains: the sleeper will have to make some sacrifices in order to achieve well-being.

What does it mean according to other dream interpreters

Have you seen an accident on the road in a dream? Freud believes: you will soon experience positive emotions, meet an unusual person who will be remembered for a long time.

According to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, the plot of the accident promises the help of friends. Someone will help you sort out stalled cases.

Did you have an accident because your brakes failed? So, according to the interpreter of Tsvetkov's dreams, there will be losses in business and major disappointments.

Meet the right people and make contact with them, because in a difficult moment you will need their help to solve difficult issues. In general, it is advisable not to spoil relations with others, because you never know who you will have to turn to.

Why dream of seeing an accident?

Why dream of seeing an accident from the side? This portends a collision with an overly arrogant, selfish person. The dreamer will have to put him in his place.

Have you seen an accident on the main street in a dream? The dream book says: a situation will soon happen that will upset you. However, do not despair - it will not affect the course of your affairs.

Witnessing an accident is a warning against rash acts. After such a vision, you should consider whether you have taken everything into account in your plans, whether you have made any mistakes in business.

What transport:

  • car - you do not own the situation;
  • truck - uncertainty in relations with a partner;
  • trolley bus - be careful with electrical appliances;
  • tram - difficulties at work;
  • fura - serious obstacles on the way to what was conceived;
  • moped - think about whether you are doing the right thing.

Was it a bus accident? You are too withdrawn into yourself, you communicate little with friends and relatives. Try to renew contacts and friendships.


Have you witnessed someone else's small accident in a dream? A very interesting situation will soon arise when you receive a benefit or profit due to the oversight of another person.

Why dream that the car has minor damage? The dream interpretation indicates: you will be able to avoid problems or dangers. However, this requires prudence and caution. Take into account other people's mistakes and do not repeat them.

With the dead

Has there been a fatal accident? You are very overworked and close to a nervous breakdown. Give yourself a rest and recover, otherwise you can get sick.

To crash in a car yourself and get injured in an accident - in reality you will be able to cope with an impending personal tragedy. Stock up on patience.

Did you dream of being involved in a road accident?

Did you dream of your own participation in the accident? This is a harbinger of participation in a big conflict and unpleasant proceedings. Enemies will show their true colors.

Going to a disco in a dream and getting into a traffic accident are unexpected problems where you were waiting for pleasant events.

Why dream about how your car rolls over? Be careful: non-compliance with the rules of conduct and moral precepts in society will lead you to the collapse of your career, the dream book suggests. First think and only then say something, especially to the management.

On a motorcycle

A motorcycle accident promises losses, losses, and even a complete collapse of hopes if the dreamer makes an ill-considered decision. Therefore, your plans must be developed very carefully.

Being involved in a road accident on a motorcycle promises that something will disrupt your plans and you will have to urgently look for a solution in order to fulfill your obligations.

Die in a car accident

Had a dream of rolling over in a car and dying? This is an omen of health complications. There may be problems with the heart or respiratory organs. Don't delay your visit to the doctor.

If in a dream you had a chance to die in an accident, this is not a harbinger that the plot should come true. The vision warns of important changes that you need to prepare for.

In the subway, on the bridge

Why dream of an accident in the subway? The dream interpretation promises a long journey related to business matters. It will probably take a long time, but it will be effective.

The catastrophe on the bridge in a night dream indicates the dreamer's experiences due to troubles that, in his opinion, could have been avoided. But he is wrong: problems would have arisen in any case.

An accident in the tunnel tells you that an unpleasant journey is ahead, where you need to beware of the intrigues of enemies.

Who was involved in the accident:

  • friend - envy him;
  • brother - he will need your help;
  • sister - jealousy for the attitude of parents;
  • dad - you have moved away from him, make contact;
  • relative - misunderstanding between you;
  • mom - take care of her, find out how her health is;
  • friend - he is in a quandary.

Why dream about how parents crashed in a car? The dream interpretation explains: they are very worried about you. Tell us about your life, explain that it's not as bad as they think.

If a car accident happened to relatives in a dream, a conflict is brewing, which you are holding back for now.

To a dreamer to see a car accident with a close friend means: he is jealous of a friend because of his beloved girl. We must fight this feeling, otherwise you can lose a friend.


In a night dream, a friend lost control on the road and rolled over in a car? If she is not very hurt, you will help her cope with her difficulties.

If a friend died in a dream, the dream book warns of a danger that can be avoided if you make every effort. In addition, you can reach a greater understanding with her.


Why does a girl dream about how her loved one had an accident? She takes their romance too seriously. It is necessary to analyze whether these relations have a future.

For a woman to see an accident involving her husband means: she is afraid to take responsibility for herself in the family and prefers to constantly rely on him, says the dream book.

Did a young man dream that his bride got into a car accident? Their relationship will improve, move to a new level.

Helped the victims

Rescued victims in a severe accident? The dream interpretation says: in reality you want to offer help to one of your friends or relatives, but you don’t know how to make a person accept help.

In a dream, did you help loved ones cope with the consequences of an accident? People around you appreciate your responsiveness and willingness to help. Therefore, you always have someone to turn to in difficult times.

Agree, it is very unpleasant to see a vehicle crash in a dream, especially if it also made sacrifices. But is this dream so dangerous? Let's see what the accident means in a dream.

A car accident or any other is a fairly common dream, the interpretation of which can be seen in any of the dream books.

  • Miller's dream book. If you dreamed of an accident on the road, then you should expect work-related troubles in the very near future.
  • Freud's dream book. He reduces the meaning of such a dream to a state of health. If there was a breakdown of any vehicle and caused an accident, then it is worth checking the genitals - perhaps there is some kind of hidden disease.
  • Modern dream book. And there is nothing good here - this is an unfavorable sign that promises the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya. Watching an accident in a dream, according to this dream book, means a warning that they want to draw you into some kind of unpleasant adventure. Be careful, especially if you have to close a deal or draw up documents in the near future.

Have an accident on the road in a dream

Getting into an accident in a dream is not the best thing that can happen at night. In addition, after such a dream, a negative residue remains, despite the fact that you are alive and well.

  • To have an accident in a car - you should be prepared for an unexpected turn of events. Take special care of your health.
  • Seeing that someone had an accident on the road - all your problems will be transferred to another person. Or he will help you avoid them.
  • If you have an accident on the railroad, then your plans are unlikely to come true. Take a closer look at your surroundings, there is probably a person who wants to harm you.

Dreamed of a car accident

If you dream of a car accident, then most likely you do not notice the small joys of life and are in the eternal pursuit of something big, while you need to enjoy the moment.

  • Gustav Miller believes that a car accident is seen in a dream for a fun event.
  • Loff has a different interpretation. According to him, such a dream says that you cannot keep your life under control. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude and correctly allocate priorities.
  • Freud's interpretation goes into personal relationships and promises a passionate impulse, by which he means treason. This side of sleep is not very good for family people.
  • According to an erotic dream book, a car accident is nothing more than the acquisition of a patron who will easily solve all problems, not only of a financial nature.

Accident without my participation

To see the accident from the outside, but not to be a participant in it, suggests that you should rely only on yourself and then everything will work out.

  • If you had to see an accident and your friends who got into it, then you can prepare for a difficult period and a black streak in life.
  • Any accident in which you are not present may also portend a conflict or quarrel, so be more careful.
  • Another interpretation of such a vision is the collapse of all hopes and constant failure in undertakings.

Bus, motorcycle accident

In order to get an accurate interpretation of sleep, you should pay attention to the vehicle.

  • A bus accident indicates that you have ill-wishers, and also portends the imminent occurrence of trouble.
  • An overturned bus is in some way the personification of your life. It stops going straight, which means that the calm course of your life will be disturbed.
  • An empty bus that has an accident is a serious nuisance, but not related to you. Most likely, something will happen to loved ones. If the bus was full, it means that the problems that have arisen can be quickly resolved.

And a motorcycle accident, and it doesn’t matter with you, with another person or without a driver at all, portends losses, losses. All plans will be violated and you may even have to spend money to solve the situation.

Train, plane crash

Of course, the accident of such a transport is a sight that can impress even in a dream. But in reality it does not promise serious problems, but only minor troubles and mistakes that can be quickly stopped.

  • If you saw the plane crash from the side, then there will be a misunderstanding in the working circle.
  • Get into a plane crash - trouble will affect you.
  • And if you happened to see a friend, then it’s better to take a closer look at him - maybe he is the cause of all your troubles.

Train wreck - financial loss, financial difficulties, possibly illness and a change of plans.

Another interpretation is a serious danger that threatens the dreamer or his relatives. It is also possible to experience what the dreamer did not do.

Why dream of a big accident?

A big accident with various vehicles and victims is a very unpleasant omen. This may indicate the death of a close relative or that you are very afraid of this. But in any case, such a vision promises loss or destruction, and such an interpretation can apply to any area: both financial and personal or professional.

Also pay attention to whether you were a direct participant or just an observer?

Get into a big accident - get in trouble and problems for yourself. And just to see a major disaster - something will happen to friends, but to some extent it will affect you.

Accident with or without casualties

To dream of an accident in which there are victims - get ready for losses. Most likely, to financial, but possibly to others that will arise as a result of a violation of plans and entail significant losses.

According to other interpretations, it is better for the dreamer to abandon the trip in the near future. Such a dream could be a warning of impending danger during the journey.

If an accident occurred in a dream, but, fortunately, without victims, then set yourself up for the fact that you will have to give up many of your desires. You may even lose your dream.

Another interpretation of the dream, where there were no deaths and blood, is that soon you will meet a person who will cause you vivid emotions, and possibly a strong feeling.

Accident - A dream in which an accident is a key symbol can become literally prophetic. It doesn't matter if you drive a vehicle or not. Another thing is important: how real the dream itself was and how it caused you feelings upon awakening. Too clear details of the disaster or strong painful experiences may be evidence that you should be more careful over the next few days, of course, if there were no specific dates or dates in the dream itself. Such indications can be found in dreams in the form of clock readings, or dates on a calendar, or the number of identical objects that do not fit into the overall picture of sleep. In an allegorical sense, seeing an accident in a dream can mean disappointment, failure in business, or some other defeat. Car accident - If in a dream you are driving in a car that is in an accident, then most likely you will be upset by an unsuccessful entertainment event. If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident in a strange way, then probably in real life you will also be able to avoid disappointments or clashes with your opponents. Accidents in a dream can warn of a possible threat to people you love. This symbol may indicate inability. To possess and protect others, and sometimes this is literally a warning that should be heeded immediately. Deja vu can be a powerful factor if the accident happens on the road you normally drive on. In addition, do not forget about the need to be careful while driving; the indicated deja vu effect may indicate that, having lost your vigilance when performing well-known and familiar actions, you can make an unforgivable mistake that will break all your future plans and make your goals unattainable, many dream books interpret such a dream.

Accident - An accident in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you were in a car accident, get ready for any unforeseen circumstances. Special attention devote to health. If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will honorably get out of a confusing situation. If in a dream you only witnessed a catastrophe, then some unforeseen circumstances will occur, but will not cause you special ?? harm. Seeing only the consequences of the disaster, in reality try not to rely on others. Then everything you have planned will be completed on time. An accident can be dreamed of as a harbinger of a stormy, all-consuming passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You may have to experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss that will forever remain in your memory.

Accident - Did you have an accident? Be prepared for the fact that your plans will be disrupted by some unplanned event. If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but the event will indirectly affect you too. If you saw how you had an accident in the same car (plane) with the dead (relatives) - take this dream with all seriousness and postpone future trips

An accident - an accident in a dream - means that in reality you are destined to plunge into passion for a very extraordinary, even unusual person. Passion will take you headlong, you will forget about everything in the world and feel unforgettable moments of real happiness and unearthly bliss. You will forever remember the days spent with this person as the happiest in your life.

Hello! On Christmas night, I had a dream where I saw both my husband (who is in another city) and a loved one with whom I was in a quarrel. I dreamed that I was trying to do a manicure in some kiosk (I am a master in a beauty salon) to the seller and I can’t because some people interfere with me all the time. I see a lot of jewelry with them, but not with gold jewelry, a lot of very beautiful, rings, earrings, chains, at this moment my husband comes up from behind (how unexpectedly he arrived) with our mutual friend, and my loved one texts me, and I even seem to see him for a glimpse all the time, then I feverishly try to get out of social networks so that my husband doesn’t see something there. Then we find ourselves in some kind of car with my husband and our friend, and we get into an accident, we are turned over and in some strange way I turned the car over myself, we fly out of the car, it is thrown back onto the roadway, it falls on another car, crushes its top, no victims, only the man in the other car has some blood on the nose, and we are standing side by side and another person turns out to be completely unfamiliar with us, and he appears to be a driver and he says some kind of miracle, how is this possible. husband before me! one to one! even where it happened, and he also saw all the participants and this unfamiliar man. Even the turn was the same in his and my dream. To the right into the yards from the roadway. All one to one.

Hello! at first I dreamed that I was at a wedding ... then I ended up at a bus stop in my hands with long tapes. A black car drove by and suddenly I found myself in the subway ... suddenly the train derailed and (as it seemed to me) rolled down the big and a long staircase. There was hardly anyone on the subway. I went down to the accident site and saw a girl who was sitting on the seat. She had no legs from her knees! I was surprised ... she didn’t even cry and you could see the pain from her lost limbs. Then I consoled her. Then I closed my eyes and began to pray... and mentally ask God why this girl is so sorry! and when I opened my eyes, some records flashed in front of me, I began to read them (I don’t remember what it was). I remember that my last question was from me. I asked what my husband's last name would be... when I opened my eyes, I saw the last name... either Valikaev or Volkov... The inscription was fiery brown. I woke up. Thank you!

My name is Irina. please tell me why the accident is dreaming? i dreamed this morning that my parents and my aunt were driving somewhere, like a picnic and the car skidded in the parking lot and turned it over onto the roof, everyone remained alive but with minor injuries, and my mother was unconscious. When I saw it, I ran to a meeting to the overturned car and my friend ran after me, the daughter of that aunt who was also in the car

My wife and daughter and I were about to go somewhere, a yellow gazelle drove up, we loaded things and drove off, we drove through the city streets and kept me in suspense all the way that the driver was distracted by the passenger’s conversations, I once told him to be attentive on the road, suddenly he didn’t reacted, then we left the city and moved along some kind of forest road approaching a sharp turn to the left, I noticed that the driver was not looking at the road, I then yelled at him and here Mashia can’t cope and rolls over how I get out of the car and my wife and daughter are there I run there, I shout, I call them, they don’t recoil, I start crying and shouting their names after I made out everything that was falling down, I heard their voices and when I saw them, I rushed to them and crying with joy, I began to hug and kiss them, and my wife looked at me sternly and she said that it all happened because of me and if I had not climbed to the driver, then all this would not have happened and at that moment I woke up!

None of us is immune from unpleasant situations in real life, and always an accident entails more or less serious consequences, regardless of the culprit of the disaster. It is also worth taking seriously a car accident in a dream. Why dream of such a situation? The interpretation of the dream book is completely dependent on the details of the dream.

Loff's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of sleep with a car accident. This is a reflection of the inability to control the existing situation in reality. Because of irresponsibility, people close to you may suffer, you should radically reconsider your outlook on life and take control of your actions.

If in a dream you had an accident in a car, and death was its result, then this is worse than the prediction of the dream book. If you feel dead in a dream, then soon you will have to go through many unpleasant moments in reality, the result of which will be severe stress, as well as health problems.

Many dream books push their interpretations away from how the accident ended in a dream. Indeed, in the arms of a dream, a person may well feel both dead and miraculously survived. It is also desirable to remember the passengers affected by the accident, and whether they were at all.

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Through a dream about an accident and other dreams of a similar nature, our fears of the unpredictable destruction of the well-being achieved in life are realized. It is also worth noting that accidents are often dreamed of as a result of the law of the pendulum. As you know, if the pendulum has deviated from equilibrium in one direction, then exactly by the same amount it will deviate in the opposite direction due to inertia. It happens in life, the more you have achieved, the more you are afraid of losing it. For each person, the feeling of critical thresholds of pendulum oscillation is individual. Subconsciously, apocalyptic moods grow as we wait for the moment when the pendulum will begin to swing in the opposite direction. Usually at this moment an accident, catastrophe, fire, flood, earthquake occurs in a dream - that is, dreams of an anti-creative nature.

If you dreamed of an accident, it means that in reality an unpleasant surprise may happen to you on the road. Seeing an accident in a dream from the outside - what unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations of a change for the better.

To dream about an accident means that soon you will find a violent crushing passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always remember this period of time.