Why do humans need eggs? Factors determining what determines the size of the eggs in men

There are several reasons why a man might have one egg instead of two. This is either a congenital pathology, or a consequence of injury and disease. In most cases, the number of eggs does not affect the possibility of fertilization of the egg. However, not only guys, but also girls are concerned about the question of whether a man with one testicle can have children. Experts have their own opinion on this matter, they reassure and respond positively.

Why does a man need two testicles?

The scrotum is part of the male reproductive organ. It contains a pair of round glands, thanks to which the development, generation and storage of sperm is carried out. Male hormones are also produced in this organ.

It is difficult to determine what should be the ideal skin on the testicles. Its texture can change under the influence of various factors, ranging from temperature to sexual diseases.

The testicles begin to form not outside, but inside the abdomen. Later, they must descend into the scrotum. But not all men do this. In some, one (or both) testis remains inside the abdominal cavity. This can cause diseases, as the full functions of the testicles are violated.

The scrotum protects the testicles and the sperm they produce from damage. For sperm to be healthy, it is necessary that the temperature of the testicles be lower than the temperature of the whole body. The sperm will not join the egg if it is exposed to high temperatures.

The functions of the testicles are reduced to two main ones:

  • sperm production;
  • generation and synthesis of male hormones.

Deformation of one of the testicles can lead to problems associated with the possibility of fertilization, but this is not a sentence. Most likely, this should be considered as a psychological problem, since the presence of both of them has always been considered a sign of masculinity.

Can one testicle fertilize an egg?

If for some reason a man has one testicle instead of two, but it functions normally, then there is no reason to worry. Such a man can have children.

One testicle can produce enough sperm to fertilize an egg. In order not to be lost in conjectures and doubts, it is advisable to contact specialists so that they examine the genitals and do all the necessary tests. Basically, these are tests for the quality and quantity of spermatozoa.

A man's fear of losing his testicle is quite logical. Many are afraid that after that they will become impotent and will not be able to continue their race. This is nothing more than prejudice.

A man who has one healthy testicle can fully enjoy the delights of an intimate life. One testicle is capable of producing enough sperm to fertilize an egg. At the same time, a normal erection is also preserved.

Such men in most cases do not need hormone replacement therapy with testosterone, because then one egg works for two. It is necessary only if the man is missing both testicles and the results of the examination showed that the man cannot become a father. To have children in this case, you need to resort to the help of doctors who will prescribe a course of treatment.

Self-examination as prevention

A man can have one testicle, not only because of congenital pathology. It happens that the injured testicle cannot continue to perform its functions. In order for the problems not to worsen and imperceptible (at first glance) diseases do not move to another stage, the guy needs to periodically examine the genitals on his own.

During self-examination, you need to pay attention to some points:

  1. The size of the testicles should be approximately the same. Permissible fluctuations in size - 5-6 mm. If one of them, for some reason, noticeably differs in size from the other, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
  2. Do not panic because one testicle is located below the other. It must be so, otherwise how could a man put his feet together?
  3. The testicles should feel firm to the touch. If the density of one differs from the other, then this may be a signal of the formation of a tumor in it.
  4. Self-examination must be carried out in the heat. If a man freezes during the examination, the testicles will shrink and the result will be zero. It is ideal to feel and examine the testicles while taking a shower or bath.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to feeling the back wall of the scrotum, where the epididymis is located. It can be compared to a thin cord (the thickness is not more than the thickness of spaghetti). In the event that a man finds a slight swelling there, then it is better to continue the examination in a dark room. You need to shine a flashlight behind the scrotum. If light easily passes through it, then most likely this formation is filled with liquid. It could be dropsy or a spermatic cord cyst. But in any case, if a man is concerned about something during a self-examination, an urgent need to consult a doctor.
  6. During self-examination, the testicles should not hurt. The reverse situation can be regarded as a deviation from the norm, which also serves as a reason for contacting specialists.

If during the examination the man had even the slightest doubt, you should not hesitate to go to a specialist. Firstly, in order not to cheat yourself once again, and secondly, in order to prevent the occurrence of serious diseases, the symptoms of which were discovered during an independent examination.

Testicular implant - a solution to the problem?

When in a man one testicle has not descended from the abdominal cavity, before implantation, it is necessary to lower it into the scrotum. Only then can an operation be performed that can restore the scrotum to its previous appearance.

However, do not place high hopes on this operation.

This is surgical intervention- only a cosmetic solution to the problem, but it will not return the functions of the lost testicle.

If a man cannot have children, you need to seek help from other doctors.

In the practice of andrology, prosthesis implantation is the most common operation. It is simple, and experts convince of the minimal risk of complications (except for individual cases).

It does not require general anesthesia to be performed. Mostly, doctors resort to local anesthesia. The surgery takes about 15-30 minutes. A small incision is made on the lateral surface of the scrotum through which a silicone prosthesis is placed into it. A man can choose the size he needs, which in shape and elasticity will be the same as a healthy one.

After the operation, a man can be discharged on the third day, but at home he must wear a special bandage that will fix the position of the testicles for two weeks.

Usually the scar on the scrotum is not visible. He heals fairly quickly.

It will not be superfluous to inspect your testicles (testicles) regularly. To do this, you just need to get a little familiar with the anatomy. Periodic self-examination will help to notice something unusual in the development or condition of the testicles and other organs in the scrotum earlier.

How big should a man's testicles be?

  1. The testicles are normally oval in shape, and about 4-5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick. This applies primarily to representatives of the Caucasian race.
  2. One testicle is often slightly larger than the other. This is usually normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that one testicle is enlarged, then you need to visit an andrologist to have him examine it too.
  3. The left testicle in most men is located lower than the right one, which is also not a pathology.

Why testicles can be of different sizes

In most cases, especially if the difference in size is not very significant, this is quite normal. It is not a pathology and should not cause concern. In some people, one testicle may even be significantly larger for an unknown benign cause. You can also highlight a number of other reasons that could affect the different size.

One testicle may be smaller in such cases:

  • In the presence of varicocele(expansion of certain veins inside the scrotum), the nutrition of the testicle is disturbed, as a result of which the left (most often) may be smaller due to its atrophy. Lack of treatment threatens.
  • If it was undescended at birth(lingered in the abdominal cavity), even though corrective operations.
  • When did intrauterine or infantile testicular torsion.
  • The consequences of mumps.

One testicle may be larger in the following cases:

  • testicular cancer- malignant tumors that can develop in different tissues of the gonads.
  • Cyst- formation (cavity with fluid) in the tissues inside the scrotum, which can be asymptomatic for a long time. It usually appears in the appendage area.
  • benign tumor - rare and slowly developing, increases the risk of developing cancer.

In the process of sexual development in a child, sometimes the testicles may differ in size, but by the end of this period they will equalize if everything is normal.

epididymis- a paired organ attached to each testicle from behind and from above.

They both look like coils of tiny tubes wound many times over that carry and store semen. At the same time, they take part in endowing it with a fertilizing ability. If you unwind the epididymis, then it will be about 6 meters long, or even more.

spermatic cords - are a collection of muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels and some other tissues and organs on which the testicles are suspended. The most important of them is the vas deferens, through which the sperm moves towards the penis. Also through them is the nutrition of the testicles and related functions. The spermatic cords go up in relation to the epididymis, and are also located behind them in the scrotum.

Scrotum- a leather bag containing the testicles and appendages.

How testicles should feel

You can easily and quickly conduct a self-examination, which will take about one minute. The best time for this procedure is after taking warm bath or shower when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed. The main steps are:

  1. Hold the scrotum and testicles in the palm of your hand to feel their weight . One testicle may be slightly larger than the other but they should be about the same mass.
  2. Take the testicle so that the thumb is on one side, and the index and middle fingers are on the other. Gently roll the testicle in your fingers, feeling it to make sure there are no hard formations. Normal testicles in men are oval in shape, they should be firm but not hard, as well as smooth and without any lumps.

Repeat the same with the other testicle.

  1. Moving along the bottom of the scrotum, find the epididymis, which is located at the back of the testicle. It must be small lumps in the form of a bump on the top and back of each testicle. They should normally feel soft to the touch and perhaps a little tender.
  2. Gently touch the spermatic cords, which are located above the epididymis, as well as behind them. In a healthy state, these are elastic smooth tubes.

You need to check the spermatic cord near both testicles.

All detected bumps, seals or swelling in the scrotum, incl. on the surface or near the testicles, a doctor should examine to finally talk about the presence of a problem. Ultrasound is usually prescribed for diagnosis.

The implementation of the function of reproduction is the main engine of life in any biological creatures. In humans, the reproductive system is responsible for this function. In men, the gonads are the testicles, which perform two main functions:

  • - the formation of spermatozoa, i.e., male germ cells;

Testicular development in the embryonic period

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The left testicle may be lower than the right - this is a normal condition.

During embryogenesis, the testicles are laid in the fifth week from the oblong genital eminence, in the region of the wolf body. In the middle of 3 months embryonic development connective tissue begins to grow in the testicles, which gives them a rounded shape and forms his mesentery. At the beginning of the 7th month, the testicles descend in the abdominal cavity to the region of the internal opening of the inguinal canal and at the 8th month they enter directly into the inguinal canal. At birth, the testicles descend through the inguinal canal and enter the scrotum.

The structure of the testicles

Location. Both testicles are located in the cavity of the scrotum, while, in most cases, the gonad on the left side is slightly lower than on the right. This is a physiological state and is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the venous system.

The size. Before the period, the testicles do not exceed the size of 2.5x1.5 cm, and the weight is approximately 7-8 grams. When a boy reaches the age of 12-14 years, the testicles actively grow, and their size increases to 4.5x3.5 cm, weight is 25-30 g.

Throughout life, from puberty to extreme old age, the size and mass of the male gonads practically do not change (see). These indicators can change only under the influence of any pathological factors.

Structure. The testicles are covered with a dense protein membrane, from which connective tissue membranes or septa extend. They divide the glandular tissue of the testis into a lobular system. In each testicle, from 100 to 200 lobules can be distinguished, formed by parenchymal and stromal tissues. Each lobule contains up to three seminiferous tubules, the length of each of which ranges from 65 to 80 cm. The total length of all tubules can reach more than 500 meters.

Rice. 1 - The structure of the testicle.

The glandular tissue of the testicle itself consists of Sertolli cells - glandular cells that are involved in spermatogenesis and the formation of seminiferous tubules. Between the Sertolli cells are additional cells - spermatogonia, which are the primary germ cells and represent spermatozoa at various stages of histological maturation. Between the tubules in which the maturation of spermatozoa occurs, there are interstitial Leydig cells. These cells are involved in the production of the steroid sex hormone - testosterone.

The epididymis is an anatomical formation that is the initial part of the vas deferens. The appendage consists of a head, body and tail, which are closely adjacent to the posterior lower edge of the testis. The tail of the appendage smoothly passes into the spermatic cord. in its proximal part it expands somewhat and passes into the ejaculatory part. The vas deferens from both testicles converge and represent 2 channels with a total length of 2 cm. The vas deferens passes through the tissue prostate and ends with a narrow slit-like opening in the region of the tubercle of the prostatic part of the urethral canal.

The testicle and its appendage are covered with a special membrane called the vaginal membrane of the testis and is formed by the parietal peritoneum. The male genital organs are located intraperitoneally - this means that they are covered with peritoneum on all sides and the peritoneum forms a kind of serous cavity around the testicle. In the area of ​​the testicle, the peritoneum passes from the parietal to the visceral, which is tightly adjacent to its walls.

Physiology and function of the male testicles

Physiology. Male testicles reach their maturity by the age of 15-18, which largely depends on the adolescent, as well as other factors such as:

  • social conditions;
  • nutrition;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • heredity;
  • and others.

From the moment of puberty to old age, the spermatogenic function of the testicles is preserved in a man.

For the implementation of full-fledged spermatogenesis for the male gonads, certain temperature conditions must be observed (see). So, the most active process of formation and maturation of sperm occurs at a temperature of 32 ° C;. It is for this that the male testicles are located outside the abdominal cavity, and the scrotum is a kind of temperature regulator. The function of thermoregulation is carried out due to several mechanisms:

  1. The specific structure of the scrotum, which is a musculocutaneous sac. When the ambient temperature is low, the scrotum contracts and the temperature inside it rises. Conversely, at high temperatures environment the muscular component of the scrotum relaxes, which allows to reduce the temperature inside its cavity.
  2. The peculiarity of the structure of the vascular network, while the venous plexus of the testicle literally entangles its tissues, which contributes to effective thermoregulation.

Functions. Male gonads perform two main functions: external and internal secretion. The exocrine function includes spermatogenesis and the formation of spermatozoa, and the intrasecretory function is the production of testosterone. The intrasecretory function of the testicles is carried out under the control of the neurohumoral system in the pituitary gland. The most active influence on the synthesis of steroid hormones in the male sex glands is exerted by the gonadotropic hormone of the hypothalamic-pituitary system called. It is formed and secreted in the anterior pituitary gland.

Leydig cells produce several androgenic sex hormones, the main of which is 17-ketosteroid. There are two fractions of this hormone: alpha and beta. The alpha fraction is produced in the testicles, and the beta fraction is produced by the adrenal cortex. Provided that the hormonal balance is maintained in the body, both fractions are produced in a ratio of 10:1. An increase in the beta fraction may indicate the presence of an oncological process in the adrenal glands.

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Despite the fact that men belong to the representatives of the stronger sex, the weak, fragile and delicate part of their body is the genitals, that is, the testicles and penis. Almost every man protects the genitals, providing them with maximum sterility and cleanliness, as well as a comfortable state. Of particular importance are the testicles, which produce sperm for a man to procreate and testosterone for sexual activity.

In addition, by paying attention to their genitals, everyone knows for sure what size the penis and testicles should be. And any change, whether it be an increase or decrease, is fixed by a man almost immediately. Moreover, this becomes a reason for anxiety and unrest, although physiologically the size of the testicles, for example, should be different. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis of the presence of a pathology.

Men, as a rule, worry about whether their testicles and penis are normal in size, leafing through a mountain of information about the structural features of the male genital organs. There are those who decide to consult a doctor, noticing asymmetry or other inconsistencies with their own ideas. First of all, you need to understand that the growth of the genital organs occurs in a man at the stage of puberty under the influence of the necessary mechanisms.

For reference! The growth of the penis and testicles in men begins in adolescence from approximately 10 to 16 years of age. Moreover, the scrotum begins to grow first, after it the penis itself.

For many men, it remains unclear why one man's testicles are larger than the second, on what factors their size depends. First of all, everything is decided by heredity and genetic predisposition. From the point of view of medicine, the fact has long been proven that normal The level of testosterone in the body of every man is determined by heredity. It is this hormone that affects the growth of the gonads.

Not the last role is played by the boy's lifestyle in childhood and adolescence. Bad habits inhibit the process of puberty and growth of primary and secondary genital organs. Also, the level of testosterone depends on the degree of physical activity, so in adolescence it is important to create all the conditions for the boy to play sports. Plays no small role psychological aspect, whether there is a desire in the boy to be the first and the winner.

What size is considered normal?

Asymmetry in the structure of the testicles is not really a defect if one testicle is larger than the other, located below, or completely sags. In fact, this is all thought out by nature in order to prevent friction and rubbing while walking. In addition, if you look closely, all paired organs in humans have a barely noticeable asymmetry. Experts note the fact that the size of the testicles does not significantly affect the reproductive abilities of a man.

To date, it is quite difficult to determine exactly the normal size of the testicles in a man, since the body of each person is individual and unique in its own way. Despite this, the conventional norm in medicine is 2-3 cm in width, 4-6 cm in length. We also managed to establish the approximate volume of the testicles, normally it is 13-29 cm³. Therefore, if the size of a man deviates from the norm by 1-2 cm, there is no reason to panic and worry.

For reference! Cause for alarm may be pathological changes in the structure of the testicles - a rapid increase in one or two testicles, soreness of the scrotum during intercourse or walking, some seals in the scrotum.

Why are eggs different sizes?

As a rule, most common cause excitement about the size of the testicles becomes an increase in one of them and a pronounced asymmetry. In most cases, this is a normal physiological feature of the structure of the scrotum and testicles, in addition, doctors note that right-handed men have a larger right testicle, and left-handed men have a larger left one. As mentioned earlier, one testicle is located lower to prevent friction.

Diseases that entail an increase in one testicle:

  1. Epididymitis or inflammatory process in the appendages after suffering the flu or tonsillitis. Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, tuberculosis or syphilis can also lead to epididymitis.
  2. Testicular torsion is a very rare pathology among men, which is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs. As a rule, the testicles and spermatic cord are too loose in the scrotum, which leads to circulatory problems and the death of the testicle.
  3. Testicular cancer or a neoplasm of a malignant nature that does not show itself for a long time. Just an increase in the testicle is the first sign of such a disease.
  4. Varicocele - that is, varicose veins in the scrotum, when the venous walls lose their elasticity, increasing and stretching in size.
  5. Orchitis is an inflammatory process in the testicle itself, requiring immediate inpatient treatment. Complications of orchitis are a drop in libido and complete infertility, in addition, advanced cases are treated only by surgery.

As soon as a man discovers a noticeable increase in one testicle, first you should conduct an independent examination and palpation to identify signs of pathology. After that, you should consult in the office of a urologist or andrologist, since all of the above diseases can be accompanied by such a symptom, promising a man serious complications.

The testicles (testis, testicles) are the sex glands in men. The testicles are located at the bottom of the scrotum.

The testis has an ellipsoidal shape somewhat flattened laterally. The length of the testicle is about 4.5 cm, the width is about 3 cm, the thickness is about 2 cm. At the posterior edge of each testicle is an appendage, epididymis.

The testicles in men consist of a parenchyma enclosed in a dense protein membrane formed by connective tissue. From the albuginea to the parenchyma of the gland there are partitions that divide the testicle into lobules. Partitions are located radially, from the front edge, as well as the side surfaces, are directed to the rear edge. Each gland has 100-250 such lobules. Each lobule contains convoluted seminiferous tubules. The tubules are lined with spermatogenic epithelium, consisting of Sertoli cells, on which spermatozoa develop - germ cells in men.

The testicle with the appendage is covered with a vaginal membrane, forming a closed serous cavity. The testicles are intraperitoneal organs (located intraperitoneally), and are covered with a visceral plate, which passes into the parietal along the posterior edge of the organ. The visceral plate with the albuginea is fused quite firmly, only at the posterior edge, passing to the appendage, the shell leaves an uncovered area. In this place, blood vessels and nerves enter the gland.

In the parenchyma of the testicles between the tubules are Leydig cells that produce testosterone.

The epididymis is a narrow long paired formation that lies along the posterior edge of the gland. The appendage forms the bulk of the vas deferens. The epididymis has an upper part (head of the epididymis), a middle part (body of the epididymis), a lower part (tail of the epididymis) continuing into the duct of the epididymis. The duct of the appendage passes directly into the vas deferens.

The testicles in men initially develop in the abdominal cavity, in the prenatal period they gradually move downwards, by the time of birth, being located in the scrotal cavity. Such a movement is associated with the peculiarities of spermatogenesis: the process of spermatozoa formation is carried out at a temperature 3-4°C lower than body temperature.

Movement in the prenatal period of the testicle into the scrotum leads to some anatomical features. When passing through the inguinal canal, the testicle entrains the peritoneum and muscles of the abdominal wall, and the muscular and vaginal membranes are formed. The presence of the muscular membrane provides the possibility of pulling the testicle to the inguinal canal.

When entrained by the testicle in the process of moving the parietal peritoneum, the vaginal process of the peritoneum is formed. In the area along the spermatic cord, by the time of delivery, the vaginal process of the peritoneum overgrows, and a closed cavity is formed. When it is not closed, a congenital inguinal hernia or a communicating dropsy of the testicle is formed. With the accumulation of fluid inside the closed cavity of the vaginal membranes of the testicle, a true dropsy of the testicle is formed - a hydrocele.

Functions of testicles and appendages

The main functions of the testicles are the production of testosterone and the formation of spermatozoa. The functions of the epididymis are to conduct spermatozoa into the vas deferens, as well as to carry out the process of maturation of spermatozoa.

Pain in testicles

One of the common symptoms various diseases in men is pain in the testicles. The cause of this symptom may be the following diseases:

  • testicular torsion is a pathology in which the testicle rotates around its axis in the scrotum. As a result, the blood supply to the spermatic cords stops. feature pain syndrome with this pathology, its high intensity is also characteristic of the appearance of pain on one side;
  • testicular weight gain torsion - torsion of a rudimentary remnant located in the region of the upper pole of the testicle. This is characterized by pain in the upper part of the body;
  • trauma - post-traumatic pain in the testicle can be a symptom of testicular rupture, hematocele (accumulation of blood inside the scrotum), hematoma;
  • infringement of an inguinal hernia - occurs against the background of a long-term hernia; pain develops suddenly, is characterized by high intensity;
  • orchitis is an inflammation of the testis, usually of a viral nature. Characterized by redness of the scrotum, unilateral or bilateral pain in the testicle, fever;
  • epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis.

Pain in the testicles can be a symptom of other diseases of a general somatic nature, but in any case, the appearance of such a symptom should be a reason for immediately seeking qualified help, since in a number of diseases the prognosis directly depends on timely treatment.

Testicular cyst

A fairly common pathology is a testicular cyst. Approximately 30% of patients undergoing scrotal ultrasound for various reasons are found to have testicular cysts. This pathology is a benign hollow formation, located mainly near the epididymis, in which the liquid component accumulates. Most often, cysts are located in the head of the appendage, but can be localized along the vas deferens. Cysts are usually well detected on physical examination. With a significant size of the cyst, the occurrence of discomfort, stretching of the scrotum, surgical intervention is required.

The causes of testicular cysts are still unknown. There are suggestions that cysts arise from the vas deferens or are an aneurysmal expansion of the epididymis.

Small cysts are asymptomatic and are usually found during a routine examination or self-examination.

The main treatment for ovarian cysts is surgical treatment. However, it is not necessary for asymptomatic cysts. Studies have also been conducted on the use of sclerosing drugs, but there are no reliable data confirming the effectiveness of a particular drug. Removal of the cyst is a simple operation, usually performed on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia.