What does a livestock breeder do? Lapbook "Everything about the profession of livestock breeder" methodological development on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic

For those who love animals and want to devote their lives to caring for them, it is worth looking at such a specialty as a livestock breeder, who is this, what duties will he have to perform - we will consider further.

What do you need to know about the profession?

Livestock farming refers to a type of activity associated with the breeding of agricultural and other crops.

Most often this will be necessary for:

  • obtaining food;
  • obtaining raw materials intended for the production of clothing or footwear;
  • applications as transport;
  • for use as guards.

These and many other challenges may be faced by livestock farmers.

In addition, the specialist will need to be able to:

  • create conditions that will be acceptable for keeping animals;
  • promote their reproduction;
  • increasing product quality and overall productivity;
  • it is necessary to monitor compliance with certain standards and promptly reject those with deviations;
  • contribute to the timely provision of veterinary care and treatment of various diseases, and delivery.

Where can he work?

A livestock specialist will be in demand in agricultural and fur farms, and in nurseries.

Livestock farmers can choose where they work. This could be the following industry:

  • fur farming, which involves breeding fur-bearing animals;
  • in poultry farming;
  • beekeeping;
  • fish farming;
  • dog breeding.

Wherever a livestock farmer works, he will have to perform certain duties.

The main task of all livestock breeders is to carefully care for the animals.

All other tasks will follow from here:

  • preparation and distribution of feed;
  • feeding with vitamins and minerals;
  • Carrying out activities to clean cells and premises, washing and disinfection;
  • production and repair of cages and houses in which animals live;
  • can engage in walking or herding animals entrusted to him;
  • monitors animals, providing timely assistance to sick or weakened animals;
  • makes selections for breeding;
  • selects animals for mating;
  • engaged in breeding young animals;
  • promptly rejects animals for slaughter.

Job responsibilities will depend on the qualifications and experience of the specialist. In addition, he must be able to work with the animals he was hired to care for.

Important qualities of a specialist

In order to perform his duties, the specialist will need to have the following qualities:

  • to love animals;
  • must possess and be able to use knowledge related to zoology;
  • It is good to know all the features, as well as the characteristics of individual species of animals that will be cared for;
  • must know the main diseases that wards may suffer from;
  • be responsible in relation to the obligations undertaken;
  • be attentive and observant. These qualities can help him to promptly notice the slightest changes in the behavior of animals and take action;
  • have patience and kindness towards animals;
  • have physical and emotional endurance.

Now you know about such a profession as a livestock breeder, who it is, what duties he must perform.

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Agriculture is a separate branch of the economy aimed primarily at providing people with food. The importance of this industry is difficult to overestimate. There are many in-demand professions related to agriculture. And, of course, they all require certain knowledge and skills.

What agricultural professions exist: list

The most popular specialties in this area are:

  • agronomist;
  • machine operator;
  • machine milking operator;
  • livestock breeder;
  • poultry house;
  • vet.

To the question of what professions relate to agriculture, there is another answer - beekeeper and fur farmer. They are not as common as, for example, a milking machine operator or a livestock breeder, but they are also quite in demand.

Features of the agronomist profession

Agricultural technologies are constantly being improved and changed. The responsibilities of an agronomist primarily include the correct organization of production processes, growing crops, harvesting and transporting crops under these conditions. Also, people in this specialty are involved in the preparation of various kinds of reporting and scientific documentation. Veterinarians usually have a higher education. To date, the profession of an agronomist is on the list of the most in demand in Russia.

Machine operator

This is one of the main specialties in such a sector of the economy as agriculture. The professions of combine harvester and tractor driver have always been among the main ones in the countryside. A machine operator is a specialist who can operate all types of agricultural machinery. In addition, the responsibilities of these workers include knowledge of the design features of the machines, as well as performing their scheduled maintenance and repairs.

The profession of a machine operator is considered one of the most difficult in rural areas. People in this specialty often work in extremely unfavorable conditions - heat, rain and cold. In addition, they usually have to work overtime during the sowing and harvesting period. Fortunately, recently increased requirements have begun to be placed on the design of tractors and combines in terms of convenience specifically for machine operators. The cabins of the new models are insulated and equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But still, the work of a machine operator will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Machine milking operator

There are many answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common. But the most famous is still the machine milking operator. In Soviet times, many films were made about people of this specialty and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of a milkmaid was then extremely honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the form of healthy, cheerful, rosy-cheeked girls in headscarves. However, of course, the profession of a milking machine operator is actually very difficult, and there is not much romance in it.

Milkmaids have to get up before dawn - at five o'clock in the morning. Their responsibilities include wiping the cow's udder and feeding it. But the main occupation of representatives of this profession is, of course, milking animals. This operation is performed three times a day. Like a machine operator, the profession of a milkmaid is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

This is also a very common profession in rural areas. Agricultural-related specialties may belong to animal husbandry or crop production. The main activity of a livestock specialist is, as the name suggests, breeding and raising various types of farm animals. Workers in this specialty must provide them with the most comfortable conditions for keeping and breeding. In addition, the duties of the livestock breeder include monitoring the health of the “wards” and maintaining the purity of the breed. Also, people of this specialty make sure that all the necessary components are present in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock farmers clean and disinfect cowsheds and pigsties and take part in preventive measures to prevent the spread of epidemics. They also monitor the procedure for grazing animals in the summer, as well as the process of preparing feed for them for the winter.

Poultry house

The responsibilities of representatives of this profession are almost the same as those of a livestock breeder. The only difference is that the poultry house cares for representatives of birds: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. This is also one of the most common specialties in such a sector of the country's economy as agriculture. Professions related to poultry care are very complex and responsible.


Man began raising and breeding animals thousands of years ago. The profession of veterinarian has existed for about the same amount of time. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied caravans and armies, monitoring the health of horses and camels, and professional veterinary schools were opened in the Middle Ages. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was this emperor who once brought highly qualified veterinary specialists from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of an agricultural worker in this profession is the treatment of animals. His responsibilities also include carrying out preventive measures. Veterinarians deliver animals, administer vaccinations, and perform sterilization or insemination. Representatives of this profession also monitor the use of various types of chemicals when growing crops intended for animal feeding.

Currently, there is a veterinary station in almost every locality. There are similar clinics even in cities. True, they treat not agricultural animals, but ordinary domestic animals - cats and dogs.


There are different agricultural professions. Modern enterprises in this industry not only breed animals and grow plants. Beekeeping also refers specifically to this area of ​​the national economy. The specialty of a beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is uninteresting or unclaimed. This is a fascinating profession, but, like any other agricultural profession, it is quite difficult and very responsible.

The responsibilities of a beekeeper include forming new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and collecting honey. Also, people of this profession fight diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair hives and equipment. Despite its relative rarity, the profession of beekeeper will always exist, because many people love honey. In addition, the product is very useful.

Fur breeder

Breeding rabbits, nutria, and arctic foxes is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. Professions related to caring for such animals are also quite in demand. Fur breeders are responsible for the maintenance and reproduction of rabbits and nutria. Their responsibilities include monitoring the conservation of the livestock, the purity of the breed, procedures such as feeding, disease prevention and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, it is almost impossible to imagine crop and livestock production without it today. First of all, an agroecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and various types of chemicals in the fields when growing agricultural plants. The tasks of this specialist include mainly developing recommendations for minimizing harm from them. Agroecologists also work in agricultural enterprises to restore depleted and eroded soils.

Where can you get an agricultural specialty?

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, whose tasks include training workers in such an industry as agriculture. Professions of this type can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomists and veterinarians usually graduate from universities and technical schools. They train to become machine operators in technical schools and colleges. The same goes for milkmaids and poultry workers.

The most famous higher educational institutions in our country where you can obtain agricultural professions are agricultural universities:

  • Orenburgsky.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also, highly qualified specialists are trained by the National Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Of course, the success of the development of an industry such as agriculture directly depends on the quality of training of young specialists. Professions (examples of which were given above) of this group require a person to have intelligence, dexterity, quick thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, the process of training future veterinarians, agronomists, milkmaids and machine operators should be approached with all responsibility.

Nina Aleksandrovna Volkova
Summary of educational activities with children of senior preschool age. Presentation “Profession of livestock breeder”

Presentation “Profession of livestock breeder”.

Tasks. Enrich children's knowledge about pets. Expand children's understanding of the sphere of human activity - agriculture. Introduce children to the profession of livestock breeder. Show the social significance of their work. To instill in children respect for people of different professions.

Equipment. Presentation, equipment for demonstrating presentation.


Children, do you love animals? (children's answers).

I’ll tell you about the profession of a livestock breeder, I’ll show you how he works. A livestock breeder is a person who takes care of animals. The livestock breeder feeds the animals tasty and satisfying food, cleans and washes the animals’ house. The livestock breeder walks with the animals in the fields in the summer and heats the animals’ house. The livestock breeder monitors the health of the animals and protects the health of the animals. Livestock breeders do different jobs, livestock breeders are called differently.

Shepherds drive animals out into the meadows in the morning, guard the animals, protect them from predators, and escort them home in the evening. Here is a shepherd grazing a herd of cows, or a herd of horses, or a flock of sheep. Smart dogs help shepherds and protect the animals.

Visual gymnastics “Miracles”.

Here is the stable - the home of foals, horses and steeds. Horse breeders in the stables take care of the animals, feed them, water them, clean them, bathe them, and take them for walks. Horse breeders train young horses and teach people to carry them. Horses take part in the Olympic Games and perform in competitions. Horse trainers train, jockeys and riders ride horses. The cows live in the barn and chew hay in winter. Livestock breeders take care of the cows, feed them, water them, clean them, bathe them, and take them for walks. Milkers and milkmaids help the cows; they do not forget to milk the cows in the morning and evening. There are many cows, there is only one milkmaid, how can she cope? Special devices help milkmaids milk cows; the milkmaids connect the device to the udder of the cows. Children, do you like milk? (children's answers).

What products are made from milk? (children's answers).

A sheepfold is a house for sheep. Sheep farmers take care of the sheep, feed them, water them, clean them, bathe them, and take them for walks. Sheep farmers will shear the sheep and collect the sheep's wool. Sheep wool is warm, created for warm clothes. Children, what kind of things are knitted from sheep’s wool? (children's assumptions).

Pigs and piglets live in pigsties, chewing various vegetables. Pig farmers take care of the animals, feed them, water them, clean them, bathe them, and take them for walks. Poultry live in poultry houses and peck grain. Poultry farmers take care of chickens, hens and roosters, ducks and geese. Bees live in hives. Beekeepers take care of the bees, clean the hives, monitor the bees, and collect honey.

Children, the profession of a livestock breeder is important. The main quality for a livestock breeder is love for animals. Livestock breeders are smart, they know a lot about animals. Livestock breeders are responsible, they do not forget about their pets, and surround them with care. Livestock breeders are attentive, they watch the animals and notice diseases. Livestock breeders are strong, caring, patient, and kind.

Children, how many of you would like to become a livestock farmer? (children's answers).

What career as a livestock farmer would you choose? Why? (children's answers).

Children, the profession of a livestock breeder is important, the profession of a livestock breeder is necessary. To make our food tasty, to make our life easy, pets need good care.

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For those people who are interested in the animal world, and are also interested in increasing the animal population for various fields of activity, we offer our informative article. In it we will give a description of such a profession as a livestock breeder, who is this. How to become one, and who this direction is suitable for, read below.

Let's start by giving a definition of the profession "livestock breeder", and to make it as accurate as possible, let's turn to Wikipedia, which says that this is a person who has undergone special training and is qualified to breed various species.

What does a livestock farmer do?

In this section of the article we will answer the important question “what does a livestock farmer do?” and why he performs his official duties.

Let us note that raising animals on a production scale is necessary to provide the population with important raw materials for the following purposes:

  1. Providing food for the population;
  2. Extraction of high-quality raw materials for the leather industry (clothing, accessories, furniture).
  3. Using animals as collectibles, as a vehicle, or to participate in races;
  4. For the needs of security companies;

As can be seen from the above, livestock breeders have a wide range of activities in various areas of reproduction and rearing of animals.

And what he does on a daily basis, see the description below:

  1. Preparing food in the required proportions and distributing it to pets;
  2. A rational approach to vitamin supplements in accordance with the weight and age of the animal;
  3. Organization of cleaning and disinfection of places where pets are kept;
  4. Organization of production of pens, cages for keeping;
  5. Walking animals, as well as driving them to pastures;
  6. Involved in the selection of units for mating;

Tasks of the profession

Each profession has certain tasks that bring certain benefits to society.

The tasks facing livestock farmers are the following:

  • Competently, observing all the rules and characteristics of certain animals, provide living conditions for them;
  • Create conditions that will contribute to an increase in the animal population;
  • Ensure the percentage of productivity of kept animals;
  • Standardize animals, as well as engage in timely culling;
  • Observe the animals and, if any ailments are detected, call a veterinarian in a timely manner.

Livestock farmer's place of work

Livestock specialists are usually employees of agricultural farms, nurseries in nature reserves, as well as commercial nurseries and large zoos.

Specialists can be dispersed in the following areas:

  • Breeding cattle;
  • Poultry farming;
  • Breeding dogs of various breeds and identifying new populations;
  • Working with fur-bearing animals.

Personal qualities that determine professional suitability

To be a livestock breeder, you must not only have the necessary education, but also have suitable personal qualities, which include the following points:

  • Boundless love for animals;
  • Basic study of zoology;
  • No fear of “dirty” physical work;
  • Understand that work is a calling, and not just making money;
  • Show kindness and care towards animals;
  • Have a sense of responsibility;
  • Have self-control;
  • Be able to make decisions independently;
  • Have physical health and stamina.
  • Be sociable.

Positive and negative factors in the profession

Animal husbandry is not an easy profession; it carries enormous responsibility, both moral and material.

Therefore, it has pros and cons, which we will now consider.

Let's start with the pros:

  1. You don’t have to be in a stuffy office;
  2. Working with our smaller brothers;
  3. Charge of positivity;
  4. Awareness of the need for the profession.

And now about the cons:

  1. Irregular working hours;
  2. You often have to spend the whole day on your feet;
  3. High share of responsibility;
  4. Low wages.

Let's sum it up

Summing up the results of this article, it is important to say that it is not enough to undergo training at an agricultural educational institution, it is also important to live this work. This should be especially clear for children who are faced with choosing a profession.

We told the most important points about this profession and answered the question “who is a livestock breeder?”

The work of a livestock breeder is one of the most ancient branches of human activity. The topic of it is studied at school as part of the program in the subject “The World Around us”. This article will provide information on this issue that may be useful for both teachers and children preparing homework.

Description of the work of livestock breeders

In the fourth grade of the school, students are asked to answer questions following an excursion to a farm, stud farm or other enterprise engaged in agricultural activities. But before you complete this task, it will be useful to know the following information.

As already mentioned, the work of a livestock breeder appeared on earth in ancient times. It can be argued that this type of work is one of the first to arise among people. Before it, there was only gathering, hunting and fishing. People began to think about the possibility of taming our smaller brothers when they began to engage in agriculture, that is, to grow certain varieties of crops in order to obtain a harvest.

Where did livestock farming originate?

History says: in primitive times, natural conditions were most suitable for carrying out agricultural activities in the Middle East. As you know, it was there, in the Nile River valley, that one of the most ancient civilizations appeared. This means that we can assume that the work of the livestock breeder contributed to the formation of a highly developed human society.

On the walls of the Egyptian pyramids, as well as in excavations at the site of Ancient Babylon, many images and objects were found that indicate the important role this occupation played in these states.


Many scientists argue that thanks to the fact that man had assistants in his difficult work, many discoveries were made that influenced the entire course of subsequent history. Among such innovations are the wheel, as well as some tools for cultivating the land.

Important Science

The work of a livestock breeder is based on the knowledge that previous generations have accumulated about feeding our little brothers, arranging a place for their housing, walking, and also caring for individuals awaiting offspring. Such information was collected and systematized in scientific manuals in the discipline called animal science.

This science may be called animal husbandry or livestock theory. In the Soviet years, books on this issue were usually called that way. In addition to various textbooks, there are numerous newspapers and magazines that publish articles about new discoveries in this industry, as well as about modern devices intended for use in agriculture.

How to become a livestock specialist?

When drawing up a report on the work of livestock breeders, you need to keep in mind that to engage in such work you must obtain a diploma from an educational institution that trains specialists in this field. For example, graduates of agricultural academies can be hired for positions in such enterprises. To breed animals, you need not only appropriate education, but also certain human personality traits. It is safe to say that people who want to devote themselves to such activities must love nature, take care of the environment, and also be prepared to provide the necessary care for our smaller brothers.

These professions require knowledge about various breeds of farm animals, as well as how to treat pets, care for them, set up feeders, and so on. These specialists must be prepared to start their workday in the very early hours and end it late in the evening. Sometimes their shift can start at 4-5 in the morning.

Most Popular Pets

This human activity can be divided into several categories, depending on the pets that farms deal with.

The most popular species for breeding are: horses, rabbits, fish, bees, small and large livestock, poultry and some other pets.

A brief report on observations of the work of livestock breeders can be made after visiting an enterprise of one of the above types. During such excursions, schoolchildren are told about the various features of this profession, and are also shown pets in a real institution.

Report items

  1. The name of the farm where the excursion was held.
  2. Who conducted it?
  3. List the features of the work of a livestock breeder.
  4. What pets (names of breeds) did the schoolchildren see?
  5. What are the most common types of livestock raised in agriculture in your region?

Features of horse breeding

Students who have visited horse farms can include the following information in their report.

This industry has been known since ancient times. For example, horses of Asian breeds were famous in antiquity. Scientists say that horses such as the Arabian Saddlebred could not have appeared naturally, that is, in the process of chaotic evolution. In order for animals to acquire perfect qualities suitable for riding, human intervention was necessary. Therefore, we can confidently say that this species was the result of the work of highly qualified specialists.

How are horses cared for?

Observing the work of livestock breeders at a stud farm can show that this activity is quite complex. It is necessary to ensure compliance with hygiene standards in the premises where horses are kept. You also need to feed them regularly, according to certain rules. There are several options for the conditions in which four-legged horses can exist.

These human assistants are adapted both to life in the natural environment and to being kept in stables, near which there are special places for walking. The first option assumes that the animal should spend most of its time outdoors and feed on the vegetation that is available in the area. This information can be used in answering a task related to describing the work of livestock breeders in grade 4.

It is worth saying that in most of the territory of our country such breeding of horses is impossible, since the climate of many regions of Russia is too cold for them to introduce such a way of existence. Therefore, most often these born runners are kept in stables, however, enterprises should have a yard where the pets can take walks.

In rooms where four-legged animals live, an individual compartment is required for each individual, with a drinking bowl and feeder. This pen should be sufficiently spacious and clean. It should also be said about horse breeds that are intended for sporting competitions. Such animals are trained by specialists called jockeys.

They teach their charges to understand the commands that the rider gives with the help of a bridle. Such horses are valued very highly; their best representatives are recorded in special books of the breed, which contain information about several generations of horses.

Rabbit breeding

A brief report on the work of livestock breeders at enterprises involved in keeping eared pets may include the following information.

In addition to breeds that live at home and are known to many city residents, there are many more species that are suitable for living on special farms. There they can be kept both in equipped rooms that have insulation, and in cages located in the open air. It should be noted that living rabbits on the street is not as dangerous for them as it might seem at first glance. In most cases, such an existence has a positive effect on health and improves immunity.

You just need to make sure that pets are moved to a warm room if the temperature exceeds 20 degrees below zero.

When the air is not so cold, they can calmly exist outside shelters. Their home must be equipped with a feeding trough and drinking bowl. One of the aspects of the work of livestock breeders, which schoolchildren need to describe, is to monitor the presence of unfrozen liquid for drinking in the room for long-eared animals. Otherwise, they will certainly begin to lick the ice, which can lead to dental injuries, as well as colds in rabbits.

Cleanliness is the key to health

One of the most important components of the work of livestock breeders, a brief report on which students are asked to write, is maintaining sterility in the places where their charges live. In the case of rabbits, insufficient hygiene rules can lead to serious ear disease. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean their homes.

Food for fluffies

The work of livestock breeders (photos of their “wards” are presented below) involved in breeding rabbits is to feed their pets on time, while observing the established rules.

The diet of eared animals should be balanced and include many vegetables rich in vitamins, as well as aromatic hay, especially in the cold season.

They also love to chew on various branches, because their teeth need constant grinding. If you do not provide them with material for this activity, the animals’ jaws may acquire disproportionate sizes.


This article has provided some materials that may be suitable for use when writing a short observation report on the work of livestock farmers.

This review also contains useful information for teachers preparing to teach lessons in the discipline “The World Around us.”