Department of Education university Saturdays schedule. Materials and technologies of the future

University Saturdays at the Higher School of Economics is a project for schoolchildren, students and adults, within the framework of which HSE teachers conduct open popular science lectures, master classes and seminars. Saturday meetings are devoted to a wide variety of topics - from economics and robotics to political PR and nanotechnology.

Why might you be interested in Saturday lectures? Here are some reasons:

  • You will definitely have a good time! Look at the description of each meeting: there are business games and master classes - exciting formats that will not let you get bored.
  • If you have been interested in a specific topic for a long time, then one of the lectures will be able to supplement your knowledge.
  • You'll likely meet similarly passionate people who enjoy spending their Saturdays at educational events. This means new acquaintances and friends!
  • You can get to know university life better: visit the university, listen to a lecture and chat with the teacher.
  • “We study not for school, but for life” is HSE’s motto, and if you support it, you will want to gain knowledge in all areas of science and expand your horizons.

We are waiting for you at “University Saturdays”!

Past lectures

April 7. "Low Temperature Physics"

Lecture by Vasily Nikolaevich Glazkov on low temperature physics.

Time: 15:00-16:30


Venue: Faculty of Physics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 3rd floor

Low temperature physics studies macroscopic quantum phenomena, the existence of which seems impossible from the point of view classical physics: For example, such phenomena include superconductivity, superfluidity and ferromagnetism. The lecture is devoted to these and other phenomena using the example of visual experiments using liquid nitrogen cooled to minus 196 degrees Celsius.

Schoolchildren and their parents will enjoy experiments and experiences: a demonstration with sparkling discharges of a Tesla coil, experiments with different materials at low temperatures liquid nitrogen, unique footage from an ultra-sensitive high-speed IR camera.

In addition, it will be possible to personally communicate with students and teachers of the department, as well as get answers to all questions related to admission, training and prospects after graduating from the Faculty of Physics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

June 2. “Effective networking. How to learn to meet people and create business connections"

Lecture by Victoria Belyaeva and Vyacheslav Utochkin on networking.

Time: 12:00-13:00



What is networking and why do it? How to build your network of contacts and who should be included in it? What role do they play in the connections of a business person? social media and how to create your digital identity? Are they a thing of the past? business cards and when is the best time to schedule appointments? During the lecture, students will learn the answers to these questions, and will also learn how, through networking, they can create business connections.

Lecturer: Belyaeva Victoria, teacher of the program “Management of Game Projects” at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. , director of educational programs in the gaming industry, Higher School of Economics and Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

June 2. “Development of online games using the example of “The Final Station”

Lecture by Vyacheslav Utochkin, Andrey Rumak and Oleg Sergeev on the development of online games.

Time: 13:00-14:00

Address: st. Trifonovskaya, 57, building 1

Venue: Higher School of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2nd floor, conference hall.

During the lecture, students will be able to learn about the indie experience of creating games from scratch, the pros and cons of an independent approach, as well as what traditionally causes frustration for beginning developers - finding a publisher, marketing and promoting their product.

September 8. “Not for school, but for life - what global trends of the future should everyone know?”

Lecture by Alexander Chulok about the professions of the future.

Time: 12:00-13:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor,

Digital production, total robotization, biotechnological experiments, billion-dollar businesses from scratch - all these are just small and not the brightest features of the appearance of our near future. How to understand where global trends can open a window of opportunity, and where threats should be expected? What skills and competencies will allow you to ride the crest of the coming technological wave, and what knowledge will drag you down as unnecessary baggage?

Lecturer: Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Russian forecaster, Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting of the ISSEK National Research University Higher School of Economics

September 8. Master class “Modeling with a 3D pen” from MIEM NRU HSE

Here you can learn 3D printing and the process of modeling three-dimensional objects using 3D pens.

Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor,room 116, International design and educational laboratory for experimental urban design High school urban studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

The practice of modeling develops spatial thinking and creativity, so that you can create your own Eiffel Tower and various other objects right in the air. And if you switch to a 3D printer, you can print fashionable plastic glasses yourself and take them as a souvenir. In addition, the knowledge gained will help in various fields of knowledge - such as geometry, chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, and someone will discover the talent of an artist and, using 3D technologies, will create art objects of the future.

September 15. “Professions of the future: who the new labor market needs”

Lecture by Galina Volkova on the professions of the future.

Time: 12:00-13:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20


IN modern world The labor market is undergoing rapid and dramatic changes. Professions for which until recently did not even have a name are becoming in demand, and “classical” professions that have existed for many years are receiving a fundamentally new content. The question becomes especially relevant: what specialists are expected to grow in demand in the near future, and who is worth studying for now, in order to enter the labor market with in-demand knowledge and skills by the time they graduate? The lecture will examine promising professions in the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science, economics, management, education, social sciences and the humanities.

Lecturer:, postgraduate student at the Institute of Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Lecture presentation (PDF, 1.70 MB)

September 22. “Profession of the future: developer of game worlds in virtual reality”

Lecture by Vyacheslav Utochkin about the profession of the future.

Time: 13:00-14:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

During the lecture, students will learn about what virtual reality is today, what challenges game developers face in connection with the development of new technologies and how they are solved, what are the features of game design in virtual reality and what awaits us in the future. Special attention will be paid to how virtual reality technologies are used in our lives now.

Lecturer:, director of educational programs in the gaming industry, Higher School of Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

September 29. Excursion “Around HSE: Basmanny District”


September 29. “Profession of the future: machine learning specialist in the world of big data”

Lecture by Valery Babushkin about the profession of the future.

Time: 14:00-15:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

Machine learning is all around us. From issuing loans to calling a taxi, from delivering groceries to the nearest store, to buying cinema tickets. Why and how does it work, will machines replace all people and who are the people who made the future come? Students will learn about this during the lecture.

Lecturer- Valery Babushkin, project teacher, Head of Data Science at X5 Retail Group, head of the Yandex Advisor analytics group.

October 6. Excursion “Literature of the Basmanny District: from A.S. Pushkin to A.P. Chekhov"

Receiving higher education, young people not only acquire professional knowledge and skills, but also learn to look at environment, within which their new student lifestyle is being formed. During excursions, students of the Higher School of Economics introduce schoolchildren and their parents to the buildings of their alma mater, as well as the most interesting areas of Moscow around the Higher School of Economics.

If you've ever wondered, "What is it like to be a humanities student?" then this tour is just for you. We invite you to take a walk through one of the oldest and most literary districts of Moscow. During the tour you will find out what happened to the house of M.Yu. Lermontov, where F.M. prayed. Dostoevsky, and what connects A.P. Chekhov with Novaya Basmannaya Street.

Guide- Elizaveta Senatorova, 4th year student educational program"Philology" National Research University Higher School of Economics.

October 13. Welcome Lab Day

Open day of laboratories of the Department of Psychology of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Time: 11:30-15:00

Address: Armenian lane, 4, building 2

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor hall

How to look into the workings of the human brain? How can a person control his heart, breathing, state and mood? What is a polygraph and why is it needed? What does an electroencephalogram look like? What are abilities and how are they developed? What is tolerance and how to develop it in yourself? How to understand the intricacies human soul? Employees of the laboratories and departments of the Department of Psychology of the National Research University Higher School of Economics are looking for answers to these and many other questions, conducting research and experiments. We invite schoolchildren and young researchers to experience psychological science from the inside and feel like a “psychologist-scientist” for a few hours.

Lecturer- Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

October 13. “Profession of the future: training personnel for the digital economy of the future in the field of the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems”

Leonid Voskov's lecture on the profession of the future.

Time: 12:00-13:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

Against the backdrop of the rapid pace of implementation of Internet of Things technology in industry and the economy, there is a need for qualified specialists to develop and maintain corporate and industrial infrastructure. At the lecture we will talk about who needs an IoT specialist and why, as well as what knowledge and competencies you need to have to build both a smart home and a smart city.

Lecturer, professor, candidate of technical sciences, academic director of the master's program at MIEM NRU HSE “Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems”.

October 13. “Legends and myths of the digital economy”

Lecture by Konstantin Vishnevsky on the digital economy.

Time: 15:00-16:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

We are in the midst of a new industrial revolution, where digital technologies can radically change our future. But will all these technologies come into our lives tomorrow? When will robots start working hard instead of people? Is it true that digital avatars will appear in 5 years? Which real technologies are they behind the plots of the series “Black Mirror”? And most importantly, what do you need to learn in order to realize all the benefits that the digital economy provides? You will learn the answers to these and other questions in the lecture.

Lecturer- , Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Research Department digital economy ISSEZ NRU HSE.

Lecture presentation (PDF, 5.77 MB)

October 20. Business game “Clash of Civilizations”

Business game on international relations.

Time: 12:00-16:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

During the game, participants will be immersed in the intriguing world of geopolitics and international diplomacy. Teams will be asked to lead their own states, create their foreign policy agenda and try to realize their political goals in a battle with representatives of other countries. Participants in the game can form alliances, enter into treaties and agreements (including secret ones), make diplomatic maneuvers and even start a war.


  • , candidate political sciences, associate professor, academic director of the educational program “International Relations” at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, deputy dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Politics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • , department lecturer international relations National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • as well as the most active students of the Faculty of World Economy and International Politics at the Higher School of Economics.

October 27. Urbanist: specifics of the profession and training

Lecture on the features of urbanism as a profession and discipline.

Time: 12:00-13:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

During the event, schoolchildren will learn what urban planning is from a scientific point of view and what career paths await future professionals in this field. In addition, teachers from the Graduate School of Urbanism will talk about what competencies they will teach as part of the bachelor's program and how to understand whether this direction is right for you. Participants of the event will also enjoy a master class on the use of GIS to solve urban planning problems and a quiz. At the end of the event, students and their parents will have the opportunity to ask their questions.


  • - Ph.D., acting Dean of the Higher School of Urbanism at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, scientific director of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development.
  • - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Higher School of Urbanism, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

October 27. “Professions of the future in the Internet of things”

Lecture by John Nyukhalov on the professions of the future.

Time: 14:00-15:00

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20


The IT sphere is expanding and stratifying every year, and the concept of “IT specialist” already includes dozens (if not hundreds) of diverse specialties. During the lecture, students will learn about what the Internet of Things is today, what challenges face developers of platforms for the Internet of Things in business and how they are solved, what are the features of the industry and what awaits us in the future. High school students, applicants and students will be told about what they can become, and teachers and parents will be told about what qualities are useful to develop in children so that they become in demand and successful in the future.

Special attention will be paid to which competencies are most valued in business today.

Lecturer- John Nyukhalov, master of the educational program “Psychology in Business” at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, head of the educational direction at Rightech.

October 27. “Mathematics in computer science, or what to study?”

Lecture by Nina Sakharova on mathematics in computer science.

Time: 15:10-16:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 101

In computer science, there are a variety of mathematical topics - from probability theory to gradient descent. The lecture will talk about some interesting basic algorithms and the mathematics behind them. We will look at the problems of ranking queries in a search engine, finding the shortest path between two cities, the problem of the optimal stop (or how to choose the best bride or groom), talk about how the simplest Instagram filters work and why every time you enter your number credit card on the Internet, prime numbers protect you from hacking.

Lecturer- , Lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

November 3. Excursion “Around HSE: Basmanny District”

By receiving higher education, young people not only acquire professional knowledge and skills, but also learn to look at the environment in a new way, within which their new student lifestyle is being formed. During excursions, students of the Higher School of Economics introduce applicants and their parents to the buildings of their alma mater, as well as the most interesting areas of Moscow around the Higher School of Economics.

During the tour, students will learn about the heterogeneous landscape of the famous Moscow district: architectural buildings from the 90s are located next to luxurious mansions, centuries-old churches - with skyscrapers. The excursion will begin within the walls of the building on Staraya Basmannaya 21/4, where the faculties of humanities and physics coexist, and then the group will walk around Basmanny district to see and understand how German settlement and a place of attraction for the aristocracy, the area turned into a “quiet Moscow center” with a ministry in the estate building and a business quarter on the site of a gas plant.

Guide- Anna Shvedova, student of the bachelor’s program “Business Informatics” at the National Research University Higher School of Economics

November 10. Physical Sciences: From Galactic Nuclei to Atomic Scales

An event dedicated to the key features of teaching physics and career opportunities.

Time: 14:00-15:30

Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 21/4, building 5

Venue: HSE building, assembly hall

At the event, schoolchildren, their parents and teachers will have the opportunity to meet teachers and students of the Faculty of Physics, learn about scientific problems that are relevant today in the academic community, as well as what career prospects graduates of the faculty can count on. In addition, participants of the event will enjoy practical demonstrations in the format of laboratory workshops. At the end of the meeting, students and their parents will have the opportunity to ask their questions.

Lecturer- , Ph.D., leading expert at the International Foresight Center and the Institute of Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

November 24. Profession of the future: community manager

Lecture by Elena Shomina about the profession of the future.

Time: 12:00-13:30

Address: st. Myasnitskaya, 20

Venue: HSE building, 1st floor, room. 102

We will talk about a new profession that is just being created in Russia, since the need for competent specialists who help both residents and local governments in various issues of local life is quite great. At the lecture you will learn about different types of local communities (territorial and communities of interest), how the modern infrastructure of a neighborhood community is structured (neighborhood centers, local organizations, resident associations), as well as the features of modern social technologies work on the territory and their application (from resident strikes to good neighbor actions). We'll talk about different types territorial managers (neighborhood managers, social organizers, etc.) and try to create a description and job responsibilities of such a specialist ourselves.

Lecturer- , full professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, founder of the study of the housing movement and housing education in Russia. He is one of the most renowned experts on citizen participation in local government, neighborhood communities, housing reform and housing education.

Dear friends!

Continuing the wonderful tradition of organizing meetings between schoolchildren and the world of jurisprudence, the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL), with the support of the Moscow Department of Education, within the framework of the “University Saturdays” project, is starting a new series of exciting classes on legal topics. You will have the opportunity to learn about the legal profession, immerse yourself in interesting legal phenomena, and take part in gaming court hearings and quizzes.

Students of grades 7-11 in the humanities, as well as teachers of social studies, history, law and career guidance specialists are invited to attend classes. Participation in the events is free.

Conditions of participation: To participate in the “University Saturdays” events, preliminary registration of the participant is required on the website:

Please note that when visiting a University Saturday in a group or family, all group members must be registered for that Saturday!

Admission conditions: SCHOOLCHILDREN must pre-register on the “University Saturdays” website

Upon entering the University building, you must register.

ADULTS must register on site only.

To enter the University, schoolchildren (from 14 years old) and adults must have a PASSPORT.

Access to the University is through the main entrance. Organizers will meet you near the turnstiles, who will register you and escort you to the auditorium.

Venue of the events: Moscow, st. Sadovaya Kudrinskaya, 9. Directions: from the Barrikadnaya metro station 5 minutes on foot or from the Mayakovskaya metro station trol.10, to the stop. "st. Spiridonovka" (2 stops).

ATTENTION! The organizers are holding a COMPETITION for feedback on University Saturdays classes. Reviews are written in the form of an essay and sent to an email address [email protected] November 24, 2018, at last lesson The results of the competition will be announced and the winners will be selected! Essay requirements can be viewed

Waiting for you!

November 24, 2018 13.00-14.30 Presenter: Tatyana Yuryevna Maksimova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law of Moscow State Law Academy, lawyer During the quiz, Moscow schoolchildren were offered various cases from the field of criminal and criminal procedure law to solve. By solving these cases, schoolchildren became acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of an investigator, prosecutor, and lawyer, which will help them decide what areas of law are interesting to them and whether they want to work in the field of criminal proceedings.

About the project:

Photo report

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“Success is being on time,” the great poetess once wisely remarked. This principle can fairly be applied to the most different areas. Decide on time future profession, directing your strengths and talents in the right direction is the key to the future successful career and effective self-realization. To help future applicants planning to enroll in a medical specialty make the right decision, a scientific and educational project “University Saturdays” was launched at Sechenov University.

The first lectures were held on October 7 in the Anatomical Building of the First Moscow State Medical University. High school students who are already thinking about becoming a doctor came to get to know the country's oldest medical university better. Many of them study specialized subjects in depth while studying in biomedical classes. Parents came along with the students.

The event participants were welcomed by the vice-rector of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova Tatyana Litvinova. The vice-rector reminded schoolchildren that choosing a profession is a responsible step and explained that “University Saturdays” will help in making a decision.

“You will learn in detail about the admission procedure at the Day open doors, and now you have the opportunity to get to know Sechenov University better,” Tatyana Litvinova addressed the audience and turned the floor over to the lecturers.

During the lectures, high school students heard what the medical profession is, learned about the great scientists of the First Moscow State Medical University and the contribution they made to the history of domestic and world medicine, and became acquainted with the history of the university from its inception to the present day. Then the schoolchildren attended a lecture on endosurgery, where they received a general understanding of the principles of treatment of complex diseases.

About the project:

The “University Saturdays” project was launched in 2013 on the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education. The goal of the project is to increase the overall educational level of applicants. Every year, an increasing number of not only Moscow universities, but also regional ones, take part in the project. During “University Saturdays”, university teachers give lectures, conduct master classes, and introduce schoolchildren to history educational institution. At Sechenov University, “University Saturdays” will last until December of this year.

The material was prepared with the participation of 1st year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy Lyudmila Sychevskaya
Photo: Sechenov University student Tatyana Zhuravleva

“University Saturdays” is an educational project for schoolchildren, students and adults. Any student in Moscow can attend lectures, master classes, and workshops.

Project events are free, to participate you just need to register on the project website

Upon entering the university building, you must register on site.

Availability PASSPORTS for schoolchildren and adults NECESSARILY!

Event participants are met in front of the turnstiles at the main entrance of the campus and escorted to the auditorium. Walking through registration lists.

Carrying out events of the University Saturdays project at RTU MIREA March - May 2019

Creating a database from scratch

Venue address:
Date and time: March 23, 11:00 – 12:30

Any modern man, including schoolchildren, students, their relatives and friends, live in the modern rapidly developing digital information space. Today's daily used terms and descriptions of the reality around us are e-government, digital literacy, interactive information interaction, etc. The era of cognition, the era of knowledge and cognition – this is the leitmotif of today’s humanity. Moreover, all of the above originates from what is the basis of the entire gigantic information environment - from databases and knowledge banks, which are the building blocks of the great wall of knowledge of mankind. Databases are the basis for describing any subject area. Informatization begins with them. The ability to use databases and knowledge, the skills to create them, manage them and improve them are absolutely necessary for modern successful person. And even more so for a programmer, expert, analyst - a specialist in the field of information systems and technologies. Like everything in the world, databases start from scratch and, thanks to human creativity, turn into the very building blocks of the information universe. We will consider these important aspects in detail. The master class will be held in the computer lab.

Target Audience:

Lecturer: Matchin Vasily Timofeevich, senior lecturer of the department of instrumental and applied software Institute of Information Technologies RTU MIREA

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How does a hydrogen bomb work?

Venue address:
Date and time: March 23, 12:30 – 14:00

The most terrible weapon was the fruit high science. How were the secrets of the atom discovered? Who was the true hero of atomic weapons? What theoretical schemes underlie atomic weapons? How does it work? And why are atomic weapons a guarantee of the sovereignty of our country? We will answer these questions during the lecture.

Target Audience:


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Lord of Chemical Technology

Venue address:
Date and time: March 23, 11:00 – 12:30

The lecture will feature general information about chemical technology. Students will learn what basic organic synthesis is. Special attention will be devoted to the main stages of developing technology for the production of organic compounds (reaction and separation), problems and their solutions.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Frolkova Anastasia Valerievna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Basic Organic Synthesis of the Institute of Fine Chemicals chemical technologies them. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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Security of Wi-Fi networks. Vulnerability Research

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: March 30, 11:00 – 12:30

In this master class we will get acquainted with vulnerabilities wireless networks Wi-Fi, let's look at all possible attacks on Wi-Fi networks and choose one of the most common attacks - intercepting Handshake and guessing a password for a Wi-Fi router based on a packet caught by Handshake using a brute-force attack. Audit Wi-Fi networks will be carried out on test equipment using a Dlink DIR320 Wi-Fi router with Vampik DIR320- firmware and a laptop with kali Linux OS installed.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Sadykov Ildar Venerovich, teacher of the department KB-4 “Automated control systems”, Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation RTU MIREA

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We design a website. Business game

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-222
Date and time: March 30, 12:30 – 14:00

Modern realities of the IT services market - competition, deadlines, working in a software development team. The game will help you develop skills in solving complex problems. logical problems, working in a team, testing yourself as an analyst, seeing all the complexities of interaction not only with the customer, but also within the development team. Several competing teams, one customer and freelance programmers - who will you be and who will win?

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 9-11, college students

Lecturer: Zueva Anna Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department KB-9 “Applied and Business Informatics” of the Institute of Integrated Security and Special Instrumentation RTU MIREA

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Determination of drinking water hardness

Venue address:
Date and time: March 30, 11:00 – 12:30

The hardness of water is determined by the presence of various ions in it, mainly calcium and magnesium cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+). In different areas of the city, water of varying hardness is usually supplied. Its “flushing” properties depend on the level of water hardness. The master class is aimed at introducing participants to the simplest of chemical analyzes - titrimetric. Each participant in the event will be able to independently conduct a chemical analysis of water - from preparing solutions to directly analyzing it for hardness. To do this, it is suggested that you bring at least 1.5 liters of tap water with you in any container.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Solovov Roman Dmitrievich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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Master class on solving mathematical problems. Percentage problems

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 6, 11:00 – 12:30

Practical lesson with description and examples of solving problems using interest rates. Various tasks will also be considered, such as calculating annuities (rent payments), comparison and analysis of profitability financial flows, methods for assessing the value of assets. Participants will be able to ask the presenter any questions on the topic.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of 10-11 grades, college students

Lecturer: Pulkin Igor Sergeevich, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, Institute of Physics and Technology, RTU MIREA

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Blockchain technology as a new approach to product development in IT

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 6, 12:30 – 14:00

The lecture will talk about the principles of building IT products based on distributed registries, show the differences between the traditional approach and blockchain, and also provide examples of implementations of blockchain technology. Students will learn how such products are developed and by what means.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 9-11, college students

Lecturer: Kotilevets Igor Denisovich, graduate student of the department KB-4 "Automated control systems", Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation RTU MIREA

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Development of tablets from A to Z

Venue address: ITHT campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 86, room. K-8
Date and time: April 6, 11:00 – 12:30

The class will demonstrate a variety of dosage forms. The lecturer will tell you why the tablets are round, as well as the rationale behind the choice of their color. The path of a medicinal substance from synthesis to pharmacy will be shown.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Bogunova Irina Vladimirovna, assistant at the Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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Beginning of object-oriented programming, application development

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-204a
Date and time: April 13, 11:00 – 12:30

The master class will be of interest to aspiring software developers with some programming experience (in at least one programming language, such as Python, C, JavaScript, etc.) who want to be able to solve more complex problems using object-oriented design with Java. The master class will be held in the computer lab.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 9-11, college students

Lecturer: Alpatov Alexey Nikolaevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Instrumental and Application Software, Institute of Information Technologies RTU MIREA

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Magnetism. How to use it?

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 13, 12:30 – 14:00

Experience shows that conductors interact with current. For example, they attract if the currents are directed in one direction, and repel if the currents are directed in different directions. The interaction of currents occurs through a magnetic field. Induction lines magnetic field are always closed on themselves, because There are no magnetic charges in nature. At the lecture-master class we will look at the basic laws and concepts of magnetism: the Biot-Savart-Laplace law, Ampere's law, Lorentz force, flux of the magnetic induction vector, the law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz's rule. – and we will demonstrate experiments confirming these laws.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 9-11, college students


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Analysis of the quality of pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide

Venue address: ITHT campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 86, room. O-204
Date and time: April 13, 11:00 – 12:30

Hydrogen peroxide is a common drug in medical practice. It is available to consumers in pharmacies in the form of a 3 or 5 percent aqueous solution. During storage, peroxide gradually decomposes and becomes completely useless for further use. The master class will use modern analytical equipment, laboratory glassware and chemical reagents. Based on the results of the workshop, each participant will receive a form with the results of the analysis.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Martynov Leonid Yurievich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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Master class on solving non-standard problems in mathematics. Numbers and divisibility

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 20, 11:00 – 12:30

A practical lesson describing the types of problems in which the divisibility properties of integers can be used to solve them. During the master class, various types of number problems are discussed, divisibility problems and the features of their solution are described in detail. We will show you how to compose and solve equations in integers, and we will analyze in detail examples of solving Olympiad problems on the divisibility of numbers. The host of the master class will answer all your questions.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 8-11, college students

Lecturer: Tatarintsev Andrey Vladimirovich, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics-2, Institute of Physics and Technology, RTU MIREA

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Wonders of Quantum Mechanics

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 20, 12:30 – 14:00

How does the microworld work? What laws does he live by and why are they so strange and unusual?! What are elementary particles? How do they behave? What is the tunnel effect? How do elementary particles sense each other? What does an electron look like? Is it possible to catch him? How do quantum computers work? You will learn the answers to all these questions in our lecture.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Shamin Roman Vyacheslavovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, acting Head of the Department of Informatics, Institute of Integrated Security and Special Instrumentation, RTU MIREA

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Materials and technologies of the future

Venue address: ITHT campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 86, room. K-8
Date and time: April 20, 11:00 – 12:30

Nanotechnology is one of the key modern trends development of industry and progress of society, the path to the controlled synthesis of molecular structures, which is designed to ensure the production of objects for any purpose not from ordinary raw materials, but directly from atoms and molecules, for example, with the help of assembly machines. At the lecture, participants will become acquainted with natural and man-made materials and devices, whose properties change dramatically when using nanotechnology. Among the exhibition samples at the lesson, the developments of RTU MIREA will be presented: nanofleece electrode materials, which are an order of magnitude superior in characteristics to traditional ones, as well as an optical molecular oxygen sensor created using mesoporous microparticles.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Melnikov Pavel Valentinovich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the department physical chemistry Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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3D technologies in optics

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 27, 11:00 – 12:30

Listeners will receive a detailed story about the history of 3D images and the structure of human vision. The lesson will look at devices that allow you to create three-dimensional images on the screen. Class participants will learn about physical principles operation of these devices. Those interested will be able to try to create their own portrait in real time using anaglyph image technology. We will also talk about where and how such technologies are used in the life of a modern person. After finishing the lecture and interactive part, you will be invited to visit the laboratories of the Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students


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Why is light a wave? Wave properties of light

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: April 27, 12:30 – 14:00

The lesson examines the basic laws of geometric optics: the law of rectilinear propagation, the law of reflection, the law of refraction. Schoolchildren will learn about the scale of electromagnetic waves. The presenter will clearly talk about the basics of light interference in Young’s scheme, bimirrors and Fresnel biprism, interference in thin films, Newton’s rings. Classic interference experiments will be demonstrated.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 9-11, college students

Lecturer: Safronov Alexander Arkadievich, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, RTU MIREA

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Determining the authenticity of herbal medicinal products

Venue address: ITHT campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 86, room. T-304
Date and time: April 27, 11:00 – 12:30

Each participant will be able to try himself as an analyst in a pharmacognosy laboratory and independently determine the authenticity of the proposed sample of a medicinal herbal product using microscopic analysis.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Kovaleva Tatyana Yurievna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology and Industrial Pharmacy, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA

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Let's take a look inside the monitor

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: May 18, 11:00 – 12:30

We have long been accustomed to seeing the information we need on screens. Moreover, screens are present in a colossal number of our things. But what do we know about them? We invite you to listen to the fascinating history of the creation of monitors and even take part in disassembling a computer display to test the knowledge gained in class. The master class will also demonstrate non-standard monitors with interesting properties.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students

Lecturer: Evgeniy Georgievich Sateev, assistant at the Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems, Institute of Physics and Technology, RTU MIREA

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Smartphone for conducting physical experiments

Venue address: MIREA campus, Vernadskogo Ave. 78, room. A-4
Date and time: May 18, 12:30 – 14:00

During the practical lesson, which will describe problems and conduct experiments in physics that can be demonstrated using a smartphone, tasks will be considered on topics such as friction force, the Doppler effect, Ohm's law and others. Each topic will be considered not only from the physical side, but also from the side of its possible implementation at the software level. Participants will be able to ask the presenter any questions on the topic.

Target Audience: schoolchildren of grades 7-11, college students


  • Chekalkin Nikolay Stepanovich, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics-2, Institute of Physics and Technology RTU MIREA
  • Gutenkov Roman Leonidovich, engineer, department of higher mathematics-2, Institute of Physics and Technology, RTU MIREA

The “University Saturdays” project, proposed by the Moscow Department of Education in 2013, not only became firmly established in the capital, but also went beyond its borders. Already last year, universities in many large Russian cities offered exciting and educational events for future applicants and people who never tire of learning something new and interesting. It is quite natural that many are interested in when the University Saturdays 2018-2019 will take place and what will be interesting.

Goals of the educational project

The main goal of the “University Saturdays” project is to increase the level of education of the capital’s youth and provide career guidance. By attending events organized at various universities in Moscow, future applicants can form their own impression of what they can be offered at various departments, learn about new interesting professions and modern achievements science.

It is worth noting that such meetings attract not only high school students. Adults who have already achieved certain success in one field or another also want to visit universities and communicate with professors, because each event gives guests not only useful knowledge, but also a lot of vivid impressions from communicating with the best figures of Russian science.

Event format

Each university independently determines the format of the event. These could be:

  • lectures;
  • seminars;
  • trainings;
  • master classes;
  • excursions;
  • workshops;
  • creative activities.

The duration of the event depends on the topic and chosen format. This can be either a short meeting in the format of a study pair or a rather long communication between university representatives and guests, sometimes reaching 4-5 hours.

Among the planned events there are a number of lectures, master classes and workshops from technical universities, combined into a separate project called “Engineering Saturdays”. Such meetings are indicated in the table with a special icon and will be primarily of interest to guys and girls who are interested in learning more about what engineers working in various fields, and also what innovative technologies They plan to implement it in construction and industry in the near future.

Legal Saturdays

Another interesting innovation that will be of interest not only to those who in the future see themselves as a successful lawyer or entrepreneur, because regardless of the field of activity, a competent modern person must be well versed in the legislation of the Russian Federation, know their rights and be able to competently protect their interests if necessary.

The range of topics covered in such lectures is quite wide, from the specifics of setting up your own business to the subtle aspects of international diplomacy.

Meeting Schedule

The upcoming events will take place in 2018 on the following days:

  • May 26-27 (Saturday and Sunday);
  • June 1-3 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday);
  • June 5-9 (Tuesday to Sunday);
  • June 13-16 (Wednesday to Saturday);
  • June 23 (Saturday);
  • July 4 (Wednesday).

This year, schoolchildren, teachers, parents and everyone will be able to:

  • touch amazing world physicists;
  • discover the limitless possibilities of modern computer technologies;
  • learn the basics of creating your own company;
  • deepen knowledge of etiquette and festive table setting;
  • get to know the profession of a journalist better;
  • learn interesting pages from the life of Moscow by visiting exciting excursions.

Exactly what events Moscow will offer as part of the “University Saturdays for the 2018-2019 academic year” project, as well as the full schedule of all meetings planned at different universities, can be found on the website

How to get to a lecture or master class

If you are interested in the “University Saturdays” project and want to attend one of the events offered by the 2018-2019 schedule, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the information presented on the website and submit an application.

The table shows:

  • date and time of the lecture, master class or excursion;
  • location of the event;
  • age category of guests for whom this meeting is recommended;
  • planned duration of the event;
  • number of registered listeners.

Important! The number of seats is limited by the capacity of the audience. Once all places are filled, registration for the course closes.

  • more about the person who will host the event;
  • short description and format;
  • what guests need to bring with them;
  • driving directions.

Don't be upset if you don't have time to register for a lecture or master class. Just come to the specified address on the day of the event. It is quite possible that not all guests who applied in advance will be able to come and you will have another chance to attend an interesting lecture or master class.