Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya. The daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky managed to wake up after a long coma

Everyone has long known that Andrei Konchalovsky does not talk about his daughter at all, and Yulia Vysotskaya rarely does this. One big interview with Yulia Vysotskaya took place at the beginning of 2016. Then the famous presenter talked about Maria’s positive changes and even talked about the doctors’ forecasts.

Let us remind you that Masha Konchalovskaya has been in the hospital since October 12, 2013. After car accident the girl did not come to her senses. The tragedy occurred in France - a car driven by Yegor Konchalovsky lost control and drove into the oncoming lane, where it collided with a car walking in the oncoming lane.

We care. We are waiting for your daughter to wake up and recognize everyone. We support you, your patience and diligence. Fight to the last. There is no need to blame yourself, this can happen to anyone, even terrible things happen to those who are wearing a seatbelt. In your case, a miracle happened that there is such an improvement, which means there is a force that will leave it with you. We will wait for good news!

At that moment, 14-year-old Masha Konchalovskaya was inside the Mercedes. The girl did not fasten her seat belt and, having received serious injuries, ended up in intensive care. The injuries the girl received were very serious. Doctors, fighting for the girl’s life, put her into a state of artificial coma, in which she remains to this day. She is kept alive by a life support machine.

4 years ago - on October 12, 2013, a tragedy occurred in France: Andrei Konchalovsky, who was driving a rented Mercedes car, lost control and caused a head-on collision with an oncoming car.

Maria Konchalovskaya is in a coma. No new official information was received from relatives. Only a recent statement by Yegor Konchalovsky says that the girl is on the road to recovery. Let us remind you that Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky flatly refused to comment on their daughter’s condition and are avoiding questions from journalists related to Maria. Egor said that Masha’s parents did not even think about refusing treatment for the girl and did not pay attention to the doctors’ forecasts. Today it is known that Masha is in a Moscow clinic under the full control of doctors. Experts report that it will affect the body medicines or surgical intervention can not. They can only support Mary’s body and control signals.

Masha Konchalovskaya - photo for today, health status, last news 03/21/2018 (updated).

As we wrote earlier, Yulia Vysotskaya, in one of her interviews, apologized to her fans and asked them to leave their family alone during this difficult time. Communication with journalists takes a lot of effort and time, which the Konchalovsky couple cannot afford now. The TV presenter admitted that she tries to think only about good things when she enters her daughter’s room, and not to draw negative scenarios in her head. In the hope that this will help Masha Konchalovskaya’s recovery.

The girl received a serious head injury from the blow. She was taken to the hospital by plane. There, in order to save her life, the doctors put her into a state of artificial coma, from which the girl has not been able to come out to this day.

Somehow, a psychic’s prediction even appeared online that Maria would definitely recover and everything would be fine in her life. Fans hope that this will all really come true and the girl will get back on her feet in the near future.

The health status of Masha Konchalovskaya: the latest news for today. Everything that is known.

Like everyone else present, the son of the famous director expressed his indignation about this. Yegor said that you should never give up and be as categorical as Maria’s parents were in a similar situation.

According to JoeInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art, fans of the star family sincerely wish the girl a recovery and continue to hope for the best outcome of events. Note that neither Yulia Vysotskaya nor Andrei Konchalovsky didn't do anything statements regarding their daughter's health.

She died many years ago, but it was on this day, October 12, when the tragedy happened with Masha. Of course, you can attribute everything to mysticism, chilling the soul, but the “human factor” is still a more real reason for what happened.

The actress likes that there is a program on television that really wants to help people.

Since Masha moves forward little by little every day and fights the consequences of a severe head injury, doctors predict her recovery. But it still can’t be said that Masha’s condition is good. She still has more than one rehabilitation course and a lot of work from her parents and doctors to return Maria Konchalovskaya to a normal human life.

Let us remind you that on October 12, 2013, the Konchalovsky family was involved in an accident in the south of France. On the way to Marseille, the director's jeep jumped into the oncoming lane at high speed. Because of this, Maria suffered the most. The daughter of the director and actress suffered a head injury and underwent surgery, after which she was put into an artificial coma. The family commented little on the tragedy, only once Yulia Vysotskaya said that her daughter was recovering very slowly and she did not want to speculate on the topic.

In particular, recently, thanks to the performance of first Yegor Konchalovsky, and then Yulia Vysotskaya on the program “Let Them Talk,” we learned that there have been some positive changes in Masha’s condition.

After the accident, Yulia Vysotskaya, Maria Konchalovskaya’s mother, gave one official interview in which she asked fans for understanding. Their family is faced with a terrible misfortune, so ordinary human curiosity can cause unnecessary pain to anyone. It is for this reason that parents protect their daughter from annoying attention.

Masha Konchalovskaya March 2018. Latest information as of March 21, 2018.

Still other sources claim that Maria has long emerged from her coma. Journalists tracked down her location and took photographs showing her being taken for walks in a wheelchair. For ethical reasons, nothing is reported about the hospital where the girl is staying.

You shouldn’t think that interest in this topic is somewhat unhealthy; people sincerely empathize with the terrible event that happened. Only this and the desire to provide at least some moral support to the family dictated the ardent interest in Masha’s recovery process.

Yulia Vysotskaya herself admitted that she would never be the same, always smiling, cheerful and carefree. She left many people in her life behind forever and incredibly appreciates those who are now nearby and support their family in every possible way. Among such people, the presenter noted Nikita Mikhalkov, saying that she looked at him with different eyes. According to Yulia, Mikhalkov surrounded her family with attention and care that had never been seen before.

Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky experienced this tragedy quite strongly. Even now, after the passage of time, they try not to spread rumors about the condition own daughter. However, the other day the director’s son Yegor let it slip that Masha was alive and had noticeable slight improvements in her health. He also added that under no circumstances are the family members going to disconnect Maria from the device.

4 years ago, a terrible tragedy happened in the family of Andrei Konchalovsky, which still entails terrible consequences. Chita Konchalovskikh, Andrei, his wife Yulia and daughter Maria were in a catastrophe in France. Everyone survived the accident except the actors’ daughter. Maria received a severe concussion.

In the photo recently posted by Yulia, where they are captured with her son, you can see with what tenderness she holds the hand of her already quite adult son. One can only imagine the sea of ​​love that fills her, and the caption under the photo can bring tears of tenderness to the most callous people.

The daughter of the famous director Andrei Konchalovsky, Maria Konchalovskaya, after a terrible accident in 2013, never emerged from an induced coma. Information was leaked to the media that there had been noticeable improvements in the girl’s health.

Masha Konchalovskaya photo in a wheelchair. Detailed information.

Masha's move to Russia really saved her life and the girl finally came to her senses!

Almost five years ago, a misfortune happened in the family of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky. Their daughter Maria ended up in a coma after a terrible accident, from which for a long time I couldn't get out. IN next year She will turn 20 years old, but the girl still faces serious rehabilitation. But Masha’s move to Russia really saved her life and the girl finally came to her senses!

In 2013, a terrible accident occurred in France. The car containing Andrei Konchalovsky, Yulia Vysotskaya and their 14-year-old daughter collided head-on with an oncoming car at full speed. Maria received serious injuries and soon fell into a coma. By the way, no one was hurt in that accident except her.

A few years later, Maria Konchalovskaya came out of a coma and was able to be transferred to Russia, where she will face serious and long rehabilitation. Yulia Vysotskaya tries not to talk about a difficult topic for her. Only once did she say: “We are working, we are moving, very, very slowly for now.”

Today it has become known what is happening to the girl and how her treatment is going. Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky carefully protect Maria from prying eyes. Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists managed to photograph a girl in a wheelchair, accompanied by a nurse. Now she is undergoing a long rehabilitation course in one of the hospitals and even walks on the street, accompanied by a nurse.

“After the tragic accident, I saw Masha only once. She, thank God, is already in Russia. The French wanted to turn it off, they said it was pointless. She was transported to Russia, and the crisis was overcome. Of course, this will be a long and difficult rehabilitation; how it will end is unknown. God grant that everything goes according to the best scenario. Of course, all this is very sad. Masha is an absolutely wonderful girl,” Yegor Konchalovsky, Andrei Konchalovsky’s son from his first marriage, said at the end of last year in the “Fate of a Man” program.

Doctors do not give any prognosis for her recovery, since the consequences of a coma can be unpredictable. It is known that recovery from such a serious injury can take several years. I really want to believe and hope that Maria’s young and growing body will cope with the disease. And we wish Masha a speedy recovery!

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A serious accident that happened on October 12, 2013 turned the life of the family of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky upside down. Their daughter Maria is still in the hospital.

Road accident in France

The accident occurred in France. The famous director Andrei Konchalovsky, driving a Mercedes-Benz car that he rented, had a head-on collision at high speed with an oncoming car. Both cars were badly damaged by the impact, practically turning into a pile of metal.

French pensioners who were driving in the oncoming lane escaped with fear and minor injuries. They were initially hospitalized, but after an examination they were released home. The culprit and his wife escaped with virtually no injuries.

The most injured was fourteen-year-old Maria Konchalovskaya, who received a traumatic brain injury and almost immediately fell into a state. As it turned out, the girl was sitting next to her father in the front seat and was not wearing a seat belt.

Tragic day for the family

The twelfth of October can be called a tragic day for the Konchalovsky family. It turns out that it was on October 12, 1988, twenty-five years ago, that the director’s mother, Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya, who was a children’s poetess and translator, died. She came from a family of artists. Her maternal grandfather was the famous Russian artist Vasily Surikov.

Natalya married Sergei Mikhalkov, at that time an aspiring children's writer. By the way, she was 10 years older than her husband. Both sons of this couple, Andrei and Nikita, became famous directors.

The tragedy on the road happened when the family was returning from a memorial for Natalia Konchalovskaya. As a result, her granddaughter, Maria Konchalovskaya, was seriously injured. The accident jeopardized the happiness of the famous family.

Fateful meeting in Sochi

The Konchalovskys' eldest son Andrei turned out to be not only a talented director, but also a very loving person. He had five wives, with whom he has seven children and eight grandchildren.

WITH last wife, actress and popular TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya, the director has been married for 16 years. By the way, he is 36 years older than Julia. The couple met at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi, where the actress came from Belarus. Her actor career started right there. By the time she met Konchalovsky, Yulia was part of the troupe of the Belarusian National Theater, named after Yanka Kupala, and also played several roles in films - in the films “To Go and Never Return,” “Bewitched,” and “A Game of Imagination.” On Belarusian television she hosted the program “Bezdelnik”.

Love between these creative people flashed like lightning. She was not hampered by distance, distance or the fact that Andrei was married. Less than two years have passed since Yulia became Konchalovsky’s wife.

The couple had two children: first a daughter, Maria, and then a son, Peter. It was with this girl that the tragedy happened.

Young talent

Maria Mikhalkova-Konchalovskaya was born on September 28, 1999. She can safely be called a young actress. She first had a cameo role in the film "The Deal" in 2006. At the age of eight, Masha starred in her father’s film “Gloss”, where main role played by her mother, Yulia Vysotskaya. The girl’s next role was in the film “Moscow, I Love You!”, and a rather successful role. This is a film almanac, which consists of 18 short stories shot by various Russian directors. Maria Konchalovskaya played in the short story “In the center of GUM near the fountain.” The film was presented to audiences in 2010.

Before the accident, Maria was studying at French school, in closed educational institution. She almost never appeared at public events. Parents tried to protect their children from excessive media attention. Yulia Vysotskaya admitted that she communicates more with children via Skype than in person. After all, she is a very busy person, like her husband. However, the accident brought sudden changes into the life of this family.

By helicopter - to Marseille

The serious condition of the girl injured in the accident did not allow her to be transported to the hospital in an ambulance, so Maria Konchalovskaya was taken to the intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Timone in Marseille by helicopter, which had special equipment on board.

The fight for the girl’s life immediately began. It continues today, although seven months have already passed. However, just now there has been a definite shift for the better in the patient’s condition.

The parents took turns watching their daughter’s bed all this time. They lived in a rented apartment near the hospital and for a while forgot about all their creative projects.

Improvement has only recently occurred

Back in early April, everything was different. Doctors even wanted to turn off life support machines. Maria Konchalovskaya, it would seem, did not react at all to the doctors’ efforts. Doctors have already begun to fear irreversible brain changes. After all, the girl was in a deep coma for a very long time.

But a miracle happened. Although slowly, the patient began to recover. Maria began to breathe on her own and no longer requires an artificial respiration device. In the victim’s brain, medical equipment records processes indicating that the girl hears and even recognizes the voices of people close to her and feels touch.

And although Maria Konchalovskaya had not yet regained consciousness, her coma became superficial. Doctors note positive dynamics of recovery.

Masha's parents started working again

Everyone hopes that the predictions about the girl's impending disability will not come true, and that the young body will cope with the consequences of the injury.

Of course, the rehabilitation period will be difficult. In order for Maria Konchalovskaya, the daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya, to be able to lead a normal life in the future, it will require both enormous efforts of doctors and their ability to choose the right complex rehabilitation activities, and big financial resources to provide everything you need.

But there is no doubt that the girl’s star parents will be able to earn funds for their daughter’s treatment. Having overcome their concern about Masha’s condition, they have already returned to work.

Andrei Konchalovsky continued filming his new film “White Nights of Postman Alexei Tryapitsin,” which tells the story of a Russian village. Julia Vysotskaya decided to return to her culinary show and master classes in Italy.

Recently in London, the famous director presented two plays “Uncle Vanya” and “Three Sisters”. The performances ran for two weeks. Yulia Vysotskaya played in several performances and received very good reviews from theater critics.

As soon as Maria Konchalovskaya began to recover, the paparazzi already posted photos of the girl from the hospital in Marseille online. There is no way to comment positively on this fact. You need to be tactful about someone else's grief. However, most people sympathize with the Konchalovsky family and sincerely wish their daughter Maria a speedy and complete recovery.

2013 was the most unfortunate year for the Konchalovsky family. In France, the father of a family and his daughter got into an accident. My daughter Masha was sitting in the passenger seat unfastened, and therefore received a serious traumatic brain injury.

Mother Yulia Vysotskaya and father Andrei Konchalovsky trusted the clinic in Marseille. There, the device completely took over all the girl’s life support. She is still in a coma. But in 2016, there were rumors in the media that Masha came out of a coma, but as you can see, this was false information, the media, as always, tried to suck the “fame” out of the finger...

Since 2013, the Konchalovsky family has remained silent. For the first time, Julia gave an interview about her daughter’s condition to Tatler magazine.

However, in her revelation, Yulia speaks carefully about Masha’s condition, fearing to jinx the improvement in her daughter’s health. Vysotskaya says that even doctors in Marseille cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of Masha’s health.

“The coma condition is ambiguous and progresses differently for everyone. There are times when she is with me, there are times when I don’t understand anything. It seems like something is happening that we are very happy about. We are waiting for a repeat, but there is none. But something else happens. Everything is going...slowly. We were told from the very beginning that the recovery would be very, very long. And this is endless work – both Masha’s and ours...”

The magazine asked a sensitive question to Yulia Vysotskaya: “Does your husband feel guilty for what happened to his daughter?” However, Julia answered evasively here too. She said that Andrei Konchalovsky is such a secretive person that he doesn’t even tell himself the truth. The only thing that Julia noticed was that if it weren’t for the work that the actor completely threw himself into, he would have had a very hard time with his daughter’s condition and everything that happened to them.

Vysotskaya said that her husband Andrei sleeps no more than 2-3 hours a day because of work...

Yulia says that now there are only 4 friends left in her life, who know everything about the condition of their family and Masha. She simply does not have the strength to communicate with others.

Julia emphasized that she had completely changed her outlook on her life. Previously, she actively shared her happiness with other people, putting all of herself, her children and her husband on display. And now she regrets it. She believes that she should have kept at least a little happiness for herself, which she now does not have.

“The topic of family is closed forever - regardless of the light at the end of the tunnel, which I still know exists. I even told my friends: “You don’t need to use Instagram.” You don't have to tell me how good you feel. If this is marketing, then act from a marketing point of view.”

Today, Yulia Vysotskaya continues to engage in her restaurant business and some television projects. And also a dog, Krug, appeared in their family.

Recently, Yulia Vysotskaya showed her subscribers her grown-up son. This was the first time since her daughter had been in that terrible accident with her husband.

Look at this cute photo. Mom holds her son's hand. She captioned her photo like this:

“My little grown man. Only mine! You are my air, my infinity. I love you very much, my dear, my son.”

At the end of last 2016, information slipped into the media that Masha was on the mend, came out of a coma and began to undergo a rehabilitation course. Nothing more could be learned. But six months later rumors appeared. that Masha fell into a coma again.

This fall it will be exactly 5 years since Yulia Vysotskaya’s daughter fell into a coma. Andrey and Yulia do not comment on anything that happened to their daughter. However, Yegor Konchalovsky said that his sister is now in Moscow and still continues to fight for life

How it all happened. In the fall of 2013, Andrei Konchalovsky collided head-on with another car. Andrei and Yulia were not injured, but their daughter Masha received a serious traumatic brain injury, which immediately caused her to fall into a comatose state.

The accident happened in France, so Masha was immediately taken to a hospital in Marseille, and the doctors had to put Masha into an artificial coma. After several years, doctors wanted to turn off Maria's life support. However, the parents did not allow it, and took their child to Moscow

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: interview with brother Yegor Konchalovsky

Maria Vysotskaya’s older brother, Yegor Konchalovsky, was recently invited to the program “The Fate of a Man,” which will be hosted by Boris Korchevnik. He said that his sister is now in Russia, and her treatment continues. Now she has almost come out of the coma and began to breathe on her own, her brain began to perceive tactile sensations. She can also even hear and distinguish the voices of her family.

Doctors say that Masha is slowly recovering; in 2018 they hope that she will emerge from a comatose state.

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: the TV presenter spoke about her daughter’s illness

Masha’s parents, Andrei and Yulia, did not comment on what happened for a long time. They tried in every possible way to avoid talking about Masha with journalists. Only 2 years later, when Yulia’s daughter was brought out of an induced coma, she told reporters: “As it turned out, life can be divided into two components: before and after. What previously seemed important has lost its meaning, and what I didn’t even want to think about before has become important and valuable.”

For Yulia, there is still a very sore subject about her daughter, namely about her recovery and rehabilitation. The girl's recovery is progressing very slowly.

Let's believe in the best and hope for success in the recovery of Masha Vysotskaya

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: meeting of Andrei and Yulia in Sochi

In total, Andrei Konchalovsky had 5 marriages, and he has been in the last one for 16 years. He is married to Yulia Vysotskaya, she is 36 years younger than him. From previous marriages, Andrei left 7 children and 8 grandchildren. Andrey and Yulia met in Sochi at the Kinotavr festival. Actress Yulia Vysotskaya was just starting her career and came from Belarus.

They fell in love with each other instantly. Nothing stopped them then, not age, not Andrei’s wife. After 2 years they got married. They now have 2 children.

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