Homework for the Russian language 4. All homework is “excellent” with GDZ in Russian by Kanakina and Goretsky

Working programm academic subject"Russian language" was developed on the basis of the Federal State educational standard primary general education. GDZ in the Russian language for grade 4, author of the textbook and workbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Gorecki Part 1 and 2, provides the foundations for the formation of literacy by instilling communication skills in children, developing their imagination and creative abilities. The workbook is structured in such a way that each task or exercise is linked to a page number, which makes it easier for the student to complete the lessons. Homework in the Russian language is done by schoolchildren within the allotted time for studying a particular topic. Students are expected to enter answers to questions in a notebook and submit it for checking by the teacher.

The number of each material or lesson taught suggests a certain amount of work that the child must complete. The manual helps to develop such universal human skills in students as analysis own actions and correlating them with the actions of other people, developing the ability to collaborate with fellow students and directly with teachers, planning, setting clear goals, tasks and the ability to carry them out. To control the correct execution of their child’s exercises, parents may find it useful to use a workbook, which is a wonderful help at the learning stage.

GDZ for the Russian language workbook for grade 4 Kanakina V.P. can be downloaded.

GDZ for test work in the Russian language for grade 4 Kanakina V.P. can be downloaded

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four Civil Code Russian Federation)

  • Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2, 3 Kalenchuk, Churakova Academic book
  • Soloveichik, Kuzmenko Association 21st century
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  • Ivanov, Kuznetsova Ventana-Count
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  • Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Klimanova, Babushkina Education
  • Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Kanakina, Goretsky Education
  • Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2 Nechaeva, Yakovleva Fedorov
  • Test papers in the Russian language, grade 4. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Alimpieva, Vekshina Exam
  • Comprehensive simulator for the Russian language, grade 4 Mishakina, Alexandrova Juventa
  • Russian language trainer 4th grade. Preparation for final certification in primary school Mishakina Yuventa
  • Tests and diagnostic works in the Russian language, grade 4 Zheltovskaya, Kalinina Astrel
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  • Krylova. To Kanakina's textbook Exam
  • Tests in the Russian language, grade 4. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Krylova Exam
  • Russian language 4th grade. Getting ready for the All-Russian test work Kuznetsova Enlightenment
  • Test work in the Russian language, grade 4. Part 1, 2 Exam
  • Nikiforova Vako
  • Test and measuring materials (CMM) in the Russian language, grade 4. Federal State Educational Standard Krylova Exam


  • Baykova Academbook
  • Notebook for test work in the Russian language, grade 4. Federal State Educational Standard Lavrova Academbook
  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. Test tasks. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Koreshkova Association 21st century
  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2, 3. Federal State Educational Standards Soloveitchik Association 21st century
  • Notebook for independent work in the Russian language, grade 4. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Koreshkova Association 21st century
  • Zheltovskaya, Kalinina Astrel
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  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. I'm learning to write without mistakes. Federal State Educational Standard Kuznetsova Ventana-Graf
  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2. We write correctly. Federal State Educational Standard Kuznetsova Ventana-Graf
  • Notebook for tests in the Russian language, grade 4. Federal State Educational Standard Romanova, Petlenko Ventana-Count
  • Ramzaeva Bustard
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  • Workbook in Russian 4th grade. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Klimanova, Babushkina Education
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  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2. Federal State Educational Standards Kanakina Enlightenment
  • Workbook on the Russian language 4th grade. Part 1, 2, 3, 4. Federal State Educational Standards Nechaeva, Voskresenskaya Fedorov
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The Russian language guide for grade 4 is a real helper for students and their parents

  • Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​to master and study, especially in the area of ​​grammar. Therefore, it is better to study it from the very beginning early childhood when any information is still very well perceived and remembered. Every person should always be able to correctly express his speech and write without errors, regardless of what his job or profession is. Very often there are cases when, checking homework with their children in the 4th grade, many parents often forget most of the rules themselves, and at the same time begin to doubt the correct spelling of a particular word. In such situations, it will be very useful to use the so-called GDZ– ready-made homework assignments or workbooks that will help not only children to thoroughly learn their native language, but also their parents to remember long-forgotten school material.
  • Such ready-made homework assignments are a kind of hint for the student, with the help of which parents can easily show the child exactly where he made a mistake. Such a check will help you quickly correct the error, and at the same time repeat the corresponding rule. This significantly increases the efficiency of studying the subject, because during the lesson teachers do not always keep up with all the students and do not always have enough time to check in detail the mistakes of each of them. Even when parents do not have time to check their children’s homework, students simply find and copy the correctly completed task from this workbook. This approach is also effective, because it helps to better remember the correct answer in the future.
  • Russian language 4th grade - a confident start for the future

  • Among all the disciplines studied in the 4th grade of school, teachers call the Russian language one of the most difficult for students. Topics that are covered within the course of this discipline by fourth-graders will subsequently be taken to the final test, current control, and even final tests. Understanding the essence of the subject and proficiency in speech - written and oral - depend on how completely and competently the basics of knowledge are laid down. Fourth-graders will be helped to prepare as efficiently as possible by high-quality educational and testing materials and workbooks for them.
  • You need to start working by drawing up a diagram, a plan of use GDZ, calculating the time and effort that fourth graders are ready and able to spend on preparation. Required elements successful work will become:
    - drawing up a convincing and clear training program;
    - identification basic level literacy, strengths and weaknesses of a fourth grader;
    - work according to the developed plan;
    - control results achieved- completed topics, sections, milestones, at certain intervals.
  • Among the topics that raise the greatest number of questions and difficulties when learning the Russian language in grade 4 are:
    - proposals and their composition, members of the proposal;
    - lexical meaning and composition of words, parts of speech in Russian;
    - features of a noun, rules for writing unstressed vowels in case endings, cases and declensions;
    - preparation for writing a dictation, essay, presentation.
  • In order for the work to be fruitful and effective, in addition to the basic theoretical textbook on the Russian language for grade 4, it is recommended to include in your own list of materials:
    - workbooks for the discipline;
    - collections of tests and tests, dictations;
    - test tasks;
    - a manual for the final control of knowledge at the end of the fourth grade;
    - tear-off cards for express control;
    - notebooks for creative activities;
    - training work, etc.
  • Those who are in the family form of education will benefit from lesson plans and developments by subject teachers in the Russian language, lesson notes and other similar materials. Parents of students can select them independently or with the help of teachers and tutors.

Russian language is one of the main subjects in the school education system. After all, it will be useful to a person in all areas of life: both in personal life and when building a career. Therefore, it is very important to start studying it in depth as early as possible. WITH primary classes teachers pay great attention to native speech and create comprehensive lessons that examine the subject from different angles. To fully understand the new material, you should use the online solver, the authors of which are V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky. The manual contains the correct answers to all exercises from the textbook published by the Prosveshcheniya publishing house in 2014. The educational and methodological complex is fully relevant to this moment time (2019-2020). Many practicing teachers use it as a model for creating their own notes.

All homework “excellent” with GDZ in Russian by Kanakina and Goretsky

In 1st grade, the child begins to learn the basics native language. He learns to read, add syllables, write simple words and put emphasis. All this basic information is very important for further development. The teacher makes every effort to present the entire theoretical basis with which the student will prepare for tests and tests. Undoubtedly, the student’s independent activity plays an important role. At home, the child must carefully study and remember the rules, solve certain numbers, learn words, and practice. In order for the work to be productive and effective, you should use the collection for 1st grade, the authors of which are Kanakina and Goretsky.

The main advantages of an electronic resource for children:

  • Convenient location of all the necessary answers. The exercises are arranged in a table divided by number;
  • complete compliance of ready-made solutions with tasks in the original textbook;
  • additional information in the form of tables, pictures and diagrams;
  • accessibility of the site from any device (computer, phone, tablet). The main thing is that the Internet is turned on.

The site operates 24 hours a day, which means you can download the solution you need at any convenient time. But it is worth noting that mindlessly rewriting your homework does not contribute to increasing mental skills. If a student wants to improve his academic performance, he must first work through this or that task himself, and only then check it with the ready-made answer in the GDZ.

An online Russian tutorial (author: Kanakina) will replace a tutor for a first-grader

All parents try to help their children learn. The best solution is to become a private tutor. But, unfortunately, not all adults have the finances for this type of service. Therefore, an excellent alternative is a manual containing the following topics:

  • our speech and our language;
  • text;
  • sentence and phrase;
  • word composition;
  • spelling of vowels and consonants in significant parts of the word.

Thanks to the book, the student will always be ready for any test and test work, final report, dictation or essay.