Electro-optical topography of the back, doctors' phones. A safe examination method is computer optical topography of the spine

1500 rub.

Description of service

The Clinic of Expert Medical Technologies uses the DIERS Formetric 4D and TODP systems - the most accurate instruments for assessing posture and spine. Thus, the error in measuring the lateral deviation of the spinal arch is no more than 3 mm, and rotational (rotation) changes in the position of the vertebra are no more than 2 °.

Today, optical assessment of spinal topography is used for safe and rapid assessment of the spine and posture in children and adults in orthopedics, neurology and rehabilitation. The main advantage of the method is its simplicity, accessibility and the absence of harmful X-ray radiation.

The result of the study is a detailed report with the exact values ​​given:

  • leg length differences
  • back length
  • back tilt
  • deviation of the spinal axis from the center line
  • pelvic distortion
  • pelvic twisting
  • kyphosis angle
  • kyphosis depth
  • lordosis angle
  • lordosis depth
  • amplitude of the maximum deviation of the axis from the center line

Also provided graphic display all axes, angles and amplitudes of the spine, as well as a map of the curvature of the back, posture and rotational displacements of each vertebra. In the medical report column, recommendations for correcting posture and a preliminary diagnosis are given.

After assessing the results of rastrostereography, the doctor may refer you for an x-ray of the spine to confirm the diagnosis of scoliosis, or prepare for you individual plan rehabilitation activities, including a complex of therapeutic physical culture and manual correction of the spine.

After completing the full course, a repeat examination of the spine is indicated to monitor the results. It must be remembered that incorrect posture ultimately leads to back pain and a decrease in quality of life in general.


The method of optical assessment of spinal topography is used:

  • In pediatric orthopedics for early diagnosis of scoliosis and scoliotic deformity. A non-radiation, quick and understandable method of examining the spine is extremely useful for screening studies of groups of children during the period of risk of scoliosis formation - puberty (12-16 years). After identifying a suspicion of scoliosis, the doctor may refer you to an x-ray of the spine to confirm the diagnosis. Early detection of scoliosis is necessary due to the rapid progression of the disease and different approaches to treatment depending on the stage of the process: 1-2 degree scoliosis is treated with conservative methods - exercise therapy, wearing a corset, manual correction, and significant deformities require surgical correction.
  • In vertebrology, to assess the influence of posture and body position on the formation of back pain and the progression of intervertebral disc protrusions, in order to restore correct muscle balance and select optimal complex therapy to minimize pain syndrome and improving quality of life.
  • In sports medicine, assessing the functional state of the spine using the DIERS system helps to more accurately assess muscle balance and posture, as the basis of any human motor skills. Optimizing muscle balance and posture allows for improved athletic performance due to more efficient and economical movement patterns.
  • In rehabilitation science: assessment of the effectiveness and consequences of rehabilitation techniques. A safe research method that does not carry the risks of x-ray examination, allows you to monitor the result of the therapy on a daily basis.

How it goes

The raster stereography technique consists of reconstructing the three-dimensional shape of the spine, based on the position and severity of landmarks on the surface of the patient’s back - the spinous process of C7 (seventh cervical vertebra), the lower angles of both shoulder blades and the posterior superior iliac spines (pelvic bones).

These are the key points. In order to calculate the exact anatomy of the back and spine, the DIERS Formetric 4D system superimposes parallel lines of light - raster lines - on the standing patient. The step between them is exactly 7 mm. Depending on the curvature of the surface of the back, these lines shift, and this shift is recorded by two cameras of the system. Based on this data, the computer builds a three-dimensional reconstruction of the spine and carries out all the necessary results provided in the report.

The research process does not take much time (no more than 20 seconds) and does not involve harmful effects(radiation, pain, noise). The method is absolutely safe, just like regular photography or video recording. It can be carried out throughout the course of treatment in order to quickly monitor the effect of the therapy.

Limitations when conducting rasterography using the DIERS Formetric 4D system are:

  • body weight more than 130 kg
  • height less than 130 cm or more than 210 cm
  • presence of tattoos on the back and lower back (distort the results of the study)
  • Excessive hair growth on the back (distorts the results of the study)
  • physical inability to stand for 20 seconds.

The spine is the support of the entire body, responsible for motor functions and protecting the spinal cord. In this regard, it is extremely important that it is normal. To do this, you need to constantly learn about its condition. Statistics indicate that few people can boast of a completely healthy spine - 85% of the world's population experiences problems with it. Quite often, from a young age, sciatica, scoliosis develops (scoliosis and osteochondrosis come first), herniated intervertebral discs, protrusions, etc. These and other diseases can occur slowly, asymptomatically and long time. Periodic diagnostics of the back and spine will help to avoid serious problems.

If you need to undergo a thorough examination, we invite you to sign up for a diagnosis of back pain at our MECHANOTHERAPY CENTER. Our team consists of professionals who use modern back diagnostic techniques.

Back diagnostic methods used by the MECHANOTHERAPY CENTER

To diagnose the back, we provide the following modern and most accurate methods:

  • Computer optical topography (COTO). This method of effective examination involves the use of light rays. X-rays are distinguished by their absolute harmlessness, since not X-rays are used, but light rays. The topographer makes it possible to obtain a 3D model of the back and the position of the spine, pelvis and shoulder blades in space. This allows us to determine various distortions and imbalances in the human body. It is recommended to do Computer Topography for back pain, various distortions and scoliosis, and various muscle asymmetries. Computer Topography is carried out standing on a special platform. The examination lasts 2 minutes.
  • 3D back diagnostics. Specialists perform this examination of the back using a special device in a standing position. The spatial position of the spine, pelvis, shoulder blades, and shoulder girdle is determined. Based on anatomical points: spinous processes of the spine, iliac bones of the pelvis, edges of the shoulder blades, armpits, etc. Special computer program processes the received data and builds a 3D model of the spine and all backs of the subject. This method allows you to quickly, accurately and without harm to health see the condition musculoskeletal system man in static condition.

3D back diagnostics helps identify problems such as:

  • scoliosis and posture disorders
  • rotation of the pelvis, shoulder blades and shoulder girdle
  • muscle spasms
  • imbalances and asymmetries of the body
  • shows the condition of the deep back muscles

Who needs to undergo an optical topographer study at the Mechanotherapy Center?

First of all, those who monitor their health want to feel great and remain active for many years. Also, periodic monitoring of the back is necessary for people involved in sports - diagnostics make it possible to assess the biomechanics of the body in space. And build your training process as efficiently as possible and avoid sports injuries. We strongly recommend that office employees, and all people who spend a lot of time in a static sitting position, be examined. And for those whose work involves heavy physical activity. Since the state of posture affects all systems of the body.

Our center has been successfully working for many years in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of spinal diseases. We employ certified, experienced professionals using advanced medical (it is better not to use the words of medical terminology too much since there is no medical license) technology. We invite you to personally verify the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment in our medical “CENTER OF MECHANOTHERAPY” NAMED AFTER GUSTAV ZANDER. For any questions, you can call us at the specified phone number.


Functional disorders of the spine and pelvis in children and adolescents remain actual problem for diagnosis and rehabilitation treatment. The technique of radiography of the spine (spondylography) has long been used in medical practice and provides basic information for diagnosing functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as it allows one to evaluate posture in a natural position, namely in a standing position. Recently, the method of computer optical topography has been widely used. This method is not associated with the use of ionizing radiation and allows remotely and contactlessly using a TV camera to describe the condition of the surface of the patient’s torso and spinal column in three planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal. The purpose of the study is to compare data from the non-ionizing method of computer-optical topography with radiographic indicators in a group of children and adolescents with similar clinical symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. As a result of the examination, a high degree of correlation of indicators was revealed, both during the initial diagnosis and after rehabilitation treatment. The results obtained made it possible to consider computer-optical topography as a non-invasive alternative to radiography.

radiography for scoliosis

optical computer topography

pelvic distortion

musculoskeletal system

1. Gaiduk A.A., Potapchuk A.A. Diagnosis, classification and medical rehabilitation of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents. – St. Petersburg: Eco-vector, 2013. – 126 p.

2. Ishal V.I. Orthospondylography and so-called physiological scoliosis // Orthopedics, traumatology and prosthetics. – 1983. – No. 5. – P. 6-20.

3. Malakhov O.A., Tsykunov M.B., Fedorova S.L. Diagnosis of static spinal deformities using photographic topometry methods: a comparative assessment // Bulletin of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Priorova – 2007. – No. 1. – P.60-65.

4. Orel A.M. Systemic analysis of radiographs of the spine. – M.: Logos, 2001. – 100 p.

5. Sadofeva V.I. X-ray functional diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children. – L.: Medicine, 1986. – P.219-220.

6. Sarnadsky V.N. Computer-optical topography. Objective diagnosis of structural scoliosis - a non-invasive alternative to x-ray // Polyclinic. – 2008. – No. 4. – P.30-32.

7. Sotnikova E.A., Gaiduk A.A., Bobko A.Ya. Radiography as a diagnostic method for static disorders of the spine and pelvis in children and adolescents // Medical visualization. – 2012. – No. 1. – P.108-114.

8. Suslova G.A., Lvov S.N., Zemlyanoy D.A. Features of health status and physical development schoolchildren of St. Petersburg" // Pediatrician. – 2013.–T.4, No. 1. – P.26-32.

9. Ulrich E.V., Mushkin A.Yu. Vertebrology in terms, figures, drawings. – St. Petersburg: Elsby-SPb, 2002. – P.60-61.

The X-ray technique has long been known and is still widely used in examining patients with spinal diseases. Spondylography provides basic information for diagnosing functional disorders of the spine, because allows you to evaluate posture in a natural position, i.e. standing position. It should be noted that high-tech methods of radiation research, such as multispiral CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging are rarely used to diagnose functional disorders of the spine and pelvis in children, due to the fact that they do not allow examinations in a standing position. They are resorted to only in the presence of pain or when inflammatory, tumor or degenerative changes in the spine and spinal cord are suspected.

Recently, computer optical topography (COT) has been widely used - a method of three-dimensional photographic recording of the surface of the patient's back that does not involve the use of ionizing radiation. The method allows you to remotely and non-contactly use a TV camera to describe the condition of the surface of the patient’s torso and spinal column in three planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal.

Much attention is paid to the comparative analysis of COT data and radiographs. Using the example of a survey large groups children revealed a high degree of correlation between topographic and radiographic results of examination of patients with slowly, rapidly and non-progressive scoliosis. The results obtained made it possible to consider COT as a non-invasive alternative to radiography.

According to our study, the correlation coefficient between the results of COT and radiography during the initial diagnosis of functional disorders of the spine and pelvis ranged from 0.79 to 0.9, and after a course of rehabilitation treatment of these disorders - from 0.61 to 0.91. Such high correlation coefficients were revealed when comparing information obtained using COT and radiography in all parts of the spine except the cervical.

The reasons for the development of postural disorders are very diverse, ranging from spinal deformity to flat feet. According to various authors, the most frequently identified changes in posture and feet occur in more than a third of primary schoolchildren. Mostly these postural disorders have a functional basis, but in some cases they are associated with pathology of the lumbosacral and pelvic area.

A normally formed spine has a number of features. As the child grows, lumbar lordosis and kyphosis of the sacrum develop. The lumbosacral angle is about 140°. The lumbosacral region consists of five lumbar and five sacral vertebrae. Sometimes there are cases of an increase or decrease in the number of vertebrae due to lumbarization or sacralization. The shape and height of the intervertebral discs also has certain characteristics. TO adolescence the height of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs consistently increases. The pelvic ring is not always symmetrical, which depends on the condition of the corresponding parts of the spine, the position of the iliac bones and the position of the femoral heads in the acetabulum. Another reason for functional disorders of the spine is caused by different lengths of the lower limbs and the position of the pelvis.

Correction of the length of the lower extremities using orthopedic insoles with a compensator makes it possible conservative treatment children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis.

Purpose of the study

Assessing the information content of the CAT method for functional disorders of the spine and pelvis in children and adolescents. Determination of the degree of correlation of CAT results with X-ray data in the diagnosis and treatment of this type of pathology.

Materials and methods

During 2012, at the Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical University, 850 children and adolescents with various disorders of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) aged from 6 to 17 years were examined using the FORMETRIC device. Functional disorders of the spine and pelvis were identified in 723 patients, which accounted for 85% of total number surveyed. For an in-depth comparative examination using radiography, a group of children and adolescents was identified in the amount of 110 (15%) people with similar clinical manifestations. All 110 patients at initial treatment had complaints of poor posture, fatigue and back pain during physical activity. The orthopedic status revealed an oblique position of the pelvis, different lengths of the lower extremities, and functional deformities of the feet. X-rays revealed a scoliotic spinal arch with a Cobb angle of 5° or more with rotation of the vertebrae at the apex of the arch. This group of children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis was selected for further observation and examination after the selection of orthopedic insoles to correct the identified disorders.

The characteristics of the examined children by gender and age are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Characteristics of children and adolescents by age and gender

Patients in this group underwent radiographs of the thoracic and lumbosacral spine using a plumb line and contrast marks in a natural standing position and using a compensator for a shortened lower limb. The height of the compensator was determined using CAT. X-ray examination of children was accompanied by a number of metric constructions to study the static-dynamic characteristics of this part of the spine. These indicators were intended to analyze the prospects for using methods not related to x-ray radiation for the purpose of diagnosing functional disorders of the spine and pelvis, as well as monitoring the treatment of children with this pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

To simplify radiometric analysis of the radiographs, a radiopaque plumb line and contrast marks were used, which were placed on the posterosuperior iliac crest spines (PSIS) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. X-ray with a plumb line and radiopaque marks

The examination technique is simple and not burdensome for the patient and the X-ray room staff. A plumb line made of metal wire with a weight is mounted into the ceiling of the treatment room. Radiopaque markers are attached using a patch to the patient’s body in the projection of anatomical landmarks, which allow for a spatial-visual assessment of the existing deformation and are the starting points for its quantitative assessment.

Based on the obtained radiographs, the following indicators were calculated: scoliosis angle according to the Cobb method, lumbosacral angle, height of the iliac crests and pelvic skew angle, as shown in Figures 2-5.

To measure the angle of deviation of the spinal axis without compensation or with compensation, we used the scoliosis angle obtained by measuring the angle formed by the intersection of the tangents to the cranial endplates of the upper and lower neutral vertebrae, as shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Measuring the angle of deviation of the spinal axis on an x-ray

The difference in the height of the iliac crests was determined by measuring the distance between the highest protruding points of the iliac crests relative to the horizon line, and the horizon line was drawn in the form of a perpendicular to the radiopaque (from copper wire) plumb line, as shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Measuring the height of the iliac crests on a radiograph

The lumbosacral angle formed by the intersection of lines drawn through the axes of the L5 and S1 vertebrae was measured, as shown in Figure 4. This measurement is informative regarding spondylolisthesis and is important in patients with hyperlordosis.

Rice. 4. Measurement of the lumbosacral angle on a lateral radiograph

The angle of pelvic obliquity (ABC) was determined using a series of constructions based on drawing a horizon line and a tangent to the iliac crests, as shown in Figure 5. Modification of the construction of this angle can be performed using additional devices - a radiopaque plumb line and contrast marks that were mentioned previously.

Rice. 5. Measuring the angle of pelvic obliquity on an x-ray


The number of patients who have various functional disorders of the spine and pelvis identified by the COT method is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Number of patients with manifestations of functional disorders of the spine and pelvis identified by the CAT method

Abnormalities in the frontal plane

Abnormalities in the sagittal plane

Pelvic distortion

Thoracic region


91 patients

110 patients

36 patients

83 patients

27 patients

The frequency of occurrence of certain manifestations of functional disorders of various parts of the spine and pelvis in the observed patients, obtained from radiography data, is demonstrated in Table 3.

Table 3

Number of patients with radiographic manifestations of functional disorders of the spine and pelvis

Axis deviation

Changes in the sagittal plane

Pelvic distortion

Thoracic region


74 patients

100 patients

26 patients

77 patients

33 patients

Next, we analyzed the degree of correlation of a number of metric indicators obtained using CAT and radiography. In the presence of changes in the spatial position of the body in the frontal plane, the correlation coefficient was +0.81, in the sagittal plane - -0.72, and in case of pelvic distortions - +1.0.

Using the example of a group of patients (10 people), a comparison was made of the magnitude of the scoliotic curve in degrees, measured using COT (angle of lateral asymmetry) and X-ray (Cobb scoliosis angle), and the position of its apex (apex) was determined. The obtained data are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Results of topographic and radiometric data of patients, Comparative characteristics

Scoliosis degree

KOT data

X-ray data

Angle of lateral asymmetry, degrees.

Scoliosis angle, degrees.

Th 11

Th 11

Th 12

Th 11

Th 10

Th 10

Note: GP - thoracolumbar curve; P - lumbar curve; Th, L - designation of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

To illustrate the results of our study, we present a clinical example of a patient with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis.

Clinical observation: Patient G., 15 years old. Complaints about back fatigue during physical activity, postural asymmetry.

Upon examination, the orthopedist revealed asymmetry of the “triangles” of the waist, a right-sided thoracolumbar curve, a pelvic skew to the right, and increased physiological curves of the spine in the sagittal plane. It was recommended to perform CAT to confirm the postural disorders identified during the examination.

After performing CAT on a patient in a natural position, the topogram (Fig. 6a) visualizes a right-sided scoliotic curvature of the spinal axis and a skewing of the pelvis to the right. On the topogram in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry - an analogue of the Cobb angle (Fig. 6b), the deformation of the spinal column at the level of the thoracolumbar spine is determined up to 17°.

Rice. 6. Topograms of the spine of patient G., 15 years old:

a - in a natural pose, b - in a natural pose in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry (analogue of the Cobb angle)

In the process of performing CAT, the orthopedic surgeon selected the optimal height of the compensator (+0.6 cm) for the right lower limb to correct the pelvic distortion and deformation of the spinal column. Figure 7a shows a topogram of the posterior surface of the patient’s torso, which clearly shows that compensation of the length of the right lower limb by +0.6 cm made it possible to eliminate the pelvic distortion to the right. The topogram in the mode of measuring an analogue of the Cobb angle (Fig. 7b) shows a decrease in the degree of curvature of the spinal column at the thoracolumbar level from 17° to 12°.

Rice. Fig. 7. Topograms of the spine of patient G., 15 years old: a - in a natural position with compensation +0.6 cm on the right, b - natural position with compensation +0.6 cm on the right in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry (analogue of the Cobb angle)

All parameters of the topographic data of patient G., 15 years old, in a natural position and with a compensator +0.6 cm under the right foot are presented in detail in Table 5.

Table 5

Results of topographic data of patient G., 15 years old, comparative characteristics in a natural position and with compensation +0.6 cm on the right

No compensation

With compensation +0.6 cm on the right

Deviation from the center line C7-DM, mm

2 mm R

3 mm R

Pelvic distortion (DL-DR), deg.

4° L

Pelvic distortion (DL-DR), mm

6 mm L

0 mm

Pelvic twisting (DL-DR), deg.

4° L

4° L

Kyphosis angle CTh -ThL (max.), degrees.



Lordosis angle ThL -LS (max.), degrees.



Lateral deviation C7-DM to the right (+max.), mm

1 7 mm R

1 2 mm R

Lateral deviation C7-DM to the left (-max.), mm

0 mm L

2 mm L

Note: R - right, L - left, mm - mm, DL, DR - automatically determined anatomical landmarks to detect pelvic distortion, pelvic tilt, pelvic torsion.

After performing CAT, the orthopedic doctor, in connection with the identified scoliotic deformity of the 2nd degree, prescribed an X-ray examination of the spine to visualize its structural changes. 2 x-rays were taken. Both were performed standing in a direct projection, involving the thoracic and lumbosacral spine, the first - in a natural position, the second - with a compensator 0.6 cm high under the right lower limb.

Figure 8a shows a radiograph in a direct projection without compensation: the spinal axis is deviated to the right at the level of Th9-L3, the Cobb angle is 20°, the height of the iliac crests is D

Rice. 8. Radiographs of the spine of patient G., 15 years old: a - in a natural position, b - with compensation +0.6 cm on the right

On the radiograph in a direct projection with compensation +0.6 cm on the right (Fig. 8b): the spinal axis is deviated to the right at the level of Th9-L3, the Cobb angle is 17°, the height of the iliac crests is D

After analyzing the obtained objective data on the static relative position of the spine and pelvis, as well as assessing their dynamic response to the compensator and not identifying significant structural changes in the spine, the orthopedic doctor recommended uneven-high orthopedic insoles-instep supports with compensation of +0.6 cm for the right lower limb . This height is optimal from a biomechanical point of view, as it not only straightens the frontal distortion of the pelvis, but also reduces the lateral deviation of the spinal axis to the right. For the entire period of wearing insoles of different heights (5-6 months), a rehabilitation program was recommended, including educational and corrective therapeutic exercises, differentiated massage, water aerobics and biofeedback therapy.


Methods of X-ray examination of the musculoskeletal system (MSA), depending on the goals, can be divided into two main groups: x-ray anatomical and x-ray functional. The first of these include standard x-ray anatomical examination with x-ray diagnostics. The study of the static-dynamic characteristics of the ODA is carried out using x-ray functional studies. In the monograph by V.I. Sadofyeva emphasizes the importance of using not only a complex of X-ray studies to diagnose spinal disorders in children and adolescents, but also the importance of optimizing tactics during X-ray functional studies in order to reduce the radiation load on the growing child’s body. Functional disorders of the spine and pelvis are the most common type of non-structural deformities that can be corrected. With long-term existence and an unknown cause of non-structural deformations, the development of irreversible changes with the acquisition of deformations of a structural nature is possible.

According to our data, the effectiveness of the program approach to the organization of physical rehabilitation is due to the personalization of the complex of means used, their unidirectional and mutually complementary action. Non-radiation instrumental monitoring makes it possible to objectively assess the functional component of the motor stereotype between the spine and pelvis, including dynamics. The choice of an adequate method for correcting identified functional disorders of posture in children and adolescents is the prevention of structural changes in the spine.

1. The CAT method is quite informative when examining children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis, since a high degree of correlation is revealed between the CAT data and radiography of the spine and pelvis.

2. Considering that X-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure to the growing child’s body, it should be used only according to strict indications. Therefore, it is advisable to use the CAT method more widely, which is currently indispensable for monitoring and control of ongoing rehabilitation measures in children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis, as it combines high information content and safety. The ability to conduct repeated studies without risk to the health of children and adolescents allows for maximum optimization of the treatment and rehabilitation process and timely correction of treatment and preventive measures.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=24691 (access date: 07/02/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

CODE - digital photograph of the back under special lighting.

The examination is based on the principle of obtaining a three-dimensional model of the patient’s body by computer processing a photograph of his back, illuminated by vertical stripes at a certain angle. A special program allows you to measure a number of body parameters: the volume and tension of the muscles to the left and right of the spine, bends, turns at various levels, differences in the height of the shoulders, shoulder blades and pelvic bones, the size of the scoliotic curves and physiological curves (kyphosis, lordosis) and much more. . The data obtained is used by the Center’s specialists to select an individual treatment program.

A special feature of the examination is the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment through repeated examinations and comparative analysis of changes in body parameters, which makes it possible to adjust the program if necessary.

CODE for the first cycle of treatment:

Difference in muscle tone: on the right side in the thoracic region the tone is more pronounced. The tone of the gluteal muscle on the right is a decrease in the lumbar region. There is a rotation of the upper thoracic and lower thoracic regions to the right, and of the sacral region to the left. Displacement of the muscle axis to the left relative to the center of the back. Increased thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.

CODE for the second cycle of treatment:

Increased muscle tone on the left in the upper thoracic region, right gluteal muscle and lumbar region. The rotation of the upper thoracic and sacral spine was corrected. The muscle axis is corrected in the thoracic region relative to the central axis of the spine. The beginning of the formation of physiological thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.


Optical topography of the spine can reveal even the most minor changes in the bones, and the examination can be carried out a huge number of times, since this does not affect human health in any way. Any deformities, congenital or acquired, are a reason to be examined using the latest equipment. The procedure is carried out in a special room by professionals in their field. The patient only needs to remove all his clothes from the top and calm down. You will only spend a minute of time, but you will receive the most reliable and complete information.


Computer optical topography of the spine is prescribed for:

  • curvatures of the spinal column (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, etc.);
  • shortened limb (leg);
  • presence of chest deformities;
  • flat feet;
  • rotation of the vertebrae;
  • muscle asymmetry;
  • torso torsion;
  • examination after spinal injuries or after surgical intervention on it.

If there are any hints of a violation of the physiologically correct position of the spine, it makes sense to use this diagnosis.


This examination has virtually no contraindications. It is allowed to be done by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Even children can have their backs examined.

There is a limitation for those people who have a large body weight, since the equipment is not designed for large people. Also, curvature of the spinal column is not diagnosed for children whose height does not exceed a meter.

Keep in mind that during the examination you will have to stand for about a minute; if for some reason the patient cannot do this, then this method is inappropriate for him. This refers to bedridden patients or those confined to a wheelchair.

It is not advisable for those who have many scars in the study area to undergo optical topography, but such patients should first see a doctor, who will have the last word.

How to prepare?

No preparation required. The only thing you need to do is sign up in advance and show up on time. Before the procedure, all clothing, jewelry, bandages and dressings should be removed from the diagnosed area.

It is advisable to have a conversation with children, talk about what will happen in order to prevent fear and hysteria.

How is it carried out?

The survey topography of the spine is not complicated by any technologies. The patient needs to stand on the platform and turn his back to the place where the camera is located. The slide projector is on the side. The specialist will first find out all the person’s data: height, weight. This is necessary to obtain reliable results. By pressing a button, the device starts and scans the desired area. It takes seconds in duration. Stripes appear on the patient's body that follow all the curves. The camera records the received information and then transfers it to the computer.

A special program quickly processes what is received and produces the result. The answer is given immediately, a few minutes after diagnosis.

Decoding the results

The topography of the thoracic region or any other region is presented in a three-plane image. Format - 3D. If there are violations, they will be visible to the specialist immediately.

Possible unfavorable results:

If the pathology is identified at the initial stage, the treatment will be most effective. Starting from the third stage, it is not possible to be completely cured.

Advantages and disadvantages

Optical topography can detect slight curvature of the spine, shoulder, pelvic or scapular asymmetry, and any deformation of the chest.

The advantages include:

  • minimum contraindications;
  • possibility of use in childhood and during pregnancy;
  • ultra-precision;
  • safety;
  • objective assessment of results;
  • information content;
  • lack of preliminary and special training;
  • the ability to study the spine in three cavities;
  • automatic image processing;
  • speed in receiving a response;
  • detection of pathological changes at the initial stage;
  • lack of radiation, which allows research to be carried out many times.

Among the disadvantages we highlight:

  • high cost of diagnostics;
  • the inability to conduct research for disabled people (unable to stand), small children and obese people.


Let's consider the pricing policy for this type of research in different clinics. The cost may vary depending on exchange rates and other indicators.

Clinic name Address Telephone Study title Price
Spine Clinic of Dr. Razumovsky St. Petersburg, Aviakonstruktorov Ave., building 6, metro station Komendantsky Prospekt Tel. 81-26-49-03-03 Computer optical topography 1500 rubles
Multidisciplinary Kuntsevo Center Moscow, st. Partizanskaya, 41 building Tel. 49-93-46-85-37 Computer optical research 750 rubles
Honey. clinic "MED4YOU" Moscow, st. Palikha, building 1, building 13 Tel. 49-94-04-17-08 Optical computer topography of the spinal column 1000 rubles


Computer optical topography of the spinal column is the latest diagnostic method, which is available to almost every person. There are no absolute prohibitions on this examination, only restrictions due to which, for physiological reasons, it will be impossible to take such a step. Topography has a lot of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages, thanks to which the method is gaining more and more adherents, relegating radiography and other studies of the spine to the background.