Hirudotherapy: what is dangerous about treatment with leeches? . What will happen if leeches stop producing hirudin? For what purpose are leeches bought at the pharmacy?

Hirudin is a special substance, an enzyme contained in the saliva of leeches. This enzyme prevents blood clotting at the site of a leech bite and also acts as a pain reliever. Also, hirudin relieves inflammation.

Obviously, if the leech stops producing hirudin, the process of its absorption of blood will be difficult - the blood at the site of the bite will quickly clot, and the body itself, which has become the target of the leech, will actively try to get rid of the pest, as it will experience painful sensations .

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Biology is the science of living things and their interaction with the environment.

What happens if leeches stop producing hirudin?


Hirudin, which leeches produce, helps them reduce the clotting of the blood they feed on (if medicinal). But if it is not there, then the bite of such a leech will not lead to the desired effect - the blood will simply clot faster and the leeches will be left “without food”

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Biology is the science of living things and their interaction with the environment.

Answer or solution 1

Hirudin is a special substance, an enzyme contained in the saliva of leeches. This enzyme prevents blood clotting at the site of a leech bite and also acts as a pain reliever. Also, hirudin relieves inflammation.

Obviously, if the leech stops producing hirudin, the process of its absorption of blood will be difficult - the blood at the site of the bite will quickly clot, and the body itself, which has become the target of the leech, will actively try to get rid of the pest, as it will experience painful sensations .

Hirudin, which leeches produce, helps them reduce the clotting of the blood they feed on. But if it is not there, then the bite of such a leech will not lead to the desired effect - the blood will simply clot faster and the leeches will be left “without food” and die.

1. Continue filling out the pivot table on p. 13.

2. Give reasons for the statement: “Among the various worms, annelids are the most highly organized.”

Annelids for the first time have a secondary body cavity and cellular structure skin. In internal structure appears circulatory system. The excretory system is represented by more developed metanephridia. Most ringlets are free-living, some have something like legs - parapodia. Everyone has bilateral symmetry. There are sense organs.

3. Prove that the partitions present in the body of the annelid worm perform a protective function.

Each segment of annelids is separated by a septum and has a full set of nerve ganglia, nephridia, annular vessels and gonads. If the integrity of one segment is violated, this affects the life of the worm to a small extent.

4. List the structural features that help the rings move well in different environments habitat.

Some types of ringbills have parapodia and setae for locomotion. Those species that do not have parapodia have bristles or their body is covered with mucus for better gliding. Muscular system All rings are represented by circular and longitudinal muscles.

5. After studying the text of the paragraph, complete the diagrams.

A) Digestive system ringlets
b) Nervous system of ringlets
c) Sense organs of rings

6. What happens if the ring body is divided into several parts?

Regeneration may occur and the worm will restore the lost parts. That is, asexual reproduction will occur.

7. Is it possible sexual reproduction rings without forming a belt?

Maybe . In some polychaete worms living in the seas and belonging to the phylum Annelids, reproduction occurs in water, fertilization is external. But in most ringlets, reproduction occurs with the help of a belt.

8. How are the number of eggs laid related to the care of offspring?

There is a direct relationship between the number of eggs laid and care for the offspring. Some polychaetes lay a few eggs, and the female guards them. This means that Annelids are more advanced than previous types of worms.

9. Name everything possible ways nutrition of polychaetes.

Among polychaete worms there are predators that feed on small marine animals. There are omnivores that filter water and eat plants.

10. Complete the sentences.

The development of polychaetes occurs with alternation of life forms. Their larvae do not resemble adults. Each life form performs different functions: playback, resettlement, self-preservation. Some polychaetes are observed caring for offspring.

11. Complete the diagram.

The meaning of polychaetes in nature:

1. Filter the water.
2. They are fish food.
3. They feed on the remains of dead animals.

12. What are the differences in the diet of polychaete and oligochaete worms?

Oligochaete worms feed organic substances from plant remains of the soil, and among polychaetes there are also predators, omnivores, and herbivores.

13. What is common in adaptations to transfer unfavorable conditions in protozoa and oligochaetes?

To withstand unfavorable conditions, many protozoa form a cyst, and oligochaetes form a protective capsule, and enter diapause. These formations are similar in their functions.

14. Using the text and pictures in the textbook, study the structure earthworm and then do laboratory work No. 3 " External structure earthworm." Draw a drawing of an earthworm, marking the anterior and posterior ends of the body, segments, girdle, and bristles. Draw a conclusion about what structural features allow worms to lead an underground lifestyle.

Conclusion: The primary body cavity is the supporting one. It contains a liquid that gives the worm's body elasticity.

15. List characteristic features leeches:

  1. Constant number of body segments (33).
  2. The presence of suction cups for attachment to the body of the victim or substrate.
  3. Lack of bristles on the body.
  4. All leeches live in an aquatic environment.

16. Name 2 types of food for leeches.

17. Look at the pictures. Label what type and class these worms belong to.

18. Having studied the text of the paragraph, explain why leeches are more sensitive than other worms to changes in environment.

Answer: Leeches nervous system better developed.

19. Is the statement true: “In dirty water Oligochaetes find it difficult to breathe, but leeches feel fine”?

The statement is not true. Leeches are very sensitive to the purity of water and die if it is polluted. Oligochaetes withstand water pollution and can live for a long time in such reservoirs.

20. What happens if leeches stop producing hirudia?

Answer: Hirudin is necessary to prevent blood clotting on the wound of the victim and in the stomach of the leech itself. If it is not produced, the leech will not be able to feed, as the blood will clot.

21. For what purpose are leeches bought at the pharmacy?

Answer: Leeches are used in medicine to reduce blood pressure in case of hypertension and the threat of hemorrhage and stroke.

22. Indicate the characteristics corresponding to each class of annelids.


A - 1, 2, 8, 10, 16
B - 4, 6, 11, 12, 17
B - 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15

Let's write down the answers to crossword No. 1.

1. Capsule
2. Belt
3. Polychaetes
4. Cavity
5. Chain
6. Oligochaetes
7. Tapeworm
8. Breathing

Keyword: rings

1. Continue filling out the pivot table on p. 13

2. Give reasons for the statement: “Among the various worms, annelids are the most highly organized”

Annelids for the first time have a secondary body cavity and the cellular structure of the skin. A circulatory system appears in the internal structure. The excretory system is represented by more developed metanephridia. Most ringlets are free-living, some have something like legs - parapodia. Everyone has bilateral symmetry. There are sense organs

3. Prove that the partitions present in the body of the annelid worm perform a protective function

Each segment of annelids is separated by a septum and has a full set of nerve ganglia, nephridia, annular vessels and gonads. If the integrity of one segment is violated, this affects the life of the worm to a small extent

4. List the structural features that help rings move well in different habitats

Some types of ringbills have parapodia and setae for locomotion. Those species that do not have parapodia have bristles or their body is covered with mucus for better gliding. The muscular system of all rings is represented by circular and longitudinal muscles

5. After studying the text of the paragraph, complete the diagrams

a) Digestive system of ringlets

b) Nervous system of ringlets

c) Sense organs of rings

6. What happens if the ring body is divided into several parts?

Regeneration may occur and the worm will restore the lost parts. That is, asexual reproduction will occur

7. Is it possible for sexual reproduction of ringlets without the formation of a girdle?

Maybe. In some polychaete worms living in the seas and belonging to the phylum Annelids, reproduction occurs in water, fertilization is external. But in most ringlets, reproduction occurs with the help of a belt

8. How are the number of eggs laid related to the care of offspring?

There is a direct relationship between the number of eggs laid and care for the offspring. Some polychaetes lay a few eggs, and the female guards them. This means that Annelids are more advanced than previous types of worms

9. Name all possible ways of feeding polychaetes

Among polychaete worms there are predators that feed on small marine animals. There are omnivores that filter water and eat plants

10. Complete the sentences

The development of polychaetes occurs with alternation of life forms. Their larvae do not resemble adults. Each life form performs different functions: reproduction, dispersal, self-preservation. Some polychaetes are observed caring for offspring

11. Finish the diagram

The meaning of polychaetes in nature

1. Filter the water

2. They are fish food

3. They feed on the remains of dead animals

12. What are the differences in the diet of polychaete and oligochaete worms?

Oligochaete worms feed on organic matter from plant remains of the soil, and among polychaetes there are also predators, omnivores, and herbivores

13. What is common in the adaptations to endure unfavorable conditions among protozoa and oligochaetes?

To withstand unfavorable conditions, many protozoa form a cyst, and oligochaetes form a protective capsule, and enter diapause. These formations are similar in their functions

14. Using the text and pictures of the textbook, study the structure of an earthworm, and then complete laboratory work No. 3 “External structure of an earthworm.” Draw a drawing of an earthworm, marking the anterior and posterior ends of the body, segments, girdle, and bristles.
Draw a conclusion about what structural features allow worms to lead an underground lifestyle

Conclusion: The primary body cavity is supporting. It contains a liquid that gives the worm's body elasticity.

15. List the characteristic features of leeches:

1) Constant number of body segments

2) The presence of suction cups for attachment to the victim’s body or substrate

3) Lack of bristles on the body

4) All leeches live in an aquatic environment

16. Name 2 types of food for leeches

17. Look at the pictures. Label what type and class these worms belong to

18. After studying the text of the paragraph, explain why leeches are more sensitive than other worms to changes in the environment

Leeches have a better developed nervous system

19. Is the statement true: “In dirty water it is difficult for oligochaetes to breathe, but leeches feel good”?

The statement is not true. Leeches are very sensitive to the purity of water and die if it is polluted. Oligochaetes withstand water pollution and can live for a long time in such reservoirs

20. What happens if leeches stop producing hirudia?

Hirudin is necessary to prevent blood clotting in the wound of the victim and in the stomach of the leech itself. If it is not produced, the leech will not be able to feed, as the blood will clot

21. For what purpose are leeches bought at the pharmacy?

Leeches are used in medicine to reduce blood pressure in cases of hypertension and the threat of hemorrhage and stroke

22. Indicate the characteristics corresponding to each class of annelids

A - 1, 2, 8, 10, 16

B - 4, 6, 11, 12, 17

B - 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15

Crossword No. 1. "Worms"

1. Capsule

3. Polychaetes

4. Cavity

5. Chain

6. Oligochaetes

8. Breathing

Keyword: rings