Aurora's name day according to the church calendar. Aurora - meaning of the name

The name Aurora has several meanings and origins. About them and much more in our article.

The most common version is considered to be the version of the Latin origin of the name. According to this version, the name Aurora means "dawn" or "morning dawn". According to Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of the dawn. From her and her beloved Astraeus came all the stars in the sky.

The second version can be called an origin from a combination of the words Aurum (gold) and Hora (season, time). It is believed that in this case the meaning of the name Aurora is “golden time”.

The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl

A girl named Aurora is a rather complex child and has incredible stubbornness. She is impulsive in her actions, and therefore it is very important to teach her to think first, and only then act. There is no point in forcing Aurora to do anything, but it is possible to negotiate with her. It is important to be an example for her and then she will listen to you more. You should be very attentive to the girl’s self-esteem. Very often, Aurora’s pride will cause her and those around her a lot of problems, and therefore from birth it is worth correcting, if possible, this negative character trait. But this should be done carefully, and even better, seek help from a child psychologist.

Aurora is a good student, although she does not have any special inclinations. But the girl is quite diligent and hardworking. She usually has favorite subjects where she performs better. She doesn’t try very hard in other subjects, but she also tries not to get very bad grades. Imagination and analytical thinking are quite well developed. If her imagination pushes her to find a creative hobby, then her analytical mind pushes her to a specific choice of profession.

Aurora's health is most often average. As a child, she gets sick quite often and is generally a restless child. Her nervous system is of the weak type (according to Pavlov). That is why it is very important that Aurora follows a sleep and rest schedule. This will allow her nervous system recover normally. As she grows up, many problems will stop bothering her and Aurora will maintain good vitality for many years.

Short name Aurora

Aurorka, Ava, Macaw, Rora.

Diminutive pet names

Aurorochka, Avrorochka, Avrorushka, Avroronka, Aurorchik, Avochka, Avushka, Avonka.

Name Aurora in English

IN English the name Aurora is spelled Aurora and pronounced Aurora or Aurora.

Name Aurora for international passport- AVRORA.

Translation of the name Aurora into other languages

in Hungarian - Auróra
in Danish - Aurora
in Icelandic - Áróra
in Spanish - Aurora
in Italian - Aurora
in German - Aurora
in Norwegian - Aurora
in Polish - Aurora
in Portuguese - Aurora
in Romanian - Aurora
in Ukrainian - Aurora
in French - Aurore
in Finnish - Aurora
in Czech - Aurora
in Swedish - Aurora

Church name Aurora not certain. This name is not in both the Orthodox and Catholic calendars.

Characteristics of the name Aurora

Adult Aurora is a self-confident and energetic woman. She achieves success in many ways, because from childhood she shows the perseverance necessary for this. Unfortunately, Aurora quite often displays the selfishness characteristic of childhood, as well as narcissism. You can’t call her a particularly pleasant person to talk to, because she quite harshly expresses her judgments about others. All this becomes the reason that Aurora has very few friends, and often none at all. It’s true that it’s worth noting that Aurora has a lot of friends. She knows how to please the people she needs and in relationships with them she easily restrains her temper.

Aurora’s hard work and perseverance are evident in her work. She tries once again not to quarrel with her colleagues, but slowly and confidently moves up the career ladder. It is not typical for Aurora to stay in one position for a long time. If her job does not provide opportunities for career growth, then rest assured, Aurora will not work there for long. It can also be noted that Aurora’s analytical abilities take a toll. It is in the profession that this talent of hers is fully revealed. Aurora is also successful in the role of administrator. She is moderately strict with her subordinates and knows how to please her clients.

In family relationships, Aurora prefers to occupy the position of leader. She finds a man who is satisfied with this and lives happily with him. The truth is that Aurora marries the leader’s man. Such a marriage usually will not last long, because there will be eternal disputes in the family as to who should stay last word. It can also be noted that Aurora is a good and caring mother. She knows how to establish contact with children and gently guide them through life.

The mystery of the name Aurora

Aurora's main secret can be called her selfish attitude towards her comrades. She does not communicate with people “from whom there is nothing to take.” Her social circle depends rather on the mercantile interests of the owner of the name. At the same time, she does not feel any remorse about this at all.

Another secret of Aurora is her greed for flattery. She loves to be praised and is ready to forgive flatterers a lot. Some people notice this and begin to manipulate Aurora with ease.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Robin.

Name color- Pink.

Plant- Blooming almond.

Stone- Pink Chalcedony.

There are names that are particularly beautiful in their sound and content. For many, the name Aurora is associated with the sea, the creaking of a ship's mast and the cry of seagulls.

Women with this name are distinguished by calmness and prudence, as well as inner stamina and strength, which can be felt just by being nearby. What else the character of such women hides, as well as what the meaning of the name Aurora is, we will try to tell in our article today.

Every word has its own etymology, origin and origins. Also, a name has its own beginning, so it is always important to know in which country its first owners lived and how it is translated. The name Aurora is of Greek origin; it was not a mere mortal who bore this name, but the Greek goddess of the dawn.

According to Greek mythology, this goddess had a pair of wings and moved across the sky on a chariot. Her son died during the Trojan War, and there is a legend that the morning dew is none other than Aurora's tears. Separately, it is worth mentioning that neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic calendars contain this name, so at baptism your child will need to be given a different name.

A little about character

You should definitely pay attention to the character of this woman, his formation and transformation. If you decide to choose this name for your girl, then know that you will have a creative child growing up, open to everything new.

This girl is not obedient or meek; she wants to be the center of attention in any way. possible way. It is important for parents to instill discipline in a girl and not indulge her in all her desires, otherwise it will not be easy for her to form the right values ​​in life.

Aurora’s perseverance must be directed in a positive direction, for example, into studying or playing sports or dancing - this will help her realize her energy, on the one hand, and achieve high performance, on the other. The main thing is that Aurora herself chooses an activity she likes, otherwise she will simply give up halfway through something that is not at all interesting to her.

IN adolescence Aurora has a strong character, she does not recognize authorities, which means that not every teacher can truly become a teacher for her. good mentor. But despite this, the girl is distinguished by good academic performance.

Closer to adolescence, Aurora learns to take control of her emotions, show restraint and calmness, but she does not always succeed. Sometimes the inner volcano of passions bursts out, and then everyone around understands what power this girl really has.

The older Aurora gets, the better she learns to take control of her excitability - sometimes it may seem to others that she is cold and insensitive, but in reality this is not the case. She becomes stable, stoic and calm, although failures still affect her and she shows her short temper from time to time.

This woman makes high demands both on herself and on those around her, for which her colleagues or some acquaintances may dislike her. Relatives and friends know that she actually has a deep soul, knows how to sympathize and empathize, and her criticism is not just words, but an eternal pursuit of the ideal.

It is also important to learn not only Aurora’s character, but also other personal characteristics that make her truly unique. Aurora is moral - of course, it’s difficult to call her a moralist “to the core,” but she tries to everyday life comply with generally accepted norms and respect the law.

This woman should protect her body from hypothermia, as she is susceptible to various colds. Also, due to the suppression of emotions, psychosomatic diseases can occur.

Aurora has a flexible mind, she thinks outside the box, goes beyond boundaries and often approaches standard problems creatively. Aurora has good intuition, she feels the people around her, which helps her in making decisions.

This woman is an excellent performer; she skillfully copes with all work tasks, which is why her superiors value and respect her. She is capable of achieving high results in almost any field, but she will get true pleasure from creative work.

Aurora will also make an excellent businesswoman; she will be able to competently manage her business thanks to prudence, the ability not to waste words and knowledge of financial issues.

All names are submissive to love

It is important when studying the meaning of the name Aurora, special attention devote family relations and marriage. Love and relationships often fade into the background for Aurora, she is sometimes cold and unapproachable, she is more interested in work and self-realization rather than female happiness.

It is difficult to tame this girl, and it is generally impossible to take her by storm. She strives to lead in relationships with a man, and this repels many representatives of the stronger sex. As a result, Aurora for a long time maybe one.

When the marriage takes place, Aurora’s husband will most likely be a kind and gentle person. For this woman, the financial side of the relationship is of particular importance, so Aurora also wants to see a successful man next to her.

Aurora is faithful and will have a hard time dealing with betrayal - most likely, she will break up with such a man. But it must be said that Aurora’s character makes her a wife from whom they do not leave, because she does not dissolve in a man, and remains an incompletely solved mystery for her husband. Her husband will not look for hobbies on the side, as he will not stop pursuing his own beautiful wife even after the wedding.

It will also be useful for all owners of this “morning” name to learn something else about themselves:

  • Aurora does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not in the calendar.
  • The forms of the name are Ava, Ara.
  • The talisman stone is chalcedony.

Knowing a person’s name, you can discover his soul, his consciousness, his personality. When you study the meaning of names, you study not only words, you study the world. Author: Daria Potykan

Throughout human existence, people have used names to address each other. Names began to appear from the moment when a person began to make various sounds and formulate methods of communication, since it was not always convenient to approach and convey his request by touch. Of course, the pronunciation did not sound as beautiful and clear as it does now, nevertheless, they understood each other and responded to the crumpled notes of the voice.

Over time, people came up with words for objects, which prompted them to develop more sophisticated ways of addressing each other. When our ancestors mastered a higher level of culture, name formation began to express their hopes, who they would like to see in their child. For example, Vladimir - owns the world, Vladislav - owns glory, Svyatoslav - glorifies the saints. Girls were given more gentle names. If the baby had cute features, her name was Anna - pretty. If the birth was easy and the child was calm, then such a newborn was called Galina - calm. When there were problems with childbearing in a family, and the long-awaited daughter finally appeared, she was named Vera, as a test of faith. And those who were born along with the first rays of sunrise, such girls were given the name Aurora - morning dawn. And this happened on all continents, but only on different languages. These names have come down to us.

The article will discuss the meaning of the name Aurora for a girl or woman. What is the fate of the owner of this wonderful name? Let's look for an answer to this question.

Origin of the name Aurora

Aurora (the meaning of the name is from Latin) - morning dawn. Sung by Homer in myths Ancient Greece, she was from the same family as Helios (the sun god). “Rose-fingered” was the name given to the bearer of this name in those days. On Greek jugs and vases she was depicted on a chariot drawn by four zealous stallions. White wings emanated from her back. Her silhouette could also be seen standing in a mournful pose. As legends say, she mourned her son, who was killed in the Trojan War. The longing for the child was so great that every drop of dew was considered a tear shed for him.

What is characteristic of Aurora?

What character traits do a girl named Aurora have? The meaning of the name is associated with strong will and activity. The girl with this nickname is a great dreamer. Has a quick-tempered and eccentric character. Basically, such people have no authority. They are on their own, and even parental charms are not able to force her to be diligent. IN early childhood Aurora is developing quite actively, always has her own opinion and does not listen to other people's advice. Parents should not neglect punishment for offenses and soften the conditions, but they should not use force. You can try moral punishment and suppress her zealous character with the power of persuasion; the most important thing is not to overdo it, because she may simply lose faith in herself.

What is she like, a woman named Aurora? The meaning of the name and character are very interesting, but her character is not simple. Aurora is very stubborn, and if she has her mind set on something, it is almost impossible to dissuade her. Due to her persistent character, she will never give up her opinion, but she will not impose it on others. Pride does not allow her to ask for a visit, but good friend she will not refuse hospitality.

Study and aspiration

What is the meaning of the name Aurora? For a girl, this name promises to bring success and achievement of goals. At school, Aurora studies at an average pace; if she is not interested in a subject, she will not particularly sharpen her attention to it, but if the topic captivates her, she will sit through the entire lesson, listening carefully. Aurora is a very diligent and stubborn child, as mentioned earlier, if she decides to do something, she will see it through to the end.


During this period, the girl perceives hard-to-reach as a challenge. As a result, there is no limit to her stubbornness and perseverance. She does not give in to influence; she only considers her own opinion. She is too confident in herself, acts quite skillfully, but sometimes accepts defeat without proper restraint. She is always balanced and periodically, one might say, cold. Therefore, loved ones often fall under the influence of her suppressive nature.

Love and marriage

The meaning of the name Aurora and her fate are closely connected: she is always interesting to the stronger sex. Aurora is a rather sensitive and romantic person, but she doesn’t show it because she considers it a weakness. And not every man is able to discern tenderness and femininity under the mask of this daring, unapproachable nature. “Spring” Auroras are softer, which cannot be said about those born in winter. Therefore, girls born in winter sometimes do not even get married (since many men simply cannot withstand their leadership nature). Her attitude towards the stronger sex is marked by great distrust; she always keeps all emotions to herself, like a dormant volcano with boiling lava. And the one to whom she trusts and opens her soul will be immensely lucky. Aurora will never hurt her family. Owners of this name become good mothers. They are very sensitive and strict at the same time.

Aurora is a wonderful housewife, but her husband will not wait for any concessions from her. He shares everyday concerns with her.

Positive traits

What character strengths does Aurora have? The meaning of the name suggests that its owner is a very calm and balanced person. Many may even mistakenly perceive her as a cold and callous person. She will always silently listen to a person and, although she will not show it, she will empathize with him. She is always active, but in moderation, which is compensated by her constancy. She is also quite hospitable and will support any topic of conversation. He considers only those he really trusts as friends. Therefore, there are quite a lot of acquaintances, but only a few friends.

Negative traits

What negative character traits does Aurora have? The meaning of the name tells us that its owner never seeks excuses for herself or others. This may create certain problems for her, but at the same time it successfully helps her in business and career growth.


The meaning of the name Aurora has a positive effect on career growth. Aurora is a very practical and determined woman. She has an excellent understanding of financial matters. She has a penchant for studying foreign languages, so she can easily work as a translator, as well as an administrator. Starting a personal business is not a problem for her. But it will not bring her a high income, because her goal is not this type of activity at all. Unfortunately, the owner of the name does not have energetic mobility, and sometimes she simply lacks ordinary imagination.

Health and talent direction

Surprisingly, the owner of the name Aurora grows up as a fairly healthy child. But already in adulthood, problems related to the health of teeth and gums may arise. She is also vulnerable to colds, but tolerates them quite easily and without complications.

What is she like, a woman named Aurora? The meaning of the name, character and fate are very interesting to those around her. It is worth noting that Aurora is quite a talented person. She is gifted with great talent in the fields of music and sports, and she is often interested in confectionery design.

Aurora can create as well as perform. In a cheerful and noisy company, she behaves quite relaxed. He dances and sings, but if he suddenly feels competition, he will without hesitation make it clear where whose place is.

Style and fashion

Just listen to what a beautiful female name Aurora is! The meaning of the name is no less attractive, and the hostess herself is a very elegant person. She suits both office and cocktail looks. Although Aurora, due to her character, does not demonstrate much sexuality, her style and a certain piquancy of taste can indicate completely the opposite.

Additional information

In the diminutive form, Aurora can be called like this: Avrosha, Rora, Asya, Ava.

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Preferred color is pink.
  • Luck stone - pink chalcedony.
  • The ruling planet is Proserpina.
  • The plant is almond.

What does the name Aurora mean:
The name Aurora in translation is considered to mean goddess of the dawn.

Origin of the name:
This name has ancient Roman roots and origins.

Character conveyed by the name Aurora:

As a child, Aurora is a rather hysterical and hot-tempered person who unusually loves to fantasize. Even parents, as a rule, may not be an authority for her. She stubbornly loves to be capricious, which causes a lot of trouble for her teachers, and of course her parents. Girls with the name Aurora more often take on their motherly character, although outwardly they often resemble their fathers. And from the earliest childhood years, all Auroras are characterized by excessively increased nervousness and a certain tendency to respiratory diseases. However, Aurora takes all their activities seriously and, of course, with this approach they reach certain heights. Aurors in childhood can excel in dancing or music. However, Aurora will not always be savvy in her studies, but she will still have an incredible ability for such young age perseverance, thanks to which she will be able to achieve a fairly high level of development.

All business qualities are developed well in Aurora. She could easily turn out to be an excellent, say, financier. In her work she will be unusually decisive and practical. Aurora always knows which category of people she can work productively with, but Aurora herself will never strive to make a dizzying career. Her poise and some coldness will discourage almost all of her competitors. Aurora will be able to suppress everyone around her, but she will be especially demanding of her own spouse. And if necessary, Aurora will always be able to give good advice, and bring every task she started to a logical and correct conclusion.

However, Aurora will only show persistence and perseverance in her own family. This is where she is the clear leader. But the habit of keeping absolutely everything under her own control forces her, even at home, to not be able to take off the mask of severity and a certain pride. And that is why not every man will be able to recognize a rather sensitive nature in Aurora. Only a man who is very soft and pliable by nature can get along with a woman like Aurora. And if this man manages to achieve reciprocity from Aurora, then he, of course, will see her such a romantic nature. Aurora is even capable of writing good romantic poetry. When raising her children, Aurora will show extraordinary patience, attention and boundless care.

A person’s name is his unique code, which determines his fate and character. But this does not mean that everyone is destined for the same fate.

What does the name Aurora mean? It's worth looking into.

The meaning of the name Aurora

What does the name Aurora mean? It means morning dawn. The name first appears in manuscripts written in Latin. In everyday life it was used mainly by the Greeks. Aurora zodiac sign – Virgo. The planet that patronizes her is Proserpina.

This planet characterizes the person it protects as warlike and not deviating from its principles.

Name color – violet.

A plant that will help Aurora get rid of many ailments - almond.

A stone that, like no other, accompanies the growth and beauty of a girl - pink chalcedony.

The day on which she can meet her happiness - Wednesday.

Origin and history of the name Aurora

Aurora is an ancient Greek warrior goddess who protects the weak. And today her face is engraved in many Greek temples. The name Aurora has many synonyms in other cultures. In France the name Oror is used, which means Aurora. In Spain, the girl will be named Aurora.

The Greeks depicted Aurora, the sister of Helios, riding a chariot. The face of Aurora in Greece was depicted as winged. The meaning of the name Aurora has changed somewhat in modern history and mythology. Many consider her to be the goddess of the morning sun, because according to legend, Aurora shed tears for her son killed in the war, and this happened precisely at dawn.

In the Christian tradition, the name Aurora is not indicated; it is not customary to celebrate Aurora’s name day, since there is no saint with the same name. But in many European countries girls named Aurora are baptized as Anne, so they celebrate their name days on Anne's name day.

The character and fate of Aurora

The origin and history of the name Aurora foreshadowed its meaning. It is worth noting that modern Aurora are in no way inferior in their belligerence to their predecessors. Positive character traits of Aurora:




Many consider her excessive modesty and restraint a vice. Some may consider them hypocritical and think that Aurora does not want to support the dispute or develop a quarrel. On the contrary, the girl will carefully listen to all the opponent’s arguments and only then draw her own conclusions. She is not very active and is not always a generator of new ideas. She herself is not inclined to sudden changes in life.

This may be why she may seem boring to men. They do not find in her the femininity and passion that they would like to find. But in friendship with Aurora, men get quite a lot of positive things.

She is a great friend and colleague. He will always weigh the pros and cons and allow both allies and opponents to express their point of view. She does not get into arguments, but she can express her position so timely and clearly that her opponents will have no arguments left.

Negative character traits of Aurora include:

Excessive seriousness;

Lack of flexibility;


But, having a more active partner nearby, Aurora will be a wonderful wife and housewife. She does not seek risk in this life; what she receives from loved ones is enough for her. And this is support, love and affection.

Aurora's character and fate force her to always remain a strong girl and rely on herself alone. She is ready to help in any difficult moment and her friends appreciate this. With little Aurora it will be very difficult for parents to find common language. She forms her own opinion very early, which she likes to express in front of her elders and in large companies.

She questions any decision of her elders, because she wants to come to this decision, to this conclusion herself. Parents often mistake this behavior for ignorance and punish little Aurora, while the girl does not always understand what she did wrong.

Aurora can become very secretive if she is punished and scolded for a very long time and often. This will only lead to her making even more mistakes and being even more offended by those around her. Parents should not put too much pressure on the girl and demand the impossible from her. When Aurora grows up, she will become more purposeful, and every mistake she makes will become a kind of victory over herself.

It is also worth remembering that if Aurora is silent, this does not mean that everything is calm in her soul and she is experiencing positive emotions inside. This may mean that she is offended and does not want to continue the conversation. The only way to find out the truth is to ask directly about her feelings.

Aurora's profession and love

Aurora does not have leadership business qualities. She would be happy to work under someone’s strict guidance rather than become a leader herself. She is very disappointed by other people's mistakes, so she tries to complete the most important and responsible tasks herself.

You can easily rely on her in financial matters.. She will never betray or set you up. If he makes a mistake, he will be fully punished. Aurora will happily replace a sick colleague and will not start gossip at work. Therefore, she is valued as an employee and is always ready to pay a decent salary for quality work.

Aurora is in no hurry to get married, and her chosen ones do not always try to discern deep experiences and feelings behind her restraint. If Aurora was born in the summer, then she can be tyrannical in the family. Her changeable mood greatly affects those close to her. She is strict with children. She demands from them the same discipline and the same endurance that is characteristic of herself.

Not every man can stand a marriage with such a serious woman. Only an adult man who clearly knows what he wants from life will be suitable for Aurora as a life partner. She is not prone to cheating and always believes in the devotion of her significant other. To create a strong family, Aurora needs to learn to be flexible and accept the weaknesses of others.