Inguz meaning in love and relationships. Inguz rune meaning in love

Runa Inguz is an auspicious symbol of Futhark, which promises stable progress, a change in the current state for the better, favorable opportunities. Has a positive value in most combinations. So that you know what to expect from this sign and how exactly to apply it in magical practice, we will consider its interpretation in detail.

The main meaning of this symbol is the completion of the old life stage and the transition to a new one. Inguz in fortune-telling can indicate significant changes in any area of ​​​​life, whether it be romantic relationships, career, self-knowledge. Often the rune indicates a successfully completed business - a major project, construction, the birth of a child. It also portends the relief that comes when a burden is released. After the changes brought by the Inguz rune, a person always feels renewed, more free, perfect.

Since Inguz does not have an inverted version, it always indicates positive events. Even in the vicinity of unfavorable runes, it does not acquire a negative meaning, but on the contrary, it softens neighboring signs. If other runes indicate difficulties, the Inguz recommends that a person not stop in this situation, go to the end - the crisis will surely end in the near future.

The rune can be used for meditation. The main questions to which Inguz allows you to find answers relate to the entry into a new life stage, parting with those people who are close now, an optimistic look into the future. The rune also allows you to understand what things a person is trying to cling to, which prevents him from making a decisive leap into a new life.

In love and relationships

The meaning of the Inguz rune in love is always positive. The symbol indicates the beginning of changes in the life of a couple, the transition to a new stage, the appearance of a child. If a person is only looking at a partner, has not yet begun to meet with him, the Inguz portends him the creation of a lasting alliance. In combination with other futhark symbols, the rune means:

  • With gebo - the beginning of a new romance. Such an interpretation is possible for those who are not in a relationship - the runes portend a quick meeting with the betrothed.
  • With vunyo - solving problems in a relationship. There comes a favorable period for the elimination of conflicts, the search for compromises.

If the Inguz characterizes a partner, the questioner can be sure that he is facing an honest person who will not hide the truth, conceal facts. You can build a trusting warm relationship with him.

In work and career

For layouts for a career, Inguz is also considered an auspicious rune. Its main significance is good opportunities for professional growth, high earnings, and attraction of new partners. The symbol can also talk about the transition of an enterprise to a new level of work, attracting investments to move to another niche, where business prospects are more rosy. In combination with other symbols means:

  1. With Raido - a large number of business trips that will benefit.
  2. With fehu - the appearance of liability. Less commonly, this combination indicates an increase in profits.
  3. With gebo - the need to communicate a lot with other people on work issues.

Inguz also advises a person to change his place of work or position if he has stayed up in a hopeless company. The appearance of the rune indicates favorable opportunities for finding a new place that allows you to increase income and realize yourself as a person.

Compatibility with other signs

In combination with other Futhark symbols, the Inguz rune can acquire additional meanings. Among those:

  • The combination with Berkana is the birth of a child. The combination may portend a difficult birth. When it appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor, undergo an examination.
  • With fehu - good luck in money matters. May indicate a successful purchase, moving to a new home.
  • With gebo - good luck in love. The loss of such a combination portends a person an early meeting with a betrothed, the creation of harmonious relationships, a family.
  • With uruz - indicates the need to fulfill the obligations taken earlier. This combination recommends a person to get to work faster, warns of responsibility for the deceived hopes of other people.
  • With eyvaz - the need to move to achieve good results in the business area. With this decision, the combination of Inguz - Evaz portends a person good luck in business, lucrative career offers, the possibility of big earnings.
  • With algiz - recommends not to succumb to temptation. Provocations are possible from ill-wishers, people who are not clean at hand. It is important for a person to remember his obligations, to weigh all incoming proposals well, to avoid unfamiliar people. If fortune-telling concerns a professional field of activity, you need to carefully look at partners and new contracts.
  • With Dagaz - success in all endeavors, the ability to get rich quickly, complete a difficult project.
  • With kenaz - the need to carefully consider the material side of life, prepare for a possible black streak, financial trials. They will soon pass.
  • With mannaz - improvement of relations in the family. The combination promises harmony to those families in which there are difficult children.

The combination of inguz with turisaz is unfavorable - a high probability of injury. The combination is unfavorable for athletes, people engaged in physical labor. You should reduce the load, perform exercises according to the standards. It is necessary to pay attention to health - old diseases can make themselves felt.

Feature of the tattoo

Since the Inguz does not have an inverted position, you can use this symbol for tattoos. However, such a sign is not suitable for everyone. Since the main meaning of the Inguz rune is a change in a cardinal turn in life, it will bring instability to a person wearing such a tattoo. You can fill it only with people who do not value stability in life, who prefer constant change.

If you want to use the energy of the rune only to complete the current life stage and start a new one, it is better to use temporary tattoos (henna) or amulets with inguz.

Rune of the day

As the rune of the day, Inguz promises a person new opportunities, the onset of a turning point that affects his future life. Promises a solution to protracted issues, gives a spiritual lift to a person. The rune recommends not to be surprised at this day, not to be upset - all events will bring only good to a person's life.

Application in magic

The presented symbol is quite widely used in magical practice. It is used in various traditions to attract good luck, remove obstacles, and solve problematic issues in all areas of life. Its application is:

Since the presented sign is energetically very saturated, it is recommended to use it for people with experience in magical practices. For beginners, the rune is dangerous - it can take too much energy, which will result in illness and failure.

Also, the symbol is used to create amulets, talismans - it allows you to strengthen in a person such qualities as determination, endurance, self-confidence, gives a positive outlook on things. The rune is burned or drawn on wood, metal, natural stones. Talismans with Inguz are dedicated to the four elements and are worn at a time when changes in life are urgently needed. The rest of the time, the amulet is not used, as it can bring unnecessary anxiety to life. During this period, it is kept in a special wooden or stone box, upholstered with velvet.

One of the most beautiful and powerful Futhark runes. The rune of fertility in its reproductive (generating) aspect. Dedicated to the bright Freyr, the god of fertility (his other name is Ing or Yngwie). His Slavic name is Dazhdbog. Symbolizes male fertile power, light, energy.

Name: ING, INGUZ - the name of the god Inga. As Yngvi (Goth.), Hero (as?) Ing (English), - (Norwegian), - (Isl.).

runic formula — ᛁᛝᚹᚨᛉ

Action Ingvaz: reproduction.

Deity: Ing/Freyr.

ING, Ingve (Ing, Ingus): hypostasis of Scand. the god Freyr among the Germans, the deity of the world, carnal joys and ginger beer (from Ingwer - ginger). Freya's brother. His wife is Gerda, daughter of the giant Gimir. He himself is the son of Njord. He was represented as riding a boar named Gullinbursti (golden bristle). In honor of Freyr, Yul, the festival of the winter solstice, was celebrated ( New Year). The symbol of his deer and wheel were considered.

Tree: apple tree (Malus pumila) ? .

Character: magnetic rune.

Essence: irreversible rune. Vanaheim.

Images of the Rune Inguz:

  • man gives birth to a child
  • a sheep gives birth to a lamb,
  • an ear gives birth to a seed from which a new ear will arise,
  • the apple tree gives birth to a fruit from which a new apple tree will grow,
  • the cell is divided into two
  • tree branch forks,
  • the river splits into branches,
  • the document is multiplied on a copier,
  • the picture is copied by the artist,
  • the road gets an understudy road,
  • the bridge gets an understudy bridge,
  • Spain "gave birth" to the countries of Latin America,
  • dusty nebula gives birth to stars and planets,

The meaning of the Rune Inguz

Offspring. Any figure is mortal, finite in time, but, despite this, figures like him should remain in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply.

The need to have offspring is a stimulus to action Ingvaz.

The result of this action is the presence of the descendants of the actor, in many respects similar to himself.

Vanaheim (German Wanaheim): the abode of the gods (vans), located on Earth. It was called the "place of peace and abundance" of Vana (Old Norse Vanir, German Wanen): the second generation of gods, who at one time fought with the tribe of Ases, and later reconciled and mingled with them. The Vanirs are usually fertility gods, softer than the Ases. In occultism - the highest mental, intelligent forces that control organic processes and natural abundance (K. Meadows). In psychology - the sphere of positive reflection, constructive thinking, optimism.

Inguz is the most positive, powerful rune in terms of personal destiny. Symbolically associated with the sign Taurus. Under Inguz, there is a transition from the sign of Pisces to Aries, from calm, depth, standing to a new manifestation.

Inguz symbolizes a qualitative change in the level that occurs against the will of a person. Quantity turns into quality. The accumulated experience, meanings and energies acquire new form give birth to a new quality.

The use of the Rune Inguz in magic

Magical meaning: helps relieve tension, relax; brings the rest period closer. Enhances potency in men. Usually placed at the end of auspicious inscriptions and magic formulas, symbolizing the successful completion of the plan. But it can also be used literally, for example, to increase the productivity of a brewery (then it is better to install it in the middle of an inscription or sign).

One of the finest and most powerful Futhark runes. The magical use of the Inguz rune is associated with the powers of the light ace Freyr; in fact, the use of this rune is a direct appeal to this god. The rune can be used wherever there is a lack of natural fertility forces: in the case of female infertility or male impotence, poor land or barren work. Also, the Inguz rune is able to relieve excessive stress and restore the balance (balance) of human vitality.

Often used for healing purposes.

Interpretation of Rune Inguz in divination

Mantic meaning: new in life. Fertility, productivity, awareness of one's own strength. The need for initiative. The need to do away with old problems. Promotes childbearing, in general the birth of a new one, as well as increased productivity. Negative aspects: the power of the old over the new. Fear of change. Doubt, hesitation. "The Man in the Case".


The time of the prime of life, the process of completing certain things in the most effective and favorable form. Painless and joyful parting with the obsolete and spent. Much loses its meaning and usefulness, you need to part with what was close and dear - but this brings a sense of relief. Finding joy in the process of fruitful work.

Provided opportunities

Almost everything that you want is possible, everything that brings joy and benefit not only to you, but also to those around you.


Get ready for a new period of life, use the Inguz period to determine the prospects for a new period.

Realize the need to reject any manifestation of evil - Inguz gives the maximum of good to those who are good themselves.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic»
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of divination"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of the runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Uthark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runic. Reference book of values»

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Rune Inguz (Ingus, Inguz) is the 22nd symbol of the ancient Germanic. It is ruled by the element of Water. Inguz is a symbol of fertility and abundance, life potential and energy. Consider the meaning of the runic symbol and its use in magical rituals. Photo runes Inguz:

The meaning of the Inguz rune can change if, during divination, it falls out with other symbols.

Rune combination

When dropped along with other runic symbols, the meaning of the Inguz rune can be as follows:

  • Inguz - Berkano. This combination of runes promises a quick replenishment in the family. The long-awaited child will appear, to which everyone will be very happy
  • Inguz - or Inguz - fall out to a bright love relationship that will begin in your life. They will be very romantic and harmonious, make you happy and calm
  • The loss of the rune combination Inguz - promises a change in the near future professional activity. You will either start earning a living in some new field or change jobs

Very often runes are used in magical rituals.

The magical use of the rune Inguz

In occultism, Inguz is used for the following purposes:

  • Farmers - to get an excellent harvest, avoid natural disasters, protect fields from pests
  • To attract luck into a person’s life, so that luck accompanies him in all his affairs, undertakings, goals
  • To relax a person who is tired of a lot of work, wants to relax and relieve tension
  • To improve the reproductive qualities of the body, restore male potency and treat female infertility

Very often, Inguz is used when it is urgent to complete some important business in such a way as to get the desired and beneficial result for a person. Or to resolve the current controversial situation in the life of a fortuneteller.

Inguz is included in combinations of runic symbols, which are used to make amulets designed to attract money and improve a person’s sex life.

This rune is a lifesaver for lazy people who suffer from a lack of self-discipline. Inguz literally inspires, gives the strength and desire necessary for a person to stop “lying in the direction of a dream” and start acting.

  1. It must always be placed at the end of the rune formulas so as not to violate it. Only when Inguz is located at the end, it will enhance the effect of the entire rune combination. If you place Inguz in the middle or at the beginning, it will destroy the whole formula
  2. You can not use the Inguz rune in everything related to children. It is completely "not for children" and can only be used by adults.
  3. The ideal way to use Inguz is as a vessel in which you place other runes from the formula. With this arrangement, it will sum up the action of all other symbols, and bring events to their logical conclusion.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Inguz rune:

Runic formulas

And now let's look at examples of combinations of symbols with the Inguz rune:

  • Fehu - Inguz - Otala - . It is used when a person is not fully ready for the transition to a new life stage. Helps to get what you need, complete current affairs and quickly start new ones
  • Kenaz - - Inguz. This is a healing formula that is used when it is necessary to spur the treatment of a seriously ill person, make him recover sooner, recover faster after a serious operation or a long illness, speed up the recovery process.
  • - Inguz - Berkano. It is used when a person is physically or emotionally exhausted, it is necessary to quickly restore strength and return to normal life
  • Petro - Inguz - Berkano - a combination for women who need to recover as soon as possible after childbirth and start caring for the baby. Also used for postpartum depression
  • Perkano - Petro - Inguz. The formula restores the reproductive abilities of the body, promotes the return of male potency, treats infertility in women
  • Berkano - - Inguz. It is used for sexual problems, mainly for the treatment of female frigidity. Eliminates the psychological problems that cause such a phenomenon
  • Tivaz - Petro - Inguz. It is used by men to eliminate psychological problems that have caused infertility or impotence, is used to treat impotence

How does the rune affect different areas of life

Depending on what worries the fortuneteller, the meaning of the rune may differ:

  • You have excellent intuition, foreboding helps you predict events that will happen in the future
  • You are a person who tends to dream rather than act. You create a beautiful picture in your imagination, often immerse yourself in the world of dreams, which is dangerous - you can be cut off from the real world
  • You have well-developed creative abilities, many talents. Therefore, the professions of an artist, writer, actor, musician and others related to creativity and the creation of something beautiful are suitable for you.
  • You look great and attractive, like the opposite sex
  • Decisions are often made on emotions, but they turn out to be correct, which is surprising. Try to still sometimes turn on the mind
Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Rune Inguz - 22 runes of the Celtic alphabet. Its name comes from the name of the German god of fertility, Yngwie.

Symbolizes the continuation of the family, the beginning of a new, the completion of a stage of life.

This symbol is a diamond with checkmarks at the top and bottom.

What does the rune Inguz mean?

If the rune Inguz is in upright position , it carries only positive energy. Falling out in fortune-telling, she predicts the speedy resolution of all problems, promises good luck in all endeavors and the absence of obstacles in achieving the goal.

The rune indicates that now you have been given strength for the fulfillment of what was intended. The time has come for active action, use your internal resources to the maximum, and then you will achieve your goals.

Runa Inguz also symbolizes the end of an old life and the beginning of a new one. This is the rune of rebirth, rebirth and dramatic change. In divination, this means that the time has come to part with the past, let go of your negative experience and start life from scratch. It indicates imminent changes in life, as a result of which you will rethink your life, get rid of what is bothering you, and set new goals for yourself.

Inguz - rune of good luck and success in everything. Often in the layout, she talks about the quick resolution of life's problems and the onset of a white streak in life.

In magic, it accumulates all the internal resources of a person and directs him in the right direction.

Inguz is not in vain a symbol of procreation. If its symbol is mirrored on both sides, then it will look like an image of DNA. rune may predict the birth of children, as well as unity with one's family, reconciliation with relatives and strengthening family ties.

In fortune-telling, this symbol indicates the need for inner transformation. She advises to reconsider your views on life, to prioritize differently, to know yourself better and change your attitude to the world. This rune is impossible to resist. If it falls out in divination, it promises inevitable changes, both in the person himself and around him.

Interpretation of the inverted rune

In fortune-telling on runes, importance is attached not only to the interpretation of the symbol, but also to its position. As a rule, in an inverted position, the rune has a negative meaning. However rune Inguz does not have an inverted meaning, since its symbol will look the same both upright and upside down. Whatever position this rune is in, it will mean one thing - the transition to a new stage of life, good luck, prosperity, a break with a past life, new beginnings and victory. Runa Inguz grants not only new opportunities, but also gives relief, freedom, removal of restrictions.

The interpretation of the symbol in divination

If the rune Inguz comes out in divination for the future and fate, then this very good omen. It portends the onset of a new stage in life, getting rid of the hardships of life, resolving all problems and the emergence of new goals. An important, fateful event will happen in a person’s life, which will turn everything upside down, but, nevertheless, will open up new opportunities.

All cases will be completed successfully, a person will be able to overcome all the difficulties in life and emerge victorious from the prevailing difficult situations. Good luck and success in all endeavors, support from higher powers and inner transformation. The rune acquires a different meaning in divination if there are other symbols next to it.

With Fehu rune Inguz indicates that a person is afraid, and unreasonable. It is also a prediction of a risky situation. With such a result of fortune-telling, it is necessary to get rid of disturbing thoughts and begin to think more rationally and sensibly.

Close to Uruz this symbol means that a person needs to fulfill his promises and obligations. Remember what you promised your loved ones, do not drag along the burden of unfulfilled promises and unjustified hopes. Another interpretation - the fortuneteller will soon have to pay what he deserves. All early committed actions will soon come back to haunt you.

With Turisaz predicts the opening of new opportunities. All doors will open before you, do not be afraid to take risks and think more globally. Anything is possible if you really want to and work hard. A very favorable combination in divination for business, career and money.

With Ansuz- an unfavorable sign. You are in an unstable emotional state. Not worth it this moment accept important decisions and do reckless things. You are ruled by momentary desires and emotions. Try to keep your mental balance.

With Raido portends a second marriage with a person who has already been in a relationship with you. The past life will return, and it is up to you to decide whether to let this person into your life or forget about him forever.

With Canyo This rune symbolizes survival, limitation. There will be a difficult period in life when you will have to make every effort to stay afloat. This combination often promises poverty, difficulties in work and relationships. It can also mean an emergency situation.

With Gebo rune Inguz indicates bad heredity. In fortune-telling, this will burn to mean that at the moment not the best character traits of your parents are manifested in you. It can also indicate genetic diseases.

With rune Vunyo Inguz portends a damaged reputation. It is likely that at the moment your enemies are not asleep, but are doing everything to ruin your life. Pay attention to those around you. Be careful in communicating with strangers, control your words.

With the rune Hagalaz this symbol predicts an accident or disaster. Be careful driving. If in the near future you plan to make a long-distance flight or move to another country, then it is recommended to postpone these matters.

S Nautiz rune Inguz portends theft or robbery. Be on the alert, do not trust unfamiliar people.

With rune Isa promises loss, parting, tears. You may have to part with a loved one. It can also mean the loss of something material. An unfavorable combination of runes in divination for relationships and career.

Runa Hyera in combination with Inguz portends the help of a person who will come at the last moment, but you will no longer need it. You will have to deal with your problems on your own.

Rune Eyvaz together with Inguz indicates your unrealized ideas, failed plans and unfinished business. The idea is not realized. But this is not a reason to give up - just say goodbye to your hopes and move on.

With rune Perth this symbol promises a passive period in life. Also, this combination speaks of a person who is lazy, inactive and apathetic. Probably, at the moment you have a very weak energy potential, you quickly run out of steam, and you do not have enough strength to realize your plans.

S Algiz this rune promises the appearance of temptations, false desires. Do not succumb to provocations, stick to your life principles and principles.

In combination with the Soul rune Inguz portends joy and fun, which will be overshadowed by an unexpected disaster. The white bar will suddenly turn black. Be ready for anything.

With Teyvaz indicates betrayal. loved one, betrayal in relationships, intrigues of enemies. An unfavorable sign in divination for love and business.

With the rune of Berkan indicates a difficult birth for a woman. Can predict miscarriage and health complications in the mother.

With rune Eyvaz promises loss of property, collapse, bankruptcy and ruin. The most dangerous combination in divination for business and money.

Combined with Mannaz portends a strengthening of ties between generations, an improvement in the situation related to children. It is a symbol of peace of mind, traditions and tribal customs.

With rune Laguz indicates the need for internal purification, getting rid of negative thoughts. Let go of everything that bothers you and fill your life with positive emotions.

With rune Dagaz promises good luck in business, prosperity and well-being. There will be a white streak in life.

In combination with the rune Othal this symbol portends the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of goals. All your dreams will come true, you just need to make every effort.

Meaning in the layout of love

Runa Inguz in divination for love has different meanings. It all depends on who the fortuneteller is and what question he asks the runes.

For free woman or men this symbol promises a meeting with the second half. Moreover, this will not be a short-term romance, but serious relationship that will lead to the wedding. This rune can mean favorable period in personal life . For those who have already found their soul mate, the rune predicts a wedding and a happy family life in the future.

For those who are married, rune Inguz also means strengthening relations, transition to a new stage in family life, birth of children.

If the rune is interpreted in combination with other symbols, then its meaning may be reversed. For example, if Inguz lunges in divination with the Teivaz rune, then this can mean betrayal of a loved one and divorce. With the rune Perth Inguz, it promises stagnation in relationships, everything will remain in place, no matter what you do. And with the rune Raido Inguz predicts remarriage with her husband.

What does it indicate in a relationship?

Inguz symbol when divining for relationships has a double meaning. On the one hand, he predicts the beginning of something new, the onset of a favorable period in a person's life. On the other hand, it portends the end of a relationship, getting rid of unnecessary connections and people who are pulling you down.

This rune indicates that relationship is about to enter a new stage. Either the connection between people will strengthen and take on a new meaning, or it will break completely, which will lead a person to a relationship with a new person. In this case, you should consider the rune from the position of your situation in the family. If there is no spark in a relationship for a long time, then most likely they will end if you leave everything as it is. The measures taken can help resolve a difficult situation in the family and save relationships. Also, the rune Inguz indicates a serious conversation between people, as a result of which the future of relations will become clear.

What promises in business?

The usual course of life can be abruptly interrupted if the Inguz rune falls in the alignment for career and business. Expect big changes. In order for changes to become positive, it is important to have time to take control of the situation and begin to control it.

What changes will occur in business - good or bad - depends on the nearby runes. With runes Dagaz, Otal and Turisaz the meaning of the Inguz symbol is very favorable. If at least one of these runes fell nearby, then business will go smoothly. New opportunities will open before you, you will enlist the support of strong patrons, all problems will be quickly resolved, and the time will come for prosperity and well-being. With rune Kanyo a difficult period in business awaits you, you will have to survive. If the rune Vunyo is nearby, then this combination promises a damaged reputation for your business. With Eyvaz or Isa Inguz portends a loss of money, bankruptcy. Rune Teyvaz indicates a breakup with a partner, a break in communication with the people you need, as well as betrayal and a business partner.

The use of the symbol in magic

In addition to divination, runes are commonly used as a talisman. The energy captured in these symbols is able to protect or empower a person. If we talk about the Inguz rune, then it should not be used as a protective amulet, since this is not its direct function. This is a rune of strength, energy, activity. It is designed not to protect, but to accumulate in a person all the internal resources to achieve the set goals and attract good luck.

This symbol will become a reliable talisman for people who have problems with conception.

How can the rune Inguz help?

  • Improves memory
  • Helps to raise self-esteem, gives confidence in yourself and your own strengths.
  • Promotes the development of awareness, helps to make the right choice.
  • Develops hidden talents helps you find your way in life and find your life's work.
  • It opens up new opportunities in business and personal life, provides a chance to prove yourself.
  • Strengthens health. It helps women get pregnant, men increase potency.
  • Strengthens willpower and spirit. Useful for people who often give up what they started and do not finish it.

In astrology rune Inguz corresponds to the zodiac sign Aquarius. This constellation symbolizes change, innovation, revolution and reform. People born under this constellation have a strong dependence on their character. The rune gives Aquarius creative abilities and enhances them positive traits character. This symbol for Aquarius can be a source of inspiration, power and an item that helps them plunge into another reality. Inguz helps him achieve his plans, activates his strength and reveals his potential.

The amulet with the sign of Inguz is designed to instill in a person faith in himself and the ability to move forward no matter what. This is a powerful rune that grants rebirth and new life.

The twenty-second sign of the Elder Futhark is called the Inguz rune. This symbol, visually resembling a fragment of a DNA chain, is dedicated to the light god Freyr (who is also called Yngwie or Ing). The meaning of the Inguz rune is increasing fertility, attracting positive energy into human life. The best materials for the manufacture of talismans with this runic sign there will be a petrified tree or green agate.

From the point of view of bioenergetics, Inguz is a rune that helps a person to be "reborn again." It is used in the event that you need to "get rid" of negative life situations and start living a more positive scenario. The rune breaks unnecessary energy ties that impede the fulfillment of the plans.

Esotericists use the Inguz rune as a "final chord" in the manufacture of talismans for career advancement or for a successful marriage. This symbol of the Elder Futhark contributes to the successful completion of a certain life stage. It attracts positive energy and gets rid of empty experiences.

Rune formulas with the participation of Inguz

To achieve your goals with the help of runic magic, you can use special formulas, which are also called rune staves.

We present to your attention the simplest combinations, consisting of only two runic signs. They should be cut or depicted in a certain order - first the left rune, and then the right one.

Runic combination and expected effect

Inguz - Laguz .

This combination will help you get through energy cleansing. It can be used if a lot of problems have accumulated in your life, and you need to get energy recharge in order to cope with difficulties.

Inguz - Teyvaz .

This combination refers to dark magic. With its help, you can quarrel people, bring discord and scandals to the family or to the work team.

Inguz - Raido .

This becoming will help you find your soul mate and conclude a marriage. The sign of Raido symbolizes movement and progress, while the meaning of the Inguz rune is fertility.

Inguz - Dagaz .

This becoming will be the best choice if you want to know which rune to use to achieve your goals. This combination will remove obstacles from your path that may interfere with the implementation of plans.

In general, the Inguz rune can be used to appeal to the god Freyr, as a request to compensate for the lack of fertility. The runic sign can be used both literally (to restore potency, treat infertility), and figuratively - to increase productivity, restore working capacity and creative energy. The rune helps to normalize the energy balance of a person.

Talisman making

Runa Inguz can be cut on a wooden board, applied with red ink on Blank sheet cardboard or depict on stone (green agate is best, you can also use sapphire or emerald). The amulet gives its owner the ability to perceive and process a huge flow of information, it will be very useful to people engaged in analytical or intellectual activities.

If you want to make an amulet for marriage, then depict the Inguz rune on a clay tablet. Put the talisman at night on the window so that it can be charged with moonlight. After the talisman has completed its task, you can keep it as a family heirloom. This will make the relationship more harmonious and bring.

Warning! Some people use runic signs to tattoo their bodies. It is highly undesirable to use the Inguz rune for these purposes, since it symbolizes the continuous circulation of energy. For a while, this dramatically increases efficiency, but then apathy and loss of strength set in.

Runa Inguz in divination

This runic sign does not have a reverse position; in general, it can be interpreted as a positive symbol. The meaning of Inguz will change only if there are negative runic signs nearby. For example, the presence of an inverted Ansuz symbol in the layout indicates that a person with unclean thoughts wants to enter your trust.

If the Inguz rune falls out at the beginning of the scenario, then we can say that you are entering a new life stage. Exciting and interesting changes await you, which may be hinted at by signs located nearby. For example, if there is nearby, then we are talking about the birth of a child.

In the schedule for love relationship the presence of Inguz can be interpreted as a renewal of feelings. The union of two people will be promising, especially if there are positive runes nearby. If you are performing a runic layout for a new acquaintance or acquaintance, then the presence of the Inguz sign indicates a possible intimate relationship.

In divination for a career or business, the presence of the Inguz rune speaks of the beginning of new projects with good prospects. Perhaps you should consider scaling up your operations. The rune also indicates the likely visit of partners and contractors, establishing good relations with which will have a positive effect on your business.

Other runes of the Elder Futhark

The first att of Freyr and Freya

Second att of Heimdall

Third att of Tyr