So, let's find out what you can do during a partial solar eclipse.

Today, residents of Russia will be negatively affected by a partial solar eclipse. It will affect different regions to varying degrees, but to a greater or lesser extent the eclipse will affect almost all residents of the country. Contrary to the widespread recent years tendencies towards a positive perception of eclipses, from the point of view of ancient Vedic astrology, this phenomenon was and remains extremely unfavorable. Mainly this Saturday it is not recommended to go outside during the eclipse. It is especially harmful to look at an eclipse, since this “show” can trigger irreversible negative changes in a person’s life. The strong influence of the eclipse will be felt for another week after this event - until August 18.

Residents of Moscow will be slightly affected. Here the Sun will be obscured by less than 1 percent for 28 minutes 57 seconds from 12.20 to 12.50 pm. Despite this, you should still not go out into direct sunlight and try to see the eclipse.

Especially during the eclipse of August 11, 2018, Yakutia (Sakha Republic), Western and Eastern Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region. In Verkhoyansk the Sun will be covered by 61%, in Magadan by 45%, in Norilsk by 43%, in Komsomolsk-on-Amur by 41%, in Chita by 40%, in Khabarovsk by 36%, in Irkutsk by 34%, in Krasnoyarsk by 31%, in Vorkuta and Salekhard by 29%, in Tomsk by 26%, in Kemerovo by 25%, in Naryan-Mar by 24%, in Novosibirsk by 22%. In Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Severomorsk, Severodvinsk the Sun will be covered by more than 20%.

This coming weekend, sunbathing on Saturday will be extremely harmful.

The solar eclipse on August 11th will affect management at all levels. People entrusted with power, from the heads of small businesses to the heads of cities, regions and states, can commit unpredictable and incorrect actions, make decisions that will have negative consequences. It makes sense to postpone making important decisions for a week.

All people, regardless of their zodiac sign, will have their ego affected – their idea of ​​themselves, their capabilities and abilities, their expectations of themselves. During this period, a person incorrectly assesses his strengths and capabilities; accordingly, his desires will diverge from his capabilities, but he will learn about this later, when the influence of the eclipse ends and everything returns to its usual place. The desires of the ego overshadow the mind - this is the general direction of the influence of the eclipse on all signs of the zodiac.

If we talk about signs separately, the eclipse on August 11 has the greatest impact on Cancer (Karkat) and Leo (Sinha). Cancer leaders feel especially bad; their decisions will be the most questionable (and even disastrous) at this time. Personnel changes that Leo leaders will make will lead to financial losses; at best, the efforts of employees assigned to new positions during this period will be fruitless. Leos generally suffer physically: general poor health, bad dream or its absence and diseases from head to feet.

Capricorn (Makar) may have conflicts with partners: inadequate self-esteem of a partner leads to misunderstanding and scandal. Capricorn managers make mistakes in recruiting and managing personnel. Aquarians (Kumbhi) are also weird in relationships with subordinates. Their decisions are influenced by a distorted view of their own importance. The bosses of Libra (Tula) will also have difficulties, but in the area of ​​work in general. Libras are prone to making mistakes caused by their negative karma.

Gemini (Mithuna) and Virgo (Kanya) not only have poor health, but also suffer mentally: their natural ability to think quickly slows down, their mind becomes dull, and they may become forgetful. Problems in the sphere of emotions haunt Aries (Mesh), they cause catastrophic situations at home. For Aries bosses, storms in the family will negatively affect work decisions.

Scorpios (Vrishchika) tend to commit self-centered actions, actions not according to conscience, deception, and benefiting only for themselves. Taurus (Vrishabha) can also unexpectedly commit unseemly acts, for which they will later be ashamed.

Sagittarians (Dhanu) are engaged in a frenzied search for money, they are interested in various ways to succeed financially. But it is unlikely that this will be possible to do right now. Sagittarians may experience illnesses for unexplained reasons that are not immediately diagnosed or do not immediately manifest themselves.

Since this is a partial eclipse, its impact on people's lives will not be as aggressive as the impact of a total eclipse. The main recommendation in order to reduce its negative effect for yourself is a strategy of calm, not reacting to provocations, meditating on the divine, reading prayers (mantras) during an eclipse, following a diet, it is especially important to exclude alcohol and meat. Solitude and tranquility will help you survive this eclipse with minimal losses.

In the morning August 11 one of the rare astronomical phenomena will occur - solar eclipse. It, according to NASA, will be the last such phenomenon in 2018.

Where can you see the solar eclipse on August 11

The Moon will "crawl" onto the Sun in the northern part North America, will capture Greenland, bypassing the Arctic and part of the Atlantic, touching the territory of the North and Eastern Europe, and then spread throughout Northern and Western Asia.

In other words, residents of Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and almost all of Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, China, as well as North and South Korea.

However, compared to other solar eclipses that have been observed this year, the upcoming eclipse is considered the most visible.

Astrologers claim that during this period the most important events and big changes occur in the life of each specific person.

In other words, after the solar eclipse on August 11, you won’t have to worry about the influence of space on your life for some time.

How does a solar eclipse affect people and the environment?

Although Ukrainians will not see the eclipse of the Sun on August 11, doctors and astrologers assure that they will feel it, like the rest of the planet’s inhabitants, since such phenomena certainly affect a person’s health and mood, and also supposedly have “karmic” consequences.

In particular, doctors warn that during eclipses, during the week and after it, some people may experience headaches, pressure changes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and heart pain.

Photos from open sources

Astrologers, in turn, do not recommend taking important decisions. For example, entering into new deals, making expensive purchases, going on long trips, breaking off or starting a relationship with someone. It’s better to think about all this with peace of mind starting on Tuesday.

In addition, you should be more careful on the roads and in everyday life, since during eclipses the possibility of accidents often increases, give up anything that can have a detrimental effect on the body (for example, alcohol) and show more understanding and love for loved ones.

Astrologers attribute the pleasant moments of this period to the fact that it is favorable for laying down a program for the future. According to them, these days powerful cosmic energy is released and it can be used for good by creating a list of your desires.

Interestingly, in addition to humanity, the eclipse also affects environment. Forecasters say that for some reason the weather always turns bad on days like this. For example, it suddenly starts to rain heavily, when it was hot just a minute ago.

On August 11, 2018, a partial solar eclipse will be visible throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. Although the sun will only be partially blocked, it is still an interesting event that should not be missed.

Residents of Canada, Greenland, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and China will also witness the unique event. This makes it the most observed solar eclipse of the current year.

On August 11, 2018, there will be a new moon and a partial eclipse of the Sun (max phase 0.74) with visibility in the north and east of Russia. The region of its best visibility falls in the subpolar latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The partial solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 will begin at 11:02 Moscow time (MSK) in the Atlantic Ocean near the Labrador Peninsula (Canada). The visibility of the partial phases will quickly cover the islands of Greenland and Iceland and move towards northern Europe. There, the eclipse will be visible in the Scandinavian countries (excluding Denmark and southern Sweden).

At 11:40 Moscow time, the penumbra of the Moon will enter the territory of Russia, moving from the Murmansk region to the southeast. Most of the territory of our country will fall within the visibility area of ​​the eclipse, except for the southwestern regions, where the Moon will pass the Sun in the sky, and the Chukotka and Kamchatka peninsula, where the Sun will have time to set below the horizon.

The visibility limit of the eclipse will pass through the central regions of our country - Pskov, Smolensk, Kaluga. Tula, Ryazan, Penza and Saratov. To the north of it it will be possible to observe a very small phase eclipse, in which damage will appear on the northern edge of the solar disk, noticeable only at high magnification. It is of interest to record the moments of contact between the disks of the Moon and the Sun during such an eclipse. It will be visible near noon at a high altitude above the horizon. In Siberia, the solar eclipse will be observed in the evening, and its phase, especially in its center and northeast, will be significantly higher.

The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 70.4° north latitude, 174.5° east longitude. The maximum phase of the eclipse on Earth, equal to 0.74, will occur at 12:46 Moscow time at sunset near Wrangel Island, as well as in Chukotka (0.736). But even with such a fairly large phase, the darkening of the sky will not be visible.

The north and east of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China will also be within the visibility range of the eclipse. In China, at 14:31 Moscow time, the solar eclipse on Earth will end.

The partial solar eclipse of August 11, 2018 is the eclipse of Saros 155, which will occur at 12:46 Moscow time. It will be able to be observed by residents of Northern Europe, Greenland, as well as those who will be in Russia (most of it) and in Asia.

The best place to see this eclipse will be somewhere in the East Siberian Sea area near Wrangel Island (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug). This is one of the northernmost parts of Russia, so it is unlikely that it will be easy to go there for observations. But if you are around the city of Longyearbyen (Norway), you will see the Moon covering the solar disk by about 35%.

The eclipse will be quite visible around the next Russian cities(in descending order of maximum phase size): Vorkuta, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Yekaterinburg, Berezniki, Perm, Kirov, Petrozavodsk, Ufa, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Kazan.

In Moscow there will be a very small percentage of coverage, almost no eclipse will be visible.

This is the last eclipse of this year, the next one will take place only in January 2019. It is also the last solar eclipse on the Leo-Aquarius axis in this cycle, which lasted about two years. The next solar eclipses in the next two years will take place on the Cancer-Capricorn axis.

The eclipse will affect Leo themes, which will now come more to the fore, subordinating events. Leo is about creative themes, themes of self-realization, themes of children and their upbringing, themes of love and entertainment. The Saros eclipse repeats every 18 years and includes certain events that can make themselves felt after such a long period of time.

If an important event took place near the date of July 31, 2000 (18 years ago), you can still feel its echo now. Or topics from that period will be included now.

Since this is the final solar eclipse of the 2-year cycle on the Leo-Aquarius axis, it gives you the last chance to take advantage of opportunities to strengthen the themes associated with this axis. The next such opportunity will be in 9 years (the Saros half cycle), when eclipses will return to the Leo-Aquarius cycle, but will already occur on the South Node.

The astronomical event will occur in the constellation Leo from 12:30 to 14:08 Moscow time. The eclipse can be seen not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Astrologers warn that the influence of the eclipse will last for 14 days after August 11, Ros-Registr has learned. This means that it is important to follow the recommendations of astrologers not only on the day of the eclipse itself, but also for at least half a month after.

The solar eclipse will have a huge energy potential that will affect people. On the 11th, an impulse from the Universe will help solve many old problems. People will be able to change their lives for the better, as well as reconsider their goals and plans for the near future. The influence of the zodiac Leo will affect the love sphere of life and business relationships.

During a solar eclipse, astrologers recommend not making financial transactions and abandoning major acquisitions. This time is not suitable for important transactions. To eliminate risks, you should not make promises to colleagues and business partners if you are not sure that you can keep your word. On the 11th, any impulsive and thoughtless actions will have negative consequences for business, so you should think several times before getting down to business.

A partial solar eclipse will jeopardize business relationships, so it is better to exclude communication with unfamiliar people and not trust those who promise mountains of gold. However, on the day of the eclipse, you can lay the foundation for future success if you abandon outdated ideas in time. To do this, it is important to determine the right direction, refuse deception and communicate with people who cannot be trusted. On the day of the eclipse, many will be able to find new opportunities to realize their potential.

On August 11, relationships may crack, so it is better for couples to avoid conflicts. Astrologers recommend that those who are looking for a soul mate not make new acquaintances, because they are unlikely to meet your expectations.

Those who are going on a trip with a loved one need to remember that during the period of eclipses many obstacles arise and plans can be disrupted at any moment. If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, try to calm down and not blame each other for what happened. Any quarrels can lead to a break in the relationship.

The day of the eclipse is favorable for declarations of love and marriage proposals. Those who are confident in their feelings can plan an important step on August 11th. Astrologers claim that good and selfless intentions will be supported by the Universe.

During an eclipse they get worse chronic diseases related to the cardiovascular system. There is a high probability of headaches, pressure surges and heart pain. In this regard, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations, spending as little time as possible under the scorching rays of the sun, and also seeking medical help in a timely manner.

Cope with negative emotions and herbal teas will help with stress. They are gentle and help calm nervous system. In addition, the aroma of herbs lifts your mood. For those who feel not in the best possible way, it is better to stay at home and follow a daily routine, avoid overwork and go to bed on time.

During the August eclipse you can get rid of bad habits, break oppressive ties and say goodbye to manipulators. For those who are determined to make positive changes, the solar eclipse will give many opportunities to find their goal and the path to it.

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The solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 occurs at 18 degrees Leo. It will be partial, that is, the shadow of the Moon will not completely cover the Sun.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in Canada, Greenland, Scotland, most northern countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland), Estonia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, China. At sunset it is visible in Northern and South Korea. It can also be seen in Moscow and almost throughout Russia (with the exception of places southwest of the line passing through Pskov, Moscow and Penza, and the most eastern places Far East). This makes it the most-watched solar eclipse of 2018, weather permitting, of course. The most powerful phase will be in the East Siberian Sea near Wrangel Island.

The beginning of the eclipse is 12:21 Moscow time (MSK)

Maximum 12:36 Moscow time

Ends 12:50 Moscow time

The influence of an eclipse on the signs of the Zodiac

Eclipses are always a time of change, because they bring new opportunities and activate those areas of our lives that are stagnant. The Universe sends us an impulse so that we can see something new in our lives or new facets in what is familiar. Appear fresh ideas and new plans we hadn't thought of before, major life changes are happening whether we like it or not.

Eclipse of August 11, 2018 from an astrological point of view

An eclipse of the Sun in Leo makes the topics related to this topic relevant. zodiac sign: love, creativity, children, free time, excursions, trips.

Since there are so many planets retrograde at this time, it will not be easy to understand and interpret this energy right away. It may take some time before there is a chance to engage and use it to its full potential. In addition, Leo is a fixed zodiac sign and does not like change. On the contrary, he prefers stability, and changes are difficult for him, through struggle.

The conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Mercury retrograde indicates the return of some past situations or relationships. Perhaps an old love will return, old contacts will be renewed, or you will again take up a project that you abandoned due to a lack of creative ideas.

In fact, there are no major negative aspects of the eclipse point to other planets. The only thing is that Mercury forms a square with Jupiter in Scorpio, but its influence is not necessarily negative. This aspect makes people more optimistic, which is generally good, although it sometimes creates exaggerated expectations. Therefore, you should not do anything really important without knowing all the facts. Question everything you hear because the information may not be completely reliable.

There are also other favorable planetary aspects:

Venus, being in harmony with Mars and lunar nodes, is capable of bringing love that will be perceived as karmic connection, sent by fate.

Jupiter in trine with Neptune sharpens intuition and raises consciousness to a higher level.

Saturn, the planet associated with karma, forms a positive aspect with the unpredictable Uranus, which will bring stability to chaotic situations and stimulate the development of innovative technologies.

Astrologer's recommendations for August 11, 2018

Solar eclipses set a program for the future, so it would be good to determine your personal program: write down your goals on a piece of paper or say them out loud.

It is advisable to spend the day in a calm environment, without doing anything unusual. If possible, postpone important tasks to another time: signing important documents, trips, large purchases, etc.

Leo is associated with creativity, so it would be a great idea to reveal the creative side of your nature: sing, draw, dance, or make something with your own hands. Attract positive energies Leo will be helped by the stones of this zodiac sign (amber, garnet, ruby, citrine, etc.), you can wear them in jewelry or meditate with them.

Solar eclipses greatly affect people, so astrologers recommend being careful and avoiding impulsive actions. The eclipse on August 11 will not be an exception: on this day it is better to avoid stressful and conflict situations.

Astrological features of the eclipse

The astronomical event will occur in the constellation Leo from 12:30 to 14:08 Moscow time. The eclipse can be seen not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Astrologers warn that the influence of the eclipse will last for 14 days after August 11. This means that it is important to follow the recommendations of astrologers not only on the day of the eclipse itself, but also for at least half a month after.

The solar eclipse will have a huge energy potential that will affect people. On the 11th, an impulse from the Universe will help solve many old problems. People will be able to change their lives for the better, as well as reconsider their goals and plans for the near future. The influence of the zodiac Leo will affect the love sphere of life and business relationships.

Finance, business and work August 11

During a solar eclipse, astrologers recommend not making financial transactions and abandoning major acquisitions. This time is not suitable for important transactions. To eliminate risks, you should not make promises to colleagues and business partners if you are not sure that you can keep your word. On the 11th, any impulsive and thoughtless actions will have negative consequences for business, so you should think several times before getting down to business.

A partial solar eclipse will jeopardize business relationships, so it is better to exclude communication with unfamiliar people and not trust those who promise mountains of gold. However, on the day of the eclipse, you can lay the foundation for future success if you abandon outdated ideas in time. To do this, it is important to determine the right direction, refuse deception and communicate with people who cannot be trusted. On the day of the eclipse, many will be able to find new opportunities to realize their potential.

Love and relationships during a solar eclipse

On August 11, relationships may crack, so it is better for couples to avoid conflicts. Astrologers recommend that those who are looking for a soul mate not make new acquaintances, because they are unlikely to meet your expectations.

Those who are going on a trip with a loved one need to remember that during the period of eclipses many obstacles arise and plans can be disrupted at any moment. If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, try to calm down and not blame each other for what happened. Any quarrels can lead to a break in the relationship.

The day of the eclipse is favorable for declarations of love and marriage proposals. Those who are confident in their feelings can plan an important step on August 11th. Astrologers claim that good and selfless intentions will be supported by the Universe.

Mood and health on Saturday

During an eclipse, chronic diseases affecting the cardiovascular system worsen. There is a high probability of headaches, pressure surges and heart pain. In this regard, doctors recommend avoiding stressful situations, spending as little time as possible under the scorching rays of the sun, and also seeking medical help in a timely manner.

Herbal teas will help you cope with negative emotions and stress. They have a gentle effect and help calm the nervous system. In addition, the aroma of herbs lifts your mood. For those who are not feeling their best, it is better to stay at home and follow a daily routine, avoid overwork and go to bed on time.

During the August eclipse, you can get rid of bad habits, break oppressive ties and say goodbye to manipulators. For those who are determined to make positive changes, the solar eclipse will give many opportunities to find their goal and the path to it. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.08.2018 02:03

Space objects influence our luck and life in general. Each planet has its own character...