Excess B6 in the body. B Vitamins: Side Effects

Before the formula was clarified, vitamins were called the letters of the Latin alphabet as they were discovered: A, B, C, D, and so on. Now rational names have been adopted for them, based on chemical structure. Vitamin A - retinol, vitamin K - phylloquinone, vitamin B2 - riboflavin, vitamin PP - nicotinic acid, etc. But we call them "A", "Be" and "Tse" in the old fashioned way ... But how else, after all vitamins are our old friends! But how well do we know them?

It is said that every doctor has his "favorite" medicines. It's true. The doctor knows some drugs better, prescribes them in the first place and sometimes takes them himself. And every doctor has his own favorite vitamins, which he will most likely advise you too.

But here we come to the pharmacy - and our eyes run wide. They offer a lot of vitamins in beautiful jars with bright labels! Whole shelves are occupied by them. And the doctor insisted on a single drug ... Isn't it better to buy THIS and THAT? Maybe the doctor hasn't looked in reference books for a long time? And the hand reaches out for the magic pills that you like.

But, wait, let's remember what the doctor advised. Do you know which vitamins doctors love especially fondly? Of course, B vitamins.

The thing is that they had high hopes in the eighties of the last century: it was believed that B vitamins reduce blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid whose high level is directly related to heart and vascular diseases. Many studies have been carried out in different countries, and as a result, the effectiveness of these vitamins was considered ambiguous: "50/50". Indeed, when patients take more effective drugs, "vitamins" play only a supporting role. But doctors continue to prescribe them for various cerebrovascular pathologies (cerebrovascular disease). Extra help to the body is not a hindrance, right?

Yes, modern, effective and inaccessible to most patients due to their high price, drugs act much faster. And of course, " vitamin therapy' is not as effective. But almost all drugs have a "dose-dependent" (the higher the dosage, the better) and "chrono-dependent" (the longer the drug is taken, the longer the positive dynamics lasts) effect.

At the same time, the undeniable advantage of vitamins is the price. The doctor, prescribing the drug, can be sure that the medicine will be taken as much as necessary and will not empty the patient's wallet. Many doctors, when prescribing group B, are guided precisely by this.

Get to know everyone

You know the main vitamins of group B for sure. These are the well-known B1, B6 and B12:

  • IN 1- (thiamine) actively participates in metabolism, restores peripheral nerve endings that regulate the functioning of the liver and heart.
  • AT 6- (pyridoxine) strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on skin diseases, restores the nervous system. According to some reports, 80 mg of vitamin B6 per day reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by 32%.
  • AT 12- (cyanocobalamin) has a beneficial effect on liver function and nervous system, participates in the restoration of metabolism. In the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin B12 is effective in 50-80% of people.

But their lesser-known brethren deserve attention too.

  • IN 2– (riboflavin) participates in metabolism, strengthens respiratory system, improves vision, cures skin diseases, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • IN 3- (nicotinic acid) cures pellagra, improves water-salt metabolism, improves metabolism in the cells of the nervous tissue.
  • AT 9- (folic acid, folacin, vitamin Bc) is extremely important for the development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus, it is also needed for the development of a child who is breastfed, and for adults, first of all, for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Do you get the general idea? Correctly! B vitamins are indispensable for diseases of the nervous system. And which of us has “nerves” in order? Either the head aches, then the irritability has increased, then the back has “shot through”, then problems have arisen with memory ...

The B vitamins are called "neurotropic" because of their effect on function. nerve cells. Some studies have shown a high activity of this group in terms of pain relief in chronic pain syndromes and increase the threshold of pain sensitivity in acute pain. More than a hundred studies have now been published showing clinical improvement with the use of B vitamins in patients with pain syndromes.

Especially often, vitamins of this group are prescribed to patients with back pain. It is worth consulting a doctor with a complaint “the back is jammed”, “shot through” or “the arm / leg is numb”, as a recipe with the cherished trinity (B1 + B6 + B12) will be in your hands. Why? Because it has been repeatedly proven that it is these "magic" vitamins that affect the nerve cells coming from sensitive receptors to the brain, as if "slowing down" pain impulses.

If the nerve fiber itself, consisting of hundreds and thousands of processes of neurons (nerve cells), is damaged, then for their successful “restoration” the same vitamins are needed that work by laying proteins like bricks to recreate the fiber sheath.

However, many neurologists remain skeptical about their therapeutic possibilities, believing that in many cases there is a placebo effect. The fact is that with the appointment of vitamins alone, no one has yet been able to achieve a 100% effect in the treatment. Therefore, if your back hurts, consult a doctor, he will select the right combination of medicines for you, including the B-complex.

In 2000 and 2002, the American Psychiatric Association published research results in the American Journal of Psychiatry proving the impact of vitamin B12 deficiency on the onset of clinical depression in elderly patients. Many of them were not shown antidepressants, so vitamin complexes paired with diet and gymnastics good results. Given these data, many doctors began to actively prescribe B-complexes for the treatment of depression and achieve an effect.

Other studies have shown that pregnant women who eat foods rich in folic acid, or take adequate doses of folic acid and vitamin B12, significantly reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects. This is also the "gold standard" of pregnancy management around the world.

And B1 deficiency plays a big role in the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy, which is one of the most common forms in Russia. generalized lesion peripheral nerves.

The only dubious purpose of this group is still asthenic conditions, such as the notorious "chronic fatigue syndrome". Too many diseases can hide under the guise of this innocent, at first glance, diagnosis. A tired person ... stress, lack of sleep and irregular meals have done their dirty work. Drink vitamins - and everything will pass? And they do drink! Handfuls and kilograms!

When using excessive doses (three or more times the recommended daily intake) of B vitamins, intoxication develops. Hypervitaminosis of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 can cause fatty degeneration liver. Among the elements of group B, the most toxic are B6 and B12. And allergic reactions are observed mainly with their overabundance, as well as with an overdose of vitamins B1 and B2.

So, an excess of vitamin B1 causes symptoms in the form of allergic reactions and spasmodic headaches. Arterial pressure decreases, temperature, weakness, nausea appear, vomiting may occur, chills are replaced by a feeling of heat, tinnitus is disturbed, severe sweating and dizziness appear.

With prolonged use of vitamin B6 in excess dosages, anemia develops, coordination of movements is disturbed and numbness of the extremities appears.

An excess of vitamin B12 leads to heart failure, pulmonary edema, vascular thrombosis due to increased blood clotting and anaphylactic shock. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, pains appear in the region of the heart, nervous disorders intensify, allergic rashes appear on the skin in the form of urticaria.

As you can see, caution is needed even with seemingly harmless drugs like vitamins. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor for advice. And he will definitely tell you everything he knows about his “favorite” vitamins.

Valentina Saratovskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Vitamin B6 is very important for the proper functioning of the body.

Its deficiency or overdose has a bad effect on the work of the body.

This substance was discovered in 1934 by the Hungarian physician Paul Giorgi. The water-soluble vitamin that cured dermatitis in rodents he called B6. Over time, it turned out that this is not one substance, but a whole group, which includes pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and others.

All of them are interconnected and work in a complex. In the body, they are transformed into a single form - peridoxal phosphate, which acts as a catalyst for many metabolic reactions.

Basic Functions B6

  • Essential for the synthesis of amino acids
  • Participates in lipid and macronutrient metabolism
  • Without it, the formation of red blood cells and antibodies does not occur, so it is taken for anemia and reduced immunity.
  • It plays an important role in the formation of neurotransmitters involved in the transmission of nerve impulses: serotonin, adrenaline, etc. That is why vitamins B6 are indicated for diseases of the nervous system - from ordinary stress to Parkinson's disease.
  • Important for proper liver function
  • natural diuretic
  • Treats skin diseases
  • Relieves nausea, therefore it is used for motion sickness and toxicosis of pregnant women
  • Helps with muscle spasms at night and hand numbness

Peculiarity! Vitamin B6 is necessary for those who consume a lot of protein foods - athletes and physically active people, as it is involved in protein synthesis and growth muscle mass, increases efficiency, has a diuretic effect.

Now, knowing the role of this vitamin for the full functioning of the body, it becomes clear how important it is to take it in sufficient quantities.

Fortunately, this wonderful substance is widely distributed and can be found in a wide range of products both plant and animal origin. The richest in them:

  • cereals (and most of it is found in the shells and germs of the seeds, so it is best to use bran, brown varieties of rice, bread and wholemeal pasta);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • nuts (especially walnuts and hazelnuts);
  • offal (heart, liver, kidneys);
  • fish (especially tuna, salmon and cod);
  • eggs;
  • milk products;
  • spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, asparagus, legumes.

In addition, vitamin B6 is synthesized in the body itself by the intestinal microflora.

Daily rate (table)

The dosage of vitamin B6 directly depends on age. The average daily dose of an adult is 1.5 - 2 mg per day.

The need for it increases in those suffering from nervous diseases, pregnant and lactating women, in athletes during periods of increased stress. In such situations, it can be taken up to 4 mg per day, and with very intense loads - up to 10 mg.

How much vitamin B6 to take, depending on age and body condition, is indicated in the following table:

It is advisable not to exceed these norms on your own, otherwise various disturbances in the functioning of the body may occur.

Contraindications for taking vitamin B6

In most people, it is perfectly absorbed without causing any unpleasant consequences. However, sometimes there is an individual intolerance to this useful substance. Such people may develop allergic skin rashes, such as hives.

Taking synthetic forms of vitamin B6 is limited or not recommended for patients suffering from gastrointestinal ulcers, heart and liver diseases.

Overdose symptoms

As a rule, vitamin B6 is well absorbed, and in case of excess it is excellent. excreted in urine within 8 hours without accumulating in the body. But in some cases, an overdose is possible, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • allergy;
  • skin problems (dermatitis, urticaria);
  • anemia and poor blood circulation;
  • disorders of the nervous system - headaches, decreased attention, impaired sensitivity and tingling of the limbs;
  • night cramps;
  • deterioration in coordination;
  • increase in acidity gastric juice;
  • decreased milk production in breastfeeding mothers.

In the case of taking large doses of the vitamin, which happens during injections, numbness of the hands and feet often occurs. In the case of severe allergies or very large doses, anaphylactic shock may develop, which rarely happens. In chronic overdose, tissue protein loss may occur. internal organs, which leads to disruption of their work.

Interesting! Interesting and quite characteristic symptom strong overdose are very vivid night dreams, remembered in every detail.

All of these symptoms disappear when vitamin B6 supplementation is discontinued. It is not necessary to exclude foods containing this substance from the diet.

Reasons for an overdose

As already mentioned, vitamin B6 is very well excreted from the body with urine, so hypervitaminosis is possible only in rare cases. It occurs:

  • in people suffering from hypersensitivity to this substance;
  • if you take it for too long in large doses that the body does not have time to remove (this is typical for athletes and people who are actively involved in gyms - as a rule, men who are fond of bodybuilding);
  • in case of rapid intravenous injections.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes an overdose occurs in children who have reached the vial of vitamins. Parents should remember that vitamins are useful only in strictly defined quantities. The daily intake of vitamin B6 for children should not exceed 1-1.7 mg (details above).

In addition, you need to know that any synthetic vitamins - in pure form or as part of vitamin complexes - should be taken after consulting a doctor. Only a knowledgeable specialist after appropriate research can assess the body's need for a particular substance.

To rule out possible hypervitaminosis, vitamin B6 is best taken in its natural form by eating foods rich in it.

Side effects of drugs with vitamin B6

Some commercially available multivitamins contain very high dosages of vitamin B6. This is especially true of dietary supplements used by athletes and people actively involved in gyms to increase muscle mass.

In the early stages side effects manifest as allergic reactions. Such drugs should be taken with caution, do not exceed the recommended doses and take breaks.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium

Vitamin B6 works very well when paired with magnesium. They improve absorption and enhance each other's action. In the case of taking such drugs, an overdose of B6 does not occur.


Vitamin B6 is very important for normal metabolism and proper functioning of the nervous system. Often the body is deficient in this beneficial substance. Especially often this happens with increased physical exertion and overload of the nervous system.

In this case, its additional intake is necessary, but it is advisable to do this only after consulting a doctor. After all, an overdose of vitamin B6 can cause no less unpleasant consequences than its deficiency.

In contact with

The B vitamins are several water-soluble vitamins that were discovered in 1912 as a single substance. Later it turned out that this group includes 20 different nitrogen-containing compounds that have a similar effect on the body and received the appropriate designations - from B 1 to B 20.

Source: depositphotos.com

According to the results of recent studies, the group of vitamins B has been significantly reduced, since it was found that the bulk is either synthesized exclusively inside the body, or refers to vitamin-like compounds.

Currently, B vitamins include:

  • B 1 (thiamine) - is involved in the regulation of all types of metabolism;
  • B 2 (riboflavin) - regulates metabolic processes, ensures the normal functioning of the visual analyzer, maintains an adequate condition of the skin and mucous membranes, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B 3 (vitamin PP, nicotinic acid) - regulates metabolic processes;
  • B 5 (pantothenic acid) - participates in the synthesis of antibodies;
  • B 6 (pyridoxine) - is involved in the regulation of metabolism, the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, the development of red blood cells and the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B 7 (vitamin H, biotin) - regulates energy metabolism;
  • B 9 (B c, folic acid) - necessary for the normal growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy, the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, stimulates the formation of nucleins and cell proliferation;
  • B 12 (cyanocobalamin) - contributes to the formation of red blood cells, adequate formation and functioning of the nervous system.

Sources of B vitamins are both vegetable and animal products: cereals, legumes, cereals, dairy products, meat (especially liver and kidneys), fish, caviar, nuts, vegetables (cabbage, carrots, garlic, leafy vegetables, tomatoes) , yeast, fruits and berries (strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits), honey. Some representatives of this group of vitamins are partially synthesized by normal intestinal microflora.

A feature of B vitamins is their increased destruction in the body under the influence of intermediate products of the metabolism of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and refined sugars. With the intensification of metabolic processes (psycho-emotional and physical activity), the rate of utilization of these vitamins increases up to 10 times.

Despite the intensive consumption of vitamins of this group in the body, when they are used in dosage forms, acute or chronic overdose is often encountered, manifested by both general intoxication and specific symptoms.

Each representative of this group of vitamins has therapeutic doses that are calculated individually for different categories of patients: children, adults, the elderly, lactating or pregnant women who are prescribed a prophylactic dosage; professional athletes, the dose of vitamin for which can be much higher; patients with hypovitaminosis receiving a therapeutic dose.

The maximum allowable daily dose of B vitamins (may exceed the therapeutic dose by several tens or even hundreds of times):

  • B 1 - 300 mg / day;
  • B 2 - 50 mg / day;
  • B 3 - 6 g/day;
  • B 5 - 0.8 g / day;
  • B 6 - 100 mg / day;
  • B 7 - 30 mg / day;
  • B 9 - 1 mg / day;
  • B 12 - 0.5 mg / day.

Exceeding the maximum daily dose leads to the development of overdose symptoms (hypervitaminosis).

Signs of an overdose

An overdose of B vitamins is both acute and chronic. Acute overdose occurs with a single dose of a substance that is many times higher than the average therapeutic dose (due to low toxicity). Chronic develops with prolonged use of an incorrectly selected dose, more often in vulnerable individuals (the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women).

Both chronic and acute hypervitaminosis is manifested by typical symptoms of intoxication common to the entire group B:

  • speech and motor excitation;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia);
  • hyperemia and hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • diffuse headache, dizziness;
  • increased convulsive readiness;
  • palpitations, tachycardia.

There are also character traits hypervitaminosis. Most often, intoxication develops with an overdose of B 1, B 3, B 6, B 9, B 12.

Signs of an overdose of vitamin B 1:

  • cholinergic urticaria (itchy rash on the forearms, neck, chest, accompanied by fever, dyspeptic disorders) due to increased activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • discoordination of enzyme systems of the liver and its fatty degeneration;
  • impaired renal function, up to renal failure;
  • photosensitivity (increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight).

Vitamin B 1 is the leader in the risk of developing anaphylactic shock (a rapidly occurring severe allergic reaction that poses a threat to life) - occurs in 2.69% of cases.

An overdose of B 3 is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • flushing of the skin of the face and upper body, hot flashes;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • paresthesia (sensation of crawling on the skin);
  • debilitating skin itching;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • muscle pain;
  • arrhythmia, orthostatic hypotension.

Source: depositphotos.com

Hypervitaminosis B 6 is characterized by:

  • skin rashes;
  • clouding of consciousness and dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice (the course is aggravated or the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer is provoked).

Signs of hypervitaminosis B 9:

  • tonic cramps (muscle twitches), more often in the calf muscles;
  • allergic reactions.

An overdose of vitamin B 12 usually develops against the background of incorrect treatment of B 12 deficiency anemia or individual hypersensitivity to the substance. Main manifestations:

  • allergic reactions of varying severity (up to anaphylactic shock);
  • increased severity of existing heart failure, coronary heart disease (increased frequency and progression of seizures);
  • hyperactivation of the blood coagulation link (increased thrombus formation).

At acute intoxication symptoms of an overdose of B vitamins will be similar to those described above, the difference is manifested in the rate of development and intensity of pathological changes.

First aid for an overdose of B vitamins

  1. Cancel the drug.
  2. Carry out a gastric lavage, for which drink 1-1.5 liters of water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and provoke vomiting.
  3. Take a saline laxative (Magnesium sulfate).
  4. Take an enterosorbent (Enterosgel, Polisorb, Laktofiltrum).

In case of acute intoxication with a vitamin preparation for parenteral use, stop administration immediately and seek medical attention.


There are no specific antidotes for B vitamins.

When is medical assistance required?

Medical assistance is needed in several cases:

  • a child, an elderly person, a pregnant woman suffered;
  • active neurological symptoms developed (excitation or, conversely, depression of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis, paresis, intense headache;
  • the victim is limited to contact or is in an unconscious state;
  • persistent fever that cannot be corrected;
  • complaints of a cardiological nature (pain in the region of the heart, irregular pulse, palpitations, changes in blood pressure, cyanosis, sudden shortness of breath);
  • severe allergic reaction;
  • violation of urination (reduction in the amount or complete absence of urine).

After providing first aid, the victim, if necessary, is hospitalized in the specialized department of the hospital. Treatment includes the following activities:

  • a diet with a restriction of foods containing B vitamins;
  • infusion therapy to reduce the concentration of toxins (Ringer's solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, Poliglukin, Reopoliglyukin);
  • forced diuresis (diuretic drugs (Furosemide, Veroshpiron) in combination with heavy drinking from 3 to 5 l / day) to accelerate the elimination of toxins by the kidneys;
  • oxygen therapy for the prevention of hypoxic damage to organs and tissues;
  • hepatoprotectors (Heptral, Essentiale);
  • symptomatic therapy of developed concomitant disorders;
  • in severe cases - hardware blood transfusion, hemodialysis, hemosorption.

Possible consequences

Complications of a severe overdose of B vitamins may include:

  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • progression of angina pectoris;
  • thrombosis.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

The effect of vitamin b6 has long been noticed in many chemical reactions. Pyridoxine is involved in protein and fat metabolism. If it is not there, then stones form in the glasses. Enzyme B6 is considered a diuretic.
This enzyme is female, as it favorably affects their hormonal levels. Thanks to the B6 enzyme, menstruation is easier.

Almost all pregnant women need this enzyme. Pyridoxine prevents the risk of cancer. Enzyme B6 has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin, suspends the aging process. Pyridoxine is often added to various home remedies.

This enzyme is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, hemoglobin and amino acids. As a result, the functionality of the nervous system returns to normal. The level of potassium and sodium is controlled. The work of cholesterol is normalized. Statistics say that almost all people need the B6 enzyme.

Symptoms of overabundance and lack of enzyme

Not only an excess, but also a lack of pyridoxine is dangerous for humans. This can lead to the development of many diseases. Plus, in the human body there are problems with the absorption of protein. This provokes the appearance of diseases that develop into a chronic condition.

Also, a deficiency of pyridoxine leads to a violation of the sodium-potassium balance. This is very bad, as water accumulates in the body, which leads to swelling. With a lack of B6 enzyme, you can feel the general fatigue of the body. The person suffers from insomnia.

In some cases, aggression may appear due to the active work of adrenaline. There is another problem that arises from a lack of pyridoxine. Glucose levels fall and sugar levels rise.
An overdose of the B6 enzyme in nature is extremely rare, since the enzyme is able to be excreted from the body on its own.

But if this did happen, you can recognize an excess of a vitamin by some symptoms. These include: numbness of the upper and lower extremities and nervous breakdown. When the B6 enzyme is out of the body, all symptoms will disappear.

Necessary need for pyridoxine

The daily need for pyridoxine depends on the age category of the patient and gender. Typically, the daily dose is directly proportional to protein intake. Adults are recommended to take up to 2.5 mg per day, children from 0.3 to 1.6 mg, and pregnant women up to 6 mg. But you should not focus on the table, it is better to consult a doctor, since the daily dose is individually prescribed for everyone.

It is desirable to carry out the reception in conjunction with the enzymes B2 and B5. It is very important to take supplements with potassium and magnesium. They allow pyroxidine to be safely absorbed and produce hydrochloric acid.

How does pyridoxine interact with other enzymes?

Assimilation becomes impossible if the intake of the B6 enzyme is carried out together with the use of antidepressants and oral contraceptives. In addition, this situation is exacerbated by the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Lack of pyridoxine is provoked by Penicillamine, Kuprimin, and tuberculosis treatment. If you are injecting the B6 enzyme, do not combine it with the B1 and B12 vitamin complex. Otherwise, they will crowd out each other. B6 can be very dangerous.

Healthy foods

Sources of pyridoxine are divided into products of plant and animal origin. A large dose of this enzyme is found in yeast and liver. Also, vitamin B6 is present in unrefined grains and cereals, potatoes, legumes, bananas and nuts, as well as cabbage.

The dairy group includes: liver, meat products, dairy products, kidneys, eggs and fish. It is extremely important to find the necessary source of the substance and save it, since a lot of pyridoxine is lost during the processing.

Some useful tips:

Frozen vegetables and fruits can retain about 60% of vitamin B6, and White bread contains only a fifth of this enzyme.
Please note that when rice and potatoes are cooked, the B6 component is reduced by 90%.
Preservation is able to save only a third of vitamin B6.

Try to change your usual diet or sit on. Include foods rich in component B6 in the menu. In order to save useful material Wrap potatoes in foil before baking. And it is better to add bran to the dough for baking.

Pyridoxine can be found in many medicinal plants. In large quantities, vitamin B6 is found in alfalfa, oat straw and plantain.

Why do athletes take pyridoxine?

The most important thing that is required in sports is the active work of the muscles. For them building material is a protein. Muscle activity is impossible without the B6 enzyme. Thanks to this enzyme, they are saturated with oxygen.

Pyridoxine is involved in the formation of blood, which carries oxygen throughout the human body. Vitamin B6 is important for people involved in strength training. If used incorrectly, proteins will damage the kidneys rather than promote muscle growth.

Who Should Be Safe From Taking B6 Enzyme?

Studies have shown that vitamin B6 is generally very well tolerated by both men and women. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur in the form of a rash on the skin.

With extreme caution, pyridoxine is prescribed to people with:

Ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer;
liver failure;
ischemic disease hearts.

When injecting the drug, you can not combine it with cyanocobalamin and thiamine. Each person should clearly understand that taking any drug should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.