How positive emotions and positive states help solve problems. Recommendations from a psychologist

Positive emotions are human states that bring positive feelings. Everyone knows what the expectation of success, a feeling of happiness, satisfaction or trust is. Everyone has experienced love and compassion at least once in their life.

Why did nature reward humanity with the gift of the ability to experience positive emotions? They make you feel happy and energetic. It is these states that help people achieve their goals, and also make life happier and improve relationships with others.

How to Induce Positive Emotions If You Use the tips below.

Tune in to the positive immediately after waking up. Tell yourself: “Today is a beautiful day. I radiate smile, goodwill and happiness.”

If you feel that the blues have suddenly begun to set in, close your eyes and imagine how one of your dreams came true.

When you feel anger, disappointment and other negative emotions, read a positive book, watch a comedy, play a funny song.

Remember that negative thoughts come to mind more easily and are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, as soon as they begin to overcome you, immediately switch to happy memories.

Use positive statements - affirmations. They can be easily found in the books of such writers as: N. Pravdina, L. Hay, etc. There are a huge number of affirmations on sites on the following topics: esotericism, psychology, etc. You can come up with them yourself. For example, “Luck is always with me”, “Fortune always helps me”, “Success for me” and others.

If you have to communicate with unpleasant people during the day, try to fill yourself with a feeling of understanding and warmth before talking to them. Your attitude towards those you dislike will gradually change.

Always avoid communicating with negative people. Strive to talk to leaders, rich people. They always have positive emotions and thoughts.

Even if you have an unpleasant situation life situation, go to the mirror, smile through force. Tell yourself: “Everything is only changing for the better.” And remember that there is a way out of any problem, and you will find it.

Stop watching news, horror films, thrillers, crime. They fill you with negative thoughts. You will remember the situations you saw for a long time and will attract similar problems and troubles into your life.

Positive emotions are created by yoga and qigong. Practice meditation, chant mantras, study Feng Shui. Eastern arts were originally created to evoke inner peace and surround a person with abundance, goodness and joy.

Program yourself before bed to good rest. Relaxation practice will help with this. First concentrate on the toes of your right foot, relax them, then your foot, shin, thigh, etc. Alternately move your attention to your legs and arms. Then relax your body, neck, head. As a result, you will stop feeling your body and feel lightness and freedom. At these moments, imagine something pleasant and gradually fall asleep. All night long the subconscious will work to fulfill your desires. And in the morning you will wake up with good mood.

So, what are the emotions? Positive and negative. The first ones simplify life, create successful situations and help avoid many problems and disagreements. Negative emotions are the path to depression and blues. They complicate life with scandals and despondency. And when a person is under their influence, the world seems gray and hateful. Change your inner feelings using the methods described above, and your life will become bright, and luck will always accompany you. Every day will delight you with new events and pleasant changes.

It’s difficult for me to understand my feelings - a phrase that each of us has encountered: in books, in movies, in life (someone else’s or our own). But it is very important to be able to understand your feelings.

The Wheel of Emotions by Robert Plutchik

Some people believe - and perhaps they are right - that the meaning of life is in feelings. And in fact, at the end of life, only our feelings, real or in memories, remain with us. And our experiences can also be a measure of what is happening: the richer, more varied, and brighter they are, the more fully we experience life.

What are feelings? The simplest definition: feelings are what we feel. This is our attitude towards certain things (objects). There are more scientific definition: feelings (higher emotions) are special mental states, manifested by socially conditioned experiences that express long-term and stable emotional relationships of a person to things.

How are feelings different from emotions?

Sensations are our experiences that we experience through our senses, and we have five of them. Sensations are visual, auditory, tactile, taste and smell (our sense of smell). With sensations everything is simple: stimulus - receptor - sensation.

Our consciousness interferes with emotions and feelings - our thoughts, attitudes, our thinking. Emotions are influenced by our thoughts. And vice versa - emotions influence our thoughts. We’ll definitely talk about these relationships in more detail a little later. But now let’s remember once again one of the criteria for psychological health, namely point 10: we are responsible for our feelings, it depends on us what they will be. This is important.

Fundamental Emotions

All human emotions can be distinguished by the quality of experience. This aspect of human emotional life is most clearly represented in the theory of differential emotions. American psychologist K. Izarda. He identified ten qualitatively different “fundamental” emotions: interest-excitement, joy, surprise, grief-suffering, anger-rage, disgust-disgust, contempt-disdain, fear-horror, shame-shyness, guilt-remorse. K. Izard classifies the first three emotions as positive, the remaining seven as negative. Each of the fundamental emotions underlies a whole spectrum of conditions that vary in degree of expression. For example, within the framework of such a unimodal emotion as joy, one can distinguish joy-satisfaction, joy-delight, joy-jubilation, joy-ecstasy and others. From the combination of fundamental emotions, all other, more complex, complex emotional states arise. For example, anxiety can combine fear, anger, guilt and interest.

1. Interest is a positive emotional state that promotes the development of skills and abilities and the acquisition of knowledge. Interest-excitement is a feeling of capture, curiosity.

2. Joy is a positive emotion associated with the opportunity to sufficiently fully satisfy an actual need, the probability of which was previously small or uncertain. Joy is accompanied by self-satisfaction and satisfaction with the world around us. Obstacles to self-realization are also obstacles to the emergence of joy.

3. Surprise - an emotional reaction to sudden circumstances that does not have a clearly defined positive or negative sign. Surprise inhibits all previous emotions, directing attention to a new object and can turn into interest.

4. Suffering (grief) is the most common negative emotional state associated with receiving reliable (or seeming) information about the impossibility of satisfying the most important needs, the achievement of which previously seemed more or less likely. Suffering has the character of an asthenic emotion and more often occurs in the form of emotional stress. The most severe form of suffering is grief associated with irretrievable loss.

5. Anger is a strong negative emotional state, often occurring in the form of affect; arises in response to an obstacle in achieving passionately desired goals. Anger has the character of a sthenic emotion.

6. Disgust is a negative emotional state caused by objects (objects, people, circumstances), contact with which (physical or communicative) comes into sharp conflict with the aesthetic, moral or ideological principles and attitudes of the subject. Disgust, when combined with anger, can motivate aggressive behavior in interpersonal relationships. Disgust, like anger, can be directed toward oneself, lowering self-esteem and causing self-judgment.

7. Contempt is a negative emotional state that arises in interpersonal relationships and is generated by mismatch life positions, views and behavior of the subject with those of the object of feeling. The latter are presented to the subject as base, not corresponding to accepted moral standards and ethical criteria. A person is hostile to someone he despises.

8. Fear is a negative emotional state that appears when the subject receives information about possible damage to his life well-being, about a real or imaginary danger. In contrast to suffering caused by direct blocking of the most important needs, a person, experiencing the emotion of fear, has only a probabilistic forecast of possible trouble and acts on the basis of this forecast (often insufficiently reliable or exaggerated). The emotion of fear can be both sthenic and asthenic in nature and occur either in the form of stressful conditions, or in the form of a stable mood of depression and anxiety, or in the form of affect (horror).

9. Shame is a negative emotional state, expressed in the awareness of the inconsistency of one’s own thoughts, actions and appearance not only with the expectations of others, but also with one’s own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance.

10. Guilt is a negative emotional state expressed in the awareness of impropriety own action, thoughts or feelings and expressed in regret and repentance.

Table of human feelings and emotions

And I also want to show you a collection of feelings, emotions, states that a person experiences during his life - a generalized table that does not pretend to be scientific, but will help you better understand yourself. The table was taken from the website “Communities of Addicted and Codependent”, author - Mikhail.

All human feelings and emotions can be divided into four types. These are fear, anger, sadness and joy. You can find out what type a particular feeling belongs to from the table.

  • Anger
  • Anger
  • Disturbance
  • Hatred
  • Resentment
  • Angry
  • Annoyance
  • Irritation
  • Vindictiveness
  • Insult
  • Militancy
  • Rebellion
  • Resistance
  • Envy
  • Arrogance
  • Disobedience
  • Contempt
  • Disgust
  • Depression
  • Vulnerability
  • Suspicion
  • Cynicism
  • Alertness
  • Concern
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Nervousness
  • Trembling
  • Concerns
  • Fright
  • Anxiety
  • Excitement
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Susceptibility to obsession
  • Feeling threatened
  • Dazed
  • Fear
  • Dejection
  • Feeling stuck
  • Confusion
  • Lost
  • Disorientation
  • Incoherence
  • Feeling trapped
  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Sadness
  • Sadness
  • Grief
  • Oppression
  • gloominess
  • Despair
  • Depression
  • Devastation
  • Helplessness
  • Weakness
  • Vulnerability
  • Sullenness
  • Seriousness
  • Depression
  • Disappointment
  • Backwardness
  • Shyness
  • Feeling that you are not loved
  • Abandonment
  • Soreness
  • Unsociability
  • Dejection
  • Fatigue
  • Stupidity
  • Apathy
  • Complacency
  • Boredom
  • Exhaustion
  • Disorder
  • Loss of strength
  • Grumpiness
  • Impatience
  • Hot temper
  • Yearning
  • Blues
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Humiliation
  • Disadvantage
  • Embarrassment
  • Inconvenience
  • Heaviness
  • Regret
  • Remorse
  • Reflection
  • Sorrow
  • Alienation
  • awkwardness
  • Astonishment
  • Defeat
  • Stunned
  • Amazement
  • Shock
  • Impressionability
  • Strong desire
  • Enthusiasm
  • Excitement
  • Excitement
  • Passion
  • Insanity
  • Euphoria
  • Trembling
  • Competitive spirit
  • Firm confidence
  • Determination
  • Self Confidence
  • Insolence
  • Readiness
  • Optimism
  • Satisfaction
  • Pride
  • Sentimentality
  • Happiness
  • Joy
  • Bliss
  • funny
  • Admiration
  • Triumph
  • Luck
  • Pleasure
  • Harmlessness
  • Daydreaming
  • Charm
  • Appreciation
  • Appreciation
  • Hope
  • Interest
  • Passion
  • Interest
  • Liveliness
  • Liveliness
  • Calm
  • Satisfaction
  • Relief
  • Peacefulness
  • Relaxation
  • Contentment
  • Comfort
  • Restraint
  • Susceptibility
  • Forgiveness
  • Love
  • Serenity
  • Location
  • Adoration
  • Admiration
  • Awe
  • Love
  • Attachment
  • Safety
  • Respect
  • Friendliness
  • Sympathy
  • Sympathy
  • Tenderness
  • Generosity
  • Spirituality
  • Puzzled
  • Confusion

And for those who read the article to the end. The purpose of this article is to help you understand your feelings and what they are like. Our feelings largely depend on our thoughts. Irrational thinking often underlies negative emotions. By correcting these mistakes (working on our thinking), we can be happier and achieve more in life. There is interesting, but persistent and painstaking work to be done on oneself. Are you ready?

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Often we get caught up in business or relationships and forget about ourselves. But we deserve leading role in your own life. Devote at least 30 minutes every day to something that makes you happy and inspiring. Dinner with friends at a restaurant, a new hairstyle, going to a theater premiere... Even the next episode of your favorite TV series! The main thing is that you like what you do. If you spent a couple of hours without any visible benefit, but with pleasure, they cannot be considered wasted.

Buy not things, but emotions

American scientists have proven that the brain experiences happiness from experiences, and not from the fact of owning some object. You think you're excited about your new phone, but in reality you're looking forward to installing apps and taking selfies with your loved one. Exciting expectations and positive experiences are more important material assets. Go to concerts, master classes or quests in a fun company. Dresses and gadgets can get damaged, go out of style, or become boring, but the impressions will remain forever.

Listen to your wishes

Often the desire to have what you want is confused with selfishness. Many of us have been instilled with the idea since childhood: wanting something for ourselves is ugly. Desires are opposed to a sense of duty and responsibilities. The psyche leads along the path of compromises and fears, and you again find yourself in a job you don’t like, in unacceptable circumstances or surrounded by unpleasant people. So you risk falling into a state of neurosis. To get out of the vicious circle, you need to start wanting again. But for a long time when we give up what we want, we forget how to do it. Remember what you loved to do before: playing badminton, drawing, singing, a cappella... Go back to these activities. Next step: Every morning, say out loud five sentences starting with the words: “I want...”. For example: “get a second degree,” “buy red shoes,” “go on vacation to the sea,” “give birth to a child.” By training constantly, you will understand what is really important to you. And stop thinking that your dreams are unnecessary or wrong, otherwise you will doom yourself to failure in advance. Be confident in your choice and enjoy every little victory! Even if things get out of control, there is always the opportunity to correct mistakes.

“Pump up” the feeling of joy

It so happens that our consciousness tends to notice the negative and dangerous more often than something good. Blame it on evolution. This pattern causes us to see reality in dim colors, even when objectively everything is fine. Life coach Ekaterina Krasnoshchekova offers techniques for “pumping up” good mood and luck. During the week, at every opportunity, exclaim: “What luck!”, “What happiness!” Soon you will see that changes have begun in your life: more light and positive things have appeared in it. Coincidence? Not at all! Learn to trust fate and rejoice in any outcome of events. More greater effect you will achieve by celebrating positive aspects even in unpleasant situations. Husband stayed late at the office? Great, you’ll have time to get your nails done before he arrives. Did the bus leave from under your nose? Not scary! You'll breathe longer fresh air. And dark chocolate, spicy food and perfumes with notes of vanilla will help you keep a smile on your face.

Get rid of unnecessary things

Old, unfashionable or unused things clutter up your apartment in particular and life in general. There is literally no room left for anything new. It's the same with negative memories. If you often think that everything important, happy and meaningful has already happened once, you urgently need to change your attitude towards the situation. Accept it as a fact: sad thoughts that make your soul feel heavy are immaterial. Most likely, no one except you cares about them. Try to come to an agreement with your memory, because it is given to us for self-development, and not in order to return to the past again and again. The more unusual impressions you receive, the less you will reflect. Old habits should also be reviewed. Think about whether you really need to check your email and social networks in the morning. Maybe you just did this every day for a long time. recent years? By getting rid of unnecessary things, you can do what is actually interesting.

Make spontaneous decisions

According to statistics, intuitive choices often influence a person’s destiny. Sometimes we are simply programmed for negative scenarios: you realize that everything is going wrong, but you continue to act out of habit. The memory matrix of stereotypical experienced situations controls actions. “But doing the same thing, it’s illogical to expect different results,” explains psychotherapist Zoya Bogdanova. — Spontaneity is nothing more than acceptance of yourself and your desires. Don’t think too long: a non-standard decision can turn your life in a different direction.”

Play sports

We are not suggesting losing 10 kg. Such a goal is not directly related to emotions. What is important here is not victory, but participation. It’s the process that comes to the fore, so get the most out of it, advises psychologist Ksenia Ulyanova, founder of Happy Academy. It's no secret: when playing sports, the body produces “joy hormones” (dopamine, serotonin), which improve your mood for at least four hours. The main thing is to choose the physical activity that you like. Bicycle, dancing, and maybe even “unfeminine” boxing. Just do it because you want, and not because you have to. Maybe your muscles will become stronger from pumping iron in the gym, but if already on the second set you start cursing everything around you, the training is unlikely to benefit your nervous system. And we are for the perfection of not only external forms, but also internal content!

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Positive Emotions

This is a positive response to an event that causes a state of joy and fully corresponds to the expectations and internal attitudes of the person himself. Positive or positive emotions for most people are the basis of their happiness and happy moments in life. Positive emotions are a derivative of the received positive energy directed to us in various forms - verbal, mental, material or in combination, coming to us from other people or things. Example: The word “Thank you!..” as gratitude for something is part of a positive energy message that evokes an emotion of satisfaction in a person. A material thing such as a telephone evokes Emotions of Joy and a Happy moment, since it includes work and the result of positive work, positive energy a large number of people.

The main source of positive Emotions and Happiness in your life is yourself, your inner World and all your beliefs and attitudes. Consciousness and subconsciousness, the human brain, realizing that desired result received, a goal achieved or a small victory, they give a command to our endocrine system to do something pleasant for the brain - to release the hormone of pleasure and joy into the blood.

From the physiological side, where is the whole series biological substances in the body are called hormones of Joy. These are the well-known ones - endorphin, serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine. The most powerful hormone of happiness is endorphin. The principle of action is similar to morphine. The pituitary gland is the part of the brain responsible for the production of this substance. The pituitary gland controls the work of all endocrine glands, stimulates the immune system, and increases the pain threshold for wounds and injuries.

Your personal attitude to what is happening around and inside you determines how much you yourself can radiate smiles and positive Emotions. Without positive emotions, life becomes sad, a person becomes despondent, depressed, and hysterical. An even more powerful option is when high, bright feelings also live in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions. In this case, the state of happiness may approach maximum.

What are Emotions and what are they? There is one single basis for positive emotions and feelings - these are happy moments! It is happy moments that are the basis of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If a person does not have joy from happy moments, then all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into continuous suffering. Positive emotions and high feelings have a common basis - this is, first of all, a positive attitude towards something, positive thoughts and attitudes.

What is Positive Attitude and Feedback?

A positive attitude and positive inverse is a set of a person’s ideas and beliefs, life attitudes and images, and his idea of ​​the world around him and himself. Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas form a negative attitude, while positive beliefs form a positive attitude. A negative attitude, in turn, is the basis for any negative emotions.

For your own positive emotion and the energy that this emotion radiates, it is important to experience more positive feelings yourself and you need to form in yourself as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your Self.

The path to happiness lies through many positive emotions! What are positive emotions?

Positive emotions are joy of varying strength with hundreds of shades: the Emotion of Joy, the Emotion of Jubilation, the Emotion of Pleasure, the Emotion of Pride, the Emotion of Admiration, the Emotion of Attraction, the Emotion of Anticipation.

Positive emotions like smiling and laughter are nonverbal expressions of positive emotions. Some emotions, such as Sympathy and Mercy, are very closely related to feelings.

How to get positive emotions?

Undoubtedly the world around us it is not only an endless source of positive impressions and joyful moments. Modern society and the world is very diverse. There are both very positive events and very negative ones.

This is life, so there are both black and white stripes. It must be remembered that for a true and lasting state of Happiness, you need to accumulate the sources of your positive emotions in the form of additional cash, real estate, family life, money, independent business. Constantly improve, learn, set new goals and achieve them. Of course you will say that money does not buy happiness, according to the classic catchphrase. However, money is frozen fragments of people’s gratitude, and it is this gratitude at the right moment that brings significant relief and emotional uplift.

There is one point in positive emotional outbursts - the person himself must be open and receptive. If he is completely negative, nothing in this world will please or satisfy him. On the contrary, even something good around him will make him angry and irritated. Hence the conclusion follows: only development, the formation of correct knowledge and strong positive beliefs within a person creates a powerful basis within a person for the constant development of positive emotions and feelings. An indicator that you are moving correctly in your development and in life in general will be your constantly growing satisfaction with life and the average line of Happiness.

​​​​​​​ Positive emotions are a concept with a very unsettled meaning. Generally, "positive emotions" means the same thing as "positive emotions", but there are some differences between these concepts.

Perhaps, by “positive” emotions, feelings and states, it makes sense to understand everything that has a pleasant emotional background and is experienced as this or that pleasure.

Usually these are the emotions that a person experiences when achieving a goal, when he gets what he wanted.

But “positive” emotions, feelings and states are a little different. These are emotions, feelings and states that receive a positive assessment from the person himself and/or others.

As a rule, these are emotions born of a person’s positive attitude, coming from loving, cooperative and friendly people.

However, it is difficult to give a list of positive emotions. This may be daydreaming, etc., but these same emotions may sometimes not please others at all, and sometimes even cause protest in the person himself.

Attraction to your loved one and impatience of passion - these emotions and feelings are extremely positive when this is in the plans of both you and your loved one. If these feelings are inappropriate and have to be hidden, then such soul-tearing emotions and feelings can hardly be called positive.

Most positive emotions are quite the same as positive emotions, and “joy at meeting” is usually both a positive and a positive emotion. However, sometimes there is an obvious discrepancy between positive and positive emotions.

The pleasure of eating is a positive emotion, but the pleasure of eating can irritate someone who wants to lose weight, and a person may consider food pleasure to be a negative, harmful experience for themselves.

On the other hand, if dissatisfaction with oneself prompts a person to get off the couch and start doing something, he will evaluate the negative experience of “dissatisfaction with oneself” as a positive state for himself.

Positive emotions and creating an atmosphere of communication

When two people meet, one of them always turns out to be the one who creates one or another emotional atmosphere. Which one? Indifference, closedness, isolation? Dissatisfaction, indignation, irritation? It is probably better if you are the author of the emotional atmosphere, and you will be able to easily create a confident, positive attitude. But which one? And how to learn this? Cm.