Conception calendar for the gender of the child. How to determine the sex of a child by the age of the mother and father

Determining the sex of the future baby is important for almost all couples. Sometimes this is caused by idle interest, sometimes by hereditary diseases that affect only men or women in the family. And if in the latter case it is better to take advantage of the achievements of modern medicine, then in the former you can resort to the knowledge that people have accumulated since ancient times and try to calculate the sex of the child yourself.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis to find out the sex of the unborn child

Used in IVF. The name reflects the essence of the method: before placement, an embryo biopsy is performed and the resulting material is genetically diagnosed. The technique is expensive and is not used everywhere, but it allows you to be 100 percent confident in the health and sex of the child.

MicroSort system to find out the gender of the unborn child

Used before insemination or IVF to avoid diseases inherited through the male or female line. Science has long known that the sex of a child is determined by the father: it all depends on the type of sperm that merged with the egg. The principle of operation of the method is to sort sperm into X- and Y-carriers (“female” and “male”) and subsequent fertilization of the egg with sperm of a certain group.

Confidence: 90 percent when planning a girl and 73 percent when planning a boy.

Invasive methods for diagnosing the sex of an unborn child

You can determine the sex of your unborn child with 100% accuracy using procedures such as:

  1. Cordocentesis - puncture of the uterus, collection and examination of fetal cord blood. Produced no earlier than 18 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the uterine wall, removal and subsequent examination of amniotic fluid. It is done between 15 and 21 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Chorionic villus biopsy is the collection and examination of chorionic villi, the DNA of which is identical to that of the fetus. Produced at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

All invasive procedures are expensive, involve risks, including spontaneous abortion, and are prescribed in exceptional cases.

Ultrasound examination to find out the sex of the unborn child

It is possible to determine the sex of a child by ultrasound no earlier than 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, but even at this stage the error is quite large. Mothers are often told the gender of the child at the first screening, but at this stage it is more of an assumption. Experienced ultrasound specialists believe that modern equipment can reliably determine the gender of a fetus at 20 weeks or more. Also, sometimes it is impossible to determine the sex due to the specific location of the fetus in the mother’s womb.

Pseudo-scientific ways to find out the gender of the unborn child

Ovulation method to find out the gender of the unborn child

Determining the sex of a child by the date of conception is based on the differences between the sperm carrying different types sex chromosomes.

X-carriers are larger, tougher, more durable, but slower. Y-carriers are nimble, but die relatively quickly, especially in the acidic vaginal environment.

Fertilization occurs at ovulation. If coitus occurred 3-4 days before, then by the time the oocyte leaves the follicle, the Y-carriers will die and the slow X-carriers will reach the goal. To increase the chance of conceiving a girl, it is also recommended to choose sex positions with shallow penetration. If sexual intercourse occurred the day before or during ovulation, then fast Y carriers have much more chances fertilize the egg, especially if the sperm's path to the oocyte is shortened as much as possible.

  • Ovulation should be monitored using special tests, ultrasound or daily assessment of vaginal discharge, the structure of the uterine cervix, and measuring basal temperature.

Gender of the child by menstruation

According to the theory of a doctor from Poland, Frantisek Benedo, ladies with a regular menstrual cycle can plan the gender of their baby. To conceive a girl, coitus must occur 14-15 days before the expected start of menstruation. If there is a desire to carry a boy, then sexual intercourse occurs 11-12 days before the expected period.

Reliability: up to 80 percent.

Test to determine the sex of a child

Recently, test systems TestGender, WhoTest, GenderMaker have been gaining popularity for determining the sex of a child at home from 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. The principle of operation, according to the instructions, is based on the fact that the sex hormones of the embryo enter the mother’s body and are then excreted in urine. A patented complex of reagents, depending on the presence of male or female hormones in the urine, is colored in “boyish” or “girlish” colors.
Preparing for an analysis of the sex of the child:

  • At least 2 days before testing, you should exclude sexual contact.
  • A pregnant woman should not take hormonal medications.
  • After taking antibiotics, 10 days should pass.
  • The pregnant woman must be healthy: polycystic ovary syndrome, ARVI, infections genitourinary system affect the reliability of the test.


To perform the test, morning urine is required. It is important to follow the instructions exactly: pour the recommended amount of urine into a special reservoir, do not shake the test, and do not expose it to direct sunlight. The result must be assessed within the time limits specified in the instructions; after the specified time, the test is uninformative.

  • Reliability (indicated by the manufacturer): 80-9o percent.
  • Often such tests are not certified.

Unscientific ways to determine the sex of a child

Gender of baby based on heartbeat

In 1993, scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that when the fetal heart rate (HR) is more than 140 beats per minute, girls are born in 74 percent of cases. If the heart rate is less than 140, then the chance of having a boy is 91 percent.

In further studies, confirmation of this statement was not found, however, some uzologists even today suggest the gender of gender on early stages based on this methodology.

Determining the sex of a child by blood renewal

  • It is based on the opinion that women’s blood is renewed every 3 years, and men’s – every 4. The unborn child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood was “younger” at the time of fertilization.
  • Calculations can be done manually or using a special online calculator for the child’s gender.
  • If there was significant blood loss (childbirth, blood transfusion, donation, surgery), then blood renewal should be counted from this date.
  • There is an opinion that for Rh-negative women the method works exactly the opposite: whose blood is “older” at the time of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

Conception table for the sex of the child by blood type and Rh factor of the parents

  • Parents with the same Rh factor should give birth to a son; if the Rh factors are different, then we can expect the birth of a daughter.
  • Determining the sex of a child by blood is somewhat more difficult. The first or second group being the same for both partners predicts the birth of a girl, the third or fourth - a boy.
    Partners with the first and third or second and fourth blood groups should have a girl. The first and second blood groups, as well as the first, and fourth, and third, and fourth, as a result indicate the birth of a boy.
  • The reliability of determining the sex of a child by the blood of the parents is questionable due to the possibility of the birth of children of different sexes from the same parents.

French diet for determining the sex of a child

With its help, you can determine the sex of the child by the parents, or rather, by their diet. The method is based on the opinion that in order to conceive a boy, the diet of future parents must contain a lot of potassium and sodium and little magnesium and calcium. To conceive a girl, you need a diametrically opposite diet. Partners should adhere to this diet for several months before conception.

  • Reliability: up to 75 percent.

Chinese baby gender determination chart

According to legends, the Chinese table was discovered 7 centuries ago either in the tomb of an emperor or in the grave of a hermit monk. Using this table, you can determine the sex of the child based on the mother, knowing the month in which fertilization occurred or is expected to occur, and the woman’s full age from conception.

  • The ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child is suitable for women aged 17-18 to 44-45 years.

Japanese baby gender determination chart

The Japanese calendar is based on the belief that the sex of a child depends on the birth months of his parents and the month in which the woman ovulated.

Calculations according to the Japanese conception table for the gender of the child are made in 2 stages.

  • Determination of the code number. The first table is used. The code number is located at the intersection of the rays, the beginning of which is the birth months of the couple.
  • Determining the sex of the child. The second table is used. The cell located at the intersection of the rays, the reference points of which are the month of ovulation and the code number, will show what gender the child will be born into the world.
  • Calculation example: the future father was born in December, the mother in March. The code number is 3. Ovulation was in May, which means the couple will have a girl.
  • Using the principle of the Japanese calendar, you can also calculate the sex of a child online: this technique is adapted to a format that is convenient for modern Internet users and eliminates the incorrect use of tables.

Vanga table for determining the sex of a child

  • In general, Vangelia Gushterova, known throughout the world as the seer Vanga, has nothing directly to do with the child’s gender calendar that bears her name. The table was compiled by a follower of Vangelia named Lyudmila Kim.
  • Using this method, you can determine the sex of the child by the age of the mother and the month in which fertilization occurred. The point of intersection of these two indicators will indicate the gender of the fetus.

Gender of the child by date of conception

One of the simplest folk ways. With its help, you can guess what the sex of the child will be based on the month of conception, to which the mother’s age at the time of fertilization and one are added. If the total is an even number, then a daughter will be born, if an odd number, a son will be born.

Determining the sex of a child - folk signs

Determining gender by the back of the head of the previous child

You can guess the gender of the future baby if the couple already has a child (if there are several children, then the gender is determined by the youngest). To do this, you need to look at the hairline on the back of the child’s head: if the line is straight, then a son will be born next, if at an angle, then a daughter.

The method will not work if the child has already been born from another father or if the woman has had miscarriages or abortions after the birth of the child.

Gender of the child and appearance of the pregnant woman

  • Popular beliefs say that girls “take away” their mother’s beauty while still in the womb. Therefore, if a pregnant woman begins to look worse, her face is swollen, pigment spots appear, then she is waiting for the birth of her daughter. If the appearance of the expectant mother has not changed, then a son will be born.
  • A relatively flat, wide belly means a girl: calm and flexible. A clearly visible, sometimes even pointed belly, which is not at all visible from the back - to a mischievous boy striving forward.

Fortune telling about the gender of the child

The most popular fortune telling, which allows you to find out the gender of the fetus, is performed using a white or red thread and a pendulum: a needle or a ring.

Guessing the gender of a child using a hand sewing needle

  1. For the ritual, you should prepare a needle and a long thread, preferably white. A pregnant woman needs to think about the issue that worries her and gently hold the needle in her palm for a while. Next, with your right hand, thread the thread and pull it through the eye. Still holding the ends of the thread with your right hand, you need to lower the needle over the open palm of your left hand so that the needle does not reach the skin a few centimeters and fix the needle in this position. Repeat the question mentally again, while looking at the tip of the needle. If the needle begins to swing in a circle, a girl is expected to appear. Movements from side to side indicate that the baby in the womb of the expectant mother is male. If the needle remains motionless, then it is worth repeating all the stages of fortune telling from the beginning, this can be done on the same day.
  2. For the second method, you will need a new needle with a long white thread pulled through the eye. The needle should be raised into the air, holding the ends of the thread with the right hand, bring the resulting “pendulum” to the open left palm and lower the needle three times, without touching the skin, into the space between the thumb and forefinger. Then mentally ask the question you are interested in and hold the floating needle over your left palm. If the needle begins to describe a circle, then a daughter will be born, if it sways, then a son.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a ring

  • Thread a long thread through the ring, holding the ends of the thread in right hand, extend the “pendulum” over the stomach, mentally ask a question about the gender of the unborn child. If the ring begins to describe circles, then a daughter will be born, if it sways from side to side, a son will be born.
  • Unmarried girls perform the ritual in person using a ring that they have worn at least a few times and that they have not shared with other women. For married people, their spouse can also tell fortunes; it is used for the ritual. wedding ring.


Not a single fortune telling, sign or table for conceiving the gender of a child can give a 100% result. In cases where the birth of a child of a particular gender is not the whim of the parents, it is worth taking advantage of the achievements of modern medicine. In other cases, you can have fun and try, for example, to find out the gender of the child using a table. What if it coincides?

Boy or girl?

Throughout human history, people have been trying to guess who will be born to them - a boy or a girl?

Modern medicine offers the most popular way to determine the sex of a baby in the womb using ultrasound. This method gives results from about 16 weeks of pregnancy. But more reliable information can be obtained only at 20-25 weeks of pregnancy. Another way to determine the sex of a child is an American special test, which allows you to find out who the couple is expecting. It is known that fetal sex hormones are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. If you combine it with a special reagent found in the test, it will change color - if it is green, it will be a boy, if orange, it will be a girl. The accuracy of the test is 90%, it can be performed from 8 weeks. However, such a test is not cheap and it will not be easy to find it, since it is not sold in all pharmacies.
If you are just planning to conceive a child and you want a boy or a girl, then with an accuracy of 50% you can use alternative folk and ancient methods of determining gender: according to the Drene Chinese and Japanese tables, according to the renewal of the blood of the mother and father, according to the blood type of the parents, folk signs.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by mother's age and time of conception

Are you planning a child and want to know the gender of your unborn baby? Let's first look at the Chinese fertility chart. The original of this table is kept in a museum in Beijing, its age is about 700 years. A conception table for the sex of a child was discovered in one of the eastern ancient temples. But, according to legend, they initially found it in the emperor’s tomb, and only then transferred it to the temple. The Chinese conception table is based on the fact that the sex of the unborn baby depends on two different factors - the age of the mother and the month of the child’s immediate conception. First find the mother's age, then relate it to the month in which the child was conceived. You will receive a plus or minus sign indicating whether it is a boy or a girl, respectively. This way you can check the birth of yourself or your relatives.

Considering the age of the intended mother, which is indicated in the table from 18 to 45 years, you determine in which month a boy or girl can be born, choose the preferred one and count nine from this month to get the time of conception. Good luck in your endeavors!

Mother's age


Folk signs on how to determine the gender of the unborn child

1. Let future mom He will take a key from the table (without a ring and not in a bunch!). If she takes the round part, then she will have a boy, if she takes the long narrow part, then she will have a girl, and if she takes the middle part, then she will have twins.
2. If the expectant mother chokes while eating, ask her to name any number. Then figure out which letter of the alphabet this number corresponds to (a - 1, b - 2, etc.) and ask her to name the name starting with this letter. If she chooses a girl's name, then she will have a girl, and if she chooses a boy's name, then she will have a boy.
3. If you have older children, remember the first word of the previous child. If he said “mom” first, then a girl will be born, and if “dad”, then a boy.
4. Compare the year of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception. If both numbers are even or both are odd, then the child will be a girl, and if one is even and the other odd, then the child will be a boy.
5. If you want to give birth to a boy, eat more salty foods for several months before conception, and if you want a girl, eat more sweets.
6. If you want to conceive a girl, place a wooden spoon and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.
7. The gender of the child will be opposite to that of the partner who was more active at the time of conception.
8. If your legs swell during pregnancy, you will have a boy, and if your legs are fine, you will have a girl.
9. If a pregnant woman is irritable, then she will give birth to a girl, and if she has mostly good mood, then it's a boy.
10. If a pregnant woman eats small pieces of bread, then she will have a boy, and if she takes pieces of bread from the middle, then she will have a girl.
11. If a pregnant woman’s hands become dry and the skin on them cracks, then a boy will be born, and if the hands become softer, then a girl will be born.
12. A pregnant woman expecting a boy eats more than one who is expecting a girl.
13. A pregnant, expecting girl feels more nauseous.
14. If acne appears on the face and chest of a pregnant woman, then a girl will be born: the daughter “takes away” her mother’s beauty.
15. A woman who is pregnant with a boy has a lower belly than one who is pregnant with a girl.
16. Thread a chain through the pregnant woman's wedding ring and hang it over her belly (the woman should lie down). If the ring swings back and forth, then a girl will be born, and if in a circle, then a boy. This fortune telling also exists in another version: it is not necessary to hang a ring, but any medallion on a chain, not over the stomach, but over the palm of the pregnant woman, and the results are the opposite: if the medallion moves in a circle, then it is a girl, and if it swings from side to side , then it's a boy. There is, however, an opinion that this fortune telling is only true if the child is not the first.
17. If a pregnant woman is clumsy and constantly stumbles, then she will have a boy, and if she is more graceful, then let her expect a girl.
18. If a boy, already starting to walk, shows interest in a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a girl, and if he does not pay attention to her, then a boy.
19. If a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, then she will have a boy, and if on her right, then she will have a girl.
20. Ask the pregnant woman to show you her hands: if she turns them palms up, then a girl will be born, if she turns them palms down, then a boy.

Online calculators for calculating the sex of a child

Our calculators for calculating the sex of the unborn child have collected several options and methods; the calculation is based on those methods that have proven themselves among women.

Online calculator for calculating the gender of a child by updating the parents' blood

It is believed that the sex of the child depends on which parent has “fresher” blood. In men, blood is renewed once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. So, if dad's last blood update date is later than mom's, then it will be a boy. Try to determine the sex of your baby using this method!

A conception table from the fortuneteller Vanga to determine the gender of the heir or prediction tables from Chinese healers can help in determining the gender of the unborn child.

The baby stays in the womb for about 42 weeks, going through the stages from fetus to embryo. This period is divided into 3 periods of 3 months (trimesters). In relation to accepted standards in fetal development, intrauterine changes occur in each trimester, making it possible to determine the timing and development of the child.

The entire gestation period is divided into the embryonic stage (embryo) and the fetal stage (fetal).

The dependence of a woman’s birth of sons or daughters is directly dependent on the chromosome set contained in the parental eggs. Male eggs (sperm) have approximately equal numbers of X and Y chromosomes, and only female eggs contain X chromosomes.

Information about the gender of the unborn baby is immediately contained inside the blastocyst (an egg that is already fertilized).

When diagnosing by ultrasound, by the end of the 13th week of gestation, the sex of the fetus is determined:

  • From the 5th week, the internal and genital organs of the child begin to form.
  • At 6 weeks, the genitals become more defined. But ultrasound is not yet possible.
  • The 7th week is characterized by the development of reproductive organs: testicles or ovaries.
  • By the end of the 8th week, the future testicles begin to produce the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for male sexual characteristics.
  • The formation of external sexual characteristics occurs at the beginning of the 10th week.
  • To determine the sex of the child, you can undergo an ultrasound examination as early as the 13th week of pregnancy, having previously made an appointment.

What affects the gender of the baby

The sex of the child is greatly influenced by the father's sperm. Male eggs (sperm) carry both X and Y chromosomes. Up to 5 weeks, the embryo remains bisexual with characteristics of both sexes.

  • lack of sex in a man,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • smoking,
  • excessive passion for fatty and fried foods,
  • high body temperature.

Until the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo can “choose” whether it will be born a boy or a girl if it feels influenced by the mother’s strong experiences, physical activity or illness.

Methods for determining the sex of a baby

In modern realities, there are 2 practically guaranteed ways to recognize the gender of a child. Ultrasound examination of the fetus is a method that is closer to real results. An experienced specialist will be able to determine the gender of the unborn child with a probability of up to 95%.

Chorionic villus sampling is another win-win method. Unlike ultrasound examination, a biopsy is prescribed only when there is a risk of hereditary diseases and genetic abnormalities. It is recommended to conduct this study at the 7th week of pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid is collected with a thin needle and when examined, the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities is revealed. The method gives a 100% result in diagnosing the sex of a child. But it should be borne in mind that this procedure can cause physical harm to the health of the mother and child.

Calculation of gender based on parents' blood type

A table for conceiving the sex of a child based on the combination of parents’ blood groups is popular with 75% of couples. Based on blood type, parents can calculate the chance of conceiving a boy or girl even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Every person is born with a different blood type. There are 4 such groups. When certain blood types are combined, the possibility of having a boy or girl increases.

Blood type Father
Mother I II III IV
I Girl Boy Girl Boy
II Boy Girl Boy Girl
III Girl Boy Boy Boy
IV Boy Girl Boy Boy

Calculation of gender based on the Rh factor of the parents

Using the Rh blood factor table, some parents plan the sex of their unborn child. In 65 percent of cases, the method gives positive results.

Blood Rh factor

Woman + +
Man + +
Child Boy Boy Girl Girl

Floor calculation using the Budyansky method

The concept of the method is based on a woman's menstrual cycle and the date when her mother became pregnant. If a woman is physically healthy, then her menstrual cycles last 28 to 30 days. A woman can conceive a boy in one menstrual cycle, and can become pregnant with a girl in the next.

All women have their own system for regulating the sex of the child. It is inherited by the expectant mother for life from her maternal ancestors.

A woman can only become pregnant with girls in an even or odd menstrual cycle, and this also happens with the conception of boys.

The menstrual month when the woman herself was conceived is female for subsequent pregnancies of this woman. The month of conception that follows is intended for boys, it is masculine.

The number of days differs the months of the calendar year from the months in the menstrual cycle. The calendar cycle of the year always has 12 months and December is an even month. There are 13 months in the menstrual cycle of the year, so December will be an odd month. Since even months and odd months must alternate with each other, such a calendar must be a 2-year calendar.

This calendar, consisting of 2 years, is also divided into even and odd years. The date of birth, month of conception and the total menstrual year should be indicated by the female calendar.

Gender calculation according to the Chinese calendar

For thousands of years, China has been using its own system for calculating the sex of a child. Both before and after conception, using the table, it is easy to calculate what gender of the baby the expectant mother is carrying. The method is based on calculating the month of conception and the age of the mother at the stage of conception. According to this calendar, the probability of having a boy or a girl depends only on the woman.

The horizontal row of the table contains numbers from 18 to 45 - this is the age of the mother at the time of conception. The vertical row of the table contains numbers from 1 to 12 - these are the Chinese months lunar year. The baby’s gender can be seen in the intersection of the squares of the vertical and horizontal rows (M, D).

It should be borne in mind that the Chinese calculate age from the moment of conception, and not from the moment of birth., and the matrix for determining the sex of a baby with the support of the Chinese calendar does not always give correct result, if you do not take this feature into account.

The age count at the time of birth of a baby is already 9 months, and on the first New Year's Day, a baby born during the past year turns 2 years old.

Table for determining the sex of a child by mother's age:

Calculation of gender according to the Japanese table

Residents of Japan have designed a universal way to calculate the sex of a baby. They compare the month of birth of the parents with the month of conception and predict the gender of the baby. The Japanese calendar consists of 2 tables. In table 1, the couple indicates their dates of birth in horizontal and vertical lines and looks at the number where they intersect.

Japanese child gender conception chart

The second table shows the transcript.

Calculation of gender by date of conception (ovulation)

During the process of rupture of the follicle, the released egg moves into the fallopian tubes. This action lasts approximately 4 hours.

The period of vigor of the egg is a day, maximum two days, and only during this period of time can pregnancy occur. “Male” and “female” eggs have different properties. Male germ cells carrying the X chromosome have life cycle no more than 3–4 days, move at low speed, and are larger in volume than their own “brothers” with masculine.

Sperm with a Y chromosome are smaller than “sisters”; their lifespan is no more than 2 days. But their superiority lies in speed, since germ cells with the X chromosome are the least mobile.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg from a follicle is sent into the fallopian tubes to be fertilized by a sperm. Only during the period of vital activity of a mature female reproductive cell can a new life be born.

Women have their own menstrual cycle, lasting an average of 28 days. To become pregnant with a girl, sexual intercourse occurs 3–4 days before ovulation. At this point, all Y chromosomes will disappear. If you plan to have a boy, sexual intercourse must occur one day before, or on the day of ovulation. The speed of the “boy” sperm helps them reach the egg first.

Freiman-Dobrotin method for determining the sex of a child

The Freiman-Dobrotin method for conceiving the sex of a baby is quite complicated at first glance (so you should keep a calculator handy), but it is considered one of the clearest. The letter “O” in the tables denotes the father, the letter “M” in the tables denotes the mother.

At first, in table O1 they look at where the lines with the father’s date and the year of the baby’s conception intersect and remember. All this is repeated in all 5 tables. All indicators from the tables are added up. In the 6th table, look at the final coefficient under the amount. Then, in the M2 tables, they also remember the number at the intersection of the mother’s birth lines and the year of the child’s conception.

All actions are repeated in the mother tables, and in the last table they look at the final coefficient. Whichever of the couple has a higher coefficient number will have a child of that gender. It is worth waiting for a girl even in the case when the parental coefficients are equal to the number “0”.

Determining the sex of a child by the age of the parents, date of birth of the mother and father

The conception table for the sex of a child based on the date of birth of the father and mother is based on the method of systematically updating the blood by date of birth. It is believed that male blood is subject to renewal every 4 years. In women, blood renewal occurs every 3 years. The gender of the child will correspond to the partner whose blood was last renewed.

To calculate, it is necessary to divide the woman’s age by 3, and the man’s age by 4. The final number for one of the parents came out whole, which means that his blood was renewed later than his partner’s, you can count on a child of the same sex.

The final number comes out with a remainder - the parent whose division remainder is smaller wins. The final numbers after division are the same for both partners, which means there is a high probability of twins in the family.

Table for father

A table for the conception of the sex of a child, developed by medical scientists, to determine the sex of the heir based on the age of the father, will help to cope with the problem of the predisposition to give birth to only girls or only boys in a family.

To use the scheme, you can refer to the instructions:

  1. The father's age is selected (vertical).
  2. The month of conception is located (horizontally).
  3. Parents should expect the birth of a boy if there is a month in the box, but if there is no month in the box, they should prepare for the birth of a girl.

Determining the sex of a child according to Vanga

An example of how to use such a scheme to determine gender has already been discussed above. It is enough to detect the mother’s age and the date of conception itself (more precisely, the month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find “M” or “D”.

The optimal age for having a child, according to Vanga, is considered to be from 19 years to 35 years. If the mother, for example, is 28 years old, and conception occurred in June, then at the intersection of the cells you can see the expected birth of a girl.

Is it possible to predict the gender of a child with 100% probability?

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee at the moment to tell future parents who they will be able to hold in their arms after birth: a boy or a girl. Even very qualified ultrasound specialists will not be able to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby.

For a number of inexplicable reasons, while in the womb, a child may not “show” his gender. And when examined by the device before the 18th week, the genitals of boys and girls have a similar structure.

Pregnancy planning rules that will increase the likelihood of having a boy or girl

If parents need the birth of only a son or only a daughter, you can also resort to the tips below.

For the birth of a boy:

  • have sex more often: “boy sperm” are more active, but live shorter;
  • avoid stress, drink calming herbs;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • is in a cool room.

For the birth of a girl:

  • have sex less often: “girl sperm” are less active, but live longer;
  • increase physical activity;
  • stick to a diet: fish, cottage cheese, fruits, honey;
  • use douching with soda before sexual intercourse.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: conception table for the gender of the child

Table for determining the sex of the unborn child:

Is it possible to program the gender of a child when conceiving:

The birth of a child in the family is an important event for every married couple. Therefore, more and more families are planning pregnancy: they undergo medical examination, take vitamin complexes, and also plan the gender of the child, especially if the planned pregnancy is not the first and the married couple especially wants to have a child of a certain gender. As medicine and the results of many married couples prove, there are certain ways to plan for a child of a certain gender.Several basic methods of planning the gender of a child are popular now; let’s look at each of the available options and find out how you can plan the gender of a child in advance.

Method for calculating ovulation in planning the sex of a child

Scientists have proven that sperm that carry male gametes are more mobile and faster. However, they live in the woman’s genitals for a short time, on average 2-3 days. Those cells that have female chromosomes can move much slower. However, their survival in such an environment is up to one week. Accordingly, if you want to give birth to a boy, then you should have sexual intercourse as close as possible to the day of ovulation or on the day of ovulation. Conceiving a girl involves intimacy about a week before the expected date of release of the egg. To plan using this method, it is necessary.

Using an ancient Chinese table to plan the sex of a child

In order to plan the gender of the unborn child in this way, you need the age of the expectant mother and the month in which the pregnancy is planned. Next, use the table to determine the months in which you should conceive a child of the desired sex. This is when you need to have unprotected sex.

However, some doctors are distrustful of this technique.

This is due to the fact that the gender of the unborn child depends solely on the man. However, this method has mostly positive reviews. Couples note that, thanks to the calculation, they were able to give birth to the desired son or daughter.

Planning the gender of a child using the Japanese method

In order to plan the gender of your unborn child, you can also use Japanese method, which is also presented in a table consisting of two parts. One of them presents data on the month of birth of the future father and future mother. To calculate, you need to find cells with birth months and draw straight lines from them. At the intersection of values ​​you can see a number.

The found number is decisive and calculated for the second table.
Find the resulting number in the upper range. Then go down and determine which months are more likely to conceive a boy or a girl. The probability of having a child of the desired gender is indicated by ***** Now find the resulting number in the following table, and look at the month in which the probability of having a child of the desired gender is greatest.

The more *****, the higher the chance of conceiving a girl or boy, respectively. Based on this, plan for a child in a certain month. However, this method is not 100% reliable.

How to plan the sex of a child by updating the blood type

There is also a way to plan the sex of a child based on the blood type of the future parents. Thus, using this method, it is known that male blood undergoes renewal every four years. Whereas in women, blood renewal occurs once every three years. European doctors claim that whose blood is “fresher” than a man or a woman, a child will be born of that gender. In order to plan a specific gender, it is necessary to divide the age of the future father by the number 4, the same must be done with the age of the future mother, but the age must be divided by 3. Having received the result, it is necessary to compare the numbers. Whoever has a smaller remainder after division will be considered fresher blood. Accordingly, the baby will be born male or female. Let's give an example, so the future dad is 30 years old, the future mother is 28 years old, let's do the calculation:
Man - 30 ÷ 4 = 7.5
Woman - 28 ÷ 3 = 9.3
In the specific example given, the couple is expected to give birth to a boy. With this calculation method, it is necessary to take into account facts such as: blood transfusion, donation, major operations or childbirth.

However, any blood loss leads to the fact that the process of blood renewal is shifted and the results may not be reliable.

There is another example of planning a child of a certain gender according to a group of parents and their Rh factor.The essence of this method is that a certain combination of blood groups affects the gender of the unborn child. Depending on the combinations of the parents' blood groups, there is a certain probability of having a girl or a boy. There are different combinations of blood groups, so if the mother has the first blood group, and the father has the first or third blood group, there is a high probability of giving birth to a female child. In the other two cases, there is a greater chance of having a boy. If the expectant mother has a second blood group, then she needs to find a partner with the same or fourth group in order to give birth to a girl. Women with the third blood group can give birth to a girl if the child's father has the first blood group, etc.
The same can be said about an expectant mother with a fourth blood type, who can become the mother of a girl - if the child’s father has a second blood type.
The Rh factors of future parents should also be taken into account, which can also affect the likelihood of planning a child of a certain gender. So, if both parents have a positive or Rh negative, most likely a female child will be born. If the Rh factors are not the same, you should wait for the birth of a boy.

It is worth considering that most reviews from young parents indicate the unreliability of the described method, although they are justified scientific point point of view, there is always a high probability of obtaining a completely different result.

In addition, it can be noted that, regardless of blood type, many families have children of different sexes; this is also due to other factors that also affect the gender of the child, for example, the day the child was conceived, how close it is to the day of ovulation.

Thus, this method not only allows you to plan the gender of the child, but also to find out what gender your child will most likely be born.

Following the French Diet

Scientists from France have found that the nutrition of future parents plays a big role in the process of planning and giving birth to a child of a certain gender. Experiments conducted by scientists have confirmed that in approximately 80% of cases, following a diet can help parents conceive a child of the desired gender. During the experiments, two special diets were developed that contain a special set of products necessary for conceiving a child of a certain gender.

So, in order for the family to have girl , The expectant mother must follow a milk diet, i.e. consume large quantities of cheese, kefir and sour cream, i.e. consume foods high in calcium and magnesium ions. Instead of meat dishes, it is better to give preference to vegetables, such as: cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, peppers, eggplants and cabbage.

Detailed nutrition planning girls, as follows:

  1. Milk and dairy products: milk, kefir, fresh sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, curd mass, glazed cheese, cream cheese, unsalted cheese.
  2. Meat products: boiled meat with minimal salt content: beef, veal, pork, chicken.
  3. Fish and seafood: river and sea boiled fish, shrimp, crabs.
  4. Eggs: all dishes based on eggs (yolks).
  5. Cereals: rice, millet, semolina.
  6. Bread and flour products: any types of bread, crackers, pasta, all types of baked goods without salt and yeast.
  7. Vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic, beans, sweet peppers, onions, peas, asparagus, radishes, carrots, champignons, lettuce, green onions, boiled tomatoes, fresh and canned vegetables.
  8. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, citrus juice, grapefruits, lemons, mangoes, quince.
  9. Drinks: very weak coffee or cocoa, tea, chocolate, calcium mineral waters.
  10. Dried fruits and nuts: almonds, Walnut, hazelnuts, unsalted peanuts, raisins.
  11. Miscellaneous: honey, jam, jelly, sugar, spices, herbs, aromatic herbs, gelatin, mustard, porcini mushrooms, butter or margarine without salt.

A couple who wants to conceive a girl should not abuse strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, beer, or canned fruit juices. Limit consumption of salted dried fruits, smoked, dried or salted fish, canned fish in the marinade. The consumption of dark and milk chocolate, salt, garlic, gherkins, olives, brine, marinades, chips, yeast, soda, ketchup, spicy sauces and any canned food is also best limited or completely eliminated during planning.

In order for a couple to plan the birth of a boy, Several months before trying to conceive, you need to eat food with large amounts of potassium and sodium ions, and as little calcium and magnesium ions as possible, which are found in potatoes, mushrooms and lean meat. Bananas, oranges, apricots and cherries are perfect fruits, since they contain the necessary elements in sufficient quantities.

Detailed nutrition for planning a boy is as follows:

In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of dairy products, dried fruits and nuts, fresh vegetables and greens, seafood, egg yolks, rice, millet, flour and confectionery products.

It is worth saying that modern doctors tend not to recognize the French diet, as they claim that a certain diet does not in any way affect the release of certain chromosomes in male sperm. However, French scientists explain the effect of nutrition on the gender of the child by the fact that the microelements included in the diet affect the biochemical structure of the egg, which facilitates the penetration of sperm from an XX- or XY-pair into it. In addition, as a result of following a diet, the hormonal balance that affects the reproductive cells does not change significantly.

One way or another, temporarily following the “French diet” will not harm either the expectant mother or the unborn child, since after pregnancy, the expectant mother can eat whatever she wants.

Prayer to conceive a boy

Believers in the old days, having no idea about modern ways planning the gender of the child, they often prayed to the Saints to become pregnant with a son or daughter. Knowing about effective ways planning the gender of the child, prayer can be not superfluous, but on the contrary, very necessary for conceiving a healthy child. So, in order to become pregnant with a boy, you need to pray to St. Alexander of Svirsky.

« Oh, sacred earthly angel, God-bearing and reverend Father Alexander, humble saint of the Most Holy, many who live in Your mercy turn to You with faith and love. Ask for us, God's servants (the names of the spouses), for a long-awaited miracle, a new life for Your sex. Contribute with your intercession, God's saint, ruler of our world. May the holy church of God rest in peace. Be a merciful miracle worker for us, a helper in all circumstances and sorrows. Do not be ashamed of our prayer, do not despise our humble prayers, but before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, intercede for us, so that we may be honored in the villages with Royal greatness, and the grace and forgiveness of God will come. Amen".

Prayer to conceive a girl

To conceive a girl, you need to pray to the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

Paraskeva’s prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the request for a child itself; it should be added at the end, formulated in your own words. The test of prayer is:

“Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery to the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, worthy to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil Your bridegroom, Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the supreme crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, to be sorrowful for us to Christ God, whose most blessed sight will always rejoice. Pray to the All-Merciful One, Who opened the eyes of the blind with His word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; with your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our souls and bodies; enlighten us, darkened by sins, with light God's grace May, for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet vision be given to the dishonest. Oh, great servant of God!

O most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and very negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds we may enter into the eternal light of the never-evening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in where you now shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the heavenly powers the Trisagion of the One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

In Vitro Fertilization

The main recognized medical method of planning the sex of an unborn child even before the moment of conception is in vitro fertilization. Currently, this is the most effective, albeit expensive (for example, one in vitro fertilization procedure will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles) method of calculating the gender of the unborn child. Most often, it is used by married couples who cannot conceive a child on their own, and also if there is a high probability of having a child with pathology and developmental disabilities. During in vitro fertilization, doctors remove several eggs, and the man supplies his genetic material (sperm). Fertilization occurs in a special favorable environment, after which doctors grow the resulting cells for several days and determine their gender predisposition. Next, specialists select only boys or exclusively girls and perform a transplant. The embryos are placed in the woman's uterus, after which she is ready to carry and give birth to one or two babies. Often such manipulation requires the use of many medications, and this also requires certain equipment and professional laboratory assistants.

Slavic calculation method for conceiving a child with a certain gender

According to the method, if a couple wants the birth of a girl, then she needs to wait for an even number of years and conceive a child only on even days of the month. In addition, you can plan the gender in another way, so you need to add the number of the month of conception to the mother’s age, if the result is an even number, a girl will be born, if an odd number, a boy. Also, to conceive a child of each gender according to the Slavic calendar, they alternate: 11th day boy, 12th girl, 13th girl, 14th boy, 15th girl, 16th boy, 17th girl. From 18 to 21 days, abstinence from intimacy is advised so that the offspring is born healthy. After 21 days of the cycle, the time for safe love comes. Another method of planning a child is the age of the mother. If the age is odd, for example, 27 years, then it is best to plan a boy in even months: February, April, June, August, October, December. If the mother’s age is even, then on the contrary, it is most likely to conceive a boy in January, March, May, July, September, November, that is, in odd numbers.
It is also important at what time of day the baby planning should take place, so Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are considered favorable for the birth of a girl. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday guarantee the conception of a boy. As for Sunday, on this day fate decides independently; it will not be possible to guess what gender the child will be.

Gender planning using the lunar or zodiac method

Astrologers and some scientists note that the effectiveness of this method is at the level of 80%. The essence of this method is that the moon passes through the required female sign every 2.5 days, accordingly, you can use it to choose the most optimal days for the birth of a girl. First, find out what zodiac sign the moon is in at the moment you are going to conceive a baby. When a star passes through the signs of water and earth, then there is a high probability of the birth of a girl. These signs include Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. If the moon is in the zone of fire and air signs, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. These meanings include Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra, as well as Aries and Sagittarius.

So, folk signs: in order to conceive a child with a female gender, it is recommended to put a comb, a mirror, threads, and a spinning wheel under the pillow. These items should be in bed not only at the time of conception, but throughout the entire menstrual cycle. To conceive a boy, you can put your husband's pants and hat, nails or any other male instrument. Now, all this seems a little strange, but in the old days such methods were trusted and resorted to.

There are other, less reliable and often unreliable ways to plan a child, such as visiting healers and fortune tellers who promise to determine the sex of the unborn baby and help give birth to the desired son or daughter. However, there is no guarantee that everything will go as you planned and your expectations may not be met.

In this article we talked about how to come to terms with the fact that you are expecting a child of the unwanted sex.

Thus, each of the listed methods of planning the sex of a child can be used by future parents either individually or all at the same time. In this case, the likelihood of having the desired boy or girl will increase. Despite positive reviews, many methods are simply ineffective, so you should be prepared for any outcome and not be upset if what you planned did not work out.

Estimated year of conception: 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
Mother's birthday:
Father's birthday: Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December Year : 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 19 75 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

(The resulting graph may take anywhere from 10 seconds to several minutes to display)


The essence of the method

Calculation of data for determining the sex of a child is based on the cyclical renewal of the blood of men and women, depending on the date of their birth. Term blood renewal is quite abstract and can be challenged, but it seems to me the most acceptable in this description.
The blood renewal cycles for men and women are different and constitute strictly defined periods, starting from their birthdays. I will allow myself not to make these data public and attribute them to know-how.
Assuming that the state of the blood changes from a maximum - the beginning of the cycle, to a minimum - its end, and combining the data for a man and a woman, we can find a certain relationship and introduce a new term - Blood Power or Youth of blood characterizing this dependence. It is this parameter that determines the gender of the unborn child - i.e. whose blood is stronger (or younger), that blood prevails, predetermining the gender of the unborn child.
Parameter Blood Power strictly tied to dates, which allows, with great accuracy, to calculate the probability of having a child of one gender or another on any date of the year.

Interpretation of results

In order to correctly use the results obtained, it is necessary to understand in detail what is presented on the graph.
All data located to the right of the vertical line - the 50/50 mark (colored blue) indicates that it is possible to conceive a boy on the corresponding dates. Data located to the left of the 50/50 mark (colored red) are girls.
The probability level (in percentage) can be estimated from the value given in each line.

ATTENTION: You must correctly understand that the results located next to the 50/50 mark do not allow, with a certain degree of probability, to calculate the gender of the child, because At this time, it is possible to conceive both a boy and a girl, in approximately equal proportions.

ADVIСE: 1. Try to avoid periods where the values ​​are located very close to the 50/50 mark.
2. Sometimes situations arise when the values ​​​​have a high level, but the period of this level is insignificant, so there is no guarantee of conceiving a child of the desired gender.
3. To conceive, choose a period when the values ​​tend to 100%. For greater probability, it is better to shorten the selected period by 2-3 days on each side. By analogy with short-term periods, conception should be avoided at moments when values ​​​​transition from one state to another.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what, the appearance of a child of any gender in a family is a great and joyful event. Therefore, if the result does not coincide with what you planned, do not despair. Everything is God's will.