Synopsis of a lesson in natural science polar bear. Abstract of a lesson in the educational field of cognitive development in a group preparatory to school on the topic: "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

Integrated lesson in the preparatory group for school

"Why don't polar bears live in the forest"

Goal and tasks: Expand children's ideas about the polar bear: its appearance, habitat, nutrition, raising offspring.

Material: a globe, a map, a notebook and a simple pencil for each child, a painting "Polar Bears", a laptop, a presentation "Polar Bear", 5 containers of water, fat cream, napkins for each child, sheets of paper with a blue background (close to the Arctic), stencils of bears, cotton swabs, blue blanket, songs "Lullaby of the Bear", "Song of the Polar Bears", blizzard music, blizzards.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to the globe and organizes a conversation.

Educator: What is it? (a globe is a model of the earth)

Educator: There are 2 poles. Which? (North and South)
Educator: Where is the North Pole located? Who can come out and show.

Educator: These are the islands of the Arctic. Why is there a white spot on the globe? (Snow, ice).

Educator: There is permafrost. I suggest you take a trip. On what, you will now find out.

Work in notebooks. Graphic dictation "Deer".

Educator: What are we going on a trip? (on deer)

The music of a blizzard, a blizzard sounds.

Educator: Let's close our eyes now and imagine that we are at the North Pole. A cold wind blows, a blizzard howls, the whole earth is covered with snow. Now open your eyes.
Educator: Who is coming towards us? Guess the riddle:

Where there is cold, snow and ice

This wild animal lives.

He is big, fluffy, white,

And also a skilled fisherman (Polar bear)

The teacher draws the attention of children to the picture "Polar Bears".

Sound analysis of the word BEARS.

Physical culture pause
Children move throughout the group, raising their legs high.
We are walking on snowdrifts.
On steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg up
Pave the way for others.
For a long time we walked
Our legs are tired.
We'll rest a bit (squat down)
Let's get up and go again (get up and sit on chairs)

Educator: Do you want to know interesting things about these shaggy heavyweights? Where do they live? What is their appearance? What do they eat?

But at the end of the lesson, we will have to answer the question: "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

Presentation "Polar Bear"

Conversation about what was seen in the presentation

Where do polar bears live? - Why are they white?

What do they eat? - Do they hibernate?

When are offspring born? - How do they find prey?

Guys, polar bears swim and dive well.Why doesn't a wet bear turn into ice?(Bear shakes off water)


Put your hand in a container of water and immediately remove it. The hand is wet and if frost hit now, the water would turn into ice.

Now dry your hand and lubricate it with cream. Dip your hand back into the water and take it out. What did you notice? The water does not cover the entire hand, it has collected in droplets.

And if you shake your hand, these drops will fly off and there will be nothing to freeze.

The bear does the same.

Conclusion: Thus, thick subcutaneous fat does not allow the polar bear to freeze.

Educator: It's time to answer the question:so why don't polar bears live in the forest?

(They swim, but there is nowhere to swim in the forest; they feed on fish, but there are no fish in the forest; the white color of the bear will not allow him to be unnoticed in the forest in summer, autumn, spring).

Educator: Let's formulate a conclusion together: animals live in the places where they live and what they are adapted to.

Educator: They can only be admired.

He learned to defend

From ice and terrible silence,

Live at the earth's head,

To be at the center of the pole,

Also get food.

To fall under the polar ice,

Free to live and reproduce.

Educator: We have already drawn the background Arctic. I offer you an unusual drawing using a stencil and cotton swabs.You each have a polar bear stencil on your desk, just hold the stencil well so as not to move it.

Visual activity.

Educator: Now guys, look what our bears are missing. (eye and nose)

Educator: Correctly. And what color are they? (Black)

Educator: You have cotton swabs on the table. Dip them in black paint and draw the eye and nose.

Children perform the task to the music "Lullaby of the bear."

Educator: Look, guys, what beautiful polar bears you have turned out to be. It feels like we are in the North.

Examining the drawings, the music “Song of Polar Bears” sounds.

Educator: It's time for us to return to Kindergarten.

Children hide under the "magic" cover and say the words:

Oh you, Zimushka-winter.

You are good, you are funny.

She gave us a riddle

She sent herself on her way.

I was able to show the pole.

Only slightly cold.

It's time for kindergarten.

Abstract of the origami lesson "Polar Bear"

Target: to consolidate the folding of the basic form of the "double triangle", to teach how to fold a new model using the origami technique - a polar bear, to develop attention, spatial thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, to cultivate interest in origami creativity, creative imagination.

Equipment: white paper, felt-tip pens, scissors.

Teacher: guys, do you know the fairy tale by V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower”? (Students answer). What wishes did the girl Zhenya make to the flower petals? (Answers of children). What did she experience when she got to the North Pole? From whom did she flee? (From polar bears). Do you want to go to the North Pole too? (Answers of children). Would you like to make friends with polar bears? (Yes). Then let's make our friends out of white paper using the origami technique. But first, let's pay attention to the bear figurine and say, what does he have? (Head, torso, paws, tail, eyes, nose, ears).

And now, take a white sheet of paper and fold the square, cut off the excess with scissors. We will fold the polar bear from the basic “double square” shape. Let's take a look at how it unfolds. (We bend the square cross-to-cross diagonally, then turn it over to the other side and fold the basic “book” shape, turn the workpiece over to the other side, press the center point from below, connect the left and right sides with the index fingers at the same time, grab the upper triangle in front with the large and index fingers fingers, and the lower one is picked up from behind with the rest of the fingers.We get the basic shape of the "double triangle").

We turn the workpiece over, bend the corners: first the right one, then the left one to the central lower point and slightly passing it, while bending them to the sides.

We turn the workpiece over again, lower the upper part down, and bend the side left and right corners to the center.

Now we need to form the lower paws of our friend. To do this, we bend two folds on the lower parts of the workpiece.

Our bear is ready. And what is missing in the image of our character? (Eye, nose, claws). Well, let's draw the missing details to the polar bear with a felt-tip pen.

That's how cute our friend turned out. And in what fairy-tale cartoons are polar bears still found? ("Umka", "About the Mishka, which was not expected").

This concludes our lesson. You have folded wonderful white bears that you can give to your friends and loved ones, and you can also fold little bear cubs.


T. Serzhantova "366 origami models". Moscow "Iris - press" 2003.

Summary of cognitive directly educational activities on the topic "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

Kokovina Oksana Vasilievna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children", Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region.

Description of the material. I bring to your attention a summary of cognitive directly educational activities on the topic “Why don’t polar bears live in the forest?”, Which is designed to work with children preparatory group(children 6-7 years old). By type, the lesson is primary and introductory and is devoted to familiarizing children with the features of life, habitat and nutrition of polar bears. It was developed on the basis of the program of S.N. Nikolaeva "Education ecological culture in preschool childhood” and is part of a cycle of classes dedicated to reading the works of V. Tanasiychuk “Ecology in Pictures”. At this stage, the guys got an idea of ​​what a globe is and the meaning of its colors.

1. Expand the horizons of children in terms of ideas about the life, habitat and nutrition of polar bears.
2. Develop coherent speech and the ability to answer questions from the teacher in full sentences.
3. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, its living objects.

to introduce children to the work of V. Tanasiychuk "Ecology in Pictures" (story "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?");
create conditions for the participation of children in a conversation on the plot of the illustration by S. Vohrintseva "Animals of the North" (" polar bear and a teddy bear");
exercise in dialogue, in compiling complete sentences to answer questions;
continue working with the globe: draw the children's attention to the fact that at the base of the globe is the North of the earth, it is cold there, constant winter, and lower, closer to the middle of the globe, it is very warm; their life and appearance depend on the habitat of animals.

Methods: verbal (reading fiction, conversation on questions, on the plot of the illustration, the story of the educator), visual-demonstration; visual activity.

Equipment: demonstration table (pictures of animals lie on it, images down, and there is a globe), easel; the book "Ecology in Pictures" (the story "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"); illustrations by S. Vokhrintseva “Animals of the North” (“Polar Bear and Bear Cub”); images of animals 10 cm x 10 cm: polar bears, monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, frogs (2-3 different images of animals), and in the box there are small images of the same animals (one at a time); strips of sticky paper; the globe.

Course progress.
I. Organizational moment.
The teacher encourages the children to stand beside him, and says that they will go together to interesting trip to the north. And since it is very cold there, the guys need to dress warmer: put on a jacket, pants, a hat, a jacket, felt boots, a scarf and mittens (the children imitate the movements of putting on the listed things). Next, the “dressed” children need to get to the North: in a car, on a train, on an airplane and in a sleigh (the children imitate the corresponding actions).
- Well, here we are! And now let's get acquainted with the North.
The guys sit on chairs set in a semicircle and clap their hands. In front of them is a display table with aids (globe and illustrations of animals 10 cm x 10 cm and small in a box) and an easel.

II. Repetition of the material covered.
The teacher draws the children's attention to the globe and organizes a conversation on the following questions:
- What is it?
- What does a globe look like?
What does the globe tell us?

III. Mastering new material.
- Where is the North? Who can come out and show?
- Correctly. Look no Green colour, which means there are no green forests. No brown means no earth. But there is a lot of white, which means that the North is covered with ... What?
- That's right, snow! And who lives in this cold snowy North?
The teacher listens to the children's answers. Talk about whether they are right or not.
- Today we will talk in particular about one of the animals of the North, and about whom, you can guess now.
The teacher makes a riddle about the polar bear.
Sitting on an ice block
I fish for breakfast.
Snow-white I have a reputation
And I live in the North. Who is it?
- That's right, it's a polar bear.
The teacher puts on the easel an illustration by S. Vohrintseva “The polar bear and the cub”.
- And today we will talk about polar bears. And the story called “Why don’t polar bears live in the forest?” will help us with this. Guys, why do you think polar bears don't live in the forest?
The teacher listens to the answers of the children, their assumptions, while taking a neutral position and not entering into a discussion. Then he invites the children to read the story (see the annex to the lesson).
The teacher reads the first two paragraphs and suggests paying attention to the illustration by S. Vohrintseva “Polar Bear and Bear Cub”. A conversation is organized on the plot of the illustration on questions.
- Who is in this picture?
- Where do polar bears live? (The teacher invites one of the children to go to the table, select an image of a polar bear from the box and stick it on sticky tape to the globe in the place where the North is depicted. And for the other child to find additional images of polar bears 10 cm x 10 cm and put on an easel. )
What do polar bears feed on?
- What is in the bear's teeth? Who will she give the fish to? Where did she take it? Can bears swim? What helps them to fish?
The teacher reminds the children that they need to answer the questions in full sentences. She once again explains how bears hunt seals.
- Guys, what do you think the she-bear does in winter? Where is she?
The teacher talks about what a polar night is, about a bear den and the birth of cubs.
- But there is also summer in the North. What do polar bears do in summer?
The teacher says that in the summer polar bears roam on the ice floes of the ocean from one shelter of the earth to another.
The teacher invites the children to stand up and rest a little. The guys move throughout the group, raising their legs high, bent at the knees.
We walk through the snowdrifts
On steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg up
Pave the way for others.
For a long time we walked
Our legs are tired.
We'll get some rest
(squatting down)
Let's get up and go again
(get up and sit on chairs).

Then the teacher reads this passage again and invites the children to answer the author's question, which is in the title of the story.
Reading the part of the story that is devoted to other exotic animals, the teacher alternates with questions.
- Where do monkeys live? Elephants?
Why don't they live in our forests?
Also, the educator, with the name of each animal, asks one of the children to find all the images of this animal (10 cm x 10 cm) and put them on the easel, and the other to take a small image of this animal and stick it with sticky lena to the place of the globe that corresponds to its habitat (as shown by the educator). This practice ends with the image of a frog, which also lives in Russia. And the teacher says that in the next lesson they will definitely talk about frogs and read the story of V. Tanasiychuk “Where do frogs winter?” (from the book "Ecology in Pictures").

IV. Summing up the lesson.
The teacher invites the children to make a joint story about the polar bear, the features of his life and habitat. The story is accompanied by guiding questions of the educator.
- We had a good time in the North, and now it's time to return.
And we will return on a sleigh, on an airplane, on a train and in a car.
The children, together with the teacher, imitate these movements. The teacher invites the children to play.

Application for the lesson.
V. Tanasiychuk "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?" (from the book "Ecology in Pictures")
To understand this, let's remember where they live and what they eat. The polar bear wanders among polar ice, he hunts seals. It gets to the hole through which the seal dived through the ice, and waits. Everything around is white, and the bear is white, so you can’t see him. A seal will crawl out onto the ice, a bear with its paw - bang! And the paw is heavy, the claws are long ....
And how do we feed the polar bear? No way, he doesn’t eat berries, nuts and roots, and there are no seals in the forests. And he doesn’t need a white fur coat here - you can see it from afar in the forest.
Well, could we have elephants? In summer, branches and grass would probably be enough for them, but in winter in our area they have nothing to eat. The trees are bare, the grass is covered with snow. Yes, and they can not withstand frost - after all, elephants do not have wool. They are southern animals and live where it is always warm, where all year round lots of tasty, juicy greens.
The same with monkeys. Their food is fruits, roots, young leaves, snails, insects. In winter, you will not find anything of this in our forests, and the coats of monkeys are not very warm. It will protect from the night coolness in the African forest, but it will not save you from frost. Not without reason in winter in zoos monkey houses are always very well heated.
Nothing to say about crocodiles. They live in warm rivers and lakes, they cannot stand cold water, they have never seen ice. Do not survive the crocodile with us.
Although polar bears, elephants and monkeys live differently, they are all not adapted to life in our area. So, animals must be adapted to the places where they live? Quite right. So let's talk about those who are accustomed to our nature, our climate. Let's start with the most common frogs.

List of used literature
1. Nikolaeva S.N. Education of the beginnings of ecological culture in preschool childhood: Methods of working with children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. M.: New school, 1995. 160 p.
2. Tanasiychuk V.N. Ecology in pictures // Librusek: many books.

Abstract of an open lesson


Program content

To teach children to distinguish and name the animals of the North, to acquaint them with appearance, characteristic features, the habits of a polar bear. Develop observation, memory, creative imagination, logical and imaginative thinking, resourcefulness.

To form phrasal and coherent speech of children when compiling a descriptive story. To develop coherent speech of children, enriching it by introducing homogeneous secondary members of the sentence into speech. Teach children to build sentences grammatically correct; with intonation. Expand children's vocabulary.

To develop the emotional sphere of children, their ability to empathize, take care of babies - animals.


Toys - white bear cub Umka, fish, seal. "Atlas for the little ones" (Minsk: "Belfax", 2000.) Subject pictures from the series "Animals of the North": walrus, seal, arctic fox, black-brown fox, seal, reindeer, polar bear, fur seal. Painting "Polar bear". Audio cassettes: "Magic Flight" by the "Space" group, soundtrack "Snowstorm". Simple and colored pencils, diagrams for compiling a descriptive story for all children. Chalk, board.

preliminary work

Conversation "Who lives in the North?". Acquaintance with the animals of the Arctic, their appearance, habits. / "Reading stories: I. Sosnovsky "Polar Bear". V. Snegirev "Who is the ruler."

Learning riddles about the polar bear.

Application "Polar Bear" (made by the break method).

Lesson progress

Educator. Guys, I hear some unusual sounds. Close your eyes and listen. What do you hear?

Children. We hear someone crying.

A small teddy bear appears.

Educator. Who are you? What is your name?

Bear cub. Woo! I am a white bear cub, my name is Umka. I was brought to the zoo, but I really miss my mom and dad. Please help me find them.

The teddy bear is crying. Fly pity him, stroke him.

Educator. Baby, you must be hungry. Guys, what would be tasty for us to treat him?

Children. Cookies, apples, sweets...

Bear cub. No. We polar bears eat only fish, seals, seaweed bird eggs...

Educator. You have a fish. Guys, can we help Umka find his mom and dad?

Educator. Where can we look for your parents? Let's look at the atlas where polar bears live.

Children sit on a carpet around a large satin, looking for the habitats of polar bears.

Educator. Where do polar bears live?

Children. Polar bears live far in the North

Bear cub. Guys, I will name the words, and you listen carefully and clap your hands when the “northern” meet among them. Remember the chain of the resulting words and repeat them.

Words: snow, cold, desert, glacier, iceberg, boletus, seal, apple tree, chamomile, chicken, haze, snowflake, northern lights.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Umka, don't you get cold in the North?

Bear cub. No. Guess why? What coat do we have?

Children. Thick, fluffy, furry, warm, white...

Child. Aren't you bored of living where there are no trees, no berries, no mushrooms?

Bear cub. No, we never get bored. You have to get your own food. To do this, you need to climb an icy mountain and look out for prey from a height. Then carefully approach her, hiding behind blocks of ice and catch her. We can dive well, swim long and fast, hunting for fish. We can run fast and move down the mountains.

Game "Say the other way around"

Bear cub. Guess and answer what my dad is. It's not small, but...

Children. ...large.

Bear cub. He's not black, but...

Children. ...white.

Bear cub. He's not weak, but...

Children. ...strong.

Bear cub. He's not slow, but...


Bear cub. He's not a herbivore, but...

Children. ...predatory.

Bear cub. He's not clumsy, but...

Children. ... deft.

Bear cub. Guys! Tell me about your moms. What are they?

Children. Kind, gentle, caring, gentle.

Bear cub. "S" us. polar bears, mothers are like that too. Each she-bear digs a lair in the snow, and there one or two cubs are born. Bear cubs are born blind, deaf, helpless, small. The bear spends all the time with them. She warms them with her warmth and feeds the babies with milk. When the cubs grow up, the mother bear rides with them down the hills, somersaults, fights, and teaches them to hunt. Woo! I want to go to my mother.

Educator. Don't worry, baby. Guys, let's help the teddy bear, take him home by plane. Do you agree?

Physical education "Airplane flight"

Educator. Let's start the motors.

Children. Dr-dr-dr-dr-dr-dr.

Educator. We flew.

The teacher turns on the audio recording of the Space group - Magic Flight. Children run like a snake one after another on tiptoes, arms outstretched.

Educator. Landing. Cold. Let's get warm.

The teacher turns on the audio recording "Snowstorm". Children spread their arms to the sides, cross them, hugging themselves, and say: “Wow!”. The exercise is repeated two or three times. Educator. Let's look around. Look through binoculars, please.

The thumbs of the right and left hands, together with the rest, form a ring. Rings are brought to the eyes.

Educator. Look right, look left. No one is visible. All the animals of the North were frightened by the roar of the aircraft and fled in all directions. Guess who hid from you?

The game "Guess who is gone"

The teacher shows the children pictures from the series "Animals of the North". Children look at the pictures and name the animals depicted on that one. Then the teacher shuffles the pictures and turns one of them upside down. Children guess who "hid" from them.

Educator. Guess who's gone?

Children. The walrus (black-brown fox, arctic fox, seal, seal, reindeer, fur seal) is gone.

Bear cub. And I also have a picture. It was drawn by an artist friend of mine. It has a picture of my dad - a polar bear.

The teacher hangs out the picture "Polar Bear".

Educator. Guys, let's make a story about a polar bear. We will tell it to everyone. Maybe someone will tell us where to look for the parents of the bear cub Umka. Do you agree?

Children sit at tables.

Educator. Umka, sit down and listen to see if we make up the story correctly. Who is it?

Children. This is a polar bear.

Educator. Where does the polar bear live?

Children. He lives far in the North, where there is a lot of snow and ice.

Children draw in a circle. Vs 1 snowflakes, snowdrift, ice ...

Educator. What is he? Name the word signs.

Children. He is big, white, strong, fast, predatory, agile...

Children draw the sign "?" in a circle number 2.

Educator. What body does a polar bear have, what is it covered with?

Children. The polar bear has a long, large, strong body covered with thick, long, white or yellowish fur.

Children draw bear hair in a circle L 3. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the central circle.

Educator. Whose ego face?

Children. This is a bear face.

Educator. Consider the bear face in the picture. Describe her.

Children. The bear's head is elongated, triangular. On the head there are two small, black, keen eyes: a sensitive, black nose and a mouth with sharp teeth. The bear's ears are small and oval.

Educator. When a bear dives, he presses his ears to his head and water does not get into them. What is the neck of a polar bear?

Children. The polar bear has a long neck.

Educator What are the paws of a polar bear?

Children The polar bear has four legs with short but sharp claws.

Educator. His paws are very wide, so he can swim long and fast. The soles are covered with thick wool, so that the paws do not freeze.

Children write the letter "H" in the circle L 4.

Educator. What does a polar bear eat? Who is he hunting?

Children. He hunts sea animals - seals, catches fish.

Children draw in a circle L 5 fish and a seal.

Educator. And what else can a polar bear do, name the words-actions.

Children. Dive, swim, hunt, sneak, run, walk, slide down (slides)...

Children draw a mountain in circle No. 6, water near the mountain, and bear footprints next to the mountain, or draw a hand (function symbol).

Educator. What are mother bears, how do they care for cubs?

Children. Bears are kind, caring mothers. A female bear digs a den in the snow in which her cubs are born. They are small, blind, deaf, funny. Mother bear takes care of them, plays, teaches them to hunt.

Children write the word "MOM" in circle number 7.

Educator. Imagine that you have met a polar bear. What will you feel? Start your story like this: "If I saw a polar bear..."

Children's answers.

Educator. In the eighth circle, draw yourself.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Who wants to talk about the polar bear?

Children retell the story in a chain based on a model diagram.

Educator. Well done! And which of you wants to talk about the polar bear alone?

Bear cub. This is a very difficult task, I could not do it.

Educator. Our guys are used to struggling with difficulties, and now they will show it to us.

One child describes a polar bear and shows everything he talks about in a picture.

Educator. There are not so many polar bears left on Earth, so hunting for them is prohibited, they are listed in the Red Book. Let's go back home and tell everyone about polar bears - Umka's parents. Maybe someone has seen them. In the meantime, we will take the bear cub with us so that he will not be bored alone.

Spin on one leg

And you come back to kindergarten!

The children are doing the task.

Bear cub. What an interesting trip it was. Thank you guys! I would love to live in your wonderful kindergarten.

Municipal Treasury Educational institution

Secondary school №14 Khasavyurt RD

Lesson summary

on the subject of the world around

1 class

Topic: "Where do polar bears live?"


teacher primary school

Akayeva A.M.

Lesson-journey through the subject

« The world» in the 1st grade.

Lesson topic : "Where polar bears live."

The purpose of the lesson:

Creation of conditions for the formation of the concept of “North Pole, “South Pole”;

development of cognitive interest in the animal world of these areas;

controlling the level of assimilation of program material.


    Educational: introduce new concepts, consolidate the main program material in the process of checking homework;

    Developing: broaden horizons, develop logical thinking, speech, fine motor skills of hands.

Didactic material and equipment: computer, globe, poster depicting animals of the Arctic Ocean, Antarctica; model "Flower-semitsvetik". Slides from the presentation "Where do polar bears live?"

During the classes

1. Organizational moment .

Hello guys!

Are you all right?

Are you ready to work?

Well, let's not be lazy.

P check if everything is in place

And we all sit quietly together.

2 . Self-determination to activity .

(On the board is a drawing of an Ant and a Wise Turtle)

Guys, look, our heroes came to visit us again: the Wise Turtle and the Ant Question. The wise Turtle has prepared a riddle for you.

Slide number 2.

Among the snow and ice does not starve,

For fish in cold water dives.

Thick white wool saves

And warms him from the cold. (Polar bear)

Slide #3

Guys, here is Ant Questioner yesterday he was looking at an album with photographs taken at the zoo. And in one photo, he saw a polar bear in an enclosure with a pool. And he had a question:“Where do polar bears live?”, “Where is their homeland?”

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Guys, where do polar bears live? Who knows? (Children's answers are heard)

Slide #4

-You know, Question Ant invites you to travel north to find out where polar bears live. Do you guys want to travel? (Children's answers are heard)

When traveling, we must answer the question: Where do polar bears live?

(A record of the question appears on the board, it is the topic of the lesson).

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Guys, in order to go on a trip, we must prepare well and study our route. Do you think it's cold in the north?

(Children's answers are heard)

Then we need to urgently arm ourselves with everything necessary.

Open the Workbooks on the bookmark on page 31. Find task #1. Consider the drawing. Circle with a simple pencil in a circle what is needed in the north.(Going independent work students).

Slide #5

We check. What do we need in the north? Rate your answer. (Assessment by signal cards)

They closed the workbooks and put them on the edge of the desk.

Now let's define our route. And for this we need a globe. Guys, what is a globe? (Children's answers are heard). And who can show me the north on the globe? (Students show the region of the north, if not, then the teacher himself shows)

Slide #6

Since you said that bears live where it is cold, snow and ice, then there is a very cold area on earth - this is the Arctic Ocean.

Slide number 7

Big part of the Arctic Ocean is permanently covered with ice and snow. In this area of ​​the earth is North Pole .

Slide #8

- Islands of the Arctic Ocean - Arctic . This area is distinguished by its peculiar weather. Here the winter is long and short summer with white nights, when the sun hardly leaves the sky. Snow lies almost all year round. From mid-October to the end of February, there is a longpolar night when the sun is not visible. The temperature at this time can drop to -60 degrees.

Slide #9

But there is another cold area - this is Antarctica. Antarctica is a huge piece of land covered with a thick layer of ice. In this area of ​​the earth isSouth Pole .

Slide #10

South Pole located in the lower southern part of the globe.

Slide #11

Antarctica lies in the extreme south the globe. Its land is covered with snow all year round. In Antarctica, there is not only the South Pole of the Earth, but also the pole of cold. In winter, the temperature drops to -80 degrees. Summer here is colder than our winter.

Well, the route is defined. Can I go on a trip to find out where polar bears live? Now I will ask the students who have yellow tokens on the tables to take a place in our creative workshop. During our journey, they will place the animals we learn about in the habitats where they live. Well, now let's go. A magic flower will help usC in e t and to - With e m and c in e t and to .

5. Physical education .

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

Ordered to be at the North Pole.

(Students sit at their desks)

6. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Slide #12

Look guys who meets us? (Children's answers are heard)

Let's guys ask the wise turtle to tell us what she knows about polar bears?

Slide #13

Polar bear - one of the largest land predators.

Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 1000 kg.

Polar bears do not live anywhere except the Arctic. In Greek, arctus means bear. It is believed that the name of this region of the Earth is associated with the polar bears living here. They spend their entire lives in ice and water. A polar bear can swim for a long time at a speed of 4-5 kilometers per hour, dives well and can spend several minutes under water. It feeds on seals, fish and birds. When it's time to have offspring, the she-bear climbs into the snow cave. The cubs, just born to a she-bear, are similar in size to a newborn kitten. Until the cubs grow up, the bear does not leave the snow den. Unlike brown bear, polar bears do not hibernate. The bear is listed in the Red Book.

Do you think other animals can live in such cold weather conditions? (Children's answers are heard)

Slide #14

Open the textbook bookmark on page 12. Look closely. Read again, who meets us at the North Pole? (skua, polar bear, cod, walrus, seal).

Let's turn to the Wise Turtle to tell us about other animals of the Far North.

Slide #15

Lives in the Arctic walrus. This giant is not afraid of bears. Although the walrus has sharp, powerful fangs, it is harmless in itself. He needs fangs in order to dig shells out of the mud and eat their contents.

Slide #16

Another inhabitant of the Arctic - seal. He eats fish. The seal is an excellent swimmer and diver. He has flippers instead of legs. A seal can stay under water for a long time, but it definitely needs air, so from time to time it emerges to the surface to take in air. When the surface of the water freezes in winter, the animal breaks through the ice with its head so as not to suffocate. Polar bears are waiting near the holes for seals.

Slide #17

Skuas similar to gulls, but differ from them in the dark color of plumage.

A distinctive feature of most skuas is the strongly elongated central tail feathers.

Slide #18

But the Ant Questioner had a question. And what helps the animals and birds of the Arctic to survive in such harsh conditions?

Slide #19

Animals of the Arctic have a large subcutaneous fat layer, a thick layer of skin, thick fur or down.

But still, the owner at the North Pole is, of course, a polar bear. Here is a poem about a polar bear that the guys prepared for the Wise Turtle.(Children's performance)

One morning at the zoo

The dispute is serious, even hot

Suddenly the neighbors started

- Brown and white - two bears.

- How, buddy, did you become white?

What, you got dirty with chalk?

- Are you brown?

Is it all covered in soil?

You see, the bears are not laughing,

Their fur color worries me.

Who painted, give an answer,

These bears in a different color?

Tell me, guys, where do polar bears live? Show on the globe. Now I will ask you to take places in the creative workshop of children who have pink tokens. And I suggest you travel further and visit the South Pole. Maybe polar bears live there too. Guys, what do you think, will we need warm clothes if we find ourselves at the South Pole, in Antarctica? So we tear off another petal from ourC in e t and to a - With e m and c in e t and to a and say the magic words.

. Fizkultminutka.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

Be my way.

Tell me to be on South Pole.

8. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Slide #20

We are welcomed by penguins. Let's go back to the wise turtle. Who are penguins?

Slide #21

penguins are the natives of Antarctica. You remember that this bird cannot fly, but it swims well. Penguins eat fish. The female penguin lays only one egg. Penguins don't have nests. They cannot be made from it in Antarctica, so the female penguin lays her only egg on her paws, and covers it with her body from above. So the egg is warm. Penguins do not hatch their chicks, but "stand". While the penguin mother “stands” the egg, the penguin father extracts her food and brings it.

But what poem do the guys know about penguins, listen to the Wise Turtle.

From heavenly heights

The seagull called out to the penguin:

"They say, penguin, that you -

The bird is only half.

The bird is not good for running

After all, she must fly!

The bird is proud of its wings

She is worthless without wings.

And the penguin has little grief,

Replies to that seagull:

"Our sky is the sea,

We're flying underwater!"

And the Wise Turtle wants to show you the animals of the South Pole.

Slide number 22, 23, 24. (albatross, leopard seal, icefish)

(The teacher is guided by time, if there is enough time, then you can give brief information about these animals, if there is not enough time, then just show it on the screen)

Albatross. Albatross is a very large and strong bird. On the day it can freely fly up to 1000 km. This bird is capable of not seeing the land for weeks, spending all the time above the sea wave. The albatross nests on rocky islands with high shores. Thus, the bird tries to protect its offspring from various terrestrial predators as much as possible. The female makes a nest together with the male. It is a hole 25-30 cm deep. It reaches half a meter in diameter. Cover it with grass, moss and leaves. The egg is always one and big.

Sea leopard. It got its name due to the spotted skin, and also because of the very predatory behavior. The leopard seal has a very streamlined body, allowing it to develop great speed in the water. The sea leopard can dive to a depth of 300 m. It constantly hunts seals and penguins. The weight of males is about 270 kg, while in females it reaches 400 kg.

Ice fish. Ice fish has very tasty and tender white meat. This fish is a large benthic predator that feeds on small fish. The depth of habitat of ice fish is from 5 to 800 m.

Tell me guys, are there polar bears at the South Pole? Have we seen them? (children's answers).

Well, our journey has come to an end and it's time for us to return to school. (The teacher tears off another petal and says the words)

As soon as you touch the ground

be in my opinion.

Tell us to be at school at the desk.

9. Summing up the lesson.

So where do polar bears live? The wise Turtle has prepared a very interesting question for you: Think about whether polar bears prey on penguins? » Before answering this question, remember where these animals live?

Slide #25

Polar bears do not hunt penguins because these animals live in different parts of the Earth.

Let's draw a conclusion from the lesson. (slide number 26)

10. Reflection.

Here our journey has come to an end. Did you like our lesson?

I thank all the guys for your creativity, for interesting answers.