Human behavior in nature tests. Test

Obzh tests for grade 6

"Rules of conduct in nature"

1. Select from the following main types of extreme situations in nature:

a) abrupt change natural conditions;

b) inability to navigate the terrain;

c) moving to a new place of residence from one district of the city to another;

d) forced a given autonomous existence;

e) loss of personal equipment by one of the members of the tourist group;

f) change of climatic and geographical conditions;

g) diseases and injuries of the human body requiring emergency medical care;

h) autonomous existence of a tourist group in natural conditions, walking along the developed route, having the necessary equipment and food.

2. The reasons for forced autonomous existence in natural conditions are:

a) precipitation;

b) accident Vehicle(cars, aircraft, river and sea transport);

c) loss of part of food;

d) loss of compass;

e) loss of the group as a result of lagging behind or untimely exit to the gathering place;

f) untimely registration of the group before going on the route;

g) loss of orientation on the ground

h) a sharp drop in air temperature.

3. What is the main task in preparing and conducting a tourist trip? Specify the correct answer:

a) fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the campaign;

b) security;

in) full walkthrough route.

4. For what purpose is the leader of the hike obliged to report the route of the tourist group to the search and rescue service (PSS)? Specify the correct answer:

a) so that a representative is assigned from the MSS to accompany the group on the route;

b) in order for the MSS to control the passage of a group of settlements marked on the route;

c) in order for the MSS to provide the group with a walkie-talkie for communication during the route;

d) in order for the PSS to be able to control the passage of the route by the group and, in case of an emergency or untimely completion of the route, promptly provide assistance to it.

5. From the objects listed below, select those that are linear landmarks:

a) power lines;

b) the border of the forest;

c) a flying plane;

d) a bus at a stop;

e) ravine;

e) road;

g) clearing;

h) tractor in the field.

6. The most comfortable hiking shoes are:

a) hiking boots

b) rubber boots;

c) chrome boots;

d) sneakers;

e) low shoes;

e) light sports slippers;

g) sneakers;

h) shoes.

7. How to dry rubber boots on a hike? Specify the correct answer:

a) remove the insoles from the boots and wipe the inside dry with a rag;

b) stuff boots with dry grass or paper and put them near the fire;

c) put boots to heat, but not to open fire;

d) drive pegs into the ground near the fire and hang boots on them.

8. What color should the tourist's outerwear be? Specify the correct answer:

a) solid color

b) from camouflage material;

c) bright, unmasking.

9. What you need to know if the group got into an extreme situation in nature? Specify the correct answers:

a) are there injured, tired and weakened members of the group;

b) which of the members of the group can be sent to reconnaissance to determine the location locality;

c) is it possible to determine your location;

d) how much food is available;

e) whether there are warm clothes and personal equipment (matches, knives, compass, etc.);

e) is there special tool for the construction of temporary housing, the preparation of firewood and the cultivation of a fire;

g) whether there are means of communication;

h) what the weather might be like in the near future.

10. What should you do if you are behind the group during the hike while moving along the route? Place the following steps in the correct order:

a) look for traces of their comrades;

b) wait for someone to come back for you;

c) do not leave the track, ski tracks;

d) stop at a fork in the trail;

e) build temporary housing;

e) build a fire.

11. What should you do if you get lost while driving on the route and cannot find your tracks? Specify in what order you will perform the following actions:

a) listen to sounds

b) determine how much time they moved;

c) stop and assess the situation;

d) find an elevated place and look around;

e) remember your way;

f) look for a path or road, stream or river;

g) look around, look for veils or markings of tourist routes on trees;

h) go out onto a path, road, stream or river and determine the direction of the exit.

12. When passing a tourist route in the forest, your group got into an extreme situation. The group commander decided to wait for help on the spot. What should be done in this case? Choose your next steps from the suggested options and determine their order:

a) if there are victims in the group, send them, accompanied by several people, to look for a settlement in order to provide assistance;

b) if there are injured, weakened, sick, provide them with first aid;

c) give emergency signals to search parties;

d) using a compass, determine the direction of the exit and send a reconnaissance group to determine the distance to the nearest settlement;

e) in the absence of food supplies, organize the search for water and food;

f) organize a search for fuel for a fire;

g) organize a search for an elevated place to determine their location;

h) organize food preparation;

i) organize the construction of temporary housing;

j) put on warm clothes and sit closer to the fire, do not build a temporary dwelling.

13. Signs of a well-trodden path can be:

a) tall grass

b) crushed grass;

c) traces of transport;

d) mushrooms and berries growing on the trail;

e) traces of human activity (candy wrappers, paper,
food leftovers, cigarette butts, etc.);

f) the presence of traces of birds and animals;

g) broken branches.

14. Light sources are visible at night at a distance:

a) bonfire: up to 3 km; 5 km; 8 kilometers.; 10 km;

b) flashlight light: up to 1 km; 1.5 km; 2 km; 2.5 km;

Choose the correct one from the given options.

15. Marking of tourist routes is carried out with metal plates, which are mounted on trees at the level of human growth. The plates have three horizontal stripes. What colors are they in? Choose the correct answers:

a) red - white - red;

b) white - red - white;

c) blue - yellow - blue;

d) yellow - blue - yellow;

e) white - blue - white;

e) blue. - white - blue.

16. At solar noon, the shadow indicates the direction to:

a) south

b) north;

c) west;

d) east.

Specify the correct answer.

17. How to determine the cardinal directions, being in the forest on a moonless night? Specify the correct answer:

a) by the hour

b) by the moon;

c) the North Star.

18. You can determine the cardinal points on the ground by:

a) the direction of the wind;

b) own shadow;

c) the direction of the river flow;

d) the direction of the well-trodden paths;

e) the direction of untrodden paths;

e) compass;

g) stars;

h) direction of movement of trains;
i) local items;

k) hours.

Choose the right ways.

19. By what local signs can one determine the cardinal directions? Choose the correct options:

a) trunks and bark of trees;

b) shrubs and dry grass;

c) lichen and moss;

d) the direction of the flow of streams and rivers;

e) slopes of hills and mounds;

e) well-trodden rut;

g) anthills;

h) snow melting;

i) polynyas in reservoirs;

j) wind speed.

20. Select from the proposed options the established requirements for the construction site of temporary housing:

a) the place should be on the river bank at the water level;

b) the place should be on a flat, elevated, ventilated area;

c) the place should be among the dead wood, which can be used for a fire;

d) there must be a source of water and sufficient fuel near the site;

e) there must be a road or well-trodden path near the site;

f) there should be a platform (clearing) near the camp for sending distress signals if necessary.

21. When constructing a canopy or a hut, the roof should be covered:

a) top to bottom

b) right - left;

c) bottom - up;

d) no matter how.

Which method is the only correct one and why?

22. On what fire can you quickly boil water? Choose an answer:

a) "nodya";

b) "taiga";

c) "well";

d) "hut".

23. Name which of the following bonfires are fire pits:

a) "hut";

b) "star";

c) "taiga";

d) lattice.

24. How to build a fire? Put the following actions in the correct order:

a) put kindling on the soil;

b) put branches on the kindling;

c) light a fire with two or three matches;

d) prepare kindling and firewood;

e) put logs, firewood on top of the branches;

f) comply with fire safety regulations.

25. What is forbidden to do when making a fire? Choose the correct answers from the given options:

a) make a fire near water sources;

b) make a fire in peat bogs;

c) make a fire in the snow;

d) make a fire near trees;

e) use dead wood for a fire;

e) use dry grass for a fire;

g) use live trees for a fire;

h) use moss and finely crushed bark for a fire;
i) leave a burning fire unattended;

j) leave less than 3 people on duty near the fire.

26. Choose from the proposed options the requirements for a campfire site:

a) it is necessary to find a well-ventilated clearing;

b) it is necessary to find a clearing protected from the wind;

c) the place for making a fire should be no further than 10 meters from a water source;

d) in inclement weather it is necessary to build a fire under a tree, the crown of which should exceed the base of the fire by 6 meters;

e) the place for making a fire must be cleared of grass, leaves, shallow snow;

e) the place of making a fire must be lined with stones;

g) the place of making a fire should be lined with logs.

a) increase physical activity physical exercise;

b) reduce physical activity;

c) organize a good rest;

d) in summer time in clear hot weather, swim periodically;

e) avoid temperature discomfort (or hypothermia);

f) stay near the fire more often.

28. Name what insects and reptiles can satisfy hunger in conditions of forced autonomous existence in the absence of food;

a) locusts and grasshoppers;

b) Colorado potato beetle;

c) termites;

d) lizards and snakes.

29. You are very hungry and you caught a caterpillar. Your actions:

a) eat it raw

b) fry;

c) won't eat.

30. What is the best time for fishing:

a) noon

b) morning (at dawn);

c) night (after dark);

d) evening (before sunset);

e) during the day.

31. What plants can be used to make tea:

a) birch leaves;

b) raspberry and strawberry leaves;

c) wolf berries;

d) elderberry;

e) blueberries;

e) cranberries;

g) wormwood;

h) Ivan tea.

32. Human need for water with moderate physical stress

loads per day is: a) more than 2 liters; b) 1.2 liters;

c) 1.5 - 2 liters;

d) up to 2 liters.

Which of the following options is correct?

33. Indicate the easiest way to disinfect water in the field from the following:

a) cleaning through a filter of sand and matter;

b) cleaning through a filter made of sand, cotton wool and matter;

c) boiling water;

d) adding potassium permanganate to the water.

34. Align the meanings and designations of the signs of the international code table of signals below:

Yes F

It's all right n

It is possible to land here

No - L.L.

We need a doctor, there are seriously wounded II

I follow this direction Y

Need a compass and a map D
Need food and water

Specify the direction of travel X

Need medicines I

Answers to tests 6 CLASS.
SECTION 1. Human safety and protection in emergency situations
Rules of conduct in nature
1.a,d,f,g.2.b,e,g.3.b4.d5.a,b,e,f,g.6.a,d,g.7.a,c8.c9. a,c,d,e,h.10.c,a,d,b,f,e.11.c,e,b,a,g,d,f,h.12.b,i,e, e, h, c.13.b, c, e, g.14. a-up to 8 km, b-up to 1.5 km. 21.c22.d23.b,c.24.d,a,c,b,e,e.25.b,d,g,i.26.b,e,e.27.b,c,e. 28.a,c,d.29.c30.b,d31.b,e,f,h.32.c33.c34. F.N.square, LL, ll, Y, D, up arrow,
34. Continued. K,l

The subconscious part is fraught with a lot of unknown, but with the help of certain soft techniques, even that which a person hides from himself can be brought to the level of awareness.

"Walking in the Forest" is a spiritual and psychological test of relationships. The answers to this test are somehow related to the values ​​​​that you adhere to in personal life. To test yourself, imagine that you are walking on beautiful forest. The sun is shining and a light breeze is blowing. Everything around is just great!

Answer the test questions by memorizing (or better, writing down) your answers to the highlighted questions.

Who are you walking with? (perhaps you are not walking alone, but together with some person)

What kind of animal is that?

You approach the animal.

What is this animal doing? How does it behave? How do you behave with this animal?

You go deeper into the forest, and finally you come out into a clearing. There is a house in the middle of the meadow.

What size is this house? Is it fenced in or not?

You come to the door of this house, the door is slightly ajar. You enter the house and see the table.

Describe what you see on the table.

You look around the house and you see the back door, you go out through it. You find yourself on a large lawn, in the center of which is a garden. In the garden you find a cup.

What is this cup made of? What are you doing with this cup?

When you reach the end of the garden, you find yourself near a pond.

What is this reservoir? Lake? River? Pond? Puddle?

You need to cross the body of water to get home.

Do you get very wet while doing this?


Relationship Test Answers:

  • The person you walked with in the woods- the most important person at this stage of your life.
  • The size of the animal you met in the forest is the size of your problems.
  • Your behavior with the animal speaks about the degree of your aggressiveness. The more aggressive your actions were, the more explicit or covert aggression you have. The calmer you are, the more peace in your soul.
  • House size speaks of the magnitude of your ambitions.
  • If there was no fence around the house, it speaks of your openness. A fenced house symbolizes your closeness from people and the world.
  • If what you saw on the table is not food, not flowers, and not people, this indicates that deep down you are unhappy for some reason.
  • The material the cup is made from, speaks of the strength of your relationship with the person from the first part of the test. The stronger the material, the stronger the relationship. What you do with the cup indicates your attitude towards this person.
  • Pond Size proportional to the volume of your sexual desire.
  • If you get very wet while crossing a body of water, then sex is very important to you. If you don't get too wet, sex doesn't matter much in your life.

Option 1


1) social groups

organisms in nature

2 . The biosphere includes:

1) outer space

2) the water shell of the Earth

3) Earth's core and mantle

4) Solar system

3 . Find the environmental rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the list below.

    the right to demand from the relevant authorities the provision of timely, complete and reliable information on the state of environment and measures to protect it

    the right to close businesses that harm the environment

    the right to participate in various environmental activities

    the right to make laws against those who by their actions damage nature

    the right to create public associations environmental protection

4. Acid rain and smog are caused by:

1) air pollution

2) activities of the Hydrometeorological Center

3) increased geological activity of the Earth

4) disappearance certain types animal organisms

5 . Human use of chemicals in their activities leads to:

1) the disappearance of household waste

2) improve the state of the atmosphere

3) soil and ocean pollution

4) increase the diversity of flora and fauna

6 . The Great Ecological Rule:

1) treat people the way you want them to treat you;

2 ) one cannot demand more from nature than she is capable of dates,

3) picked one flower - lost ten.

7. Establish a correspondence between natural resources and their types.

natural resource

Resource type

    Coal, ores, gas, oil

    The soil

    World Ocean

    Animal and plant world

    Air and wind energy

    Solar radiation

A. Inexhaustible

B. Exhaustible


8. Everything created by man that did not previously exist in nature:

a) "second nature"

b) "the world of man";

c) "sphere of reasonable activity";

d) environment.

9. Find examples of human behavior in the list below.inappropriate

    Residents of the holiday village often leave bags of garbage near the side of the road.

    The students collected about 10 tons of waste paper, which made it possible to save 1 hectare of forest from deforestation.

    On the territory of the Druzhba park, an environmental youth action "Clean City" was held.

    Janitors burn leaves so as not to take them out of the city.

    Plant dumped into the river wastewater contaminated with toxic substances.

10. Ecologicalduty citizenRF:

1) nature and environment protection

2) payment of legally established taxes and fees

3) participation in the movement of environmentalists

4) use natural resources in their activities

Tests on the topic "Man and Nature"

Option 2

1 . To environmental issues applies to:

1) air pollution

2) declining birth rate

3) decrease in the standard of living of the population

4) specialization of labor in production

2. Cause of environmental problems:

1) the transformation of a monkey into a man

2) the emergence of new animal species

3) strengthening the impact of man on nature

4) human occupation by hunting and gathering

3. The reduction of forests on the planet leads to:

1) landscape improvement

2) improve the state of the biosphere

3) increase in air pollution

4) cessation of the use of pesticides

4. Find in the list belowinexhaustibleNatural resources.

1) gas 4) wind energy

2) water 5) space resources

3) soil

5. Find examples of behavior in the list below,corresponding environmental morality. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    Mikhail B. buys drinks and food only in glass and paper packages, not plastic and polyethylene.

    Tourists left mountains of garbage on the banks of the river.

    Schoolchildren took part in the competition of design works on the topic "Energy Saving".

    Utilities of cities sprinkle sidewalks in winter with technical salt and chemical reagents.

    In Russia in 2004, the movement “Restore Our Forest” arose

6. ecologicallawcitizenRFis the right to:

1) favorable environment

2) participation in political life and exercise of state power

3) conducting business activities in reserves

4) the creation of laws against those who, by their actions, damage nature

7 . Find the state's environmental protection measures in the list below.

    creation of national parks

    issuing rules aimed at protecting nature

    prohibition of dissemination of information on the state of the environment

    creation environmental organization"Greenpeace"

    establishment of the post of state inspector for nature protection

8 . Establish a correspondence between the causes of air pollution and its sources.

Source of pollution

Cause of pollution

1. Furnaces of steam locomotives

2.Volcanic eruptions

3. Jet engines

4. Dust storms

A. Natural

B. Human activities

Complete the table by writing the selected numbers under the corresponding letters


9. Ecology is the science of the relationship between:

1) social groups

2) citizens and judiciary

3) an employee and an employer in production

4) environment, plant and animal

organisms in nature

10 .According to the Constitution Russian Federation citizens are required to:

1) protect and conserve nature;

2) keep pets;

3) highlight cash for the maintenance of reserves;

4) create ecologically clean zones.

Test on the topic "Man and Nature"

1. Match:

2. Match:


  1. Metal-bearing ores;
  2. Oil;
  3. Coal;
  4. The soil;
  5. Natural flora and fauna.

4. Select from the proposed types of pollution that appeared through the fault of a person:

  1. cloud of volcanic ash;
  2. industrial waste dump;
  3. smog in the center of the settlement;
  4. fragment of a meteorite that fell to the ground;
  5. oil slick in the mediterranean sea.

5. Match:

Types of pollution




  1. Accumulation of volcanic hydrogen sulfide gases;
  2. Drainage of sewerage into the river;
  3. Reproduction of a special type of toxic bacteria in the ocean;
  4. Dust and sand storms;
  5. Emissions to the atmosphere from residential heating with wood and coal;
  6. Emissions to the atmosphere from fuel combustion in vehicles.

6. Match:


  1. Explosion of a reactor at a nuclear power plant, accompanied by radiation emissions;
  2. Organization of a landfill for household waste in a suburban forest;
  3. Earthquake;
  4. Oil spill resulting from a tanker wreck;
  5. Excessive use of fertilizers;
  6. Avalanche.
  7. Flood;
  8. Discharge of industrial waste into a reservoir.

7. Fill in the gaps in the table by entering the options below:

Examples of violations:

  1. Exceeding the permissible level of dioxide in the air;
  2. Volcanologists did not warn local residents about a possible volcanic eruption;
  3. Residents of areas affected by spring floods have not received compensation;
  4. The metallurgical plant did not provide citizens with data on emissions and discharges at the enterprise;
  5. Lack and poor quality of drinking water;
  6. Soil pollution by industrial waste;
  7. Seismic services did not report a coming earthquake in a timely manner;
  8. A citizen who suffered as a result of the earthquake applied to the court for compensation, but was refused;
  9. The services did not inform the population about the release of radioactive substances at the enterprise;
  10. Exceeding the permissible norms of radiation.

8. Match:

9. Rational nature management implies:

  1. activities aimed at meeting the needs of mankind;
  2. activities aimed at scientifically based use, reproduction and protection of natural resources;
  3. extraction and processing of minerals;
  4. measures that provide industrial and economic activity person.

10. Global environmental problems are caused in the first place:

  1. geological processes;
  2. space factors;
  3. high rate of progress;
  4. climate change.

11. Anthropogenic environmental factors include

  1. application of organic fertilizers to the soil
  2. decrease in illumination in reservoirs with increasing depth
  3. precipitation
  4. cessation of volcanic activity
  5. thinning pine seedlings
  6. shallowing of rivers as a result of deforestation.

12. Which of the examples illustrates the influence of society on the conservation of nature?

  1. creation of free trade zones
  2. development of the environmental social movement
  3. registering a kennel club
  4. opening of new halls of landscape painting in the National Museum.

13. An example of the direct influence of nature on society is

  1. deforestation for the construction of residential buildings
  2. soil restoration after the liquidation of the waste dump
  3. destruction of a coastal recreation area by a powerful typhoon
  4. organization of a nature reserve.

14. Environmental issues include

  1. preventing the spread of AIDS
  2. revival of cultural values
  3. global warming trend
  4. stabilization of the demographic situation.

15. Human draining of wetlands is an example of interaction

  1. society and personality
  2. citizen and state
  3. society and nature
  4. production and consumption.

16. Are the following judgments about the interaction of society and nature correct?

A. Nature is an inexhaustible source of all kinds of resources for humanity

B. The economic activity of the company may have a negative impact on the environment

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong.

17. An example of the negative impact of society on the natural environment is

  1. organization of the reserve
  2. soil salinization control
  3. Soil pollution industrial waste
  4. planting trees and shrubs.

18. An example of the influence of society on nature is

  1. the invention of the lightning rod
  2. pyramid building in ancient egypt
  3. ocean water pollution
  4. discovery of the law of gravity

19. Environmental issues include

  1. spread of drug addiction
  2. loss of moral values

20. Are the following judgments about global problems Oh?

A. Global problems threaten the existence of mankind

B. To overcome global problems, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all countries of the world

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

21. Match:


  1. Deforestation;
  2. Creation of reserves;
  3. Creation of the Red Book;
  4. Drainage of swamps;
  5. Fight against poaching;
  6. Destruction of animal species;
  7. Discharges of waste into water bodies.

22. From the listed global problems, select those that are environmental:

  1. Depletion of natural resources;
  2. the problem of oncological diseases;
  3. The disappearance of animal and plant species;
  4. Environmental pollution;
  5. conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds;
  6. preventing thermonuclear war and securing peace;
  7. terrorism;
  8. AIDS;
  9. Global warming;
  10. Ozone holes.

23. Fill in the blank:

Red Book

Annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi.

List of extinct species

24. Find in the list below what relates to natural resources and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Power plants.
  2. Rivers and lakes.
  3. Forests.
  4. Plants and factories.
  5. The soil.

25. Ecology studies the impact of human activity:

  1. on the development of world religions
  2. to improve household, life of people and ancient times
  3. on the surrounding nature, relationship between nature and society
  4. to the cultural environment.

26. Match:

27. Water and air pollution caused by the failure of treatment facilities at a chemical plant in the city N, is an example of the relationship...

  1. civilizations and cultures;
  2. society and nature;
  3. morality and law;
  4. science and technology.

28. What example illustrates the influence of nature on human activities?

  1. flooding of the streets of the city during the flood;
  2. air pollution from exhaust gases;
  3. breeding of swans in the city pond;
  4. administrative restrictions on catching certain types of fish.

29. What example illustrates the positive impact of society on nature?

  1. pollution of the sea by oil products;
  2. the destruction of the village during a volcanic eruption;
  3. restriction of hunting for some species of birds;
  4. deforestation for road construction.

30. Which of the following examples illustrates the influence of nature on the development of society:

  1. In country H, one of the compulsory subjects at school is ecology;
  2. In region H, there was a conflict between officials and environmentalists;
  3. The regions of country P have an agricultural specialization;
  4. Country X has adopted a Law on Environmental Protection.

31. Are the following judgments about the interaction of society and nature correct:

A. By its impact on nature, society always damages it;

B. Destruction of the natural environment leads to a deterioration in human health.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. True A and B
  4. Both options are not correct.

32. Are the following judgments about the interaction of society and nature correct:

A. The consumer attitude of society towards nature has led to an ecological crisis;

B. Nature has an impact on human economic activity.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. True A and B
  4. Both options are not correct.

33. According to experts, in some areas of the Earth, 80% of all diseases are caused by poor-quality water, which people are forced to consume. This is the first problem

  1. decrease in labor productivity
  2. disappearance rare species plants
  3. environmental pollution
  4. global warming.

34. Are the following judgments about society and nature correct?

A. In the process of influencing nature, man transforms it.

B. Society uses nature as the most important source of economic resources.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. True A and B
  4. Both options are not correct.

35. Which of the examples illustrates the influence of society on nature?

  1. discovery of a previously unknown ancient chronicle
  2. presidential candidate debate
  3. burial radioactive waste
  4. creation of a song about the capital of the state.

36. Are the following judgments about the interaction of society and nature correct?

A. Modern society has felt the danger of global changes in nature.

B. Scientific and technological progress has led to irreversible environmental changes.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. True A and B
  4. Both options are not correct.

37. Which of the following illustrates society's efforts to address global environmental problems?

  1. closure of unprofitable enterprises
  2. introduction of proportional taxation
  3. installation of a new generation of wastewater treatment plants at power plants
  4. development of telecommunications, mobile telephony market.

38. In 2004 and 2014 The scientists interviewed adult citizens of country Z. They were asked the question: “One of the environmentally sound ways of recycling involves sorting household waste. If you had the opportunity to throw each type of garbage in a separate container, would you sort your garbage?

The results of the surveys (in % of the number of respondents) are shown in the table:

1. Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The proportion of those who already sort waste has increased over 10 years.

2) The share of those who would definitely sort garbage has decreased over 10 years.

3) The share of those who believe that they would rather sort waste remained unchanged in 2014 compared to 2004.

4) Equal proportions of respondents in 2014 believe that they would rather not and certainly would not sort garbage.

5) The proportion of those who definitely would not sort waste has increased over 10 years.

2. The results of the survey, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the information received during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In country Z, some citizens have special waste sorting bins.

2) Citizens of country Z are not well informed about environmentally sound ways of recycling waste.

3) For 10 years, the citizens of country Z have become more conscious about the issue of recycling.

4) There are always those who do not associate their behavior with the environmental needs of modern society.

5) Citizens of country Z do not realize the need to preserve the natural environment.

39. Environmental issues include

  1. spread of drug addiction
  2. gradual depletion of natural resources
  3. averting the threat of a new world war
  4. loss of moral values.

40. Are the following judgments about the mutual influence of society and nature correct?

A. The availability of diverse natural resources can accelerate the development of society.

B. Natural disasters can create a threat to the existence of society.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. True A and B
  4. Both options are not correct.

41. Which of the examples illustrates the influence of society on nature?

  1. restriction of hunting in the forests near Moscow
  2. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  3. hurricane cleanup
  4. emergence of ethnicity in fashion.

42. Which of the examples illustrates the influence of society on nature?

  1. rising prices for cereals in a dry year
  2. international Conference on global warming
  3. deforestation for the construction of the railway
  4. meteorological observations for weather forecasting.