Who is Vladimir Solovyov by nationality. Vladimir Solovyov: TV presenter biography and interesting facts from life How old is Inna Solomonovna Solovyova

Art critic, author and host of the program "With Mom about the Beautiful" on the radio station "Vesti FM". In this program, Inna Solomonovna talks about great artists, their destinies, paintings and how they reflected the history of world culture. Even in the conditions of a specific radio genre, where there is no video sequence and everything is ruled by sound, her inimitable warm manner of narration allows not only to see the famous canvases, but also to feel them, as if to be on the other side of the canvas.

All her life, studying the work of famous masters, Inna Solomonovna also became an artist in a sense - she was able to create a vivid picture of, perhaps, ideal family relationships, which one wants to copy. Here is the love with which the son speaks of her - Vladimir Solovyov. And that's how Inna Solomonovna talks about him.

Listen in full on the audio version.


07.02.2020, 15:07

Instead of searching for a secret organization, they decided to shoot Kolchak

ANDREY SVETENKO: “At the end of the last century, in the 90s, Lenin’s encrypted telegram addressed to Sklyansky was made public, in which it was written: “Do not spread any news about Kolchak, absolutely nothing, and after we occupy Irkutsk, send a strictly official telegram with clarification that local authorities before our arrival, they acted in such and such a way.

05.02.2020, 14:07

“We still live in the world of Stalin”: what do foreign media write about Yalta Conference

ALEXANDER LOSEV: “I came across an article in the New York Times under the heading: “We still live in the world of Stalin.” Imagine, Stalin was remembered, and it is written in English in white that 75 years ago the Soviet leader got everything he wanted, and for decades formed world politics. Apparently, Stalin is still alive with them and continues to shape world politics!


Born into a Jewish family. Father - Rudolf Naumovich Meninskovsky (in 1962 he changed his last name from Meninskovsky to Solovyov), a teacher of political science (sociology). mother - Inna Solomonovna Shapiro, art critic. This student marriage broke up when Vladimir was 6 years old.

Maternal grandfather - Solomon Lvovich Shapirenchesky and grandmother - Polina Petrovna worked at the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant.

Married with a third marriage to Elga Sapp, daughter of a satirist Viktor Koklyushkin.

Solovyov has eight children from three wives: Polina (graduated humanitarian Institute television and radio broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina), Alexander - lives and studies in London, shoots films and videos, Ekaterina Solovyova - a graduate of the Theater School. Schukin.

Children common with Elga: Daniil Solovyov, Sofia-Betina, Emma-Esther, Vladimir Solovyov are still schoolchildren and preschoolers. On October 6, 2012, the couple had their eighth child. There is a grandson from the eldest daughter Polina.


Vladimir Solovyov was born on October 20, 1963 in Moscow. He studied at the elite special school No. 27 with in-depth study of English language in which the children and grandchildren of the members Central Committee of the CPSU, diplomats, etc. He went in for football and karate.

From 1980 to 1986 he studied at Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and graduated with honors. At the same institute, they studied younger and with whom Solovyov has known since 1981.

Graduated from the Institute of World Economy and international relations Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He defended his thesis on "The main trends in the production of new materials and the factors of the effectiveness of their use in the industry of the United States and Japan", received a PhD in economics.

In 1986-1988 worked as an expert in the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR.

1989-1990 - Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. At the same time, he taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at his native school No. 27.

The Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR gave Vladimir a ticket to the "American dream". When the whole country was not traveling abroad, Solovyov very often traveled abroad. During one of these trips, he met an American businessman and politician. John Hathaway who worked for the Republican Party.

Thanks to an American friend, Solovyov received a professorship at the age of 27 and was invited to teach at University of Alabama. However, he only worked there for about one semester, because, in his own words, FBI recommended that the university terminate the contract with him.

Solovyov actively participated in the American political life, collected money and signatures for the President of the United States George W. Bush, in his own words, "spoke in churches, and at Rotary meetings, sometimes spoke on radio and television." In the same period, Solovyov was forced to earn extra money cutting grass, learning karate and participating in karate fights.

In the USA, Solovyov began to do business - he advised construction companies, since 1991 he has been CEO of the Universal Group of Companies and continued to do business upon his return to Russia in 1992.

According to him, " I had my own factories, in Russia and the Philippines. They produced disco equipment, sold it all over the world. There was an employment agency in Moscow". Subsequently, Solovyov successfully sold the business, and began to invest the proceeds. It was emphasized that Solovyov's business background allowed him to have a certain financial independence.

In 2008, he claimed to be actively "participating" in the securities market, according to some reports, was connected with the business Vladimir Gruzdev, in 2007 becoming his partner in Fashion Continent LLC (the cost of 5 percent of the company's shares owned by Solovyov was estimated at one million US dollars). As of 2009, he had a house in Italy.

In 1997, his life changed dramatically. Solovyov was invited to replace the sick host of one of the programs of the FM radio station "Silver Rain"(according to other sources, he was invited to the radio station due to his good knowledge of English), and he became the host of the morning program "Nightingale Trills" on this radio. There he worked from July 10, 1998 to July 29, 2010.

The television career of Vladimir Solovyov began in 1999. He worked as a TV presenter on the TV channels ORT, TNT, TV-6, NTV, TVS. He hosted two talk shows at once: the political and economic "Process" - together with Alexander Gordon on the ORT channel (the program lasted more than a year), as well as "Passion for Solovyov" channel TV-6.

Since 2003, he has become a TV presenter of two of the most popular talk shows. "To the barrier!": a verbal duel between two celebrities who hold different views and opinions and "Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov"- each issue is dedicated to the current events of the past week.

On television, Solovyov is, first of all, an excellent PR man with a subtle flair for political orders and market conditions. Solovyov on television asks deeply suffered questions, pronounces them clearly and understandably, and carefully articulates his opinion. Solovyov says what the viewer wants to hear, but does not cross the line. He certainly knows where the limit of liberties is and it is no coincidence that the couples in his "barrier" are drawn up in such a way that the liberal duelist almost always loses, some experts say.

Since September 2010 - on the radio "Vesti-FM" hosts the program "Full Contact" with Anna Shafran.

In 2005, participating in the "Golden Site" contest, Solovyov's official site received an award as the best site in the VIP category. In the autumn of the same year, as the best interviewer, he was awarded the prize "TEFI".

Featured in several feature films, including in the famous TV series "National Security Agent-2" (2000), in the role of businessman Lopatin. In the films "Goddess of Prime Time" (2005) and in "Park Soviet period"(2006) plays episodic roles of a real character - himself. He plays in the theater. He is the author of 15 books, among which there are books of journalistic and artistic direction.

Former Member of the Presidium Russian Jewish Congress. Played football for the organization's team.

Social and political activity

In October 2002, Solovyov, at the invitation Ella Pamfilova joined the Commission on Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation.

In November 2004, the commission was transformed into the Presidential Council for the Promotion of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights, and the composition of the body was significantly updated. Solovyov continued to work in the new council and remained in it until the renewal of its composition in February 2009.

On the eve of the Russian presidential elections in 2004, the disgraced oligarch Boris Berezovsky summoned Solovyov to the UK and offered to support his candidacy in the 2004 presidential election. Solovyov refused, and after realizing from his words that Berezovsky's idea was to kill the candidate and accuse him of it Vladimir Putin published information about it in the press.

After the tragic events of the seizure of the school in Beslan, Solovyov became one of the organizers of the anti-terrorist rally supported by the authorities, but not by the opposition, on September 7, 2004 on Vasilyevsky Spusk in Moscow. He managed to redirect the anger of the crowd against the inaction of the authorities in a peaceful direction.

In 2005, Solovyov admitted his sympathy for the party "Union of Right Forces", but at the same time he hated one of its leaders Anatoly Chubais, who, according to the journalist, was involved in many crimes.

In the same 2005, Solovyov was mentioned as one of the teachers of the Higher School of Management, a non-state university used to train members of the Nashi movement, in whose founding congress he took part.

Since 2007 Solovyov has been a member public council at Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

He spoke of his political views as "consistently democratic." The author of a noisy city action with white ribbons tied to the bumper in protest against the privileges of government cars on Moscow streets. She reminded the city authorities that civil society exists in Russia and is capable of consolidated action.

At the end of February 2014, together with a number of Russian journalists, public and political figures, he signed the appeal of the foundation "We are all Berkut", created to support the employees of the Ukrainian special forces Berkut, who opposed the activists on the Euromaidan.

April 22, 2014 was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky - for high professionalism and objectivity in covering events in the Republic of Crimea. Has other government awards.

Scandals, rumors

As a radio and TV presenter, he repeatedly found himself at the center of public scandals: on October 19, 2006, he led a television debate between candidates for the chair of the mayor of Samara Georgy Limansky and Viktor Tarkhov. "Tell me why in your commercial projects you always came to the places of those killed?" Vladimir Solovyov asked Tarkhov. He left this question unanswered, as well as the TV presenter's remark that Mr. Tarkhov looked like a "bandos from the 90s", and left the studio.

And soon the already elected mayor filed a lawsuit against Solovyov for 10 million rubles for insulting him. A year and a half later, the court of first instance partially satisfied the claim, ruling to recover 70,000 rubles from the defendant.

In April 2008, an employee of the presidential administration Valery Boyev filed a lawsuit against Vladimir Solovyov for the protection of honor and dignity. In the Nightingale Trills program, the presenter made statements that compromised him: "There are no independent courts in Russia, there are courts dependent on Boev." However, in May of the same year, Boyev decided to withdraw the lawsuit.

In 2011, the religious community of the Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan sent a note of protest to the leadership of the radio station "Vesti FM", as well as to the Russian Jewish Congress, against Solovyov's statement about the Republic of Azerbaijan on the air of Vesti FM.

In February 2014, on the air of the program "Full Contact" on the radio "Vesti FM", Solovyov announced that "organized terrorist groups" were operating at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" under the auspices of the Faculty of Applied Political Science, which were preparing the "Maidan underground".

The university considered this statement offensive and filed a lawsuit. The statement states that the university reacted negatively to both Solovyov’s statements and the students’ remarks, and attempts to link educational institution with the political position of the participants in the scandal is regarded there as a provocation.

In June 2014, a Cambodian-based businessman Sergei Polonsky appealed to the Savelovsky Court of Moscow with a claim for protection of honor and compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 200 million rubles against the Vesti FM radio station and journalist Vladimir Solovyov because of his statements on the air in November 2013.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

November 2014 For three weeks in a row, Vladimir Solovyov almost constantly mentioned the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region on his airs. Vladimir Gorodetsky- retelling various stories (for many years now and then appearing on the pages of regional publications) about the alleged facts of corruption that took place when Gorodetsky was the mayor of Novosibirsk.

Solovyov based his arguments mainly on "letters from residents" - while emphasizing that he was only asking questions, and would be glad if Gorodetsky answered them on the air.

Vladimir Gorodetsky, reacting to Solovyov's accusations, was laconic. Refuting the fact of the free distribution of a hundred land plots on the last day (such was the first accusation), a week later he declared that "destructive forces" were interested in these ethers.

Deputies of the Novosibirsk City Council adopted an appeal to the General Director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Oleg Dobrodeev. They noted that Solovyov's criticism was not supported by evidence and asked "to pay attention to the current situation, take possible measures to change it and send information to the Council of Deputies of the city of Novosibirsk about the reasons and goals for disseminating the above information." Solovyov, for his part, took this as "an attempt to limit criticism."

But now Solovyov's attacks on Gorodetsky have finally stopped - the governor of the Novosibirsk Region has not yet been mentioned on his airs. It is believed that some agreements with the channel's management played a role here. Gorodetsky himself expressed the hope "that Vladimir Rudolfovich has objectively understood the real situation in our region." Solovyov himself wrote that "additional texture is needed" to develop this topic. Whether this situation will develop further, it will be possible to say only after some time.

There are persistent rumors on the Internet about Solvieva's bisexuality.

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Biography, life story of Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich

Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov is a Russian journalist, TV presenter, radio host, public figure, singer.

Baby and youth. Education

Vladimir Solovyov was born on October 20, 1963 in Moscow. Father - Rudolf Naumovich Solovyov. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Pedagogical Institute. and worked as a teacher of political economy at a statistical college. Mother - Inna Solomonovna Shapiro. She graduated from the same faculty of the same university and worked as an art critic in the Borodino Battle panorama museum.

In 1980, Vladimir graduated from the elite English special school No. 27, where the children and grandchildren of members of the CPSU Central Committee, diplomats and other high-ranking parents studied. From childhood he loved literature, history and theater. In the 9th grade, I became interested in karate and oriental philosophy. Participated in the school production of "Macbeth" by. Always gravitated towards art. I wrote stories in my youth.

After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, from which he graduated in 1986 with a red diploma.

In 1989, Vladimir completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO). He defended his dissertation on "The main trends in the production of new materials and the factors of the effectiveness of their use in the industry of the United States and Japan" and received the title of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Career path in radio and television. Social activity

Until 1990, Vladimir Solovyov taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at school number 27, where he studied. Then he left for the USA, Alabama, to teach economics at the university. Actively participated in the political life of the then America. In 1992 he returned to Russia. Leads Scientific research in the field of efficiency high technology. Opens a small business with friends. V. Solovyov is a member of the American Entrepreneurship Committee in Moscow, vice-president of the Association of Young Economists.

From 1997 to 2010, he hosted the Nightingale Trills program on the Silver Rain radio station. Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7.00 to 11.00. V. Solovyov discussed a variety of issues with the audience live modern life, affecting wide range topics: from recipes, fashion, etiquette, social and political life, computers and cars before reading the poetry of Chinese philosophers.


He began his television career in 1999, appearing as a host simultaneously in two talk shows: "Process" on the ORT channel and "Passion for Solovyov" on TNT. Then there were the author's programs "Breakfast with Solovyov" and "Nightingale Night" on TV-6, as well as "Look who came!", "Duel" on TVS and " Orange juice"on NTV. Since 2010, "Duel" began to appear on "Russia-1".

In 2003 and 2005, respectively, two more popular talk shows appeared on NTV with the host V. Solovyov - "To the Barrier!" and "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov". In 2004-2005, the Golden Nightingale! program was broadcast on NTV. In 2005-2008, and then from 2012, the talk show "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" was broadcast on television. In 2013, the Podmoskovye channel began showing "Direct Conversation" In 2016, the "Blue Bird" was launched at Rossiya-1.

In 2005, Vladimir Solovyov took part in the founding congress of the Nashi movement and taught members of this movement the basics of the Nashi ideology.

In 2010, Solovyov began hosting the morning show Full Contact on Vesti FM radio.

In 2012 Solovyov joined the Public Television Council.


V. Solovyov - author of the books "Russian Roulette" (2005, Eksmo Publishing House) about the true face of power, corruption technologies, scams of oligarchs; "The Gospel According to Solovyov" (2005, "Hummingbird") - an adventure novel with elements of a psychological thriller, mysticism and a philosophical parable; "Soloviev vs. Solovyov" (2004, Arbor Publishing House) - about ways to lose weight. This was the start of an exciting writing journey. Subsequently, Vladimir Rudolfovich created many books on political, social, historical themes about weight loss.


In December 2004, V. Solovyov released his debut CD-album "Nightingale Trills", where he performed as a singer. The disc consists of 12 songs by different authors, including "Red Army" by S. Pokrass, "Summer" by M. Naumenko, "Banderlog", "I'm what you need", "Dubrovsky", "Why", "Snow in the moonlight silver", "Murka", "Hava Nagila" ... All songs were recorded together with the musicians of the group "". Sound engineer - S. Ovsyannikov.

In 2007, Vladimir Solovyov presented his second album called "The Magician". A little later, a collection of audio fairy tales "Russian folk tales", where Solovyov acted as a reader.

Awards and prizes

In the spring of 2005 Vladimir Solovyov's official site www.vsoloviev.ru received an award for the best site in the VIP category at the Golden Site contest. In the autumn of the same year, V. Solovyov was awarded the TEFI award as the best interviewer. In 2017, the journalist also received "TEFI" in the "Evening Prime" category.

In 2007, Vladimir Solovyov was awarded the Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to the development of domestic television. In 2013 he received the Order of Honor for his contribution to the development of culture and art. In 2013 he received the Order of Honor in Armenia. In 2014, Soloviev became the owner of the Order for a high level of professionalism and objectivity in covering events in the Crimea.


V. Solovyov is actively involved in sports - he plays football for the team of the Russian government, he is the owner of a black belt in karate.

Personal life

Was married three times. He has children from different marriages. From his first wife: daughter Polina, studied at the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after M.A. Lithuania; son Alexander, studied at the British College. From the second marriage: daughter Ekaterina, born in 1991, a graduate of the Shchukin Theater School.

The third wife is Elga Sepp, a psychologist, daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin. In this marriage, the boy Daniel (born in 2001), the girl Emma-Esther (born in 2006), the boy Vladimir (born in 2010) and the boy Ivan (born in 2012) appeared.

News Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich

Journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov shared some rather personal information with his subscribers. The man said that he is experiencing some problems with sleep. Here is what Vladimir Rudolfovich said: “In youth, everything ...

"So sad. What a wonderful writer has left us,” journalist and presenter Vladimir Solovyov wrote on his Twitter. This sad phrase refers to Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, the most talented writer of modern times...

Very soon, Russian journalist, writer and public figure Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov will delight his fans with new conversations about the day. May 25 this year at exactly 19:00 at the Moscow Art Theater named after Maxim Gorky will be held t...

Photos Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich


Alexander and Elena (Kerch, Crimea)

We are proud that on TV there are such smart, knowledgeable, witty, true professionals, patriots, devoted to their country, like Vladimir Solovyov. It is not for nothing that there are only positive reviews about him from real people who truly love Russia. Several reviews got here obviously by accident - people thought they were writing about Gamnuel, Gozman, Drandin, Sytin, offended Yabloko people, etc., but they accidentally pressed the wrong button. This is the only way to justify these misplaced scriptures.

2017-06-09 23:48:29

Oleg (Moscow)

Our person.

2017-06-07 01:00:32

Sergey (Togliatti)

I don’t know why there is so much dirt and stupidity in the comments about Solovyov? Intelligent, literate, sharp and tactful, humorous, intelligent person who knows his business. Whoever thinks that he is engaged in empty chatter, I believe that this person is not pure in soul. Argument "Loves money" - is that a sinful position? See how it works. Up to 2 hours on the TV screen live, and at 7 again live on the radio.
Humanitarian warehouse, and the techie graduated with honors. Oh yes, he studied at the expense of others, as Evgeny from Ufa believes.
Nikolay from Shebekino, without people like "Nadezhdin and company", his programs will be from the series "Cockerel and Cuckoo" (Krylov I.S.).
Alexander from Chelyabinsk, and what if Solovyov is a Jew? So Russia should be proud of such Jews, unlike some Russians.
Lyudmila from the city of Shakhty, who makes you listen to it, and even more so every (!) day? The sea is broadcast on television and on the radio, there is a choice. Better yet, find yourself a loved one, so you can take a break from the beloved.
There are moments in his programs that I do not like, but this is not a reason to reject the uniqueness, giftedness and talent of this person.
Lyudmila (Krasnodar), I agree with you!!!

with mom, uznayvse.ru

As a child, he was transferred from a regular school to an institution with in-depth knowledge of the English language. The children and grandchildren of the party elite went to school No. 27 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but Vladimir managed to enter and successfully study there. In the 9th grade, I became interested in martial arts and philosophy, before that I played football. But his main calling was controversy. In them, the future journalist knew no equal.

In 1980, Vladimir graduated from high school and tried to enroll first at MEPhI, then at the physics department of Moscow State University, but he was not accepted there, allegedly because of his Jewish origin. As a result, he entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), from which he graduated with a red diploma (specialty "metallurgical engineer") in 1986. After that there was a postgraduate study at the Institute of International Relations and World Economy. He defended his PhD and received a PhD in Economics.


He was then invited to teach economics at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. But almost immediately, according to Solovyov himself, the management terminated the contract at the insistence of the FBI. All his life, Solovyov did not shy away from any work. And now he did everything to stay in the USA and “stand on his feet” (cleaned, mowed lawns, etc.). And he succeeded. He began a career as an entrepreneur, took over a plant for the production of disco equipment, and later sold it to Russia. After that, Vladimir took over a recruitment agency. He sold the business, successfully invested what he had accumulated and secured a comfortable existence for himself.

First wife

Vladimir Solovyov was married three times. His first chosen one was a girl named Olga, whom he met on the subway. At the time, the journalist was 22 years old. As Solovyov later admitted in an interview, his marriage took place late by family standards: his grandfather got a wife at the age of 16, and his father married at 18. From Olga, Vladimir has two children - Polina and Alexander. Olga never forbade her father to communicate with children, so he helped them financially and raised them, however, at a distance.

eldest son Alexander with his wife, instagram.com/vrsoloviev

They have been adults for a long time. Alexander studied in London, got married in 2016 in Moscow and works in the film industry. Fans are sure that the eldest son is just a copy of his father. Polina received her education in Moscow, graduated from the Institute of Television, received the specialty of an announcer. She dreams of repeating her father's career. Eldest daughter married and even gave birth to a girl, so Vladimir Rudolfovich is already a grandfather.


Second wife

During graduate school, Vladimir became interested in the girl Yulia, who became his second chosen one. She followed her husband abroad, where he was invited to teach. The couple returned back with their daughter Katya. Subsequently, she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School and works in her specialty. Alas, this marriage was short-lived.

Third wife

The third wife of Vladimir Solovyov is the daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin with the sonorous name Elga Sepp. They met on the set of the video for the Crematorium group. At that time, the journalist was friends with the leader of the group, Armen Grigoryan. Their acquaintance looked like this: a 140-kilogram mustachioed man handed her a business card with the words: “If you need anything, call!” “And if you don’t need anything, can you call?” Elga joked. In response to these words, Solovyov asked on what date it would be appropriate to make a marriage proposal. “On the third!”, - he heard in response and, indeed, called Elga to marry at their third meeting. The girl was taken aback by such an offer, thought for a long time, but in the end agreed.

with Elga Sepp and children, alabanza.ru

Five children of Solovyov

They played a wedding in 2005, in one of the castles of Normandy. Elga gave her beloved five children. Son Daniel was born in 2001. He is very similar to his mother, has long blond hair. Fans predict a modeling career for him. Now he is studying at the Moscow elite school named after Lomonosov.

Daniel on the far right, alabanza.ru

Sofia-Betina Solovieva was born in 2004 and is growing up as a real beauty! She has blue eyes and blond hair. The daughter of the star is still studying at an elite school, but already dreams of becoming an actress.

Sofia-Betina in the middle, life.ru

Emma-Esther Solovieva was born in 2006. She just loves nature. The little celebrity is especially fond of the country family home. By the way, there all the children from previous marriages meet with them and communicate on an equal footing.


Vladimir Solovyov Jr. was born in 2010. When Elga became pregnant, the couple immediately decided that if a boy was born, they would name him the same as their father. He is now 8 years old and is in second grade. Little Vladimir wears glasses and is always very serious and focused. For this, the family calls him "Professor". In the future, he wants to become a scientist.

Ivan, 07a.ru

In 2012, Elga gave birth to another son to her husband, who was named Ivan. He is the youngest and most beloved child in the family. Vladimir Solovyov himself does not exclude that he and his wife will have more kids. Well, one can only envy their courage!

Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov(born October 20, 1963, Moscow) - Russian journalist, television and radio host, writer, publicist, actor, singer and public figure. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov
Date of birth: October 20, 1963
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: USSR → Russia
Education: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Religion: Judaism
Party: Non-partisan
Occupation: TV presenter, journalist, publicist, radio host, actor, singer, public figure

Vladimir Solovyov was born on October 20, 1963 in Moscow into a Jewish family. Father - Rudolf Naumovich Solovyov(had at birth and until 1962 the surname Meninskovsky), teacher of political economy; mother - Inna Solomonovna Solovyova(Shapiro), art critic. The first school year Vladimir spent at the 72nd school in Moscow, next to the house. Starting from the second grade, he studied at the elite special school No. 27 with the study of a number of subjects in English, where the children and grandchildren of members of the Central Committee of the CPSU, diplomats, etc. studied (now - secondary comprehensive school No. 1232 with in-depth study of the English language). He played football and karate.

In 1980 Vladimir Solovyov entered and in 1986 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with honors. At the same institute, Vladislav Surkov and Mikhail Fridman studied a year younger, with whom Solovyov known since 1981.
Graduated from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He defended his dissertation on the topic “The main trends in the production of new materials and the factors of the effectiveness of their use in the industry of the USA and Japan” and received a PhD in economics.
Until 1990, he taught physics, mathematics and astronomy at school No. 27, where he himself studied at one time.
Since 1990, he has taught economics at the University of Alabama.

In 1992 he returned to Russia, was engaged in business, according to him, “I had my own factories, in Russia and the Philippines. They produced disco equipment in the 90s, sold it all over the world. There was an employment agency in Moscow.” In 1998, he sold the business and invested in Gazprom shares.
From July 10, 1998 to July 29, 2010 - host of the morning show Nightingale Trills on the Silver Rain radio station.
Since September 2010, he has been broadcasting Full Contact with Anna Shafran on Vesti-FM radio.
He was a member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress. He played football for the team of the Russian Jewish Congress.

In 2005, Solovyov participated in the founding congress of the Nashi movement, created by the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and also trained members of this movement.
At the end of February 2014, together with a number of Russian journalists, public and political figures, he signed an appeal from the “All of us are Berkut” fund, created to support employees of the Ukrainian special forces Berkut, who opposed activists on Euromaidan.
In 2015, he took a big interview with the President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which was used in the documentary "President".

Criticism of Vladimir Solovyov

On October 19, 2006, he participated in a TV debate as a host between Viktor Tarkhov and Georgy Limansky. During and after the broadcast, Tarkhov was insulted by Solovyov. After that, he filed a lawsuit for 10 million rubles against the journalist. A year and a half later, the court of first instance partially satisfied the claim, ruling to recover 70,000 rubles from the defendant.
In April 2008, an employee of the presidential administration, Valery Boev, filed a lawsuit against Solovyov for the protection of honor and dignity. In the program "Nightingale trills" Solovyov made statements compromising him: "there are no independent courts in Russia, there are courts dependent on Boev."
However, in May of the same year, Boyev decided to withdraw the lawsuit.
In 2011 religious community Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan sent a note of protest to the leadership of the Vesti FM radio station, as well as to the Russian Jewish Congress, against Solovyov's statement about the Republic of Azerbaijan on the air of Vesti FM.

In February 2014, the National Research University Higher School of Economics considered it offensive to mention the university during a discussion between Solovyov and students of the educational institution. On February 19, on the air of the “Full Contact” program on Vesti FM radio, he announced that “under the auspices” of the Faculty of Applied Political Science at the university there are “organized terrorist groups” that are preparing the “Maidan underground”. The statement states that the university reacted negatively to both the statements Solovyova, and to the remarks of students, and attempts to link the educational institution with the political position of the participants in the scandal are regarded there as a provocation.
In June 2014, businessman Sergei Polonsky, who is based in Cambodia, filed a lawsuit against the Vesti FM radio station and journalist Solovyov with the Savelovsky Court of Moscow for the protection of honor and compensation for moral damages in the amount of 200 million rubles because of his broadcast in November 2013.
In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in the South-East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Personal life of Vladimir Solovyov

He is married to Elga Sepp, daughter of the satirist Viktor Koklyushkin. Father of eight children (from three wives). In his first marriage, he had two children: Polina (graduated from the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after M.A. Litovchin), Alexander Solovyov. In the second marriage - Ekaterina Solovyova, born in 1991, graduated from the Theater School. Schukin. Children common with Elga: Daniil Solovyov, Sofia-Betina Solovyova, in December 2006, Emma-Esther Solovyova was born, on February 14, 2010 - Vladimir Solovyov, October 6, 2012 - Ivan Solovyov.
Father - Rudolf Naumovich Solovyov(until 1962 had the surname Meninskovsky), teacher of political science (sociology) at the College of Architecture, Design and Restoration (former Construction College No. 26), mother - Inna Solomonovna Shapiro, art critic. They met as students of the Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin; broke up when Vladimir was 4 years old. Maternal grandfather - Solomon Lvovich Shapiro, grandmother - Polina Petrovna, they worked at the Khrunichev Machine-Building Plant. According to his own assurances, he professes Judaism.

Vladimir Solovyov's awards

Interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Documentary "President" (2015)
Order of Friendship (June 27, 2007) - "for a great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful work"
Order of Honor (September 13, 2013) - "for a great contribution to the development of national culture and art, television, many years of creative activity"
Order of Honor (Armenia, December 6, 2013)
Order of Alexander Nevsky (April 22, 2014) - "for high professionalism and objectivity in covering events in the Republic of Crimea"

The work of Vladimir Solovyov on television

"Silver Galosh" (RTR, 1997)
Actual interview "Passion for Solovyov" (TNT, 1999-2001)
Talk show "Process" (together with Alexander Gordon, ORT, 1999-2001)
Documentary observation "Breakfast with Solovyov" (TV-6, TVS, 2001-2003)
Musical program Nightingale Night (TV-6, 2001-2002)
Actual interview "Look who came!" (TVS, 2002-2003)
Talk show "Duel" (TVS, 2002-2003)
Talk show "To the barrier!" (NTV, 2003-2009)
Talk show "Orange Juice" (NTV, 2003-2004)
Annual program "Golden Nightingale" (NTV, 2004-2005)
Analytical talk show Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov"(NTV, 2005-2008; Russia-1, since 2012)
Talk show "Duel" (Russia-1, since 2010)
Television debates of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation (Russia-1, 2011-2012)
"Direct conversation" (Moscow region, 2013)

Radio host

Vladimir Solovyov

Silver Rain Nightingale Trills (1998-2010)
Vesti FM "Full contact with Vladimir Solovyov and Anna Shafran" (since 2010)


Vladimir Solovyov

Feature films and series
Year Title Role
2000 with National Security Agent - 2 (episode 24 - "Technology of Murder") Boris Lopatin, businessman
2004 with Only you ... or rich Lisa TV presenter
2005 with Primetime Goddess cameo
2006 Soviet period park cameo

2013 - “Mussolini. Sunset" - author and presenter
2015 - "President" - author and presenter

Solo performances at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after M. Gorky:
"Good Morning Mr. President" (2008)
"When did the world go crazy?" (2008)
"Light at the End of the Tunnel" (2009)
"We are Russians! God is with us!" (2009)
"The Tale of the Good King" (2010)
"About politics without guile" (2010)
"Did you order the end of the world?" (2011)
"Memories of the Future" (2011)
"One-man show from 25.05.2012"
"One-man show from 30.11.2012"
"One-man show from 05/31/2013"
"One-man show from 29.11.2013"
"One-man show from 05/30/2014"
"One-man show from 28.11.2014"

Nightingale trills (2004)
Wizard (2007)
"Russian folk tales (audiobook on 2 CDs)" Melodiya, ISBN MEL CD 50 01255

Vladimir Solovyov at the presentation of the book "1001 questions about the past, present and future of Russia", September 2010
Gospel of Solovyov. - 2005. - ISBN 5-98720-006-7. Second edition in 2007.
Russian roulette. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - ISBN 5-699-10164-0, 978-5-699-10164-1.
We and They. Short Course survival in Russia. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-699-22098-4.
Apocalypse from Vladimir. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - ISBN 978-5-699-23434-9. (Continuation of the "Gospel according to Solovyov").
Putin. A guide for the indifferent. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-699-23807-1.
Chronicles of the Second Coming. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 544 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-27022-4.
Confrontation: Russia - USA. - 2009. - ISBN 978-5-699-32158-2. (Co-authored with Nikolai Zlobin.)
"We are Russians! God is with us!" - 2009. - ISBN 978-5-699-37611-7.
Solovyov vs Solovyov. To lose weight or not to lose weight? - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - ISBN 978-5-699-32605-1.
Minus 80 kilograms! Who is bigger? - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 256 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-32605-1.
Putin - Medvedev. What's next? - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 384 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-40992-1. (Co-authored with Nikolai Zlobin.)
1001 questions about the past, present and future of Russia. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 2010. - 288 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-43999-7.
Russian roulette. marginal notes recent history. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 2010. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-42522-8.
Manipulation. Attack and defend! - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-43859-4.
Enemies of Russia. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-52340-5.
Empire of Corruption. The territory of the Russian national game. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - ISBN 978-5-699-54425-7.
Russian twist. Where is Russia going? - M.: Eksmo, 2014 (Co-authored with Nikolai Zlobin)
Template break. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-79372-3.