The best green teas. Simple drink or medicine? Drink green tea for health and choose the best varieties

So which green tea is best?

How to choose quality tea

  • Firstly, if you want to try something that is not fake, then immediately exclude bagged tea. After such processing, everything is lost useful qualities drink Everything that is sold in filter bags is beautifully packaged tea production waste. People who know a lot about this drink will not buy it in cardboard or iron packaging produced in factory conditions. It is better to buy green tea only in trusted places and by weight.
  • Secondly, the taste directly depends on the area where the tea bushes are grown. The Chinese province called Fujian, which is located opposite Taiwan, is known for the fact that it has an entire production facility for processing expensive varieties of this plant. Green tea really costs a lot of money, but it’s worth considering that the air there is very clean, as well as the beautiful nature and mountains and much more, which only speaks of an ecologically clean area.

The best tea is produced from five trees planted in the area at least 500 years ago. These tea trees grow at the heights of the mountains and therefore, in order to collect the leaves from them, it takes a lot of time and effort.

  • Thirdly, a product is considered to be of the highest quality if its shelf life is slightly more than one month. There is one “but” - you can store it longer, but it will lose its properties. Tea that has already been brewed cannot be stored for more than one day.

Therefore, all Chinese drink only freshly brewed tea, because it has not yet accumulated foreign odors and tastes, and its color is very beautiful.

In fact, brands of green tea from Japan and China are not particularly different. The only difference is in the processing method. The most common is the Chinese brand.

The main indicator of quality is the leaves. The leaves should be bright in color (can be either pistachio or bright green) and beautifully shaped. The leaves should be soft and lively.

In the old drink they are a little hard and different shapes, dry and crumble easily. Most often dark or brown shades. It is worth paying attention to the expiration date. Real green leaves can be stored for no more than 1-2 years; it is advisable to keep them in parchment or foil packaging.

Four of the best loose teas

  1. Gyokuro. One of the most expensive types of Japanese green tea, it is unusually sweet and invigorating than coffee (high titanin and caffeine content). Gyokuro is grown using special technologies, i.e. it grows in the shade. Its leaves are usually dark emerald in color and have a special oblong shape (similar to spruce needles). The average price for 100 g reaches 800 rubles, but it’s worth it.
  2. Bilochun "Emerald spirals of spring." It is grown in the Chinese province of Jiangsu. Due to the fact that fruits and leaves are grown next to tea plantations tea bush naturally absorb fruity aroma. After drying, it is not subject to further processing. The leaves are strictly curved. Price from 500 rubles per 100 g.
  3. Xinyang Maojian - grown high in the mountains. The drink, in addition to its pleasant and delicate aroma, contains a large amount of vitamin C. Because of this, it is recommended to drink the tea infusion in the morning, as it has a very invigorating effect. Its cost is from 340 rubles.
  4. Yuquan or “Pearl with a milky smell.” This variety is grown in China. This product does not contain foreign additives, has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma, and its milky-vanilla smell is achieved through special processing.

Among the classic varieties of Chinese tea, Mao Feng should be highlighted - it has a soft and sweetish-floral taste. It is recommended for people exposed to frequent stress. A variety such as Tuocha is considered one of the most healing.

Ideal for those who regularly diet. Chun Mee is also brought to us from China. This drink is strong and tart, inexpensive and most importantly does not contain any additives.

Fans of fruity scents should pay attention to Lung Ching. This variety with a delicate floral taste and smell belongs to the elite varieties, also called imperial.

The Best Inexpensive Brews for Tea Bag Fans

Not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on a daily drink, so we’ll also consider regular (bagged) tea. There is a lot of it on the shelves now, from a variety of companies and variations.

But judging by the above characteristics of high-quality tea, as well as customer reviews, we can distinguish the following types:

  • MaitredeThe "Napoleon". This is the so-called milk oolong. Sold in a tin, which allows you to preserve its freshness and aroma longer than in cardboard boxes. The leaves are pistachio-colored and have a twisted shape (when brewed, they bloom into almost a whole leaf). The infusion itself has a pleasant taste, soft straw color. Made in China.
  • Next on the list is Hilltop Gunpowder green tea. The material for such a drink is selected very carefully. Those who have been to tea plantations in China claim that these are only the top few petals from each bush. The tea is packaged in an airtight tin (with a beautiful design, suitable for a gift). Its leaves are rolled into balls. At tea ceremonies, people are surprised by its rich taste and amazing aroma.
Tea drinking traditions by time of year

Depending on the time of year, the Chinese like different varieties tea. For example, in spring they drink tea collected from various inflorescences of plants, but in summer they prefer only green varieties of tea. Autumn for the Chinese is the time to drink oolong tea, and in winter they prefer red.

According to the tea drinking tradition, the Chinese drink the divine infusion while taking their time, talking with each other, or thinking about their own things. The people of China believe that in this way they will become rich. As for the dishes in which tea is brewed, teapots made of purple and red clay are considered the best.

Each brand is useful in its own way. Even if you have just started to get involved with it, it is worth remembering that it is not important where the tea plant grew, it is important to brew it correctly.

Tips for preparing such a drink can be boiled down to the basic rule - never brew tea leaves with boiling water.

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Many people choose green tea for its beneficial properties: help in losing weight, improving digestion, rejuvenating the body, etc. In addition, when brewed correctly, this drink is very pleasant to drink. Good green tea is as relaxing as a glass of wine, as refreshing as a cool shower, and as warming as a warm sunny day.

But, like wine, green tea is represented on the market in a very wide range varieties, brands and prices. In this article we will tell you which green tea is better to buy, what are the differences different types and how to brew this drink to get maximum benefits and pleasure.

Which green tea is best? Important Features

If you care not only about the taste, but also about the healthfulness of the product, then first of all you should give up bottled and flavored drinks. Only natural green tea, which has undergone a minimum of processing before reaching the counter, contains many antioxidant catechins. For comparison: a 0.5 liter bottle contains only about 15 mg of catechins, the same volume of flavored tea contains up to 45 mg, while regular green tea has an impressive 125 mg of catechins (an average of 25%!).

What else should you pay attention to when purchasing?

1. Brand and price

The truth is that there are different types of tea, and you shouldn’t expect a rich and intense taste from the cheapest brands, no matter how you brew it. Good green tea produces much less bitterness, and is also much sweeter and more aromatic. As a rule, it is characterized by a certain viscosity and an aftertaste that remains on the tongue for several minutes after sipping.

How is this achieved? It's all about the manufacturing process, of course.

As soon as the tea leaf is plucked from the bush, it begins to oxidize. Like an avocado or banana after cutting, the plucked tea leaves begin to darken and eventually become black tea. To obtain green tea and retain as many beneficial substances as possible in it, you need to stop the oxidation process as quickly as possible by baking in the oven, simmering and/or steaming the leaves.

How this processing was carried out ultimately decides what taste and aroma the tea you buy will have. This is no less important than the growing conditions, and it is the high quality of this processing that distinguishes expensive products from world brands.

2. Freshness of green tea

Due to the characteristics of its production described above, green tea cannot be stored as long as black tea. Throughout its storage, it continues to lose nutrients and taste.

If you buy green tea by weight, try squeezing and rubbing a small amount of the leaves between your fingers and smelling them - the freshest teas have a herbaceous, almost sweet aroma.

The shelf life of packaged tea is on average 6 months from the date of packaging. In any case, remember that it retains its properties no longer than 2-3 months after opening. Store it in a dry, dark and cool place.

3. Country of origin

A 2013 study published by the Journal of Toxicology found that most green teas contain some heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and aluminum. Organic green teas tend to contain more lead, aluminum and cadmium than regular green tea, but less arsenic. It was noted that teas from China have the highest levels of aluminum and lead. While teas from Sri Lanka have very low and teas from Japan quite moderate indicators for all these four pollutants. Thus, ceylon green tea Today it is the safest to use.

Choosing good green tea: 8 best varieties

And yet, Japanese and Chinese tea brands today are much more promoted and popular. Take the latest craze for healthy drink lovers – matcha green tea powder.

Let's take a little look at the features of the 8 TOP varieties and types of green tea.

1. Japanese Sencha tea

Select freshly picked leaves are steamed to stop oxidation. As a result, the tea acquires a spicy character and subtle bitterness, which is combined with the aroma of grass, pine needles and melon. Traditional asamushi (lightly steamed) sencha produces a yellow color and sweet smell when brewed. A newer style of steaming, fukamushi (heavily steamed), produces a darker hue and less aroma, but a bolder, richer flavor. Both of these types of Japanese green tea are available in a wide range of prices to suit any budget.

2. Longjing or Dragon Well

The most valuable, “Famous Tea of ​​China,” Longjing has a soft and sweet aroma with almost chestnut notes. The leaves of this tea are hand-roasted in large woks to stop fermentation, and this careful roasting brings out the rich and refreshing flavors of asparagus and pea shoots. Chinese Longjing green tea is also available at different prices. The highest quality product is distinguished by the fact that it was harvested in the spring and has short and dense leaves of a pale green-yellow color, sometimes with a thin layer of fluff.

3. Bilochun

Another popular (and more affordable) Chinese green tea, bilochun has a distinct aroma with less chestnut and more vegetable flavor that is reminiscent of edamame, steamed soybean pods. Experts agree that the best bilochun green tea comes from Taiwan, where it is characterized by larger leaves and a strong, viscous flavor with hints of pineapple.

4. Gyokuro

To produce this Japanese green tea, gyokuro bushes are shaded 3-6 weeks before harvest, which causes them to produce additional nutrients such as chlorophyll and theanine. This gives the tea exceptional health benefits, as well as an aroma and taste with a hint of seaweed. It is worth noting that this tea contains fewer beneficial catechins, but since they are the ones that give bitterness, the taste of the tea only benefits from this.

5. Laoshan

A good Laoshan green tea from Shandong has a thick texture and a refreshing spring flavor with notes of green peas and creamy biscuit.

6. Hojicha

This Japanese tea contains even less caffeine than most other green teas. At the same time, it is characterized by a thick woody aroma, which will definitely appeal to coffee lovers.

7. Genmaicha

Genmaitya is one and budget options Japanese sencha tea, supplemented with rice or sorghum to obtain an interesting taste and aroma. This variety does not have the sweetness and viscosity of high-end sencha, but its richer character makes genmaitha an excellent alternative to coffee in the morning. In addition, it is able to calm the stomach well after eating.

8. Matcha

Despite the fact that this Japanese powdered tea has only become fashionable here, its origins are very ancient. The practice of grinding tea into powder dates back to the Song Dynasty (circa 1000 AD). Today, matcha is made from premium gyokuro leaves, which are carefully processed to achieve a bitter sweetness and unique creamy texture. Since this drink loses its beneficial properties very quickly, it is best stored in the refrigerator. You can also add it to smoothies, desserts, baked goods, and even ice cream.

How to brew green tea correctly?

Good green tea must also be brewed properly. For many varieties there are separate methods of preparation, but we will give them here classic recipe With step by step instructions How best to brew green tea:

  1. Heat the water to a temperature of 70-80 °C. Note that this is well below the boiling point of water, which is 100°C!

Start by heating the water until it begins to boil, but not yet bubbles. Here its temperature is approximately 90 °C. Pour this water into an empty teapot and let it warm up for 1-2 minutes. This will simultaneously reduce the water temperature to 80 °C.

  1. Pour water from the kettle into empty cups. This will cool it down even more.
  2. Measure out the required amount of dry tea. The average ratio is 0.6 grams of sencha tea leaves for every 30 ml of water. Divide the volume of your teapot by 30 ml, and then multiply the resulting number by 0.6 g. For example, if the volume of the teapot is 300 ml, then the required amount of tea is (300/30) ml * 0.6 g = 6 g. To measure it, use a teaspoon, which holds an average of 4 g of tea. That is, in this case, for 300 ml of water we need 1.5 teaspoons of dry leaves.
  3. Pour the hot water from the cups back into the kettle (with the leaves inside) and cover it with a lid. Regular green tea is brewed for 1.5-2 minutes. For asamushi tea, the steeping time is about 1 minute, for fukamushi - from 30 to 45 seconds.
  4. Begin pouring a little tea into each cup, moving evenly from one cup to the next. When you are finished pouring, place the teapot with the wet leaves so that the lid only partially covers it. You can then re-brew this tea 2 or 3 more times, reducing the steeping time first to 1 minute and then to 30 seconds.

Green tea is one of the world's most popular drinks. Its history is much longer and more colorful than coffee, and its homeland has been reliably established. Today, this product is produced in many countries around the world, but China still holds first place in terms of quality, production volume and special attitude towards tea drinking.

Varieties and manufacturers

In the store you can buy bagged, small-leaf and large-leaf green tea at a variety of prices. If you go by cost, then in Russia you can buy a really high-quality varietal product in the range from 7 to 800 dollars per 100 grams. Moreover, the most expensive is Chinese elite rolled tea, followed by Japanese, Indonesian, and Ceylon.

The largest producers, as well as tea plantations, are concentrated in China, both in the south of the country and in the north. Hundreds of types of tea are produced here, from rare and expensive to simple, affordable, designed to be consumed every day. A good green tea is always large-leaf, and the stronger it is rolled, the stronger the infusion, the more delicate the taste and the healthier the drink itself.

Green differs from black in that it hardly goes through the fermentation stage, that is, it does not oxidize under the influence of external factors and its own enzymes. This allows the leaf to retain all the useful components without changing or transforming into other compounds. To prevent fermentation, the collected leaf is slightly withered under natural conditions and later exposed to high temperatures. This can be roasting in the oven, after which the leaves are manually rolled and dried completely.

Depending on the type of twisting, teas are distinguished:

  • strongly twisted along the sheet;
  • strongly twisted across the sheet;
  • slightly twisted.

If a sheet is twisted along its axis, it takes the form of twigs, sticks, or spirals. This option is very popular in Japan, and a prominent representative is the famous Gekuro and most of its varieties.

Plantations in China have existed for thousands of years.

When the leaf is rolled crosswise, it can resemble balls or scales and is labeled in China as Gunpowder and in Japan as Sencha. In China, such teas are also called pearl teas, and if they contain many tips, they are called golden or imperial. Balls can be of different sizes and shapes, their variety is very large.

Loosely rolled tea is a product that has been dried in its natural state, so it may look like flattened blades of grass. It either does not curl at all or is slightly wrinkled. The most popular product is called Long Jing.

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The leaves are curled not only to increase their presentability. This is a way to keep the beneficial components of tea inside longer and increase shelf life. Loosely rolled leaves give a weak infusion, delicate, with a light floral or citrus aroma. Strongly twisted ones are always richer, with a rich, multifaceted aroma and taste. The color of green tea can vary from light green with a silvery tinge to dark green.

If, when brewed correctly, the taste of tea is pronounced herbal, it is a low-grade product. A good and expensive product has a whole bouquet of aromas, from citrus to floral and light herbal; there may be natural sweetness and a honey taste.

The most famous varieties

In the tea industry there are many methods of attracting people to the product. special attention. This is mainly about beautiful packaging and an original slogan. But for many centuries there have been varieties of tea that have been in constant demand and love without any popularization.

Xi-Hu Long-Jing - large leaf green tea from Xihu Island

Below are the most important varieties of green tea that received the best mark:

  • Xi-Hu Long-Jing is a Chinese large-leaved plant from Lake Xihu. It has been collected and produced since ancient times, today it is divided into 13 varieties, the best of which are considered to be the first three, represented by a large content of unopened buds collected in early spring. This tea has the lightest color of the infusion, which can be shaded emerald. The taste is very rich, the aroma is thick floral. It is steeped for about a minute and served in clear glasses to enjoy the subtle flavor of the infusion.
  • Taiping Hou-Kui is a tea that is harvested on a limited number of plantations and only on a sunny day. There are strict rules for the selection of raw materials. This is a tea bud, which is hugged by two young, newly blossoming leaves of the same size as the bud. This product is called hot tea.
  • Bi-Lo-Chun - goes through the stage of hand-twisting, from which the tea leaves take the form of small curled spirals, which are also called snails. Within the variety there is a division into 7 subvarieties, and the lower the type, the weaker the taste and aroma. When brewed, Bi-Lo-Chun gives a light emerald color to the infusion, a fresh aroma, and a thick, rich taste. Fruity notes are felt in its taste. It is also customary to serve the drink in transparent glasses. The largest plantation is located in Jiangxi province.
  • Yunwu is one of the most expensive Chinese teas. It is grown on small plantations located on damp and damp mountain slopes, where the sun's rays rarely reach. It goes to the domestic market, so it is rare outside the country.
  • Gunpowder - tea leaves look like balls of gunpowder, belong to pearl teas, are consumed very sparingly, as they have a very dense and rich taste.
  • Chan Mi is the main loose tea in China, the second name is “eyebrow”, which is received for the shape of the tea leaves. It has a classic taste and aroma mixed with flowers, herbs and citruses.
  • Huang Shan Mao Feng is the highest mountain Chinese tea, the tea leaves have a light yellowish color, the taste is sweetish, the aroma is fresh and rich. The tea leaves resemble sparrow tongues.
  • Maojian - large group teas, the production of which is made from the top bud and leaf. After brewing, the infusion acquires an amber color, a delicate taste with a pleasant aftertaste. To obtain true Maojiang, you need to take 2 tsp for 1 cup. tea leaves
  • Tien Shan Yin Hao – natural flavored jasmine tea. The infusion is light and transparent, the taste is classic, and the aroma is rich floral.
  • Dong Yuang Dong Bai is a light yellow drink with a bright floral aroma and a multifaceted aftertaste.

Chinese teas are considered the most aromatic and delicate in taste. This country produces a huge number of varieties, different in organoleptic properties and unimaginable in shape. Japanese teas are darker in color and less aromatic. The most popular are Sencha, Bancha and Gekuro. The product from India is considered the lowest quality, although it is in demand due to its affordable price. It can give a light spicy taste and aroma.

Useful properties

Green tea is the healthiest due to its content of vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, antioxidants. It is rich in fluorine, iodine, zinc, calcium, potassium, and antimicrobial components. It has high biological activity, which is expressed in the following effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • makes blood vessels elastic and reduces their permeability;
  • heals the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activates mental and physical performance;
  • useful for weight loss;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • removes waste, toxins including salts of heavy metals;
  • strengthens the skeletal system.

Green tea retains its beneficial properties only when brewed correctly. Boiling water is harmful to them. The water temperature should be from 60 to 80 degrees, and the infusion time lasts from 1 to 3 minutes. If the drink is overdone, it may become bitter due to the high caffeine content. An important ingredient in brewing is water. It must be soft, spring-like, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink.

A cup of green drink helps you lose weight

You need to know what time is best to drink this tea. This time is from morning to 16-18 pm. Green tea is a highly tonic drink, so it is not recommended in the evening. Pregnant women and children should not drink tea.

Best green tea

If we talk about which green tea is better, then this is a product of an early spring harvest with a large number of tips. It is considered the most fragrant, delicate in taste and healthy. Such raw materials are always treated with care, eliminating the possibility of spoilage, since ready-made tea is expensive and is purchased by people who know a lot about it.

The best green tea is produced in China, and they have been doing this for more than one millennium. Many works of Chinese sages are devoted to the benefits and beauty of tea leaves. In Russia, 50% of the product sold on the market is purchased from China, the rest from Sri Lanka, Georgia, Vietnam, Japanese varieties are very rare.

  1. Greenfield Flying Dragon is a Chinese leaf from a plantation in Hunan Province. Gives a light color to the infusion, a light floral aroma with herbal notes. Does not have bitterness or astringency;
  2. Princess Java Best - inexpensive Chinese with a mild taste, light infusion, well tonic;
  3. Ahmad Green Tea - represented by the Chinese variety Chan Mi, which has a faint pistachio aroma. Gives a light infusion with a slight tartness.

When purchasing tea, you must pay attention to the completeness of the information presented on the packaging. It is best to opt for loose teas, which are sold through a network of special boutiques. Here you can not only see tea leaves, but also try the desired variety. It is important to check the timing of tea production; the less time has passed since the moment of collection, the more aromatic and healthy the drink will be, because a long shelf life under the wrong conditions can spoil the taste of the most expensive variety. It is even dangerous to buy such tea.

Homemade green tea

In Russia, black and green tea have long been prepared from a variety of plant materials. The most popular was fireweed, although using a similar technology you can prepare tea leaves from the leaves of currants, cherries, raspberries, medicinal herbs. To make your own green leaf tea, you need:

  • during the flowering period, collect fireweed leaves;
  • lay them out on a flat surface in a warm room for several hours so that they wilt and lose some of the juice;
  • then they are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for roasting to stop the oxidation process;
  • After roasting comes final drying, which can be done with hand-rolled leaves or without curling.

Store tea in glass or tin jars in a dark cabinet at room temperature. You can add dried currant leaves, cornflower flowers, oregano and other aromatic natural additives to them.

Irina: Green tea for me can only be pure - without aromas, pieces of fruit and other nonsense. I settled on Haleys English large leaf. I'm glad that there is never any garbage in the pack. All tea leaves are dense, smooth, with a pleasant aroma, not hay. The infusion is quite gentle, the taste is soft, there is no bitterness. The price is also pleasing, it is very affordable and the pack never disappears from the shelves. There are no difficulties with the search. I'm used to its classic taste; it tones and refreshes well, especially in the heat of summer.

Marina: I tried Dilmah, Greenfield, Maisky, but I haven’t found anything better than Akhmad yet. It's really delicious. I drink it without sugar, hot or cold, it tones well and has a light green aroma. I really like it.

Ivan: Good tea can only be bought by weight. I always check its color, aroma, and sometimes ask it to be brewed for me to taste. I love Chinese snail and other emerald teas.

Olga: It is difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish cheap Indian tea, the packaging of which often indicates that it is Chinese. But it’s enough to try the latter once to drink only it. It's really delicate, floral and citrusy at the same time. It does not have the smell or taste of dried hay. I only order this one online.

There are a huge variety of green teas in the world. Each of them has its own unique qualities. Some are delicate in taste, others are tart, some have a pungent odor, others have a floral scent. However, this variety allows you to choose a tea that you personally will really like.

According to their taste, green tea varieties can be divided into:

  • Refreshing taste (Kukicha, Bancha, Sencha);
  • Tart taste (Chun Mi, Shen Puer, Gunpowder);
  • Floral Spicy (Mao Feng, Pan Long Ying Hao);
  • Floral delicate (Bi Lo Chun, Lung Ching);

China, in general, is amazing in terms of tea. It is not only the birthplace of tea - all the unique recipes, collection, processing and preparation technologies were invented there.

Tea leaves are rolled, roasted, fermented, pressed into sheets, crushed into powder, rolled into a ball shape, and tied to form a flower. This gave birth to thousands of varieties of tea, some of which are still unknown to experts.

In China, each province produces completely different teas, depending on the technologies that traditionally originated in them. Moreover, their quality is determined by 8 standards.

6 varieties of Chinese green tea recognized as classic:

Chun Mi is one of the main teas exported by China. It was the first to come to Europe and it is its tart taste that Europeans associate with real tea. It is strong, cheap, without additives or flavorings.

Gunpowder - received this name because of the leaves twisted into small balls, reminiscent of shot, crackling at high temperatures. In fact, it is the most popular green tea in the world. It is strong, tart, with a very pleasant aroma.

Longjing - It has a very delicate floral taste and aroma, which is why it was given the title of "Imperial Tea". It is an elite variety of tea, although its price is quite affordable.

Tocha is one of the most healing varieties of green tea. Recommended for diets and other situations of starvation of the body. It can be both green and black.

King Ding has a strong aroma and pleasant spicy taste. Most often, it is used for holidays and other celebrations.

Mao Feng - it has a soft, delicate and even sweetish floral taste. Helps relieve stress and take your mind off the hustle and bustle.

Millions of people on planet Earth drink tea every day. But for some reason we, who come from Soviet Union, nostalgic memories arise of that very black tea “with an elephant”, of samovars and bagels, of a tart, bitter brown drink. And even now, most Russians prefer black (aka red) tea, and refuse green tea.

But in vain. After all, good green tea is a real treasure. In China, Japan and India it is valued much higher than other varieties. This is all thanks to the amazing benefits and subtler effects that weakly fermented varieties provide.


Green tea from China

The Celestial Empire is considered to be the birthplace of the tea camellia: tea began to be drunk here more than 4 thousand years ago. When the Chinese say “tea,” they mean green tea. China is the world's main supplier of elite and rare green varieties. Four green teas are included in the famous top ten Chinese varieties.

We'll talk about the types and characteristics of Chinese green tea a little later. In the meantime, these are the most valuable representatives of other countries.

In Japan

And in Japan only green varieties are produced. And the technology is very unusual: the tea leaf is exposed to hot steam, which gives the tea an unusual, specific taste and a darker color of the infusion. Here is a list of varieties worthy of special attention from connoisseurs:

  • Sentya. Production volume is about 2/3 in Japan. Classic tea, externally it looks like thin needles of rich green color. Its aroma is woody, its taste is sweet with a slight bitterness.
  • Gyokuro. Translated as “pearl drop”. This is a rarer and more expensive tea. Raw materials for it are collected strictly in early spring. 20 days before harvesting, tea bushes are shaded, which reduces the concentration of tannin in the leaves. Thanks to this, a more delicate and sweet taste, devoid of bitterness, is achieved.
  • Matcha. Exotic powdered tea, which is not only brewed, but also added to desserts. The steamed leaves are cleared of stems and veins, and then ground into powder. Despite its strange appearance, there is nothing chemical in it. A small pinch is enough for brewing: the concentration of this tea is very high.
  • Gemmaitya. It is a mixture of sencha and fried rice. Previously, only poor Japanese drank it: rice increased the satiety of the drink, and with the addition of salt, such tea was something like a first course. Nowadays everyone drinks genmaitha.

In Georgia

Georgian tea plantations are among the northernmost in the world. Green tea began to be produced here in the 16th century. Now there are several dozen varieties, which are classified by numbers: from No. 10 to 125. The higher the number, the better the quality of the tea. The best of the numbered ones is No. 125, but there are varieties that are valued even more, for example, “Extra” and “Bouquet of Georgia”.

In the mountainous country, green tea is often produced in the form of bricks, just like Chinese pu-erh. This way it is stored longer, maintaining its beneficial properties.

In India

But in India light varieties never took root among the locals. Small volumes are produced in the north of the country: mainly for sale to neighboring countries.

In Sri Lanka

Ceylon tea... So much quality is contained in this combination of words. Ceylon (the old name of Sri Lanka) produces large-leaf, elite varieties of green tea. The product with the romantic name “Pearl of the Ocean” stands out among them. It has a tart floral taste, rich and very intense. Ceylon tea with soursop extract is also interesting, exotic fruit, illuminating and bright.

HOW IS GREEN TEA PRODUCED? From collection to packaging

The purpose of green tea production is to prevent oxidation of the leaves during the first stage of processing. Whereas black is fermented immediately after collection.

As many varieties of green tea exist, there are as many unique recipes for their production. With all this diversity, several main stages can be identified that underlie it.

Collection of raw materials

The raw materials for green tea are young flushes (from English - shoots) and trefoils. More often the collection begins in early spring, but exact time depends on the specific variety. There are strict rules for picking tea. For example, some varieties require leaves collected at a strictly defined time of day, when there is no precipitation and the established temperature regime is observed.

Steaming: 2-3 minutes

The goal is to prevent oxidation of the sheet and make it elastic to give the desired shape. Tea is steamed in special devices that produce hot steam (about 95-100 degrees). The leaf is placed in the equipment: just 2-3 minutes are enough for the tea to acquire new properties necessary for subsequent drying.

Drying: 10-15 minutes

After steam treatment, the leaves are dried at a humidity of 60-62%, temperature 90-95 degrees. Goal: Reduce moisture content for the next step - curling. The sheet is dried in special devices.

Twisting: 60-80 minutes

During the rolling process, the surface of the leaf is damaged and juice is released from it. If black tea is rolled intensively and for a long time, then for green tea, single or double drying is used. To do this, it is placed in special roller devices.

Oven drying

Final drying takes place in special ovens. Purpose: final dehydration of the leaf. As a result, the moisture content drops to 2-5%, the raw material acquires a darker, olive color.


It all depends on the standards in force at a particular factory or private household. Often one batch is sorted into several categories according to the quality of raw materials: for example, large-sheet 1st, 2nd, 3rd categories, small-sheet 2nd and 3rd categories. The lowest quality tea is in the form of crumbs. It is the large leaf that is highly valued by lovers of green varieties: it gives a more aromatic, bright, rich infusion.


Green tea is the Chinese national drink, the record holder for popularity among residents. The Celestial Empire is the birthplace of tea in general, and green tea in particular. The first mention of it in historical sources occurs in the 1st century AD, during the reign of the Han Dynasty. It was at this time that the character “cha” appeared, which initially looked like this - “荼”.

For centuries, Chinese green tea was only available to the imperial family and courtiers. The Celestial Empire remains its main producer to this day. But red varieties are less popular here.

In China, tea drinking is a ritual, a ceremony that came to us from Buddhist monks and has much in common with meditative and other spiritual practices. There is no doubt that green tea was the first drink for ceremonies and first appeared in China.

Historians have established that tea culture flourished between the 7th and 10th centuries. Initially, green tea was consumed as a medicine. Many literary sources speak of the high value of tea in China: poems and treatises have been and are being written about it; the aphorisms of Confucius, who considered it the best drink “for relieving fatigue and pacifying the spirit,” have been preserved to this day.

Taste and aroma

The most delicious thing about green tea without sugar is the feeling of superiority. I don’t know exactly whose words these are, but I’m sure this person has never tried real Chinese green tea. It is pleasant to drink not only because of the awareness of the high benefits, but also because of the delicious, exciting taste that can take you to another dimension.

“A tea bouquet is like expensive wine. It cannot be repeated; the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author.”

Caitlin Turner

With all the variety of varieties of Chinese green tea, each of them has similar notes: floral, herbal, refreshing and delicate.

Early harvest tea (spring) often has a lighter aroma and sweet taste, while summer and autumn varieties have a peculiar bitterness and astringency. The infusion has a green tint: from light green to emerald.

The best varieties of Chinese green tea: TOP 5

Is it possible to list and try all the varieties of this limitless variety of tea? Unlikely, but why not strive for it? And we should start with the charming five of the brightest and most popular.

  1. Mao Feng. This is a real jewel of the mountainous regions of Anhui Province. This tea is one of the ten most popular varieties in the world. It is collected in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom on the bushes. Tea processing begins on the day of collection: thanks to this, the infusion does not lose its aroma and freshness. The final stage of production is drying the leaves in ovens. The aroma of Mao Fen is pure, pronounced, its taste is transparent and light.
  1. Ku din. The name of the tea is translated from Chinese as “bitter tear.” But such a sad name has nothing to do with its energy and aroma. The piercing taste is tart, even a little bitter, but the fragrant notes highlight this bitterness favorably. Ku Din is a real healing spring. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and helps get rid of excess weight. It has been observed that a freshly brewed infusion helps quickly eliminate a hangover.
  2. Longjin. This representative wins the hearts of men and women, lovers, connoisseurs and beginners who are taking their first steps in getting to know Chinese tea culture. The harmonious, refined taste is rich in floral and herbaceous tones, but notes of roasted pumpkin seeds come to the fore. Longjin is wonderful as a refreshing, invigorating, everyday drink. It improves your mood and sets you on a creative wave.
  1. Zhu Ye Qing. " Freshness of bamboo leaves” - this is how its name is translated from Chinese. This invigorating green tea has a sunny, delicate, refined taste with nutty and meadow notes. Labor-intensive production and careful selection of raw materials (perfectly even young leaves are used) place Zhu Ye Qing among the elite of green varieties. This tea is for connoisseurs, lovers of elegant and sophisticated notes.
  2. Bi Luo Chun. This tea with a poetic name, which translates as “emerald spirals of spring,” knocks you out of your usual rhythm with its unique aroma. The raw materials for it are tender young buds and leaves. Tea bushes grow among fruit trees: coincidence or not, the taste of Bi Lo Chun is filled with fruity and floral notes, with light hints of honey.


Are there any products in the world that have been studied as thoroughly as tea? I doubt. It would seem that he chemical composition studied inside and out, but still scientists different countries do not calm down and find more and more new properties characteristic of certain varieties.

Analysis of the results of tea research showed that Chinese green tea contains 5 main components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

5 Health Ingredients of Green Tea

  • Vitamins. We won’t go into long enumeration: just compare the concentration of vitamins in tea and other products. For example, in one mug there is 4 times more vitamin P than in an orange, A - 6 times more than in carrots, and vitamin E - almost as much as in walnuts.


  • Microelements. Drink 1-2 mugs of fresh green tea daily, and say no to dietary supplements and mineral complexes. Even during the process of processing and fermentation, all useful substances are retained in the leaf: fluorine, iodine, potassium and calcium, magnesium and even gold (although very little). Such a rich composition more than compensates for the lack of these substances in the body, and this is an excellent prevention of many diseases and loss of strength.
  • Tannins. These are polyphenols, of which twice as much is retained in green varieties than in dark varieties. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and digestion, which are themselves interconnected.
  • Amino acids. Green tea contains 17 amino acids, mainly glutelins, but there are also water-soluble albumins. During processing, the content of the latter increases by 10%. By the way, green tea has more protein than black tea. Among tea amino acids there is glutamine, which actively restores the emotional background and reduces nervous tension.
  • Alkaloids. Theine, caffeine, theobromine, theophylline - we owe them for the mild but stable vigor and restorative effect after drinking a mug of aromatic infusion.

Invigorating green tea: about tea caffeine

For some reason, many people think that black (red in Chinese) tea is more invigorating than green tea. And this is a mistake: try drinking it at night, and you will see it. The reason is the higher content of alkaloids, including caffeine.

“So caffeine is harmful!” many will say. Let’s make some adjustments: only “coffee caffeine” (forgive the tautology) can cause harm, which causes tachycardia, and if you overdo the dose, then temporary clouding of the mind and nausea. Greens are high in theine, a type of caffeine. It acts much more softly, giving a stable, but not sharp cheerfulness, which does not entail a loss of strength.

Thus, by replacing coffee with tea, you get the necessary energy, avoiding bad side effects. However, we still do not recommend drinking green varieties at night.

Tea drinking is not just a process of quenching thirst and hunger, but a special, daily ritual. Green tea contains a large amount of antioxidants, as well as caffeine, which gives energy; Nutritionists are often asked which green tea is best for weight loss, because it can not only remove toxins from the body, but also reduce the amount of fat.

Green tea for weight loss

The benefits of green tea became known during the reign of the first Chinese emperors. In our area it was less popular, competing with the black species, but managed to establish itself with positive side. Green tea is very effective for weight loss. This drink can not only solve the problem of excess weight, but also improve the functioning of many human vital systems. There are many effective, health-improving diets based on this remedy.

Why is it useful?

Thanks to a large amount of antioxidants, green tea improves the color and condition of the skin, rejuvenates it, smoothes wrinkles, and removes toxins and waste from the body. The drink reduces appetite, so weight is reduced naturally, without harm to health or stress. It removes excess fluid from the body and has a mild diuretic effect. This product contains a lot of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) and amino acids, in the amount of 17 pieces, which also has a beneficial effect on health.

The drink speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and this directly affects the speed of the weight loss process. Reduces blood sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure, prevents the risk of developing hypertension, weakens cancer cells, and strengthens the entire cardiovascular system. It relieves depression, improves immunity, and improves sleep. Scientists suggest that the drink can increase sexual desire in both men and women.

How to brew

Green tea should not be poured with boiling water. The optimal water temperature for brewing is up to 80 degrees Celsius. Use high-quality ceramic or porcelain dishes for brewing, but not plastic. Rinse it with boiling water, then brew the product with water at the required temperature. If you brew tea in a cup rather than a teapot, cover it with a saucer or other utensil to temporarily limit air access. This way the drink will not cool down quickly and will acquire a more pronounced taste. To avoid counterfeits, it is better to buy a leaf product rather than in bags.

How to drink correctly

Tea can be consumed both warm and cold. The drink will have maximum fat-burning effect if it is brewed according to the rules and without adding sweeteners. This property can be enhanced with special additives, for example, mint leaves, dried berries, lemon, ginger, cinnamon and other spices. All of them accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Most people like to have a cup of hot drink before bed, but is it okay to drink it at night? It is undesirable because it contains the substance caffeine, which stimulates the body. It has a milder effect than coffee, but also gives vigor. This will make it more difficult for you to fall asleep and your sleep will be shallow. Drink the last cup of this remedy 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Which green tea to choose

Among the variety of choices, you can’t help but wonder what kind of tea is best to buy? After all, they can differ not only in taste, but also in certain properties. Find good product It can only be done by trial and error. The color of the drink can vary from light green to dark olive. The better the quality of the product, the lighter the drink. Most types can be brewed multiple times.


This variety is produced in Japan. It differs from other species in many ways, for example, climatic conditions and processing method. Often, tea leaves are roasted, but in the case of Sencha, they are steamed and then rolled. Due to its specific appearance, it was nicknamed “spider legs”. An early harvest has a delicate, delicate aroma, while a later harvest has a tart taste with a slight bitterness. Late harvest contains less vitamin. The product can be brewed two or three times, but the fullness of the taste will be revealed only during the first brew.

Long Jing or Dragon Well is one of the most popular types in China. The peculiarity of the product is that during brewing it rotates and twists, as if playing with water. High-grade tea has a yellow-green tint, while low-grade tea has a dark green hue. The dry sheet is even, flat with a smooth surface (without lint). The aroma is delicate, unobtrusive. To avoid a sour taste, do not brew the drink too strong (no more than 1 teaspoon of leaves per serving). The high-quality variety leaves a sweet aftertaste.

Jasmine pearl

For this type of tea, the best raw materials are selected - the youngest leaves with a bud. Processed and rolled only by hand. Naturally scented with jasmine flowers. This variety has a different shape; the leaves are twisted into a kind of ball (pearl). It is often brewed in a transparent teapot so that the pearls can be observed as they unfold. The color of the drink is golden-emerald with a delicate jasmine aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.


Gunpowder tea (translated from English as gunpowder) got its name due to its external resemblance to gunpowder. The leaves are rolled into small balls, but they are darker than Jasmine Pearl. This drink has a rich, slightly tart and bitter taste. The aroma gives off dried fruits and smoke. The color of the drink depends on the quality of Gunpowder; it can vary from crystal clear to yellow. Not recommended long time keep the leaves brewed for no more than 2-3 minutes.


The harvesting season for Gyokuro tea begins in early spring. To preserve the color, it is not fried, but steamed for a few seconds, then rolled into tubes. Outwardly, it is similar to the Sencha variety, but has a different aroma, color and taste. The color of the drink is light green. Cooling boiling water to a temperature of 60-70 °C will allow the flavor to develop better; sometimes I recommend lowering the temperature to 40-50 °C. The brewing process will take slightly longer than when brewing other varieties.


This type of tea is better known as white. It grows among bamboo forests in an ecologically clean region of the Chinese province of Zhejiang, in Anji County. Thanks to this, the product contains a large amount of microelements. Young unopened leaves are collected. Why white look is the drink classified as green? Because the processing is carried out using the technology of green varieties. Dry tea leaves have a light herbaceous, floral aroma. During brewing, the taste and smell become more intense. Color: light green, almost transparent.

Green tea diet

Losing weight with green tea is one of the most comfortable diets. On average, you need to drink 5-6 cups of a properly brewed drink per day without sugar or other sweeteners. But this remedy alone cannot solve all problems. Getting rid of extra pounds, especially in the abdominal area, is possible only in combination with dietary nutrition. This method does not involve starvation; it is simply advisable to exclude unhealthy foods such as store-bought sweets, alcohol, processed foods, baked goods, and fatty foods during the period of weight loss.

The diet should consist of healthy foods. Fractional meals will allow you to quickly achieve your goal. The principle of fractional nutrition is 3 main meals plus 2-3 snacks. It is advisable to eat at regular intervals, the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. You need to drink enough per day clean water at the rate of approximately 40 ml per 1 kg of current weight.

The course of the diet can last from three days to one month, after which it is advisable to reduce the consumption of such a product. Due to the presence of caffeine in the drink, this diet is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, people with heart disease, increased acidity stomach, suffering from insomnia. Before starting the course, you should consult with a competent specialist.

Video: losing weight with green tea

When choosing high-quality green tea, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its appearance.

Firstly, it is preferable to take loose, large-leaf tea. It is natural and does not contain various additives. Secondly, good, fresh tea can be identified by its color. The natural product should have a pistachio color, but if it is darker, then this indicates that the tea is from last year. Green tea is considered fresh if it is harvested in the current year in spring or autumn.

Secondly, natural green tea should be whole and not crumble. It is important to know that the lighter the leaves, the higher the grade. In addition, there should be small fibers on its surface that do not disappear during brewing.

You can choose natural green tea by smell. Fresh leaves smell like hay. Unlike tea of ​​lower quality, in this case the proportion of waste, including cuttings, should not be more than 5%. The taste of a fresh product should be somewhat sweet, but if it is last year’s harvest, then there may be some bitterness.

How to determine the quality of green tea after brewing

In most cases, it is not possible to determine the quality of a product by eye. Then there is only 1 way left: brew it and check its taste and aroma. Once brewed, high quality green tea always produces a subtle aroma.

It should also be transparent. If after steeping the infusion is dark, then the tea is stale. It must be remembered that good green tea can be brewed several times, and the first time its aroma and taste characteristics should normally be worse than during subsequent brewing.

The time during which tea is brewed should not be long. Green tea brews quickly only in hot water; if the same happens in cold water, then this indicates that there are food additives(colors and flavors). You can choose green tea based on its cost per 100 grams.

Tea costs about 400 rubles. As for green tea, it is most often of lower quality and contains many excipients. Thus, we can conclude that it is impossible to choose a good tea based only on its external data. It is advisable to pay attention to the price, manufacturer’s name and characteristics when brewing directly.