Milk buckwheat porridge recipe for children. Baby cereal recipes

Porridge is eaten with pleasure even by those who follow the figure. Porridge for breakfast is one of the dietary rules for athletes who maintain a balance of complex carbohydrates in the diet. And, as a rule, preference is given to buckwheat porridge: exceptionally rich in protein, vitamins and valuable iron. And no better way to make buckwheat even healthier and more nutritious, how to cook milk buckwheat porridge. Milk makes porridge more nutritious and supplements protein with amino acids. But this is not the main thing. Much more important is the taste of buckwheat porridge with milk: soft, sweetish, like from childhood. It is no coincidence that this dish is considered a classic breakfast before kindergarten or school. We invite you to remember your childhood or cook milk buckwheat porridge for your kids. And make it no worse than your grandmother or mother once cooked.

How to cook buckwheat porridge: in milk or water?
Milk porridge, buckwheat and any other is a source of energy, minerals and vitamins, and, of course, gastronomic pleasure. It would seem that the dish is quite uncomplicated. But its popularity has not changed for many hundreds of years. What is good milk buckwheat porridge?
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk is never crumbly, it is always liquid or viscous porridge. By changing the amount of liquid, you can adjust the consistency of milk buckwheat porridge, and make it a dish for both breakfast and lunch.
  • For the preparation of milk buckwheat porridge, you can use different types buckwheat: not only the core, but also done it. Milk porridge made from buckwheat is more tender, suitable for feeding children and the elderly, as well as everyone who likes more homogeneous porridges.
  • Milk buckwheat porridge for baby food can easily be supplemented with sugar, jam, honey, fruits and / or fruit puree - and this will not spoil its taste, as it would be with crumbly buckwheat boiled in water.
  • Cook milk buckwheat porridge for a child can be cooked even on breast milk or with its addition.
  • To reduce the calorie content of milk buckwheat porridge, choose skim milk or simply mix milk with water in any desired proportion. This will preserve both the taste of porridge and your figure.
In general, milk buckwheat porridge allows you to get almost incompatible pleasures from food. On the one hand, lovers of the taste of buckwheat can enjoy sweet and liquid porridge. On the other hand, the range of viscous cereals is expanding due to buckwheat. Lactose intolerance may be the only barrier. But in this case, you can cook buckwheat porridge with soy milk, getting all the benefits of this nutritious dish.

Milk buckwheat porridge recipes
If you love and know how to cook ordinary buckwheat on water, then it will not be difficult for you to cook milk buckwheat porridge. Choose the type of cereal and the fat content of milk to your taste. But do not rush to cook buckwheat with "pure" milk, otherwise it can easily burn to the pan. Use this method of cooking milk buckwheat porridge:

  • Prepare milk, buckwheat and drinking water in a ratio of 1:1:1, that is, for a glass of buckwheat you will need a glass of milk and water. Salt and sugar are optional, but you can use them if you like, adjusting more or less to suit your taste.
  • Sort through the buckwheat, carefully selecting and removing not only specks and impurities, but also darkened kernels.
  • Pour water into a small non-enameled pot or heavy-bottomed pot and bring to a boil.
  • When the water boils, pour the cereal into it and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover loosely with a lid and wait until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  • Now pour a glass of milk into the pan room temperature. To make porridge sweet, add sugar along with milk.
  • Boil buckwheat in milk, stirring, for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, close tightly and leave for another 10-15 minutes for the porridge to infuse.
  • Add butter, honey or jam to the porridge just before serving. Use a deep dish like a muesli bowl or a small bowl. Milk buckwheat porridge can be heated, but it is better to cook it in the amount that will be eaten at a time - it tastes better.

    How to cook milk buckwheat porridge for a child
    Children of three years and older, who independently hold a spoon, are happy to eat sweetened milk buckwheat porridge, cooked according to the recipe described above. But for younger kids, it is better to cook buckwheat separately, according to a special recipe. Moreover, such milk buckwheat porridge is suitable even for babies from about six months:

  • One serving of baby porridge is obtained from 1 full tablespoon of buckwheat and 0.5 cups of milk diluted with water. As mentioned above, milk can be breastfed.
  • Sort the buckwheat with special care, rinse and lightly dry. Grind the buckwheat grains into flour using a coffee grinder or food processor.
  • Pour milk or milk with water into a ladle, heat it up and add buckwheat flour.
  • Reduce heat to low and stir continuously throughout the cooking time, about 10 minutes.
  • If the porridge turned out to be thick, dilute it with milk. How older child- the thicker the milk porridge can be. After 8 months of age, cook no longer 1, but 2 tablespoons of buckwheat in 0.5 cups of milk.
  • Babies are happy to eat liquid milk buckwheat porridge from a bottle. Older kids can add fruit puree, a little sugar or boiled pumpkin pulp to the porridge.

    How to cook milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker
    A slow cooker greatly simplifies the task of cooking milk buckwheat porridge. Most models have a special mode, which is called “porridge”, “buckwheat”, and sometimes even “milk porridge”. You just have to prepare the ingredients in the right amount and follow the instructions:

  • For 1 cup of sorted buckwheat, 3 cups of milk is enough, but you can use 4 cups if you want to get a thinner porridge.
  • To prepare milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker, milk can not be diluted with water. Sugar and butter are also optional.
  • Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. If using butter and/or sugar, put those in as well. Pour in milk and stir.
  • Close the appliance and turn it on in the “milk porridge” or simply “porridge” mode. This usually means simmering for 40-45 minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, leave the porridge for a while under the lid to infuse it.
  • Cooking milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker is very convenient. Moreover, it is not necessary to eat it right away - cold buckwheat with milk also has an excellent taste, especially in combination with berry jam and / or compote.

    How to cook milk buckwheat porridge deliciously
    The older the child becomes, the more whims and requirements for food he makes. And adults often do not mind diversifying the daily menu. Here are a few ways to make milk buckwheat porridge even tastier:

  • Use condensed milk instead of sugar.
  • In the absence of whole milk, take powdered milk and reconstitute it according to the instructions.
  • Sweet buckwheat porridge is perfectly complemented by raisins, dried apricots and / or other dried fruits, which should be put into the pan about 10 minutes before the porridge is ready.
  • Try to cook milk buckwheat with a spicy taste. To do this, put in milk (or milk diluted with water) a cinnamon stick, a little cardamom and / or nutmeg. When the milk boils, remove the cinnamon and only then add the buckwheat.
  • A more versatile option is to replace sugar with vanilla sugar or simply add vanilla extract while cooking milk porridge.
  • After you learn how to cook milk buckwheat porridge, experiment with these subtleties and look for your own original additives. With or without them, buckwheat is very useful for the human body, it cleanses it and activates metabolic processes. Milk, in turn, makes porridge even healthier due to additional protein with a rich amino acid composition. And when you feed your child with milk buckwheat porridge, tell him about the heroes and mythical characters who possessed strength and dexterity precisely thanks to milk and porridge. Epic heroes, Romulus and Remus, Olympic and Slavic gods - perhaps they became great precisely because their mothers and nannies knew how to cook milk buckwheat porridge.
  • We sort out the right amount of cereal (a few tablespoons per person), rinse it under cold water, put it in a saucepan.
  • Fill with water (the proportions are: 1 part of cereal to 2 parts of water), cover the pan with a lid and put it on fire.
  • When the mass boils, reduce the flame and leave the porridge for a while (10-20 minutes).
  • After the water has completely evaporated, add milk (4 parts) to the pan and cook until the liquid has completely boiled away.
  • Add salt, sugar and butter if desired.
  • The second version of buckwheat in milk
  • We sort out the required amount of cereal, wash it. You can soak it in a pan for a couple of hours.
  • Then we put the cereal in a saucepan, pour milk (1 part of the cereal to 4 parts of milk), put the dishes on the stove and bring its contents to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the grits for 30-40 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated.
  • Then you can add regular and vanilla sugar (to taste), salt, a piece of butter to the porridge.
  • Children love this porridge!

    It's no secret that buckwheat porridge is one of the most low-calorie, dietary and healthy types of cereals for our body. It contains so many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that seems literally indispensable to adherents healthy lifestyle life. Buckwheat is very rich in fiber, which removes toxins and toxins from the body and is able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Rutin and folic acid contained in buckwheat strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help fight varicose veins, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. A large amount of magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins of group B have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, increasing mood, stress resistance and vitality.

    Buckwheat porridge is just the perfect dish for weight loss and diet food, because it is not only healthy, but also low-calorie and very easy for digestion. It is instantly absorbed even in the case when there are problems in the work of the intestines, allowing you to properly saturate the body and relieve it of hunger for a long time. Unlike other cereals, buckwheat is especially rich in protein and valuable amino acids, so its regular use allows you to “beautifully” lose weight without losing weight. muscle mass and excessive sagging of the skin.

    Although buckwheat boiled in water is the lowest calorie and can serve as an ideal side dish for various meat dishes, nevertheless, buckwheat porridge with milk is more suitable for a tasty and healthy breakfast. Despite the fact that milk contains animal fats and sugars, which not all people are able to digest normally, it is rich in vitamins, calcium and animal proteins, which, in the absence of contraindications, give the dish a considerable additional benefit.

    I offer you a very simple recipe for buckwheat porridge with milk, following which you will prepare the perfect breakfast dish that will bring pleasure and benefit to your whole family. Using the above proportions of the ingredients, you will get a crumbly and moderately thick porridge with a characteristic rich taste of buckwheat and a pleasant deep aroma of this unique cereal. Milk buckwheat porridge prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tender and sweet, so children will surely like it and will be especially useful for their growth and development. Bon appetit!

    Useful information How to cook buckwheat porridge in milk - a recipe for tasty and healthy milk porridge with step by step photos


    • 1 st. buckwheat groats (kernels)
    • 3.5 - 4 tbsp. milk
    • 1 st. water
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 30 g butter
    • 1 tsp salt


    1. In order to cook buckwheat porridge in milk, you first need to manually sort out the cereal, removing litter and poorly peeled black grains.

    Comment! Practice shows that the cheaper the cereal, the more it is contaminated with unnecessary inclusions. Therefore, if you want to save money, you need to be prepared to spend more time preparing buckwheat for cooking.

    2. Thoroughly rinse buckwheat with cold running water. You can do this by pouring the cereal into a colander, or rinse it in a bowl, changing the water several times to fresh.

    Washing buckwheat is a mandatory procedure when cooking porridge, otherwise the dish will be less useful, and in addition, the milk may turn brown.

    3. Boil water in a saucepan with thick walls and pour in the prepared cereals.

    4. Cook buckwheat porridge over medium heat for 8-10 minutes until the water is completely absorbed. When there is very little liquid left in the pan, you need to stir and watch carefully so that the buckwheat does not burn.

    5. Pour 3.5 cups of milk into a saucepan and cook the porridge with a slight boil for 15 minutes. Buckwheat porridge can not be stirred, as it is not prone to burning.

    6. At the end of cooking, you should evaluate the consistency of the porridge and, if desired, add a little more milk.
    7. Put salt, sugar and butter into the porridge, mix everything thoroughly, close the lid and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. You can even additionally wrap the pan with something warm so that the porridge is properly infused.

    Very tasty, crumbly and fragrant buckwheat porridge in milk is ready!

    Buckwheat in our side is very popular due to its palatability and undoubted benefits for the body.

    And no wonder, cereals contain a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins.

    Buckwheat in milk - general principles cooking

    Buckwheat is good as a side dish for any meat or fish dish; all kinds of dishes are prepared from this cereal: this is pilaf, and pancakes, pancakes. But perhaps the tastiest porridge is obtained from buckwheat: crumbly, sweet or meat, hearty or light, on water or milk.

    You can cook buckwheat with milk in various ways: on the stove, in the oven, in a slow cooker. Add to it and meat, mushrooms, vegetables, as well as fruits, berries, nuts. It is usually seasoned with salt, sugar, honey, depending on the recipe, but it is also permissible to use other spices - onions, cardamom, a mixture of peppers, greens, and so on.

    Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out so that there are no small objects, pebbles and other debris left, after which it is thoroughly washed to remove dust. But, if there is no desire to mess with cereals, you can buy already sorted packaged buckwheat and even one that does not need to be washed - in bags.

    As soon as buckwheat is ready for cooking, it is poured with milk, flavored with oil and spices and simmered under a closed lid over low heat. If additional ingredients are added to buckwheat, then they also undergo preliminary preparation: they are cleaned, washed, cut, mashed, boiled, fried, etc.

    1. Buckwheat with milk: classic recipe


    500 ml of milk;

    500 ml of water;

    A glass of buckwheat;

    2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

    A pinch of salt;

    A quarter pack of butter (50 g).

    How to cook buckwheat in milk:

    1. Sort out buckwheat, removing possible debris, unpeeled buckwheat. Rinse thoroughly in cold water.

    2. Boil water in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the prepared cereal into it. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid, simmer for five minutes.

    3. In a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, pour it into the porridge.

    4. Put salt and sugar to taste. Stir.

    5. Continue to cook on the same low heat for about 10-12 more minutes, stirring the porridge from time to time.

    6. Put butter in the porridge, mix thoroughly again.

    7. Remove buckwheat from the fire.

    8. Wrap the pan with a warm blanket or large towel, let the buckwheat stand warm for 10-15 minutes to reach full readiness.

    9. Serve buckwheat in milk with fresh fragrant bread. If desired, you can add a little honey before serving.

    2. Buckwheat in milk with a banana: a recipe for a children's table


    Half a glass of buckwheat;

    A glass of milk;

    Large ripe banana;

    A pinch of salt;

    2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

    20 g almonds.

    How to cook buckwheat in milk with a banana:

    1. Pour milk into the pan, add buckwheat, after sorting it out and washing it thoroughly.

    2. Cover the pan with a lid, set the heat to medium.

    3. As soon as the milk boils, stir the porridge, put sugar and salt to taste.

    4. Set a slow fire. Simmer until the cereal has completely absorbed the milk, about 10 minutes.

    5. While the porridge is cooking, peel the banana and grind it to a puree.

    6. Lightly fry the almonds in a hot dry frying pan, grate with flakes.

    7. Mix the finished porridge with banana puree, serve sprinkled with almond flakes.

    3. Buckwheat in milk: a recipe for weight loss


    One third of a glass of buckwheat;

    A pinch of salt;

    Milk 1% fat.

    How to cook buckwheat in milk for weight loss:

    1. In the evening, sort out the cereal and put it in a bowl of a suitable size. Rinse well.

    2. Boil water.

    3. Pour boiling water over buckwheat, leave overnight.

    4. In the morning, you will have to slightly salt the already steamed cereal and pour it with milk to taste.

    4. Buckwheat in milk with apples in a slow cooker: a recipe for a diet table


    600 ml of milk;

    A glass of buckwheat flakes;

    One sweet and sour apple;

    Spoon of honey;

    A pinch of ground cinnamon;

    1 tsp butter;

    To serve berries and nuts.

    How to cook buckwheat in milk with an apple:

    1. Rinse the apple, cut off the skin, grate on a fine grater.

    2. Pour buckwheat flakes into the multicooker bowl, pour milk.

    3. Add honey, grated apple, cinnamon and a small piece of butter. Stir.

    4. Set the "Milk porridge" mode for 30 minutes. Do not forget to stir the porridge again after boiling.

    5. After the sound signal of the multicooker sounds, notifying that the porridge is ready, switch the appliance to the "Heating" mode.

    6. Soak buckwheat in milk for another 10 minutes, then serve, decorating with berries and nuts to taste. If desired, you can also flavor the finished porridge with another piece of butter and honey.

    5. Buckwheat in milk with raisins: a hearty breakfast recipe


    2.5 cups of milk;

    1 cup buckwheat (done);

    1 st. l. Sahara;

    50 g raisins quiche-mish;

    How to cook buckwheat in milk with raisins:

    1. Pour the buckwheat into a bowl, sort through. Pour the prepared cereal with warm water, leave for 5-7 minutes.

    2. Pour milk into a saucepan, set to boil. If you want porridge to be less high-calorie, dilute milk with plain water in proportions of one to one or two to one - as desired.

    3. Settled in warm water Rinse buckwheat thoroughly, carefully pour into boiling milk.

    4. Put well-washed and peeled raisins, sugar and a little salt here. Stir.

    5. Set the fire to the quietest, cover the saucepan with buckwheat and other ingredients with a lid, simmer for 8-10 minutes.

    6. After cooking, to make the porridge tastier, you can wrap the pan in a warm blanket for half an hour, and flavor the buckwheat with sweet butter before serving.

    6. Milk buckwheat with mushrooms and spices: a recipe for a delicious lunch or dinner


    A glass of milk;

    A glass of buckwheat;

    Glass of water;

    30-35 g dried white mushrooms;

    One not too large onion;

    Black, red pepper, peppercorns;

    Laurel leaves;

    Vegetable oil;

    A pinch of salt and cardamom.

    How to cook buckwheat in milk with mushrooms:

    1. Soak dried mushrooms for 45-50 minutes in hot water. The thinner the mushrooms were cut before drying, the less time it will take to soak.

    2. Squeeze out the soaked mushrooms and fry for vegetable oil along with finely chopped onion until softened. Do not pour out the decoction.

    3. Rinse the buckwheat and pour it into a multi-cooker bowl, add the fried mushrooms with onions.

    4. Sprinkle spices to taste, put a couple of bay leaves.

    5. Pour in a glass of mushroom broth and milk. Stir.

    6. Set the “Pilaf” mode for 40 minutes.

    Buckwheat in milk - the secrets and tricks of cooking

    Buckwheat is an unpretentious cereal and, if there are no additional components, then dishes from it do not require any special preliminary preparation or a lot of time for cooking. Buckwheat cooks quickly, so carefully watch the time so that you do not undercook or overcook it. In the first case, it will turn out to be harsh, and in the second - dryish. Properly cooked buckwheat in milk should turn out juicy and tender, but at the same time not boiled, but crumbly.

    To prepare buckwheat in milk, you can use both the core and the prodel, buckwheat flakes. Depending on what kind of cereal you take, the cooking time of porridge will depend: the larger and more whole it is, the longer it takes to cook.

    Do not forget to rinse and sort out the cereal, unless, of course, you are using bagged buckwheat. Thanks to these quick and simple procedures, your porridge will turn out to be especially tasty and aromatic.

    Also, to give a special taste to ready-made buckwheat in milk, some chefs recommend pre-frying cereals in a dry frying pan.

    Spices will help to give new flavors of porridge. Depending on what kind of buckwheat you cook in milk: sweet or with meat, mushrooms, add greens, garlic, cardamom, pepper, as well as cinnamon, honey and other ingredients.

    Buckwheat porridge is perhaps one of the rather controversial products. Some people simply adore her, others remember her with a shudder. And this is despite the fact that buckwheat is a very healthy and tasty food. Naturally, provided that it is properly prepared. There are many recipes for buckwheat porridge, but, according to many inhabitants, the dairy versions of this dish are considered the best.

    Buckwheat porridge is the most nutritious product, as it contains a huge amount of vegetable protein. And this noticeably brings it closer to meat, bread and potatoes. Also, buckwheat contains magnesium, which is good for the heart. In addition, buckwheat lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels and helps prevent diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. But with all this, the desire to eat buckwheat porridge does not arise for everyone. Although there are recipes, thanks to which this particular dish will become a favorite in your diet.

    Milk buckwheat porridge recipe

    Buckwheat porridge is much tastier if it is dairy. Moreover, it is not so difficult to prepare such a dish. In order to make milk buckwheat porridge, you will need: - buckwheat - 1 cup; - milk - 5 glasses; - vanilla sugar- 1 pack; - granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons; - butter - 1 tsp; - salt.

    The fatter the milk, the richer and tastier the porridge will be. True, for those who follow the figure, it is better to choose skim milk. But the taste of porridge will still remain very interesting.

    First boil the milk. Then add salt, vanilla and regular sugar to it. Rinse the buckwheat and put it in a saucepan, mix. Wait until the porridge boils, and put butter on it. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and leave the porridge to reach 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn. The readiness guideline for you should be the fact that the buckwheat is well boiled. After cooking, let the porridge stand for another 10 minutes.

    For those who are not particularly friendly with boiling cereals directly in milk, there is another option. For it you will need; - buckwheat - 1 glass; - 1/2 liter of water; - 1/2 liter of milk; - 2-3 tablespoons Sahara; - salt to taste; - butter - 30 g.

    Alternatively, you can replace sugar with honey. The taste will be no less sweet, but the benefits of the dish will be incomparably greater.

    To properly prepare milk buckwheat porridge, first sort through the cereal. After all, it is not particularly pleasant to pick out black grains from the finished dish. After the cereal, be sure to rinse. Take a pot with a thick bottom, it can also be a traditional cauldron. Pour water into a container and put on fire. When the water boils, throw the cereal into it, wait for the water to boil again. Then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After 5 minutes, add milk (it must first be warmed up). Add salt and sugar. If you are using honey, it should be added at the very end of the boil or directly on the plate. Leave the porridge to cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Now it remains only to add butter. Cover the finished porridge with a towel and let it stand for another 10 minutes.