Designation of the name Taisiya. Most suitable for zodiac signs

Version 1. What does the name Taisiya (Taisya) mean?

The meaning of the name Taisiya is from the Greek, belonging to Isis (in ancient Egyptian mythology, the goddess of fertility, water and wind, navigation); decomposition Taisa and Taisya.

Derivatives of the name: Taisya, Tasya, Tasyuta, Taya, Tayunya, Tayuta, Tausya, Tayukha, Tayusha, Tusya, Asya, Taiska, Taisyoshka.

Folk signs.


Taisiya is a sharp, decisive, uncompromising person, in life she does not look for easy, roundabout ways - she goes ahead. He knows how and loves to take risks, because most of all he is afraid of routine and boredom. Taisiya relies only on herself, therefore she is independent, independent, her own personal life keeps it locked. She can make a brilliant career because Taisiya has excellent organizational skills and highly developed intuition, the ability to foresee the future.

She is unlikely to make an exemplary housewife, although Taisiya is hospitable and courteous with her friends. They appreciate it. But there are also many ill-wishers who do not accept her prickly character.

Version 2. What does the name Taisiya (Taisya) mean?

Taisiya (Taisya) - belonging to Isis (Greek).

Name day: May 23 - Holy blessed Taisiya, was a great sinner, repented, received forgiveness from God and died righteous in Egypt (5th century).

October 21 - Saint Taisia, was a harlot, repented and labored until the end of her life in seclusion (IV century).

Zodiac sign - Libra.

Planet - Venus.

Color - golden.

Auspicious tree - nut.

The treasured plant is poppy.

The patron of the name is the pacer horse.

The talisman stone is opal.


Taisiya strives for her life not to be ordinary. He is not afraid of risks, does not try to please, does not accept compromises, does not follow well-trodden paths. She has many friends - as well as enemies. Tasya is sure that she can only rely on herself. He is very concerned about maintaining his own independence and isolation.

Taisya is decisive, observant, and an excellent organizer. Hospitable, kind. As a housewife, Taisiya is very unreliable. Has witchcraft abilities.

Numerology of the name Taisiya (Taisya)

Name number: 8

Number 8 is one of the most mysterious, but its secrets can also be revealed. Eights are strong individuals who set clear goals and always achieve them. They are active, easily get along with people, although sometimes they are too frank and straightforward.

Although Eights seem insensitive to us on the outside, in fact, they love to show their emotions and would like to do this openly, but internal boundaries do not allow them to do this.

The meaning of the letters in the name Taisiya (Taisya)

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They have a good-natured attitude towards all people, and in every possible and impossible way they try to avoid conflict situations. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

Name as a phrase

  • T- Firmly
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • WITH- Word
  • I- (YA = A) Az
  • b- Er (Creeping, Low, Soft, Soft)

Name Taisiya (Taisya) in English (Latin)

Taisia ​​Taisia

When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Taisiya (Taisya) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The female name Taisiya contains complex energy. Its roots go to Ancient Greece. Translated, “Thais” means “belonging to” or “dedicated to Isis.” The latter is the goddess of femininity and motherhood, symbolizing love, family, fidelity. There are different interpretations of this name - “wise”, “fertile”, “late”. Taisiya's talismans are opal and agate stones. Colors that bring good luck are yellow, blue, pink, white. lucky number- “3”. Patron saints - Blessed Taisia ​​of Egypt, Venerable Taisia.

Name Taisiya in other languages

Astrology named after Taisiya

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

Little Taya is a lively and emotional child. The baby is inventive and independent. He loves to play pranks, causing a lot of trouble for his parents. Needs control. The girl behaves cautiously with strangers. Having become acquainted, he shows friendliness and sociability. The majority of Taya's friends are boys. She is bored and uninteresting with girls.

As a child, Taisiya loves to indulge in dreams and fantasize. Often immersed in his own imaginary world. She is able to invent new games and ideas, involving the children around her in them. Each fun resembles an exciting adventure with adventure. Taya adequately takes jokes directed at herself. He responds to insult with revenge. The main disadvantages of a little girl bearing the name of the goddess are arrogance, selfishness, and high self-esteem.

School subjects are easy for the little one. But she cannot become an excellent student because of her inconstancy. He gets good grades thanks to his excellent memory and intelligence. Shows greater interest in the humanities.

IN adolescence Taya is a persistent, energetic person, prone to adventure. The girl has a great sense of humor, is kind, confident, and sociable. If necessary, shows physical strength and strong-willed disposition. She is not afraid of difficulties, apathetic and depressive states are unusual. Faced with a problem, Taisiya perceives it as another test that strengthens character. She doesn't accept lies. He does not know how to deceive and be cunning. Does not associate with gossipers, hypocrisy and envious individuals.

A young lady can be soft and affectionate, capricious and tough - character traits depend on the circumstances. He tries to contain his emotions. In public she looks calm, reasonable, balanced. He prefers to hide his experiences and feelings from others. In communication, Taya is straightforward, loves to make fun of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. This contributes to the appearance of numerous enemies. The loss of well-wishers does not upset the girl. She quickly makes new acquaintances. For her, there are no irreplaceable people.

Having matured, Taisiya does not lose her assertiveness and stubbornness. This allows her to easily achieve her goals. The woman has charm and excellent business acumen. She doesn't like monotony and boredom. Often gets involved in risky activities and adventures. This is fraught with trouble. Taya prefers hectic activity, which does not allow her to focus on meaningful things.

Strong marriage bonds and a successful career are not for this woman. With age, Taisiya becomes secretive and extremely cautious. He can flare up over a trifle. She is demanding of her loved ones. Dreams of finding a partner to give tenderness and sensuality. She is not characterized by pettiness, gloating and insidiousness. Taisiya has good organizational skills. But power spoils her, making her too arrogant and sarcastic.

Taisiya's character

Adult Taisiya is energetic, knows how to be persistent, and is not devoid of imagination and a sense of humor. She is not afraid of risk, is self-confident and relies only on herself. Outwardly, she is quite friendly and serene, but at any moment, like a cat, she can release sharp claws. A girl named Taisiya is not afraid of difficulties, never loses heart, and always finds a way out of any situation. She often works as a teacher, trainer, she is a wonderful actress or musician, singer.

The meaning of the name knows how to work with people, often chooses such professions and always strives to be a leader. The name Taisiya is classic business woman. She is also good in business, acting quickly, energetically, without sentimentality. He knows how to wait, and is not afraid of the risk of going over the edge. Taisiya retains her energy and business qualities until old age.

In the process of growing up, Taisiya begins to gradually withdraw into herself, and especially with unfamiliar people. She defends her personal space in every possible way, which is rarely typical for children. This needs to be taken into account when raising a girl, and you certainly shouldn’t try to yell at her. It takes time to bond well with your baby, so just be patient.

A negative characteristic of Taisiya is arrogance. The woman is unapproachable. Can talk down, without giving much meaning to the words. This unknowingly offends close people. Taisiya has a hard time withstanding strong emotional stress, so he might even get sick. It is advisable to protect the girl from stress, although such advice can be given for any child.

Taisiya's fate

The fate of a woman with a beautiful and gentle name depends on herself. She is the creator of her own happiness. Will be able to curb his character and show tolerance, will find support, love in marriage, good job, many friends and girlfriends. If she remains proud, does not tame her impulsive impulses, continues to give free rein to her evil tongue, she will remain lonely and poor.

Taya's character is decisive and uncompromising. The woman is not used to looking for easy solutions. She is independent and secretive. She seems very balanced, but underneath she is a sensual person. While remaining calm for a long time, Taisiya can succumb to impulse and show a storm of emotions, shocking those around her. This woman is not capable of lying, getting out, or slandering behind her back. Expresses his opinion out loud directly to the subject of attention. She is capable, smart, greedy for new knowledge. Positive and negative character traits manifest themselves depending on the circumstances.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Taya is assertive, active, ambitious - valuable qualities for a good employee. A woman is capable of overcoming career heights. But love of life and inconstancy can play a cruel joke on her. Taisiya will strive to get a job after retiring or in maternity leave. Suitable professions are broker, tourism agent, musician, artist, painter, sculptor.

Financial well-being will be stable only in adulthood. In her youth, the girl spends all her money on entertainment and travel. Having matured, he becomes overly interested in fashionable things, filling his wardrobe to capacity with them. He likes to take risks and walk on the edge of a knife, putting all his savings on the line. Such transactions are more often successful, but the money flies away as quickly as it comes.

Marriage and family

Taisiya’s husband must meet the following requirements: strong-willed character, nobility, honesty, financial prospects, reliability. Physical parameters are also important. This woman will prefer a tall and slender man.

In marriage, Taya is the leader. She is ready to give up this place to her husband, experiencing loving affection and deep respect. A woman is a good mother. He prefers to raise children personally. He tries to give his descendants a good and comprehensive education. Order in Taisiya’s home plays an important role, but she doesn’t like to clean it up. Willingly welcomes guests. He knows how to cook delicious food.

Sex and love

In relationships with the opposite sex, Taisiya resembles a man. It is extremely important to her sexual compatibility with your chosen one. In bed, a woman behaves relaxed. Representatives of the stronger half consider her a hot and sensual lover. When choosing a partner, Taya pays attention to sincere, gentle, strong, hardy men.

She is rarely left without a lover, regardless of age. Her attractive appearance and freedom in her intimate life make her desirable. Taisiya is very sensitive and sexy woman. She is relaxed, passionate and gentle. She is very demanding of a man, after a stormy night she can behave as if nothing had happened - not a kind word, gesture or smile.


The name Taisiya, like many children, is susceptible to colds, but she does not get sick often if her parents are attentive to her. In many ways, her susceptibility to disease depends on what time of day she was born: if in the early morning, she has a strong immune system, if in the evening, she has a weakened one. Such children need to be strengthened from the first days of birth. Sometimes Taisiya is born with cerebral edema and undergoes surgery in infancy. After it, mental development occurs normally.

“March” Taisiya inherits a lot of things. So, weak bronchi and lungs can be passed on to her from her father. May suffer from sore throats different types. A girl named Taisiya grows up with character, so you shouldn’t shout at her for wrongdoing; you can only communicate with her in a calm tone.

Starting from the age of two, the name Taisiya becomes active and inquisitive. She is interested in everything, she needs to know everything, she asks a lot of questions. She is a very independent girl. The words “I myself” become basic in her vocabulary. He is not afraid of anyone or anything, although he treats new people cautiously, as if studying them. She quickly gets used to everyone, is very friendly, an incorrigible dreamer and inventor. Taisiya loves animals and willingly takes care of them. She does not throw hysterics, calmly reacts to refusal of anything, and knows how to understand what can and cannot be done. He likes to play all kinds of games: he can play active games, he can diligently put together pictures from cubes.

Interests and hobbies

Taisiya's favorite hobby is watching television series. IN everyday life is interested in fashion. I’m ready to spend hours trying on outfits and choosing accessories to go with them. Willingly grows indoor plants. Together with her children in adulthood, she loves to re-read books she loved from childhood - fairy tales, poems, stories. She is prone to collecting soft bears, figurines, and dolls. Free time prefers to spend time in noisy companies.

Taisiya strives for her life not to be ordinary. He is not afraid of risks, does not try to please, does not accept compromises, does not follow well-trodden paths. She has many friends - as well as enemies. Taisiya is sure that she can only rely on herself. He is very concerned about maintaining his own independence and isolation. Decisive, observant, excellent organizer! Hospitable, kind; as a housewife she is very unreliable. Has witchcraft abilities.

Forms of the name Thais

Other name options: Tai, Taison.

The name Thais in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 泰國人 (Tàiguó rén). Japanese: タイ人 (Tai hito). Arabic: التايلانديين. Kannada: ಥಿಯಾಸ್ (Thiyās). Ukrainian: Tais. Greek: Ταϊλανδοί (Taïlandoí). English: Thais (Thais).

Origin of the name Thais

The male name Thais has two versions of origin: according to one, it means “wise,” and according to the second, it is a dedication to the Egyptian and ancient goddess Isis. The name Thais is not known in European countries. In Russia it is also little known, but is much more popular female uniform this name is Taisiya.

Personality of the name Thais

Thais's character is usually balanced and somewhat sentimental. This is a person who has great patience, curiosity, caution and responsibility. You can always rely on him in everything - and this gives Thais an excellent business reputation. It is interesting that in childhood the owner of this name is completely different: phlegmatic, observant, quiet, somewhat insecure. The parents of such a child will need great love to teach Thais to believe in himself and feel his strength.

It depends on them whether the owner of this name will be a modest, inconspicuous hard worker, or will become a self-confident, successful and slightly proud fighter. In fact, it is difficult to say what would be the best option for Thais, but, following from the fact that fate usually does not spoil him, we can assume that extra perseverance and willpower will not hurt the owner of this name. In society, Thais prefers to behave modestly, but he is so sociable that he easily gets along with new acquaintances. But Thais doesn’t have many friends. He takes his inner circle very seriously, so it is quite difficult to gain their true trust.

General description of the name Thais

From Greek - “wise”.

IN early childhood too calm, even phlegmatic. He eats poorly, which upsets his parents. As he grows up, he becomes more active, interested in everything, inquisitive, and goes into everyone’s arms. Parents should remember that he has a weak nervous system and there is a predisposition to angina. The boy is stubborn, but only in cases where he needs to defend his point of view; He won’t throw a tantrum over refusing to buy him a toy he likes. Required with early years get him used to sports and watch his posture, as there is a risk of developing scoliosis.

Thais finishes school very successfully, definitely enters a university, receives higher education, can devote himself to scientific activities; many of the Taisov are talented candidates and doctors of science, professors. More than others, Thais is fascinated by the exact sciences, but he is also partial to questions of philosophy and psychology.

Thais is a sociable person, which is not often found among people involved in fundamental science. scientific activity. He manages everything, pays his respects everywhere: at presentations, the premiere of a performance of his favorite theater, an exhibition of a famous artist - Thais understands everything very well, the range of his knowledge is extensive.

Sexuality of the name Thais

A serious and calculating young man, but only where personal feelings are not present. In love he is completely helpless, he falls in love like a boy and every time with more and more force. However, common sense tells him that he needs to get married later, that not everything has been explored and tested. There are two types of Thais’ characters when it comes to marriage: the first is when Thais prefers to marry a woman experienced in sexual matters, and the second is when Thais is an eternal teacher, a teacher of skill and marries a young, inexperienced girl. The first type of Thais includes those born in spring or summer, the second type includes those born in autumn and winter. But in both the first and second cases, Thais marries very successfully and gets as his wife the one who corresponds to his idea of ​​a good wife. Expectations rarely deceive this man, his calculations are always correct, and his analytical way of thinking does not let him down. He is a good family man, not prone to love affairs, fleeting connections and the emotions accompanying them do not overwhelm him. Common sense always kicks in on time.

“December” Thais is only slightly different from his namesakes: he gets carried away too much and can bring his wife many unpleasant moments associated with jealousy, but he stops in time and always easily and willingly asks for forgiveness. It is impossible not to forgive him - this is a sea of ​​​​charm, despair, outpouring of eternal love and only for one wife. Any woman will melt before such skillful acting.

Pros and cons of the name Thais

What are the pros and cons of the name Thais? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous assessment to it, since some parents may like its rarity and unusualness, while others, on the contrary, will consider it too unusual for our country. In general, it is positive that the name Tais goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several nice abbreviations, such as Tasik, Taisik, Taik. The character of most owners of this name also makes a good impression, so there are no obvious disadvantages.


Thais' health is quite normal. However, he should pay attention to his back, move more and protect himself from sore throat, which can haunt the owner of this name for a very long time.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Thais shows loyalty and responsibility. He often gives the reins of the house to his wife, whom he marries for love and whom he will respect greatly for many years to come. Thais's marriage, as a rule, is long-lasting and strong. He is a good family man, loves his children, does not enter into empty conflicts, is ready to compromise, listen and understand his loved ones.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere, Thais is attracted to science, medicine and, to a lesser extent, business. The owner of this name can make an excellent historian, physicist, programmer, chemist, pharmacist, surgeon, psychologist, bank employee, official, or head of a small enterprise.

Tais's birthday

Thais does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Thais is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign, that is, October 24 to November 22. This sign will make Thais a brave, decisive, insightful and extreme-loving man. The natural desire of the owner of this name to remove routine from his life will be fully realized under the influence of Scorpio, who will give him a taste for an active and struggle-filled life.

Forms of the name Taisiya

Short form of the name Taisiya. Taisa, Taisya, Tasya, Taya, Tayunya, Tayuta, Tayusha, Tayukha, Tayusha, Tusya, Asya, Taiska, Taisyushka, Tasyuta. Synonyms for the name Taisiya: Taisya.

Name Taisiya in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 大佐 (Dàzuǒ). Yiddish: טאַיסאַ (Tʼaysʼa). Ukrainian: Taisiya. Serbian: Taisa. English: Taisa (Taisa).

Origin of the name Taisiya

The name Taisiya translated from Greek means “dedicated to Isis.” The Egyptian goddess Isis (Isis) was the ideal of femininity and motherhood for the Egyptians. Therefore, the name Taisiya is also sometimes translated as “fertile.” The affectionate address Tay is also used for the name Tayana (Mystery).

Character of the name Taisiya

Decisive and uncompromising Taisiya does not look for easy paths and well-trodden paths in life. Running away from the routine and dullness of everyday life, Taisiya is capable of taking risks. Independent and self-reliant, a woman named Taisiya has a secretive character. She will hide hers for a long time true feelings, and outwardly will seem balanced and modest. However, the time will come, and Taisiya will release her impulsiveness along with a storm of emotions. Straightforward, Taisiya hates lies, does not like to gossip and has the ability to calm quarrels. In life he relies only on himself and his own strength.

Taisiya has every chance to build a dizzying career. Excellent organizational skills, developed intuition, good memory, attentiveness, and thirst for new knowledge make her an excellent employee. Taisiya has excellent musical abilities, so she can become a music teacher. Taisiya can realize her ability to share knowledge through pedagogical and educational work. Taisiya's organizational skills allow her to try herself in administrative work.

The secret of the name Taisiya

Little Taya is growing up very calm and kind child. She is able to give away all her toys, never contradicts adults, is inquisitive and a great learner.

With age, Taya's difficult character manifests itself; she is quite secretive, and you will not always understand what she is actually thinking at one time or another. She is a very strong personality and loves to achieve everything in life on her own. Her life is dynamic and not without risk, since Taisiya does not tolerate boredom and tries to live it brightly and brilliantly. However, not everyone can understand her character.

IN love relationships Taisiya is never in a hurry, she wants to check her chosen one, see him from different sides, before she connects her life with him. In marriage, Taisiya is usually happy.

She needs a sense of independence all her life; she always strives to be independent and has excellent organizational skills.
Taisiya has many friends in her life, but no less enemies.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color: golden
Planet: Venus
Stone-mascot: opal
Plant: poppy
Animal: pacer horse
Basic features: decisive, strives for a vibrant life, contradictory, independent and self-reliant

Additional characteristics of the name Taisiya

Vibration: 97,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character) : 98%
Psyche: very often Taisiya lives in the past, becoming very attached to people and events, this prevents her from enjoying the present
Health: not very strong, Taisiya has suffered from colds and low immunity since childhood

Energy named after Taisiya

The energy of the name Taisiya can hardly be called simple, it is characterized by sufficient mobility, emotionality, but most importantly, there is a certain hidden spring in this name, some purely cat cunning that allows Tasya to be at the same time domestic and affectionate and at the same time always ready to let out her claws. As a rule, a woman with this name has a very independent, but rather secretive character. She is undoubtedly proud, but her innate caution inclines her not to advertise her spiritual qualities, so for all her pride, Taisiya prefers to be quite modest and balanced. Until one day she unleashes her inherent impulsiveness.

Like a cat that can endure for hours, waiting for the right moment, and only the movements of its tail reveal its excitement, so Taisiya knows how to control herself, but she doesn’t have a tail, and therefore it can be quite difficult to guess her true thoughts. However, such a predisposition does not yet indicate Taisiya’s cunning; most often it simply concerns her diplomacy, and Tasya herself may perceive this quality of hers as long-suffering.

Sometimes it begins to seem to her that she forgives people a lot, moreover, even adapts to them, but when her cup of patience is full, all the accumulated emotions and grievances suddenly break free! So it turns out that this is not long-suffering at all, but just ordinary secrecy, because instead of silently enduring, one could try to resolve the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere. On the other hand, such a character greatly facilitates her career, and up to a certain point, family relationships. She is energetic, knows how to be persistent, and is not devoid of imagination and a sense of humor. If only she had not put off solving problems until later, had not accumulated grievances, but immediately come to some compromises, then her life could have turned out much happier.

Secrets of communicating with Taisiya

Taisiya cannot be classified as one of those women who have what is on their mind and on their tongue. At the very least, be wary of her apparent patience and serenity. God knows what she really thinks about you; The most important thing is to be more careful with her pride and with your wit addressed to her.

Trace of the name Taisiya in history

“Thais of Athens” is the name of the famous novel by Ivan Efremov, in which real historical events intricately intertwined with legends and the author’s fiction. Nevertheless, Thais herself really existed - she was one of the most famous hetaeras of her time. In Efremov’s book there is an episode where the daughter of a hetaera admits to her mother that she herself would like to someday follow in her footsteps; she is proud of the worship with which men surround her mother, the admiring glances with which she is seen on the street. After listening to her daughter, Thais answered her:
- I want you to understand: being hetero means constantly being first. A hetaera must not only have perfect beauty, it is not enough for her to also learn the art of love and seduction. She should be endowed by nature with intelligence and the ability to conduct a conversation on an equal basis with a man. In addition, she needs to excel in several sports, and even surpass men in one.

Thais herself fully possessed all these qualities: she swam superbly, danced, was a good horsewoman and could stand up for herself. As for men, hetaeras of the highest class, like Thais, chose only those lovers to whom they felt a heartfelt attraction, not agreeing to spend time with an unworthy person for any money.

Characteristics of the name Taisiya according to B. Khigir

Translated - “belonging to Isis” (Isis is the Egyptian goddess of fertility). Taisiya is a calm, good-natured girl who goes into everyone’s arms. Seriously studying strangers, looks at them for a long time. Easily trainable, obedient and compliant. Nothing particularly stands out among his peers. Knows how to get along with everyone, has contact with other children.

She parts with toys without tears and can give her friend anything that belongs to her. She studies well at school, is reasonable and inquisitive. Willingly helps elders and actively participates in the life of the class. She loves animals, and can sometimes turn her apartment into a zoo: she has birds, fish, a cat and a dog. She is not alone in the family - she usually grows up with her younger sister and early becomes independent, raising her.

Suitable for pharyngitis, weak nervous system. She is friends with boys; there are more of them among her friends. Taisiya is very musical and can become an excellent teacher in this area. She is a straightforward person, does not tolerate lies, and does not know how to lie herself. She does not like to complain about fate, although life does not spoil her. Skillfully extinguishes conflicts, does not like gossip. He constantly expands his knowledge and willingly shares it with others. Taisiya always has a lot of fans, but she is in no hurry to get married, trying first to achieve something, to prove herself as a person. IN family life Taisiya, as a rule, is happy, only the “winter” one can be married twice. Taisiya loves to cook and enjoys spending time in the kitchen.

Very hospitable. He loves sweets, but tries to limit himself. Neat and excessively clean. Winter Taisiya has a sharp mind. Brave; She knows how to stand up not only for herself, which is why weaker people are drawn to her. It is impossible to deceive her; she thinks through everything several moves ahead. Endowed with a good memory, very attentive, able to notice and remember for a long time the smallest details of what is happening. Spring Taisiya is romantic and somewhat sentimental. Already in adulthood, she is able to read her favorite fairy tales as a child, collects beautiful dolls and plush toys, and keeps them for a long time. The relationship with the mother is very difficult; the relationship with the father is spiritually closer.

Autumn is a born teacher. Likes to teach and advise, sometimes, however, too intrusively. She loves to play with children, apparently because they listen to her patiently. It is here that she can use her excellent memory and love of fairy tales.

Taisiya knows a lot interesting stories, tells them in a breathtakingly artistic way. Summer Taisiya not only remembers fairy tales and stories, she writes them herself: she has a superbly developed imagination and the gift of imagination. She knows how to imitate the voices of her acquaintances, and seems to convey their gestures, gait, and demeanor. Her humor is sparkling; she has an anecdote for every remark.

He loves noisy companies, cannot live without communication, a pleasant environment where he can demonstrate his abilities.

Positive traits of the name

Taisiya has an amazing gift for combining a light-hearted attitude towards life with practical business aspirations. She has a developed sense of self-esteem, she is laconic and honest.

Negative traits of the name

Sometimes Taisiya can be proud and unapproachable. Her independent appearance may reduce her fan base.

Choosing a profession by name

Among the representatives of this name there are many people of art, especially painters, sculptors and film directors. Subtle psychic organization usually portends successful career in the occult sciences, medicine and especially in neurology and psychiatry. Whatever Taisiya chooses, she always prefers to live in solitude, far from the noisy bustle and secular entertainment.

The impact of a name on business

Taisiya is unpretentious, but in the end, in adulthood, she also seeks comfort and is ready to spend unimaginable sums on creating home comfort. Material well-being comes to Taisiya late.

The influence of a name on health

Since childhood, Taisiya may suffer from lingering colds, lung diseases, pneumonia, weak immunity to, and hepatitis.

Psychology of the name

Taisiya shows an amazing property - not only to become attached to former friends and employees, but also feel nostalgic for their lost past. Such strong attachment usually prevents her from living a full emotional life in the present. There should be a person next to her who will help her learn to appreciate the present moment.

Famous people named Taisiya

Taisia ​​of Egypt ((5th century) Christian saint)
Taisia ​​of Egypt Thebaid ((late 3rd century - 340) Christian saint of the 4th century, repentant harlot who lived in an Egyptian monastery)
Taisiya Litvinenko (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actress, theater director, theater teacher, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1988))
Thais (a famous Athenian hetaera who enjoyed the favor of Alexander the Great, later the second wife of the Egyptian king Ptolemy I Soter. According to ancient sources (Plutarch, Diodorus Siculus, Quintus Curtius Rufus), Thais initiated the arson of the palace of Xerxes in Persepolis conquered by Alexander (330 BC). BC.) According to Plutarch, the goal of Thais was revenge on Persia for the burning of Athens by Xerxes in the summer of 480 BC. Quintus Curtius Rufus claimed that Thais and Alexander burned the palace “being drunk.” Faida.)
Taisiya Povaliy (maiden name - Giryavets; Honored Artist of Ukraine (1996), People's Artist of Ukraine (1997))
Taisiya Osintseva ((1923 - 2008) Soviet and Russian neurologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, honorary academician of the Izhevsk State Medical Academy)
Taisiya Burtseva (Isichenko) ((1924 - 1997) opera singer (dramatic soprano), teacher, public figure, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1956))
Taisiya Kalinchenko ((born 1949) is often written and pronounced inaccurately - Kalinichenko; Soviet and Russian singer, actress, vocal teacher, associate professor of the Department of Music Education of the St. Petersburg state academy theatrical arts; Honored Artist of Russia)
Taisiya Shvetsova ((born 1937) artist)
Taisiya Alexandrova ((1909-1992) mathematics teacher high school No. 11, Yoshkar-Ola city. Name Alexandrova T.I. attends Lyceum No. 11 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. In October 2009, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the teacher’s birth, a ceremonial laying of a stone at the site of the future monument took place in the lyceum’s courtyard. Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle", awarded two Orders of Lenin (1960, 1968), the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals, awarded the titles of "Honored Teacher of the MASSR School" and "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School".)
Taisiya Vilkova (Russian actress)
Taisiya Afonina ((1913-1994) Russian Soviet artist, painter, graphic artist, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad school of painting)
Taisiya Baryshnikova ((1916-1989) Soviet volleyball player and volleyball coach, player of the USSR national team (1949), European Champion 1949, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR)

Taisiya is a name known since the times of Ancient Egypt, whose interpretation is “fertile”, “land of Isis”, “dedicated to Isis”.

Origin of the name

For the ancient Egyptians, the goddess Isis was the ideal of motherhood and female beauty. In honor of their beloved deity, people came up with the nickname Taisiya, which means “belonging to Isis.” They were given to newborn girls so that they would inherit divine beauty and in the future could experience the happiness of motherhood.

General characteristics

Little Taya is a capricious and emotional person. She still doesn’t know how to control her feelings, which is why parents often observe children’s tantrums. Tears for no reason, whims and nitpicking over little things make raising a baby very difficult at first.

In communication, the little girl amazes adults with her philosophical judgments. The capricious girl has very few friends; she herself avoids communication with peers, preferring to play with dolls alone, or spend her days reading fascinating books.

Tasya lacks patience and perseverance in her studies, she is too lazy to do her homework, so she practically never gets grades above average.

Positive character traits

Taisiya is endowed with a sense of pride and self-esteem. She will not allow anyone to treat her inappropriately.

The girl treats the events that happen in life simply, without cluttering her thoughts with unnecessary, in her opinion, nonsense. In this world, Tasya is an observer who perceives any changes philosophically.

This woman is honest and taciturn. She doesn't like to talk about unfinished business, and if someone asks her opinion, she always answers the truth, even if it sounds impartial. Taisiya expects the same from those around her.

Taya has a well-developed business acumen; if she tries, she will definitely move up the career ladder. Although Taechka is quite pragmatic by nature, she is characterized by a craving for romance and dreams of a perfect relationship.

Negative character traits

The owner of a respectful name can be arrogant and unapproachable, which scares away potential suitors. Men are often afraid to even approach such a formidable lady.

The desire to always be honest can harm Taya. The cruel truth from her lips, spoken in a bad mood, repels people. Weak personalities who cannot tolerate criticism do not want to make friends with such an unfriendly person.

Zodiac sign

In order to balance the negative and positive traits in Taisiya’s character, a girl born in the sign of Libra can be given a name. Venus will reward Taya with wisdom and femininity.

The golden color promises good luck to the bearer of the name, therefore it simply must be present in her life. Opal will protect the girl from the attacks of evil forces.


Taya, Tasya, Tayusha, Taisyushka, Taska, Taisa, Taiska, Taika, Taisya, Taechka, Tausya, Isa, Tayusha.

Name options

Tais, Taisya, Taisa.

Historical figures

4th century BC - hetaera Thais of Athens (according to the novel of the same name, the beloved of Alexander the Great).
End of the 3rd century - beginning of the 4th century - Taisia ​​of Thebaid, Great Martyr of Egypt
V century - Taisia ​​of Egypt, another saint in Christianity.
1913 - 1994 - artist Taisiya Afonina.
1916 - 1989 - Soviet volleyball player Taisiya Baryshnikova.
1923 - 2008 - professor in the field of neurology Taisiya Osintseva.
1924 - 1997 - opera singer Taisiya Burtseva.