Why does a person have blue blood. Nephilim blood: the hidden secret of the "blue bloods"

Shalom everyone!

Today we have a very interesting and, I believe, important topic. So “somehow” it turns out that it is not interesting to analyze “not interesting topics”. Maybe because it’s not relevant anymore, everything has been said and talked about, maybe it’s just not mine ... But there are really topics that for some reason they try to avoid among believers. No wonder Yeshua once said that the sons of this world are in some way smarter than the “sons of light.” What is true is true... But this statement of fact should not embarrass us at all, but we need to draw the right conclusions. There are several components in this topic: the first is “pure biochemistry”, at its very minimum, exactly in order to understand the essence of the issue on the physical, natural plane. The second component will help to look at the issue under consideration from the point of view of DNA as ordinary people, as well as other creatures that, let's say, are more or less similar to people. And the third component is a series of facts from our history, from our life, which will help us understand the nature of the so-called “blue blood”, in the context of the so-called. "Nephilim elite" and what is connected with it, and may also be important for us living in these last days.

In order not to "torment", I will immediately voice the main idea, which I will then try to confirm in thesis. After the fall of the first people, the Almighty sent His sons - “bnei Elohim” - Guardians, who were given a specific task, including protecting the first people and their descendants. But, as we know, the most important enemy turned out to be so inventive for the evil that he managed, including through human women, to mislead them, and seducing them, move them to unnatural confusion, which led to terrible results. I will not touch on those possible arguments and arguments that became the basis of this seduction - this is not the goal in this case, and it is no longer important. These sons of the Almighty-Guardians were not just invisible "Guardian Angels", as they are now, but they were visible and had real physical bodies, similar to the bodies of people. I do not presume to guess what kind of bodies they had before the start of this mission, but from the moment they appeared on earth, they possessed the corresponding glorified physical bodies in order to be able to accurately perform everything that was entrusted to them. In these bodies the sons of the Most High walked, moved, spoke, ate, etc. etc. Scripture tells us that the sons of the Most High or His Angels, as ministering spirits, to carry out certain assignments, either received such bodies for a certain time, or received such an ability to have such bodies if necessary, or in some other way - the technology is not important , but what is important in this case is the fact that they had these same physical bodies. Briefly from the Scriptures and in more detail from the book of Enoch we can see this.

For certain reasons, the physical bodies of these Heavenly Guardians, despite their similarity to the human body, nevertheless had significant differences. One of the most important differences was that their circulatory system was not based on hemoglobin, or "iron", which gave the blood a red color, and based on hemocyanin, or simply saying "copper", which gave their blood a blue, or blue color. The first descendants of the sons of the Most High and people were Nephilim of the “first wave” and their blood was, like that of their fathers, based on “copper”, i.e. blue, or blue. In the future, in some of their descendants, the basis of the circulatory system could change, switching to "iron" and becoming red, but we will touch on this in more detail later.

The second significant and important point is that a person possesses (possessed) 12 DNA strands, or more precisely 6 pairs of double DNA strands. Today, in a certain sense, a person has “open / activated”, i.e. only 2 chains are "working", or rather one double pair. The remaining DNA chains are inactive, “closed”, “not activated”. Some geneticists even tried to give such a term as "junk DNA", "genetic garbage / ballast" in relation to them. Modern scientists are not able to explain the reasons. In fact, this is, of course, very simplistic, because in reality everything is much more complicated. At the moment, many researchers come to the conclusion that, despite a certain “inaction”, this “ballast” still carries some kind of load, although in many ways it is far from clear what exactly. Research is ongoing, but understanding some small fragments at the physical level does not yet reveal the big picture to scientists at all. And the truth is that after the fall, the Almighty “blocked” most of these human DNA, which were responsible for various human abilities, including, and above all, the supernatural. He left, relatively speaking, only one pair, which was mainly responsible for the physical sense organs, as well as for the basic processes of the physical body. Heavenly Father could not allow fallen people to continue to have great abilities that are “supernatural” for today's people, but he significantly curtailed this potential. Ten helices are in the DNA molecule in a certain sense in a germinal, as it were, in a “folded” state. Fully "open and unfolded" 12 strands of DNA, a fully functioning human genome at 100% - this is not a condition and a reason, I emphasize this, but one of the properties of the so-called. the “glorified body” that Adam and Eve had before all known events, as well as Yeshua after His resurrection.

The Heavenly Guardians, or rather their physical bodies, which they had for the performance of their service, supposedly possessed these most completely “open” and functioning DNA helices. And therefore, the Nephilim of the "first wave", so to speak, could have something in between - between 2 and 12 spirals: from 6 to 10. Later, the manifestation of the Angelic essence was extinguished, incl. and because of the very fact of sin itself, as well as because of the "dilution" of the blood of the Nephilim with the new blood of man. This is a couple of words for the announcement, so to speak, but we will return to this later.

In this material, interesting facts and observations from the book of Andrei Sklyarov were used "What are you, home of the gods?", where the author drew attention to and explored various interesting relationships on the topic. Many thanks to him for the great textural and analytical work done. Despite his general assumptions that the Nephilim are probable "aliens from another planet" and the like, which of course does not correspond to reality, as well as the absence of the Creator as such in the reasoning and conclusions, the analysis of the available facts is categorically correct. .

Two types of circulatory systems

So let's get started. Biochemistry first. Having become acquainted with some elementary basics, it will be possible to understand the essence of such a phenomenon as “blue blood”, which has come down to us from historical legends. It was “blue blood” that served as a sign of “chosenness” and often confirmed the right to reign, and in fact only “gods” could reign in ancient times, as well as their descendants in the future. Could they actually have blue blood in the literal and not figurative sense? And what is it all about - "blue blood"?

One of the main functions of blood is transport, i.e. transfer of oxygen (O 2), carbon dioxide (CO 2), nutrients and excretion products. Oxygen and carbon dioxide were not isolated from the total number by chance. Oxygen is the main element necessary for a living organism to function and provide it with energy obtained as a result of a whole complex of complex chemical reactions. We will not go into the details of these reactions; for us it will be important only that as a result of these reactions carbon dioxide is formed (in fairly decent quantities), which must be removed from the body.

So, to ensure life, a living organism must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which it does in the process of breathing. The transfer of these gases in opposite directions (from the external environment to the tissues of the body and vice versa) is carried out by the blood. For this, special blood elements are “adapted” - the so-called respiratory pigments, which contain metal ions in their molecule, capable of binding oxygen molecules and, if necessary, giving them away. In humans, the respiratory pigment of the blood is hemoglobin, which includes ferrous ions (Fe 2+). Thanks to hemoglobin our blood is red.

The transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide, it turns out, may well be carried out by respiratory pigments based on ions of other (besides iron) metals. Let's say the sea ascidian blood is almost colorless, since it is based on hemovanadium containing vanadium ions. In some plants, molybdenum is also included in the pigments from metals, and in animals, manganese, chromium, nickel.

There is among the respiratory pigments in the living world and the blue color we are looking for. This color gives blood pigment hemocyanin, - based copper. And this pigment is very widespread. Thanks to him, some snails, spiders, crustaceans, cuttlefish and cephalopods (octopuses, for example) have blue blood color.

Combining with oxygen in the air hemocyanin turns blue, and giving oxygen to the tissues, it becomes discolored (“turns blue”). But even on the way back - from the tissues to the respiratory organs - such blood does not completely discolor: the formation of a respiratory pigment hemocyanin based on copper gives another factor that additionally stains the blood blue.

Iron, like any other trace element, makes a constant cycle in the body. With the physiological breakdown of erythrocytes, 9/10 iron remains in the body and goes to build new erythrocytes, and the lost 1/10 part is replenished by food. The fact that modern biochemistry does not reveal any ways to remove excess iron from the body speaks of the high human need for iron. There is no such thing as "excess iron" ...

Born from the fallen sons of the Almighty and human women, the Nephilim inherited a circulatory system that needed, first of all, copper, and not iron. The glorified physical bodies of the sons of the Almighty - the Heavenly Guardians were maximally adapted by the Almighty for their mission. One or another need for the functioning of their bodies was prudently provided by the Creator, due to some combination of the necessary conditions on earth, as well as due to the properties of these most glorified bodies. But the bodies of their descendants no longer had the appropriate abilities, sufficient to absorb copper properly and function as efficiently. With every new "infusion" of human blood, these abilities faded even more. Later, after the Flood, during which volcanic activity was intensified, and the areas of vegetation on the earth sharply decreased, the situation worsened even more. To these conditions it is necessary to somehow adapt.

The question of nutrition

First, you need to continuously replenish your own body with copper. After all, let's say, the lifespan of human erythrocytes is only about 120 days, which requires constant replenishment of the body with iron, which goes primarily to hematopoiesis. It should be the same for the Nephilim, only instead of iron, copper.

Secondly, iron is more reactive than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the Nephilim, it must inevitably strive to displace copper from its compounds. Speaking simple
language: excess iron is very harmful to the body of the Nephilim, and this excess should be avoided.

The easiest way to ease these challenges is to follow a specific diet, consuming foods that are high in copper and low in iron. And here it turns out that the version of copper in the basis of the blood of the Nephilim is able to fully explain their “grain choice”.

For example, especially a lot of iron is found in legumes, vegetables, berries (for example, strawberries, cherries), meat products. A lot of copper is found in cereals, cereals, bread products. It would seem that it makes no sense for a person to move from hunting and gathering to farming, because the necessary iron is in abundance literally “under the feet and hands”. But still, under the influence of the Nephilim, a person turns towards the production of food products poor in iron, but rich in copper, although copper is quite enough for a person (for example, practically nothing is known about cases of copper deficiency even during pregnancy - a period when the need for all elements increases sharply). And now we can say that this turn is being made not only under the influence of the Nephilim, but also in their personal interests.

And after all, they did not simply impose some kind of tribute on people for their own subsistence, which could be collected from them even without a cardinal break in the way of life of a person. What could be collected from people did not suit the Nephilim, and so the transition to the so-called. "civilized way of life", without which it would be difficult to organize agricultural work on the scale necessary for the Nephilim. Some details of the transition to agriculture and a settled way of life allow these conclusions to be confirmed.

For example, the yield of tuberous vegetables many times exceeds the yield of cereals. But there is a lot of iron in such vegetables, and humanity is moving to grains, making it difficult for itself both to solve the issue of providing food in general, and iron in particular. And even at present, in developed countries, additional enrichment of bakery products with iron in order to compensate for the imbalance of elements is generally accepted. Furthermore. Cereals are not only low in iron, they contain the substances phosphatin and phytin, which form sparingly soluble salts with iron and reduce its absorption by the body.

The same conclusion allows us to make a couple more interesting observations that explain some of the "strangeness".

First, the specificity of the assortment of sacrifices. The fallen sons of the Almighty, and then their descendants - the Nephilim, who gave people agriculture and taught them metallurgy and
crafts, required people to make sacrifices in the form of plant products and their derivatives. And, besides: a very small number of "bloody" sacrifices - animals or people - can be attributed to having a background in the "meat food" of the "gods". In the vast majority of these bloody sacrifices, they require from a person, first of all, the fact of committing a murder, while the meat of the sacrifice is of no great importance for the “god” and is eaten by the person himself. What matters in these cases is the shedding of blood and the release of the spiritual power of darkness tied to this form of bloody idolatry.

Secondly, the vegetarian way of life, rooted in deep antiquity, in its “philosophical essence”, basically has the desire to “become like “gods” (“achieve enlightenment”, “touch the highest knowledge”, etc. - in in the eyes of the ancestors it was one and the same). After the Flood of Noah, the Almighty allowed people to eat the meat of certain animals, so that due to the impoverishment of the flora, in this way they would fill the body's need for proteins, proteins, iron, etc. But, as it is now clear, not everything that is useful to a person is also useful to the Nephilim. Nephilim with an unaltered circulatory system, i.e. based on copper, meat was contraindicated. In the case of the transition to "iron" due to further mixing with people, this was no longer important, and it was the descendants of the Nephilim who had a circulatory system based on hemoglobin, it was they who often became cannibals, which can be seen from various legends and tales. We can illustrate this "vegetarian moment" with another excerpt from the manual for expectant mothers: “...vegetarian women usually give birth to healthy children. But women who do not eat meat should pay attention to their diet in terms of the content of the following substances in it: protein, calcium, vitamin B 12, folic acid, iron, vitamin D.

Copper jewelry and armor

To replenish copper reserves associated with the constant formation, renewal of hemocyanin and blood circulation as such, the Nephilim b It was necessary to replenish copper reserves in the body constantly. This could be done in two main ways: through the intake of appropriate food, which is rich in copper, and also through the contact of copper with the surface of the body, which, in microscopic doses, has the ability to absorb and assimilate it. For example, copper armor was used for this, as well as various decorations made of pure copper. In the light of this, it becomes clear why copper mines were developed in those places where Nephilim burials can now be observed, and there are also legends about their mass residence. The extraction of copper, based on traditions, legends and other information, was one of the very first and priority cases for those Nephilim who spread across the earth both before the Flood of Noah and after.

Remember Goliat (Goliath), who was clad in copper armor from head to toe. Although his spear was iron. And we know that iron is, by definition, stronger than copper. If Goliat needed exactly stronger physical protection, then for sure his armor would be iron. At that time, it was possible to forge weapons and armor, both from iron and from copper and its alloys. And Scripture
tells us about it, giving a hint in this regard.

As for copper armor, there is still a very important and unknown nuance to many. Copper, despite its greater softness compared to iron, has an important advantage: this metal, unlike iron, is an insulator (I apologize, I “spoke it out”: see below). P.S.): diamagnetic. Without going into technical details, I will say that copper armor has such a property that if not the usual weapons of that time were used in the battle: swords, arrows and spears, but for example, some technologically advanced weapon that the Nephilim had in ancient times, and above all before the Flood - some kind of ray energy weapon, then iron would be powerless here, and copper could become a good defense, neutralizing the electric, energy shock, converting it into thermal energy and saving life. Perhaps, with such a blow from an ancient "blaster" or its analogue, a Nephilim in copper armor could get a maximum burn, but would still be alive. And given their ability to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and organs, this would not be a particular problem for them at all.

Metallurgy and alloys

According to the book of Enoch, as well as the traditions of different peoples of the world, the art of metallurgy was transferred to people by the fallen sons of the Most High, whom pagan peoples were called gods. If you carefully analyze the texts of ancient sources, you will notice that this applies specifically to non-ferrous metals, and not to iron. The Egyptians, for example, had known copper for a very long time, and already under the first pharaohs, copper was mined in the mines of the Sinai Peninsula. Iron, on the other hand, appears in everyday life much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC.

In fairy tales, as works that arose directly on the basis of legends and ancient legends, “golden” objects often appear as a characteristic of a certain “magic kingdom” or a certain “magic country”. There are extremely many examples, those who wish can either remember (if they read fairy tales in childhood), or “google” if this joy has passed them. But is it gold?

The manuscripts found during the excavation of one of the tombs in Thebes contained the secrets of "obtaining" gold from copper. It turns out that one had only to add zinc to copper, as it turned into "gold" (an alloy of these elements - brass really resembles gold). True, such “gold” had a drawback: greenish “ulcers” and “rashes” appeared on its surface (unlike gold, brass oxidized).

According to ancient historians, counterfeit "gold" coins were made in Alexandria. 330 BC, Aristotle wrote: "In India, copper is mined, which differs from gold only in its taste." Aristotle, of course, was mistaken, but one should, however, give credit to his powers of observation. The water from the golden vessel really has no taste. Some copper alloys are difficult to distinguish from gold in appearance, such as tompak. However, the liquid in a vessel made of such an alloy has a metallic taste. Obviously, Aristotle speaks about such fakes of copper alloys for gold in his works.

Advantages of the "copper" circulatory system

nephili blood fact
mov based on hemocyanin (or other copper compounds) also provides an opportunity to take a different look at some of the data of legends and mythology.

First, copper has strong antibacterial properties. Many peoples attribute healing properties to copper. The Nepalese, for example, consider copper to be a sacred metal, which helps to concentrate thoughts, improves digestion and treats gastrointestinal diseases (patients are given water to drink from a glass containing several copper coins). In the old days, copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis. Copper is able to kill microbes; for example, workers in copper factories never had cholera. At the same time, researchers at Ohio State University recently found that an overdose of iron in the diet can contribute to a tendency to intestinal infections.

Thus, high copper content and low iron content in nephil imov allowed them to enhance the antibacterial properties that their blood already possessed due to copper in its composition. This could well protect against earthly infections and contribute to their longevity, which was mythologized in the so-called. "immortality of the gods".

Copper, as it turns out, is also effective for the treatment of other diseases. Blacksmiths girded with copper wire never suffered from radiculitis. With sciatica, red copper nickels are strengthened with a plaster on the sacrum or placed on the lower back and put on a belt made of dog hair. For the same purposes, they used a copper cord or antenna wire, which they wrapped around themselves. For the treatment of pain in the joints, salt deposits use an ancient remedy in the form of a copper ring, which is worn on the finger for several months, while the pain decreases, and the mobility in the joints increases. Copper bracelets are especially popular. But they are effective if the copper content in them reaches 99%. The bracelet on the right hand helps to heal or soothe headache, insomnia, physical and mental fatigue, diabetes, impotence. On the left hand, wearing a bracelet is recommended for high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, heart failure, tachycardia. All over the world, bracelets made of pure Peruvian copper are highly valued. It can be seen that despite the fact that the human circulatory system is based on hemoglobin, i.e. on iron, however, the presence of copper, as well as a number of other elements, is simply vital.

Secondly, the blue color of the blood gives the appropriate shade and color to the skin. And how can one not remember the "blue-skinned gods" of India! ..

Thirdly, in nature, copper deposits contain quite a lot of silver. Silver literally accompanies copper almost everywhere. This is so strong that even
a significant part of modern silver mining is carried out along with the extraction of copper - almost a fifth of all silver is now mined from copper deposits. But silver, like copper, has a strong antibacterial effect.

"Silver water" is a suspension of the smallest particles of silver in water. It is formed when water is stored in silver vessels or when water comes into contact with silver items. Silver particles in such water already at a concentration of 10 -6 mg / l have antiseptic properties, because. silver is able to block the enzyme systems of microbes.

In ancient times, it was believed that silver was one of the seven metals that endowed with healing powers. Silver was used to treat epilepsy, neuralgia, cholera, and festering wounds. In the waters of the sacred Indian river Ganges, the content of silver is increased. The high disinfecting properties of silver surpass those of carbolic acid, sublimate and bleach. Specially prepared silver is used for headaches, loss of voice in singers, fear x, dizzy. And this again works for the "immortality of the gods", i.e. Nephilim!

In addition, it is known that with prolonged administration of silver into the body, the skin can acquire a blue tint, which, together with blue blood, inevitably enhances the effect of blue skin.

Various burials of Nephilim giants are known, which indicate that many of them had red hair, which may confirm the presence of an excess of copper in the body. A well-known researcher and specialist on this issue, Marzulli, testified to this recently in his latest material. One of the characters in the X-Men series, Mystique, is a typical Nephilim figure with blue skin, red hair, and yellow eyes. Remember the movie "Avatar" with creatures with blue skin. Also all these Hollywood cartoons about people and children with blue skin and great "superpowers". Remember the blue Smurfs. There are more than enough examples, and the image of these creatures, which should soon appear en masse on earth, is being actively imposed on the mass consciousness. Traditions and legends speak of giants with red hair, often with a bluish skin tone. Copper is actually the root cause of all this. Its direct presence is a "copper, reddish" color, the combination with oxygen is a blue color.

Disadvantages of the "copper" circulatory system

However, hemocyanin-based blood has not only some advantages, but also serious disadvantages. And above all in regard to the transport of blood not oxygen, but carbon dioxide. The process of respiration and the transfer of gases by the blood is closely related to the acid-base balance of the blood. In the language of specialists, thanks to hemoglobin, the process of CO 2 transfer in the blood is very closely associated (connected) with O 2 transfer. Here you need to know that the ability to carry oxygen in hemoglobin is 5 times higher than that of hemocyanin. With a more thorough study of this issue, the choice of the Creator in favor of those respiratory pigments (namely, hemoglobin) that contain precisely iron ions becomes clearer: hemoglobin is more effective.

But what will happen if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases? It is clear that, first of all, this will increase the concentration of H 2 CO 3 , i.e. blood acidity increases (blood pH decreases). But the Nephilim have not hemoglobin in their blood, but hemocyanin (well, or perhaps another copper-based respiratory pigment), which does not change its acidity so much with a change in the concentration of O 2, and therefore is not so much able to neutralize excess acidity with a change in the concentration of CO 2 . Then what will happen to them with an excess of carbon dioxide?

First of all, the acid-base balance of the blood will be disturbed, its pH will drop (i.e., the acidity will increase). How can the acid-base balance be normalized in this case? The first answer that is asked: by adding alkalis or bases. And here it makes sense to remember the wonderful formula - C 2 H 5 OH! For those who happen to be unaware: this is the formula of ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages and has pronounced basic properties.

And then the addiction of the Nephilim to alcoholic beverages, noted by A. Sklyarov in the article "Legacy of the Drunken Gods" and easily found in myths, receives its quite prosaic explanation. It's just that the Nephilim found themselves in conditions in which their body could not cope on its own with an excess of carbon dioxide. They needed something to neutralize the excessive acidity of the blood, arising from the "excess" of carbon dioxide in its composition. And the Nephilim used for these purposes the so-called. esterification - the reaction of the formation of esters from alcohol and organic acids contained in the blood. This reaction shifts the equilibrium towards higher pH, chemically "squeezing out" the harmful carbon dioxide.

“Too thick” blood, that is, blood of increased viscosity, creates serious prerequisites for the formation of clots that can clog an artery, in other words, lead to thrombosis. And alcohol has the ability to thin the blood. It is worth remembering here catfish, which, according to legend, was the liquor of the "gods", and which gave them "immortality". Blood Based hemocyanin It has a higher viscosity, so the ability of low-alcohol drinks to thin the blood was very important for the Nephilim. Indirect confirmation of the increased viscosity of blue blood flashed in one of the publications of Speed-Info, where legends about "people with blue blood" were mentioned. According to these legends, when such "people" were wounded, their blood quickly curtailed and the bleeding quickly stopped. The high viscosity of the blood reduces the rate of its flow and, therefore, should contribute to the cessation of bleeding.

If we now recall how long ago the first low-alcohol drinks (for example, beer) appeared on earth, it turns out that they appeared at the very dawn of agriculture: that is, immediately, as soon as the beginnings of the “civilization and culture” of that time appeared. Tradition tells us that this issue was widely known even before the Flood. We can see an interesting point in Scripture regarding Noah when he got into trouble after the Flood with the vineyard and wine. It can be assumed that the Nephilim with blue blood, taken by people for gods, specifically taught people how to make alcoholic beverages, which were vital for the Nephilim for a more or less normal existence. This is the reason why the Nephilim taught people how to make alcoholic drinks and put these drinks in one of the first places in the sacrifices!

In general, alcoholic beverages, as it may seem strange to many, have a number of useful properties. These drinks contain a large amount of organic acids, thanks to which they have the so-called. buffering properties that do not allow the pH to fall too low, and thereby prevent excess CO 2 from being retained in the blood. But we note right away: these properties are inherent, first of all, only low alcohol drinks, and even then only in certain quantities. Hard liquor behaves differently. And perhaps that is why recipes of only low-alcohol drinks have been known since ancient times, and strong alcoholic drinks have appeared relatively recently (only in the last millennium) - the Nephilim did not need a fortress, but it was the therapeutic and prophylactic effect that was important for them.

So, the excess carbon dioxide in blue blood can explain a lot. The fact that he was constantly, and that this is not habitual, i.e. normal state for the body of the Nephilim, is confirmed by their constant need for alcoholic beverages. Legendary catfish, honey, beer, intoxicated kvass, maize drinks (as many as 9 varieties of maize alcoholic beverages were given by the "gods" to the American Indians, adding them to the list of sacrifices!) - everything went into use. The Nephilim did not even neglect grape wine, which is rich in iron. Apparently, the need was great... But what is useful and beneficial to the Nephilim is far from always useful to people...

From this it follows that the increased (compared to the norm) concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood of the Nephilim was generated by external earthly factors. What could be the result of this? Such an excess of the partial pressure of CO 2 in the blood of the Nephilim could only be the result of the fact that in the atmosphere the partial pressure of carbon dioxide after the Flood of Noah became significantly higher than the partial pressure of CO 2 before it, since the degree of saturation of the body with gases directly depends on their partial pressure in the external environment . Two main points follow from this.

Moment one. The bodies of the sons of the Most High who were the Watchers and their first descendants, the Nephilim, were adapted to the earth's atmospheric pressure that existed before the Flood. Also their
the bodies were adapted to a certain concentration of CO 2 .

Before Noah's Flood, there were significantly more "green mass", i.e. plants that actively consume CO2. And the reason for this may well be an increased concentration of copper, which, as noted, greatly contributes to plant growth, photosynthesis and the formation of chlorophyll. All these factors are capable of providing a stronger CO 2 processing.

An interesting fact that we can find in the mythology of different peoples, which says that the "gods", before transferring any plants to people, previously "improved" them. And you can see: cultivated plants are very noticeably different in size from their "wild counterparts". In the same fairy tales, the “fairy land”, as a rule, is located in lush forests, the trees in which are incredibly large. But the abundance of plant foods is a prerequisite for the prosperity of all living creatures. And in fairy tales we also meet the abundance of game in the "fairy land". Many of these stories, in fact, one to one describe the picture that was on earth before the Flood of Noah. Traditions say that the water surface of the seas, lakes, etc. was originally only 1/7 of the entire surface. And as we know, now the land makes up only about 29% of the studied surface, and even then most of it is covered with ice, permafrost, deserts and mountains.

Second moment. The low partial pressure of CO 2 in the pre-Flood atmosphere was due to the lack of tectonic and volcanic activity, after all, it is volcanoes that are the “main supplier” of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (or were until the time when humanity entered the technogenic stage of its development).

For the Nephilim, being in an atmosphere with increased pressure should be accompanied by just an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in their blue blood. This second option can also be found some indirect evidence.

Firstly. According to the traditions of various peoples of the world, the Nephilim, who were called "gods" are clearly gravitate towards mountains and hills, but the higher - the lower the pressure.

Secondly. Even for people, the following pattern was noticed: the better a person is adapted to low blood pressure, the higher his endurance. "Children of the mountains", having descended to the flat lowlands, often show miracles of endurance. The mythological gods show the same increased endurance.

Thirdly. The reduced pressure in the atmosphere of mountains and hills should also lead to a sharper temperature fluctuation on its surface, since. rarefied air cools faster and heats up faster in the rays of the sun. Therefore, the Nephilim who grew up in such conditions must be better adapted to temperature fluctuations than humans. Indirect confirmation of this conclusion can be found in fairy tales, where the hero, before being admitted to the “fairy land”, must pass a test for the ability to endure extreme conditions (which proved his belonging to the number of the “chosen ones”, involvement in the “gods”). It is noted that higher concentrations of copper increase resistance to cold in living organisms. And this is exactly what can often be observed in relation to various Nephilim, such as "snow people", "snow trolls", "snow queens".

Fourth. To reduce hyperventilation, narcotic and hypnotic drugs that suppress breathing are sometimes used. But alcoholic beverages also have a certain narcotic effect. And besides, the mythological gods were far from averse to sleep; so much so that problems arose if it was necessary to wake them up - numerous references to this can be easily found in the legends and traditions of different peoples of the world.

The totality of all the above considerations explains both the fact of the concentration of centers of ancient agriculture in a very narrow band, and the similarity of conditions in these centers. Of all the regions of the earth, only in these centers is there a set of optimal conditions for the Nephilim. All centers of ancient agriculture are concentrated in the foothills, where the atmospheric pressure is obviously lower than on the low plains (we note that, according to the conclusions of N. Vavilov, in the Nile Delta and Mesopotamia there are only secondary centers of agriculture).

In these centers, the most favorable climatic conditions for the harvest (which, as indicated in "Legacy of the Drunken Gods", completely contradicts the official version about the transition of man to agriculture due to the need to provide food, since these regions are already the most abundant). It is in these foci that the chemical composition of soils is most favorable for plant organisms rich in copper and poor in iron. For example, all zones of podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils of the "Northern Hemisphere" stretching across the whole of Eurasia are characterized by increased acidity, which contributes to a strong leaching of copper ions, as a result of which these soils are very depleted in this element. And in these zones there is not a single (!) center of ancient agriculture. On the other hand, even the chernozem zone, rich in all the elements necessary for plants, was not included in the list of these centers - it is located in a lowland area, i.e. in areas of higher atmospheric pressure.

So, the transition from hunting and gathering to grain farming was not only inappropriate for humans, but also harmful. But it was beneficial and needed by the Nephilim, and especially after the Flood of Noah, when this issue became even more critically important for them. This confirms the conclusion of the article "Legacy of the Drunken Gods" about the artificiality of this transition under external influence.

For the Nephilim, with their high acidity of blue blood, in addition to alcoholic beverages, life could be made easier by diuretics. And, as you know, both beer and kvass have similar properties ... In addition, one of the elements that contribute to the formation of urine is potassium, which is much more in vegetarian food. By the way, traditional medicine believes that the craving for alcohol may be due to a lack of potassium in the body.

Now let's go briefly on other substances and elements.

Vitamin B 12, containing cobalt, - strongly promotes hematopoiesis (of a person). Cobalt promotes the incorporation of the iron ion into the hemoglobin molecule. At the same time, cobalt is not able to accumulate in the body, and therefore it must constantly be supplied with food. Vitamin B 12 is only found in animal products, so doctors recommend that vegetarians take it additionally in the form of a vitamin preparation.

Vitamin C- Promotes the absorption of iron. But vitamin C is destroyed by alcohol, because vitamin C is an acid.

Protein- Promotes the absorption of iron. In products of animal origin, it is much more than in plant foods.

Zinc- impedes the absorption of iron, but increases the excretion of CO 2 from the lungs. In cereals, its content is higher than in fish and meat products.

Molybdenum- promotes the synthesis of uric acid. In cereals, its content is maximum (for example, several times more than in fish). If there is a lot of molybdenum in food, then the synthesis of uric acid also increases, and the human kidneys no longer have time to remove it from the body.

Manganese- increases the absorption of copper. Elevated concentrations of manganese impair the absorption of iron. This element is also more in grain products.

So. In biochemistry, a complete and unambiguous picture is emerging.

Extinction and transformation

As mentioned above, the so-called. "blue blood", as a rule, was always attributed to aristocrats, kings and "gods". It was blue blood that served as a sign of “chosenness” and confirmed the right to reign, and in ancient times, as we can guess, only “gods” and their descendants, the Nephilim, could reign in the future.

Of course, it is difficult to say exactly why, but it can be accepted as a fact that at a certain stage, when blue and red blood were mixed, the child began to be born, as a rule, with red blood. I have a few thoughts on this subject, which I do not impose on anyone, but which can understand the basic principle. It is written in the Psalms that: "Heaven is the Lord's heaven, but He gave the earth to the sons of men." The "Guardian Angels" were "sons of the Most High": "Bnei Elohim" or "sons of Elohim (a)". On the ground they were, one might say, on a business trip. Therefore, as "Heavenly" in their glorified bodies, they had more personal power, and far greater abilities and possibilities. But, from the point of view of "territorial power", the level of "general power" was given by the Almighty to a greater extent to people. Therefore, He arranged in such a way that the human genome got the opportunity, or let's say, had the ability to be dominant, i.e. suppress and adjust the genome of the physical bodies of the descendants of the Guardian Angels. Not in the first generation, but still. As the blue blood of the Nephilim "diluted", the "Heavenly" component and its possibilities were extinguished. Therefore, carriers of blue blood did not welcome mixed marriages, and always tried to have a connection only with each other. But again, for the reasons described above, without an influx, at least periodically, to some extent, of human blood, the line of Nephilim faded and degenerated. These were the consequences of the appropriate “preventive measures” laid down by the Almighty in the specifics of the genome and circulatory system of the physical bodies of the “Guardian Angels”. The second argument is at the heart of what has been discussed above: the human circulatory system based on hemoglobin, or iron, is by definition more efficient, and also because of the "mixing of blood", offspring were born with a more adapted and efficient system. And it also went, to a certain extent, in parallel with the change in the structure of DNA in the bodies of the Nephilim and their descendants.

Therefore, those Nephilim and hybrids that currently exist and live both on the ground and underground can have circulatory systems, both on the basis of "copper" and on the basis of "iron". How much this can be a flaw and their weak point is another question, which in this material we have only touched a little. I do not think that the knowledge of these subtleties is critically important for us now, but nevertheless, the internal understanding is such that in addition to understanding the big picture, what is necessary, it will have some important "applied value" for those who will have to in some future as to face it.

A little about DNA

In fact, less than 2% of the human genome encodes any proteins. What is the other 98% for? It turned out that there are important non-coding regions of DNA. Topic this one is quite complicated, and there is a lot of research on it all the time. But the root cause of everything is described in the third chapter of the book of Genesis. Here we can read how, as a result of disobedience to the Creator, a curse came into the life of the first people, which was the main reason for changing the human genome. Here we can recall the fact that the brain of the average person is involved only to a very small extent. The human genome, the work of his brain, human abilities - these are all interconnected things. These are things, first of all, of the physical plane and are derivatives of the spiritual, since it is written that "From the invisible comes the visible" . After the fall, the manifested glory of the Most High, which covered Adam and Eve, disappeared, and they were forced to make an artificial physical covering for themselves from fig leaves. Ability efficiency has plummeted. The letter to the Hebrews says:

Heb.4:12 12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the separation of soul and spirit, compounds and brains, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

New Bible translation of IBO:

4:12 After all, the word of God lives and acts, it is sharper than any sword sharpened on both sides, and penetrates into the very depths of our being, where the boundary between soul and spirit passes, to joints and bone marrow. It judges the thoughts and impulses of the heart.

… and penetrating [to the point where] soul and spirit [were] separated…

The Almighty, by the sword of His Spirit, in a sense separated the soul from the spirit of man. Not 100% of course, but to the extent that the soul of a fallen person, whose nature has changed, could no longer control the spirit, which had great potential, being created in the image of the Creator Himself. The soul was left with the ability to only control the flesh—i.e. the physical body, and even then not to the full extent. The five known sense organs are only "remnants of the former glory." From that moment on, all unauthorized attempts to use one's spiritual body acquired the status of "illegal". And "access" to certain possibilities of one's spiritual body became possible only in two ways.

The first format is with the permission of the Almighty, with the help of His Spirit, which made certain connections from the spiritual body of a person to his soul, and the person could see or hear something in the spiritual world. In certain cases, a person received the ability to activate hidden abilities, such as Shimshon (Samson), when the Spirit of the Most High descended on him.

The danger of impatience and basic guidelines

The second format is illegal
ny, when a person, with the help of impure spirits, tried to lay these very connections from his soul to his spiritual body in order to gain access to the spiritual world, as well as to certain "superpowers". The so-called "spiritual practices" are essentially the same thing, only a "side view", because. in this process, unclean spirits are still involved, but “a little incognito”, so as not to confuse the seeker of forbidden experiences. For "really want", as they say. This is nothing but occultism in one form or another. All these attempts to “activate chakras”, “activate superpowers”, “activate dormant/folded DNA chains” are nothing but all the same attempts to get to your spiritual body in order to seize upon “superpowers”. Because I really want to. Some Christians are sometimes overly enthusiastic about certain teachings that, in one form or another, usually veiled, offer to penetrate into the realm of the Spirit, “to boldly enter the spiritual world”, “to be released in “superpowers”, which are often called varieties of the gifts of the Spirit. Sometimes this happens right on the verge of a foul, and sometimes it can push believers to cross the “red line”. I want to immediately note here that I am by no means a “religious beech”, but I absolutely believe that the miracles that Yeshua did are we are doing and will continue to do, and that we have been given the opportunity to “do more”. I unconditionally believe that soon the Father will pour out His fiery manifested glory, His shechinah on His people for the very last harvest, and that the miracles of the time of the first disciples of Yeshua, after the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Shavuot, will seem like child's play compared to the miracles to come and all kinds of supernatural manifestations and actions of the "powers of the future age." But everything has its time, and for some things it has not yet come. Although already very, very close. The point is not to run like a king
Shaul in the direction of the sorceress from Endor, and try to gain access to spiritual superpowers in forbidden ways. Yeshua's 120 disciples weren't trying to "activate something" or play any super-spirituality games. The fire of the Spirit descended at the appointed time, in a certain place, and along with it came all the supernatural abilities and guidance of the Spirit that were necessary for that time. Approximately so it will be in the near future, when the fiery manifested glory will first descend on 144,000 children of the Almighty from the 12 tribes of Israel in order to spread further through them. Undoubtedly, you need to prepare for this. But only in my personal deep conviction, not through the development of some more than dubious "spiritual practices and technologies." The preparation, above all, consists in the preparation of the heart: it must be pure, purified by the fire of the Spirit: His jealousy and love. The heart should be wide so that the Lord is not cramped in it: this is a question related to selfishness, or rather, its absence. And of course, it is necessary to tune in to the right spiritual wave, understanding the time in which we live, getting rid of all kinds of manifestations of spiritual pacifism. Moshe, Aaron and Miriam, for all their importance, did not enter the Promised Land and did not take part in the battle for it. But this time corresponded to Yehoshua son of Nun
and Kalev, who were warriors, were not afraid of the Nephilim giants, and were ready to “tear the enemy like Tuzik a heating pad” (sorry for such a free comparison, maybe for someone). Also, which is extremely important, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct foundations laid down in the Word of the Almighty, which help “not to fly away” ahead of time, and even more so to the wrong place, and also “not to deviate to the side,” which the Almighty reminded Yehoshua several times to the son of Nun just before the entrance to Eretz Knaan. Because spiritual speeds after the outpouring of the manifested glory can be “outrageous” and before the “start” it is critically important to spiritually balance oneself. Any distortions, even at low spiritual speeds, are fraught, as they say, and even at huge ones, there’s nothing to say ... Therefore, the balance between “judgment and mercy”: “din and hesed”, between understanding the personal vocation and the vocation of the people where the Father is placed a person and much more. The study of these principles, laid down in the Torah, the Tanakh as a whole, as well as revealed and refined in the New Testament, understanding with the help of His Spirit the prophetic images that the Lord has given us, should help us in this.

I assume that with the outpouring of the fiery manifested glory, significant changes will occur both in the spirit and in the physical body, which will very likely lead to a change in the human genome, or rather to its restoration, as well as to the release of many "superpowers" that the Father has determined for His people to confront these so-called. "last days". It is possible that something will happen to the blood, and instead of it, if the light of the glory of the Most High does not yet appear, but in any case, there will still be some manifestation of the light of glory that can be somehow seen and felt even at the physical level.

As I mentioned above, I still do not have a very clear understanding of what it is practically important for us to understand the characteristics of the circulatory system of the Nephilim with their blue-blue blood based on copper. But there is, nevertheless, a kind of inner deep and firm conviction that this part of the picture is very important for us for some practical action. That is why I decided right now to touch and shed some light on this topic. It is not completed, but this material is rather a prologue in this direction.

I want to add here such a thought regarding the physical bodies of the sinning sons of the Most High, that since they had glorified physical bodies, similar to the one that Messiah Yeshua had after His resurrection, then perhaps they did not have blood at all in the understanding that we have. Perhaps those first Nephilim with a system based on hemocyanin were just the same result of the combination of the genome of the "glorified" body and the human genome with the body "weakened by sin." Perhaps these sinned sons of the Almighty somehow specifically and especially influenced the genome, creating just such a format for the bodies of those who were born to them. This is an additional big topic, but this does not affect the main essence of understanding the cause of "blue bloods".

All blessings and revelations from our Heavenly Father to understand all that He wants to reveal to us.

P.S. I apologize for the typo: thanks to one of the readers, I only noticed it myself yesterday. I myself do not understand how I wrote that copper is a dielectric. Of course, this is nonsense: copper is an excellent conductor of electricity. I meant that copper is a diamagnet: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamagnets

On the Internet, you can often find a myth that blood and veins are not red, but blue. And do not believe in the theory that the blood actually runs through the vessels is blue, and when cut and in contact with air it becomes instantly red - this is not so. Blood is always red, just different shades. The veins only appear blue to us. This is due to the laws of physics about the reflection of light and our perception - our brain compares the color of a blood vessel against a bright and warm skin tone, and as a result shows us blue.

So why is the blood still red and can it be a different color?

What makes our blood red is red blood cells or otherwise red blood cells - oxygen carriers. They have a shade of red depending on hemoglobin - an iron-containing protein in them that can bind with oxygen and carbon dioxide to carry them to the right place. The more oxygen molecules attached to hemoglobin, the brighter the red color of the blood. Therefore, arterial blood, which has just been enriched with oxygen, is so bright red. After the release of oxygen to the cells of the body, the color of the blood changes to dark red (burgundy) - such blood is called venous.

Of course, there are other cells in the blood besides red blood cells. These are also leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets. But they are not in such a significant amount compared to red blood cells to affect the color of the blood and make it a different shade.

But still there are cases when the blood loses its color. It is associated with diseases such as anemia. Anemia is an insufficient amount of hemoglobin and a concomitant decrease in red blood cells. At the same time, it can be said that the blood has a paler red color, although this is only visible to a specialist under a microscope. This is because when hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, red blood cells look smaller and paler.

When the blood, due to health problems, does not carry enough oxygen and there is not enough of it, this is called cyanosis (cyanosis). The skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic. At the same time, the blood remains red, but even the arterial blood has a color similar to the color of venous blood in a healthy person - with a blue tint. The skin under which the vessels pass outwardly becomes blue.

Where did the expression blue blood come from and does it really exist?

We have all heard that the expression "blue blood" refers to aristocrats and it appeared because of the pallor of their skin. Until the twentieth century, tanning was not in vogue, and the aristocrats themselves, especially women, hid from the sun, which saved their skin from premature aging and looked according to their status, that is, they differed from the serfs who “plowed” all day in the sun. It is now we realize that pale skin with a blue tint is actually a sign of lesser health.

But scientists also claim that there are about 7,000 people in the world whose blood has a blue tint. They are called kyanetics (from lat. cyanea - blue). The reason for this is not such hemoglobin. In them, this protein contains more copper than iron, which, during oxidation, acquires a blue tint instead of the usual red for us. These people are considered to be more resistant to many diseases and even injuries, as they say that their blood clots several times faster and is not exposed to many infections. In addition, there are various theories about the origin of Kyanetics, including that they are descendants of aliens. There is not much information about them on the net, but there are articles from foreign publications where the birth of such children is explained by the abuse of contraceptive drugs long before conception. As they say, “Don’t smoke, girl, the children will be green!”, And it can turn out blue from contraceptives (meaning the color of blood).

But there are living creatures on Earth whose blood contains other types of protein, and therefore their color varies. In scorpions, spiders, octopuses, crayfish, it is blue, due to the protein hemocyanin, which includes copper. And in marine worms, the blood protein contains ferrous iron, so it is generally green!

Our world is very diverse. And, probably, that is still not explored and there may be other creatures on Earth whose blood is not of the standard color. Write in the comments what you think and know about this!

And most importantly, by whom and for what purpose were they created? The official science of the Jew Darwin teaches us that supposedly the first people appeared and left Africa, and at the entrance to changes in the habitat, different types of races appeared - black, yellow, etc. million years. However, exploration expeditions in the Arctic Ocean disproved this lie when they discovered there a huge number of remains of tropical plants and animals. Thus, scientists proved that even 13 thousand years ago, before the global catastrophe and the change of the Earth's poles, the tropical climate, for millions of years, was not in Africa, but in the North. But the white peoples did not become black because of this. It turns out that blacks are not black because of their habitat. Moreover, according to population genetics (D'Adamo P., Whitney K. "4 blood types, 4 ways to Health"), even 130 thousand years ago, all of humanity was represented only by white people, there were neither black nor yellow, neither etc.
How other nationalities originated was discovered thanks to electron microscopes, which allowed scientists to detect reptile genes in the DNA of Jews, Arabs, Negroes, Asians, and Turkic-speaking tribes.
This genetic link to reptiles has been foundNobel Prize winner, DNA discoverer Francis Crickand chemist Leslie Orgel. The discovery of scientists once and for all refuted the religious-Darwinian myth about the origin of man from one ancestor. See the film The Sixth Race. Russian Academy of Sciences, issue - No. 27 (18/06/2012). No one can refute this fact and everyone can see it personally.
Even earlier this was confirmed by Soviet scientists. Dr. E.O. Manoilov, testing the blood of different nationalities, found that the blood of white peoples remains red, while in Jews, Arabs, Negroes, modern Indians, Caucasians and Asians, the “blood” becomes blue-green. The name of the reagents and a detailed description of the test are published in the work of E.O. Manoilov "Method of distinguishing races by blood". The fact is that hemoglobin is present in human blood, which makes the blood red. And in the blood of some species of cephalopods, mollusks, cuttlefish, insects, the pigment hemocyanin works. It is hemocyanin that makes the blood of these creatures blue or green.

The structure of the hemocyanin molecule looks like a magendavid or 6-pointed star, a symbol of Jewishness.

And the structure of the ferritin molecule (which is found in the blood serum and performs the function of transporting iron) looks like Aryan swastika crosses!

Here is the clue to the symbols. Foreigners, although they acquired hemoglobin due to genetic crosses, remained reptiles at the molecular and atomic levels.

And today they are trying to instill another lie in us that we allegedly have common Aryan ancestors with the Indians or Tajiks because they have the same haplogroup R1a as we do. For example, the presence of R1a among the Poles is 56.4%, and among the Kyrgyz - as much as 63.5%. And they want to convince us that the Kirghiz are more Slavs, more Aryans than the Poles? Lie. The fact is that the sections of the Y-chromosome, which serve as markers for the selection of haplogroups, do not encode anything by themselves and have no biological meaning. Y - chromosome does not determine the gene pool. It is not a carrier of some "ethnically defined" information in the genome. Of the more than 20,000 genes in the human genome, the Y chromosome contains only about 100 pieces that encode only the structure and functioning of the male genital organs. There is no other information there. This next myth about haplagroups, like the myth about the Tatar-Mogul yoke of Asians, was invented by foreigners in order to somehow identify themselves with the white Race and hide their non-human origin. Facial features, skin color, features of the psyche and thinking are not spelled out in any chromosomes at all !!! This information, as shown by the latest discoveries of scientists, comes from outside. See experiment in the Faraday cage.

CONCLUSION OF SCIENTISTS. “It is clear that different ‘races’ came from different beings and we are not alone in the universe. There is a lot of scientific evidence, see (E. Jurquet "Secret Cosmos") about the genetic connection of aliens with aliens of extraterrestrial civilizations of reptilians, whom the ancients mistook for gods.

Possessing deep knowledge, the aliens were able at the molecular level, through genetic crosses, to make individuals practically indistinguishable from humans. But it is precisely these genetic crossings of different types of reptilians with primates that explain the appearance of such a number of black, yellow, Caucasian, and other types of humanoid creatures. The ancients saw their alien creators and depicted them on Egyptian frescoes, the Anunnaki from Mesopotamia 6000 years old or the idol from Pristina 7000 years old, etc.

1. Heads in the form of an inverted pear, tapering to the chin, like an idol from Pristina.
2. The eyes are bulging like those of toads. Bags under and above the eyes.

3. Eyelids like lizards - when even with open eyes in men, eyelids covering the floor of the eyes are visible. Curved, broken eyebrows. Square chin.

The elongation or triangularity of the head is preserved, earlier baldness from the top of the head, a sloping nape, and not symmetry are observed, while in people, on the contrary, symmetry, ovality and smooth rounding of the head give a square.

The media, and medical-pharmaceutical corporations, interested in profits from tourism, tanning beds and creams, have created a cult of the beauty of black skin, associating it with chocolate. This color of the skin is obtained due to melanin, which, as is commonly believed, protects the skin and is very useful. But melanin is not chocolate, but a black chemical that is formed by the polymerization of tyrosine oxidation products. So the black cloud produced by octopuses is melanin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. university
Virginia, Rector, Professor of Chemistry, John Simon). White people, in a cell, have one granule of this black chemical, while brown people have thousands of them, they are made up of this black substance. And the more of this black substance in a person, the darker his skin, the blacker his hair and eyes. Researchers from the University of Cincinnati (USA) found that more than 90% of people who die from melanoma (skin cancer) are people with black and swarthy skin. And even if melanin is useful (snake venom is also useful), but such a high degree of content of this black substance in the body is only a sign of their reptilian, and not human nature.

There is confirmation of the reptilian nature of the Jews in Church sources and in the Bible.. The ancient Hebrew text "Haggadah", read in the first days of Passover, describes what happened to Hell and Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit: they became naked and were ashamed." By "keratinized skin" is meant the scales that cover the body of reptiles. Icons of St. Christopher the Pseglavets (Reptilian) have been preserved in the Church.

The BIBLE clearly says thatJews and Arabs came from perversion and incest. Gen. ch.2. So their AD and Eve, from which the Jews originated, were not born by God, but they were "created" by the Elohim from dust, i.e. created artificially. Elohim made their Eve from a rib, in modern terms - cloned. Hell and Eve were alone, so how did their children procreate? Through incest like snakes. (See how when translating the Bible into Russian, instead of Elohim, they began to write the Russian word God http://kolovrat2017.livejournal.com/1103.html)
Therefore, their Jewish fathers, the "righteous ones", weremarried to their sisters Gen.20:12 copulated with their own daughters Genesis ch.19. lay their wives under other people's men Gen.12:11-16
See http://malech.narod.ru/fakt13.html

Ancient frescoes depict aliens in the form of humanoid lizards, which carry out genetic crosses and bring out the first AD and Eve. The first woman appears from the matrix, next to her husband and an alien in a spacesuit.

In unsuccessful crosses, hybrids appeared: cynocephalus, nagas, mermaids, centaurs, bigfoot, etc.

Apostle John the Theologian in Revelation ch. 21 describes the kingdom of heaven with mathematical precision: “I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem. He descended from heaven from "god". And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying: Behold, the tabernacle of "God" is with men, and He will dwell with them. The city was square, its length was equal to its width. An angel measured the city with a cane. The length of the city was 12,000 stadia (250 km). Its width and height were equal to its length” i.e. this is Cube.

How can the Kingdom of Heaven have the size and shape of a cube? UFO.

UFOs were depicted on ancient icons. The fresco "The Crucifixion of Christ" of 1350 from the Kosovo Vysoki Dachani Monastery clearly depicts UFOs.

The Trinity Holds the Earth. Does this ball with antennas and a cork at the bottom look like the Earth?

But since it is no longer possible for modern people to lie that these are angels, Christianity deliberately distorts ancient icons.

Compare halos, wings on the icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Athos, 8th century, with an ancient figurine from Ecuador and a number of an astronaut. We were told that these are angels, and their luminous helmets are halos.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thyself a serpent, and set it up on a standard; if one is bitten, he looks at it, and he shall live.” Numbers 21:8. The Crucifixion of Christ itself is a type of the crucified serpent in the wilderness. Gospel. John. 3.14.

Therefore, the Patriarchal rods with snakes.

In the Bible there is a description of the appearance of God to the prophet Ezekiel Chapter 1. on some object with complex "wheels in a wheel" mechanisms. The phenomenon was accompanied by noise, smoke, fire. For the ancients, this was a miracle, but today this is how spaceships take off. See 20 minutes. Why does the omnipresent god need complex mechanisms to move?

STRANGE CONCEPTIONS.The Bible describes the birth of Noah. Enoch, directly says to Noah's father, it is the "heavenly guards" who impregnated your wife. Those. it was the aliens who continued cloning humanoid beings. The Jews preserved the external paraphernalia of reptiles.

It is known that white people lived by gathering, eating hundreds of types of perennial fruits, fruits, berries, nuts and herbs that are tasty on their own raw without salt. And the stories of the official story about supposedly bloody sacrifices among the Slavic-Aryans are myths invented by Jewish "historians, like the entire official story. See the facts hiding this disgusting lie in this article http://kolovrat2017.livejournal.com/1103.html One of the most useful foods for humans are apples, where there is a lot of iron. With the advent of agriculture, humanity switched to cereals and post-post crops. For this, forests began to be cut down. But growing wheat, preserving the harvest, grinding flour (a real torment, flour), getting salt and baking bread is much harder than growing an apple tree or a walnut. By itself, flour is neither tasty nor edible. Therefore, for the first time, heat treatment of food and the use of salt in human nutrition appeared with the advent of bread baking. You can learn about the harmful effects of thermally processed food if you smell your sweat and breath in the morning, healthy people smell like spring, and boiled eaters smell like rot. A person's teeth began to deteriorate, the age of a person's life began to decrease from 1000 years to 80-100 years. Where did these "cultivated" cereals come from, which under natural conditions, without human selection, cannot reproduce? Science says that the transition of mankind from gathering to farming took place about 9-6 thousand years ago in the subtropical regions. This just happens at the time of the appearance of ADA and Eve, when their "god" taught them how to farm. Why did this "god" transfer mankind from perennial plants to annual cereals?


The main function of blood is transport, i.e., the transfer of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide from them. For this, hemoglobin is used, which includes iron capable of binding oxygen molecules and delivering them to body tissues. And in the blood of cephalopods, mollusks, cuttlefish, insects and descendants of ADA and Eve, the pigment hemocyanin works, based on copper, which is much less on earth than iron.
CORN. And so, being on planet Earth with a lack of copper and an excess of iron, the descendants of ADA and Eve had to continuously replenish the body with copper, which goes to hematopoiesis. Especially a lot of iron is found in legumes, vegetables, herbs, berries. And least of all in cereals. But then - in cereals, bread products there is a lot of copper. Cereals contain substances that form sparingly soluble salts with iron that settle in the body. Therefore, in Europe, bread began to be enriched with iron. In addition, iron is chemically more active than copper, getting into the blood of humanoid reptilians - the descendants of ADA and Eve, it displaces copper. The solution to the problem was to invent and consume foods high in copper and low in iron. So the "god" who created them brought out crops for them.
MEAT AND GRAPES. But blood based on copper ions in terrestrial conditions transports carbon dioxide worse. Acidity increases, the acid-base balance changes. A good remedy for neutralizing the acidity of the blood is C2H5OH, which is obtained from grapes. Therefore, Elohim brought winemaking and demanded sacrificial libations in the form of wine in order to “squeeze out” harmful carbon dioxide from the blood. Copper is also absorbed through the skin. Therefore, among the Eastern nations, such a love for copper and gold ornaments, instead of flower wreaths, and golden temples, instead of Sacred Oak forests. So it turns out - that the blue blood of the descendants of ADA and Eve explains the sudden, laborious and unprofitable "grain choice" of people, the appearance of alcohol and meat-eating.

For the adaptation of blue-blooded aliens to the atmosphere with a high oxygen content on Earth, the induction of ferritin and hemoglobin was needed. This is possible through I. the breeding of Ibrey hybrids by genetic crosses of reptile DNA with the DNA of terrestrial primates or humans (their hair is enough). So that Jews and other aliens are an alien clone. Biochemically, this is a proven fact. II. Subsequently, the induction of hemoglobin was carried out due to cannibalism - meat-eating, since the enzyme Myoglobin, which gives the red color to meat, has the same "hemo" group with iron as Hemoglobin, that is, red meat is the most accessible source of iron and the "hemo" group for blue-blooded animals, especially raw meat. It was the Jews and other reptilian nations that brought meat-eating-cannibalism to white people, killing billions of animals every day and devouring their dead bodies, their suffering. This civilization is cannibalistic and alcoholic!

Therefore, the "god" who created the Jews, the Arabs and other reptilian nations introduced various forms of sacrificial bloody religions - Judaism, Islam, in Christianity, Communion-Eucharist to meat and blood through bread and wine. The cult of these "gods" - riptilians, capable of living on water and on land, is also found in Egypt, Greece, and India.

The ancient frescoes depicted "gods" - reptiles demanded animal and human sacrifices. With the blood of a person, his genetics was assimilated. Christ could also move on water as on dry land.
And the emblem of the fish is the most ancient sign of Christ along with the cross. The word ICHTHYS (fish) is short for Jesous Christos Theou Hyios Soter or Jesus Christ God Son Savior.

It is red blood that occupies the central place in the sacrifices in the Bible - as the air needed by blue-blooded hybrids, why for them red blood is "sacred" - in English "SACRED" - But "sacre" in Greek is "meat", and "red" is red. That's why the reptilian hybrids ate meat, drank blood - to induce hemoglobin - a rudiment of the past. Because the Jews, etc., are reptilian hybrids at the atomic level! The "gods" - reptilians, needed slaves who would do the hard work of obtaining copper from grain and occupied the earth, using it as a raw material base. To do this, they began to bring out slaves or selected "peoples" (Jews, Arabs, etc.), promising Jews dominance over other peoples, through religions allowing mixed marriages, pseudo-arts, planting which, the extermination of the Aryan sun-worshippers with their sacred oak forests and culture will begin. Isaiah ch.60,61. Jer.30.

Now it is clear why the Jewish "god" - the father, "accepted the gift of Abel from the herd of animals (blood sacrifices); and from Cain he did not accept the fruits of plants (vegetarianism). Gen. 4:3-5. And visiting Abraham, the Jewish "god" eats the meat of lambs Gen. ch.18., 4:3. It turns out that he is not only cruel, but also a predatory creature.

Many have heard the phrase "blue blood". In the lexicon of Europeans, it appeared relatively recently, only a few centuries ago. It is believed that it appeared in Castile. There, noble, refined aristocrats were proud of their pale skin with bluish veins showing through, which was proof that their blood was not defiled by impurities of impure Moorish blood. There are other versions of the origin, according to which the phrase "blue blood" appeared in the Medieval period. The Church and the Inquisition showed particular interest in sky-colored blood. Moreover, in the chronicles of one of the Spanish monasteries, an incident was recorded that happened to the executioner. For a long time he regularly performed his duties, but was sent to the monastery of the city of Vitoria to atone for a serious sin - as it turned out, he executed a man who was a carrier of blue blood. For such an offense, the Inquisition staged a trial over the executioner, which delivered a verdict: the person executed by the executioner was completely innocent, because people with heavenly blood cannot be sinners.

As you know, there is no smoke without fire. And from scratch, the phrase "blue blood" could not appear. Some enthusiasts who have been studying this issue for a long period of time claim that blue-blooded people actually exist. Moreover, they have always been.

In total, there are about 7-8 thousand such special people all over the globe. They are called kyanetics. These are people whose blood is dominated by copper instead of iron. The term "blue" is used to refer to the color of their blood, although in fact their blood has a purple hue. People with such blood are considered more tenacious and viable compared to other people. They are less susceptible to various blood diseases, and in addition, their blood has a greater coagulability and even the most severe wounds are accompanied by minor bleeding.

Researchers are confident that kyanetics appear on the planet for a reason: nature, by creating unusual people, thus insures itself in case of a global catastrophe that can destroy most of humanity. In this case, people with blue blood will be able to give rise to a new, more resilient civilization.

If we talk about the theory of the origin of people with blue blood, it should be noted that it is quite fantastic, but at the same time it is not without a certain logic. Copper simply cannot get into the human body. In the past, the most common jewelry - earrings, necklaces, bracelets - served as a source of copper. As a rule, all these decorations were worn on the most delicate areas of the skin, through which important arteries and blood veins pass. When copper jewelry was worn for a long time, copper particles could penetrate the body and mix with iron fractions. Thus, the blood gradually changed its composition, acquiring the appropriate shade.

In the modern world, various contraceptives containing copper, in particular, diaphragms and spirals, which are installed for a long time, can serve as a source of copper.

There are other theories about the origin of people with blue blood. We are talking, in particular, about the hypothesis that kyanetics are descendants of aliens from other planets.

Our universe is very diverse. Within the solar system, the planets differ in the elements that predominate in their structure. Thus, it is quite possible to assume that there is very little iron on some planet, and, on the contrary, a lot of copper. It is quite obvious that the evolution of the animal world there will take a different path, and the creatures that inhabit this planet will have blue blood.

According to the theory, these blue-blooded aliens arrived on Earth during the Stone Age. Many myths and legends have been preserved that speak of gods flying in golden chariots. But it is quite logical to assume that the metal of the gods was not gold at all, since it is not only a very heavy, but also a very soft metal, and it simply will not work to make a chariot or weapon out of it.

Another circumstance: in different parts of the Earth, people began to use alloys of copper with zinc and tin. But it is known that the ideal ratio of an alloy of copper and tin was revealed quite by accident. And if we assume that this technology was brought by the gods who arrived from another planet? Then it would be more correct to call the golden chariot a copper one.

It is noteworthy that the manufacture of copper tools began around the 5th millennium BC, during the time of the first pharaohs, who were considered descendants of the gods who arrived from heaven. And the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow spread very quickly throughout the planet ...

In addition to the ability to mine and process metal, the gods who arrived on Earth left the local population one more "gift" - blue blood. Only those who communicated with the gods more often than others had this feature, and later it was they who became rulers.

The authors of the hypothesis explain the arrival of aliens and their long stay on Earth by the need to extract some elements necessary for their life, but absent on their home planet. The aliens were supposed to become part of the earth's biosphere, and in order to survive, they needed to constantly replenish copper reserves in the body. But iron is more active chemically, therefore, if it enters the blood of the gods, it would certainly displace copper from blood compounds. To maintain the blue color of the skin, it is necessary to consume a large amount of foods high in copper, in other words, cereals.

In ancient times, the desire to abandon gathering and hunting was not a vital necessity for a person. At that time, there were not so many people on the planet, and there was plenty of game in the forests. But a person suddenly starts growing cereal crops.

People sought to become like gods, achieve enlightenment and touch the highest knowledge, switching to a vegetarian lifestyle, also brought by the blue-blooded gods to Earth.

However, the researchers say, the gods brought to our planet not only skills in metallurgy and vegetarianism. The distant descendants of the gods, who retained blue blood, were distinguished by an increased content of carbon dioxide in the blood, the level of which was not constant. To compensate for it, such people constantly needed alcoholic beverages. The gods gave the American Indians intoxicated kvass, maize spirits, beer, honey and included them in the list of sacrifices ...

Thus, the aliens not only brought an unusual color of blood to our planet, but also determined the sudden transition to agriculture and marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.

But these are just theories. It may be speculated that blue blood does not actually exist. In fact, there really are creatures with this color of blood on our planet. These are numerous spiders, octopuses, scorpions, octopuses, snails and mollusks. Unlike humans, blue blood and the abodes of the seas and oceans is the norm rather than the exception.

Science has not yet fully figured out why nature endowed the human body with the ability to change blood cells. However, most scientists still agree that nature thus diversified the human race, thereby increasing the survival of man.

Hello, we are the spirits of nature.

Today we want to discuss an amazing hypothesis about the existence of people with blue blood, which has long been haunting the minds of people. It is supported by the fact that some organisms on Earth have blue blood cells, unlike humans and other mammals. In addition, in many legends of ancient peoples there are references to the fact that some people had blue blood and this was a sign of their unusual abilities. It was often mentioned that such people are the chosen ones, the successors of a unique family, and the very expression "a person of blue blood" means belonging to a noble family. Today we will tell you whether people can really have blue blood and what it means. We need to start with how, in principle, blood of this color appeared on Earth.

Indeed, blue blood for the first time in the evolution of terrestrial creatures appeared in mollusks, organisms living in the aquatic environment. Copper ions, on the basis of which the chemical complexes of the blood of these animals are built, bind oxygen much more strongly than iron ions, on the basis of which the breath of more “progressive” animals is built. At first glance, this difference could be explained by the fact that molluscs are physiologically less active than mammals and do not need as much oxygen. Mollusks also have the ability to live in water, without access to oxygen from the air, and copper is more suitable for them. At the same time, from the point of view of biology, the change of copper to iron during evolution is natural, since organisms, becoming more complex, expend more energy to maintain life. But if we look at some mollusks, we cannot say that they are less active than mammals. For example, we can take cephalopods, the same octopuses, whose ability to adapt to new conditions and ingenuity surprises modern scientists. And it is even believed that if octopuses had developed limbs like humans, they would have built their civilization long ago.

In fact, the difference in blue and red blood from the point of view of the physiological abilities of organisms is insignificant, and both blood can provide access to a large amount of oxygen to the cells. The bottom line is that if the body contains red blood, then all its processes are already set up and it is quite difficult for it to change to a different type of blood. Moreover, all the descendants of this organism will also inherit this trait; their blood will be the same color. We can say that red and blue blood are two branches of evolution that practically do not mix with each other. And it doesn’t matter what biological species a creature belongs to and how physiologically developed it is, but if it has blue blood, then it cannot mix with owners of other blood.

This is similar to how a person has certain blood types and Rh factors that determine some of the characteristics of children born from parents belonging to certain groups. Any blood types can mix with each other, however, there are preferences which groups are best combined with others. Organisms with red and blue blood practically cannot give a common offspring, although there have been such attempts in the history of the earth. As a rule, this led to serious genetic abnormalities incompatible with life, and later such attempts were discontinued or were very rare. All this was the reason that the noble families, considered "blue blood", were very scrupulous about the choice of life partners. Their representatives have a special sensitivity to recognizing "their own" and among many people they can find those with whom it is possible to create healthy offspring.

It can be said that the opinion that the kings and kings of the past were too arrogant, considering themselves to be the chosen race, is erroneous. Of course, these ancient families wanted special treatment for themselves, but the desire to keep their blood and unwillingness to unite with others is more a necessity than a whim. Such clans, even ruling different countries, often supported each other genetically. At the same time, related incest, of course, led to other genetic abnormalities and diseases, but this happened because the blood turned out to be too “clean”. It can be said that the genes of kings became dominant in a person, and manifesting themselves along with strong qualities, they also showed shortcomings associated with the mistakes of their ancestors made in the distant past. Most often, these were locks and spells imposed on this clan in ancient times, by other competing clans. Indeed, on Earth, in human times, there has always been competition, and every strong family had an opponent, especially when it came to power. Representatives of these ancient families often possessed magical abilities and it was not difficult to cast a spell on their opponents. The spell worked at the genetic level, blocking the most powerful genes, which in fact are the sources of the most significant opportunities.

Any genetic trait can manifest itself with different strengths and it has the ability to become dominant when both parents inherit this quality. In this case, the blockage imposed on this gene may not manifest itself if the gene is not inherited in its pure form. But if the child inherits the dominant genes from both parents, then a certain quality manifests itself purely, without any impurities. And on the one hand, such a person has the opportunity to show the strength of his ancestors, on the other hand, he will have to fight those energy distortions that are the consequences of spells cast on his family. In general, such a two-fold situation was often encountered by representatives of strong clans under control, including those who can be called owners of blue blood. These people were often very strong in spirit, had a developed consciousness and magical abilities, but they had to put up with physical ailments in their bodies, which often took over at the most crucial moments of their lives. This is how the spell worked, which became an obstacle to the most important events that could affect the history of entire nations. Nevertheless, the spiritual qualities of these people often helped them cope with their ailments and bring what they started to the end. It can be said that their soul was stronger than any innate obstacles manifested in their body, and those tasks that they intended to solve even before their birth were carried out.

And yet, how did blue blood appear among people if it was a separate branch of evolution that developed on Earth?

Blue blood was conceived by the Gods of Earth as a means of protecting certain genes that they wanted to pass on to humans. These are special genes that were intended to manifest themselves on Earth, and therefore they were originally manifested not in people, but in simpler living organisms. We ourselves, the spirits of nature, carefully protected and supported those life forms that had blue blood. From this point of view, we can say that blue blood is truly earthly blood, which has a divine origin, because the Gods of the Earth were interested in it. Of course, they also considered the possibility of the presence of red blood, moreover, they knew in advance that it would be the main one. And blue blood in this case was needed as a way to preserve certain genetic traits of people in a pure form. The gods took care that these signs remained dominant, and that the families that inherited them retained their capabilities for as long as possible. Hence, the possibilities of such chosen people did not appear due to the special color of the blood, but due to the need to keep their genes clean. And on the one hand, this was a limitation for them, because they could not choose any person as a life partner, and often they had to marry not for love. The tasks of the clan often turned out to be more important than their spiritual preferences, and for many of them this became a personal tragedy. Nevertheless, the genes of such people determined their emotional preferences and interests, and of course they themselves sought to pass on their abilities further, to their descendants.

Thus, blue blood was created precisely on Earth, and was not transferred to any of the extraterrestrial civilizations. This is exactly the genetic branch of people that appeared due to biological evolution on Earth. People who had blue blood always kept themselves apart and for a long time kept their family intact. These people differed not only in the color of their blood, but also in the color of their skin, which also had a blue tint. Such people, although they lived with the rest, were always considered special and stood out from the crowd, and everyone knew about their unusual abilities.

What opportunities, transmitted by the Gods of the Earth, did people with blue blood have?

First of all, these are magical abilities, as well as the ability to foresee the future. These people had foresight, which sometimes grew into cunning, helping them survive in the conditions of the competition that existed at the beginning of human time. Many others, seeing their exclusivity, shunned them, some were afraid, and some tried to exterminate them just because they were not like everyone else. This led to the fact that people with blue blood often had to show their strength to others by asserting their rights. One way or another, they often managed to get the better of other clans, and primarily because the representatives of the blue blood stuck together, feeling the need for mutual support. Nature, endowing them with obvious differences, put them in conditions when they had to be careful and constantly think about self-defense. Blue-blooded people often devoted a lot of time to self-improvement - the physical manifestation of their genes, and this was literally necessary for survival. Therefore, the strength of mind, which representatives of these genera often possessed, is associated with the social conditions in which they lived. One way or another, their patience and diligence led to the fact that their clans became dominant in many nations, and then turned into managers for entire states.

Thus, the biological characteristics of people with blue blood led to the fact that they needed to preserve and protect their genes, surviving in society. The strength of mind and strength of intention that they developed and which helped them to come to power is an acquired quality rather than hereditary. In addition, such people had higher goals than survival. After all, the desire to pass on the color of one's blood to descendants is quite primitive, it does not have the strength that could support the leaders of ancient states. There were values ​​that these people inherited genetically and which they adhered to in their actions. Such people had a sense of nobility and honor, and this helped them make the right decisions in difficult political situations. They had an innate sense of responsibility for themselves and those around them, for their abilities and for what they did. All this helped them to be in power and act reasonably enough. However, the most valuable ability that these people possessed was their inner intuitive knowledge, inherited by them from the Gods of the Earth themselves. It was knowledge that contained an understanding of the purpose of all mankind, the role that your civilization is to play not only on Earth, but throughout the Universe. This knowledge was not explicit and it was never written down on paper, because it was always stored at the level of genes and manifested through the actions of these people. They were manifested in the very actions of the governing states, at a time when there was a monarchy in many countries.

Probably many may doubt - were all the actions of emperors, kings, kings, sultans and other monarchs of the past wise and led humanity to a brighter future? The fact is that those monarchs who are known from modern history were already descendants of those rulers whose blood was bright blue. Of course, over time, despite the aspirations of the Gods and biological difficulties, these clans still mixed with other people and their opportunities were lost. This fact was not due to the fact that the intention of people with blue blood was weakening, on the contrary, mixing with other people turned out to be necessary. The outward difference of such people turned out to be a shortcoming, which very clearly declared to others about their chosenness and acted as a challenge. And in distant fairy tale times, when different races of people were just getting to know each other and when there was no strong competition, external differences were only a benefit, serving only as distinctive features, like family signs like a coat of arms or a surname. But later, when the largest clans of people began to fight with each other, external signs turned into a flaw that many tried to hide so as not to be exterminated.

They managed to mix with the owners of red blood, and this led to the fact that in their descendants it was the red blood gene, as the stronger one, that began to manifest itself outwardly. The "blue" genes of such people began to influence their emotional qualities to a greater extent, and their external signs became standard. Nevertheless, they retained an inner sense of "their" people, developed over millions of years of existence of their ancient family. Such people felt the need to contain this gene in the DNA of their descendants. It can be said that they felt the "concentration" of this gene in another person, and for living together they chose those people who could pass this gene along with them to their descendants. Of course, blue blood is a genetic trait, not a concentration of copper in the blood, and this trait either showed up in the child or disappeared. At the same time, the genetic strength of the parent determined how high the probability of the expression of these genes in the offspring was.

From the point of view of modern genetics, the genes of parents are transferred to children randomly, during the fertilization of the egg. However, this distribution of genes seems to be random only on the surface, but on a subtle level it is determined by the energy behind each gene. In the genome of a future person, those genes that are energetically stronger appear, and their strength depends on how successfully they were used in the past. If a certain trait was useful in the past, then it is more likely to be realized in the future, thus nature supports the manifestation of more valuable opportunities. Of course, from a biological point of view, "weak" genes do not take root simply because their owners are less successful in natural selection and simply do not survive. Nevertheless, this is only an external manifestation of the competition of genes, but at the energy level, the energy strength of the gene is of decisive importance.

Each gene has an energy field with which it builds the space around itself like a magnet. And at the moment of fertilization, those genes that have the strongest field are combined with their own kind and due to this they can become dominant. In this case, the genes of the father and mother, which did not appear in themselves, when combined, can appear in their children in their pure form. It is thanks to this that the genes of "blue blood" could be transmitted in a hidden form for many generations and then, with the right choice of a partner, manifest themselves, opening up valuable opportunities for a descendant. The choice of a partner was made intuitively, although outwardly it was often justified by political considerations. And then, when representatives of the royal or imperial families guessed with a choice, their hidden abilities manifested themselves and a person appeared on the throne who was able to do a lot for his people, and also pass on his genes further.

Thus, in the last millennia, the signs associated with blue blood have already very rarely manifested themselves in people who were their owners, and the reason is that their genes were greatly diluted by others. However, the emotional qualities that these genes unlocked were active in such people. They internally felt the destiny of all mankind and their own responsibility, doing everything possible to maintain the power of their kind. Such a person subconsciously wanted to pass on the ability to control his children, as carriers of purer genes, all this led to the fact that the throne in many countries began to be inherited.

Of course, those monarchs who ruled in the ancient and Middle Ages were far from always right in their actions, and did not necessarily act from their deep wisdom. But at key moments that concerned not only a separate state, but the whole of humanity, their ancient genes woke up in them. Such actions were often not historically significant, because their influence could be indirect and manifested much later. And this was due to the fact that blue-blooded people had to act very carefully, and even they themselves were often unaware of the long-term consequences of their actions.

Acting out of feeling, they could sign some decree of secondary importance, which later opened up the possibility of reform for their descendants. They could suddenly attract new advisers to the management, and remove old ones, and from the first point of view this was the result of their emotional outburst, irritation or whim, as is often the case with people in power. However, such spontaneous actions later on could turn out to be very true and wise.

The need for such actions was due to the fact that managers always had to overcome the control of the social system, which sought to make their actions more standard, to impose their interests. The same managers, who subconsciously sought to embody the destiny of mankind, always tried to get out of this control. That is why, often performing illogical and even strange actions, they could suddenly change long-planned plans. These actions were attributed to their difficult nature and impulsiveness, or to the desire to show their individuality and pride, and their subjects had no choice but to obey. However, although outwardly it looked like a flaw in management, later such mistakes made by managers opened up valuable opportunities unforeseen by the system. This is how the energy behind the genes of monarchs operated, and it manifested itself in the form of spontaneous emotions in which there was no logic. Of course, many of them, having the ability to see the situation in advance, sometimes deliberately built similar situations leading to changes in the state system. But even when they acted intuitively or from an inner feeling, their actions could often turn out to be correct.

Blue-blooded people still remain on Earth, and their intuitive feeling when choosing a life partner, as well as when making key decisions, is of great importance for all mankind. Such people are not always managers, as we have already said, their actions can manifest themselves indirectly, and only then affect the situation in the world. Often it is more convenient for them to act not being in power, but where there is more freedom for action. For example, they can be engaged in art, business, or even just be good family people. However, they tend to be strong in character and committed to achieving their goals. Sometimes they can appear completely illogically and outwardly - even unreasonably, but they are driven by the desire to fulfill their old dreams. Very often these are “idea people” who act in order to convey their thoughts to others and translate them into reality. And if the situation requires it, they are capable of strong deeds in order to realize their goal. At the same time, for a long time they may not even guess about their inner aspirations and their strength, but when the opportunity arises to act, their energy is powerfully manifested outside.

In general, people of "blue blood" are those who wish to act for the benefit of all mankind, in order to preserve its unique capabilities. It was precisely because of this that they often found themselves "at the helm", where it was possible to influence the fate of many others. In those moments when the system imposed further additional restrictions, these people acted spontaneously and illogically, which allowed others to remain more free. In moments of thaw, when there were opportunities for change in the system, these managers carried out reforms, and their actions at that moment could be thoughtful and constructive.

Such people still play a significant role in society, they are often managers and leaders at different levels. Perhaps their genes are no longer physically manifest, since they do not yet have the strength to become dominant and this is due to the fact that most of the monarchical families that existed in the past have dissolved among other people. However, these genes are hidden and manifest through the emotional qualities of many people. Their owners, choosing life partners, keep the strength of these genes at a certain level, which allows blue blood not to disappear, completely dissolving in the genes of mankind, but to wait for time and manifest itself in the future. One way or another, at the collective level of all mankind, the possibilities of these genes are preserved, and when the opportunity opens up in society for each person to develop more actively and freely, then these genes will also be able to manifest themselves in their pure form. Perhaps such people will become new leaders or teachers and will be able to act not only intuitively, but also declare their deep knowledge aloud, making it the property of the entire society. And it is possible that in this case, their physical signs - the blue color of the blood and the unusual shade of the skin, will again become their hallmarks.

What role in the future can be played by those animals that have preserved pure blue blood to this day, such as mollusks? At the moment, they are simply carriers of these genes that cannot manifest themselves outside. After all, these organisms cannot build their civilization and manifest the intention that was laid down by the Gods of the Earth. And if in the case of humans, the blue blood genes are blocked by the system, which leads to a decrease in their strength and dispersion in humanity, then in the case of molluscs, the manifestation of these genes is blocked biologically. Mollusks simply do not have the physical ability to create their own civilization, and despite the unique capabilities of many of them, it is still easier for them to remain in their ecological niche. However, if the energy conditions on Earth change, this will not only create changes in society, but will also lead to favorable events in the natural system. Mollusk genes will be able to manifest themselves more actively, and in this case they will be able to become a full-fledged race on Earth, developing in parallel with humanity. At the same time, in their simultaneous development with you, there will be no competition and contradictions, because your common genes associated with blue blood contain inner knowledge about the purpose of earthly civilization. At the moment, by earthly civilization, we mean not only people, but also all other races of the Earth, united by one common goal - to support the entire Universe in a new path of development, for which your planet was once created. The fabulous civilization that existed millions of years ago on Earth embodied the genes of many extraterrestrial civilizations that wanted to embody their capabilities here for the sake of a common task. Nevertheless, the blue blood gene is one of the few genes that is specifically terrestrial, it does not encode any individual traits, but determines the global development strategy of the Earth, and is inherited in a hidden form by many people.

We know that many of you are blue-blooded, and your genes support your desire to act for high goals that are valuable to all of humanity. We wish you to always be true to yourself and your intuition when making key decisions. And may your genetic potential manifest itself in your physical life and be passed on to your descendants in the best possible way.

With respect and love,