Rosicrucian pink cross meaning. Rosicrucians

Chapter XXXVIII. Rose and Cross and the Rosicrucians

We have thus come to the Rosicrucians; therefore, perhaps, it will not be useful - although this subject relates more to a particular case than to initiation as a whole - to first introduce some clarifications; after all, the name of the Rose and Cross is used in our days imprecisely and often incorrectly, applying it without distinction to a wide variety of characters, of which, undoubtedly, very few would actually have the right to do so. To avoid all this confusion, it would perhaps be best to establish a clear distinction between the Rose and Cross and the Rosicrucians, the latter term certainly being more widely accepted than the former; and probably most of the so-called Brothers of the Rose and Cross, universally designated as such, are in reality only Rosicrucians. To understand the usefulness and significance of such a distinction, it must first be recalled that - as we have just said - the true Brothers of the Rose and Cross never established organizations with specific external forms and that there were, however, at least since the beginning of the seventeenth century, numerous associations which may be qualified as Rosicrucian, 230 although this does not necessarily mean that their members were Brothers of the Rose and Cross; one can even say with confidence that they were not at all like that, precisely because they were part of such associations; At first glance, this may seem paradoxical and even contradictory, but it becomes quite understandable after the reasoning given above.

The difference we have indicated is by no means reducible to a simple question of terminology and is in fact connected with a subject of a deeper order, for the term “Rose and Cross” is, as we have already explained, a designation of a real initiatic degree, that is, a certain spiritual state, not necessarily related with the fact of belonging to any specific organization. It signifies what may be called the perfection of the human condition, for the symbol of the Rose and Cross itself, by its two constituent elements, expresses the reintegration of the being into the center of this condition and the full flowering of its individual faculties from this center; so, it very accurately designates the restoration of the “original state” or, in other words, the completion of initiation into the “lesser mysteries.” On the other hand, from a point of view that can be called “historical”, one should take into account the fact that such a designation of the Rose and Cross, obviously associated with the use of certain symbolism, was used only in certain, specific circumstances of place and time, outside of which it can be applied it would be illegal; one might say that those who had reached the said degree appeared as Brothers of the Rose and Cross only in given circumstances and for reasons of an accidental order, as they might in other circumstances appear under other names and in other aspects. Of course, the symbol itself with which this name is associated may be much more ancient than its similar use; perhaps, as in the case of any truly traditional symbol, it would be completely in vain to find out its specific origin. We will only note that this name was applied to the initiatory degree only from the 14th century and, moreover, only in the Western world; therefore, it is used only in a specific traditional form - Christian esotericism or, more precisely, Christian Hermeticism; Later we will return to what should be understood by the term “hermeticism”. What we have said is confirmed by the “legend” itself about Christian Rosenkreutz, whose name, however, is purely symbolic; one can hardly see him as a historical character, no matter what others say; rather, he appears to be the personification of what might be called a “collective entity.” 231 General meaning The "legend" of this supposed founder, and in particular of the travels attributed to him, 232 appears to be that after the destruction of the Templar Order, initiates of Christian esotericism, in agreement with initiates of Islamic esotericism, reorganized in order to preserve, as far as possible, a connection apparently interrupted by this destruction; but such a reorganization had to take place in a more hidden, so to speak, invisible manner, without the support of an institution which, being known to the outside, might therefore again be subject to destruction. 233 The True Brothers of the Rose and Cross were, strictly speaking, the inspirers of this reorganization; if you like, these were the holders of the initiatory degree of which we spoke, known precisely for the fact that they played this role; This continued until the moment when, due to other historical events- in the 17th century, the mentioned traditional connection was decisively interrupted by the Western world. 234 Then the Brothers of the Rose and Cross retired to the East, which means that henceforth in the West there remains no initiation to actually achieve such a degree, and also that the activity for the preservation of the corresponding traditional teaching, which was carried out there until then, is no longer manifested outwardly, according to at least in a regular and normal way. 235

To know what the true brothers of the Rose and the Cross were, and to assert with certainty whether this or that character was one of them, seems completely impossible - for we are talking primarily about the spiritual, i.e. purely internal state, judged by some external signs it would be very reckless. Moreover, by virtue of their very position, the Brothers of the Rose and Cross could not leave any visible trace in secular history; so that even if their names were known, they would certainly not say anything to anyone; in this regard, we refer to what was said above about changing names, which fully explains how this can happen in reality. As for the persons whose names are known, in particular the authors of certain works, who are usually called the Brothers of the Rose and Cross, it is most likely that most often they were more or less directly influenced or inspired by the Brothers of the Rose and Cross, which served as a kind of mouthpiece; 236 we will explain this by saying that these were only Rosicrucians - whether they belonged or not to one of the associations to which such a name could be given. On the contrary, if it turned out - as an exception and as if by chance - that the true brother of the Rose and Cross played a role in external events, then this would happen, in a certain sense, rather in spite of his quality than because of it, and then historians would in no way be able to to guess about this quality - both things belong to different areas. All this will probably not satisfy the curious, but they must come to terms with it; many things thus elude the methods of investigation adopted in secular history, which inevitably, by its very nature, allows us to capture only what can be called the “external side” of events.

There is another reason why the true brothers of the Rose and Cross must always remain unknown: not one of them can claim to be such, just as in Islamic initiation no true Sufi can openly call himself by this name . There is even a similarity here that is especially interesting to note, although, in truth, both names are not equivalent; for the name "Sufi" actually suggests something of a higher order than that indicated by the name "Rose and Cross"; it refers to possibilities beyond those of the human condition, even the perfect one; strictly speaking, it must be reserved for the being who has achieved the realization of the "Supreme Identification", i.e. the ultimate goal of any initiation; 237 but, of course, such a being has all the more the degree corresponding to the Rose and Cross, and can, if necessary, perform the proper functions. However, usually the name Sufi is used as incorrectly as the name of the Rose and the Cross, applying it even to those who are just on the path leading to real initiation and have not yet reached its first degrees; In this regard, it may be noted that a similar unduly broad interpretation is no less often given to the word "yogi" in the Hindu tradition, so that it is also a word denoting one who has achieved the highest goal, and is thus the exact equivalent of " Sufi,” began to be applied to those who are still in the preliminary stages and even at the stage of the most external preparation. Not only in such a case, but even for one who has reached the highest degrees, but not the final goal, the appropriate designation will be mutasawwuf; and since the Sufi himself is not marked by any external difference, this designation will also be the only one that he can accept, not at all for purely human reasons - say, out of caution or humility, but because his spiritual state is a truly ineffable mystery. 238 This distinction, in a more limited field (since it does not go beyond the human condition), is analogous to that which can be expressed by two terms - "brother of the Rose and Cross" and "Rosicrucian", the latter being able to designate anyone who aspires to the state of the Rose and Cross, regardless of the degree he has achieved, even if he has only received a purely virtual initiation in the form to which this designation actually corresponds. On the other hand, something like a negative criterion can be extracted from what has been said - in the sense that if someone declared himself a Brother of the Rose and Cross or a Sufi, then one can assert, even without undertaking a deeper investigation, that in reality he is, of course, one. is not.

Another negative criterion stems from the fact that the Brothers of the Rose and Cross never associated themselves with any external organization; if someone is reputed to be a member of such an organization, then it can also be argued that precisely because he actively participates in it, he is not a brother of the Rose and Cross. However, organizations of this kind received the name Rose and Cross very late, for they appeared, as we noted above, only in early XVII centuries, that is, shortly before the moment when the true brothers of the Rose and Cross withdrew from the West; and from a number of signs it is even clear that those who called themselves by this name have already, to a greater or lesser extent, deviated from the path, in any case, they have deviated greatly from the original source. This was all the more true of the organizations which were founded under the same name at a still later date, most of them certainly not being able to lay claim to any authentic and regular continuity with the Rose and Cross, however indirect; 239 we are no longer talking, of course, about the numerous modern pseudo-initiatory formations, in which only the Rosicrucian name is assigned, but there is no trace of any traditional doctrine; they simply, on the personal initiative of their founders, adopted a symbol that everyone interprets to the best of their own imagination, due to ignorance of its true meaning, which completely eludes both these imaginary Rosicrucians and the first layman they meet.

We must return to one more point to make it more clear; we said that the basis of Rosicrucianism was supposed to be cooperation between initiates of the two esotericisms - Christian and Islamic; this cooperation probably continued subsequently, since it was precisely about preserving the connection between the initiations of the East and the West. We will say even more: the same persons who came from Christianity or Islam could, if they lived in the East and in the West (and the constant allusions to their travels, apart from any symbolism, suggest that this was the case for most of them). them), to be at the same time Brothers of the Rose and Cross and Sufis (or Mutasawwufin of the highest degrees), and the spiritual state they achieved meant that they were beyond the boundaries of differences between external forms, which in no way affected the essential and fundamental unity of traditional doctrine. Of course, one should nevertheless take into account the difference between Tasawwuf and Rosicrucianism - two in different forms traditional teaching; and the Rosicrucians, more or less direct disciples of the Brothers of the Rose and Cross, are only those who follow the special path of Christian Hermeticism; but there cannot be an initiatory organization fully worthy of this name and conscious of its goal, which would not have at the head of its hierarchy beings who have overcome the diversity of formal differences. The latter may, according to circumstances, act as Rosicrucians, as Mutasawwufins, or without any external features; they truly realize live connection between all traditions, for by their awareness of unity they actually participate in the great primordial Tradition from which - through adaptation to time and place - all others have descended and which is one as Truth itself.

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3. “Rose of the World” by Daniil Andreev Let’s immediately make a reservation that we have deep respect for this extremely pure and well-preserved person, and his alleged schizophrenic “diagnosis” in no way detracts from the philosophical and mystical significance of his most interesting, although,

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Chapter XXXVIII. Rose and Cross and the Rosicrucians We have thus come to the Rosicrucians; therefore, perhaps, it will not be useful - although this subject relates more to a particular case than to initiation as a whole - to first introduce some clarifications; after all, the name is Rose and Cross

3. “ROSE OF THE WORLD” BY DANIIL ANDREEV Let’s immediately make a reservation that we have deep respect for this extremely pure and safe person, and his alleged schizophrenic “diagnosis” does not in any way detract from the philosophical and mystical significance of his most interesting, although,

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Chapter XXXVIII Stupidity says: But then the stoic frogs croaked in my ears again. “No,” they say, “there is nothing so pathetic as madness, and the greatest stupidity is adjacent to madness, or rather, it is real madness. What does it mean to be mad, if not

SUBJECT: Places associated with the secret society of the Rosicrucians in Moscow and Russia.

ROSICRUCIANITY: The Rosicrucian Order, the Rosicrucians, the “Order of the Rose and Cross” is a secret theological mystical society founded in the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosenkreutz. Contains teachings “built on ancient esoteric truths” that are “hidden from an ordinary person, provide an understanding of nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm,” symbolized by the brotherhood’s emblem of a rose blooming on a cross. The Rosicrucians set the goals of improving the Church and achieving the well-being of states and people. 1607-1616 two manifestos Fama Fraternitatis RC (Glory of the Fraternity RC) and Confessio Fraternitatis (Creed of the Fraternity RC) are published. Under their influence, representing the "most honorable Order" of mystic-philosopher-scientists spreading the "worldwide reformation of mankind", a movement emerged that Francis Yeats called the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment". Rosicrucianism was associated with Protestantism and Lutheranism (pictured is one of the founders of Protestantism, Martin Luther).

Historian David Stevenson says Rosicrucianism influenced the development of Freemasonry in Scotland. For centuries, Secret Societies claimed to have received their continuity and sacraments from the original Rosicrucians. Some modern Societies, founded in the early centuries, were created for the study of Rosicrucianism.


GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Cloaking their teachings in the toga of “pure mysticism”, the Rosicrucian Order seeks to introduce: 1. Symbolic defamation of Christianity and exaltation of ancient Judeo-Kabbalistic teachings. 2. Hatred of Christ the Savior and His teaching. 3. The eradication of this doctrine by attributing to it a secret naturalistic meaning. 4. The blasphemous inclusion of Christ among the “great initiates” who secretly, and only openly for a select few, preach a religion completely alien to Christianity, which is only a “physiological fact.” The realization of the ideal of the Rosicrucian Order must ultimately be the complete victory of militant Judaism over Christianity. (part of the photo from the book "Secret Figures of the Rosicrucians" Port-Royal, 2008)

FROM CHRISTIANITY TO WITCHRY: The diverse groups with the “Rosicrucian tradition” can be divided into 3 categories: esoteric-Christian Rosicrucian (confessing Christ), Masonic Rosicrucian societies (Societas Rosicruciana, etc.) and initiatory societies (Golden Dawn and Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, etc.). Esoteric Christian Rosicrucian societies contain esoteric knowledge relating to the internal teachings of Christianity. In 1909 he created the Rosicrucian Brotherhood and established headquarters in Oceanside, California. In the same year, the fundamental work The Cosmoconcept of the Rosicrucians was published, containing a universal scheme evolutionary processes man and the universe. The teaching contains sacraments in the form of esoteric knowledge. The Brotherhood trains the individual by developing the mind and heart in the spirit of service to humanity and all-embracing altruism. The Rosicrucian Order was founded in 1313 and consisted of 12 Exalted Ones, gathered around the thirteenth, Christian Rosenkreutz. These great Adepts have already advanced far beyond the cycle of rebirths; their mission is to prepare the whole world for a new stage in religion, containing an awareness of the inner worlds and subtle bodies, and to provide safe guidance in the gradual awakening of the latent spiritual abilities of man during the coming centuries, for the advent of the Age of Aquarius, when all nations will unite in universal Brotherhood. In the list below you can see Hermetic societies, alchemical societies, etc.


ROSE AND CROSS: The symbol of the Rosicrucians is a golden cross with a rose (see first photo). The cross, according to the Rosicrucians, signifies the holiness of the union; rose - a symbol of modesty; both concepts together mean holy modesty. But such an interpretation is given either for those uninitiated into the highest secrets of the order, or for outsiders. Nikolai Skrynnikov, a researcher on this issue, explains the combination of a cross and a rose this way: “The mysterious meaning of the rose as a symbol must be sought in Kabbalistic explanations. The Flame, or Book of Abraham (commentary on the Kabbalah), made the rose a hieroglyphic sign of the accomplishment of a great work. To unite the rose with the cross, paganism with Christianity, falsely understood, was the task proposed by the high Initiate; and in fact, occult philosophy, being a universal synthesis, must explain all phenomena of existence. Religion, taken into account only as a physiological fact, is the revelation and saturation of the soul." (Nikolai Skrynnikov. Freemasonry. Paris. 1921)

HISTORY IN MOSCOW: The Rosicrucians, by conviction, fit into the philosophy of the Masonic movement, and acted more often inside Masonic lodges; it is not easy to separate the Rosicrucians from the Masons. Often the concepts of “Rosicrucians” and “Masons” are perceived as synonymous, and the history of the Rosicrucians in Moscow almost merges with the Masonic one. The activity in Russia of the “real Rosicrucians,” who are recognized by most researchers, is limited to ten years at the end of the 18th century. In 1782, the first Russian “branch” of the Rosicrucians appeared in Moscow. It was led by the German Schwartz. The basis and leadership of the Rosicrucians in Moscow were the Germans as spiritual teachers who were supposed to prepare a successor of Russians. In 1 year, this branch - the Order of the Golden-Rosy Cross - operated within the framework of Masonic lodges. People who were interested in the teachings of the Rosicrucians were selected. In 1783 they submitted petitions for admission to the main Rosicrucian society. The Russian Rosicrucians (to which the thinker and publicist Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov belonged) simply did not have time to move on to serious activity. First, Schwartz died in 1784, and in 1787 almost all German “instructors” left Russia. A couple of years later, Catherine II took up the fight against Freemasonry and other secret societies. The Rosicrucians suffered the most. Their printing houses were destroyed, their literature was destroyed. Novikov was imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress, other Rosicrucians were expelled from Moscow. By 1792, the activities of the undoubted Rosicrucians in Russia ended. But there were some supporters of the Rosicrucian teachings in Moscow in the 19th century, but they acted within the framework of Masonic lodges.


In the USSR: The pre-revolutionary and revolutionary years were a time when existing secret societies manifested themselves and new ones appeared. The name “Rosicrucians” surfaced in Russia, but their relationship to real Rosicrucians was relative; there was no connection between the international society of Rosicrucians and these. The Russian "Rosicrucians" of the early 20th century were theorists who used the name. From 1916 to 1933 there was the order of the “Moscow Rosicrucian-Manichaeists”, the occult movement 1925-1929 “Rosicrucian Order “Emish Redevius””. Documents have been preserved about the society of Boris Mikhailovich Zubakin in 1912 “Spiritual Brotherhood Lux ​​Astralis”. Zubakin was not called a true Rosicrucian, but rather a follower of the Rosicrucians. He tried to combine Christian and philosophical principles in one, declared the immortality of the soul in mystical and physical terms (the soul as a bearer of light, etc.) The “Spiritual Brotherhood Lux ​​Astralis” existed until 1937, when Zubakin was arrested as the creator of a fascist organization and anti-Soviet activities. In 1938 Zubakin was shot. In the photo I. F. Smolin, B. L. Pletner, B. M. Zubakin, P. A. Arensky, S. M. Eisenstein (Minsk, 1920).


MODERN ROSICRUCIANS: It is not entirely clear what the Rosicrucians themselves represent in modern world, who should be considered “standard Rosicrucians”. There are two large Rosicrucian organizations in Russia. The first is the Russian-speaking section of the “Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose and Cross” (DMORK), whose motto is “The widest tolerance with the strictest independence.” The society appeared in the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s. The second more serious is the International School of the Golden Rosenkreutz. Since the 1990s, its Russian branch has been registered as the “Philosophical Society of Followers of Rosenkreutz.”

SCHOOL OF THE GOLDEN ROSICREUNDER: The number of followers in Russia is several hundred people. Temple services have their own special rituals. The main attention is paid to propaganda among the younger generation. In St. Petersburg, classes are held once a month with two groups of children of the Young Members of the Golden Rosenkreutz School, mainly children of adult members of the society. Introduce the basic concepts of Gnostic teachings through allegorical fairy tales. The main center of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum is located in the city of Haarlem in Holland. After 1945, the Rosenkreutz Theological School began to spread outside of Holland. First, branches of the School were formed in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, France, and later in Spain, England, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Russia. The founders of the school, brothers Zwier Willem Leene (1892 – 1938) and Jan Leene (1896 – 1968). An oddity: on the official website of the school it is written: “Being very different in character and inclinations, Jan and Willem Leene perfectly complemented each other in the search for a truly Christian position in life.” But in the next paragraph we see the following: “Apparently, even in their youth, the brothers realized that they had been given a special spiritual task. Good prerequisites for its implementation were created in the 19th-20th centuries by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and Max Handel.” But everyone has long known that Blavatsky’s teachings and Christianity are polar opposites. You cannot be a Christian but be inspired by anti-Christian teachings. It’s somehow strange... In Moscow, meetings are held at the address: 2nd Kvesisskaya St., 9 or Izmailovskoe Highway, 71k2B. Hotel complex "Izmailovo", building "Beta", hall 7. Postal address: 109189 Moscow, st. Nikoloyamskaya, 1. The address of the society itself is hidden on their official website.


PATRIARCH’S ANSWER: The question was asked to Metropolitan Kirill in 2009: “Your Eminence, what is the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding Freemasonry and, in particular, regarding the Grand Lodge and the Rosicrucian Society operating in Russia. These organizations are registered with the justice authorities, but how does one evaluate their Russian Orthodox Church: as sects, denominations, public organizations or as associations that in their spirit are contrary to Christianity?

Answer: "Russian" Orthodox Church does not prohibit his children from joining various types of public organizations, but they should not be of the nature of secret societies. Often such organizations require exclusive subordination to their leaders, a conscious refusal to disclose the essence of the organization’s activities to the church hierarchy and even in confession. The Church cannot approve the participation of Orthodox laity, much less clergy, in societies of this kind, since by their very nature they separate a person from total devotion to the Church of God and its canonical order.”

PELICAN: The pelican became the symbol of the Rosicrucians ("Knights of the Pelican") in the 15th century. According to the ancients, the pelican feeds the chicks with its blood (apparently, this idea was led by the observation of a pelican, from whose crop the chicks ate fish, and people decided that the chicks, putting their beaks into their parents’ mouths, eat their entrails). Biblical Encyclopedia of Nikephoros, 1891: “The pelican has a sac at the bottom of its beak, from which it feeds itself and its young, which is why the belief has arisen that it tears open its chest and feeds its chicks with its blood.” In medieval “bestiaries”: “The mother caresses the chicks with her beak and claws so jealously that she kills them. Three days later, the father appears and, in despair over the death of his offspring, tears his chest with his own beak. The blood from his wounds resurrects dead chicks." Since Christ also feeds his children with his blood, resurrecting them for “eternal life,” an association with the pelican arose already in the 3rd-4th centuries. Hence the “resurrection after three days” in the “bestiaries”. Dante in “Paradise” refers to the Apostle John as the one who “reclining with our Pelican, lay close to his chest.” There are also Hindu roots of this symbol. "The symbol of Hamsa (I, He, Goose or Swan) is a symbol of Divine Wisdom. For all exoteric purposes, Hamsa is the legendary bird, which, when given milk mixed with water, separated them by drinking the milk and leaving the water, showing that its inherent wisdom is milk, being a symbol of spirit, and water is matter. The same Blavatsky says: “The Swan or Goose (Hamsa) is a symbol of the male or temporary Deity, Brahma. Hence the choice by the Rosicrucians as their symbol of a water bird - a swan or a pelican - with seven chicks; a symbol modified and adopted in the religion of each country. " From Lautreamont: "When a tired pelican feeds his hungry children with his own flesh, although no one sees his great sacrifice except the Almighty, who created him for such selfless people as a reproach to people, this can be understood...” ("Songs of Maldoror"). Another legend. It was believed that pelekan chicks, upon hatching, begin to peck at their parents. They cannot stand it and kill the chicks. But then, out of grief, they wound themselves and resurrect the children with their blood. The pelekan was a symbol of God, who saved humanity with the blood of His Son.


ANTI-CHRISTIAN WORK: In its anti-Christian work, the HCML finds a powerful ally in a special branch of world Freemasonry - Rosicrucianism. As stated above, all secret organizations like Freemasonry have one specific purpose and one common leadership. This goal is the seizure and enslavement of the world under the rule of the Great International, to which Freemasonry and related organizations are unconditionally subordinated and on which they depend. The fight is on in different ways , but the unifying goal is the same. Masonic lodges are fighting mainly to seize political influence and power in states, while Rosicrucians, Theosophists, etc. are fighting to decompose the spiritual and moral world of humanity and destroy the main basis of life - religion. The closeness of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism is not denied by either the Freemasons or the Rosicrucians, and the latter, i.e., the Rosicrucians, say that Freemasonry is a branch of Rosicrucianism with a bias towards politics and materialism, but that it is very easy for Freemasons to return to the true path, i.e. ... the path of Rosicrucianism. Freemasons consider Rosicrucianism to be a branch of Freemasonry with a bias towards mysticism. In the Masonic Order, Rosicrucians constitute the 18th degree of initiation. “Since the first degrees of Freemasonry,” says Freemason Louis Blanc, “included many people who, by their position and views, had a negative attitude towards any project of social revolution, the reformers of Freemasonry multiplied the steps of the mystical ladder along which initiates could ascend; they created behind-the-scenes lodges reserved for ardent souls, they established the highest degrees: Elect Knights of the Sun, Strict Obedience, Galosh or regenerated man, and Rosicrucians. The word "Rosicrucian" means a combination of two words: Rose and Cross. Over time, in order to mislead the profane (uninitiated) and for the convenience of work, it was considered necessary to separate Rosicrucianism into an independent organization. Thus, the degree of Rosicrucianism in Freemasonry remained the same, and completely separate Rosicrucian orders arose in different parts of the world. Rosicrucianism has a long history in origin. The Order or Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians (Rosy Cross), as legend tells, was founded in the 14th century by the nobleman Christian Rosenkreutz, who, during his travels in the East, learned all the secrets of the Persian and Egyptian magicians and, upon returning to Europe, passed on these secrets to his students, with whom he formed secret society. The historical emergence of the Rosicrucian Order dates back to the 17th century; the initiator of its emergence is called Johann Valentin Andree. The Rosicrucian Order set its goal as “improvement of the church” and the spiritual revival of man. The Rosicrucians - according to the instructions of Masonic literature - are “free thinkers” who “began to clear the way through the forest of church scholasticism and fanaticism,” that is, to put it in understandable language, they took the path of fighting the church. “Of them, the Rosicrucians,” says the Masonic writer Nies, “innovators in the field of thought emerged, bold theories were associated with their teaching, official orthodox science often even summed up its condemnation by calling a Rosicrucian a bold thinker who refused to bow to dogma. Here a battle took place between dialectic and experience, and the latter had to dethrone the former for the triumph of progress. Here religious fanaticism and tolerance came face to face. The Rosicrucians laid claim to communication with God through the medium of nature." (E. Nys. The main features of modern Freemasonry) After some lull in the 18th century, at the beginning of the 19th century the Rosicrucians developed intensified activity and end of the 19th century centuries gain a large number of supporters. Around 1900 in Germany, prof. Rudolf Steiner opens his Rosicrucian school. Steiner from 1902 to 1912 worked together with Annie Besant and Leadbeater in the Theosophical Society, among the purely initiated. In 1912, Steiner left the Theosophical Society, founded his own special Anthroposophical Society and built a magnificent temple near Basel. In the Anthroposophical Society, Steiner organized an internal circle called “Frank Freemasonry”, initiates into which received from his hands a gold cross with a rose. Steiner's lectures became something of an introduction to the Rosicrucian system. Steiner's popularity grew very quickly, and his followers began to revere him as a prophet. Under the influence of Steiner's teachings, Rosicrucian groups, societies and commonwealths arise in America, England and, finally, penetrate into Russia through Rudolf Steiner's close student A.R. Mintslova, who was sent from foreign Rosicrucians to promote propaganda among Russian "God-seekers" and establish relations with them communications. At the turn of the 20th century, the center of Rosicrucianism - the “Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosen-Kreutzers” - found itself in America, and since then all data on the work of the main bodies of this secret world organization has been associated with this latter. Rosicrucian von Hinkel, in the preface to the Dutch translation of the works of Christian Rohenkreutz, says: “The true Order of the Brothers of the Cross and the Rose is a community enlightened by the spirit, scattered throughout the world, but led by one. This order has one central school of the true Mysteries and many external schools, which in various ways prepare the way to the central school." I will add to this the words of bro. Wittemans. He says that Rosicrucianism promotes the formation around itself of various free groups, having their own goals and guided by various considerations, personal or depending on local national conditions. The Rosicrucian movement, according to him, is very diverse in its manifestations, while the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross itself, observing the traditions established by its founder, works mainly in secret, without making any calls to neophytes. This course of action does not harm the spread of the ideas of the order, but, on the contrary, prepares the ground for a rich spiritual harvest in the future. (The History of the Rose Cross, p. 176. Count Grabe. The Roots of Church Troubles, p. 13). The Rosicrucian Order, like everything involved in Freemasonry in general, is a deeply secret organization. Maintaining the secrets of the order is the sacred duty of each member. “Silence and restraint are the mark of a true mystic,” and this rule should be followed by every faithful Rosicrucian. Recruitment of new members into the order occurs among persons interested in mysticism and issues of philosophy and the occult. Disappointed people, crushed by everyday failures, also join the order, hoping to find support and answers to their spiritual doubts and worries. A significant role in attracting new members is played by well-known romanticism, the desire and desire to get into a secret organization that supposedly has colossal power, knowledge and the ability to lead its members to goodness and true light. Many finally go for the money or for the sake of a career. This type of Rosicrucians, who are ready to sell their God, Motherland, conscience and honor for money or a warm place, is widespread among the morally degraded part of the Russian emigration. The official task of the order is the spiritual improvement of members, the penetration of their highest knowledge and work to promote the knowledge of the order and the application of this knowledge for the benefit of humanity. The Rosicrucian Order does not recognize any religious differences. Persons of all religions can join the order. Positive religions, such as the Orthodox Faith, are not only indifferent for Rosicrucians, but also definitely hostile, since every true Rosicrucian fights for “truth without dogmatism.” The Rosicrucian Order's concept of God differs sharply from the Christian concept and is pure pantheism. One of the Rosicrucian prayers begins with the appeal: “Oh, you, Great Intelligence, penetrating everything, putting being into every substance.”

RITES OF THE ROSICRUCIANS: The lodge of the Rosicrucians is called the "Supreme Chapter". On one of its sides (eastern) there is a triangular altar. Under the altar is a painting depicting Golgotha ​​with three crosses. There is nothing on the two side crosses, but on the middle one there is an inscription that was on the cross of Jesus Christ. Below the inscription hangs a rose. At the bottom of the picture there is a grave in which a shroud can be seen from under a shifted gravestone. Near the grave there are broken columns. There are sleeping guards on them. The ceremonial rite of initiation into the degree of Rosicrucian, developed several centuries ago, is usually performed on Good Friday. “During the ceremony of initiation into the 18th degree, that is, a knight of the Rosy Cross,” writes Filosofov, “the box is upholstered in black, in the depths of it rises an altar, and above it, in a transparent picture, three crosses are depicted, of which on the middle one is visible the usual inscription I. N. K. I. The brothers, dressed in priestly robes, should sit on the ground, with an air of deep reflection and lamentation, with their faces buried in their hands as a sign of grief. Venerable (master of the lodge) asks: “What time is it?” To this the newly initiated must answer: “Now we have the first hour of the day, the very minute in which the veil of the temple was torn in two, in which darkness and despair covered the whole earth, the light was reflected, the weapon of the Freemasons was crushed and the flaming star disappeared.” Then they explain to the adept that the word of Adoniram (Adoniram is the builder of Solomon’s Temple) was lost at the moment when the Savior’s death took place on the cross, and, in turn, they demand that the adept explain to them what, in his opinion, the inscription above the cross could mean "I.M.K.I." Having forced a blasphemy against this sacred name, which consists in the solemn recognition of Christ the Savior as a criminal deserving of damnation and execution, the venerable exclaims with joy: “Brothers, now we have found the lost word!” (A.D. Filosofov. Exposing the great secret of Freemasonry, pp. 68, 69.) For those insufficiently initiated and outsiders, this rite is explained in this way: the inconsolable grief of the participants, mourning drapery, the words of the venerable about the “lost word”, “hiding the flaming stars" and the darkness that has enveloped the earth - depict Golgotha; Freemason brothers, when performing the rite of initiation into the degree of Rosicrucian, as it is explained to the profane, mourn the suffering and death of the Savior on the cross; the transformation of the box from mourning to fiery red, flooded with lights, must be understood as glorification and joy on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ. (pictured is a candidate in front of the door to the Rosicrucian Temple)

But these explanations, like everything in Freemasonry, are pretense and deception: the participants in this blasphemous rite do not mourn the death of the Savior in their mourning bed and do not rejoice at His Resurrection when, having removed the black draperies, they illuminate the red box with bright light. “They,” writes I. A. Butmi, “mourn the collapse of ancient false teachings, cast into dust by the triumph of divine truth, the beginning of which was laid by the death of the Savior on the cross. In their eyes, the blazing dawn of Christianity was the beginning of the kingdom of darkness, superstition and ignorance. And that is why they mournfully exclaim that the word is lost, the columns and tools and the cubic stone (the emblem of nature) exudes blood and water.” They rejoice for the sake of acquiring the lost word. They rejoice when they find the word I.M.K.I. And these words, in their understanding, mean: “nature is entirely reborn by fire.” “In other words,” writes Butmi, “they welcome those false teachings, that religion of nature, which was destroyed by the triumphant truth of Christian teaching, but which was again revived in Freemasonry and is sacredly kept there as the highest truth, as a secret teaching intended only for the elect.” The Rosicrucian Order not only preaches the religion of pantheism (the destruction of the personality of God), but is also an anti-Christian organization. The Rosicrucians deny the fact of the Resurrection of Christ, as Christians understand it, and Christ is mentioned by them along with Zoroaster, Buddha, etc., as one of the avatars - the highest incarnations called to lead the world.

INTERNATIONAL NETWORK: In the nineteenth century and early twentieth, many societies emulated the Rosicrucians. Christian-Rosicrucian oriented societies include:

  • Anthroposophical Society, 1912
  • Lectorium Rosicrucianum, 1924
  • Archaeosophical Society, 1968

Freemasonry Rosicrucian formations providing training through direct instruction and/or through the practice of symbolic-initiatory journey:

  • Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 1866, in Scotia (SRIS; Scotland), in Civitatibus Foederatis (MSRICF/SRICF; USA) etc. This Masonic esoteric society republished the Rosicrucian manifestos in 1923. A well-known member is Arthur Edward Waite.

According to some Masonic writers, the Order of the Rose Cross explains the main Christian literary work, which shaped the subsequent spiritual views of Western civilization, the Divine Comedy (1307-1321) by Dante Alighieri. Initiatory societies, which follow a degree system in training and contain initiations:

  • The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, founded in the USA in 1915
  • Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn, an Order based in California.

Chronological list of societies founded for the study of Rosicrucianism and related topics. Many of these societies typically claim a direct line of transmission from earlier branches of the ancient Rosicrucian Order in England, France, Egypt and other countries. However, some groups claim a spiritual affiliation with the true and invisible Rosicrucian Order. Please note that there are other Rosicrucian societies not listed here. Some do not use the word "Rosicrucian" in their own name. Some groups listed may be disbanded or inactive.

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Theosophical Dictionary

ROSICRUCIANS(Mas.) This name was first given to the disciples of a learned Adept named Christian Rosenkreutz, who lived in Germany about 1460. He founded an Order of Mystic Students, the early history of which can be found in the German work "Fama Fraternitatis" (1614), published in several languages. Members of the Order maintained secrecy, but since then their traces have been discovered in different places every half century. The "Societfs Rosicruciana in Anglia" is a Masonic order accepting "external" members; The Habrat Zere Aur Bocher, or Order which has a very complete scheme of initiation into the Qabalah and High Magic of the Western or Hermetic sense and accepts members of both sexes, is a direct descendant of the medieval Rosicrucian brotherhoods, which were derived from the Egyptian Mysteries. (u.u.u.)

Source: Blavatskaya E.P. - Theosophical Dictionary

Secret Doctrine

“Brahma, in its totality, has, first of all, the aspect of Prakriti, both evolving and non-evolving (Mulaprakriti) and also the aspect of Spirit and the aspect of Time. Spirit, O Twice-Born, is the main aspect of the Supreme Brahma. The next aspect is twofold – Prakriti, evolving and non-evolving, and the last is Time.” In Orphic theogony, Kronos is also represented as a born god or mediator.

At this stage of the awakening of the Universe, sacred symbolism represents it as a perfect Circle with a Point (Root) in the Center. This sign was universal, therefore we also find it in Kabbalah. However, Western Kabbalah, now in the hands of Christian mystics, does not recognize it at all, although it is very clearly indicated in the Zohar. These sectarians start from the end and give, as a symbol of the pregenetic Cosmos, calling it the “Union of the Rose and the Cross,” the great secret of occult origin, whence the name Rosicrucian (Rose Cross)! This can be seen in one of their most significant and famous symbols, which has never yet been understood, even by modern mystics. It is the symbol of the Pelican tearing its breast to feed its seven chicks that symbolizes the true belief of the Rosicrucian Brothers, which is a direct offspring of the Eastern Sacred Teachings.

According to the dogmas of the Rosicrucians, as this time correctly, although partially, explained to the uninitiated, “Light and Darkness are in themselves identical, they are separated only in the human mind”; and as Robert Fludd says: “Darkness received Illumination to become visible.”

Among mystics and cabalists, the Rosicrucians most accurately defined Fire. “Take a simple lamp, keep it filled with oil, and you will be able to light it with the flame of lamps, candles and the fires of the whole world, without diminishing this flame...

Rosicrucians, for whom the secret meaning of the legend [about the fall of Satan] was well known, they kept it for themselves, teaching only that all “creation” occurred and was a consequence of the legendary “War in Heaven,” caused by the rebellion of the Angels” against the Creative Law or the Demiurge. This statement is correct, but internal its meaning is still a mystery.

Among the Rosicrucian Brothers the figure of the cross or expanded Cuba was the topic of a dissertation for obtaining one of the theosophical degrees Peuvret, and was interpreted on the basis of the principles of light and darkness or good and evil .

The "Brothers of the Rose and Cross" of the Middle Ages were as good Christians as others in Europe, but nevertheless all their rites were based on symbols whose meaning was predominantly phallic and sexual. Their chronicler Hargrave Jennings, the best modern authority on Rosicrucianism, speaking of this mystical Brotherhood, describes as

The torment and sacrifice of Golgotha, the Pain of the Cross were in their (Rosicrucians) famous blessed magic and triumph a protest and appeal.

Protest - from whom? Answer: by protest from the crucified Rose, the greatest and most revealed of all sexual symbols - Jonah and Lingam, the "victim" and the "murderer", the feminine and masculine principle in Nature. Open this author's latest work, Phallicism, and see in what vivid terms he describes sexual symbolism in that which is most sacred to Christians:

Pouring blood flowed from the crown or piercing crown of infernal thorns. Rose is feminine. Its glossy, carmine petals are guarded by thorns. Rose is the most beautiful of flowers. Rose is the Queen of God's Garden (Mary, Virgo). It is not just the Rose that represents a magical idea or truth. But it is the “crucified Rose” or “tortured Rose” (according to the majestic mystical apocalyptic image) that is the talisman, banner and object of adoration of all the “Sons of Wisdom”, or true Rosicrucians.

Absolutely not everyone"Sons of Wisdom", not even true Rosicrucians. For the latter would never invest in such a sickening image, exhibit in a purely sensual and earthly, not to say in animal light, the greatest noblest symbols of Nature. For the Rosicrucian, the Rose was a symbol of Nature, the ever fertile and virgin Earth, or Isis, the mother and nurse of man, considered feminine, and represented by the Egyptian Initiates as a virgin woman. Like all other personifications of Nature and Earth, she is the sister and wife of Osiris, since these two characters correspond to the personified symbol of the Earth; both she and the Sun are the offspring of the same mysterious Father, because the Earth is fertilized by the Sun - according to the earliest Mysticism - by divine infusion. It was the pure ideal of mystic Nature that was personified in the "Virgins of the World," in the "Heavenly Maidens," and later in the human Virgin, Mary, Mother of the Savior, Salvator Mundi, now chosen by Christendom. And it was the character of the Jewish girl that was adapted by Theology to ancient Symbolism, and not the pagan symbol that was remade in a new way.

Isis Unveiled

A Persian proverb says:

“The darker the sky, the brighter the stars will shine.”

Thus, the mysterious brothers of the Rose and Cross began to appear in the dark firmament of the Middle Ages. They did not found societies, did not build schools, for being persecuted on all sides like wild animals, if they fell into the hands of the Christian Church, they were burned without any discussion.

“Since religion forbids the shedding of blood,” says Bailey, “therefore, bypassing the situation Ecclesia non novit sanguinem, they burned human beings, because when burning a person there is no his blood is being shed!”

Many of these mystics, following what they were taught by certain treatises, kept their discoveries secret from one generation to another, which would not be neglected even in our time of exact sciences.

The Hermeticists and later Rosicrucians hold that all things, visible and invisible, were created by the competition of light with darkness, and that every particle of matter contains within itself a spark of divine substance or light, spirit, which, by its tendency to free itself from fetters and return to the central source, creates the movement of particles and from the movement forms are born. Quoting Robert di Flactib, Hargrave Jennings says:

“So all minerals in this outbreak of life have the rudimentary ability of plants and growing organisms, so all plants have rudimentary feelings that can (after centuries) give them the opportunity to improve and transmute into moving new creatures lower or higher in their development, possessing good or evil functions; so all the plants and everything vegetable world can move (by roundabout ways) to a higher stage than they occupied, to an independent more perfect advancement, allowing their original spark of light to grow and tremble with higher vibrations, burn with a bright flame and rush forward to more extensive information, being completely captured by planetary influences, controlled by the invisible spirits (or workers) of the great Primordial Architect" [ 76 ].

“The goal at the beginning... was nothing more than the support and promotion of Catholicism. When this religion became determined to completely suppress freedom of thought... The Rosicrucians also accordingly enlarged their designs to hinder, if possible, the progress of this widespread enlightenment.”

From "Sincerus Renatus"(truly converted) by S. Richter in Berlin (1714), we learn that laws were put forward under the administration of the “Golden Rosicrucians,” “bearing undoubted evidence of Jesuit intervention.”

We will begin with the secret writing of the “Sovereign Princes of the Rosy Cross”, also called the Knights of St. Andrew, the Knights of the Eagle and the Pelican, Heredom, Rosae Crucis, Rose Cross, Triple Cross, Perfect Brother, Prince Mason, etc. "Heredom Rosy Cross" also claims descent from the Templars in 1314.



The Kadosh Knights have another cipher, or rather hieroglyphic system, which in this case is taken from the Jews, perhaps to be more like the biblical Temple Kadeshim.


As for the Royal Arch cipher, it has already been given before, but we can present it in a slightly expanded form.

This cipher consists of certain combinations of right angles with or without dots. The following is the basis of his Education:

Now, the alphabet consists of twenty-six letters, and these two figures, when divided, form thirteen distinct characters:

A dot placed inside each of them gives thirteen more signs:

Together this gives twenty-six, equal to the number of letters in the English alphabet.

There are at least two ways to combine and use these signs for the purposes of secret correspondence. One way is to call the first character a; the same sign with point b; etc. Another way is to apply them, in the usual order, to the first half of the alphabet a, b, etc., up to m, and then repeat them with a period, beginning with n, o, etc. to z.

Using the first method, the alphabet looks like this:

With the second method it looks like this:

In addition to these signs, the French Freemasons, apparently, under the guidance of their accomplished teachers - the Jesuits, improved this cipher in every detail. So, for example, they even have signs for commas, diphthongs, accents, periods, etc. Here they are:

Enough of this. We might, if we chose, give cipher alphabets, with their keys, to another method of the Royal Arch Masons, strongly reminiscent of some Hindu scripts; to G. ˚ . El. ˚ Mystical City; to the well-known form of Devanagaran script of the (French) sages of the pyramids; and the supreme master of the Great Work, and others. But we refrain; for the reason that only some of the lateral branches of the original Blue Lodge of Freemasonry still contain the promise of being useful in the future. As for the rest, they can and will soon disappear into the heap of dust accumulated by time. Higher Masons will understand what we mean.

We must now add a few proofs to what we have stated, and demonstrate that the word Jehovah, if Freemasonry clings to it, will forever remain a substitute, and will never be identified with the lost miraculous name. This is so well known to the Kabalists that in their careful etymology of the word הוהי they show beyond any doubt that it is only one of many substitutes for the actual name and is composed of the double name of the first androgyne - Adam and Eve, Yod (or Yodh), Bay and He-Ba – a female serpent, as a symbol of the divine Mind emanating from the ONE-Generating One or Creator Spirit. Therefore, Jehovah is not a sacred name at all.

Rose and Cross

It is obvious that the Rose and Cross in the symbolism of the Rosicrucians occupies important place. Usually it is from them that the Emblems of the Rosicrucian Orders are composed. Depending on different interpretations of the teaching, the Rose could be ruby, and the Cross could be Golden, or, on the contrary, a Ruby Cross and a Golden Rose.

Considering the most common version, in which the Cross is golden, we can interpret it this way: the golden Cross represents the physical body of a person and the trials of earthly life. The Red Rose in the center symbolizes the soul and its gradual blossoming in a chain of successive incarnations and work on one’s own perfection.

Almost any esoteric symbol, in addition to the first, fairly accessible reading, always carries with it Additional information. For those who manage to read this information, each open symbol becomes a source of knowledge, strength and inspiration.

Of course, the Cross and Rose as separate symbols were used not only by the Rosicrucians. It seems quite interesting to briefly touch on their use in other contexts.

Despite its simplicity, the cross is one of the most meaningful and fundamental esoteric symbols. Unlike many other cult symbols, which existed in a more or less limited area, this sign was known almost throughout the world. In ancient times, it was worn on the chest, like later Christians, by the Egyptians, Assyrians, Etruscans, Greeks, and American Indians. One of the main symbolic meanings of the cross is the designation of our manifested physical world. Indeed, the cross associated with the number “four” is the four cardinal directions of our World, and the four seasons, and the four “primary elements” (fire, air, water, earth), and the four Kabbalistic Worlds (Olam Atzilut, Olam Briah, Olam Yetzirah and Olam Assia), and the four letters of the Name of the Tetragrammaton IHVH, and much more. Another, eastern, interpretation: the cross consists of vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical line (YAN principle) symbolizes the active principle (or SPIRIT). The horizontal line (YIN principle) is the passive principle (or unmanifested matter, “ABYSS”). Together, connected in the form of a cross, these two lines symbolize manifested matter or our manifested World (including our Earth). The next interpretation of the cross is a symbolic designation of the three Earthly kingdoms. The first kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, is represented by a vertical segment of the cross located below the horizontal line. The horizontal line itself is the animal kingdom. And the kingdom of man is the vertical segment of the cross above the horizontal line. Connected together, these kingdoms form the “cross” of life on Earth.

The rose entered the treasury of esoteric symbols later than the cross. The multi-layered nature of rose petals made it possible to use it as a symbol of the gradual discovery of the hidden, of progressive evolution. Without being distracted by other interpretations of the meaning of this symbol, we will consider only one related to the principle of development.

Below is an excerpt from Rudolf Steiner’s book “How to Achieve Knowledge.” higher worlds" This fragment illustrates well how a symbol can be in direct correspondence with elements of the invisible world. In this case, how a rose can be connected with the development of a person’s spiritual abilities. In connection with the fragment given below, it should be noted that, according to generally accepted symbolism, the lotus, which has become widespread in the Eastern tradition, corresponds to the rose in the Western tradition.

So, Rudolf Steiner: “The further a person advances in his spiritual development, the more correctly the organism of his soul is formed. In a person with an undeveloped mental life, it is chaotic and undifferentiated. But even in this undivided organism of the soul, the clairvoyant can discern a certain formation that clearly stands out from the environment. It extends from the inside of the head to the middle of the physical body. It looks like an independent body with certain organs. The organs that will be discussed here first of all are perceived spiritually near the following parts of the physical body: the first - between the eyes, the second - near the larynx, the third - in the region of the heart, the fourth is located in the vicinity of the so-called epigastric cavity, the fifth and sixth are located in abdominal area. Secret scholars call these formations “wheels” (chakras), or also “lotus flowers.” They are so called because of their resemblance to wheels and flowers; but we must, of course, remember that this expression should be understood in approximately the same sense in which both parts of the lung are called “pulmonary wings.” It is clear to everyone that we are not talking about “wings” here; also in our case we must not forget that this name makes sense only as an analogy. In an undeveloped person, these “lotuses” are dark in color, calm and motionless. But for a clairvoyant, they are in motion and have shining color shades. Something similar occurs with the medium, but still somewhat differently. There is no need to go into this in more detail here. When a spiritual student begins the exercises, first of all his “lotus flowers” ​​become enlightened; later they begin to rotate. With the onset of rotation, the ability to clairvoyance appears. For these flowers are the sense organs of the soul. And their rotation is an expression of what man perceives in the supersensible worlds. No one can contemplate anything supersensible until his astral sense organs are developed in the manner described.”

So, the most common image is of one Rose superimposed on the center of the Cross, but there are several options for depicting the Rose and Cross in various combinations. These images differ from each other in the number of rose petals, the number of roses, their location, their color, and the type of cross. For example, in the book “The Secret Figures of the Rosicrucians” by Heinrich Madathanus Theosophist, there is an image of a sixteen-petalled rose against the background of an oblique cross. There is also an image of a cross inside a ten-petalled rose. There is a variant in which seven red roses forming a circle are superimposed on a cross. Moreover, three roses are located above the horizontal line, and four are located below the horizontal line. Based on the above, you can try to understand the symbolism of such a figure. Or rather, choose one “key” to understanding this multifaceted symbol. Thus, three roses above the horizontal line correspond to the three “higher” human bodies, located above the animal kingdom and characteristic only of man (in the manifested world). The four roses below the horizontal line are the four "lower" human bodies. These bodies are located below the horizontal line and have analogues in both the plant and animal kingdoms.

Of course, the symbolism of the Rose and Cross is not limited to the explanations given here. Both the Rose and the Cross have many facets on different planes - visible and invisible. And as the Adept progresses in his spiritual development, these wonderful symbols will increasingly reveal themselves to him in their splendor.

Rosicrucianismsecret esoteric society, which arose in medieval Europe . Identified with symbol of a rose blooming on a cross.

The teachings of Rosicrucianism are deeply mystical character, aimed at understanding nature physical and spiritual world, comprehension of Divine wisdom And helping people.

According to legend(due to the lack of historical sources, we have to be content with information from the Rosicrucian manifestos) founder of the doctrine was a mystic philosopher Christian Rosenkreutz, born in 1378 and died in 1484. Christian, being monk, devoted time to studying with sages in Damascus and Fez. Returning to Europe, accompanied by his disciples, he founded in 1407 Brotherhood of the Rose and Cross. 120 years after Rosenkreutz's death, his grave was discovered with documents of the Brotherhood, which gave impetus to dissemination of teachings in Europe. At that time, the manifestos found made a lot of noise, since they talked about activities secret alchemical brotherhood, which set as its goal large-scale transformations science, art and religion. Historical data allow us to speak confidently about the existence of Rosicrucian organizations only from the beginning of the 18th century. Some Rosicrucian authors wrote that in the 18th century the Brotherhood moved to the East due to political instability in Europe.

Beginning at the end of the 18th century, it was created many Rosicrucian groups. It is worth mentioning the Order of the Asiatic Brothers, operating in Vienna, its distinctive feature there was participation not only of Christians, but also Muslims and Jews.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the emergence of societies associating themselves with the Rosicrucian tradition, it became more more intense. Conspiracy theorists point out that Russian Rosicrucians contributed to the 1917 revolution.

Some authors associate Rosicrucianism with Protestantism, mainly with Lutheranism. But the greatest influence teaching Rosicrucians influenced the Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry, especially in Scotland. Interestingly, many Freemasons consider Rosicrucianism to be one of the forms of Freemasonry, focusing on mysticism, not on politics. It is believed that the famous Masonic symbolism was borrowed from the Rosicrucians.

The Rosicrucians, united in a brotherhood, emphasized harmonious development mind and spirit. At the same time he preached the ideal of selfless service to humanity. As part of the doctrine, it is believed that the first 12 disciples of Rosenkreutz, were enlightened supermen, who have advanced through the cycle of rebirth to help humanity on the path to a new religion. The upcoming Age of Aquarius, for which it is necessary to prepare in order for people to awaken latent spiritual abilities did not lead to negative results. Much attention is paid to the practice of spiritual and energetic cleansing of the world from evil, the ritual of which is carried out every midnight by adherents of the order - they are involved in this process spiritual beings, angels.

Man, according to Rosicrucianism, is a Spirit who contains within himself all the abilities of God, just like a seed contains a plant. The purpose of human life is spiritual development, allowing one to approach the knowledge of the concept of Divinity.

Various roles played an important role among the Rosicrucians. occult sciences, such as cabalism, alchemy, magic, the search for the philosopher's stone, etc.

According to available data, the Rosicrucian Order has enough complex system hierarchy, numbering 10 levels - from zealot and student, to magician and supreme magician. For example, the student's task is to acquire " unique all-encompassing love", wherein moving away from the confrontation between good and evil. The Rosicrucians interpret humanism as natural goodness and celebrate it a sharp difference from love for one's neighbor. Humanists are focused on maintaining earthly peace, while Rosicrucians are focused on beyond this world- to the Motionless Kingdom of the Spirit.

Despite the fact that currently Rosicrucian teaching in its pure form relatively not very common, It can not be denied huge contribution, which the Rosicrucians introduced into the system European esoteric knowledge. Modern teachings New Age borrowed a lot from Rosicrucianism, including they recognize the great Rosicrucians as their spiritual mentors.