“Exercises to strengthen the pelvic girdle. Exercises for the legs and pelvic girdle

1. Exercises for the foot and lower leg.

Strength exercises:

Raising on your toes, the same with dumbbells in your hands;

Walking on toes:

Jumps on two and one legs in place and with advancement.
Exercises to increase joint mobility:

In the forward lunge position, springing movements, trying to touch the floor with the heel located behind the leg;

From an emphasis sitting on the heels, springing movements, lifting the knees off the floor;

Walking on the outside of the foot.

2. Exercises for the thigh muscles.
Strength exercises:

Squats on two and one legs; the same with dumbbells in hands; the same with a partner on the shoulders;

Walking in a half-squat and jumping in a half-squat;

On your knees, bend with your torso straight back. The same, but forward, with the partner holding the shins.

Exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints:

Circular movements of the pelvis with legs apart;

Springing movements in a wide forward lunge position. The same in the lunge position to the side;

Bends forward in a sitting position with straight legs (legs together and legs apart);

Half twine, twine;

Standing on one, swing forward with maximum amplitude, back and to the side with a straight leg;

Standing on one, the other leans against the rail of the gymnastic wall. Bend in different directions without bending your legs.

1. Exercises for the muscles of the anterior surface of the body.

Strength exercises:

From a lying position, raising the body to a sitting position;

Lying down, raising straight legs to a bent position lying on the shoulder blades;

Standing with your feet apart, bending back, hands on your belt, to your shoulders, up;

Sitting, with your lower back supported on a medicine ball. Bend back, arms up;

Bridge from a prone position.

2. Exercises for the muscles of the back of the body.
Strength exercises:

Bend forward with a medicine ball held by the hands at the back of the head;

Lying on your stomach, bending, arms up;

In a forward bending position, raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells.

Exercises to increase spinal mobility:

- springy forward bends, bending, standing, sitting.

3. Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the body.
Strength exercises:

From a sitting position, legs apart, leaning on one hand, with a turn
emphasis lying sideways, other hand up;

In the squat, legs apart (toes catch on the rail of the gymnastic wall or with the legs held by a partner), bend back 45° and turn the body to the right and left, hands behind the head.

If your pelvic muscles need strengthening, be sure to do these exercises! Incorporate a few simple movements into your routine that will have a beneficial effect on the body. Remember to consciously contract your muscles during each exercise. This way you will achieve maximum results!

Pelvic muscles support bladder, intestines, uterus. They help pregnant women bear and give birth to a child. After childbirth, the pelvic muscles weaken. Such changes also occur with age. The consequences of relaxation can be unpleasant. I advise you to perform 5 exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

5 effective exercises for the pelvic muscles

  • Kegel
  • Squats
  • Bridge
  • Lying leg raises


The exercise involves tensing and relaxing the pelvic muscles.

It is necessary to inhale and tense your muscles. At the same time, you meaningfully hold back urination. Hold in this state for 5 seconds. Then, relax by exhaling. Repeat 10 times. It is advisable to do the exercise three times a day


Squats engage the largest muscles in the body. It’s better to squat without weights first to get a feel for your form. Later, you can use a barbell (placing it on your shoulders).

With this training, the hamstrings and gluteal muscles actively work.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. During squats, push your butt back as if you were about to sit in a chair.

3. When performing, your thighs will be parallel to the ground. The weight is transferred to the heels.

4. Repeat the action 15 times (increasing the number of squats weekly).


The bridge is a great exercise for the buttocks. When performed correctly, the pelvic muscles are also activated.

1. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

2. Inhale, lift your hips as high as possible, tensing your muscles.

3. Hold the pose for 2 seconds, then return to initial position.

4. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

To make it more difficult, you can use a ball. In the starting position, place your feet on it and lift your hips. Follow the steps above.

Lying leg raises

This leg movement is used as the basis for many Pilates movements. By adding lateral leg raises, you activate your hips and pelvic muscles.

1. Lying on the floor, raise your legs with your knees bent. The thighs will be perpendicular to the floor, and the shins will be parallel.

2. Begin to slowly spread your legs to the sides, lowering your knees outward.

3. Then bring your knees together. Repeat the exercise 10 times, performing 2-3 approaches.

Opposite abduction of arms and legs

The exercise is about balance and stability. The movement uses many muscles.

1. Get on all fours, keep your back straight.

2. Straighten and lift at the same time left leg and right hand. Keep your pelvis and shoulders in a neutral position.

3. Hold the pose for 2 seconds. Do not lower or raise your head.

4. Take the starting position. Now raise your right leg and left arm.

5. Do 10 of these reps in three sets.

Advice: Be sure to do these exercises if your pelvic muscles need strengthening. Incorporate a few simple movements into your routine that will have a beneficial effect on the body. Remember to consciously contract your muscles during each exercise. This way you will achieve maximum results! published.

Olga Sologub

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

1. Exercises for the foot and lower leg:

a) strength exercises:

Raising on your toes, also with dumbbells in your hands;

Walking on toes;

Jumps on two and one legs in place and with advancements;

b) exercises to increase joint mobility:

In the forward lunge position, springing movements, trying to touch the floor with the heel located behind the leg;

Kneeling, sit on your heels. Using springy movements, lift your knees off the floor;

Walking on the outside of the foot


a) strength exercises:

Squats on two and one legs, also with dumbbells in hands, also with a partner on the shoulders;

Walking and jumping in a half-squat;

On your knees, bend with your torso straight back;

The same, but forward while holding the partner’s shins.

b) exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints:

Circular movements of the pelvis while standing with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart;

Springing movements in a wide forward lunge position. The same in the position of contribution to the side;

Bends forward in a sitting position with straight legs (legs together and apart);

Half twine, twine;

Standing on one leg, swing with maximum amplitude forward, back to the side with a straight leg;

Standing on one leg, the other rests on the bar of the gymnastic wall.

Bends towards a straight leg.


1. Exercises for the front surface of the body:

a) strength exercises:

From a lying position, raising the body to a sitting position;

Lying down, raising straight legs, raising straight legs while lying on the shoulder blades, bent;

In a lying position, arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raising dumbbells forward.

Bend backwards, standing with your feet apart, hands on your belt, towards your shoulders, up;

Sitting with your lower back supported on a medicine ball.

Bend back, arms up;

Push-up bridge from a lying position.

1. Exercises for the back of the body:

a) strength exercises:

Bend forward with a medicine ball held by the hands at the back of the head;

Lying on your stomach, bending, arms up;

Bend forward position, raising arms to the sides with dumbbells;

b) exercises to increase spinal mobility:

Springy bending forward;

1. Exercises for the lateral surface of the body:

a) strength exercises:

From a sitting position, legs apart, leaning on one hand, with a turn, lying on your side, the other hand up;

In the gray-haired position, legs apart (toes catch on the rail of the gymnastic wall or while holding your partner’s legs, bend back 45 degrees and turn the body to the right, left, hands behind the head;

b) exercises to increase spinal mobility:

Springy tilts of the torso to the sides in a standing position with legs apart, hands on the waist, to the shoulders, up.


· from a crouching position go to a lying position, then again crouching at a point-blank position, stand up, do the same but with bending your arms in a lying position;

· walking on hands with the help of a partner by the legs;

· in a standing position with legs apart, circular movements of the torso;

· from a standing position, sit down cross-legged, without using your hands, then lie down, sit down again and stand up.


· from a standing position against the wall with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels touching it, move away from the wall, maintaining this position. Determine the difference between the usual pose and the pose of correct posture against the wall;

· holding a gymnastic stick vertically behind your back at the lower back, take straight position body with the stick touching the back of the head and spine. Fix the pose while standing in front of the mirror;

· standing with your back to the wall, perform squats and bend your torso to the side, without lifting your back and pelvis from the wall;

· lying on your back, hands behind your head, tense your back muscles, rise to the o.s. Maintaining a straight body position with the help of partners.


When selecting individual exercises and compiling outdoor switchgear complexes, you must first of all be guided by who these exercises are intended for and for what purpose they will be used. In other words, pedagogical objectives should be clearly defined. The most typical forms of outdoor exercise, differing from each other in their target orientation and tasks, are morning exercises, industrial gymnastics, basic gymnastics, etc.

The forms of organization, as well as the pedagogical objectives of the classes, depend on with whom (the contingent) and for what purpose the exercises are carried out. It should be borne in mind that each exercise is universal in nature and should be used taking into account the tasks that need to be solved with the help of this exercise. For example, squats on both legs in classes with toddlers help develop a sense of balance when changing posture. Squats in morning exercises or sports warm-up warm up the leg muscles and stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Squats during industrial gymnastics with persons engaged in labor processes involving mainly the hands or in a sitting position will contribute to the active rest of the leg muscles, especially the hip extensors. Finally, squats with a dosed load at therapeutic exercises used to restore the functions of muscles and joints of the legs after injuries or diseases. Externally identical exercises in form (the same squats) will have different effects depending on the nature of their execution (fast or slow squats with or without weights, etc.). In order to correctly navigate the choice of exercises, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the qualitatively different forms of manifestation of motor abilities. The most characteristic qualities are strength, endurance and flexibility.

1. Repeated (8-12 times) lifting of available weight or overcoming weight own body(when doing push-ups while lying down, getting up from a squat, pulling up, etc.) until fatigue develops strength endurance, helps to increase muscle mass. If repetition (8-12 times) is not difficult, it is necessary to increase the weight of the weight or change the starting position (for example, push-ups with your feet resting on a platform).

2. Lifting near the maximum weight (1-3 times) develops maximum muscle strength and increases their mass. Isometric exercises (close to the limit of muscle tension with such external resistance that there is no visible movement of body parts) also develop maximum strength.

3. Performing movements at maximum speed develops the speed and strength qualities of the muscles and speed.

ENDURANCE – using outdoor gear, they develop local and general endurance (for example, lifting dumbbells to the shoulders, pulling up on the bar).

Exercises in which long time many muscle groups are involved and therefore work with increased cardiovascular and respiratory system, develop general endurance (for example, general impact exercises, long running in place, jumping, squats in combination with bending and lying down, performed repeatedly until you sweat)

FLEXIBILITY – distinguish between active and passive flexibility. Active flexibility is associated with demonstrating mobility in the joints due to overcoming muscle work (holding a high leg, high leg swings). In this regard, the development of active flexibility involves the use of exercises with an increased range of motion, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles that fix the joints in extreme positions (highly raised leg, high angle, etc.). Passive flexibility - manifestation of mobility in joints due to gravity own weight the body or its parts, the actions of a partner or weights (lowering into a split, bending forward in a sitting position with pulling to the legs with the help of a partner, bending the body towards the leg with its support on the rail of the gymnastic wall, etc.).

Passive flexibility is developed by the method of repeated active or passive actions of a yielding nature (bending with additional movements, the same with the help of a partner), by fixing systematic positions in poses where mobility in the joints is manifested (bridge, splits, bending, etc.).

The amount of available range of motion depends on the development of flexibility. Exercising only with strength exercises leads to limited mobility in the joints and stiffness. Therefore, strength exercises must be combined with flexibility and relaxation exercises.

Relaxation exercises are also part of the outdoor training and are associated with rest and involuntary natural relaxation of muscles. Using the method of contrasting actions: alternating strong tensions and quick relaxations of a given muscle group, it is necessary for those exercising to actively or voluntarily relax the muscles. This method is effective in a lying or sitting position. Swinging movements with relaxation, shaking, and self-massage techniques are used.


When selecting exercises based on the principle of their compliance with the main pedagogical tasks, one should be guided by the following rules:

1. Exercises should have a diverse impact on those involved. This is especially important to consider when compiling complexes morning exercises, sports warm-up, which must include exercises involving the movements of all parts of the body. It is necessary to alternate exercises according to a certain pattern that makes up one series, for example, “arms-legs-torso”. There cannot be forever established rules, since the range of problems solved using outdoor switchgear is very wide.

2. Along with the diverse effects on the body of those involved, outdoor gear should be selected taking into account their local influence on the development of individual muscle groups or certain physical qualities. Outdoor switchgear complexes, designed taking into account local impact, typical for athletic and basic gymnastics. The same rules should be followed when compiling a set of exercises for industrial and therapeutic gymnastics.

3. The “progression” rule, widely used in sports, is also implemented when compiling an outdoor complex in the form of an “increase” in the effect of using an exercise due to an increase in the amplitude and speed of movements, the degree of tension, and the number of repetitions. This manifests itself during the performance of one exercise and one or several outdoor switchgear complexes. Each exercise can be strengthened through additional actions. An increase in load in the ORU complex is achieved by including more intense exercises in subsequent series and increasing the number of repetitions. Gradual habituation (adaptation) to the load from lesson to lesson with a constant outdoor complex indicates the beneficial effect of exercise on the body and requires a change in the complex in the direction of its complexity.

4. The gymnastic method of conducting outdoor exercise is distinguished by strict regulation of movements, which is achieved with the help of clear instructions on the starting position, direction and amplitude of the movement and the nature of their implementation. When selecting exercises, you must follow the rules of gymnastic regulation of exercises. For example, when bending forward, it is important to clarify the position of the legs, since the effect will be different if the legs are placed together or apart, with toes facing out or with parallel feet. The nature of the exercise varies depending on whether the incline is performed slowly or quickly. The following exercises and their varieties should be the basis: 1. Pull-ups with straightened body bending. 2. Circular movements with your hands. 3. Squats. 4.Tilting the body forward, backward, to the side and in circular movements. 5. Tilts and circular movements of the head. 6. Lying emphasis and lying push-ups. 7. Raising the legs in a sitting and lying position (or the torso with the legs fixed). 8. Swing your legs forward, backward and to the side. 9. Jumps (jumps) multiple times. 10.Walking and running in place.


A feature of outdoor switchgear, in contrast to conducting applied exercises, is their stylization. Outdoor switchgear is carried out using objects. When practicing outdoor gear, objects are used with various efforts: as a pull-back, as a means of restoring the accuracy of movements, as a means of increasing interest in classes, etc.

A gymnastic stick is used as a limiter of movements, clarifying their direction and amplitude. In addition, it can be used as a support for exercises in supports and hangs when training with partners. Typical exercises with a skipping rope are jumping with pulling over it: on two and one leg; with rotating the rope back and forth; for each rotation of the rope and with intermediate jumps; with double rotation; in a squat, etc. A jump rope folded in half, three or four times is used as a stick. A long rope is also used for jumping while rotating its ends by two partners.

INFLATABLE BALLS are used for throwing and catching during individual and group exercises. Small (tennis) balls are also used for throwing at a target.

Medicine balls different weights, as well as movement restrictions and support when performing a row (for example, bending while lying down with support, your back on the ball).

DUMBBELLS of different weights are widely used as weights that enhance the effect during dynamic exercises of a speed-strength nature (light weight) and during dynamic and statistical strength exercises (medium and heavy weight). Rubber and spring shock absorbers are used for the same purpose. Block devices, weights and barbells are used for special power support in sports gymnastics and athletic gymnastics and are typical tools for outdoor training. Exercises with wooden clubs are performed to develop strength and mobility in the joints of the upper limbs, coordination of movements, and are also used in games and relay races. Many outdoor switchgear can be performed using gymnastic bench and on the gymnastics wall. The bench can serve as a support in a sitting position, in a lying position, or as an obstacle when jumping. Many exercises can be performed using a bench as a weight, lifting it with your hands or feet by a group of exercisers.

Thanks to the design of the apparatus on the gymnastic wall, you can perform specific exercises with your hands and feet supporting the slats at different heights, hanging and mixed hanging exercises. In addition, additional support with your hands on the wall makes it easier to perform a number of exercises (balance, squats), which is important when practicing with beginners.

It is also advisable to carry out outdoor switchgear with a partner. This expands the possibilities of using outdoor gear: the interaction of partners can facilitate or complicate a motor task, and in general increases the emotional background of classes. When drawing up a training program, you need to provide for the possibility of including exercises with objects and using gymnastic equipment in the complex.

Outdoor Switchgear TRAINING

As a rule, outdoor exercise is not a complex motor task for those involved, and the learning process most often comes down to memorizing the sequence of exercises in a complex. The most effective other methods of teaching outdoor switchgear are the methods by showing, by telling and by division: 1. Method of teaching by showing.

When teaching outdoor gear using the demonstration method, instructions are given at the same time as to which movements are performed on what count. After 2-3 repetitions together with the group, the conductor moves on to counting and prompting. Finish the exercises with the command: “Stop!” It is served instead of the next bill.

When teaching children of primary school age, not commands are given, but orders: “Take your starting position!” etc.

2.Method of teaching through a story.

This method is used when teaching more simple exercises or in order to intensify the attention of those involved. Along the way, suggest basic actions instead of counting, but also in the rhythm and tempo of the exercises. For example: “Bend-straighten-sit-stand.” At combined method, which connects showing and telling, shows an exercise at the beginning, and then prompts how to perform it.

3. Method of teaching units.

This method is used when teaching more complex coordination devices, as it allows you to make mistakes between individual movements to clarify them and correct errors. With this method, high motor density of activities is achieved.


Regulation of physical activity during outdoor sports activities is carried out by changing:

· number of exercises (depending on the forms of outdoor switchgear training, it may be different);

· rest intervals between exercises (shortening pauses for rest increases the load);

· number of repetitions (when performing simple outdoor exercises that fit into the count “1-4” or “1-8” to music, as a rule, each exercise will be repeated 4, 8, 12 or 16 times. Exercises without music can be repeated within the same limits , without adhering to the exact quantity dictated by the structure of the musical work);

· pace (faster, the pace of exercise is usually more intense);

· starting position (the same exercise with different starting positions has a different load. For example: flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position with hands resting on an elevation or in an emphasis on the uneven bars. Dose the exercise based on general rules taking into account the degree of preparedness of students, their age, gender and the tasks being solved with this contingent. During individual classes, adjust the load depending on the degree of fatigue. During group classes, the teacher can let the students stop the exercise on their own; if you continue it with everyone together, it’s difficult to stop. In strength exercises, the feeling of fatigue is easily felt and repetition to failure is acceptable. In endurance exercises, it is impossible to bring the body “to failure” to such a degree of fatigue, especially when training with beginners. In flexibility exercises, you should be guided by a feeling of slight pain, indicating the limit of the range of motion.

From lesson to lesson, the load should also be gradually increased, regulating it using the same factors and the number of days of exercise per week.

Breathing is closely related to movements. The depth and frequency of breathing must correspond to the body’s needs for this moment. This complex physiological function of the body is carried out automatically, although possibly voluntarily, in the act of breathing. For healthy people it doesn’t matter when to inhale and exhale; moments of short-term straining are not harmful. Whenever possible, it is necessary to combine the pace of movements with breathing. When expanding chest When moving your arms to the sides and straightening your torso, it is recommended to inhale, and when bending and bending, exhale.

The emotional background, especially when working with children, is of great importance; it is recommended by ORU in a playful way. Many outdoor games are rich in movements that can be organized and used as outdoor activities (walking, running, squatting, jumping, bending, etc.)

The competitive method of conducting outdoor training also increases the emotional tone of those involved. For the same purpose, outdoor switchgear is carried out in various formations and with changes: in a line, column, circle, in closed and open formation, in movement in pairs and threes. Outdoor switchgear is especially useful (in the park, in the forest and on the beach).

The concept of ontogenesis

ONTOGENESIS- process individual development organism (from its birth to death). The period of ontogenesis from fertilization of the egg to the release of the young individual from the egg shells or the mother’s body is called germinal, or embryonic, development (embryogenesis); After birth, the postembryonic period begins.

The study of heredity and variability has shown that the sequential development of the characteristics of an organism in ontogenesis occurs under the control of the genetic apparatus. At different stages of ontogenesis, coordinated regulation of the activity of various genes occurs. The mechanisms of this regulation and the specific sequence of deployment of the genetic program in the ontogenesis of various species of organisms are being intensively studied. It has been proven that although all cells of one organism potentially carry the same genetic program, but, firstly, as the organism develops, its different cells use different parts of this program, and secondly, the nature of the work of genes is greatly influenced by external conditions , in relation to the cell and to the given organism, environment.

Detailed information about how gene activity is regulated has so far been obtained from microorganisms. This process has yet to be studied in higher organisms. However, it is clear that the regulation of gene activity in higher organisms, including humans, is carried out continuously throughout ontogenesis. Much data has been accumulated on how certain genes are “turned on” at different stages of development of a given organism and in its different organs. For example, during the course of a person’s life, the type of hemoglobin molecules synthesized changes three times. In the early stages of embryo development, the so-called embryonic hemoglobin. Then, after a certain time, the gene that controls the synthesis of these molecules “falls silent” (suppressed) and another gene encoding the so-called begins to work instead. fetal hemoglobin.

Later, another change occurs, the synthesis of the third type of hemoglobin begins - adult type hemoglobin.

The need to replace one type of hemoglobin with another is due to the different needs of organisms. Thus, during intrauterine development, the body is supplied with oxygen from the mother’s blood, and since the first two types of hemoglobin (embryonic hemoglobin and fetal hemoglobin) bind oxygen better than adult-type hemoglobin, it is clear why, during evolutionary development, such an important adaptation as the change types of hemoglobin at different stages of ontogenesis. The sometimes observed delay in the change from early types of hemoglobin to the adult type or their incomplete change leads to the disease - thalassemia.

Stopping genes from working does not mean destroying them. Experiments on plants have shown that isolated cells from almost all parts of the plant (leaves, roots and stems) are capable, under appropriate conditions, of beginning to divide and give rise to a mature normal organism. Similar experiments were carried out on animals.

Along with the changes programmed in the body itself in the work of different genes, there is a diverse influence on the activity of genes from environment. It has been established that the development of any trait is a consequence not only of the genetic program that is already laid down in the fertilized egg and then unfolds during ontogenesis, but is also determined by the action of the environment. Observations of identical twins have proven this point. In these twins, the genetic program at the initial moments of development was the same, but subsequent differences in living conditions lead to certain differences in their physical appearance. and mental development.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that between the development of certain characteristics in humans (as in any other representatives of higher organisms) and individual genes, there is complex connection. Certain traits are formed under the control of a large number of genes, and it has not yet been clarified how many, which and how interconnected genes control the formation of individual organs (for example, the eye or even parts of the eye). Clarifying these questions is a matter for the future, and such work is being carried out by biologists. Little is known, for example, how eye color is inherited, as well as some other characteristics.

The study of the genetic development program is of great practical importance. significance, especially in relation to genes that determine susceptibility to various diseases. A large number of inherited diseases have been discovered (many diseases nervous system, metabolism, etc.), which are detected only at certain stages of ontogenesis. Knowledge of the characteristics of such diseases is extremely important for their early detection and treatment. The same information is essential for medical genetic counseling, since early detection of carriage of genes that determine the development of a particular disease allows specialists in medical genetics to make recommendations about the degree of risk of transmitting such genes to offspring.

Types and periodization of ontogenesis:

1. Direct (no transformation)

1. Non-larval (oviparous)

eggs are rich in nutrients, a significant part of ontogenesis in the egg is external environment

2. Intrauterine

provision of vital functions and development of the embryo by the maternal body through the placenta, the role of provisional organs

2. Indirect (with transformation)

1. Complete: egg – larva – pupa – adult

2. Not complete: egg - larva - adult

The pelvic girdle muscles are very important for athletes, although their development is often not given due attention. In this article we will talk about the need to develop the pelvic muscles, as well as ways to avoid hip injuries.

Muscles of the pelvic girdle

Of all the muscle groups, the muscles of the pelvic girdle often receive the least attention. Few exercises have been developed for them, and it is completely in vain. Many professional athletes have learned from their own experience the need to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

The strength of the body largely depends on the power of the pelvic muscles. It is for this reason that full squats must be included in a well-designed training program. They maximize the strength of these target muscles, increase their stability, and strengthen the ligaments and tendons of the hip joints.
The pelvic girdle contains a lot of strength, and for this reason, all exercises created to develop the muscles of this group involve the use of heavy weights. Light training in this case will definitely not bring results.

Young athletes pay the least attention to the pelvic girdle muscle group. This is due to the fact that they are less susceptible to hip joint injuries. The exception is representatives of contact sports, such as hockey. But having received such an injury, it becomes impossible to play sports.

With age, athletes begin to understand the importance of the pelvic muscles and begin to actively develop them. Recently, an information article appeared in one of the American newspapers containing statistical data on the number of operations on the hip joint. In Baltimore alone, about 5 thousand people go to the city hospital. If we add to this figure those suffering from all kinds of diseases of the pelvic joints, then this number can boggle the imagination.

Perhaps the most common cause of pelvic girdle problems in older athletes is the accumulation of injuries of varying severity throughout their career. It is worth recognizing that even after the injuries are healed, they will most likely make themselves felt in a few years.

The pelvic girdle is a very complex group of muscles and ligaments that proves to be very strong. These muscles are responsible for lifting weights from a low squat, as well as lifting the bar off the floor.

Damage to the hip joint: causes and consequences

In total, this group of muscles has 22 muscles (this does not take into account the muscles located in the lower abdomen and back, which have a direct connection with them). They have six flexors, four extensors, six rotators, two adductors and four abductors. This is the most powerful muscle group, provided that enough attention is paid to its development.
However, even with this, there is a high probability of injury to the pelvic joints. Any incorrect or too sudden movement can damage them. Anyone who has been through this can attest that it is one of the most severe injuries.

There are exercises and rehabilitation exercises that can help cope with the effects of injury. If everything is done correctly, it usually takes about two weeks. There was a case with one famous athlete, who had neglected his injury so much that even trying to get up from the chair caused extreme pain. Within a few months the problem was resolved and he began weightlifting again.

Damage to the hip joints can be caused by more than just overuse. Often pain can occur only due to the lack of exercises for this muscle group in the training program.

It is also possible that the loads simply were not effective enough. A large number of athletes Special attention focuses on the upper body, forgetting about the legs. This is largely due to the need to give the leg muscles more stress. Such exercises require more energy compared to, for example, a simple bench press.

When creating a training schedule to increase the strength of the pelvic muscles or for their rehabilitation, it is advisable to use a two-pronged approach. When increased stress is placed on the pelvic area, you should remember the spine, as they are closely interconnected. As the strength of the leg muscles increases, the back muscles should not lag behind them in their development.

How to strengthen your back muscles

It is from the back that you should start. You can use hyperextension or reverse hyperextension as a warm-up. In this case, you should not use weights. The number of repetitions must be increased, gradually increasing their number to 50. At this level, you can slow down until changes appear in the performance of other exercises to strengthen the lower back. Having gained experience, you can start using weights in training, but not from the first lessons. This is very important to remember.

At first training session perform a set of any hyperextension, then after a few weeks, add another exercise. It is worth noting that the optimal training for the back muscles is bending forward using a barbell. You should eventually aim for 8 to 10 reps, using half the barbell weight you use for squats.

Don't force things, and increase the weight gradually. You can add a couple of kilograms every week. There is also an upper limit for inclines, which is about 102.5 kilograms for 8 or 10 repetitions. These numbers were not made up, but taken from the practice of weightlifters in the 60s. This statement is true for the reason that if you constantly increase the load, the pelvic girdle will occupy a slightly different position.

It will be good if you vary this exercise by changing the angle of inclination. Thanks to this, other muscles will be involved. Bends can be done with either a straight back or a slightly rounded one. It is allowed to perform bends in a sitting position. The latter option is suitable for athletes who have suffered a knee or ankle injury. It is enough to perform the exercise once a week.

An equally effective exercise for the spinal muscle group is the deadlift with straight legs. The weight of the weight in this case should be no more than 75% of the weight with which you squat. For example, if a barbell weighing 180 kilograms is used for squats, then deadlifts should be done with a weight of 130 kilograms, performing 8 or 10 repetitions. This ratio should be maintained constantly.

It is advisable to perform this exercise from the floor and not from blocks. In this case, you should pay attention to ensure that your knees are always slightly bent and that the bar of the barbell is located as close to your legs as possible throughout the entire movement. It is very good to alternate between deadlifts and bendings. One week do the first exercise, and the second week do another. This will diversify the process, eliminating habituation from the training.

Exercises to develop leg muscles

Having loaded the back muscles using the exercises described above, you can move on to the legs. The main exercise is, of course, full squats. Athletes often experience leg pain when performing this exercise. This is mainly due to incorrect execution. When working with heavy weights, you should go below the hip line, or even better - to the limit. To do this, you need to expand your foot position. It’s worth saying right away that you will most likely have to reduce the weight of the burden.

A front squat will be no less effective. In this case, you just have to go as low as possible. Also, such exercises fit perfectly into any training program for an easy day. It is enough to perform two or three sets of five repetitions to warm up. After this, three more sets, maybe a little more, three repetitions. Complete the exercise with one set of simple wide stance squats with high reps.

You can use deadlifts to develop leg muscles. It's also very effective exercise. However, they must be done in a certain way. The main thing here is not lifting as much weight as possible, it is much more important to use as many muscles as possible. To do this, you should keep your pelvis low at the very beginning, and do not rush to get up. When lifting quickly, other muscle groups are involved.

To master the exercise technique, you can use a light weight, about 30 kilograms, but at the same time keep your pelvis down. The muscles of the pelvic girdle are responsible for the first phase of lifting. The exercise can be done once a week, doing 5 sets with 5 repetitions.

A second variation of this exercise could be a sumo-style deadlift, where you grab the bar between your legs. In this case, you need to place your feet wide apart. This gives a very good effect and involves several pelvic muscles at once. The most difficult part of the exercise is keeping the pelvis low. If it is raised, the exercise will lose effectiveness. It can be helpful to alternate simple rows with sumo-style rows every week or every few. The “5x5” formula will be effective here too.

Hack squats can be recommended as rehabilitation exercises, but you should go very low. Otherwise, there will be practically no effect. The number of repetitions can be from 15 to 20. It is good to use hack squats after simple ones. If your training program does not yet have any of the exercises described above, then they must be promptly included in it. The pelvic muscles can do a lot of work, but they need to be trained. As you get older, you will realize that you did not do it in vain.

Video on how to strengthen your pelvic muscles:

Doing a warm-up can protect you from injury and is an important part of your workout. Warm-up can consist of absolutely any physical activity that can significantly increase the heart rate, for example, jogging (outdoors or just indoors), cycling (regular or stationary) or jumping rope.

There are exercises that will generally prepare your body for training and in a specific way warm up the muscles that you plan to work in each individual session.

You need to choose one or more warm-up exercises for each part of the body that you will exercise that day. Each exercise consists of fairly simple movements that should be performed several times in a row before stopping in the approach. The warm-up portion of your session should take 3 to 4 minutes.

Another aspect of the warm-up that is not covered by the exercises below, but should be kept in mind as you move on to heavier weights. Perform a light set of any strength exercise on each individual body part (with a weight of about one-third to one-half of your “working” weight for that exercise).

Many of the exercises below operate on the concept of “ main post" This means the following: stand with your feet parallel to the floor, approximately shoulder-width apart, the muscles around the shoulder and knee joints relaxed, your pelvis tucked, and your chin raised.

Warm up the neck muscles:

  • Head turns. Body position - basic stance. Turn your head from side to side several times, trying to turn it as far as possible.

Warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms:

  • Shoulder rotation. Main stand. Rotate your shoulders up, back and down, forward several times. Then change direction.
  • Head tilts. Main stand. Smoothly tilt your head forward, then return it to an upright position. Don't shrug your shoulders.
  • Shrug. Main stand. Raise your shoulders as high as possible while inhaling, then exhale sharply, lowering your shoulders just as sharply.
  • Swing your arms. Main stand. Swing your arms, starting above your head and moving them down to the sides and crossing them in front of your chest. Then swing your arms up and continue.

Warm up the chest and back muscles:

  • Raising your arms forward. Main stand. Bring your hands together in front of you. Inhale deeply as you raise your arms above your head and exhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Raise your arms back. Main stand. Connect your hands below your back. Inhale, raising them as high and back as possible, exhale, returning to the starting position. Do not lean forward under any circumstances.
  • Standing raises. Main stand. Start by straightening your arms in front of you at chest level. Extend your arms as far back as possible, squeezing your shoulder blades together and inhaling. As you exhale, return your arms to the starting position, round your back and shoulders forward, spreading your shoulder blades to the sides.

Warm up the torso muscles:

  • Twisting. Main stand. Keeping your arms out to the sides, rotate your torso from side to side as quickly as possible, keeping your pelvic girdle motionless. At the same time, try to spread your hands back further.
  • Twisting with bent arms. Bend your elbows and grab your shoulders with the fingers of each hand. Rotate your torso from side to side.
  • Side bends. Main stand. Bring your hands together behind your head and bend from side to side. Keep your pelvis motionless.
  • Torso rotation. Basic stance, except with the feet slightly turned toes outward rather than parallel. Hands on hips. Keeping your pelvic girdle still, first lean forward, bending at the waist. Then return to the starting position (stand). Then do the same in turn to the right, back, left. Repeat 3 times, then change the direction of movement.
  • Bent over torso twists. If you have any problems in the lower spine, avoid this exercise. Spread your feet wide, bend your knees slightly and lean forward, bending at the waist so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Bring your hands together behind your head. Bring your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. As when doing a warm-up, repeat several times. Be careful not to round your back. It is allowed to twist the pelvic girdle from side to side.

Warm-up the muscles of the lower back:

  • Forward bends. If you are concerned about any complications in your lower spine, avoid this exercise. Main stand. Place your chin on your chest and bend literally along the vertebrae, bending as low as possible, then straighten up in the same way. Next, without changing the position of your feet, turn your torso to the left and repeat the tilt, then turn to the right and bend. Be careful not to strain the muscles of the shoulder girdle when straightening after bending the torso.

All core exercises are also very good for warming up the lower back muscles.

Warm up the leg muscles:

  • Straightening your legs forward while standing. Using your right hand to maintain balance, place your left hand on your waist. Straighten your left leg forward, lifting it as high as possible. Then bend your left leg at the knee and do the bending and straightening several times. Repeat the procedure with your right leg, now using your left hand to maintain balance. Do not relax the knee joint of the supporting leg.
  • « Dive" Standing on your left leg, place your weight on the floor on both hands and lift your right leg back, bending it at the knee joint. Bend and straighten your left leg. Repeat several times. Keep your left foot flat on the floor and do not disengage the knee joint of that leg as you rise to the top of the movement. Change the position of your legs and repeat.

Warm-up the muscles of the pelvic girdle:

  • Mahi. Maintain your balance with right hand. Swing your left leg forward and backward, repeating this several times; then do the same from right to left. Switch legs and repeat.
  • Side Lunges. Hands on the belt, feet parallel, wide stance. Take a deep lunge to one side, then to the other, without lifting your feet off the floor or moving them. Don't lean your torso forward.

Warm up the ankle joint:

  • Rotation of feet. Holding onto something with your hand for balance, lift your leg off the floor and rotate your free foot, first in one direction, then in the other, doing this several times with each leg.

Warm up the calf muscles:

  • Calf raise. Rise onto the toes of both feet, maintaining your balance by holding on to some stable support. Lower and lift your heels, keeping your feet parallel. Repeat with toes turned outwards, then with toes turned inwards.