Alexander Abdulov biography personal and reason. Alexander Abdulov: biography, personal life, children

For clarification, we turned to one of the leading experts in the field of treatment of malignant lung tumors, professor, State Prize laureate, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, head of the first surgical thoracic department of the Moscow Research Oncological Institute. P. A. Herzen to Alexander Trakhtenberg.

Risk factors

For an experienced doctor, the tragedy that happened to the famous actor was not a revelation. In the memory of Alexander Kharitonovich there are many examples when a malignant tumor was discovered in very young people and, it would seem, outwardly absolutely healthy people. In terms of incidence, lung cancer occupies one of the first places in Russia (among oncological diseases) and is diagnosed annually in 63–65 thousand patients.

According to statistics, nine out of ten patients are men. Although in Cuba, for example, lung cancer affects both men and women equally often. The secret is simple: both smoke a lot. The impetus for the formation of a tumor can be life in an ecologically unfavorable region, or work related to radiation or harmful substances(asbestos, radon, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium).

Heredity plays an important role in the development of malignant lung diseases. If one of your relatives has had cancer, you are at risk. The chance of developing a dangerous illness is also increased by previous pneumonia or tuberculosis: the scar left in the lung tissue after an illness is a convenient “landing ground” for cancer.

What circumstance became fatal for Alexander Abdulov, it's hard to say. However, one of the factors that could lead him to a malignant lung disease is obvious: the actor smoked a lot. Alexander Gavrilovich could not part with cigarettes even in the intensive care ward, having come to his senses after the operation he underwent in August of this year...

Last time health problems literally haunted the public's favorite. Although there have been rumors that Abdulov is seriously ill in his native Lenkom Theater for a long time. Colleagues famous artist They began to note that he had become nervous and irritable, and had recently lost a lot of weight. In addition, as it turned out later, Alexander Gavrilovich suffered from severe back pain. That, however, did not stop him from leading a rather busy lifestyle. Until the recent sad events, the actor had a very busy work schedule.

The first warning sign was an attack of cardiac arrhythmia, with whom Abdulov was taken by ambulance to the capital’s cardio center in May of this year. The next emergency happened three months later, in Sevastopol, during the filming of a new film based on Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid,” where the actor is simultaneously a director, a scriptwriter, and a performer. leading role. Abdulov developed a stomach ulcer. Alexander Gavrilovich’s condition was so serious that he had to urgently undergo surgery...

A silent killer

Now that the actor’s main problem has become known, his recent stomach surgery speaks volumes to oncologists. According to Professor Trachtenberg, this gastric pathology is quite often detected in people with a malignant tumor of the lung: lung cancer often metastasizes to the mediastinum (the part of the chest cavity limited below by the diaphragm, in front by the sternum, and behind thoracic region spine), where the nerves that regulate the functional state of the stomach are located.

True, at first, lung cancer, as a rule, does not give itself away, which makes its diagnosis very difficult. At relatively early stages, malignant lung tumors are detected in only less than 20% of cases. The most insidious in this regard is peripheral cancer, when the tumor originates directly from the lung tissue. If you manage to “catch” him, it is by accident. A man went to a sanatorium, had to undergo fluorography, and then...

Central lung cancer, in which the tumor develops from the bronchial epithelium, is no less insidious. But he still has some symptoms. A dangerous disease can reveal itself as a persistent, prolonged cough, which the vast majority of general practitioners often mistake for... a banal acute respiratory infection. A person has been coughing for months, takes anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins, and does not suspect that he urgently needs to run for fluorography and take sputum tests.

Unfortunately, many doctors do not think about this either. The system of timely diagnostics in our country leaves much to be desired, not to mention the technical equipment of provincial hospitals. Gone are the days when each of us was required to undergo medical examination. Now everything depends on the persistence of the patients themselves. For Professor Trachtenberg and his colleagues, this circumstance causes nothing but bitterness. In clinical oncology, time is of the essence: the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of its successful treatment.

Alexander Abdulov was diagnosed with lung cancer by accident: after surgery for a perforation, he began to develop stomach ulcers serious problems with heart. The actor spent six days in intensive care, after which he was sent to the Bakulev Moscow Cardiocenter. But Alexander Gavrilovich’s misadventures did not end there. Soon he again experienced a sharp deterioration in his health. Having convened a consultation and ordered a thorough examination of the actor, the capital’s doctors discovered a mass formation in the root and mediastinum of the lower lobe of the lung, and then performed a biopsy, which confirmed the malignant nature of the tumor.

In the Israeli clinic "Ichilov", where the eminent patient was urgently taken on the advice of Moscow specialists, the alarming assumptions of Russian doctors were only confirmed: the actor has lung cancer in a far from early stage. In the near future, doctors will have to decide where and how the favorite of the Russian public will be treated. Moscow doctors also flew to Tel Aviv to participate in a consultation on this issue. They face a difficult task: for an artist whose body is already weakened by a recent stomach operation, chemotherapy is not an easy test. But surgery to remove a malignant lung tumor is useless: at a late stage of cancer, when metastases have already started, surgery does not give the expected result.

Find and neutralize

In less advanced cases of malignant lung diseases, the main treatment method is surgery. But in reality, only every tenth patient succeeds in undergoing surgery. The stumbling block is still the same - late or erroneous diagnosis. Most often, instead of the first and second stages of cancer, doctors have to deal with patients with stage 3 lung cancer, the vast majority of whom are also elderly. In this case, you don’t have to choose: chemotherapy and radiation therapy come to the rescue.

True, recently a new endoscopic method of treating lung cancer has appeared in the arsenal of Russian oncologists - photodynamic therapy, during which tumor tissues, stained with a drug previously injected into them, are targetedly burned with a laser. But this gentle, organ-preserving technique is intended only for those whose illness is at the very beginning.

In any case, the success of treatment depends on the microscopic structure of the tumor and the stage of the disease. Under favorable circumstances, the cure rate for malignant lung tumors is quite high: over 70% in the first stage and about 50% in the second. If the disease is already in the third stage of its development, it is quite difficult to achieve satisfactory treatment results. Five-year survival can be achieved only in 10–15% of patients. The fourth stage of lung cancer, alas, is incurable, but it is possible to prolong the life of such a patient.

In the case of Alexander Abdulov, doctors are in no hurry to make long-term prognoses: His illness turned out to be too advanced. But, despite his rapidly deteriorating condition, Alexander Gavrilovich tries not to lose heart. It's not in his nature to mope and complain. We wish our favorite actor good luck!

Let's remember the main events in the life of the famous artist. On January 3, 2008, Alexander Abdulov died of cancer at the age of 54. Nine months earlier, the man’s wife, Julia, gave him a daughter.

Alexander Abdulov was rightfully considered one of the most talented actors of his generation. He became famous at the age of 25 after playing Bear in the film An ordinary miracle" The talented artist coped well with both comedic and dramatic roles. But he was best able to portray romantic images on screen.
Ten years ago, Abdulov’s life suddenly ended, which came as a big surprise to both his family and his many fans. “StarHit” decided to recall the main events in the life of the famous actor.


The future idol of millions was born into a theatrical family. He appeared on stage at the age of five, taking part in his father’s play. However, Alexander Gavriilovich never aspired to a career as an actor. He was much more attracted to sports and music.
Alexander Abdulov began playing on the Lenkom stage after Mark Zakharov drew attention to him. In 1975, he invited an aspiring actor to join the troupe, and subsequently the man appeared in almost every significant performance of the theater.
However, the general public became acquainted with the actor in 1978 after he played one of the main roles in the fairy tale “An Ordinary Miracle.” The audience literally went crazy for the handsome, talented young man.

Alexander Abdulov was considered one of the main sex symbols of Soviet cinema

A year later, he consolidated his success with roles in the films “That Same Munchausen” and “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones.” Abdulov worked with incredible energy. Already in 1982, “Sorcerers” was released, and soon he starred as one of Irina Muravyova’s potential suitors in the film “The Most Charming and Attractive.”
The man did not slow down even in the 90s, when many of his colleagues began to leave the profession. At the same time, fans appreciated Abdulov for his ability to choose bright, memorable roles. So, in 2001, he played the crime boss Lavr in the TV series Next. The project was a great success and was extended for two more seasons.
In one of his last interviews with Channel One, Abdulov quite succinctly explained the reason for his creative activity.
“Life is short. You know, only God decides how long your life will be, but only you decide how wide it will be. I have a lot of plans. My dream is to play in a new play by Mark Zakharov in February 2008. He puts on a very good performance, and my role will be good, I hope,” Abdulov said a few weeks before his death.

The actor often played in both feature films and TV series.

During his incredibly productive career, Alexander Gavriilovich played about a hundred film roles. He actively played in the theater and also directed three works. The film “Loser” became one of the last in Abdulov’s career. Here he acted as a director and leading actor.


In the acting community, Alexander Abdulov was considered a ladies' man. He had many fans, with whom the man sometimes started passionate affairs. However, the artist preferred not to talk about his love affairs.
At the dawn of his career, Alexander Gavriilovich began dating dancer Tatyana Leibel. They had an incredibly passionate relationship for several months. However, Abdulov soon fell in love with Irina Alferova.
Together they played in the film “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones.” The on-screen passion quickly turned into real passion, and even the fact that Alferova was already pregnant did not become an obstacle for the stars. Alexander and Irina got married, and later got married. The man raised the baby Ksenia as his own daughter.

Two years after the divorce, Irina Alferova married again

The popular actors lived together for 14 years, and throughout this period they were considered one of the brightest couples in Russian cinema. However, in 1993 there was a divorce. According to rumors, which were never confirmed, the marriage broke up due to Abdulov’s numerous infidelities. The man maintained an excellent relationship with his adopted daughter Ksenia.
The screen star also had a romantic relationship with ballerina Galina Lobanova. However, Alexander Gavriilovich found real happiness in 2004, when he met his future wife Yulia.
Their romance developed rapidly, and already in 2006, the lovers officially became husband and wife. When Abdulov learned about the terrible diagnosis, Yulia was nearby. She supported her husband until the last minute, and after he left it took her years to accept it
In an interview with Channel One, Abdulov repeatedly noted that he was happy next to his chosen one.
“Now most of all I want to live. To see how a child grows, to be close to the woman he loves, to see his mother healthy and happy,” shared Alexander Gavriilovich.

The romance of Alexander and Yulia lasted four years


Until 2007, the actor did not have any children. That is why the birth of his daughter Evgenia was an incredible event for Abdulov. The girl was born on March 21, and for quite a long time the man refused to comment on this topic in any way.
It seemed that his happiness would last forever. However, already in August 2007, Alexander Gavriilovich had to undergo emergency surgery due to a perforated ulcer. On the background surgical intervention Serious heart problems were discovered. At the beginning of September, Abdulov was given a terrible diagnosis: the fourth stage of lung cancer. Doctors came to the conclusion that the disease developed due to the artist’s long-term addiction to smoking.
He himself refused to believe that he was doomed. Alexander Gavriilovich wanted to see his daughter grow up and dreamed of playing many more roles. That's why he started intensive treatment. The man later admitted that his illness caused excessive attention from the public.
“What they didn’t write. That I was treated in Tibet, although this did not happen. I dream of visiting the Tibetan mountains, but I don’t really like active hiking. They also said that some kind of shaman was helping me, which also did not happen. Then they started publishing lists of medications I supposedly used, which I, in principle, consider unacceptable. People will start to think that since it helped Abdulov, it will help me too. What if there are deaths? No, you shouldn’t do that,” the man stated categorically.

According to fans, Abdulov’s daughter is surprisingly similar to him

The actor’s health rapidly deteriorated, but he continued treatment, often met with friends and spent everything free time with his beloved wife and daughter. On January 3, 2008, the idol of millions passed away. For his wife Yulia, the death of her husband was a real blow. She completely focused on taking care of her daughter in order to distract herself from difficult thoughts.
Now the actor’s heiress is 11 years old. Her mother occasionally publishes photographs of the girl, which invariably cause a storm of emotions among fans. In their opinion, Evgenia is incredibly similar to her famous father, who passed away too early.
Recently it became known that Alexander Abdulov may have an adult son. This was reported by the actor’s friend Georgy Martirosyan. However, the artist’s widow Julia knows nothing about a possible heir.
“Georgy Martirosyan tells everyone about this, that Sasha supposedly had a child during his student years. I don’t mind, Sasha’s sons will show up - great. My child loves his brothers and sisters very much. Zhenya communicates with everyone as if they were family. My daughter is open, kind, and sociable. For example, I communicate wonderfully with Sasha’s eldest daughter Ksyusha Alferova. So, if Sasha gets someone else, then good,” said Yulia.

While little Zhenya doesn’t think about acting career

In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Abdulov’s widow said that every year on January 3 she visits her husband’s grave at the Vagankovskoye cemetery with his friends. As a rule, after this, friends and relatives go to a restaurant, where they remember the artist and the bright moments from his life.


The reason for writing this material was an article in the newspaper “Life” about the sensational death famous actor and a talented artist, Alexander Abdulov.

Below is my commentary and clarification of the truth (layouts on Tarot, Moon cards, conclusions and analysis of the situation from the point of view of an esotericist).

Abdulov was ruined by a love spell

The artist's family happiness was destroyed by fatal passion

The cause of Abdulov’s fatal illness was a love spell - this is unanimously stated by psychics who tried to save the artist, who was burning from a painful illness.

The words “black love spell” were even heard at the actor’s wake on the 9th day after his death.

Abdulov's relatives and friends gathered at the Central House of Writers. The women wept, and only the young widow Julia hid her tears.

Abdulov has always been a man to whose light women flocked like moths - handsome, rich, famous, free. There were so many people who wanted to clamp him down! But none of the many admirers after Irina Alferova could become his wife - only Yulia.

She suffered more suffering and grief than anyone else. She devotedly looked after her husband, who was fading before her eyes, and gave birth to a daughter. At the wake in the Central House of Writers, Alexander Abdulov’s closest friends, mother, and relatives endlessly thanked Yulia for making him happy father

What destroyed their short-lived happiness - chance, fate or black magic?

The wife of Robert, Abdulov’s brother, Albina, also asks herself this question, but does not want to blame any of the women. She told Life:

– People talk about it. Sasha’s death is a big blow for everyone, but for us it is completely unthinkable. We all survive together, holding on to each other...

Irina Alferova agrees with her:

- Now is not the time to settle scores...

Women have always loved Alexander. His first love was his classmate Natalya Nesmeyanova. After the first course at GITIS, he invited her to Moscow with him, but his beloved did not want to go with him to the capital...

Later, Irina Alferova appeared in his life and became his great love for many years. They were considered the most beautiful couple in the country. After 17 years of marriage, Abdulov and Alferova separated, despite the fact that they were married. Abdulov himself refused to put a divorce stamp in his passport for a long time after their breakup.

Abdulov adored his ex-wife Irina Alferova, their creative union was fruitful

Afterwards, the “mean girl” journalist Daria Aslamova and the “American spy” bank vice president Katya flashed into his life. But he had stronger hobbies - for 8 years he lived with a ballerina named Galina.


Abdulov's affair with journalist Larisa Steinman ended in scandal. Abdulov lived with her for two years, but there was no talk of marriage. Moreover, they broke up due to accusations of theft. Larisa wrote about it this way:

“During my departure, all the money, video camera, camera, and expensive mobile phone disappeared from his house. Then the diamond watch disappeared. He pressed me into a corner and asked:

-Where did it all go? That's it, it turned out that you stole the money. You must return the money..."

Some time after the breakup, Larisa wrote an extremely frank book about her relationship with the actor.

She was painfully upset:

"As time went. Instant pain in the genital area clearly says: you have received an energy blow. And you understand: your loved one is with someone else.”

Larisa Steinman lived with Abdulov for two years

Even the cover of her book “Genius,” in which she described her affair with the artist, looks frightening: there are two figures on it - a man and a woman, and the man is depicted upside down, as if in a voodoo ritual.

In Chuvashia, where Larisa is from, the belief in witchcraft is still strong, and there are many names for witches: yomzi, tukhatmashi, kushpavan.

Larisa’s fellow countrywoman Svetlana Arkhipova says:

“Two years ago, we burned a woman who was considered a witch; they set fire to her house along with her. This is what happens here. I remember Larisa from childhood, we studied at the same school. Her maiden name is Stakheeva. Clever beauty. When she was 12 years old, Larisa asked the library for books about sex. The librarian was amazed: in our village at that time, not only children, not even adults uttered the word “sex”...


By Larisa’s own admission, her misfortune was that she loved her Genius too much.

– Many women were in love with Abdulov. But I was naive and forgot that he was an actor.

This became the pain of her life:

- In the “Big Wash” program, Andrei Malakhov asked me: “If Abdulov called and asked to remember everything again, would you return to him?” I looked at the camera, smiled, and then cried.

When we asked Larisa a question about the black love spell, she replied that she had never harmed Abdulov. And she added:

– Think better about your own soul. Pray. And take care and love those around you...

Unclean ritual. Historian's commentary. Mikhail Kalyuzhny, researcher of magic and isoterics:

A black love spell is a magical ritual that deprives a man of freedom of choice and turns him into a weak-willed puppet of his “mistress” - the woman who ordered or committed this sinful act.

In other words, this is a special type of zombification, when a demon of prodigal passion and lust is planted on the victim. A well-executed love spell makes a man uncontrollably want the one his invisible, but nevertheless very real, “unclean roommate” points out to him. However, the life of the bewitched is short-lived - he experiences obsessive states, craving for death and everything infernal. He begins to abuse alcohol, becomes absent-minded, rude and aggressive towards others, gets into accidents and catastrophes, and the ending is always the same - an incurable disease quickly develops and the person passes away in the prime of life. Many of these symptoms of a black love spell, alas, can be found in the events recent years Abdulov’s life (for example, he played a demon in the film “The Master and Margarita”, through his own fault he twice got into accidents, which is why he was even forced to get a personal driver), and tragic story his illness and death are known to everyone.


One of the most powerful love spell rituals is done this way. 7 days before the full moon, at midnight, a doll is sculpted from black wax with pronounced male genitals made from white wax. On her back they write the name, eye color and age of the man. Hair from the intimate area of ​​the “mistress” is inserted into the doll’s head, and while casting the spell, the doll’s causal area is wrapped counterclockwise with hair from her head. Then, with a sharp copper needle soaked in the “mistress’s” blood, they pierce the doll’s heart and wash it with water collected from the cemetery (it is collected in a silver vessel and then given to the victim of the love spell to drink). On the night of the full moon, in a cemetery in a fresh grave of a deceased person with a name like that of the victim of a love spell, the doll is buried and a forty-one man is ordered for the repose in 13 churches. But the fate of the “mistress” is sad - very soon she realizes that the torment of living together with the rapidly degrading object of her passion is of no use to her. However, it is impossible for her to remove the love spell. After the death of a man, his demon-tormentor passes to her by inheritance - with all the disastrous consequences.

This is a mortal sin. Priest's comment. Archpriest Alexei Moroz, candidate pedagogical sciences

A love spell is a demonic, witchcraft effect that is performed with the help of fallen spirits.

If a woman bewitches a man with the help of black magic in order to marry him, they will live like a cat and a dog: they will not be able to separate, and they will feel bad together. Of course, this will affect the man’s health; the consequences of love spells can be very serious, even death - especially if the man does not go to church and does not take communion. Then the result of the magical action will be most powerful.


The only chance for such a person is to receive communion, fast and not have mortal sins, then the power of influence can be weakened. He needs to go to confession, to receive communion, to read the akathist, and the gospel, and the psalter for him for 40 days; it would be good for the man himself to undergo the sacrament of unction. This is the only way to help. Under the Russian Orthodox Church there is even a special structure - the Center for Counseling. It is within his competence to help in such situations.

It all depends on the person on whom the black love spell is cast: if he sins and lives in sins, then you can’t do anything, nothing, alas, you can’t help. Everything depends on his desire and on himself. Confession and repentance, then unction - this comes first.

Marina Yakovleva

Esotericist comment:

Alexander Abdulov was undoubtedly a talented and beloved artist. Many people remember him from the films “Sorcerers”, “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “Formula of Love”, “Genius” and many others. In total, the actor starred in more than 120 films, created memorable images on the theatrical stage (Nikita - “Cruel Intentions”, Trubetskoy - “School for Emigrants”, etc.), was awarded a lot of awards - for example, Knight of the Order of Honor, awarded the Order IV class. "For services to the fatherland", awards and titles, including " National artist RSFSR" (and Russia), the S.K. Foundation Prize. Stanislavsky. As an actor, director, screenwriter - at various film festivals in the country and abroad.

From the point of view of esotericism, an actor of this magnitude, who enjoys enormous popularity, has a certain protection (folk love = accumulative egregor, see “Concise Occult Dictionary”, 2004), so it can only be broken through at the moment of karmic working off. And the impact itself must be very strong.

Before analyzing the fact or absence of a love spell in Abdulov’s life, let’s try to feel the cosmic vibrations that influenced the actor’s life.

To do this, let us turn to the numerology of Lunar charts - one of the most effective mantic (that is, fortune-telling) systems. In it, each card corresponds to a number, a number of concepts and a letter of the Russian alphabet.

First, let's look at the vibrations of the artist's name.

Alexander (9) Gavriilovich (5) Abdulov (7) = 9 + 5 + 7 + 21

The vibrations of the surname “Abdulov” give a seven. That is, the “Fire Rooster” card. It characterizes a person as active, sociable, with good oratorical abilities. These are writers, translators, singers, artists.

From the actor’s biography it is known that in his youth he conquered girls by performing the singles of his favorite group “The Beatles” with a guitar, and, of course, everyone remembers the soulful song from the film “Sorcerers”. By the way, Alexander’s father, Gabriel Danilovich, was the creator and artistic director of the first Central Asia Russian Drama Theater in Fergana. These are the vibrations of the 7 and the surname “Abdulov”.

The name “Alexander” gives a 9, it corresponds to the card “ Bat" It is associated with intrigues, deception (intrigue), women and mysticism. I think it’s obvious that the actor had enough of all this in his life. And love affairs (and women loved him), and misadventures (just look at the periods of persecution, when sometimes bureaucrats even took away awards), there was also a place for the mysterious. This is the brilliant role of Korovin in the film “The Master and Margarita”, and the film novel about Count Cagliostro (“Formula of Love”), and the already named “Sorcerers” (filmed based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers).

The patronymic “Gavriilovich” is a 5 vibration. This is the Unicorn, a road map. Alexander Abdulov traveled a lot of cities and countries, visited a variety of places. Tours, filming, film festivals... At the personal level this map shows us a person who is purposeful, even stubborn. Independent.

As a result (by numerological summation) we get 21 - “Horse”. Activity, creativity, society, moving. To all of the above on this matter, it is worth adding that since 1995 Abdulov has been the head of the Moscow IFF. And, of course, one of the most popular actors in the country.

In addition to analyzing the name, we note that each person has his own personal number (Lunar chart - by date of birth).

Alexander Gavriilovich was born on May 29, 1953 in the city of Tobolsk. When calculating, the date and month are taken = 29 + 5 = 34. Card “Aging Moon”.


Introvert. Wisdom, the ability to defend one’s point of view, to bring things to the end.

For all his ability to find a common language with others, Abdulov undoubtedly had his own deep inner world, which he did not share with anyone. Many people turned to him for advice - as a talented director and an honored master of cinema and theater. Even in his roles - he often philosophized, behind the mask of a simpleton a wise old man was visible. Alexander was an extremely active person, he starred in many films and film productions, despite all the persecution - he constantly worked and did not abandon projects halfway. The vibrations of the “Aging Moon” card accompanied him throughout his life.

Well, now let’s move on to the topic of the article – about the love spell that journalist Marina Yakovleva writes about.

As priest Alexey rightly noted, going to Church (prayers, communion) can only ease the headache, but not eliminate it. Therefore, it is important to turn to professionals in time, before it is too late. A black love spell can be removed in 1-3 sessions, and the success of this depends only on the strength and knowledge of the Master.

Let's clarify the picture of what happened by dotting the i's in the question: was there really a love spell?

Fortune telling on “Astral influences”, Lunar cards. This deck and the layout itself are focused on determining the state of a person, his health and energy, and the esoteric side of the phenomenon.

1. Personality or interests - “Solar Eclipse”.

2. Astral influences – “Wheel of Samsara”, in the commentary – “Spider” (5).

3. What got in the way? "Horse".

4. What helped? "Snake."

« Solar eclipse“speaks of the desire to control one’s life, and the incompatibility of this desire with a serious illness, which took away strength and health, limiting Alexander’s activities. He wanted to live, to be, as before, independent and free from the state of his health.

Rice. 1. Alignment for astral influences

The “Wheel of Samsara” reports on the intervention of magic, on processes and people - not arising out of nowhere, but from previous cycles of life. Map of karma (we talked about it earlier, at the very beginning of the presentation). Influence of the past. The commentary card “Spider” directly indicates the fact of black magic.

What has bothered Abdulov in recent months? "Horse" is society. There were rumors and conversations about his illness everywhere, and as the actor himself said in one of the TV programs: it was very oppressive and annoying.

Patience and willpower helped to hold on (“Snake”). In addition, as an additional level of interpretation, this card may also indicate attempts to save the artist by psychics (as discussed in the article itself).

As a result, we can make the following verdict. Yes, there was a black love spell. It remains on the conscience of the one who made it. The Bible says it this way:

Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Revelation 22:14-15 "Blessed are they who keep His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and to enter into the city through the gates. But without are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices iniquity."

Regarding Abdulov’s sudden illness, his unexpected illness (lung cancer), I note that the lungs, like the heart, are connected with the work of the 4th chakra, Anahata (heart center). It is he who is suppressed under the influence of a love spell. Of course, smoking also played a role, but it was only a contributing factor. (after all, there are many known cases where smokers lived to a ripe old age).

The cards also allow you to determine the moment of inducing black magic.

Let's do it chronological layout(dividing time into periods):

Rice. 2. Chronological layout

1. Before 1999 – “Bell” (in the commentary – “Spider”)

2. From 2000 to 2004 - “Fire Rooster.”

3. From 2005 to 2008 – “Tree of Knowledge” (next to “Unicorn”)

The “Bell” card is often called amorous (another name is “Bunch of Grapes”), and in layouts for astral influences it often speaks of love divination if there is a “Spider”, “Bat” or “Snake” nearby. In this case, it’s a black love spell (and “Spider”). That is, the love spell was cast a long time ago, and slowly but surely destroyed the artist’s health. National love nevertheless extended the years of life, supported, but turned out to be powerless against black magic.

Since 2000, the vibrations of the “Fire Rooster” have been at work; in esoteric terms it is interpreted as slander, smoke and wind spells. Therefore, we can even assume the method is village magic (I think everyone has heard about “grandmothers”, witches). This is the case.

The Tree of Knowledge usually refers to two people. That is, a choice between two women or a fight between them. The commentator “Unicorn” talks about choosing a goal, priorities, parting (in the past). That is, the person who ordered the love spell is one of the previous Alexandra women, or who closely communicated with him and had designs on him (I think there were enough of them).

Now let's determine whether Larisa Steinman is guilty of the charges against her. To do this, let's turn to another oracle - the Rider-Waite Tarot. It is suitable for both everyday issues and philosophical ones.

Who is to blame for the black magic against Abdulov?

Another layout on the classic deck of the English school of Tarot.

1. Larisa – 2 Cups.

This card speaks of a warm, tender attitude towards a person.

2. Another woman – 5 of Swords.

Characterizes the culprit as a tough person who stops at nothing. Behind-the-scenes games, intrigues behind the back.

3. Where to look for the culprit, who is she? 6th lasso “Lovers” (inverted).

Undoubtedly, Abdulov had a love affair with this woman in the past, but they broke up. Which caused this person a lot of displeasure.

4. Who is the performer - herself or the “Master” from the outside?

Rice. 3 Determination of the guilty person

3 of Swords (inverted), next to it lies (5) “King of Swords” (inverted). The abundance of inverted cards of the Swords suit suggests that our assumption about a rough influence is correct, and is once again confirmed. In addition, 3 indicates that in addition to the love spell, work was done to create discord with another woman (the card is interpreted as a quarrel, a break), and the performer himself is a male sorcerer (“King of Swords” - insidious, treacherous; additional meaning according to A. Waithe is a bad man).

Thus, the accusations against Larisa Steinman are in vain, the love spell was carried out by another person, a long time ago and not on her own. Now you can’t fix anything, and to condemn and wish bad things on the guilty person means, in the words of Sathya Sai Baba (Indian guru), to consider oneself better than others, to show pride. Therefore, we just have to rely on the will of God. And His justice.

“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord"(Rom.12:19).

Dmitry Voron

Popular theater and film artist Alexander Abdulov died today in Moscow, Sergei Volter, deputy director of the Lenkom Theater, where Alexander Gavrilovich worked until recently, told reporters. According to Voltaire, the actor died on Thursday at 7:20 Moscow time at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakuleva.

As the artistic director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov said, Abdulov courageously fought the disease until the last. "I didn't expect it. I spoke to him on the phone the day before yesterday. He fought until the very the last end. He was a courageous man, unforgettable in the history of our theater. Abdulov is our everything... And we mourn, we weep, we pray for the repose of his bright soul,” Zakharov said.

“His departure is a cruel blow, a bleeding wound for all of us. He was the heart of the theater, how will Lenkom now live without a heart? But Sasha will forever remain in our hearts,” says Abdulov’s colleague Inna Churikova.

Let us remind you that on the eve of the New Year, the actor was sick with cancer. Abdulov had a very high temperature and a severe cough - doctors diagnosed an exacerbation of bronchitis. In addition, the patient was suffering from cardiac arrhythmia. For an hour and a half, the ambulance crew desperately tried to stabilize the sick actor’s condition. Eventually, the rhythm was established, and the doctors decided to immediately take their star patient to the hospital.

On the way to the clinic, the patient was conscious, but as soon as the ambulance drove into the hospital courtyard, Abdulov fell into oblivion. At the clinic, he was immediately placed in a separate room, where he was connected to a ventilator. Doctors did everything possible to prolong the life of the star patient, but they could not cope with the disease.

A serious illness sapped the strength of the still young artist - Abdulov was only 54 - in August 2007. During filming in Balaklava, near Sevastopol, his stomach ulcer suddenly worsened. The actor was immediately operated on, and a few days later, upon arrival in Moscow, he again felt unwell and went to Israel for a consultation. There he was.

People's Artist of Russia Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov was born on May 29, 1953 in Tobolsk into a theater family. His father was a theater director in Fergana, and the boy first appeared on stage at the age of five, playing in the play “Kremlin Chimes.”

At the insistence of his father, after school he tried to enter the theater school. Shchepkin, but unsuccessfully, therefore, after returning from Moscow, he passed the exams at the physical education department of the local pedagogical institute. A year later, Alexander Abdulov again went to Moscow and entered GITIS, taking the course of I.M. Raevsky, which he graduated in 1975. Abdulov's performance in the graduation performance was noted by the chief director of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater Mark Zakharov and invited the young actor to the troupe. Since then, the name of Alexander Abdulov has been inextricably linked with Lenkom.

Among Abdulov's most successful theatrical roles are Joaquin ("The Star and Death of Joaquín Murietta" by Pablo Neruda), Fernando Lopez and the Man of the Theater ("Juno and Avos" by A. Voznesensky and A. Rybnikov), Nikita (" Cruel Games"A. Arbuzov), Trubetskoy ("School for Emigrants" by D. Lipskerov), Menachem Mendl ("Funeral Prayer" by G. Gorin) Alexei Ivanovich ("Barbarian and Heretic" by F.M. Dostoevsky). For the last role the actor was awarded the Stanislavsky Foundation and Crystal Turandot prizes, and was also awarded a diploma from the Evgeniy Leonov International Theater Fund.

The actor made his film debut in 1974, while a student. However wide fame came to him only after the role of the Bear in the television film “An Ordinary Miracle,” directed by Mark Zakharov based on the play of the same name by Evgeniy Schwartz. During his work in cinema, the actor starred in more than 120 films. The best of them: “Don’t part with your loved ones”, “Carnival”, “Look for a woman”, “Sorcerers”, “The most charming and attractive”, “For beautiful ladies", "Formula of Love", "Ten Little Indians", "Midshipmen, Forward!"

Abdulov starred in the television series NEXT and NEXT-2, as well as in Vladimir Bortko’s project “The Master and Margarita”. He is the author of the script for the film "Schizophrenia" directed by Viktor Sergeev. Abdulov's first directorial experience was the semi-documentary film "The Temple Must Remain a Temple." In 2000, he made his directorial debut in feature films - he directed a musical based on the famous fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen and Co."

Alexander Abdulov was the organizer of the charity evenings “On the Backyards”, the proceeds from which were directed to patronage assistance to orphanages and poor people. In 1993, he organized the Theatrical Enterprise, the bulk of the proceeds from which went to charity. Thanks to the efforts of the "Enterprise of Alexander Abdulov" and the Lenkom Theater, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki was restored and transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Abdulov was awarded numerous state and theater awards: In 1986 he was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”, in 1991 - “People’s Artist of Russia”. In 1997, he was awarded the Order of Honor; in 2007, the actor was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Alexander Abdulov was married three times. The first wife is actress Irina Alferova (Abdulov adopted her daughter Ksenia from his first marriage), the second wife is Galina, a theater manager. His third wife, Yulia Miloslavskaya, is much younger than her husband. At the end of March 2007, their daughter Evgenia was born.

A civil memorial service and farewell to Abdulov will take place on January 5 at 10:30 at the Lenkom Theater, where he served for 30 years. On the same day he will be buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Another time, some inadequate person attacked Alexander with an ax. But even here he managed to escape... However, his relatives and friends remembered the following story for a long time.

Once upon a time, back in Soviet era, Abdulov had to fly by plane from Moscow to filming in Leningrad. The weather turned out to be unflying, and the flight was late. The actor appealed to the airport staff with a request to let him fly on an earlier flight. But he was told that there were no seats: it was a holiday, November 7, everything was packed... He was already sitting in the cabin of his late plane, when suddenly a flight attendant appeared and said that he could fly on another flight, which departed half an hour earlier. Of course, Alexander Gavrilovich took advantage of this opportunity. The flight passed without incident. And only when he got there, the actor learned that the plane he was originally supposed to fly on had crashed. Abdulov was so struck by this incident that he not only kept the ticket for that same “deadly” flight, but even framed it under glass and hung it on the wall in his apartment.