Astra New Belgian landing. Description of the best varieties of perennial asters

New Belgian Astra is a perennial cold-resistant flower of the Astrov family. The plant is widely distributed in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. The height of the New Belgian is from 40 to 150 centimeters, depending on the variety. The bush has a three-dimensional shape, the inflorescences of the species are large, terry, most often have a purple color.

New Belgian and New English (American) are autumn varieties. They have a lot in common, however: the American grows up to two meters, while the New Belgian has an average height of about 1.5 meters.

Astra Marie Ballard

It belongs to tall varieties, can grow up to 1 meter. The stems are strong and elastic, so they do not require additional support. It is considered an early variety, as blooms in August and keeps color up to 60 days.

Variety "Marie Ballard" was created in 1955 by Ernest Ballard, after whom he got his name.

Inflorescences are large - from 5 to 8 centimeters. The color scheme is varied: from lavender to blue.


All New Belgians are perennial flowers. All of them are divided into 2 subgroups: shrubby and herbaceous, depending on the height of the plant.

It doesn’t matter which variety of New Belgian you choose - each of them is perennial

The most popular perennial varieties among flower growers include the following types:

New Belgian "Mont Blanc". This is a tall plant up to 140 centimeters tall. Blooms from mid-September to mid-November. Inflorescences are terry, white.

New Belgian "Royal Ruby". Medium height with rich crimson inflorescences. Flowering time is from August to September. Frost resistant variety.

New Belgian "White Lady". Received its name for the snow-white flowers of small size. Blooms at the end of August. Frost-resistant.


There is no specific variety called "Autumn". This is a group of varieties that begins its flowering in early autumn. These varieties include the following New Belgian Asters:

  • Sam Benham - this variety It ranked first among the white-flowered Asters. Plant height up to 1.5 meters. The stems are densely covered with leaves and many inflorescences. Flowering period: from mid-September to mid-October.

The unusual white appearance makes the Benham variety look like a chamomile
  • Royal Blue is another tall plant with double blue flowers. Blooms in September and lasts until the end of October.
  • Sunset is a medium-sized shrub of this variety and is densely covered with many small pink-purple buds. Blooms from September for 30-35 days.

Landing Rules

In order to get a spectacular lush flowering bush, you need to properly plant. The further fate of the plant will depend on how the seeds, place and care are chosen.

What to plant

The first step is to responsibly approach the choice of planting material. Choosing seeds or ready-made seedlings is worth in specialized stores. Outwardly, the seedlings should not be damaged, rot and other shortcomings.

If you take seeds, then the date of their manufacture should not exceed 1 year, otherwise the seeds lose their germination qualities and may not germinate.

Where do we plant

Choosing a location for the New Belgian is another important step towards the proper development of the plant. Since Asters love light and do not like drafts, the site must meet these requirements. In the shade, Asters become smaller and bloom poorly.

In a constant draft, the plant may not bloom at all, or in the future, thin stems will simply be torn off by the wind.

They do not like areas with stagnant water. Therefore, if the area is too wet, it is worth taking care about a quality drainage layer. It is best to plant Astra on small hills.

Optimal time and method of landing

Planted in spring or autumn. In springtime, optimally - mid-May, At this time the earth will already warm up and the plant will take root better. Before planting, the site should be cleared of weeds, loosened and fertilized.

In the beds, up to 8 centimeters deep, seedlings are planted at intervals of 15-20 centimeters for undersized and medium varieties, 50-60 centimeters for tall ones. After sprinkling and compacting each seedling with your hands, it is necessary to water each Astra well.

Use in autumn reckless way landing. Seeds are sown in the prepared land, sprinkled, watered and left until spring. In the spring, seedlings are thinned to the desired distance.

Caring for the New Belgian Astra

Caring for the New Belgian will not be difficult if you periodically give it your attention. Soon the plant will thank its owner with lush and abundant flowering, which will last until late autumn.

Watering and humidity

The flower of this species is considered drought-resistant, so abundant watering can to harm. When rainy summer The plant does not need to be watered at all. In the dry season, moderate watering 1-2 times a week with warm water is sufficient.

Do not overdo it with humidity - the aster prefers drought rather than overflow

The soil

As for the soil, its composition should be light, loose and with a good drainage layer, since Astra does not need excess moisture. From time to time, the soil around the flower should be loosened and weeds removed from it.

top dressing

Twice a year fertilizer can be applied. This will make the leaves of the flower shiny bright, and the inflorescences lush and plentiful. It is good to carry out the procedure in spring and autumn, just before flowering. Humus, superphosphates and ammonium nitrate are suitable as top dressing.

For abundant flowering, it is also good to apply potash fertilizers.


The temperature regime during the ripening of seedlings should be moderate, from 16 to 18 degrees. Mature plants are less whimsical and easily survive cold weather.

In order not to burn the flower, try to cover the aster from direct sunlight.

But Astra does not like heat, it is better to maintain the temperature limit at 22-24 degrees, otherwise the plant loses its decorative effect.

Winter Care

All varieties of Novobelgiyskaya endure frost, so additional shelter for the winter is not required. After the ground part of the plant fades, it is removed, a little humus is added under each bush and left for the winter.

An exception is young first-year plants, which are recommended to be covered with sawdust and covered with branches for the winter.

Potential Growing Problems

Often Astra New Belgian is affected by diseases and pests:

  • Powdery mildew. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by white bloom on the leaves and stem. To get rid of this disease, special chemicals. They can also be used, without waiting for the disease, for prevention. The best time for processing is spring.
  • Rust. It affects the lower part of the plant. Leaves swell and turn brown. Spraying with Bordeaux liquid helps against rust.

  • Jaundice. Manifested by yellowed foliage and the absence or cessation of flowering. The carrier of the disease is insects, so the only means of control is the destruction of insects with any insecticidal agent.
  • Pests in the form aphids, spider mites and cutworms also not uncommon for Astra. In order to avoid their appearance, you need to weed the plant in time, remove debris from under the bushes and treat the plant with any chemical solution to combat flower pests.

Note that all flower growers have to deal with pests. For example, different species attack our favorite orchids. We have already told.

Reproduction of the New Belgian

A plant can propagate in three main ways: seeds, division and cuttings.

seed propagation

This method is rarely used, because the germination of the seeds of the New Belgian Astra is quite long. In addition, only garden species can be propagated in this way, and varietal ornamental species may lose their properties.

The seed method of growing aster is suitable if you are not afraid of a long wait for seedlings

Seeds can be sown in the ground immediately after they are collected, that is, in the fall. To do this, sown in prepared fertile soil planting material to a depth of 7-8 centimeters, sprinkled with earth, watered well and left in the winter. For safety, you can cover the ground with sawdust or branches.

seedling method

In this case, at the very beginning of spring, the seeds are sown in a box with soil and placed in a warm place, previously covered with glass. When shoots appear, seedlings are opened and grown at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. As soon as the Asters reach the third leaf, they swoop down. And in late May - early June, they are planted in a permanent place in the ground.

Flowering of Asters grown in this way occurs at 2 or 3 years of age.

The division of the bush

This method is considered the simplest and most effective. It will not take much time and will allow you to propagate ornamental plants without losing properties. The best time for the procedure is spring, when young plants are just starting to grow.

Small bushes are carefully dug up and cut with a sharp instrument so that a sufficient number of roots remain on each. Parts are placed in pre-prepared wells, sprinkle, water and fertilize.

At least 5 shoots must be present on each divisible part.


To get seedlings using this method, you need to cut off the top stem, 6-8 centimeters in size. The prepared material is placed in boxes with soil and placed in a warm place. A few days later, as the cutting takes root, it is planted in a permanent place.

New Belgian - excellent decoration for a garden or backyard

Thus, Astra New Belgian is an excellent ornamental plant that does not require much effort and time from flower growers. In turn, at proper care the plant will endow its owner with abundant and long flowering, which will last all autumn.

Aster New Belgian, or virgin - A. novi-belgii L. = Michaelmas Daisy Motherland - the eastern regions of North America. In culture since 1686. It grows everywhere up to the taiga zone. Rhizome perennial, growing in the form of a bush of an obverse pyramidal shape. Stems from 50 cm to 150 cm tall, densely branched in the upper part, glabrous or hairy, depending on the variety. Bushes are densely leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate with obtuse bases, alternate, sessile. Inflorescences are large, paniculate, sometimes consisting of 200 baskets up to 2 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are numerous, most often purple. Some varieties have a different color, some have reed flowers arranged in several rows, completely covering the yellow tubular flowers, which gives the impression of doubleness. This species, under good soil conditions, blooms very profusely and for a long time from September. Fruiting.

New Belgian aster is an interesting cold-resistant plant. Bushes from 40 to 150 cm in height, strongly branched, bare or hairy, depending on the variety.
Bushes are densely leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate with obtuse bases, alternate, sessile. Inflorescence up to 2.2 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are numerous, most often purple. Inflorescences are collected in a panicle. Some varieties have a different color, some have reed flowers arranged in several rows, completely covering the yellow tubular flowers, which gives the impression of doubleness. The stem is strong, branched from 50 to 80 cm in height. Differs in abundant flowering. Inflorescences 2 - 4 cm in diameter, a variety of shades depending on the variety. Propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes, offspring, renewal by self-sowing is possible. New England and New Belgian asters are valued for their colorful, abundant autumn blooms. In the absence of severe frosts, they bloom. This species, under good soil conditions, blooms very profusely and for a long time from September to November. Most varieties tolerate frosts down to -5°C.

perennial asters

Asters are an important group of perennials that begin flowering towards the end of summer and continue to produce many flowers until the first frost.

Aster leaves come in many varieties, but medium green, gray green, and dark green are the most common. White, blue, purple, pink or red flowers have a yellow center. They look like daisies and grow like shrubs. Belgian asters are the most famous species, they can grow very quickly, as they start up their own seeds very quickly, and the branches grow to the sides, even one single shoot can quickly become whole thickets. However, these flowers remain extremely popular and incredibly useful as hedges that can look incredible. What's more, asters are wonderful flowers that are used in floral decorations.

Popular asters

There are a number of varieties of asters, each of which offers a numerous variety of asters:

1. Star aster - grows up to 60 cm in height and 38 cm in width4
2. Heart-leaved aster - grows up to 1.2 m in height;
4. Heather aster - grows up to 90 cm in height;
5. Astra Farrera - grows up to 45 cm in height;
6. Astra Frikartia - grows up to 75 cm in height;
7. Astra Italian - grows up to 60 cm in height;
8. Astra New England - grows up to 1.2 m in height;
9. Astra New Belgian - grows up to 1.2 m in height;
10. Bush aster - grows up to 38 cm in height;
11. Astra Tongol - grows up to 45 cm in height.

Asters in the garden

As an ornamental flowering plant, aster is used for a variety of plantings against the backdrop of a green lawn. Groups of shrubs can serve as a background. Asters should not be planted together with small perennials, because they will be drowned out by asters. Asters are used as border plants.

Asters cultivation

Perennial asters, like other plants, need timely and thorough weeding. An important technique is loosening, which ensures the preservation of moisture in the soil, destroys the soil crust and undermines the roots of grown weed seeds. In addition, periodic watering of young plants is necessary. Since many asters are frost-resistant, no special measures are taken to preserve them in winter. However, young plants of some species of perennial asters should be covered with a layer of humus, spruce branches or with dry leaves for the winter. In the spring, the shelter is removed, and the humus is loosened. Asters are not demanding on the soil, but still prefer freshly fertilized, moist loams. Before planting plants, organic fertilizers are applied at the rate of 3 × 5 g/m2, after which the soil is shoveled. During growth, mineral fertilizers are applied under asters at a rate of 20–40 g/m2. Tall, weak shoots of asters are tied to pegs and cut off broken, dried flower stalks.
Perennial aster inflorescences are usually cut in half bloom early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is still a lot of moisture in the plants. store cut in cool places.
Perennial asters are resistant not only to adverse climatic weather conditions, but also to diseases and pests. Many species of asters, especially late-flowering ones, even caught with light frosts, thaw with warming and continue to bloom for a long time.

Aster seeds

Seeds are sown in seedling boxes with prepared soil (7 parts of peat, 1 part of soddy soil, 1 part of sand, 1 part of mullein). For successful cultivation of seedlings, it is best to use sterile soil. Seeds are only lightly sprinkled with soil. Before the emergence of shoots, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-25 ° C.
After germination, cultivation is carried out at a temperature of about 15 ° C. Sudden temperature changes are not allowed. Seedlings should receive intense lighting. Seedlings need to be fed 2 times (the first, in the phase of two true leaves, the second - a week before planting in open ground). Seedling age for planting - 65 days. It is not recommended to re-land in one place. 1-2 weeks before planting, it is recommended to harden the seedlings by lowering the temperature to 10 ° C. Plants tolerate short frosts. During the budding period, mineral top dressing is recommended.

Asters varieties

New Belgian aster varieties: Saturn - a plant up to 140 cm high, flower baskets are pale blue up to 3.5 cm in diameter, blooms from the beginning of September for "30 - 35 days; Amethyst - plant height up to 100 cm, dark purple inflorescences, semi-double up to 3.5 cm in diameter, blooms from the end of August for 35 - 40 days; Oktoberfest - plants up to 100 cm in height, blue inflorescences, semi-double up to 3.5 cm in diameter, blooms from the beginning of September for 30 - 35 days Mount Everest - plant height up to 120 cm, white inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter, blooms from the end of August for 40-45 days.

Aster diseases

Asters suffer from many diseases such as powdery mildew and wilt. Powdery mildew causes little damage to the plant, but usually makes it rather unattractive in appearance, as it is a fungal disease that appears as a white powder on leaves and stems. Wilting is a more harmful fungal disease that causes asters to wilt and die.

Astra Novobelgiyskaya (Aster Virginskaya) - a beautiful, lush bush with numerous asterisk flowers, belongs to a perennial, cold-resistant, herbaceous plant. Belongs to the Aster family, or Compositae, grows everywhere (the countries of Asia, Europe, Africa, America).

Assumptions about the original place of growth of the plant vary: the first hypothesis considers Asia, in particular China, to be the birthplace of the New Belgian aster, from where asters were brought to Europe by a French monk in the 17th century. Other sources claim that the eastern regions of North America are the birthplace of this beautiful bush. On this moment culture is almost universal.

They began to cultivate the aster since 1686, at the moment, due to the work of breeders, there are more than 1000 of its varieties.

Astra New Belgian

In botany, the aster is called Symphyotrichum novi-belgii, aster is translated as "star". In everyday life, "September", "October" are widely used, because the plant blooms just in September, October.

Beneficial features

Astra is widely used in folk medicine, use flowers, leaves, roots and stems. The plant is rich in coumarins, saponins, flavonoids. Aster infusions are effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, colds, viral diseases, joint diseases, eye diseases and tuberculosis. Astra serves as an excellent antipyretic, relieves inflammation and itching.

Plant characteristic

The New Belgian aster has many varieties, different in height, leaf color and length, and is distinguished by a wide range of color shades of inflorescences.

Plant characteristic

Astra Description:

  • bush of obverse pyramidal shape, densely leafy, highly branched;
  • plant height - from 0.5 to 1.5 meters;
  • linear-lanceolate (elongated) leaves with a blunt base, alternate, sessile, do not have a stalk (6-10 cm);
  • foliage is dark green with a glossy surface;
  • paniculate large inflorescences - baskets, up to 2-4 cm in diameter, with a yellow center, petals of various colors (lilac, pink, white, purple);
  • powerful root system;
  • stems numerous, closely adjacent to each other, thin, strong, slightly pubescent;
  • Excellent winter hardiness, frost resistance.

flowering period

The plant is late flowering. Depending on the variety, flowering begins in July and ends in November. Few varieties bloom until the first frost. It blooms for a long time, within 35-60 days. It is pollinated by insects, just heaps of butterflies, bees and many other insects hover over the plant. The fruit is a box.

Note! Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, growing rapidly. Prefers dry, calcareous, well-drained and gravel soils.

Characteristics of varieties

Based on the pure New Belgian aster, as a result of the diligent work of breeders, many different varieties and hybrids were obtained. The most popular ones are below.

Astra Marie Ballard

Marie Ballard (Mary Ballard) - a plant, 1-1.1 m tall, with falling side shoots. Inflorescences cup-shaped, 3.5-4 cm across. It reacts badly to dry soil, prefers sunny, warm places with fertilized soil. Flowering begins in June, lasts until November. Astra Maria Ballard has blue or blue-lilac flowers. Flowering is long, at least 2 months. Astra was bred in 1955 by the famous breeder Ernest Bollard and named after his beloved Mary.

Astra Marie Ballard

Astra Royal Ruby

Differs in large, bright crimson flowers. The bush forms a lush, up to 1.2 meters tall. Flowering begins from the end of August, it lasts a little less than a month. It is distinguished by excellent winter hardiness, does not require shelter.

Additional Information! Perfectly decorates landings on lawns, plots, applied to the cut.

Astra White Ladies

Chic, powerful bush, reaching more than 110 cm in height. Differs in incredibly multiple flowers, snow-white color. Prefers well-lit, warm areas. Blooms profusely from September to late October.

Astra Starletta mix

Densely leafy bush with large purple flowers, blooms for a long time and profusely. Not picky about the soil, agricultural technology.

Astra Starletta mix

Astra Crimson Brocade (Aster novaeBelgiumCrimson Brocade‘)

It is a very strong garden perennial. The bushes are dense, dense, bloom very beautifully. Blossoming plentiful, amicable, later. The flowers are bright red or crimson. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness (up to 40°C).

Astra New Belgian: planting and care


The site is chosen sunny, protected from the winds, with light soil of neutral acidity. It is optimal to choose a loamy soil with good air permeability. They do not tolerate soil with stagnant moisture.

Attention! Shaded places provoke stretching and breaking of shoots, the flowering process slows down.

Step by step procedure:

  1. The seat is prepared in the fall: they dig a shovel well for 1.5-2 bayonets, add humus.
  2. In early spring, they dig up this place again, remove the overgrown grass, add superphosphate and calcium sulfate.
  3. Seating places are located at a distance of at least 30-50 cm between each other (for taller varieties, respectively, more space).
  4. When planting, the roots should be straightened, they are sprinkled with earth, lightly tamped.
  5. Watered with water.


Despite good winter hardiness and strong immunity, aster needs care. Otherwise, instead of lush flowers, thin bare stems of a drooping bush will flaunt. Necessary manipulations:

  1. watering (high humidity is fraught with powdery mildew, so it is important not to overdo it, the plant tolerates drought well);
  2. regular removal of weeds;
  3. disposal of faded buds;
  4. systematic loosening;
  5. top dressing.

Weed removal

The plant must be fed with complex fertilizers three times per season:

  1. 2 weeks after planting;
  2. during bud formation;
  3. during flowering.

Note! In spring and autumn, humus is added under the bushes and the soil is loosened.


Astra Belgian propagates by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush.

Sowing seeds has two ways:

  1. seedling;
  2. reckless.


The soil is collected from: one part of sand, mullein and sod land and seven parts of peat. The soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate. The room should be bright, with a temperature of at least 20 ° C. Planting must be moistened regularly. After the first sprouts, the temperature drops to 15°C. Seedlings are planted at the age of 65 days, a couple of weeks before that they begin to harden it.


Seeds are sown immediately in open ground before winter (November, December). Small grooves are formed, seed is planted there, they are abundantly watered with warm water and sprinkled with earth (5 mm). After the appearance of true leaves (2-3 pieces), the planting is thinned out.


The division of the bush

This is the easiest way to propagate asters. They take a bush of the New Belgian aster and, using a sharp shovel, cut off a part from it, which is subsequently divided into smaller plots containing at least 3 shoots.


The procedure can be carried out all summer (May-August). Apical cuttings are used, which are at least 5-7 cm long. It is required to plant the branches in a new soil prepared from: 1 part sand, 1 part peat and 2 parts soddy land. Planting is covered with plastic wrap for 25-30 days.


Diseases and pests

Astra is the most susceptible powdery mildew, which greatly spoils the appearance of the plant, covering it with a white coating. It is favored by prolonged rainy weather. For prevention, special chemicals are used or the plant is properly cared for, which definitely strengthens its health and reduces the risk of disease.

Rust is unambiguously less common, manifesting itself in the form of "rusty" spots on the upper part of the sheet. The leaves are cut off, the plant is sprayed with fungicidal agents.

Verticillium wilt - only transplanting a perennial plot into fertile soil will save. During the procedure, the rhizome is sprayed with Maxim or Vitaros preparations.

Note! If the pests have already attacked the plant, only special chemicals will help.

Of the pests on the aster settle: cicadas, aphids, mites, slobbering pennits, acaricides. To warn them:

  • in the fall they dig the soil well;
  • keep the distance between plants during planting;
  • timely remove the dying shoots of the plant;
  • feed the soil.

Growing asters does not require much work, it is not capricious, not fastidious in care, but how fabulous the garden makes - just unrealistically beautiful bushes, especially highlighted against the background of yellow faded plants in the autumn.

A decoratively attractive and unpretentious plant that easily tolerates frosts and organically fits into any landscape. Of course, all this is New Belgian aster, the varieties of which we will consider in this article, and we will also learn how to care for this perennial.

Extraordinary variety appearance- not only the shades of flower baskets vary, but the height and shape of the bushes, ease of care - gardeners love this flower!

New Belgian aster, plant characteristics

- lat. Aster novi-belgii

The plant is considered to be native to North America, to which it owes another name "Virgin Astra". And since they began to cultivate it already at the end of the 17th century, namely in 1686 - then the first mentions are found, by now more than 1000 hybrids have already been bred.

One of the main advantages of the New Belgian aster is its frost resistance. In its natural environment, it is widely distributed up to the taiga zone, therefore, in an average and warm climate, it pleases with its flowers from September to November, leaving under the snow in a bright outfit.

The height of the bushes, depending on the varieties, varies from 40 cm to one and a half meters (especially with proper care, which will be discussed below). But flower baskets, consisting of reed flowers along the edges and tubular in the center, on the contrary, are small in size and rarely exceed 2.5 cm in diameter.

New Belgian aster -Aster novi-belgii

The multi-row arrangement of outdoor flowers in some varieties makes them look like double and semi-double species.

The colors of the New Belgian aster are extremely diverse. Shades go from lilac, pink, purple to ultramarine and cool purple. Main Feature is a large number of flower rosettes on the bush, making it literally strewn with small radiant stars.

Features of caring for the New Belgian aster


The New Belgian aster is not too different from its relatives, preferring well-lit areas on small hills with dry, slightly alkaline soil.

The plant does not like drafts categorically, as well as the shadow.

If the flower bed is shaded during the day for a couple of hours - it's okay, neither growth nor flowering will be affected in any way. But if the aster is immediately planted in a poorly lit area, the shoots will be brittle, and there will be much fewer flowers on them than they could.

There are two ways to plant a New Belgian aster - seedlings and seedlings, but it propagates by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Vegetative propagation method

It is considered the most simple, practical and giving best results. We divide the bush in the spring, when the snow melts and the soil warms up enough. This usually happens in April. To do this, we dig it out and separate several parts directly with a shovel so that each has from 3 to 5 shoots.

Before that, we prepare a landing pit in advance: we put drainage in the ground - sand or small gravel, sprinkle with humus and plant delenki at a distance of 40 cm. If everything is done correctly, the New Belgian aster will not only take root and fluff up with bright greenery, but even bloom in the same year.


Another simple way to propagate a pretty garden crop is to cut 5-7 cm cuttings from young shoots and plant them in a soil mixture (2: 1: 1, where turf, sand and peat, respectively).

After that, we cover the cuttings with a film - with the greenhouse effect, they will take root faster, and wait up to 1 month. During this time, it will be clear how many seedlings have taken root.

It is necessary to perform the procedure in the warm season, from late spring to late summer.

Planting seeds in open ground

Depending on the climate, it is produced just before snow falls. It could be the end of November or even December. To improve germination, soak purchased seeds in warm water for a day, then put them in the refrigerator for a week,

After that, we make recesses at the planned landing site - you can sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil no more than 6-7 mm. Then we water everything and wait for the shoots. Dive should be so that the remaining space between them is 20-25 cm.

If the seeds are collected from the last "harvest" and very fresh, they do not need complex preparation. Feel free to plant them after harvest.


In a pre-prepared soil - disinfected with potassium permanganate and mixed in proportions of 7: 1: 2, where peat, sand and soddy soil, respectively, are a single mass, we plant freshly purchased seeds in small containers.

They require soaking in the same way as when planting in open ground. We keep crops in the light at temperatures up to 25 ° C with regular watering, avoiding drafts.

Then we carry out an intermediate transplant. Two weeks before planting on the site, we begin to harden the grown plants, exposing the container with them to the open air and gradually increasing the time spent on the street.

Watering and care

New Belgian aster does not need abundant watering. Only in the case of a very dry summer it needs to be watered 1-2 times a week, at other times excess moisture will damage the roots, which prefer drier soil.

If there is any doubt about the correct and timely watering, you can mulch the soil around. It is the representatives of the New Belgian aster who especially do not like weeds, and mulch helps to solve this problem along with maintaining the microclimate at the roots.

An important feature is also watering with warm water. In no case do we use only pumped out from a well or collected from a well ice water whose temperature is sometimes below 10°C. This can severely damage the root system.

Adult asters do not need shelter for the winter, but if the division of the bushes took place already in the fall and the flowers were not yet strong enough, you should take care of sawdust, moss or spruce branches, which will not let you freeze.

When choosing a variety of New Belgian aster for the garden, we think not only about the characteristics of growth and care, but also about the time of flowering. You should not turn to the latest hybrids, as they may not have time to bloom, especially if the climate is average or cold.

The most popular among gardeners are:

  • Planty- branched, tall (up to 1 meter) aster fits equally well into the garden landscape and is suitable for use in flower arrangements. Also, its pink flowers are cut for interior bouquets;
  • Ballard- choose Marie (Marie), Patricia (Patricia), Ruth (Rut), Sarah (Sarah) - asters of this variety grow up to 1 meter and, depending on the variety type, flower rosettes are painted in different colors;
  • Royal Blue- as the name suggests, it has deep blue flowers. It looks equally good both planted on its own and in company with other ornamental plants.
  • Saturn- has one of the most impressive dimensions and reaches a height of one and a half meters. Compared to the overall size of the bush, the diameter of each inflorescence is not so large and is only 3-4 cm, but during the flowering period, flower baskets completely dot it. Just imagine how beautiful it is!

New Belgian aster in landscape design

When rabatki and lawns are significantly empty and summers have long faded on them, autumn, frost-resistant plants, such as asters, come to the rescue. They keep the elegance of the landscape, give it a holistic and neat look.

Astra New Belgian varieties of which are extremely diverse are self-sufficient - only on the basis of this plant you can make a huge number of different landscape design options, but in combination with other decorative elements it looks very beautiful.

The brightest and most memorable flowers in any flower bed or flower garden can rightly be considered the very first spring and late autumn. In autumn, when the whole earth is covered with fallen leaves, everything around is dark and gloomy, perennial asters fill the area with glimpses of colors. It is the aster that is a kind of long-liver flower bed, which can delight you with its bright and lush flowering even with slight frosts.

On the territory of Russia and other CIS countries, the most popular type of perennial aster is the New Belgian aster - a lush and beautiful bush with a huge number of small bright flowers-stars. By planting this crop on your site, you will not experience any difficulties with its cultivation and care for it, but in return you will get a lot of pleasure from contemplating the beautiful flowering of aster.

In this article, we will consider the features and description of the general genus of aster and specifically the New Belgian aster, we will describe its most popular varieties. We note the most important nuances agrotechnics of cultivation of this culture on the site.

Features and description of New Belgian aster

Affiliation different types asters to certain families is very confused and few know the really correct classification. Only asters belong to the genus Asteraceae of the same name, the natural habitat of which is considered to be the territory of Europe and Asia. These are Alpine aster, Italian aster, Tatar aster and others. The New Belgian and New England aster, whose natural habitat is considered to be the territory of America, today belong to a completely different genus - symphiotrichum. However, despite this, all types of asters are still classified as a common large family of Compositae. New Belgian aster is a late-flowering plant, which is often called September or October by gardeners for its lush, bright and long flowering in autumn. All types of this culture are called asters for the similarity of flowers with beautiful stars, because in Greek "aster" means "star". There is another name for perennial asters. Due to the fact that the flowering period of the New Belgian aster and other perennial species coincides with the feast of the Archangel Michael, the flower was called Mikhailov's chamomile.

The natural habitat of the New Belgian aster is considered to be North and Central America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. However, most of them still came to us from the territory of America. Asters were brought to Europe from China by a French monk in the 17th century, after which this flower rightfully began to occupy one of the main places in numerous flower beds.

Description of the New Belgian aster

  • The New Belgian aster is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is very often grouped together with shrub asters. The difference between these two species is only in the height of the bushes.
  • New Belgian or virgin asters can be both dwarf and tall. On average, the height of this culture can be from 60 cm to 120 cm.
  • The plant grows in the form of a bush, which consists of tightly fitting stems. When Aster New Belgian grows, it is a dense and lush shrub that can be used as a border plant and subjected to shearing.
  • Astra grows very quickly.
  • The root system is represented by a strongly branching and creeping rhizome.
  • The stems of the New Belgian aster are very thin, but numerous, completely covered with foliage and flowers.
  • Leaves oblong lanceolate up to 12 cm long. They are dark green in color with a glossy surface.
  • Flowers bloom almost along the entire upper part of the stems, covering almost half of their entire length.
  • The flowers of the New Belgian aster are basket-shaped inflorescences, the diameter of which is 2-4 cm.
  • The flowers are reed and quite numerous. Sometimes up to 200 pieces can bloom on one bush.
  • The color of flowers can be very different: lilac, pink, white, purple.
  • Flowering can begin both in July and in September, it all depends on the specific variety of the New Belgian aster.
  • New Belgian asters can bloom until the first frost. Flowers and leaves withstand frosts down to -5 degrees.
  • For planting in Russia, you should choose early and medium varieties according to the flowering period. Late varieties may not always have time to bloom before the onset of cold weather.

A variety of varieties of New Belgian or September aster

Varieties of the New Belgian aster are quite numerous and differ in a variety of characteristics. This culture can be dwarf, medium and tall. It is necessary to select a certain variety of asters from a pre-planned landing site. Consider the most popular and common varieties of this type of aster, which are loved by gardeners.

New Belgian aster variety "Marie Ballard"

  • Astra New Belgian Marie ballard is a tall shrub that can reach a height of 90-100 cm.
  • The stems are quite dense, so the bush does not require a garter and support.
  • This variety belongs to the early ones, so the plant has time to fully bloom in our climatic conditions.
  • Variety "Marie Ballard" was bred in 1955 by the creator of a large number of aster varieties Ernest Ballard.
  • The flowering of this variety of New Belgian aster begins in late August or early September and lasts for two months.
  • The flowers are quite large, reaching 5-8 cm in diameter.
  • The color of the inflorescences is lavender-blue, which fully open at the end of flowering and at this time open their yellow core.

New Belgian aster variety "Mont Blanc"

  • It is a tall variety that can reach a height of 120-140 cm.
  • Due to their high bush growth, such asters sometimes require support.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts about two months.
  • New Belgian aster "Mont Blanc" blooms with white double flowers, the diameter of which can be 2-4 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "White Ladies"

  • A perennial herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 100-110 cm.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts about one month until frost. It is a fairly frost-resistant variety of New Belgian aster.
  • Flowers small, lanceolate, white. The basket itself consists of very thin white petals.
  • Flowers are located on stems in large numbers.
  • The diameter of the inflorescences can be from 2 cm to 3 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "Royal Ruby"

  • Medium-sized shrub that can reach a height of 80-90 cm.
  • The plant is formed by straight stems, which are located tightly to each other.
  • The variety is characterized by fairly fast growth and excellent frost resistance.
  • Flowering begins in August and lasts about a month.
  • Blossoming plentiful semi-double flowers of bright crimson color.
  • The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 3-3.5 cm.

New Belgian aster variety "Amethyst"

  • A tall perennial plant that forms dense and dense bushes.
  • The stems are straight and strong, covered with oblong dark green foliage.
  • The flowering of this variety of New Belgian aster begins at the end of August and lasts for about several months before the onset of frost.
  • Flowers are presented in the form of dark purple inflorescences, which reach a diameter of 3.5 cm.
  • With reed petals and a bright yellow core, this variety of aster is very similar to daisies.

New Belgian aster variety "Sam Benham"

  • This variety of the New Belgian aster is considered one of the most popular white-flowered.
  • In height, the shrub can reach 150 cm, the shape is more oval and rather wide.
  • The stems are straight, densely covered with oblong foliage of dark green color with a glossy surface.
  • Flowering begins in September and lasts approximately 30-35 days.
  • During flowering, the entire bush is densely covered with snow-white inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter with a yellow core.
  • When looking at such a bush, one gets the impression that it is completely strewn with flowers. This is possible due to the fact that the flowers bloom along the entire length of the stems.

New Belgian aster variety "Royal Blue"

  • This is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in the form of a small bush, reaching a height of 120-130 cm.
  • The stems are straight and strong enough.
  • Along the entire length of the stems grow small oblong leaves of dark green color.
  • Flowering of this variety begins in September and lasts approximately 35-40 days.
  • During flowering, the entire bush is abundantly strewn with semi-double flower baskets up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • The flowers of the New Belgian aster "Royal Blue" are light blue in color with a bright yellow center.

New Belgian aster variety "Sunset"

  • This aster variety is a voluminous bush, which is formed by tall and well-branched stems.
  • The leaves are small and oblong, green in color with a glossy surface.
  • The flowers are pink-purple in color with tubular petals in the center of a bright yellow.
  • Flowering begins in September, during which the entire bush is covered with bright flowers resembling daisies.

Reproduction of New Belgian aster: the most common methods

The New Belgian aster can be bred on your own without any problems. This culture reproduces in several ways, from which reproduction by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush can be distinguished. Each method has its own characteristics, having carefully studied which, you will choose the method that is optimal specifically for you.

New Belgian aster - seed propagation

  • This method of propagation of the New Belgian aster is rarely used due to the long germination of seeds and the great work associated with its implementation.
  • In addition, with the help of seeds, only species asters can be propagated, but not varietal ones. Otherwise, you risk getting not quite the plants that you expect.
  • Astra can be propagated by seeds in a seedless and seedling way.
  • For a seedless method, seeds are sown before winter directly in open ground. Prior to this, it is important to carefully prepare the planting material. If you purchased seeds in a store, they must be stratified within a week. To do this, place them in the refrigerator, and after the right time, place them in warm water for a few hours. Fresh seeds do not need these actions.
  • After preparation in November or December, make small grooves on the prepared bed and plant seeds in them, then pour well with warm water. Gently cover with soil.
  • After winter, when the soil thaws, the first leaves appear on the seedlings. Be sure to dive plants.
  • Aster grown by seed blooms only after 2-3 years.
  • New Belgian aster can be grown in seedlings, then you will see flowering shrubs a bit earlier.
  • For this, the seeds are prepared in exactly the same way.
  • Next, you need to select suitable containers and fill them with soil consisting of peat, humus, soddy soil and sand. Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to shed the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Sow the seeds and place the container in a bright and warm place with a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • After the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings dive and grow further at a temperature of 15 degrees.
  • It is possible to plant seedlings of New Belgian aster in open ground after 2 months after planting.

Reproduction of New Belgian aster by dividing the bush

  • This method is the most preferred for breeding New Belgian aster. It does not require much time and large-scale preparation, but it allows you to propagate rare varietal bushes.
  • The best time to divide aster bushes is in spring, when young shoots are just starting to grow.
  • Medium-sized bushes must be carefully dug up and divided into the required number of parts with a sharp knife or garden shears. This is done when you need to immediately get a large number of young plants.
  • Large bushes that have a powerful and highly branched rhizome can be divided without digging it out of the soil. To do this, carefully separate one or more parts of the plant with a sharp shovel.
  • The main rule is that each division should have at least 5 shoots. If you get less, such young seedlings need to be grown before you plant them in a flower garden.

Propagation of New Belgian aster by cuttings

  • To obtain young seedlings of New Belgian aster, the cutting method is also used.
  • This method is great for breeding varietal aster bushes.
  • Cuttings can be carried out from May to August.
  • Cuttings for propagation are harvested from the tops of the stems, which must be taken no more than 5-8 cm long.
  • Prepare a place for planting cuttings. The soil should be nutritious and consist of peat, soddy soil and sand.
  • The cuttings are placed in the prepared soil, watered abundantly and covered with a film or separately with plastic bottles.
  • During rooting, the cuttings must be regularly ventilated and watered.
  • Rooting occurs in about a month, after which young seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Preparing before planting New Belgian aster

To get a beautiful decorative bush of the New Belgian aster, it is important to carry out everything correctly. preparatory stages. It is from the choice of high-quality and healthy seedlings, the optimal place for planting and competent soil preparation that the beauty and splendor of the flowering of your flowers will depend.

Stage 1. Selection of varieties and seedlings of New Belgian aster

  • First of all, it is important to correctly determine the varieties of the Novelgian aster.
  • It is best to purchase them in specialized garden centers or nurseries that are professionally engaged in plant breeding.
  • It is best to give preference to varieties that have already been tested in your climate zone. In this case, you will be sure that your aster will bloom on time and delight you with lush flowering.
  • New Belgian aster seedlings are most often sold in plastic containers, so it is important to check the condition of the plants before buying. They should not have damaged areas, the leaves should be healthy and resilient. The plant must be chosen healthy, without signs of diseases and pests.
  • Before buying New Belgian aster seedlings, consider where you will plant them. Taller varieties are perfect for a plot along walls and fences, dwarf varieties - along curbs and garden paths.

Stage 2. Choosing a landing site for New Belgian aster

  • The decorativeness of the New Belgian aster bushes will depend on the right area in your yard or flower garden.
  • Asters planted in the shade will gradually bloom more and more sparingly until they stop producing flowers altogether.
  • For this culture, areas of the garden or flower garden with a lot of sunlight are suitable. Alternatively, some varieties of New Belgian aster can be planted in light shade.
  • The site you choose must be protected from strong wind and drafts, as tall varieties can be damaged by their gusts.
  • Asters also prefer places where moisture does not stagnate, so give preference to small hills.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting New Belgian aster

  • The New Belgian aster prefers to grow on light to medium soils.
  • The soil in your chosen area should be nutritious and neutral. If the acidity is too high, dolomite flour can be added during planting.
  • It is important that the soil is breathable and does not retain moisture. If the aster grows in areas with stagnant water, it will become more likely to get sick, in particular, with powdery mildew.
  • It is best to prepare a landing site in advance, preferably in the fall. To do this, carefully dig it up, about 2 bayonets of a shovel. Nutrient soil should be at least 30 cm of the top layer, so be sure to add humus during processing. In the spring, dig up the site again, loosen and level well and add superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

New Belgian aster planting technology

  • The best time to plant New Belgian aster in a garden plot is spring. Focus on the month of May, when the earth warms up enough. The aster planted at this time will be able to strengthen and take root well before the onset of cold weather.
  • Before planting, water the selected area for planting well again, remove all weeds and loosen to a depth of about 6-8 cm, and then level it.
  • For planting New Belgian aster seedlings, it is not necessary to prepare large planting pits. It is enough to make small grooves.
  • It is important to plant the aster correctly, pay special attention to the distance between individual seedlings. Perennial asters grow very strongly, so they need to be replanted every 3-4 years. In this regard, a decent part of the land should fall on one plant.
  • If you are planting low-growing varieties, then the distance between plants should be 20 cm, and between rows 30 cm. For medium-sized varieties - 30 between plants and 50 between rows. For tall ones - 50 between plants and 80 between rows.
  • Seedlings in containers before planting can be spilled with water to make it easier to remove from them.
  • Gently plant each seedling and sprinkle tightly root system soil, compacting it with your hands. The roots should not have an air pocket.
  • After planting, all seedlings must be watered abundantly.

Agrotechnics for growing New Belgian aster: secrets and nuances of care

Caring for New Belgian aster is not difficult, it is enough to give your attention to periodically lush bushes and the plant will thank you with bright flowers that bloom until late autumn.

Watering New Belgian aster

New Belgian aster is a fairly drought-resistant plant, because a large amount of moisture can harm this plant. If the season is characterized by a large amount of rain, then the aster can not even be watered, natural precipitation will be enough for it. In a drier period, it is necessary to water rarely, but plentifully, preferably with water heated in the sun.

Loosening and mulching New Belgian aster

Periodically, the soil around the aster must be loosened and all weeds removed, as some varieties of this crop may die from an undesirable neighborhood. Before flowering bushes, it is desirable to spud them by about 5-8 cm to strengthen the root system. The soil around the New Belgian aster can be mulched with dry peat or sawdust. So the soil will not become clogged with weeds and this will protect the plant from excessive evaporation of moisture.

Top dressing of New Belgian aster

In autumn and spring, you can add a little humus under the aster bushes. Full feeding is carried out three times per season. The first time you can feed the plant 2 weeks after planting. Add superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate under each bush. Fertilize a second time during bud formation. You can use superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The third time fertilizers are applied at the beginning of flowering. You can also use superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Preparing New Belgian aster for winter

During the flowering of the aster, periodically remove all faded flower buds - this stimulates the emergence of new ones. In the fall, be sure to add a little humus under each bush. Almost all varieties of New Belgian aster are frost-resistant, but there are those that can be damaged by frost, especially if they are young plants. In this case, cut off all dry stems and sprinkle the soil around the plant with a layer of dry peat. In the spring, this layer is removed, and the soil around the plant is loosened. Remember that once every 3-4 years in the spring, the aster must be rejuvenated by dividing the bush.

Control of diseases and pests of New Belgian aster

  • Powdery mildew. Signs of the disease are a white coating on the stems and leaves. This disease is most common in various asters. To combat it, it is important to start using special preparations in time, it is recommended to spray all plants immediately even in spring. The preparations create a film on the leaves and stems that prevents the appearance of the disease.
  • Rust. A peculiar swelling appears on the lower plate of the leaves - a sign of the disease. To combat such a disease, it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • Jaundice. Manifested by yellowing of the leaves and stop flowering. It is carried by insects, so you need to use insecticides.


  • Aphid, spider mite, scoop, earwig. It is important to weed the beds in time to combat such pests, remove all debris. In case of severe damage, you can use insecticides.

The use of New Belgian aster in landscape design

  • As a solo landing. Tall asters look great against the background of the lawn. their stems are usually strong and bend, so such an aster during flowering looks like a tall column covered with flowers.
  • Group planting along the walls of the house, fences, arbors.
  • Tall asters can be planted in the background in flower beds and flower beds.
  • Low-growing asters are perfect for planting along borders and garden paths. They will decorate any flower bed or alpine hill.
  • Some undersized asters can be planted in containers.

Photo of New Belgian aster in landscape design

More clearly see all the features and options for using asters in landscape design You can on the proposed photos.

New Belgian aster is a traditional decoration of gardens and flower beds of gardeners and summer residents. And although this plant has been used for many years, it has not lost its attractiveness, but continues to be valued and popular.