What does a general blood test show: decoding, norm. What does a general blood test show? What is checked in the general blood test

General blood analysis(another name is clinical blood test) is a basic study prescribed by doctors of various specialties when a patient is contacted. If you have complaints of feeling unwell, your doctor will likely order a complete blood count (abbreviated UAC). The results of the analysis will allow him to get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe state of your health and decide in which direction to move on, for example, what studies are still needed to make a diagnosis.

Why do you need a complete blood count? Why is this analysis so important?

Blood is a special tissue that is a transport for various substances between other tissues, organs and systems, while ensuring the unity and constancy of the internal environment of the body. Thus, most of the processes affecting the state of various tissues and organs, one way or another, affect the state of the blood.

Blood consists of plasma (the liquid part of blood) and formed elements - leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes. Each type of formed elements has its own functions: leukocytes are responsible for immune protection, platelets - for blood clotting, erythrocytes provide transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

In a healthy person, the composition of the blood is quite constant, but with a disease it changes. Therefore, using a blood test, it can be established that the disease occurs. Sometimes a general blood test allows you to detect the disease at an early stage, when the main symptoms of the disease are not yet manifested. That is why the UAC is carried out with any preventive examination. In the presence of symptoms, clinical analysis helps to understand the nature of the disease, to determine the intensity of the inflammatory process. Clinical analysis is used to diagnose various inflammatory diseases, allergic conditions, blood diseases. A repeated general blood test will give the doctor the opportunity to judge the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, assess the trend towards recovery and, if necessary, adjust the course of treatment.

Indicators of a clinical blood test

A general blood test must contain the following indicators:

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an extended clinical blood test. In this case, he will specifically indicate which indicators should be additionally included in the analysis.

Deciphering the indicators of a general blood test


Hemoglobin is a protein that is part of the red blood cell. Hemoglobin binds to oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules, which allows oxygen to be delivered from the lungs to tissues throughout the body, and carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Hemoglobin contains iron in its composition. It is he who gives the red color to erythrocytes (red blood cells), and already those to blood.

The saturation of the blood with hemoglobin is an extremely important indicator. If it falls, the tissues of the body receive less oxygen, and oxygen is necessary for the life of every cell.

The norm of hemoglobin for men is 130-160 g / l, for women - 120-140 g / l. In children, there is no gender dependence, however, in a newly born child, the number of red blood cells (and, accordingly, the level of hemoglobin) significantly exceeds the “adult” norm. And the first 2-3 weeks this figure gradually decreases, which must be borne in mind when evaluating the results of a general blood test.

With values ​​​​of the hemoglobin index below the norm, it is diagnosed. Also, a low level of hemoglobin can indicate hyperhydration of the body (increased fluid intake). Hemoglobin is above normal, respectively, can be observed with dehydration (blood thickening). Dehydration can be physiological (for example, due to increased physical exertion), or it can be pathological. An elevated hemoglobin level is a typical sign of erythremia, a disorder of blood formation in which an increased number of red blood cells is produced.

red blood cells

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. There are significantly more of them than all other shaped elements combined. That is why our blood is red. Erythrocytes contain hemoglobin and thus participate in the process of oxygen metabolism in the body.

The norm for red blood cells for men is 4-5 * 10 12 per liter of blood, for women - 3.9-4.7 * 10 12 per liter.

color index

The color index is calculated by a formula that correlates the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells. Normally, the color index should be close to one (0.85-1.05). Deviation from the norm is observed with anemia, and with different types anemia manifests itself in different ways: a color indicator below the norm indicates iron deficiency (the level of hemoglobin is reduced to a greater extent than the number of red blood cells); a color index above the norm is characteristic of other types of anemia (the number of red blood cells decreases to a greater extent than the level of hemoglobin).


Reticulocytes are young, not yet mature forms of red blood cells. The process of formation of red blood cells is continuous, so reticulocytes are always present in the blood. Norm: 2-10 reticulocytes out of 1000 erythrocytes (2-10 ppm (‰), or 0.2-1%). If reticulocytes are more than normal, this indicates that the body feels the need to increase the number of red blood cells (for example, due to their rapid destruction or blood loss). A reduced level of reticulocytes is characteristic of anemia, radiation sickness, oncology (if metastases have affected the bone marrow), and some kidney diseases.


The main function of platelets is to provide hemostasis, that is, in other words, platelets are responsible for blood clotting. They are also involved in the body's immune response to infection. Norm: 180-320 * 10 9 per liter. A low platelet count may indicate severe inflammatory process or an autoimmune disease. An elevated level is typical for conditions after significant blood loss (for example, after surgery), and is also observed in cancer or atrophy (decreased function) of the spleen.


Leukocytes are white blood cells that perform a protective function, that is, they represent the immune system. Normally, the total number of leukocytes should be in the range of 4-9 * 10 9 per liter.

An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the immune response of the body and is observed when infectious diseases(primarily caused by bacteria), inflammatory processes, allergic reactions. A high level of leukocytes can also be the result of recent bleeding, stress, tumor processes, and some other pathologies.

A low level of leukocytes indicates a depressed state of the immune system. Such results can be observed with a viral infection (,), severe toxicosis, sepsis, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, radiation sickness, autoimmune diseases, etc.

It is not only the overall assessment of the number of leukocytes that matters. There are five types of leukocytes - neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes; they all have different functions, and therefore it is important to know in what proportion they are present in the blood. The ratio of different types of leukocytes in their total volume is called leukocyte formula.


An increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, therefore, indicates the presence of an infection (first of all, a bacterial infection should be suspected), an ongoing inflammatory process. It can also be the result of stress, intoxication, cancer.



Norm: 0-1% of the total number of leukocytes.


Lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system. They provide specific immunity, that is, they recognize the penetrated foreign agent and destroy it. With the help of lymphocytes, the body fights viruses. Normally, lymphocytes make up 19-37% of the total number of leukocytes. In children, the proportion of lymphocytes is higher. At the age of 1 month to two years, lymphocytes are the main type of leukocytes, they make up the bulk of the observed mass. By 4-5 years, the number of leukocytes becomes comparable to the number of neutrophils. As the child grows older, the decline continues, but even at the age of 15, children have more lymphocytes than adults.

An increased content of lymphocytes in the blood indicates the penetration of a viral infection; also observed in toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.

A reduced number of lymphocytes is a sign of a depressed state of the immune system.


Monocytes are in the blood for an average of about 30 hours, after which they leave the bloodstream and pass into tissues, where they turn into macrophages. The purpose of macrophages is to finally destroy bacteria and dead tissues of the body, clearing the site of inflammation for subsequent regeneration (restoration of healthy tissue). The norm for monocytes is 3-11% of the total number of leukocytes.

An increased number of monocytes is characteristic of sluggish and long-term diseases; it is observed in tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and syphilis. It is a specific feature.

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate

If a tube of blood is left upright, red blood cells—as a heavier fraction of blood than plasma—will begin to sink to the bottom. Ultimately, the contents of the test tube will be divided into two parts: a thick and dark part at the bottom (these will be red blood cells) and a light part at the top (blood plasma). The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured in mm/hour. Norm: 2-10 mm/hour for men and 2-15 mm/hour for women. In children, pregnant women and the elderly, the range of normal values ​​​​will be different (in children, it varies greatly with age).

A general blood test is usually called one of the most complete, reliable and fastest methods of diagnosing a person. It is no coincidence that this type of analysis is included in the mandatory clinical minimum for examinations - in clinics and hospitals. Everyone has to take a general blood test - from unintelligent babies, pregnant women to very old people.

What is a complete blood count

The fact is that the concept of a general blood test is considered quite broad. There are several hundred parameters that can be analyzed. When a doctor writes out a referral for a blood test, he usually notes what information he is interested in. Perhaps it:

  • assessment of the state of the immune system;
  • search for microbes;
  • determining the level of hormones;
  • determination of the level of enzymes;
  • study of the chemical and physical properties of blood, etc.

A general blood test is usually divided into:

  • biochemical analysis;
  • immunological analysis;
  • hormonal analysis;
  • serological analysis.

What parameters are indicated in the analysis

When deciphering a blood test, it is possible to find out the following indicators:

  • hemoglobin;
  • erythrocytes;
  • color index;
  • reticulocytes;
  • platelets;
  • leukocytes;
  • stab;
  • segmented;
  • eosinophils;
  • basophils;
  • lymphocytes;
  • monocytes.

Hemoglobin is a red blood cell pigment that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and organs of the body, and carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

With an increase in hemoglobin, they diagnose:

  • polycythemia (the phenomenon of an increase in the number of red blood cells);
  • thickening of the blood;
  • dehydration.

A decrease in the level indicates the development of anemia

How is a complete blood count performed?

Donating blood for a general analysis is very simple. A light two-millimeter puncture is made on the finger with a scarifier needle. A drop of blood comes out. The health worker gently squeezes his finger and draws blood into a pipette. In this case, the scarifier must be sterile, disposable.

More sophisticated devices for sampling blood from a finger are also used. We are talking about the so-called lancets - plastic devices that are somewhat similar to a fountain pen. There is a spring inside. When a button is pressed, a sharp needle jumps out to a certain depth, which is sharpened in a special way - so that the pain is minimal, and the bleeding is sufficient to collect the necessary amount of blood.

How to prepare for research

Special preparation for the study is not necessary. Blood is taken on an empty stomach for analysis.

Possible Complications

Danger when conducting a blood test can only appear in patients with poor blood clotting, if bleeding cannot be stopped by puncturing a finger or vein for a long time.

Whatever you fall ill with, the first analysis that a competent doctor will send you to will be a general (general clinical) blood test, says our expert - a cardiologist, a doctor of the highest category Tamara Ogieva.

Blood for general analysis is taken venous or capillary, that is, from a vein or from a finger. The primary general analysis can be taken not on an empty stomach. A detailed blood test is given only on an empty stomach.

For biochemical analysis, blood will have to be taken only from a vein and always on an empty stomach. After all, if you drink in the morning, say, coffee with sugar, the glucose content in the blood will certainly change and the analysis will be incorrect.

A competent doctor will definitely take into account your gender and physiological state. For example, in women during “critical days”, the ESR increases and the number of platelets decreases.

A general analysis provides more information about inflammation and the state of the blood (a tendency to blood clots, the presence of infections), and a biochemical analysis is responsible for the functional and organic state internal organs- liver, kidneys, pancreas.

General analysis indicators:

1. HEMOGLOBIN (Hb)- a blood pigment found in erythrocytes (red blood cells), its main function is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

Normal values ​​for men are 130-160 g / l, women - 120-140 g / l.

Reduced hemoglobin occurs with anemia, blood loss, latent internal bleeding, with damage to internal organs, such as kidneys, etc.

It can rise with dehydration, with blood diseases and some types of heart failure.

2. erythrocytes- blood cells contain hemoglobin.

Normal values ​​are (4.0-5.1) * 10 to the 12th power / L and (3.7-4.7) * 10 to the 12th power / L, for men and women, respectively.

An increase in erythrocytes in the blood occurs, for example, in healthy people at high altitude in the mountains, as well as with congenital or acquired heart defects, diseases of the bronchi, lungs, kidneys and liver. The increase may be due to an excess of steroid hormones in the body. For example, in case of Cushing's disease and syndrome, or in the treatment of hormonal drugs.

Decrease - with anemia, acute blood loss, with chronic inflammatory processes in the body, as well as later dates pregnancy.

3. Leukocytes- white blood cells, they are formed in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Their main function is to protect the body from adverse effects. Norm - (4.0-9.0) x 10 to the 9th degree / l. Excess indicates the presence of infection and inflammation.

There are five types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils), each of them performs a specific function. If necessary, a detailed blood test is done, which shows the ratio of all five types of leukocytes. For example, if the level of leukocytes in the blood is increased, a detailed analysis will show, due to which type their increased total number. If due to lymphocytes, then there is an inflammatory process in the body, if there are more than the norm of eosinophils, then an allergic reaction can be suspected.

Why are there many leukocytes?

There are many conditions in which there is a change in the level of leukocytes. This does not necessarily indicate illness. Leukocytes, as well as all indicators of the general analysis, react to various changes in the body. For example, during stress, pregnancy, after physical exertion, their number increases.

An increased number of leukocytes in the blood (in other words, leukocytosis) also occurs with:

Infections (bacterial),

inflammatory processes,

allergic reactions,

Malignant neoplasms and leukemias,

Taking hormonal drugs, certain heart drugs (for example, digoxin).

But a reduced number of leukocytes in the blood (or leukopenia): this condition often occurs with a viral infection (for example, with the flu) or taking certain medications, for example, analgesics, anticonvulsants.

4. PLATELETS- blood cells, an indicator of normal blood clotting, are involved in the formation of blood clots.

Normal amount - (180-320) * 10 to the 9th degree / l

An increased amount occurs when:

chronic inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis), after surgery, treatment with hormonal drugs.

Reduced at:

alcohol, heavy metal poisoning, blood diseases, kidney failure, diseases of the liver, spleen, hormonal disorders. And also under the action of certain drugs: antibiotics, diuretics, digoxin, nitroglycerin, hormones.

5. ESR or ROE- erythrocyte sedimentation rate (erythrocyte sedimentation reaction) is one and the same, an indicator of the course of the disease. Usually, ESR increases on the 2nd-4th day of the disease, sometimes reaching a maximum during the recovery period. The norm for men is 2-10 mm / h, for women - 2-15 mm / h.

Increased at:

infections, inflammation, anemia, kidney disease, hormonal disorders, shock after injuries and operations, during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menstruation.


with circulatory failure, anaphylactic shock.

Indicators of biochemical analysis:

6. GLUCOSE- it should be 3.5-6.5 mmol / liter. Decrease - with insufficient and irregular nutrition, hormonal diseases. Increase - with diabetes.

7. TOTAL PROTEIN- norm - 60-80 grams / liter. Decreases with deterioration of the liver, kidneys, malnutrition (a sharp decrease in total protein is a common symptom that a rigid restrictive diet clearly did not benefit you).

8. TOTAL BILIRUBIN- norm - not higher than 20.5 mmol / liter shows how the liver works. Increase - with hepatitis, cholelithiasis, destruction of red blood cells.

9. Creatinine- should be no more than 0.18 mmol / liter. The substance is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys. Exceeding the norm is a sign of kidney failure, if it does not reach the norm, then it is necessary to increase immunity.

Cancer is a disease that strikes fear into hundreds of thousands of people on our planet. We all know that the treatment of cancer is effective only in the early stages, but how to detect the disease if it is asymptomatic? modern medicine takes small steps forward and has already learned to recognize this terrible disease in its germ. So is it possible to determine cancer by a blood test, and how accurate is such a diagnosis?

Blood test

Blood is the only human fluid that immediately reacts to any disease. Its composition immediately changes, and dozens of indicators deviate from the norm. A blood test shows doctors all the hidden diseases, but is such a diagnosis effective in cancer? Does this study show the presence of cancer? It should be noted right away that not a single blood test can determine cancer with an accuracy of 100%! The study can show doctors that there are certain problems in the body and the patient needs additional diagnostics.

Blood tumor markers are quite informative, but even they cannot accurately diagnose the disease. For any deviations in the blood test, the doctor should prescribe additional tests and examinations to the patient. It is possible to suspect an oncological disease by individual deviations in the testimonies of the study, and even a simple blood test from a finger can lead doctors to suspect that a patient has this terrible disease. It may be that changes in indicators do not relate to oncology, but this is all the same reason for additional diagnostics.

What causes cancer

Cancer is a disease when only one of the body's own cells mutates and degenerates into a malignant one. After that, it begins to divide uncontrollably and the malignant tissue grows rapidly. During this growth, healthy cells die and in the later stages this process is no longer reversible. In the early period of the disease, it is diagnosed only in 40% of cases. This comes from an untimely visit to the doctor.

According to statistics, oncological diseases most often affect people over 45 years old, but more and more often the disease is detected in very young patients.

Mutations can undergo both healthy and damaged cells of any human organ. Science still doesn't know why this happens. The worst thing is that these cells are not defined as enemies by the immune system. Many people think that cancer is a disease of bad habits. It is easier for us to think that the disease affects only those who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and are prone to smoking or alcoholism. However, the truth is much worse.

Even those people who lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right, play sports and do not have bad habits, the development of a cancerous disease is possible. No one is safe from cancer! It is for this reason that each person should donate blood for analysis at least once a year in order to see changes in indicators in a timely manner and, if necessary, undergo additional examinations that accurately detect cancer.

It is especially important to monitor your health for people at risk. Such patients include people with a genetic predisposition, workers in hazardous industries, residents of environmentally unfavorable areas, people with bad habits, men and women after 50 years. What kind of blood test will show cancer?


Will a general blood test show cancer? It is impossible to diagnose oncology according to a general blood test, but you can see certain deviations in indicators that should alert you. With the development of cancer, almost all blood counts change.

A general blood test for cancer will show the following changes:

  • Deviations from the norms of the number of leukocytes.
  • Decreased hemoglobin.
  • Increased ESR.

These deviations should be the reason for an additional examination of the patient. However, according to these deviations, it cannot be said that the patient has an oncological disease, because such phenomena are also observed in other diseases. A complete blood count is the first diagnostic measure for any patient complaints. If deviations are identified, additional studies are assigned.

Biochemistry of blood

According to the biochemical blood test, cancer also cannot be diagnosed, but it can be suspected. This analysis is highly informative, because it analyzes all the main blood parameters. It is this analysis that helps doctors recognize pathologies in a particular organ, when symptoms are still absent. Blood biochemistry reveals the presence of many diseases in the early stages.

When malignant neoplasms occur, biochemistry indicators deviate depending on which organ the tumor develops in. Detection of deviations in blood biochemistry is already a serious reason for additional examinations. However, this analysis cannot accurately indicate the presence of cancer. According to this study, the doctor can identify in which human organ a failure occurred, where the disease lurked. But this is cancer or a normal inflammatory process, the analysis will not indicate.

Cancer markers

With these tests, blood levels for cancer help doctors make a preliminary diagnosis, which must be confirmed or refuted by additional examinations. What are tumor markers and how to recognize cancer by these tests?

Tumor markers are special protein compounds that are in the blood of every person. However, with the development of the tumor process, the amount of these antigens in the blood increases significantly. Moreover, if the patient has cancer, then the growth of markers will be continuous and with each new study, the indicators will be higher than the previous ones until treatment begins. The presence of tumor markers is determined in the blood taken from the patient's vein.

To date, tumor markers are the only way to recognize cancer at an early stage. However, these analyzes also have their drawbacks. First, markers can rise not only in cancer, but also in chronic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases. Secondly, some markers are not informative in the early stages and are only suitable for monitoring the success of therapy or determining the presence of metastasis. Thirdly, the presence of elevated markers in the blood is not a 100% indicator of oncology.

Thus, today the diagnosis of cancer only by a blood test is impossible. With a certain predisposition to cancer, these tests indicate a possible disease, but additional diagnostic measures are needed to identify cancer. To determine cancer at an early stage, you need to carefully monitor your health, and consult a doctor for any complaints.

When to See a Doctor

It is worth noting that in the early stages, cancer most often occurs without specific symptoms, but often symptoms are still present, it’s just that patients do not pay attention to it, instead of analyzing their condition and consulting a doctor. So the reason for contacting medical institution should be the following violations:

  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • General weakness and malaise.
  • Violations of the digestive tract.
  • Changes in moles and age spots.
  • Seals in the chest.
  • Pain or bleeding after intercourse.
  • Voice change and throat discomfort.
  • Frequent headaches.

Today, oncologists say that the sooner cancer is detected, the better. After all, the patient in this case is much more likely to make a full recovery. The problem of timely detection of oncological diseases often lies in the banal fear of patients. People until the last do not want to go to the doctor, in the hope that everything will pass by itself. As a result, the disease is diagnosed already at an advanced stage and treatment is already aimed at prolonging life and improving its quality.

What test is done for cancer

Many patients are interested in what tests to take to detect cancer. Unfortunately, there is no one analysis that will show whether you have oncology or not. Today, specialists use more than 20 markers to diagnose cancer, each of which can only show separate view diseases. There are also malignant tumors that cannot be diagnosed at all with a blood test.

What kind of analysis you need to take will be decided by your doctor.

Determining the presence of the disease is a long way, consisting of a lot of research, additional examinations and examinations. Often, doctors have to spend a lot of time and effort to make a final diagnosis. However, even the simplest clinical blood test can be the lifeline that will allow you to suspect the disease at its very beginning.

A good specialist will definitely pay attention to changes in the composition of the blood and prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures to the patient that will help identify the disease. However, patients themselves should be on the lookout. People who are aware of their hereditary predisposition should monitor their health more carefully. Preventive examinations should become the norm for them. Remember, no one will come to your home and will not persuade you to undergo an examination, you yourself must take all measures so that the disease does not take you by surprise.

Today, every person should remember that prevention is the best method of treatment. Have elementary blood tests done at least once a year. After that, the doctor will analyze the results and be able to suspect the presence of the disease in a timely manner. This doesn't just apply to cancer. Any disease can be cured at an early stage much easier. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

In contact with

Usually, patients think about primary tests when certain symptoms come to them, the disease does not go away for a long time, or the general condition of the body worsens. Then the doctor, in any case, first of all sends the patient to take tests, after which it is already possible to say whether cancer is possible or not. We will try to explain to you as briefly and clearly as possible about each blood test for oncology.

Can blood test detect cancer?

Unfortunately, a blood test for cancer does not allow 100% to see cancer cells, but there is a certain degree of probability to identify a diseased organ. Blood is exactly the liquid that interacts with all tissues and cells in the human body, and it is understandable that by a change in the chemical or biochemical composition, one can determine what is wrong with a person.

The analysis gives a signal to the doctor that the processes in the body are not proceeding correctly. And then he sends the patient for additional diagnostics of certain organs. By blood, it is possible to identify in which organ the tumor can live, at what stage and what size. True, if a person additionally suffers from any diseases, then the accuracy of this study will be lower.

What blood tests show cancer?

  • General (clinical)- shows the total number of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells and other cells in the blood. Deviations from the general indicator may also indicate a malignant tumor.
  • Biochemistry - usually shows chemical composition blood. This analysis can more accurately determine in which place and in which organ a person develops cancer.
  • Analysis for tumor markers- one of the most accurate analyzes for oncologists. When a tumor develops in the body and cells in a certain place begin to mutate, then this thing itself releases certain proteins or tumor markers into the blood. For the body, this protein is foreign, which is why the immune system immediately begins to try to fight it. Tumor markers for each of the tumors are different and they can be used to determine in which organ the enemy has settled.

Complete blood count and cancer