General Zubarev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich reviews. On dismissal from office, dismissal from military service, appointment to a position and assignment of a special rank in certain federal government bodies



1.1. State of the research problem (psychological and acmeological studies of competence)

1.2. Psychological and acmeological features of personnel work

1.3. Psychological professional important qualities HR specialists

1.4. Methodological foundations for empirical research into the psychological competence of HR specialists

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Development of psychological competence of HR specialists”

Relevance of the research topic

The successful implementation of reforms in our country largely depends on their staffing. It is not without reason that recently the problem of training highly qualified personnel, improving personnel work, forming a personnel reserve, etc., has been considered a priority in management practice.

Modern approach to the management of organizations is based on the implementation of the ideology of rational management of “human resources”, the fullest disclosure of the possibilities of “human potential”, its increase in the interests of the subject of labor and the organization. In this regard, the focus of the new management paradigm is the developing person working in the organization. Modern organization successfully competes in the market if it is not only technologically efficient, but also provides conditions for the formation and development of its human resources, development, generation and implementation of new ideas. In this regard, the role of personnel services and the subjects of personnel work themselves increases significantly. The nature of their activities is radically changing. Specialists of modern personnel services are considered not as performers and clerical workers, but as active participants in personnel policy, subjects of personnel decisions, architects of personnel processes, and personnel management (Bazarov T.Yu., Belyaev A.S., Derkach A.A., Zhidaev S.S., Sviridova JI.B., Sitnik S.N., Turchinov A.I., etc.). Now, in addition to performing the traditional tasks of professional selection, selection and placement of personnel, etc., many personnel services are involved in resolving issues of improving labor relations, planning a professional career, developing and implementing personal development programs. professional development and much more. In this regard, the requirements for the qualifications and professional competence of employees of modern personnel services have increased significantly. Specialists of modern personnel services must have a high level of professional competence and its special types, various skills, including psychological, special personal and professional qualities.

In view of the fact that modern personnel services must actively manage the organization’s human resources, a special role belongs to their psychological knowledge and skills, that is, psychological competence. It is psychological competence that provides the system of necessary psychological professional knowledge and skills that allow you to effectively solve modern personnel problems of developing human resources, realizing the capabilities of the “human component” (Bodalev A.A., Vegerchuk I.E., Derkach A.A., Zazykin V.G., Stepnova JI.A. and etc.). In this regard, the development of psychological competence of specialists and managers of personnel services is an important condition ensuring the effectiveness of their activities in the modern situation.

At the same time, the relevance of this task is determined not only by the needs of personnel practice, but is also associated with the effect of the existing contradiction. An analysis of the state of the problem shows that currently there is a significant contradiction between the high requirements for professionalism of the subjects of modern personnel work and a tangible lack special knowledge, first of all, psychological and acmeological about the ways and methods of developing professionalism, rational use"human resources".

The effect of this contradiction, the need to develop scientific and methodological foundations for ensuring the effective activities of specialists in modern personnel services, determined the relevance of this study.

State of the research problem

The problems of the activities of specialists and managers of personnel services are in the subject field of various sciences - sociology, psychology, acmeology, personnel science, organizational management theory, etc. Hence the vastness and diversity of research and the results obtained.

Psychological research has paid special attention to HR strategies And personnel policy organizations (Bazarov T.Yu., Malinovsky N.V., etc.) In psychological and acmeological studies, the psychological foundations of personnel assessment and certification were studied (Belyaev A.V., Gerasimov V.M., Sviridova L.V., Turchinov A .AND.); selection, selection of personnel placement, formation of a reserve (Bizyukova I.V., Goncharov O.N., Kovaleva T.V., Ognev A.S. Sulemov V.A.), professional career (Lotova I.P., Mogilevkin E. .A". Research has been carried out on the use of methods of non-instrumental psychological diagnostics in the interests of personnel work (Bogdanov E.N., Zazykin V.G., Konyukhov N.I., etc.). It should also be noted that “personnel research” itself: systematic consideration of personnel activities (Voichenko E.G., Grachev M.V., Egorshin A.P., etc.), personnel work and its technological equipment (Bogachev V.F., Durakova I.B., Kabakov V.S., etc. .), psychological content of personnel work (Blinov B.V., Bodrov V.A., Zazykin V.G., etc.), expert and evaluative activities in personnel work (Alekseev N.A., Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. and others). Special attention deserve psychological research into the effectiveness professional activity heads of personnel departments (Drozdov I.N.,

Sitnik S.N.) and problems of personnel management (Derkach A.A., Dyachkova E.V., Zhidaev S.S., etc.).

IN last years personal and activity characteristics of subjects of personnel work became objects of psychological and acmeological research. At the same time, the problem of their professional competence, especially its important component of psychological competence, has not been studied enough. The issues of psychological and acmeological support for the development of psychological competence, the search for ways, conditions and factors for optimizing personnel activities were considered in isolation.

Thus, the problem of psychological competence of personnel service specialists and its psychological and acmeological support essentially remained undeveloped, despite its obvious relevance and scientific and practical significance.

Based on the relevance of the research problem, its insufficient development, theoretical and practical significance, the research topic was determined, the goal and objectives, a hypothesis were formulated, the subject and object of the study were justified.

The purpose of the study is to determine the structure and content of psychological competence of personnel service specialists, psychological and acmeological conditions and factors of its productive development.

The object of the study is the psychological competence of personnel service specialists.

The subject of the study is the formation of psychological competence of personnel service specialists and the determinants of its development.

Research hypothesis

Psychological competence is integral part and an important condition for the professionalism of the personality and activities of personnel service specialists, a component of their professional competence. Psychological competence is a structured area of ​​professional expertise in the form of a system of special psychological and acmeological knowledge and skills.

A high level of psychological competence allows HR specialists to ensure the effectiveness of their professional activities in the field of managing the organization’s human resources, their increase, personnel management, and solving problems of productive personal and professional development of personnel.

Psychological competence has its own structure and levels of development. Its content prioritizes social-perceptual competence.

The productive development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists depends on a number of objective and subjective conditions and factors and can be algorithmized. It is advisable to develop the psychological competence of personnel service specialists with the primary use of psychological and acmeological methods and technologies.

Research objectives:

1. Summarize the state of the research problem, systematize psychological and acmeological work on the problem of competence and its individual species in accordance with the purpose of the dissertation research.

2. To clarify and specify the psychological content of the activities of specialists in modern personnel services, their professional and personal competencies, psychological personal and professional qualities.

3. Carry out empirical psychological and acmeological studies of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists, identify and describe the psychological and acmeological features of its development.

4. Develop a psychological-acmeological system description psychological competence of personnel services specialists.

5. Develop an algorithm for the productive development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists and, on its basis, conduct a developmental experiment.

6. Systematize the most important psychological and acmeological conditions, factors, methods and technologies for the productive development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists.

Theoretical basis research are psychological theories and concepts of the developing personality (Ananyev B.G., Antsyferova L.I., Bodalev A.A., Lomov B.F., Merlin V.S., Platonov K.K., Rubinshtein S.L., Feldshtein D. .I., etc.), theory of acmeology (Agapov V.S., Anisimov O.S., Bodalev A.A., Derkach A.A., Zazykin V.G., Kuzmina N.V., Laptev L.G., Rean A.A., Selezneva E.V., Solovyova N.V., etc.), psychological and acmeological concepts of professional, psychological and acmeological competence of subjects of activity (Derkach A.A., Vegerchuk I.E., Zazykin V. G., Kuzmina N.V., Kulikova E.V., Makarov S.V., Markova A.K., Selezneva E.V., Stepnova L.A., Rean A.A., Fedorkina A.P. , Fominykh A.F., etc.), psychological and acmeological studies of personnel work and professionalism of specialists and managers of personnel services (Derkach A.A., Drozdov I.N., Dyachkova E.V., Zhidaev S.S., Sitnik S.N. and others).

The methodological basis of the dissertation research is the general and specific methodological principles of psychology and acmeology, the principles of psychological and acmeological empirical research.

Research methods. The following research methods were used in the dissertation: general scientific methods (theoretical analysis, generalization, synthesis); empirical psychological and acmeological methods (questionnaires, expert assessments, discussions, observation, interviews); developmental experiment.

The empirical base of the research consisted of the results of an expert assessment (24 experts), a questionnaire survey (120 specialists and heads of personnel services of state and non-governmental organizations, regional and municipal administrations), discussions, individual interviews (53 specialists of personnel services), a development experiment (4 experts and 24 participants ).

The main scientific results obtained personally by the applicant and their scientific novelty

It has been established that the psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services of organizations is an important component of professional competence, which is a system of special psychological knowledge about the patterns, mechanisms, motivating reasons for behavior, activities, communication and human relationships in the process of professional activities - and interactions that are significant for the conduct of modern personnel work.

It is shown that the psychological competence of HR specialists is characterized by the predominant development of social-perceptual competence. It was found that the main component of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists is social-perceptual competence; other types of psychological competence are functionally related to it. Structurally, the psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services is a functional unity of the following components: cognitive, regulatory, reflective-status, normative and communicative, which in turn are manifested in motivational-personal quality and operational psychological skills. The criteria for the development of psychological competence are its levels, the productivity of personal and professional development and self-development.

It has been revealed that the specific content of the psychological competence of the subjects of personnel work is largely related to the psychological characteristics of the objects of personnel work. They, in turn, may have characteristics of psychological complexity - instability of state, professional “burnout” of some teachers, the presence of psychological accentuations and intrapersonal conflicts, unstable work conditions, etc., which significantly complicates the solution of personnel problems. Productive interaction with such an object requires a high level of psychological competence and developed skills of a practical psychologist from a human resources specialist.

As a result of conducting psychological and acmeological studies of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists:

A general professional description of the characteristics of specialists in modern personnel services has been developed, as well as their professional profile with elements of an acmeogram;

It has been established that, that average level the development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists is close to critical values ​​with a relatively high self-assessment of their development;

It was revealed that the levels of development of psychological competence are different among specialists of regional management structures and municipal ones;

It is shown that social-perceptual skills and abilities of specialists are mainly formed spontaneously on the basis of individual life experience and everyday ideas; social-perceptual processes are influenced by typical psychological phenomena, distorting the perception of social objects.

A qualitatively strict tabular system description of the general and special characteristics of the psychological competence of personnel services specialists has been developed according to structural components - cognitive, regulatory, reflexive status and normative - with a description of their psychological content, psychological qualities, skills and determinants of development. The levels of developed psychological competence are determined, and a psychological-acmeological description of high, medium and low levels is presented.

It has been proven that it is advisable to increase the level of psychological competence of personnel service specialists in the form of a developmental experiment based on a general psychological-acmeological algorithm and a modular principle of its implementation, including a theoretical part, analysis of specific situations, workshops and control tasks. After conducting a developmental experiment, the coefficient of development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists averaged 24.5%.

The basic psychological and acmeological conditions and factors for the development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists are substantiated. General psychological and acmeological conditions are the actualization of the need for this type of professionalism based on the transition of personnel services to new personnel technologies, the creation of an acmeological environment in personnel structures that stimulates the development and self-development of psychological competence, the development of their psychological and acmeological culture, the attraction of professional psychologists to personnel services . Among the most important factors, it should be noted the creation of a system for recruiting for work in personnel services, personification individual work with HR specialists to improve their level of psychological competence.

The reliability and validity of the dissertation research results was ensured by theoretical and methodological elaboration of the problem, the use of proven and reliable research methods, the representativeness of the sample, and verification of the results in practice.

The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the fact that the developed models, algorithm and descriptions, identified psychological and acmeological conditions and factors, are the basis for individual development psychological competence of personnel services specialists, increasing the efficiency of professional activities in the light of modern requirements for personnel work.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research were presented at meetings of the problem group of the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activity of the Russian Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation(2005-2008), scientific seminars of the International Acmeological Institute and the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences.

The materials of the dissertation research are used when teaching special courses “Psychological competence of civil servants”, “Acmeology of management”, “Psychology of professional activity of civil servants” at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Provisions for defense

The effectiveness of the activities of specialists in modern personnel services is associated with the solution of many new tasks that have psychological content. In addition to the traditional tasks of selection, selection, placement of personnel, certification, and the formation of a personnel reserve, these are the management of the organization’s human resources, personnel management, personnel “architectonics,” augmentation and development of personnel potential. Their solution requires the priority development of psychological competence as a necessary condition for professionalism as an important psychological sphere of professional management.

The psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services of organizations is an important component of professional competence, a cognitive-regulatory component of professionalism of personality and activity, therefore it belongs to the category of psychologically complex objects. In practical terms, psychological competence is a system of special psychological knowledge and corresponding skills that make it possible to effectively carry out non-instrumental psychological diagnostics and make psychological forecasts.

In the system of psychological competence of HR specialists, the leading role is played by social-perceptual competence. Other types of psychological competence (socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical) are functionally related to it.

The psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services has, at the general level, a psychological structure that includes cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status, normative and communicative components that are in functional unity. The most important criteria for the development of psychological competence of personnel services specialists are its levels, the productivity of psychological personal and professional development and self-development. The content of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists at the special level is largely related to the psychological characteristics of the objects of personnel work.

The average level of development of psychological competence of the majority of HR specialists is close to critical values ​​with a relatively high self-assessment of their development, while the levels of development of psychological competence are different between specialists from regional management structures and municipal ones. Social-perceptual processes are influenced by everyday ideas and psychological attitudes, typical psychological phenomena that distort the perception of objects of personnel work. Social-perceptual skills and abilities of specialists are formed mainly spontaneously on the basis of individual life experience.

The psychological and acmeological content of the psychological competence of personnel services specialists has systemic properties, that is, it can be presented as a system that includes cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status and normative structural components, psychological qualities, skills and determinants of development. The specific content of the psychological competence of personnel services specialists is determined by the levels of its development - high, medium and low.

It is advisable to develop the psychological competence of personnel service specialists on the basis of a general professional description of the personal and professional characteristics of modern personnel services specialists, their professionogram with elements of an acmeogram using a general psychological and acmeological algorithm. Effective implementation of this algorithm is possible with the help of a developmental experiment based on the modular principle of its implementation, including a theoretical part, analysis of specific situations, workshops and control tasks. Relying on this approach makes it possible to increase the level of psychological competence according to integral criteria by about a third with a development coefficient of 24.5%.

The general psychological and acmeological conditions for the productive development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists are the actualization of the need for this type of professionalism based on the transition of personnel services to new personnel technologies, the creation of an acmeological environment in personnel structures that stimulates the development and self-development of psychological competence, the development of their psychological and acmeological culture , attracting professional psychologists to personnel services. Significant psychological and acmeological factors are: the creation of a system of selection for work in personnel services, the personification of individual work with specialists of personnel services to increase the level of their psychological competence. *

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Developmental Psychology, Acmeology", 19.00.13 code VAK

  • Acmeological technologies as a means of forming a personnel reserve at a gas production enterprise 2008, candidate of psychological sciences Kovaleva, Tatyana Vadimovna

  • Acmeological features of the development of legal competence of drug control officers 2007, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Karkhalev, Igor Vladimirovich

  • Acmeological support for professional development of managers and specialists of legislative bodies of the Russian Federation 2008, candidate of psychological sciences Osipova, Elena Petrovna

  • Development of autopsychological competence of civil servants 2003, Doctor of Psychology Stepnova, Lyudmila Anatolyevna

  • Acmeological support for the development of professionalism of management personnel 2006, candidate of psychological sciences Starovoitova, Yana Sergeevna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Developmental psychology, acmeology”, Zubarev, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich

The conducted psychological and acmeological studies have proven the importance of the problem of increasing the psychological competence of personnel service specialists, especially during the transition to new personnel technologies related to the management of human resources of the organization, personnel management, and the formation of a promising personnel architecture of the organization. Significant contradictions were identified, the resolution of which required a special psychological and acmeological study. As a result of this research, the set goal was achieved, problems were solved, hypotheses were confirmed, and new scientific results were obtained. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the state of the research problem made it possible to substantiate the high theoretical and practical significance of psychological competence as a generalizing scientific category and an important property of professionalism, manifested in various types of activities, including the activities of specialists in modern personnel services of organizations.

The psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services of organizations is special type psychological competence of the individual, an important component of professional competence. In general terms, it represents a system of special knowledge about the patterns, mechanisms, motivations of human behavior, activities, communication and relationships in the process of professional activities and interactions that are significant for modern personnel work.

The specific content of the psychological competence of the subjects of personnel work is largely related to the psychological characteristics of those with whom professional interaction is carried out. They, in turn, may have characteristics of psychological complexity - instability of state, professional “burnout” of some teachers, the presence of psychological accentuations and intrapersonal conflicts, unstable work conditions, etc., which significantly complicates the solution of personnel problems. Productive interaction with such an object requires a high level of psychological competence and developed skills of a practical psychologist from a human resources specialist.

IN general view Structurally, the psychological competence of specialists in modern personnel services is a unity of the following components: cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status, normative and communicative, which in turn are manifested in motivational-personal quality and operational psychological skills.

The main component of the psychological competence of HR specialists is social-perceptual competence. Other types of psychological competence - social-psychological, psychological-pedagogical - are associated with it by functional dependencies, with the exception of autopsychological competence.

A general professional description of the characteristics of specialists in modern personnel services, as well as their professional profile, has been developed.

The study of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists should be based on the theoretical principles of acmeology, communication psychology, personality psychology, professional psychology, as well as the leading methodological principles of psychology and acmeology - systematicity, complexity, subject, activity, development, unity of personality and activity.

The leading research methods are analysis and synthesis, surveys, expert assessments, observation, analysis of professional interactions and communications, characteristics and dynamics of personal and professional changes. The criteria for the development of psychological competence are its levels, the productivity of personal and professional development and self-development.

Based on a theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem, empirical studies of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists were carried out. These studies were carried out in three stages: at the first stage, expert review problems, on the second - a survey of HR service specialists, on the third - a search experiment to establish the real level of psychological competence of HR service specialists.

Empirical studies have shown that the average level of development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists is close to critical values ​​with relatively high self-esteem. The levels of development of psychological competence are different between specialists from regional and municipal management structures. Social-perceptual skills among specialists are mainly formed spontaneously on the basis of individual life experience and everyday ideas. Social-perceptual processes are influenced by typical psychological phenomena that distort the perception of social objects.

Based on the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem and empirical research, a tabular system description of the general and special characteristics of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists was developed. A description of the levels of development of psychological competence - high, medium and low - has been developed.

This system description became the basis for conducting a developing psychological and acmeological experiment. It used a modular principle, including a theoretical part, analysis of specific situations, workshops and control tasks. After conducting a developmental experiment, the level of psychological competence of HR specialists increased on average, and the development coefficient averaged 24.5%.

The conducted research made it possible to substantiate the most important psychological and acmeological conditions and development factors of the psychological competence of personnel service specialists.

Based on the research results, the following scientific and practical recommendations are proposed:

It is necessary to create a system of professional psychological training and retraining of personnel service specialists to work in the light of new requirements, using new personnel technologies;

It is necessary to develop specialized educational complexes for the development of psychological competence of personnel service specialists with appropriate educational and methodological support;

It is necessary to develop the concept of a developing acmeological environment to increase the level of psychological competence of personnel service specialists.

Prospects for further research include deepening the scientific foundations of non-instrumental psychological and acmeological diagnostics to solve psychological personnel problems; development of acmeological models of psychological competence of personnel service specialists and models of their professionalism.

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On release from office, dismissal from military service, appointment to a position and conferment of a special rank in some federal government agencies

1. Release from their position:

Major General of Justice Pavel Georgievich Barkovsky, Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - Head of the Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of Crimes against the Person and Public Safety;

Major General of Police Andrey Sergeevich Bakhtu, head of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Major General of Police Sergei Ivanovich Bugrov, Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;

Major General of Police Gerasimov Pavel Petrovich, chief Regional Administration Federal service Russian Federation for drug control in the Magadan region;

Police Colonel Aleksey Yulievich Golynsky, deputy head of the apparatus of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the department for the Siberian Federal District;

Police Colonel Boris Ruslanovich Zhguchev, Deputy Head of the State Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department for the Volga Federal District;

Major General of Police Valery Vladimirovich Zinoviev, Deputy Head of the International Legal Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control - Head of the Treaty and Legal Department;

Major General of Police Alexey Dmitrievich Ivanov, Deputy Head of the Organizational and Administrative Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control - Head of the Organizational and Control Department;

Major General of Justice Alexander Vasilyevich Kalinin, First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Criminalistics of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;

Lieutenant General of Justice Anatoly Viktorovich Kvashnin, head of the North-Western Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;

Major General of Police Andrey Vladimirovich Korobov, deputy head of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the department for the Far Eastern Federal District;

Kudeneyev Sergei Vasilievich, prosecutor of Moscow;

Evgeniy Yuryevich Manyatkin, first deputy head of the apparatus of the State Anti-Drug Committee;

Major General of Police Vitaly Egorovich Maslov, head of the financial and economic department of the Department of Logistics and Financial Support of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major General of Police Elena Viktorovna Maslovskaya, head of the department for the prevention of crimes in the field of legal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors of the Operational Investigation Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Olga Alekseevna Mishina, Head of the Support Department interdepartmental interaction Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Molchanova Natalya Ivanovna, deputy head of the apparatus of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the coordination and analytical department;

Lieutenant General of Police Gusein Mukhtarovich Mukhtarov, First Deputy Head of the Organizational and Administrative Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control - Head of the Administrative Department;

Police Colonel Alexander Alexandrovich Poddubov, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Sevastopol;

Major General of Police Alexander Grigorievich Proshchenko, Deputy Head of the State Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department for the North-Western Federal District;

Major General of Police Igor Albertovich Syomochkin, deputy head of the apparatus of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the department for the Ural Federal District;

Police Colonel Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sinelshchikov, head of the department for interaction with the public and funds mass media Department for ensuring interdepartmental cooperation of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major General of Police Alexander Nikolaevich Trudov, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Major General of Police Gennady Viktorovich Udovichenko, deputy head of the apparatus of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the department for the Central Federal District;

Lieutenant General of Police Valery Petrovich Chibrin, head of the Department of Special Technical Activities of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major General of Police Alexander Dmitrievich Shirokozhukhov, Head of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Kursk Region;

Sergei Anatolyevich Shlyakov, First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

Lieutenant General of Justice Alexander Vyacheslavovich Shchukin, head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

2. Release from their position and dismiss from military service:

Colonel General Evgeniy Mikhailovich Vnukov, Commander of the North Caucasus Regional Command internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Lieutenant General Didenko Sergei Leonidovich, Director of the Department civil protection Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

Major General Nurtdinov Rishat Vasfievich, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief in the Tula Region.

3. Discharge from military service:

Major General Firsov Andrey Alexandrovich;

Lieutenant General Chizhikov Eduard Nikolaevich.

4. Assign:

Police Colonel Oleg Mitrofanovich Bulgakov - First Deputy Head of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Sergei Leonidovich Didenko - Head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

Major General Vladimir Pavlovich Dolganin - first deputy commander of the Eastern Regional Command of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, releasing him from his post;

Lieutenant General Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Zubarev as commander of the North Caucasus Regional Command of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, releasing him from his post;

Colonel of Justice Roman Andreevich Nesterov - senior investigator for special important matters under the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;

Colonel of the Internal Service Kirill Vladimirovich Travin as Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Novosibirsk Region;

Chizhikov Eduard Nikolaevich - Head of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

5. Appoint for a 5-year term:

Major General of Justice Alexander Pavlovich Glushchenko as head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Adygea;

Major General of Justice Eduard Valerievich Kaburneev as head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Dagestan;

Churikov Vladimir Viktorovich - prosecutor of the city of Moscow, releasing him from his position.

6. Confer a special rank of lieutenant general of the internal service:

Didenko Sergei Leonidovich

Chizhikov Eduard Nikolaevich.

President of Russian Federation

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President Vladimir Putin appointed district commanders of the Federal Service of the Russian National Guard Troops (Rosgvardia).

The President appointed commanders for seven districts. These are Lieutenant Generals Igor Grudnov (Eastern District), Viktor Strigunov ( Siberian district), Igor Golloev (Ural District), Alexander Poryadin (Volga District), Evgeny Zubarev (North Caucasus District), Sergey Zakharkin (North-Western District) and Pavel Dashkov (Central District).

Zubarev Evgeniy Alexandrovich born on December 14, 1960 in the village of Verkh-Anuyskoye, Altai Territory.

In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 1991 from the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, in 2005 – Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He served in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in various positions from platoon commander to first deputy commander of the regional command troops. The military rank of “lieutenant general” was awarded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2009.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2011, Lieutenant General Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Zubarev was appointed commander of the Volga Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2015, Lieutenant General Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Zubarev was appointed commander of the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Order of Honor, medals, and the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

  1. The Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Army General Viktor Zolotov, signed an order appointing the heads of the territorial bodies of the Russian Guard.

According to the order, police colonel Vladimir Zhigula appointed head of the department of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for the Rostov Region. Previously, he headed the private security department in the region.

The website of the Russian Guard reports that territorial bodies are part of the military districts of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and are intended to guide and support the service and combat activities of OMON, SOBR units, private security and licensing work that are part of the Russian Guard in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Let us recall that the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia) belongs to the special services and was created on April 5, 2016 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The structure of the service includes troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the same day.

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Samara Garrison Military Court composed of: presiding officer - Timoshechkina D.A., with secretary Berats K.A., with the participation of the applicant, the applicant’s representative - lawyer N.I. Khobni, acting on the basis of warrant No. dated August 14, 2012, the representative of the commander troops of the Volga Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the commander of military unit 7452, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice G.A. Plotnikov, acting on the basis of powers of attorney dated October 11, 2011 No. No. and dated September 27, 2011 No., representative of the housing commission of military unit 7452 Captain M. Khammatov. M., acting on the basis of an extract from protocol dated February 14, 2012 No., representative of the commander of military unit 5599, Major of Justice V.V. Linda, acting on the basis of a power of attorney dated August 1, 2012, prosecutor - deputy military prosecutor of the Samara garrison, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice A. Redkov .V., having examined in the open court hearing in the court premises, materials of the civil case at the request of a former serviceman of military unit 7452, reserve major Odintsov<данные изъяты>on challenging the actions of the commander of the Volga Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia related to the dismissal of the applicant from military service with enlistment in the reserve in connection with organizational and staffing measures without the provision of residential premises in accordance with established standards for permanent residence, the decision of the housing commission of military unit 7452 on the removal of the applicant taking into account those in need of living quarters consisting of four people, the actions of the commander of military unit 7452 related to the approval of the specified decision, the submission of the applicant for dismissal from military service and his exclusion from the lists of unit personnel in connection with dismissal from military service on the specified basis, and also the inaction of the commanders of military unit 7452 and military unit 5599, associated with the failure to take measures aimed at providing the applicant with distributed residential premises free of charge,


Odintsov served under contract in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from August 1, 1997 to June 18, 2012; his last military position was head of the fuel and lubricants service of the technical unit of military unit 7452.

Due to the reduction of the applicant’s military position, Odintsov on November 3, 2011 in accordance with the established procedure submitted a report in which he requested his early dismissal from military service with enlistment in the reserve in connection with organizational and staffing measures, and asked to be provided with residential premises for permanent residence before his dismissal from military service.

According to the decision of the housing commission of military unit 7452, formalized by protocol No. 2 of March 29, 2012, approved the next day by the commander of the said military unit, Odintsov, for a family of 4 people, was provided with living quarters in the form of a three-room apartment at the address:<адрес>, in connection with which, the applicant was excluded from the list of military personnel in need of residential premises and removed from the corresponding register.

Since April 2012, the applicant and his family members have been living in the specified residential premises; Odintsov did not enter into a social rental agreement.

On May 18, 2012, the commander of military unit 7452, in the presence of officials, had a conversation with Odintsov regarding his upcoming dismissal from military service, during which the applicant petitioned for dismissal from military service, but asked that the allocated residential premises be transferred to his ownership, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 2011 No. 512.

On May 29, 2012, the commander of the Volga Regional Command of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as PrivRK Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) issued order No. 20 l/c, according to paragraph 3 of which Major Odintsov<данные изъяты>

According to paragraph 2 of the order of the commander of military unit 7452 dated June 18, 2012 No. 83 of the military unit, in connection with early dismissal from military service on the specified grounds, Odintsov was excluded from the lists of the unit’s personnel and all types of support on the specified date.

In accordance with the decision of the housing commission of military unit 7452 dated September 24, 2012 (protocol No. 6), Odintsov was restored to the list of military personnel in need of residential premises before the transfer of the residential premises allocated to him into ownership.

Considering his rights violated, Odintsov appealed to the military court with a statement in which, clarifying the requirements during judicial trial, asked:

Recognize the order of the commander of the PrivRK troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 29, 2012 No. 20 l / s regarding his dismissal from military service as illegal and oblige the named official to cancel the said order in the relevant part, reinstate him in military service until he is actually provided with housing premises according to established standards;

Recognize as unlawful the actions of the commander of military unit 7452 related to his nomination for dismissal from military service;

Declare illegal the order of the commander of military unit 7452 dated June 18, 2012 No. 83 of the military unit, insofar as it concerns his exclusion from the lists of the unit’s personnel and oblige the named official to cancel the said order in the relevant part of it, restore him to the lists of the unit until he is provided with living quarters in an established manner;

Recognize as unlawful the inaction of the commander of military unit 7452 related to the failure to make a decision to transfer the distributed residential premises into his ownership and oblige the named official to make the specified decision;

Declare illegal the decision of the housing commission of military unit 7452 dated May 2, 2012 to remove him from the register of those in need of housing, as well as the actions of the commander of military unit 7452, who approved this decision, and oblige the housing commission of the unit to ensure his presence on this register;

Recognize as unlawful the actions of the commander of military unit 5599 related to the refusal to transfer ownership of residential premises to him and oblige the named official to take measures aimed at providing him with distributed residential premises into ownership;

To recover in his favor the legal costs associated with the payment of the state fee when filing an application in court, as well as those associated with payment for the services of a representative.

At the court hearing, the applicant Odintsov renounced part of the stated demands and petitioned for the termination of the proceedings in the civil case in the part relating to the recognition as illegal of the order of the commander of the PrivRK troops of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 29, 2012 No. 20 l/s on his dismissal from military service, the assignment to the named official is responsible for canceling the said order in the relevant part, reinstating him in military service until he is actually provided with living quarters in accordance with established standards, in terms of recognizing as unlawful the actions of the commander of military unit 7452 related to his submission for dismissal from military service, recognizing the order as illegal commander of military unit 7452 dated June 18, 2012 No. 83 military unit, in terms of excluding him from the lists of unit personnel and imposing on the named official the responsibility to cancel this order in the relevant part, restoring him in the lists of unit personnel until provision residential premises in accordance with established standards, in terms of recognizing as unlawful the inaction of the commander of military unit 7452 associated with the failure to make a decision to transfer the allocated residential premises into ownership to the applicant and imposing on the named official the obligation to make the corresponding decision, in terms of recognizing illegal the decision of the housing commission of military unit 7452 dated May 2, 2012 on his removal from the register of those in need of housing and the actions of the commander of military unit 7452, who approved the said decision and imposing on the housing commission of military unit 7452 the responsibility to ensure that he is registered accordingly, as well as in terms of recovery in his favor legal expenses associated with paying the state fee when filing an application in court and paying for the services of a representative.

At the same time, the applicant was explained the consequences of the stated refusal and termination of the proceedings in the civil case in terms of waiver of requirements, provided for in Articles 173, 220 and 221 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, and the proceedings in the civil case at the request of Odintsov<данные изъяты>. in the above part was terminated by a court ruling.

In the rest of the part, applicant Odintsov supported the requirements of the application, asked the court to recognize the actions of the commander of military unit 5599 related to the refusal to transfer ownership of the allocated residential premises to him as unlawful and to oblige the commander of military unit 5599 to take measures aimed at providing him with ownership of the residential premises located by the address:<адрес> .

The applicant’s representative is lawyer N.I. Khobnya. at the court hearing, he asked to satisfy the requirements of his client in the remaining part and explained that paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, military personnel - citizens, are provided with official living quarters for the entire period of military service and are recognized as needing living quarters, upon dismissal with military service in connection with organizational and staffing measures, with a total duration of military service of 10 years or more, residential premises in federal ownership are provided at the choice of these citizens free of charge on the basis of a decision of the federal executive body that provides for military service, or by social rental agreement with the specified federal executive body. Odintsov, who met the specified criteria, did not enter into a social tenancy agreement for the residential premises allocated to him; during his service, he petitioned for the transfer of the allocated residential premises into ownership, repeatedly turning to military officials, including military unit 5599, with the specified request.

Representative of the commander of military unit 5599, Major of Justice Linda V.V. At the court hearing, he did not recognize the stated demands regarding his principal, asked the court to refuse to satisfy them in full and explained that measures should be taken aimed at providing the applicant with ownership of residential premises located at the address:<адрес>At present, it is not possible, since the procedure for providing residential premises for free ownership, including making decisions on the provision, issuing extracts from these decisions to military personnel (citizens discharged from military service) or members of their families, has not been established in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in Therefore, the commander of military unit 5599 rightfully refused Odintsov’s request.

Having heard the applicant, his representative, the representative of the commander of military unit 5599, having heard the conclusion of the prosecutor who considered it necessary to satisfy the stated demands, having examined the evidence available in the case materials and the evidence presented by the parties in their entirety, the court considers it necessary to recognize the application as justified, on the following grounds.

Thus, Part 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” provides for a state guarantee for the provision of residential premises to military personnel or the allocation Money for their acquisition in the manner and under the conditions established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. For the entire period of military service, military personnel appointed to military positions after the end of military service are provided with service living quarters. educational institution vocational education and receiving in this regard an officer's military rank(since 1998), and members of their families living with them.

At the same time, military personnel - citizens who are provided with official residential premises for the entire period of military service and are recognized as needing residential premises in accordance with Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, upon dismissal from military service in connection with organizational and staffing measures with a total duration of military service of 10 years and more, residential premises that are in federal ownership are provided at the choice of these citizens free of charge on the basis of a decision of the federal executive body that provides for military service, or under a social rental agreement with the specified federal executive body. The procedure for recognizing these persons as needing residential premises and the procedure for providing them with residential premises free of charge are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 512 approved the “Rules for the provision of free residential premises to servicemen-citizens of the Russian Federation for the entire period of military service, free of charge”, which provide for the provision of free residential premises at their chosen permanent place of residence. - citizens of the Russian Federation who are provided with service living quarters for the entire period of military service, the total duration of military service of which is 10 years or more upon dismissal from military service in connection with organizational and staffing measures, recognized as needing living quarters, as well as military personnel not provided with the moment of dismissal from military service in residential premises, on the basis of decisions of federal executive authorities, in which federal law military service is provided. For the specified residential premises provided, before they are provided free of charge, the ownership of the Russian Federation must be formalized in the prescribed manner.

Federal authorities make decisions on the provision of residential premises for free ownership at the chosen permanent place of residence, an extract from which in the form according to the appendix is ​​issued (sent) to military personnel (citizens discharged from military service) or members of their families, in the manner established federal authorities. These extracts are the basis for state registration of the termination of property rights of the Russian Federation and the emergence of property rights of military personnel (citizens discharged from military service) or members of their families to the provided residential premises. When transferring the said residential premises, an act of acceptance and transfer of the residential premises is signed in the manner and form established by the federal authorities.

The examined materials of the case confirm the fact that Odintsov graduated from a military educational institution of professional education and received, in connection with this, an officer military rank after 1998, that at the time of submission for dismissal he had a total duration of military service in calendar terms of more than 10 years, as well as his recognition in the established In order for a family of 4 people in need of housing.

According to an extract from minutes No. 2 of the meeting of the housing commission of military unit 7452 dated March 29, 2012, approved on March 30, 2012 by the commander of military unit 7452, Odintsov was allocated living space in the form of a three-room apartment 42 for a family of four people. with total area 79.5 sq. meters, located at:<адрес> .

At the court hearing, Odintsov explained that he and his family members had been living in the said comfortable residential premises since April 2012.

From a copy of the sheet of conversation with Major Odintsov, conducted on May 18, 2012 by the commander of military unit 7452 regarding the upcoming dismissal, it can be seen that the applicant did not object to his dismissal from military service in connection with organizational and staffing measures, indicated that he was provided with living quarters in accordance with established standards for permanent residence, however, he applied for the provision of residential premises allocated to him free of charge, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 No. 512.

According to paragraph 3 of the order of the commander of the PrivRK troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2012 No. 20 l / s, Major Odintsov<данные изъяты>. early discharged from military service and enlistment in the reserves due to organizational and staffing measures.

As can be seen from a copy of Odintsov’s statement certified by a notary, on April 13, 2012, with the consent of adult members of his family, he applied to the commander of military unit 7452 with a request to provide him with a distributed residential property free of charge, and refused to enter into a social tenancy agreement.

At the same time, the applicant’s request was forwarded to military unit 5599 for arranging permission, the acting commander of which on September 13, 2012 sent Odintsov a message about the impossibility of providing him with ownership of freely allocated residential premises due to the absence of a regulatory legal act defining the procedure for transferring housing to property of military personnel, as well as due to the lack of forms for formalizing the decision of the executive authority.

Availability legal grounds to register the ownership of the Russian Federation and the right of operational control of military unit 5599 to residential premises, including those allocated to the applicant, is confirmed by a copy of the agreement on the assignment of rights under government contract No. SBR 1009220119-00025634-02 dated November 1, 2010, examined at the court hearing, a copy of the order of the commander of the PrivRK troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 10, 2011 No. 247, copies of the permit of the Head of the Samara city district dated October 4, 2010 No. RU 63301000-093 for construction and dated December 30, 2011 No. RU 63301000-0779 for putting the facility into operation , as well as other submitted documents.

In such circumstances, taking into account that the absence of a mechanism for implementing a legal norm cannot serve as a basis for refusal to apply it, the court comes to the conclusion that the refusal by the official acting as commander of military unit 5599 to the applicant to exercise his right to provide him with the distributed ownership of residential premises free of charge, on the basis stated above. According to the court, the official whose actions are being challenged should have taken appropriate measures aimed at ensuring the possibility of providing the applicant with the ownership of the residential premises allocated to him, including requesting the missing forms, in connection with which, in order to restore full rights of the applicant for violations during his military service, the court considers it necessary to recognize the actions of the commander of military unit 5599 related to the refusal to transfer the ownership of allocated residential premises to the applicant as unlawful, and also to oblige the named military official to take measures aimed at providing ownership of residential premises to Odintsov located at:<адрес> .

Guided by Articles 194 - 199, 258 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, garrison military court,

Odintsov's statement<данные изъяты>, to satisfy.

Recognize the actions of the commander of military unit 5599 related to the refusal to transfer ownership of the distributed residential premises to the applicant as unlawful.

Oblige the commander of military unit 5599 to take measures aimed at providing ownership to Odintsov<данные изъяты>residential premises located at:<адрес> .

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Volga District Military Court through the Samara Garrison Military Court within a month from the date of its adoption in final form.

16:56 — REGNUM Formation has been completed in the North Caucasus Federal District North Caucasus District troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Today, January 16, at an official meeting in Pyatigorsk, he was presented acting commander of the North Caucasus District troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, lieutenant general Sergey Kornyushkin and a number of his deputies. About it IA REGNUM reported the press service of the North Caucasus District of the Russian Guard.

According to the First Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops Sergei Melikov, until March 2018, the stage of debugging the interaction of the district’s management links will take place. Melikov called the priority tasks of the Russian Guard in the Caucasus to ensure public order and the safety of citizens, assistance in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, participation in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Let us recall that by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in September 2017, the structure of the Russian Guard in the North Caucasus and South of Russia was changed. On the basis of the North Caucasus district of the Russian Guard, two new ones were created - Southern and North Caucasian. The headquarters of the Southern District remained in Rostov-on-Don, and the North Caucasus District of the Russian Guard began to be based in the city of Pyatigorsk, where the center of the North Caucasus Federal District is located.

As reported IA REGNUM, in October 2016, Lieutenant General was appointed to the post of head of the Russian Guard in the North Caucasus Evgeny Zubarev. Before that, he served as commander of the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is known about Sergei Kornyushkin that he is a native of the city of Konstantinovka, Donetsk region of the Ukrainian SSR. After graduating from the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School of the USSR Ministry of Defense in 1980, he served in the Far Eastern Military District until 1990. Promoted from commander motorized rifle platoon to the chief of staff of a motorized rifle battalion.

Having graduated from the Military Academy named after M.V. in 1993. Frunze, and in 2000 - Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Kornyushkin served in various positions in the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

In 2003 - 2004, he held the positions of deputy chief of the operational department of the headquarters, first deputy chief of staff of the Volga-Ural Military District.

From 2004 to 2007, he headed the operational department of the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District. Since 2007, he served in military service as deputy chief of the operational department at the main headquarters of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. From December 2009 to November 2015 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Since November 5, 2015 - Commander of the Ural Regional Command of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Sergei Kornyushkin is 58 years old. In 2011, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. He was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, “For Military Merit” and other state awards.