Reishi mushroom effectiveness for high blood pressure. Medicinal mushroom Reishi (ganoderma), preparation of products, application

It is no secret that the legendary Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma), revered for its medicinal properties, grows not only in China, Taiwan, Japan - those countries of the Asia-Pacific region in which it is elevated to the rank of a super medicine, but also here - in south of Russia in the Krasnodar region.

Surprised? There is nothing surprising. If you look at the globe, you cannot help but see that the Krasnodar region is located in the same latitudes as the countries mentioned above, and the unique climate of the Caucasus allows the Reishi mushroom to fully ripen during the summer. To mature calmly, slowly, in natural conditions. In these natural conditions Reishi gains strength in order to then give it to people for the benefit of their health and strength.

Naturally, you have to work hard to find the Reishi mushroom. After all, it doesn’t grow like cucumbers in the garden! But it's worth it! It’s worth it, if only to receive electronic lines of gratitude from all over Russia! In addition, the Reishi mushroom can easily be found in some park in Krasnodar!

In the forest, the Reishi mushroom, as a rule, settles on the trunks of dead trees, like all tinder mushrooms. You can also find it growing from the ground if this substrate is a mixture of earth and rotting wood. Reishi's wood-destroying activity is very great - he, like a sponge, sucks all the power out of wood, destroying it. I have seen how, over several years, a dry tree lost its strength and fell. Therefore, it is not in vain that during the construction of log houses they use various antifungal materials to protect logs from destruction by tinder fungi. Well, all I can do is remember the locations of the finds and systematically visit them to collect new Reishi mushrooms. Under favorable conditions, 3 waves of Ganoderma collection are possible. Therefore, summer for me is a time of active search and collection. In early May, with the first real sunny days of spring, visible growth of the Reishi mushroom begins. Conditions favorable to the growth of the fungus may last until September.

Of course, even if under natural conditions the collection of Reishi mushroom is limited. I may have to rush around the mountains and forests of the Caucasus in search of new places, but I am confident in the quality natural mushroom Reishi. My clients are sure of this too!

Well, if you are very lucky, you can find such a copy!

Broadcast of the growth of the Reishi mushroom of the 2015 season

I want to say that the growth rate of the Reishi mushroom is different and depends on many factors. Therefore, in one section of the Caucasus, Reishi can practically be collected, and in another section it looks like this on June 12, 2015

Meanwhile, in another area the situation June 26, 2015 looked like this:

Well...... First Reishi mushroom harvest of the 2015 season!

As of July 17, 2015, the Reishi mushroom in some places looked like this:

The main harvest fell on July 24, 2015, and photographs of the new growing wave look like this:

The undisputed leader in size of 2015 is Giant Ganoderma!

After another drying on July 28, 2015. The intermediate catch of Ganoderma in dry weight was 2.2 kilograms. And here are the results of the latest catch:

Active collection of Ganoderma continues. As of August 27, 2015, the situation in the forest looked like this:

Another drying session. Interim summary of dry Reishi mushroom for the 2015 season as of 08/29/2015. amounted to 3.2 kilograms:

09/01/2015. Planned trip to the mountains. Reishi's new photo shoot:

Well, here is the result of the new collection. After drying, the total subtotal of the Reishi catch in 2015 as of 09/06/2015 was 4.2 kilograms:

The 2015 Reishi harvest season is coming to an end. The mushrooms left in the forest have not grown much, and the drop in temperature and the cyclone threaten them with damage. I had to be content with little. The situation in the forest as of 09/09/2015:

After the next “catch” of Reishi and further drying, the interim total of Ganoderma collection in 2015 was 4.7 kilograms. Photo of the dried "catch":

09/12/2015. The collection of Ganoderma smoothly transitioned into autumn. I hope we can put something together again.

As of September 17, 2015, the total weight of Ganoderma was 5.5 kilograms:

In a couple of days, the daytime temperature will drop below 20 degrees Celsius, which means that the Reishi harvesting season this year can be slowly closed. In the cold weather, I will explore new areas so that I can collect 10 kilograms of this wonderful mushroom next season! And the total amount of Reishi collected in 2015 was 5.9 kilograms. He left a small family to grow up in one place. Maybe thanks to her the total will exceed 6 kilos! Photo from 10/02/2015:

On October 9, 2015 I close the 2015 Reishi harvest season with a total of 6 kilograms

What does Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma) cure?

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site “The Healing Power of Zhivitsa”. I have long been planning to write an article about such a product as the Reishi mushroom and its medicinal properties, and then just the occasion arrived (a letter arrived in the mail in which Elena Ivanovna Panteleeva from the city of Volzhkiy asks to do this).

I fulfill the request of E.I. Panteleeva and publish the article promised to her. And I think it will also be interesting to other people close to traditional medicine.

What is Reishi mushroom

Reishi mushroom - what is it? This is a species of fungus common throughout the world - tinder fungus with pronounced medicinal properties.

The history of its use in folk medicine goes back hundreds of years and the first to try the mushroom were in China and Japan. In Russia, Reishi (or as it is also called Ganoderma) began to be used not so long ago, but every year its popularity is only gaining momentum.

This is what it looks like raw

And like this, dried

Reishi mushroom - where it grows in Russia

Many people think that Ganoderma grows only in China and Japan and that is why they are so expensive. This is another misconception! The Reishi mushroom also grows in Russia. True, you are unlikely to be able to freely go and collect it like boletus, but the fact that it exists on the territory of our country is a fact!

IN wildlife you can find him:

  • In Altai
  • In the northern Caucasus
  • In the south of Russia (mainly Krasnodar region)

It can be grown artificially anywhere, the main thing is to create optimal conditions for this, which many do, since the demand for Reishi is very high, as is the price.

Ideal conditions for growing Reishi are heat, plenty of moisture, the presence of stumps, dead wood, and dried trunks. Ganoderma almost never grows on living trees, and if this happens, it is a sign that the tree is sick and will soon die.

Chemical composition of Reishi mushroom

This mushroom has gained particular popularity all over the world for its unique healing properties, which are explained by the special chemical composition of Reishi.

You can get acquainted with it, as well as learn about the effect of its individual components on the human body by studying this table.

Germanium Promotes activation of metabolism and increases the defenses of the human body. In addition, it is characterized by antitumor activity, as it acts on the body, preventing the development of tumors and preventing the spread of metastases.
Triterpenoids They protect against allergic manifestations, are characterized by hepatoprotective and antitumor activity, a mild analgesic effect, also normalize blood composition and adjust the functioning of the hemostasis system, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, help normalize blood pressure in hypertension, as well as reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.
Polysaccharides beta glucans They have pronounced immunomodulatory and antitumor effects, eliminate various pathogens, and help normalize blood pressure and sugar levels.
Vitamins B3 and B5, as well as C and D Participate in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, regulate the function of the nervous system. Vitamin B5, for example, is of great importance for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses.
Coumarins, alkaloids and phytoncides, flavonoids Coumarins are valuable for their antitumor, antispasmodic and vasodilating properties.
Alkaloids are excellent stimulants of the central nervous system.
Phytoncides are natural antibiotics.
And flavonoids have bactericidal, cardiotonic, choleretic and antispasmodic properties.

Medicinal properties of Reishi mushroom and its use in folk medicine

Due to its unique composition and excellent medicinal properties, Reishi mushroom is very widely used both in folk medicine and as one of the components in various dietary supplements, herbs, etc.

On my blog, for example, there is an article about the herbal mixture Altai Key, which is used to cleanse blood vessels and reduce cholesterol. So there, Reishi is used as one of the components.

Let's look at what medicinal properties it has and for what diseases it can be used.

Allergy in any of its manifestations

It has long been proven that Reishi mushroom quickly and quickly relieves skin itching, eliminates swelling and other consequences of skin dermatitis.

This happens due to the active components present in abundance in this mushroom. Ganodermic acids also play an important role in this.

Any diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Again, thanks to my chemical composition Reishi has an anti-sclerotic effect, actively fights cholesterol (), and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Preparations containing Reishi mushroom improve oxygen supply to the myocardium and have an excellent cardiotonic effect, helping to normalize the strength and frequency of heart contractions.

Any gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis, etc.)

Thanks to the presence of magnesium, B vitamins and triterpenoids in Ganoderma, an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and even analgesic effect is achieved!

The smooth muscles of the intestines are completely relaxed, and colic is eliminated. With daily use of mushroom-based preparations, the symptoms of dysbiosis are eliminated and the composition of the intestinal microflora is normalized.

Viral infections such as ARVI, influenza

It was noticed that people who took preparations based on the Reishi mushroom for preventive purposes were much less likely to be affected by viral infections, and they had stronger immunity.

Oncological diseases

Ingredients of the mushroom active ingredients fight the development of tumors, both benign and malignant.

When taken regularly, the growth of cells, whose task is to protect the human immune system, is activated, their life cycle, all immunological parameters of cancer patients also improve significantly.

Autoimmune diseases

Due to the presence of natural immunomodulators, Reishi mushroom lengthens the period of remission.

In addition to the listed diseases, Ganoderma and drugs based on it are used in the treatment of:

  • diffuse pathologies of the kidneys and liver
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hepatitis
  • various pathologies of the central nervous system
  • sleep disorders
  • poisoning

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Methods of using Reishi in traditional medicine

Reishi mushroom can be found in pharmacies in the most different forms, including Badakh. There are various medicinal herbal teas with the addition of Ganoderma. I will deliberately not discuss the uses of these drugs. There is detailed instructions which must be followed.

In this same article, I will only touch on ways to use the mushroom in its natural form (the 3 most popular). This is enough to treat any disease. So, here are the options:

  1. Reishi mushroom extract
  2. Water infusion
  3. Alcohol tincture

Oil extract

To prepare the oil extract you need to take 50 grams. dry and ground Reishi mushroom and 0.5 liters of linseed oil, heated to 40 ... 45 degrees.

Extract in a glass container in a dark and warm place. Keep for 7 days, shaking occasionally. Drink, shaking, without filtering, 1 tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

It is correct to drink the oil extract according to the following scheme:

  • drink for three days, then drink vodka tincture for three days, then again oil extract, etc.

The course of treatment is 1 ... 1.5 months. If necessary, it can be repeated after a short break.

Water infusion

To prepare an aqueous infusion of Reishi mushroom, take 50 grams of well-dried mushroom, crushed in a coffee grinder, and 1.5 liters of melt water, heated to 45 degrees.

Melt water is obtained in a simple way freezing in the freezer and then defrosting. Infuse the water infusion in a 2-liter thermos for 24 hours.

It is important to fill the thermos no more than ¾ of the volume, so that after the vapor condenses, a vacuum occurs under the stopper. The thermos should be wrapped and kept in a warm place.

The contents must be shaken periodically in order to beneficial features mushrooms penetrated better into the infusion.

  • Two tablespoons in half a glass of water three times a day in the intervals (30 minutes before or after) between meals and taking vodka tincture or Reishi oil extract.
  • When taken, the infusion is not filtered.

Alcohol tincture

  • Take 50 gr. dry, crushed or ground mushroom and 0.5 liters of good vodka.
  • It is better to infuse in a glass container in a dark place for 2…3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

You need to drink the tincture without straining, 1 teaspoon per third glass of water three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Drink, shaken and without filtering, for three days, then you need to drink the oil extract for three days, then again for three days - the tincture, etc. Course – 1 - 1.5 months. Then a break for one month, and again the course. There may be several such courses of treatment, it all depends on the severity of the disease.


  • Pregnant
  • Women during breastfeeding
  • Children under 12 years old (alcohol tincture)
  • People with poor blood clotting

How much does Reishi mushroom cost and where can you buy it?

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare the raw materials yourself, then the only option left is to buy ready-made, dried Reishi mushroom.

The price for it is approximately 400 rubles per 50 grams. Don't forget that 50 grams raw and dried are two big differences. This amount will definitely be enough for 1 full course of treatment.

Important! When ordering, try to check with the manager in what form they sell their goods. Give preference to whole mushrooms, so you will see what you purchased, do not buy powder. You can always grind dried raw materials yourself!!! By the way, Altaivita (yellow banner) always sends its products in their entirety, no matter what they are - mushrooms, herbs or herbal preparations.

In conclusion, I want to say that alcohol tinctures are always more effective than water infusions. This is an undeniable fact, since alcohol is better than water at drawing out everything. useful material from herbs, mushrooms, berries, etc. I look forward to your comments!

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Reshii mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum or polypore fungus), which is one of the varieties of tree fungi, has been considered one of the most valuable medicinal plants for its healing properties for more than two millennia in the traditional medicine of China, Japan and Korea.

For the first time, this very popular and in our time natural remedy was mentioned in the ancient Chinese medical treatise, “The Holy Book of Miracles,” published more than 2000 years ago. medicinal plants“under “number 1” in the list of so-called “superior” medicines (the healers who compiled this textbook of oriental medicine included mushrooms and herbs, the most outstanding in the variety and strength of their therapeutic effects, into the class of “superior” (or “highest level” medicines). In the ancient Japanese treatise "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" the reishi mushroom is mentioned as a "heaven-given" remedy for all diseases, giving eternal youth and longevity “plant of God.”

Over its centuries-long history of existence in nature, occupying an honorable place among plants traditionally used in oriental medicine, the lacquered tinder fungus has acquired many different names, including “reishi mushroom” (translated from Japanese as “mushroom of spiritual power”), “mannentake” ( “ten-thousand-year-old mushroom”), “linchi”, “lin-zhi” or “lin-chi” (translated from Chinese as “mushroom of immortality”). In Russia, the reishi mushroom has long been best known under such names as “lacquered tinder fungus”, “ganoderma”, “sacred mushroom”, “mushroom of longevity”.

It is worth noting that the reishi mushroom, which is very “capricious” in terms of growing conditions, has always been very difficult to find in nature in the wild (according to Avicenna, “out of 10,000 wild plums, only ten will have reishi”). It is in this regard that this rare, possessing healing power The mushroom has long been considered of great value in the countries of Southeast Asia, it was very expensive and only rich aristocrats or court doctors could afford to purchase this wonderful natural medicine - for the Emperor of China (hence the origin of another name for the reishi mushroom - “Imperial Mushroom”).

The history of reishi mushroom cultivation began in 1972, when a Japanese scientist from Kyoto University managed to grow this tinder fungus in a laboratory. Since then, the reishi mushroom has been grown not only in China and Japan, but also in other countries of Southeast Asia on special plantations, with the subsequent production of medicinal essences and extracts based on it.

Currently, active scientific research into the medicinal properties and biochemical composition of this unique saprophyte mushroom continues in Japan, France, Canada and the USA.


Contains the fruiting body of the reishi mushroom(it is from this part of the lacquered tinder fungus that various medicinal preparations are most often made) there are nonessential and essential amino acids, organic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides beta-glucans, triterpenoids, coumarins, saponins, phytoncides, vitamins (mainly V3, B5, C and D), flavonoids, alkaloids, as well as various macro- and macroelements (germanium, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sulfur, selenium, silver, etc.).

The wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects of reishi mushroom is mainly due to the high content of polysaccharides, triterpenoids and germanium in its composition.

Contained in reishi mushroom polysaccharides beta-glucans have a pronounced antitumor and immunomodulatory effect, are very effective in the fight against pathogenic bacteria, and also help reduce high blood pressure and lower blood sugar.

Organic germanium, the high concentration of which is distinguished by the reishi mushroom, helps to activate metabolic processes, increase immunity, exhibits antitumor activity (prevents the development of malignant tumors and prevents the appearance of metastases), and also has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic and radioprotective properties. In addition, germanium contained in the reishi mushroom, like hemoglobin (red blood cell protein), is actively involved in the process of transporting oxygen from the lungs throughout the human body and thereby prevents the development of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) at the tissue level.

Reishi mushroom is also a rich source triterpenoids (ganodermic acids), having a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. The triterpenoids contained in the fruiting body of the reishi mushroom have antiallergic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antitumor and moderate analgesic effects, improve the rheological properties of blood and prevent thrombus formation, increase the efficiency of the body's use of oxygen, and like the polysaccharides present in the reishi mushroom, they help lower blood pressure during arterial hypertension. hypertension and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect

Belonging to natural adaptogens, rich in natural antioxidants, biologically active substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the human body, possessing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiallergic, hepatoprotective and antitumor properties, reishi mushroom is recommended as an effective natural auxiliary means as part of prophylaxis and complex treatment:

  • Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis; heart failure, heart attack, stroke, etc.). Reishi mushroom contains a complex of substances (polysaccharides, triterpenoids, adenosine nucleotide, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, germanium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.) that reduce high blood pressure, have an anti-sclerotic effect (helping reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, associated with low-density lipoproteins), reducing platelet aggregation and regulating blood viscosity (and thereby preventing the formation of blood clots in the lumens of blood vessels), as well as improving oxygen supply to the myocardium and having a cardiotonic effect (restoring normal rhythm and strength of heart contractions).
  • Various allergic diseases. The use of reishi mushroom prevents the formation of allergic edema, and also helps eliminate the itching and burning of the skin characteristic of allergic dermatitis (this is due to the fact that the ganodermic acids contained in the reishi mushroom suppress the production of histamine accompanying the allergic reaction, which causes spasm of smooth muscles and increases the permeability of blood vessels. In addition, some immunomodulating proteins, flavonoids, calcium, magnesium and manganese present in the reishi mushroom also have an antihistamine effect).
  • Viral diseases (ARVI, herpes, viral stomatitis, etc.)
  • Autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, etc.). The Lanostan polysaccharide contained in reishi mushroom and other natural immunomodulators help increase the period of remission in autoimmune diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.). The triterpenoids, flavonoids, magnesium and vitamin B3 contained in the reishi mushroom in complex combination have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, helping to relax the smooth muscles in the intestines and eliminate colic, which often accompanies gastrointestinal diseases. The introduction of reishi mushroom into the daily diet also helps restore the normal balance of intestinal microflora in case of dysbiosis.
  • Liver diseases (chronic hepatitis (including hepatitis C), fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, etc.). Due to the high content of triterpenoids, germanium and polysaccharides in the fruit, the reishi mushroom has a complex hepatoprotective effect - it prevents the development of fatty liver degeneration (fatty hepatosis), prevents the development of a deadly disease - cirrhosis (in which the liver parenchyma is gradually replaced by connective (scar) tissue), and in addition, it is a very effective natural remedy as part of the complex treatment of alcoholic and viral hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract respiratory organs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, etc.). The substances contained in the reishi mushroom help eliminate bronchospasm, and also have an expectorant and antitussive effect.
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.)
  • Diseases prostate gland(prostatitis, prostate adenoma)

The introduction of reishi mushroom into the diet also helps:

  • Increasing mental and physical performance, increasing the human body’s resistance to negative impact various unfavorable environmental factors (such as cold, heat, ionizing radiation, climate change or atmospheric pressure, unfavorable environmental conditions, low oxygen content in the air). This effect of the reishi mushroom is due to the fact that it belongs to the class of “adaptogen” plants. In its ability to mobilize the internal energy reserves of the human body, increase the body's endurance under conditions of intense stress, mental, physical and psycho-emotional stress, reishi mushroom is not inferior to such powerful natural adaptogens as ginseng, mumiyo, Rhodiola rosea, and Schisandra chinensis.
  • Cleansing the body of various harmful substances(toxins, waste, salts of heavy metals), protects the human body from ionizing radiation.
  • Improving the psycho-emotional state and functional state of the central nervous system. Reishi mushroom activates the production of “joy hormones” endorphins in the body (it is due to this property that this unique mushroom has long been consumed by Buddhist monks to achieve mental balance and harmonious fusion with nature). Reishi mushroom also has a mild sedative effect, without causing drowsiness, and also increases the resistance of the central nervous system to psycho-emotional stress (the anti-stress effect of the lacquered tinder fungus is mainly due to the presence of triterpenoids, germanium and zinc in its composition). Possessing the above-described beneficial complex effect on the central nervous system Reishi mushroom can be used as part of complex treatment of neurasthenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurological diseases (epilepsy, etc.).
  • Helps improve the condition of the endocrine system in case of nodular goiter and mastopathy
  • Reducing blood sugar levels, prevents the development of obesity. The polysaccharides, protein compounds and ganodermic acids contained in the reishi mushroom help reduce blood glucose levels. In addition to its hypoglycemic effect, reishi mushroom also helps to increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin produced by the pancreas. In this regard, with regular and long-term consumption of reishi mushroom, it is possible to reduce the daily dose of hypoglycemic drugs in patients with diabetes. Reishi mushroom, which corrects carbohydrate metabolism disorders, is also useful to include in the daily diet of overweight people.
  • Prevents premature aging. This property of the reishi mushroom is due to the high concentration of natural antioxidants in its composition, which are effective in combating pathogens. premature aging free radicals (among the biochemical components of the reishi mushroom with antioxidant activity are triterpenoids, germanium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese).
  • Increases immunity, suppresses the development of benign and malignant tumors(Reishi mushroom exhibits the highest therapeutic effectiveness as part of complex treatment of oncological diseases of the intestines, lungs, esophagus, prostate, uterus and mammary glands, prostate adenoma, benign tumors of the mammary glands). The pronounced antitumor property of the reishi mushroom is due to the fact that the polysaccharides, germanium, triterpenoids and ergosterols present in its composition have a beneficial effect on the T-cell component of the immune system, promote the maturation of lymphocytes, activate the activity and increase the life cycle of macrophages and other “defender” cells of the immune system, fighting atypical malignant cells that provoke tumor development. Clinical trials of dry extract of reishi mushroom in oncology clinics in America and other countries of the world showed that regular use of drugs based on reishi mushroom helped improve the quality of life of patients, prevented a decrease in the level of leukocytes, increased the effectiveness and tolerability of chemotherapy and radiation therapy courses by patients, and had a very beneficial effect on immunological parameters, blood pressure, sleep and psycho-emotional state of cancer patients.

Regular consumption of the natural adaptogen Reisha mushroom is also recommended:

  • To old people
  • For immunodeficiency and asthenic conditions
  • With prolonged stressful, physical, mental and psycho-emotional stress
  • As part of a comprehensive treatment program for alcohol and drug addiction
  • To the population of environmentally disadvantaged areas
  • Those whose work involves exposure to toxic substances or radiation (working at nuclear power plants, in the field of chemical production or heavy industry)
  • For those who work in unfavorable conditions climatic conditions(in conditions of cold, heat, high humidity), works in high mountains or is engaged in underwater or underground work

Mode of application

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped reishi mushroom into 200 ml (1 glass) of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes with constant stirring. Then leave the broth for 30 minutes, strain, cool and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications for use

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, children (up to 7 years), hemorrhagic diathesis.

Current products.

Reishi - Japanese name the very famous medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. It is also called Mannentake, Lin-zhi. In our country it is often called varnished tinder fungus. For many centuries it has been used in eastern folk medicine of Japan and China to treat many diseases. There it is considered a mushroom of immortality, which gives a person eternal youth and longevity.

In natural conditions, you rarely see a mushroom. That's why for a long time Only very wealthy families could buy it. Now, reishi is successfully cultivated, grown on special farms, and anyone can buy it.

Why is reishi mushroom so valuable, what are its properties, and what are its contraindications? Today we will talk to you about this wonderful plant, consider recipes for preparing medicinal products based on it.

What is the reishi mushroom valued for? Compound

It must be said that its composition is quite complex. The mushroom is rich in microelements, especially the element germanium. It also contains a large amount of organic acids and polysaccharides. There is a lot in it various vitamins, coumarins and phytoncides. However, the medicinal properties of the mushroom are due to the high content of triterpenes, polysaccharides, as well as ganodermic acids, the element germanium.

Eastern medicine uses medicinal reishi to treat almost any disease. It’s just that for each group of diseases there is its own recipe, a certain dosage.

What is the value of the reishi tree mushroom? Medicinal properties

It has the most positive effect on the human body. In particular, it has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Its antiallergic and immunomodulatory properties are known. It is recommended for use by hypertensive patients, as its ability to lower blood pressure is known.

Due to its properties of activating the immune system, the mushroom has antitumor properties, so it is used for prevention, and is also used in the treatment of various tumors, including malignant ones.

It also has expectorant and antimicrobial properties. Regular use reduces the level of bad cholesterol and regulates blood sugar. It has a powerful hepatoprotective effect, namely, it protects the liver from adverse effects. In addition, reishi mushroom suppresses and reduces the body's autoimmune reactions, which facilitates the course of autoimmune diseases and eliminates the symptoms of allergic processes.

Course use of the mushroom improves blood circulation, which contributes to a better supply of oxygen to organs and tissues.

The valuable biological composition makes reishi especially useful people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, as well as pancreatitis, colitis. It is recommended to take it for cardiovascular, hormonal, infectious diseases, pathological conditions of the respiratory system, immunodeficiency.

It is very important that reishi mushroom can be used not only to treat diseases. It is recommended to use it to improve general condition, healing the body. This is facilitated by the rich biological composition, the value of which is confirmed by modern scientific research. It contains rare substances that our body needs every day.

It is usually used in the form of medicinal decoctions, alcohol tinctures, which are prepared from dried raw materials. Pharmacies offer medicinal preparations based on it; you can buy dried mushrooms.

How to take the power that the reishi mushroom stores? Application, recipes

- Decoction: Chop the dried mushroom. Add 1 tbsp. l. into a small saucepan. Pour half a liter of clean, drinking water there. Boil, cook at very low temperature, about 1 hour. After which, let the broth cool. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating. Store the broth on the refrigerator shelf.

- Dry mushroom powder: Grind the mushroom to a powder. Add a pinch of powder to prepared dishes: soups, sauces, even tea (5-10 minutes before readiness).

- Alcohol tincture: Grind 1 tbsp. l. reishi. Pour into a clean jar. Fill everything with half a liter of vodka. Refrigerate for 6-8 weeks. Take the finished product 1 tsp. or 1 tbsp. l. (depending on indications and age) in the morning, on an empty stomach. Pre-dilute clean water(a quarter cup).
Alcohol tincture is recommended for use in the treatment of tumor diseases. In this case, it is taken in 20-25 or 40-50 drops (depending on the diagnosis, age, and condition of the patient). Take 2-3 times a day, before meals.

Who is dangerous for reishi mushroom? Contraindications

Like most serious medicinal products, reishi has a number of contraindications. True, there are very few of them. These include individual intolerance to the composition of the fungus. It should not be taken if the body is prone to bleeding. There are contraindications for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

In addition, if you are planning to become pregnant, 2-3 months in advance. Before this, treatment with the fungus should be stopped. It should also not be given to children under one year of age. Be healthy!

In alternative oriental medicine, reishi mushroom has been used for about two centuries, which indicates its effectiveness in treating many diseases. The healing properties that this tree mushroom has can be called unique.

Where does the reishi mushroom grow?

The Ganoderma mushroom grows on all continents, so you shouldn’t believe some dishonest sellers who claim that their raw materials are from unique places where tinder fungus (another name for the mushroom) grows. In addition, Ganoderma thrives equally well in the wild and in artificial cultivation, so the more important question is what quality the raw materials are, and not where the reishi mushroom grew. Mushrooms grown on deciduous trees are more valuable than on coniferous ones.

Reishi mushroom - medicinal properties and contraindications

Reishi mushroom has beneficial properties and contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with before using it for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. The main thing to remember when using unconventional methods of treatment is not to harm the body and first obtain the approval of the attending physician. Any folk remedy should be perceived as auxiliary, not primary.

Reishi mushrooms - medicinal properties

The unique Ganoderma mushroom, its medicinal properties and composition require detailed consideration. In its composition you can find:

  • coumarins;
  • ergosterols;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids;
  • water-soluble proteins.



  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • silver.

Such a rich composition provides the reishi mushroom with many healing properties, which make it a popular component of many folk recipes for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. What are the medicinal properties of reishi mushroom?

  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorants;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antitumor;
  • immunomodulating;
  • calming;
  • cholesterol-lowering;
  • antiallergic;
  • hypoglycemic;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • anti-inflammatory.

For what diseases is it used:

  • infectious diseases;
  • sexual dysfunction and decreased libido;
  • reduced immunity;
  • problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, dysbiosis, ulcer);
  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis);
  • high level ;
  • chronic fatigue, depression, causeless bad mood.

Reishi mushroom - contraindications

Reishi mushroom has properties that make its use undesirable in some cases. It is very important to know about contraindications in order not to cause harm:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under seven years of age;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the fungus and individual intolerance.

There are some other features of using the mushroom and side effects.

  1. In case of overdose, symptoms of intoxication may occur in the form of skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, and digestive disorders. You can avoid such symptoms by combining the mushroom with vitamin C.
  2. It is highly undesirable to use the fungus if it is taken during organ transplantation.

Reishi mushroom - application

Ganoderma mushroom, the use of which has big list diseases, it is more often used in the form of an extract and tincture - in such forms it can be found on sale. Information about pharmaceutical forms of release of reishi will be useful, which in the future will help to correctly determine its use in folk recipes.

Reishi mushroom extract

Ganoderma is sold as an extract in capsules, tablets, powder and drops. There are also suppositories with ganoderma extract. On sale you can also find instant coffee with mushroom extract, but how effective this remedy is is a very controversial issue. It is important to remember that reishi mushroom in these forms is a dietary supplement, not a panacea, so relying only on the effect of its components would not be wise.

Reishi mushroom tincture

This form is sold ready-made, but many prepare the tincture themselves using raw materials. The most popular method of administration is tea with reishi mushroom, to which a tincture is added. Reishi mushroom, the beneficial properties of which can be reduced due to low concentration, is recommended to be prepared with your own hands to be sure of the quality of the tincture.

Tincture recipe


  • alcohol (70%) or vodka - half a liter;
  • reishi mushroom – 10 g.


  1. Let the mushroom sit and chop well.
  2. Pour the raw materials placed in a glass container with vodka or alcohol.
  3. Seal and wrap in cloth or newspaper to avoid exposure to sunlight.
  4. Leave to infuse for three weeks in a cool place.

Ganoderma – how to take?

It is important to know how to take reishi mushroom for maximum effectiveness. There cannot be a general indication; it all depends on the form of release, the disease itself and the indications in each specific case. Medicines based on the fungus are not only taken orally, but also used externally as rubs, compresses and as part of ointments.

Ganoderma for weight loss

The use of Ganoderma mushroom in the fight against excess weight is very popular, so how to take Reishi mushroom for weight loss is of interest to many. It should be warned that the effectiveness of using the mushroom for this purpose is somewhat overestimated and natural weight loss with the help proper nutrition and increasing physical activity remains a priority.

As for the properties of the mushroom for, which are talked about by manufacturers of various products based on it, they are as follows:

  1. The content of water-soluble protein in reishi significantly reduces appetite.
  2. Noticeably accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  3. The usual stresses that the body experiences when losing weight are eliminated due to the content of vitamins and microelements in the product.
  4. The weight loss results last a long time.
  1. Two tablespoons of raw material are poured into 500 g of cool boiled water and left to infuse overnight.
  2. In the morning, boil the infusion for 10 minutes.
  3. The infusion is filtered, cooled and taken three times a day, a third of a glass, half an hour before meals.

Reishi mushroom for herpes

As you know, Ganoderma lacquered has immunomodulating properties, so one of the indications for using the product is herpes. Taking Reishi-based products strengthens the immune system and helps stop the spread of the herpes virus.

Take the drug orally three times a day, half an hour before meals, and prepare it simply:

  1. Pour a couple of teaspoons of chopped mushroom into a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for about five minutes, stirring without stopping.
  2. The broth is cooled and filtered.

Reishi mushroom for pancreatitis

When taking Ganoderma extract or home-prepared teas and decoctions for pancreatitis, you should first obtain permission from your doctor to include this remedy in the therapeutic complex. When taking the drug, you need to listen to the sensations and monitor the condition in order to promptly eliminate the drug if the body reacts negatively.

How to prepare and take Ganoderma for problems with the pancreas:

  1. One or two teaspoons are poured with 300-500 grams of water and brought to a boil.
  2. Boil for five minutes and then let sit for about half an hour.
  3. The drink is filtered and taken according to the usual regimen: a third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  4. It is better to warm the drink before drinking.

Reishi mushroom for tuberculosis

The anti-inflammatory properties possessed by the mushroom promote a speedy recovery from diseases of the respiratory system. When taking reishi mushroom in capsules, the effectiveness may be lower than when taking decoctions and infusions prepared from natural raw materials. The mushroom also has the ability to remove excess fluid, which promotes better blood flow to tissues and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients important for speeding up recovery.

Reishi is prepared and taken for tuberculosis as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of chopped mushroom is poured into 700 ml of water and boiled for about an hour.
  2. The decoction is filtered and taken three times a day, a glass before meals.
  3. The drink is heated before use. And if desired, season with a small amount of natural bee honey.
  4. It is important to monitor your condition during treatment with the decoction, and if there is the slightest deterioration in your health, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Reishi mushroom for oncology

A popular remedy for cancer is the Chinese reishi mushroom. Taking medications based on this drug should be included in general therapy only with the permission of the attending physician. Self-medication is extremely dangerous, so reishi must be used with great caution. Before you begin treatment with Ganoderma, you need to understand what is causing the improvement.

  1. Ganoderma helps to avoid secondary infection by raising and mobilizing the body's defenses. With cancer, the body is very vulnerable and is often attacked by viruses and bacteria from the outside.
  2. For breast cancer, Reishi helps relieve inflammation and inhibit the viability of cancer cells.
  3. The immunomodulating properties of Ganoderma are that taking products based on it helps the body identify potentially dangerous pathogenic cells. Along with this, killer cells, which perform protective functions and get rid of pathogens, are maximally activated.
  4. Taking Reishi helps protect and preserve healthy cells by inhibiting the formation of cell colonies and their further spread.
  5. Taking products based on the Ganoderma mushroom helps regulate programmed cell death. Some cancer cells endlessly divide, wreaking havoc, and taking reishi promotes their apotosis (programmed death).
  6. Reishi is able to block the spread and growth of cancer cells. Due to the content of enzymes, the mushroom prevents cancer cells from penetrating into other cells and metastasizing.

Among the most effective recipes and ways to consume reishi mushroom are as follows:

  1. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured with half a liter of water and boiled for an hour. Take a tablespoon before meals.
  2. An alcohol infusion is prepared using 0.5 liters of vodka and a tablespoon of mushroom raw materials by infusing for a month in a dark place. Take it 20 drops three times a day before meals.
  3. The mushroom is added to prepared dishes a few minutes before they are ready.
  4. Ganoderma is prepared in the proportion of a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of raw materials. The mixture is infused for 12 hours in a thermos and taken 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.