Chromotherapy contraindications. Chromotherapy is an effective treatment method


Chromotherapy is an influence color spectrum on the psycho-emotional state of a person and, indirectly, on the vegetative status. The principle underlying the method is called chromodynamics.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that different colors can stimulate, excite, enhance, soothe, suppress appetite, create a feeling of warmth or coolness. Most ancient cultures used various natural crystals to refract the sun's rays and create a specific color scheme for healing. internal organs. Mystical significance was attributed to this ability of color.

Today, chromotherapy allows you to realize the "magic" properties of the color spectrum in every home, thanks to the simplicity of the technique and the availability of equipment.

How it works

The beneficial effect of color is especially noticeable in the following diseases:

  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative neuroses;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • other diseases with a pronounced vegetative component.

Color waves (electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum) affect the body in two ways - through the iris of the eyes and through the skin. Perceiving color, eye receptors stimulate certain areas of the central nervous system, which contribute to the release of a number of hormones and biologically active substances. This is the therapeutic effect.

Different parts of the color spectrum create different modulation of the neural signal, as a result, the corresponding departments and structural units of the brain are activated. The purposeful action of this or that color is connected with this.

Different colors are created by electromagnetic waves of different lengths, which act on skin receptors and cause an effect similar to the effect on the retina, but photochemical processes are accelerated. That is why chromotherapy is widely used during SPA procedures.

The effect of color on health

The impact of color on the body is objective, in contrast to the subjective aesthetic perception. The same color will have the same effect on patients with different color preferences and genetic backgrounds.

  • red has a stimulating effect: increases blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration;
  • orange creates a feeling of well-being, slightly tones;
  • yellow improves mood and enhances concentration and attention;
  • green brings freshness and calmness;
  • blue and blue give deep calm and relaxation, a feeling of coolness;
  • purple, like a more intense blue, brings even deeper and more lasting relaxation.

As a method of therapeutic effect, chromotherapy is well combined with other therapeutic courses. For example, it effectively complements hydromassage and other water treatments. In this case, an organic combination of a therapeutic effect is achieved, since water enhances the effect of the light flux. The color effect in the bathroom is implemented using special equipment, and the choice of color is made by software, for the user it will be the press of a single button.

The impact of the color spectrum on the psycho-emotional state of a person helps to cure various diseases. It remains for the patient to correctly use this procedure to maintain their own health.

Color therapy (chromotherapy) is a method of treatment with the energy of color. Color is distinguished by psychophysical characteristics, including frequency. Outside of human perception, colors do not exist - a shade is born at the moment when vibrations of a certain frequency affect the light-sensitive cells of the eyes and brain. According to some reports, a person, like everything else in the Universe, has a wave nature that reacts to external factors, including the color of surrounding objects. Need to change settings? Looking for color!

Down, John Langdon Haydon

Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, have used color for healing purposes as far back as 2,000 years ago. This type of therapy is called chromotherapy, light therapy, or colorology, and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment.

Avicenna believed that red tones increase bleeding, and blue tones will help narrow the vessels and cope with the problem. Egyptian healers believed that fruit juice of different colors is the source of the energy of the Sun God Ra. The effect of the drink was enhanced with the help of precious stones of the corresponding shades, which were immersed in the elixir of health.

English researchers Down and Blunt put the method on scientific "rails", discovering the healing effect of ultraviolet radiation on people suffering from dermatological problems and prone to rickets. The founder of the anthroposophical doctrine, Rudolf Steiner, also knew about the interaction of color with the psyche: in the first anthroposophical educational institutions windows with multi-colored glasses were installed, which helped to achieve a certain state of the listeners.

In the 1930s, the Hindu D. R. Ghadiali described the healing effects of different colors on the human body. The scientist's discovery confirmed that the body and systems are susceptible to certain color waves, and this effect should be used for therapeutic purposes.

Modern views

The most famous adherent of the method is the Swiss Max Luscher, who developed the well-known Luscher color test. Having done a great job, the scientist presented an in-depth method of psychological testing using cards of eight different colors (4500 options were considered at the beginning of the research). The convenience of diagnostics lies in the universality and lack of control on the part of the subject: the language of color is understandable and accessible to a representative of any nationality and social level, and special training is needed to interpret the results.

Chromotherapy refers to the methods alternative medicine, but there are also quite scientific modern trends: psychology of color perception and color science.

The principle of the color therapy method

Color therapy is designed to treat mental and physical illnesses. The patient is exposed to the influence of specific color waves, which correct the emotional state, relieve tension and unpleasant physical sensations.

What is the therapeutic effect?

It is believed that color therapy uses the visible spectrum of light and color to change a person's mood and their physical and mental state. Each color is part of a specific frequency and vibration that can affect a specific energy or chakra in our body. Improvement of the state occurs due to the influence of electromagnetic frequencies of a wide light range.

Waves activate the activity of the body at the cellular level and accelerate metabolic processes. All the wealth of the palette is divided into two large groups shades that have a stimulating or suppressive effect. All warm tones (reds, yellows, oranges) are color stimulators, and all cool tones (blues, blues, violets) are color inhibitors.

How is the therapy going? The influence of color is carried out through the visual (eyes) or kinetic (skin) channel of perception. If a person undergoes therapy through the observation of a certain shade, a light photoreaction is produced in the body, which causes electrical impulses. Nerve endings and the production of protective components are activated.

Impact on the skin (for example, through clothing) ensures the penetration of light waves of certain frequencies into the body through the outer covers. Thus, the energy balance is restored and the internal organs are nourished. In the case of kinetic therapy, there is no need to choose one specific color - the body itself will determine the waves necessary to restore balance.

The meaning of color in therapy

Refers to a warm palette, which means it has a clear stimulating effect. Life-affirming color, corresponding to the vibrations of the root chakra - muladhara, which is responsible for security and the basis of life. Instills a sense of optimism and security, gives confidence, leadership qualities. Helps with depression, fear, apathy.

At the level of physiology, color is closely related to the circulatory system and the genitourinary organs. Stimulates blood circulation and production of red blood cells, "awakens" the nervous system, promotes the release of adrenaline. Increases blood pressure, treats runny nose and colds. It is also responsible for the spheres of love and sexual attraction.


The most creative and cheerful representative of the warm palette. Due to its intermediate position, it combines the properties of red and yellow (it gives strength and starts thought processes). Activates the movement, sets the rhythm and speed. Corresponds to the second chakra - Svadhisthana, which is responsible for desires, pleasures and sensuality.

Favorite shade of sociable and emotional optimists. It helps to come to terms with the inevitable troubles or forgive the offender, accept or simply let go of the situation. Scared to stand on the threshold of change? Work with a hint of juicy orange. Orange is great for apathy and boredom. Improves digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients. Does your child have a poor appetite? Buy an orange plate.

Important! With orange, it is also important not to "overdo it." If the described emotional spheres are harmonious, and the person is quite satisfied with himself and enjoys life, additional color stimulation can cause a feeling of laziness and narcissism.


The "switch" of sociability, which gives confidence and frees from everything bad. The yellow energy center in the body is manipura, the solar plexus chakra. At the level of physics, these are the intestines, the organs of the digestive system, the liver and the biliary system. Promotes the acceptance of new, unfamiliar ideas and different points of view. It will help to focus and concentrate, as it activates the "assembly point".

Good for children who have lost interest in learning: the yellow interior will arouse curiosity and interest in learning new things. It removes from creative stagnation, eliminates depressive disorders, inspires optimism and increases self-esteem. At the physical level, it contributes to the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the processes of bile secretion. Indicated for diabetics. An excellent remedy for the treatment of constipation and skin diseases.


Harmonious and balanced color. It has neutral characteristics, since it does not belong to a pronounced warm or cold type. The link at all levels is the color of the anahata heart chakra. Creative and creative tone. Symbolizes nature, life. It has soft, kind vibrations.

On the physical plane, it is responsible for the heart. Helps with imbalance, aggression, rudeness, inability to express and throw out feelings and emotions. It is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieves bronchitis and asthma, relieves attacks of claustrophobia.

Attention! Green is very relaxing, so it is possible to reduce concentration and the ability to make decisions.


Symbolizes the order of the higher mind. Pure cool tone. The color of the throat chakra is vishuddhi, which governs oratorical abilities, self-realization of the personality, and creative manifestations. At the level of the body, it is responsible for the throat, speech apparatus and thyroid gland. Sets up for a sincere and confidential conversation, excites creativity.

It helps to speak out and express themselves to shy and withdrawn people, sets them up for calm, fruitful reflections, deep contemplative practices. It is indicated for insomnia, relieves inflammation and stops bleeding. Blue color treats hypertension, relieves fever, relieves PMS.

It is used in doses, because it provokes a desire to manipulate people and get involved in a showdown.


Spirit of Justice. Blue or indigo is the color of the third eye chakra of ajna. Symbolizes peace, depth, vision, knowledge, tranquility. Bodily affects the organs of hearing and vision, activates the work of the pituitary gland. Used when necessary to awaken intuition, to hear " inner voice". It will help you make the right, balanced and deeply wise decision. Promotes access to higher levels of consciousness.

A good therapeutic agent for paranoia, hysteria and obsession (up to fanaticism). Of diseases physical body used for deafness, insomnia, cataracts. Stops bleeding. Good anesthetic. Helps with rheumatism, treats sore throats.

Attention! Requires carefully thought-out and dosed use, as it activates the endocrine (hormonal) system. Not recommended for people who are prone to seasonal depression.


The color of secret leadership, spiritual power and deep knowledge. Associated with the secrets of the universe and a high level of development. Responsible for communication with the Higher powers. Testifies to wisdom. Warmly loved by esotericists. Mystical and noble shade. Symbol of law, power, inspiration.

Responsible for the work of the right hemisphere of the brain and the pineal gland. The color of healers and creative personalities. It will restore self-confidence and self-respect, relieve neurotic frustration and despair. Balances masculine and feminine. Indicated for concussion, neuralgia. Helps epileptics and people suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Important! Not used for severe mental disorders and alcoholism.

Color therapy in Ayurveda

Adherents of the Ayurvedic approach to treatment also pay due attention to color. This second most important (after sound therapy) sensory "drug" is used to restore and improve body functions. The mechanisms of application are similar: visual (through alochaka pitta - the organs of vision) and kinetic (through bhajraka pitta - the skin).

Ayurvedic masters believe that color therapy activates fluid metabolism in the body, balances the "digestive fire" and promotes better digestion in general. At the level of subtle bodies, color waves saturate the astral and actively stimulate the mental fire, which is responsible for the life force.
The characteristic of color also includes the degree of its "nobility", sublimity - guna. Harmonization is promoted by "sattvic" shades - white, golden, azure, violet.

Ways to use chromotherapy yourself

Color therapy tools are multifaceted. There are "precise", scientific methods, supported by the use of special equipment (spectrochromes, photomultipliers, color-impulse devices) and the support of a specialist who selects the combination and controls the treatment. A lot of subtleties are taken into account, which depend on the state and request of a person.

At the same time, color is present in everything that surrounds us, so healing can be revealed as a creative, individual process. What are the ways of independent "color" therapy?

A deeper and more fundamental way to balance energies and harmonize space. Studying the psychology of color and the recommendations of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui will help determine the range for different rooms.

Color aqua therapy
Treatment with "colored" water, similar to the ancient Egyptian methods. Water is "charged" by keeping in a vessel of a certain color or energized by stones (minerals) of different shades. An additional healing charge is given by the sun's rays. Taking baths also belongs to the same direction - water can be colored with additives with multi-colored sea salt, "bombs", decoctions of herbs and fragrant foam.

meditation on color
Entering the alpha level with the visualization of a certain color will help to balance the state of a certain chakra or the whole organism. A simple and effective method that does not require additional training and improvised means.

colored clothes
Great way to improve your mood appearance and physical condition. The ABC of Color will help you decide on your wardrobe for the day. In this case, therapy occurs both for the one who wears the bright attire (kinetically) and for those around who observe the beautiful outfit (visually).

color diet
Food will heal not only visually, but also from the inside, getting into the digestive system, and then into every cell. Need to correct or harmonize the state? There is a whole system that suggests eating foods of a certain color during the week: red on Monday, orange on Tuesday, and so on along the rainbow spectrum. Adjustment and excellent well-being are guaranteed, especially since they differ in bright and saturated shades. fresh fruits and vegetables. This is a healthy natural food that carries the maximum amount of prana.

What is suitable in a particular case? Listen to your intuition, learn to recognize bodily "signals". As your soul and body tell you, so be treated. No doctor knows a person better than himself.

Color therapy for children

Now that we know how specific colors affect our mood, what steps can we take to use color therapy for the benefit of our children?

  • Use soothing colors such as blue and green in calm places to relax children. On hot days, wear them in blue to cool your body temperature and mood.
  • Children who have trouble sleeping or are prone to tantrums and other behavioral issues may benefit from spending time in the blue room.
  • If you want your kids to sleep well, try using light, cool colors like blue, green, or purple. Their calming effect can make your child's room feel as spacious and relaxing as the blue sky or the ocean.
  • Bright, warm colors can interfere with your baby's sleep. Save these colors for the playroom as they are known to promote growth and development.
  • Use bright red, yellow or orange dishes and napkins in the kitchen as these colors are associated with food and stimulate the appetite.
  • Surround your child with yellow during homework to increase attention and focus. Maybe a yellow T-shirt or robe would be like a performance suit. If you have a small study room, then definitely paint it yellow!

In addition to these specific activities, spend time talking with your kids about how different colors make them feel. Ask them if they agree with the study. As they get older, work with them to choose a new blanket or paint color for their bedroom. Pay attention to their artwork and the colors they use, and then talk to them about why they chose certain colors and if it made them feel a certain way.

Ultimately, the more tools we have to effectively communicate with our children, the better off we will be. Have fun playing with color and learning what works best for your family.

Color therapy (chromotherapy) is not only painless, but also a pleasant method of healing. Color vibrations affect all dense and subtle structures of the body, building harmony and order at every level. We wish you good health!

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Today, non-invasive methods of correcting the physical and psychological health of a person are gaining popularity. The opportunity to improve health and get rid of seasonal depression with the help of chromotherapy, hydromassage or aromatherapy at home is available to almost everyone.

One of the new directions of medicine is chromotherapy or color therapy.

What is chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a new direction modern medicine based on the effect of a particular color on the human body.
Clinical studies have proven that each color has a certain radiation, which has a positive effect on human energy flows, stimulates the work of internal organs, the central nervous system. With the help of chromotherapy, courses of weight loss, getting rid of depression are successfully completed, the hormonal background improves.

Scientists noted that more success can be achieved using the "chromotherapy-hydromassage" complex. Water currents improve the perception of color by the body, and the relaxing effect of hydromassage makes a person more open to color radiation.

That is why most manufacturers of bathtubs and showers offer their customers chromotherapy equipment as an additional feature.

Color has two main sources of influence on the human body.:

  • Impact through the eyes. The retina of the eye picks up color changes, and brain receptors stimulate the nervous system, which, in turn, provokes the release of hormones that are beneficial for the body.
  • Exposure through the skin. The skin perceives electromagnetic radiation of each color. This helps to align the human bioenergy field.

The complex effect of color therapy improves the functioning of internal organs, allows you to get rid of psychological stress.

Colors and their effect on the body

The basis of chromotherapy includes the main 4 colors of the spectrum. Each of the shades has its own effect on a person.


Green color has a calming and harmonizing effect. It is recommended for increased excitability, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Green color is useful for constant stress and stress.


Blue, like green, has calming properties. With prolonged exposure to blue, changes in the hormonal system are possible, so manufacturers of bathtubs and showers abandoned it in favor of a neutral blue hue.

This shade has no contraindications.


Yellow color has a positive effect on intelligence, improves memory. Doctors recommend using this color for disorders of the stomach, skin problems.

However, like red, yellow should not be overused if there is serious problems with the intestines, or you suffer from insomnia.

The change of colors occurs smoothly, so chromotherapy also includes derivative shades of the primary colors.

So orange combines the benefits of red and yellow, helps fight colds.

Violet - stimulates the nervous system and brain, however, does not allow the body to get overexcited.

The smooth change of colors allows the brain to switch between electromagnetic radiations.

Benefits of chromotherapy

Color therapy is a universal procedure that is suitable for almost every person. Indications for her may be fatigue, anxiety or stress.

Doctors note good dynamics in recovery after chromotherapy in people suffering from insomnia, panic attacks. On the physical level, color treatment has a positive effect in relieving pain, any etymology, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

For treatment at home, it is better to use the chromotherapy function in a bath or shower.

Contraindications for chromotherapy

Color therapy has practically no contraindications. You should be attentive to your feelings during the procedure - if any color causes anxiety, headache or nausea, then it is better to refuse it or minimize its impact.

The only major limitation to this therapy is epilepsy.

It is worth remembering that color affects each person in different ways, depending on age and health status. Watch your well-being and over time you will learn how to carry out the procedure in such a way as to restore and strengthen your health.

Chromotherapy (Greek: chroma (color) + therapéia (care, treatment)) is a method of treatment and preventive effect on the human body with the help of light and color.

Experiments with the healing effect of color on the body have been known since ancient times, however, as a special area of ​​medicine, chromotherapy took shape in the 19th century, along with the first serious attempts to explain the effect of any particular color on the emotional and physical state of a person.

It is known that light is electromagnetic waves of different lengths, on which, in fact, color depends. Thus, each color is associated with some specific radiation.

The essence of chromotherapy lies in the fact that by acting on a person with radiation of light of different colors, one can thereby have the desired therapeutic effect, in particular, stimulate or suppress the activity of certain organs, excite or calm the nervous system, etc. This process is called "chromodynamics".

Indications and contraindications for chromotherapy

The scope of chromotherapy is quite extensive. Its high efficiency in the rehabilitation period after operations has been proven.

Other indications for chromotherapy include:

  • Insomnia or chronic sleep deprivation
  • Depression and frequent stress
  • Spontaneous panic attacks
  • jet lag due to long flights
  • Nervous disorders caused by a lack of full spectrum radiation
  • Problems in the functioning of the digestive system, cardiovascular and circulatory systems etc.
  • Hair loss
  • split ends
  • Allergy.

Contraindications for chromotherapy are minimal and mainly represent restrictions on the effect of certain colors in certain diseases.

Hypertensive patients, for example, should avoid red, and those suffering from depression - blue and gray.

Patients with epilepsy should not look at a flashing light for a long time.

Features of chromotherapy treatment

The ability of a particular color to have a certain physical and psychological effect has long been known.

Red color stimulates the immune system. Helps in the process of regeneration of ulcers and pustules on the skin. Improves the functioning of the endocrine system and metabolism.

Orange has a positive effect on mood.

Yellow color stimulates the pancreas, has a tonic property. It is used in the treatment of acne, cellulite and age-related skin changes.

Green color improves the results of treatment of age spots, and also normalizes the secretion of sebum. Has an analgesic effect.

Light blue and blue colors are good for the thyroid gland. In addition, they activate lymphatic drainage.

Purple color softens and soothes the skin.

Sometimes colors are used in combination. For example, purple, green and yellow can reduce puffiness under the eyes.

The doctor's task is to choose an individual combination in order to make the positive impact as effective as possible (but not excessive) and minimize the negative one.

For this purpose, a thorough diagnosis is preliminarily carried out: anatomical, psychological and energy.

Methods of chromotherapy

There are the following main methods of chromotherapy:

  • Luminescent chromotherapy - the impact on the body of colored light rays, which are formed when white light passes through a variety of color filters. This type of chromotherapy reduces post-traumatic pain, relieves stress, reduces depression, improves memory.
  • Molecular therapy - exposure to the body with colored light, where any substance acts as a filter (ointment, gel, homeopathic remedies, etc.)
  • Visualization is a prolonged examination of images or objects of a certain color range, the duration of which depends on the type, form and degree of the disease.

Chromotherapy achieves a good effect in combination with various water procedures.

There are special cosmetical tools(oils, salts, etc.), which help to accumulate "color energy" during various procedures - massage, baths, showers, etc.

The effect of chromotherapy comes gradually, after the entire necessary cycle of procedures has been carried out. Besides, positive effect requires regular maintenance of the achieved result.

For this purpose, the organization of the color environment of a person in the domestic space can act as an auxiliary means of chromotherapy:

  • Illumination of the room with the necessary color scheme using lamps of different colors, candles in candlesticks with multi-colored glass, color illumination of bathtubs, showers, pools, etc.
  • Color organization of the interior - specially selected colors of wallpapers, furniture, curtains, carpets, etc.
  • Colors of clothes - selection of colors of clothes based on the physical and emotional state of a person.
  • Glasses for color therapy - glasses with colored lenses that convert daylight into color.

It should be remembered that in the treatment of serious diseases, chromotherapy should act only as an aid to traditional methods treatment without replacing them.

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For four thousand years, people have understood that colors affect health. Chromotherapy is called method of treatment and prevention human body light and color. Experiments with the beneficial effects of color were carried out in antiquity, but chromotherapy was formed as a separate area only in the 19th century.

Physicists characterize light as electromagnetic waves of various lengths, depending on which the color is formed, which is correlated with the type of radiation.

The essence of chromotherapy ─ influence on people by wave radiation of light of various colors for the purpose of a therapeutic effect, for example, activating or inhibiting the work of individual organs and systems, stimulating or relaxing the nervous system, etc.. This the effect is called "chromodynamics".

Indications and contraindications of the method

The scope of chromotherapy is multivariate. Practice confirms its significant effectiveness during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment. Other indications for chromotherapy may include:

  • Sleep disorders or not enough of it for a good rest.
  • depressive states and inadequate response to stress.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Failure of biorhythms due to regular and long flights.
  • Nervous disorders associated with a shortage of solar energy.
  • Violations metabolism, blood circulation, the work of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications for this procedure are selective, introduced as restrictions on individual colors for certain diseases. Hypertensive patients, for example, do not tolerate red light well., and patients prone to melancholy - dark shades of purple and gray. With epilepsy, you can not perceive a flashing light for a long time.

The essence of the treatment

The ability of color to influence health is well known. For example, blue light can relieve headaches; yellow-green is good for digestion; shades of honey alleviate mental problems, etc. Medics make a personal combination for the best effect while minimizing Negative consequences. During the examination, diagnostics are carried out ─ psychological, anatomical, and energy.

Methods of chromotherapy

In the method of light treatment, there are several ways:

  • Luminescent chromotherapy- the influence of colored rays formed with the penetration of white light through color filters. This type alleviates post-traumatic pain, relieves stress, relieves depression, strengthens attention and memory.
  • Molecular Therapy- the influence of colored light, in which the role of a filter is played by some kind of remedy (gel, ointment, homeopathy, etc.).
  • Visualization- looking at pictures or objects of the selected color scheme, the duration may depend on the type, form and complexity of the disease.
  • Additional effect available in combination with water procedures. Special preparations (salts, aromatic oils, etc.) have been developed that enhance the “color energy” during massage, shower, and baths.

    It is impossible to see an instant result with such treatment. After a full course of procedures and with the support of what has been achieved, you can count on a long-term effect.

    As an additional measure can be applied color effect device in daily life:

    • Home lighting a suitable range of multi-colored candles or lamps, shower, bath, pool lighting.
    • Interior color scheme- well-thought-out color combinations of the walls and the entire decoration of the dwelling.
    • Clothing colors- the choice of shades for everyday wardrobe, taking into account the physical and mental state of the body at the moment.
    • Glasses for color therapy─ colored lenses that transform ordinary daylight into healing colored light.

    Bath chromotherapy

    Modern bathtubs, showers, saunas and home pools in their configuration equipped with chromotherapy to increase relaxation, as a useful addition to the main functions. A hot tub equipped with lighting is not just a procedure, but also a special lighting. One can relate to this innovation in different ways, but the experience of spa resorts that have provided bathrooms and massage rooms with chromotherapy speaks for itself.

    Just as classical or other relaxing music in the bathtub or shower sets you up for relaxation, so chromotherapy is part of a comprehensive health and relaxation program spa baths and showers.

    Examples of such equipment are Jacuzzi bathtubs or a Hoesch shower cabin, whose dome is dotted with many color-changing lights, where the colors, harmoniously replacing one another, seem to penetrate the body through and through, bewitching with a hypnotic spectacle.

    The “Ideal Standert” shower cabin will help you feel the rainbow rain. The whirlpool bath by Albatros with music, aromatherapy and bubbling water delights with the play of purple, orange, yellow and green hues. Kos offers a bathroom littered with colorful light bulbs ─ precious stones. Fixtures of all colors of the rainbow, mounted anywhere (parts of the kit can be changed), from the company Antologie Quartett ─ the most affordable.

    Thanks to chromotherapy, the ability to create a spa office at home. Any option can be selected on the remote control.

    The effect of chromotherapy is based on the radiation created by lamps with LEDs or light filters that create the necessary colors ─ the full spectrum of all shades of the rainbow. There is a "law of resonance" in life, when any being that receives a wave of a given frequency is capable of vibrating with new force to increase the energy potential.

    Along with light, energy is also transmitted─ this is the main idea of ​​chromotherapy. Cold colors of the spectrum from blue to violet have a maximum frequency, located closer to the ultraviolet segment. They provide analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect. Low frequency warm colors (orange to yellow) are in the infrared. They increase the general tone. Green color is in the center and gives a stabilizing effect.

    • Red color enhances blood circulation, adds energy. Taking a bath in red color, you can get a surge of strength and vigor. This option is ideal for fatigue, hypothermia, low pressure.
    • Orange color relieves tension, creating the effect of warmth and comfort. This source of energy and strength is recommended for melancholy, apathy. As an adjuvant, it is used for asthma, allergies, and appetite disorders.
    • Yellow─ the color of activity, it sharpens perception and encourages communication. Light and sunny color gives a cheerful mood, freeing from fatigue. Taking a bath with yellow color improves metabolism, helps fight obesity.
    • Green color considered the color of harmony, creating a sense of stability by association with vegetation. Refreshing color soothes and relaxes. Used for stress, headaches and impaired metabolism and vision.
    • Blue─ the color of calmness and emotional balance. Calms, invigorates and normalizes the work of the emotional sphere. Relevant for insomnia, overexcitation, pain on critical days.
    • Blue color gives maritime associations, provides the effect of complete relaxation.
    • Violet promotes creativity, is used for neuroses, irritability, restlessness, anxiety. The highest frequency color of spiritualism with a cleansing and anesthetic effect.

    Chromotherapy in the bathroom equipment set is offered by all leading manufacturers of hydromassage bathtubs and shower cabins, since light treatment and hydromassage in combination enhance the preventive and therapeutic effect.