Cinnamon with honey for weight loss before sleep. How to make a drink from cinnamon and honey? How to take a mixture of cinnamon with honey for weight loss and overall health

Nose stuffed up - nonsense, so many people think. A week and everything will pass. But not everything is so simple. Remember the sensations you experienced when you had a runny nose. The smell of food is not felt - appetite disappears. You cannot communicate normally - you lose business partners. Due to the fact that you cannot breathe freely, you do not get enough sleep and, as a rule, decreases performance. Here he is, a banal runny nose.

In medical parlance, a runny nose is called rhinitis. Rhinitis is the eternal companion of SARS. If a runny nose is not treated, serious complications are likely, one of which is sinusitis. Pay attention to the color of the discharge. They turned yellow-green - an alarm! bacteria can spread into the maxillary sinuses and then sinusitis can no longer be avoided. Therefore, at the first sign of a runny nose, begin to be treated. Traditional medicine recommends nose drops, drugs that make it easier for the nasal passage of mucus and with frequent runny nose - special bacterial vaccines.

Types of runny nose

The symptoms of a runny nose are similar, but despite this, physicians distinguish its varieties. So, is there a runny nose?

It's spicy short-term rhinitis. With the disease, there is a sharp expansion of the vessels of the mucosa. If the irritation factor is eliminated, and this, as a rule, is the temperature contrast of the inhaled air, then the runny nose stops.
The name of this type of rhinitis speaks for itself. If the allergy is caused by the flowering of any kind of plants, then this is a seasonal runny nose. When the allergen is dust, you have a chronic runny nose. In order to get rid of it, you need to remove the source of the allergen and the runny nose goes away.
This runny nose is always a faithful companion of acute respiratory infections, SARS and influenza. If the treatment is not delayed, then two to three days are enough to eliminate it.
If you constantly use drops and sprays, atrophy and swelling of the mucosa is guaranteed to you. Drug rhinitis is a chronic form of the common cold.
If the mucosa has undergone one of the types of injury, diagnosed traumatic rhinitis. In mild cases of injury, the mucosa recovering herself in a few days. Otherwise, medical intervention is required.
hypertrophic and atrophic
These are the most popular types. At hypertrophic rhinitis thickens and expands the mucosa, mucus constantly flows from the nose. Atrophic appearance - tissues, on the contrary, become thinner, dry out. In severe untreated cases, it entails a complete loss of the sense of smell.

What does traditional medicine offer us?


  1. As soon as you feel the approach of a cold, take two mustard plasters, apply them to your feet, on top - socks made of natural wool. Let your heels warm for two hours. After you take off your socks with mustard plasters, it is recommended to walk at a fast pace for about a minute and immediately go to bed.
  2. Drip about five drops of freshly squeezed houseplant aloe juice into your nose.
  3. Squeeze beet juice, add a little bit of honey. Twist the flagella from the bandage, soak them in the medicinal mixture and insert into both nostrils.
  4. It helps if you sniff each nostril in turn with a swab moistened with ammonia.
  5. Draw an iodine grid on the heels. Pour some mustard powder into natural wool socks and put them on your feet.

old recipes

  1. Take a sip of vodka in your mouth (do not swallow!) Place your feet in warm salted water so that they are knee-deep. Spit out the vodka after ten minutes. Consolidate the treatment by drinking two glasses of mint tea sweetened with raspberry jam. Go to bed with your head warm.
  2. Sleep all night in warm socks, smearing your heels with iodine before going to bed.
  3. Make a compress of kerosene and apply to the soles of the feet. Top - waterproof material and warm socks.
  4. And another amazing old procedure. Heat the iron, fold the handkerchief several times. Iron it so that the handkerchief becomes hot. Apply to your face and breathe through the heated handkerchief with your mouth open until it cools down. An old medical publication claims that relief is felt immediately. You can repeat 2-3 procedures per day.

  1. If possible, then warm yourself in the bath, if not - in the bath. After warming up, rub the sacrum with a pre-prepared mixture of grated radish and horseradish, adding a little honey and salt. Get dressed and after drinking tea from raspberries or St. John's wort, go to bed. In the morning you won't even remember a runny nose.
  2. Menthol oil will help to cope with the onset of rhinitis if you smear it with whiskey, the back of the head, forehead and wings of the nose.
  3. They say that kerosene helps if you smear your feet with it at night, cover it with a cloth soaked in kerosene, and socks on top. Sleep under a warm blanket.
  4. Washing the nose with a runny nose is a mandatory procedure. And if you do it by adding tincture to the washing water
  5. calendula or eucalyptus, the therapeutic effect will increase significantly.
    This treatment is not very pleasant, but it helps a lot. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add the same amount of water. Make a saline solution from half a glass of water and half a spoonful of salt. We start the procedure. Take a good dish and try to draw lemon juice into the nostril. You need to act like this - they pulled in and immediately blew your nose. Repeat five times. Happened ? Now soak cotton swabs in saline solution and inject for half a minute into both nostrils. The procedure is unpleasant, but it helps very quickly.
  6. Essential oils of garlic and onions are an effective remedy for this problem. Grate them on a fine grater and inhale its smell through the nose. In addition to the fact that you will defeat a runny nose, during the flu epidemic it acts as preventive means .
  7. If you peel the bulb, you will see a transparent film on the surface of the scales. She is what we need. Put the film in each nostril and keep it for two hours. Then change to fresh. Two days and you will get rid of a cold. At night, the film does not need to be invested.
  8. Horseradish inhalations will defeat any runny nose. Transfer the grated horseradish to a jar and close tightly. Fifteen minutes later, open the jar and inhale through your mouth, hold your breath for three seconds, exhale through your nose. Breathe in - breathe out as much as you can.
  9. If a runny nose is your frequent guest, or just in case, prepare a “weapon” against him in the spring. In the period when lilies of the valley bloom, pick flowers. Dry them together with the stalks and grind them into powder. Pour into a glass jar and seal tightly. Store in a dark cabinet. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a runny nose, take out a jar and sniff it in a manner similar to snuff.

  10. Remove the husk from the onion , dry it well . Set fire and breathe over the smoke for five minutes. Two to three treatments a day are great for colds.
  11. Boil potatoes in their skins. Cool slightly so that you can endure the hand. Start rolling the potato from your forehead to your nose, over your ears. Then cut a potato and put one part on the forehead, the other on the wings of the nose. Once the potatoes have cooled , tie a warm scarf around your forehead . Up to four such procedures can be done per day.
  12. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and grate the horseradish. Mix evenly. Eat one scoop four times a day before meals behind half an hour. At first will appear lacrimation. But together with him stop and flow from nose. If a you done lot suckslemon medicines, store his in refrigerator.

Oily facilities

Oil infusions of herbs - an effective remedy

  1. Butter on the St. John's wort. 25 grams colors Hypericum pour in 250 ml refined oils. Through 21 day insistence and regular shaking strain. Drip in nostrils on 3 drops and runny nose retreat.
  2. Butter on the roots burdock already after first treatment brings relief. crushed root fall asleep in dark crockery, pour unrefined vegetable butter. Put on the 14 days in closet. Strain out not should, before application shake. Flagella from bandage damp in burdock butter and enter in nostrils on the quarter hours three once in day. Helps not only at runny nose, but and at sinusitis.
  3. cook oil tincture wild rosemary, and at you always under hand will powerful means from runny nose. stir co 100 grams vegetable oils one spoon finely chopped wild rosemary. Through three weeks insistence and permanent agitation, wring out. At runny nose drip on drop three times in day, but not more seven days.
  4. Put on the steam bath 50 ml vegetable oils on the half an hour. Behind time, Bye it cools down, clear four cloves garlic and middle bulb, cut off from her quarter. grind them and lay out mass in cooled down butter. Through two hours means ready. Lubrication nostril this oily infusion helps at congestion and secretions from nose will become much smaller.

Ointments from runny nose

  1. This ointment need smear in nose thrice in day and, if disease accompanied cough, on the night lubricate breast. For cooking take on half a glass honey and vegetable butter. Two grams wax and propolis, streptocide two pills, a littlea little propolis, two spoons juice aloe, can replace juice kalanchoe. Wax, butter and honey put on the stove and Keep before complete dissolution wax. Rest constituents crush as can smaller and add in honeywaxyoil mass. Mix and pour in the juice aloe. More once mix. After use this ointments disease retreats very fast.
  2. To cook ointment, need buy black economic soap. Measure out on one large spoon milk, honey, alcohol, sunflower oils, the juice onion Luke. Soap scold very finely and take also one spoon. All place in one crockery and place on the steam bath before complete dissolution soap. Take ointment cotton wand and lubricate every nostril. Through fifteen minutes wash up nose. procedure repeat three times in day.

Children's runny nose

AT small spoon dial a little smaller half honey. Squeeze out the juice aloe and drip in honey so many drops, how many full years to kid. Hold above candle or gas burner before connections ingredients. cool down and drip on two droplets in children's spout some once in day.

dotted massage from runny nose

Dot 1 . Spend fingers from nose bridge in sides. few below graduation lines brows located first dot.

Dot 2 . Barely conspicuous pits a little farther from end brows. Impact produce simultaneously on the both points.
Dot 3 . points, located directly at internal the edges eye.
Dot 4 . symmetrical points near wings nose.
On the massage points need influence fingers on 60 seconds on the every. Click with force, but not before pain. This massage reinforces inflow blood and accelerates recovery.

Video - Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies


Health 09.10.2014

Dear readers, today I propose to talk on the blog about the treatment of the common cold at home. folk remedies. Runny nose, I think, is familiar to each of us. We often suffer, and so do our children. And, regardless of the time of year. And in the summer you can pick up and catch a cold from cold water, air conditioners, and in our winters, and in autumn with spring.

And now the autumn days seem to still delight us. This is an amazing time, giving creative inspiration to many, a time for reflection and summing up, and on the other hand, this is a difficult time for the human body, when the body's defenses decrease and the risk of respiratory viral infections increases.

One of these autumn problems is banal, at first glance, but not at all harmless, rhinitis, or, more familiar to us, a runny nose. Many people consider a runny nose not a disease, but a simple nuisance that will go away on its own, however, everyone can remember what a terrible state of health we have with this, we are tormented by endless discharge from the nose, it becomes difficult to breathe, and we cannot sleep well at night, the eyes are watering, and the head is literally splitting.

In no case should this problem be left to chance, a runny nose, if left untreated, can become chronic or give serious complications, such as otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, and this is already fraught with loss of efficiency and serious long-term treatment.

How to quickly cure a runny nose? Do you know what my best, most effective and fast remedy to treat a cold at home? I always keep Austrian products at home. This is the only oil I buy from this manufacturer. As soon as I feel the first signs of a cold and nasal congestion, I immediately take action. It is enough to lubricate the sinuses of the nose from the outside and a little bit inside, you can several times a day and that's it. I wrote about this amazing oil in great detail on the blog. I strongly advise everyone to pay attention to it.

Runny nose. Treatment with folk remedies at home for adults and children

You need to start treatment at the first sign, and it is not necessary to immediately grab vasoconstrictor drops, their use is justified only with severe nasal congestion and you need to drip no more than two drops into each nostril and only at night for five days. There are many modern systems recovery, but it is best to immediately use folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold, simple but effective.

thermal procedures. Quick treatment of a cold with folk remedies at home

  1. The first thing to do at the first sign of a cold is to warm up your feet. But this procedure can be done only in the absence of elevated temperature. Prepare a hot foot bath at a comfortable temperature for yourself by adding a tablespoon of dry mustard and a tablespoon of sea salt to a bowl of water, sit for 15-20 minutes, throwing a blanket or terry towel over your feet so that the water does not cool, then rub your feet well and put on wool socks.

Sometimes one procedure is enough for noticeable relief, it is best to do this at night and go to bed in warm socks. It is very important to measure the temperature of the child before such a bath. Do not forget. If it is elevated, warming up can exacerbate all problems. It is better then in this case to rub the child's legs with vodka or alcohol and put on woolen socks.

  1. At the very beginning of the disease, warming up the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses helps well. As soon as a characteristic perspiration appeared in the nose, you began to sneeze and, as they say, “flowed” from the nose, boil two small potatoes right in the peel, wrap them in pieces of cotton or linen fabric so as not to burn yourself, and apply to the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses at the wings of the nose. Hold until the potatoes cool down, gradually unfolding the fabric, after that, of course, you can’t go outside, it’s best to go to bed. Such warming can be recommended for children. Often they are reluctant to go for this procedure. Come up with something. You can captivate them with an interesting book and at the same time warm their noses.

This remedy always helps my family, it happens that the next morning there are no signs of a runny nose, or it may take two or three days for the disease to not develop further. The main thing is not to miss the onset of the disease.

  1. Instead of potatoes for heating, you can take hard-boiled eggs or coarse rock salt. Salt is usually heated in a frying pan or in the oven to a hot state, poured into small bags and also applied to the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses. This procedure can also be recommended for children. Just make sure that the warming is comfortable, otherwise you can get a burn. It is better to take a thicker fabric for the bag or use an additional towel.

Treatment of the common cold at home with the help of inhalations

1. With the onset of a runny nose, soda inhalations with the addition of medicinal herbs. Put a pot of water on the fire, you will need about a liter of water, and as soon as it boils, throw a handful of dry eucalyptus leaves into it, bring it to a boil again, remove from heat, let it cool for a couple of minutes, add a tablespoon of soda and breathe over this steam, covered with head. Do this very carefully so as not to burn the respiratory tract, the steam you breathe should be warm, pleasant, but in no case hot and burning.

Instead of eucalyptus, you can take flowers of calendula, chamomile, or throw a small piece into the water, about the size of a match head, of the well-known “golden star” balm. For children, inhalation should be carried out very carefully. See that the child does not get burned. When my daughters were small, I used to put them on my knees, hold my hands, cover themselves with a light blanket or a large towel, and so we breathed. It is good to use a special device for inhalation.

2. Onions and garlic are excellent helpers in the treatment of the common cold, their antimicrobial properties have been known since ancient times, even our great-grandmothers hung onions and garlic in rooms during the cold season, and also strung peeled garlic cloves on a thick thread and put them on children's necks so that save them from colds. Just grate onion or garlic on a fine grater, you can take both together, and breathe, drawing in these healing smells with force. If someone in your family is sick and has children, then be sure to use this advice. Arrange saucers and onions or garlic in the room. Change during the day 2-3 times.

You can do it differently: put the onion or garlic gruel in a small mug, put the mug in a water bath, and as soon as the water boils, remove the saucepan from the heat and wrap it up so that the vapor from the boiling water does not come out. Put a cone made of thick paper on the mug and breathe alternately with each nostril.

3. Inhalations with pine buds help well, they need to be boiled for 10 minutes, taking about three tablespoons per liter of water, and breathe over a saucepan with steam, while wrapping yourself well and not forgetting about safety measures.

Thermal inhalations warm the sinuses well, reduce inflammation, relieve swelling, and inhalations with onion or garlic juice have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Treatment of the common cold in children. Doctor Komarovsky

You are probably all familiar with this wonderful doctor. I invite you to watch the video on the treatment of the common cold in children and get advice from Dr. Komarovsky.

Drops from the common cold at home. How to cook?

As a rule, with a prolonged runny nose, you can’t do without drops, they will help relieve inflammation, relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, improve breathing, and clear the nasal passages of mucus.

  1. A proven remedy in the fight against a runny nose is agave juice, which is, perhaps, in every family, you need to mix freshly squeezed juice with liquid honey in equal proportions and instill 1-2 drops in each nostril several times a day. How to prepare aloe juice, I wrote about this in an article .

Important! It is possible to bury drops using honey only if you are sure that neither you nor your family members are allergic to bee products, otherwise such treatment may result in Quincke's edema.

  1. Drop honey is also used in various mixtures, I am well aware of the recipe in which honey is mixed with onion juice. To do this, take two tablespoons of onion gruel, pour 1/4 cup of warm boiled water, let it brew for thirty minutes, mix well, then strain it all and add 1/2 teaspoon of honey, mix again and use as nose drops.
  2. As drops for the nose, not only traditional medicine, but also otolaryngologists recommend beetroot juice, for which the beets are rubbed on the smallest grater, the juice is squeezed out, but they are not used fresh. It is left to stand for several hours room temperature, and then diluted with warm boiled water in equal proportions and instilled into the nose a few drops. This remedy is prescribed when it is necessary to clear the nose of accumulated mucus and purulent secretions, however, beetroot juice in some people causes a strong burning sensation.
  3. If a strong burning sensation is felt when instilling beetroot juice, it is better to prepare gauze or cotton swabs, which must be soaked in pre-settled juice, squeezed a little and inserted into the nasal passages for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Beetroot juice can be used mixed with honey, for this, dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of honey in a tablespoon of warm boiled water, then add a tablespoon of beetroot juice and mix everything. Bury 2-3 drops several times a day.
  5. Often, with a runny nose, the mucous membrane is very dry, in this case it is better to replace the drops with oil solutions for lubrication, in this case it is good to take a mixture vegetable oil with onion juice. To prepare it, vegetable oil must be sterilized in a water bath or heated over an open fire without boiling, take half a glass of hot oil, add half a finely chopped onion to it, all this must be insisted for eight hours, strain and use cotton swabs to lubricate the nasal mucosa.
  6. Oil-based drops act more gently, especially for people with sensitive mucous membranes, I suggest preparing oil droplets with the addition of eucalyptus leaves. To do this, pour one tablespoon of crushed eucalyptus leaf into 1/2 cup of any vegetable oil, boil on the lowest heat for about five minutes, leave to infuse for several hours, strain and instill a few drops into the nasal passages.
  7. To improve the discharge of mucus, it is useful to rinse the nasal passages with salted water, for which dilute a teaspoon of sea food salt in half a liter of boiled water, instill half a pipette into the nose several times a day, and then lubricate the nasal mucosa with any oil solution.

As you can see, in the arsenal traditional medicine enough funds to treat the common cold at home. But if a runny nose does not go away for a long time, a headache appears in the eye area and in the forehead area, greenish thick discharge from the nose appears, there is every reason to assume that the runny nose is complicated by sinusitis, in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor so that the treatment was started on time.

Treatment of the common cold during pregnancy

Allergic rhinitis. Treatment

Often a runny nose occurs due to allergies. I also blogged about it in great detail. Everything can be read in the article.

Here are my recipes for you today. I hope that the tips on how to quickly cure a runny nose at home will be useful to you.

News of life

Now let me tell you about my news. You know, something happened to me here. The other day I starred in the film "Crossroads of Fate". Starring actress Valeria Lanskaya. According to the script, she is my student. I am a teacher, preparing her for admission to the conservatory. Everything happened unexpectedly. In the summer there was a casting. I passed it. They said that they would send everything to the director in Moscow, and if I passed, they would call and get in touch in late summer or early autumn. But there were no calls. I even forgot about that.

And they called the other day. There was a meeting with Valeria Lanskaya. We were rehearsing for the Ave Maria that she is supposed to sing in the film. And then our stage. The shooting itself was in our music school. You know, there are a lot of emotions. Interesting, challenging, completely new sensations. And Valeria Lanskaya conquered me with her simplicity and sincerity. We managed to chat a little. She also spoke about her work in theaters. Fate gives me amazing gifts. There are no photos with me yet. Maybe they'll send it later. While sharing a photo where you can see the director, his assistant and Valeria Lanskaya. And Valeria sings very well. It is no coincidence that she also works in the operetta theater, and she has worthy parts and roles.

And for the soul, we will listen to you ERNESTO CORTAZAR You are my Destiny. Amazing music. I think you will enjoy listening to everything.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? This is the question that people usually ask during the cold season, because that is when this phenomenon is observed. Prolonged runny nose is considered rhinitis, which does not go away within two weeks. This unpleasant ailment can bypass only a person who has strong immunity. But how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult if conventional medications do not help? You can find the answer to this question in this article.

What are the causes of chronic rhinitis?

As a rule, this ailment is a harbinger of a cold. But it also happens that rhinitis does not go away for a certain amount of time. In this situation, people ask themselves: if the ailment does not go away for more than three weeks, how to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? Usually, patients look for an answer on the Internet. Most of them do not want to visit a specialist. Therefore, another of the common questions is the following: how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult with folk remedies?

In order to learn more about this, it is necessary to expose the source of rhinitis. So, there can be several reasons:

  • Environmental influence. Due to the fact that a person is in a room that is rarely ventilated and a large amount of dust accumulates in it, allergic rhinitis may develop.
  • Accommodations. A sick person should pay attention to irritants that may be at home. These include household dust. Also, an allergic reaction can be due to a dust mite.
  • Autoimmune diseases. These include psoriasis.
  • Constant stay in a room where the air is very dry. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed during the heating season.

With the last source of the disease, you need to buy a humidifier. It is he who will help get rid of the dry atmosphere in the room.

In addition to these reasons, otolaryngologists talk about one more thing - about congenital pathologies. They arise due to problems with the regulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. This phenomenon occurs due to the curvature of the nasal septum.

Also, prolonged rhinitis may appear due to Kartagener's syndrome. With this disease, the ciliary channel does not function well. He is responsible for the excretion of mucus. In case of violations, processes of a stagnant nature occur. They lead to the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and nasopharynx. As a result, in addition to rhinitis, there is also a cough. The latter is accompanied by expectoration of yellowish-green mucus.

What is drug rhinitis?

This disease is one of the most common types of diseases. It develops due to improper use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops during colds. Also, a drug runny nose can be like by-effect due to the use of antiviral drugs. Recognizing drug-induced rhinitis is easy. It appears as a common allergic rhinitis with copious clear discharge. In addition, nasal congestion may be added to them.

The risk group for this disease includes the elderly, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and children.

What are the types of rhinitis?

Before prescribing treatment to the patient, it is necessary to determine what type of rhinitis should be discussed. There are usually two main types of rhinitis: allergic and infectious. The latter occurs with a cold. In both cases, the specialist conducts research. As a result, he reveals the cause of a prolonged runny nose. You should think about what you need to visit a doctor when this ailment does not go away for more than nine days.

Consider some types of the common cold. The most common is allergic. It has been established that about one third of the population suffers from it. This is due to the environmental situation in environment. The main provocateurs of this rhinitis are plant pollen, animals and dust mites.

Vasomotor rhinitis is very similar to the previous form. But in this case, tobacco smoke, smells of perfumes and household chemicals are considered irritants. Copious secretion of mucus occurs due to irritant effects on the nasal mucosa. As a therapy, the specialist prescribes nasal sprays.

Medical rhinitis has already been mentioned earlier. Its cause is the disproportionate use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops. The latter, in turn, are addictive.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body. It can manifest itself as rhinitis for a long amount of time. When they do not deliver a woman in a position of discomfort, experts advise not to use vasoconstrictor drugs. In this case, you can use folk remedies. This type of runny nose goes away a couple of weeks after childbirth.

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home quickly?

To do this, follow the general requirements for therapy. So, you need bed rest and the use of inhalations. These measures will be effective at the initial stage of rhinitis. They can be used until the disease has become chronic.

And how to treat a protracted runny nose in an adult if mucous discharge and nasal congestion appear? In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs will come to the rescue. Also, to all this, the specialist prescribes combined drugs. If the patient does not improve, then antibiotics will be required.

Thus, not everything has been said about how to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home quickly. This method of therapy also involves folk remedies. They will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult? This therapy involves several directions.

The lower limbs should be warmed up with mustard baths. Herbal inhalations will also help well. In addition, essential oils can be used instead of a solution.

A number of patients instill aloe or onion juice into the nasal passages. They also help a lot in the fight against this disease.

Another method of treatment is the use of decoctions of an immuno-strengthening nature, the use of physiotherapy and the use of medicines.

It helps well with massage on the sinuses and laser therapy. With caution, it is necessary to treat this ailment for women in position. They should definitely consult a specialist.

What does drug therapy involve?

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult? Medicines prescribed by a doctor will help to get rid of this disease faster.

To begin with, the specialist determines the cause of rhinitis, and then prescribes the appropriate therapy. As a general rule, moisturizers should be used. They cleanse the sinuses and consist of sea water. The last component has a good effect on the mucous membranes.

If the patient has, in addition to all this, also inflammatory process, then medicines such as "Coldrex" or "Coldakt" are prescribed. Basically, with prolonged rhinitis, simply vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed. As a rule, reviews of how to treat a protracted runny nose in adults also refer to such effective drugs as Nazivin and Xymelin. But it is worth remembering that the opinion of people is not always correct, therefore, in any case, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist for treatment, and not do it yourself.

Also, complications can occur with rhinitis. Then how to treat a prolonged runny nose with pus in an adult? Usually we are talking about infection here. The patient is prescribed the same medications that were listed above. But this type of disease can not do without the use of antibiotics. They should be a wide range. A prescription for the drug is written by a doctor. In simpler situations, aerosols like Isofra, Polydex are prescribed. If there is a risk of infection entering the hearing aid or respiratory tract, then systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Together with them, you should take probiotics, which will help restore the intestinal microflora.

How should allergic rhinitis be treated?

First you need to accurately determine the cause of a prolonged runny nose. This is followed by a series of surveys. Then find out what is the main allergen.

The main drugs that are used for this type of rhinitis are antihistamines. The most common and effective among them are Loratadin and Cetrin.

In addition to taking medications, you can additionally do inhalations using essential oils and herbal preparations.

What is the treatment with folk remedies?

It should be noted that this method of therapy should be used with the permission of a specialist.

How to cure a protracted runny nose in an adult with folk remedies? The basis of this method of therapy is washing. We present two main methods.

Decoctions of chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus help very well. Alternatively, an iodine solution can be used. To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodinol.

Additionally, herbal inhalations are used. In this case, use oregano, chamomile and linden.

Drops from plant sap also have a beneficial effect. For example, from Kalanchoe or garlic.

How to make drops from aloe?

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in an adult at home? Natural drops are an excellent remedy to get rid of this ailment. Aloe has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. That is why this plant is perfect for making nasal drops.

So, you need its leaves. They should be washed and dried. After they need to be wrapped in paper and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, juice is squeezed out of aloe. Drops must be instilled three to four times a day. This should be done until all the symptoms of this disease disappear.

How to prepare drops with mumiyo for a prolonged runny nose?

In order to make a medicine, you will need a small amount of mountain oil and about 100 ml warm water. Mix everything thoroughly. Bury three drops in each nasal passage. You can use peach oil instead of water. In this case, the tool will be more effective. They are prepared in a ratio of 1:5.

How to make a saline solution for washing the sinuses?

To prepare it, you need one glass of water. You will need to add a tablespoon of sea salt to it. Then mix the ingredients together. This must be done until all the salt has dissolved.

Then you can bury the drops in the nose. You can wash your sinuses up to 6-8 times a day. As a rule, this is done before dripping a vasoconstrictor drug into the nose.

How to prepare an herbal solution?

How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult with folk remedies? You can make a solution not only from sea salt, but also from chamomile. This herb has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This type of solution is well suited for the treatment of protracted allergic rhinitis. In order to prepare it, you need a spoonful of salt and steamed infusion of chamomile.

Eucalyptus nasal wash

Essential oils are also good at fighting this ailment. So, to prepare such a solution, you need a glass of water. It is necessary to put one teaspoon of eucalyptus oil in it.

Use the last two types of solution only if you do not have an individual intolerance to any component of the product. Before use, consult a specialist.

A runny nose (or rhinitis) is a minor symptom that may be a sign of an allergic reaction or a viral cold. A runny nose can be different depending on the nature of the secreted mucus and the intensity of the flow from the nose. In this article, you will be able to understand the nature of snot, the reasons for their appearance, and also learn in detail about home methods for treating a runny nose.

Runny nose is divided into three large groups- infectious, allergic and vasomotor. To defeat the disease, you need to know the nature of its origin. After all, the principles of treatment can be fundamentally different.

How to treat an infectious rhinitis

Infectious rhinitis is the most common catarrhal runny nose which we encounter most often. When a virus enters the mucous membrane, the body begins to actively fight against it, a large amount of mucus is produced to wash out the pathogen. So there is a transparent flow from the nose, which is observed only at the beginning of the disease. A cold rarely lasts more than 10 days, unless it has progressed to chronic form. The presence of thick (green or yellow) snot indicates the addition of a bacterial infection. Such a runny nose cannot be treated at home, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of sinusitis and other inflammations of the sinuses.

For an infectious rhinitis, accompanying symptoms are characteristic - cough, fever, sore throat, lacrimation, aching joints, general malaise. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the common cold, but also to begin the fight against the virus itself. To do this, you need to drink as much water as possible - the virus is washed out only with urine. An adult needs to drink at least three liters of liquid in order to feel relief the very next day. In addition, you need to often ventilate the room, observe the humidity and temperature of the air so that the mucous membrane does not dry out, and the runny nose passes faster. These basic techniques will help you quickly get rid of an infectious rhinitis.

How to treat allergic rhinitis

This is another popular type of runny nose. It has been proven that every fifth person who sees a doctor with a chronic rhinitis has an allergic nature of the disease. That is, often we treat completely wrong and wrong. How to distinguish a cold from an allergic one? During an allergic rhinitis, there are no symptoms such as fever, general malaise. As a rule, an allergic rhinitis develops rapidly and it is possible to analyze what caused its exacerbation. An allergen can be animal hair, some foods, house dust, cigarette smell and other harsh odors, plant pollen, and cosmetics. In addition to a runny nose, a person may have tearing, coughing, sneezing, a rash on the skin, the nose does not just flow - breathing is completely blocked.

Allergic rhinitis is easy to recognize - the symptoms quickly disappear after taking an antihistamine. To get rid of such a runny nose, you need to identify the allergen to which the body reacts. If you still have not found it, you must pass an allergy test. If a provoking factor is detected, it is important to exclude the allergen from life. If you have a runny nose on dust, you need to do wet cleaning in the room more often, remove carpets and Stuffed Toys. If you are allergic to animals - give your beloved cat into good hands, no matter how cruel it may seem. You need to always have a spray or drops with you, which at the right time will help to cope with a runny nose of an allergic nature.

The cause of such a runny nose is a violation in the work of blood vessels. With vasomotor rhinitis, the flow from the nose is insignificant, but the breath is completely blocked. A runny nose of a similar nature may arise from cold air, a strong smell, or a nervous shock. Often, vasomotor rhinitis occurs due to the body's addiction to vasoconstrictor drops. Using them for more than five days, the vessels in the body lose their elasticity and the ability to expand and contract on their own. The person feels nasal congestion and uses the drops again, forming a circle that is difficult to break. With vasomotor rhinitis, there are no accompanying symptoms, such as lacrimation, sneezing, coughing. But for such a runny nose, signs of dystonia are characteristic - sweating of the palms, trembling of the fingers.

A doctor will help get rid of vasomotor rhinitis. It is very important to find the cause that provokes its appearance. If vasomotor rhinitis is associated with addiction to vasoconstrictor drugs, it is necessary to gradually cancel their use, giving the vessels the opportunity to work independently.

Since the most common type of runny nose is a cold, our article will describe detailed ways to treat this type of runny nose at home.

Warming up with a cold

Warming up is especially effective in the initial stage of the development of the disease. They say that a runny nose lasts a week without treatment, and 7 days with treatment. So, if you warm up the runny nose in the first couple of days, then it can be completely avoided.

  1. Eggs. Two eggs should be hard-boiled, wrapped in a terry towel and applied to both sides of the nose. Keep until the eggs are completely cool.
  2. Alcohol. Alcohol compresses perfectly warm the sinuses. A piece of clean gauze should be soaked in alcohol and applied to the nose on both sides. The lotion needs to be covered with a film, put something warm on top and lie with this design on the nose for about half an hour.
  3. Sand or salt. The bulk component must be heated in a pan, poured into a cloth scarf, tied the corners, and then applied to the nose. Sand and salt keep warm for a long time, so this heating is most effective.
  4. White clay. From white clay and boiling water, you need to knead the dough and make a cake out of it. Apply a warm lozenge to the nose and hold until completely cooled.

After warming up, you can not go outside, so the procedures are usually carried out before going to bed.

It is very important to warm not only the nose, but also the legs. To do this, after hypothermia or at the onset of illness, you need to lower your legs into a basin with the hottest water (which you can endure). As the liquid cools, pour hot water into the basin. If you add mustard to the water, the effect will increase several times. After such procedures, you need to put on woolen socks on your feet, drink hot tea with raspberries and do not get out from under the covers until the next morning. The disease will recede without having time to develop.

This method is effective if there is an active secretion of mucus from the nose. You can wash your nose at home or in the office at the ENT.

  1. "Cuckoo". This is a special unit, the main component of which is a vacuum tube. The procedure is carried out only by a doctor. The patient lies on a hard surface, the head is slightly thrown back. A special liquid is poured into one nostril using a syringe without a needle. The tube sucks this fluid out of the second nostril. During the procedure, you need to say "Ku-ku" - during the pronunciation of this syllable, the larynx is located so that the liquid does not enter the esophagus.
  2. Teapot. This is a home rinsing routine that is easy to do with a small kettle. The medicinal liquid is poured into a container, the spout is attached to one nostril. The head above the sink should be tilted slightly to the side so that the liquid begins to flow from the second nostril. For the first time, the procedure is best done under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise the wrong technique will lead to the fact that the infected mucus enters the middle ear and leads to inflammation.
  3. Syringe or douche. Sometimes flushing is done with a syringe without a needle or syringe. Pressurized water is directed into the nostril so that it flows out of the throat. If this method does not suit you, you can rinse your nose without additional funds - just draw the medicinal composition into your hand, close one nostril and try to draw in the liquid of the second nostril.

Nasal lavages remove thick bacterial mucus, get rid of dried crusts in the nose, and prepare the mucosa for the use of drugs. In addition, washing is an excellent prevention of allergies and colds, since the liquid washes away viruses and allergens from the surface of the mucosa.

Furacilin can be used as a solution for washing (one tablet per glass of liquid), sea ​​water(salt, soda and iodine), decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, marigolds, St. John's wort). In addition to them, miramistin, chlorophyllipt, hydrogen peroxide, protorgol are used for the solution. Babies' noses are washed with saline or plain warm water.

Here are a few effective recipes, which you can use in the fight against the common cold.

  1. Onion. Onion juice perfectly relieves even the most serious cold. Grate the vegetable, squeeze the juice out of the pulp, and then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Drip the prepared composition into the nose in the morning and evening.
  2. Garlic. Garlic contains special phytoncides, the vapors of which kill microbes in the nasal passages. Garlic needs to be crushed, but it is better to turn it into porridge using a meat grinder or blender. Transfer the mixture to a small container and close the lid. 5-6 times a day you need to open a jar and inhale the smell of garlic alternately one nostril, then the other. After a couple of days, you need to take fresh pulp. It is also very effective to place a piece of garlic in the nostrils for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. It happens that after long-term treatment and the use of various drugs, the mucous membrane dries up, crusts form on it. In this case, you just need to instill a drop of sea buckthorn oil into each nostril.
  4. Aloe. The juice of this home plant has a powerful bactericidal property. Leaves should be washed, dried and chopped. With the help of gauze, the pulp must be squeezed out and the healing juice obtained. Dilute it in half with water and instill 2 drops in each nostril in the morning and evening. Instead of aloe, you can use Kalanchoe - it has similar properties.
  5. Inhalations. You can make inhalations with fir oil or eucalyptus essential oil. A little money needs to be added to hot water, stir and cover with a towel over the container. Inhale hot steam through the nose. This will help you not only get rid of the flow from the nose, but also help relieve congestion and start breathing through your nose.
  6. Beets and carrots. The juice of these plants is very effective in the common cold. Carrot juice can be instilled in its pure form. But beetroot juice should be diluted with water beforehand, otherwise it can burn the mucous membrane.
  7. Honey turundas. Soak cotton buds in liquid natural honey and place in the nostrils for 10-15 minutes. Honey has antibacterial properties, so it will help get rid of green snot and nasal congestion.
  8. Menthol oil and lemon. Menthol oil can be bought at a pharmacy. It is mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice. With the prepared composition, you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa from the inside (using cotton swabs). Menthol will relieve nasal congestion, and lemon will neutralize the viral pathogen.

Folk remedies are not only cheap and effective, but also safe. They can be used by pregnant women, people with a weakened immune system, the elderly, as well as patients with chronic diseases.

A runny nose is not just a flow of mucus from the nose. This is the inability to breathe normally through the nose, this is the inability to smell your favorite smells. Don't take the cold too lightly. After all, if you run it, it can lead to dangerous complications. Be attentive to yourself, and then a runny nose will be only a minor symptom that will pass in three days.

Video: how to treat a lingering runny nose