"Irreparable loss": miscarriage - causes and psychology

Often a woman, having become pregnant, is not able to immediately recognize her position and her body rejects the fetus in the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. But there are also situations when an unborn child dies in the womb already at a later date (up to 22 weeks), which greatly affects psychological condition . Before planning a new pregnancy, you need to figure out what the true cause of a miscarriage is and how to prevent it in the future.

Why miscarriage occurs

The cause of a miscarriage or missed pregnancy is not always the unhealthy lifestyle of failed parents. The correct development of the fetus depends on many factors, and if a couple has lost a long-awaited child, this does not mean at all that in the future she will not be able to conceive a healthy baby. First, you should visit specialists, pass the necessary tests and understand the causes of the tragic event, and then plan the birth of the baby.

Most often, a miscarriage occurs early - in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Main reasons :

  1. Genetic failure, often of a hereditary nature. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the development of all the most important organs of the fetus occurs, if in the process of this a change occurs in the structure of the chromosomes of the parents (chromosomal mutation), the woman's body will reject the non-viable fetus, carrying out the so-called natural selection. It is practically impossible to influence a genetic failure in any way, because it happens for reasons beyond human control (radiation emissions, exposure to viruses, work in hazardous industries), but it is possible to minimize the risks of miscarriage and prevent it even before conception.
  2. Hormonal reasons. If a future mother has a lack of the hormone progesterone or an excess of the male hormone, then the likelihood of a miscarriage increases significantly, most likely it will occur already in the first weeks of pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, a woman is prescribed special hormonal therapy at the planning stage, which must be followed up to 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Causes associated with the conflict of Rh factors. Even at the planning stage, future parents should take a blood test to find out their compatibility. In the event that the fetus inherits a positive Rh father with a negative Rh mother, the female body will simply reject it as something alien.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases. If one of the parents is infected with chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, syphilis or other diseases, the fetus will gradually become infected with pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which a miscarriage or miscarriage will occur.
  5. Ailments that the mother suffers from - thyroid disease, some forms of diabetes, heart disease, problems with the immune system.
  6. One or more abortions are a great stress for the body and often cause inflammation and infertility.
  7. Medicines and herbs, the use of which can provoke the development of fetal pathology or spontaneous his rejection.
  8. Stress, unhealthy lifestyle - malnutrition, smoking, alcohol.
  9. Taking a hot bath.

Signs of a miscarriage

Experts distinguish several types of miscarriage:

If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately seek help from your doctor:

early miscarriage

Early miscarriage, unfortunately, is a very common phenomenon today. If you have already learned about your situation, it is better to listen to your body. Any pain or vaginal discharge is a reason to contact a medical facility. The doctor may suggest that the patient go to the hospital for preservation, it is necessary to give up everything for the sake of the baby's life.

The first stage of an incipient miscarriage is characterized by aching pains, contraction (tension) of the uterus. In this situation, all is not lost. If, with the threat of a miscarriage, measures are taken in time and treatment is started, there is a high probability of carrying the child to the due date. With a lack of progesterone, the patient is prescribed hormonal therapy, with bleeding - hemostatic drugs, with infection of the fetal egg, anti-inflammatory drugs are given.

During treatment, the following precautions should be observed:

  1. First of all, this is bed rest, it is desirable that the pelvis be in an elevated position, this will reduce the load.
  2. The second rule is the observance of complete sexual rest.
  3. Thirdly, the patient should not be worried and worried, so as not to aggravate his situation.

When the miscarriage has passed into the second stage, the bleeding has increased, and the pains do not stop, the possibility of outpatient treatment disappears, the woman is placed on inpatient treatment, numerous injections and droppers are made, constantly monitoring the condition of the fetus.

late miscarriage

Unfortunately, late miscarriage is a fairly common problem. In Russia, obstetricians and gynecologists consider late miscarriage untimely termination of pregnancy without outside help in the period from 12 to 22 weeks, after this period there is a possibility that the child can be saved and “come out”.

Factors influencing untimely termination of pregnancy at a later date:

How to survive a miscarriage

Approximately half of women experience the loss of an unborn child at least once in their lives. Each of them has questions “Why?”, “For what?” and “How to live after this?”. Psychological recovery after a miscarriage is not an easy task, requiring huge mental costs. What do psychologists advise in this situation?

  1. Realize that this is not always the fault of the parents, because the main causes of miscarriage are chromosomal changes. Many women blame themselves for the loss of a baby, perhaps there is a logical explanation for this. But anyway, first of all, forgive yourself.
  2. Try to find out the true reasons for what happened. Pass all the necessary tests for infections and hormones, conduct research on the genetic compatibility of spouses, consult with several specialists. Only in this way can you minimize the risk of subsequent miscarriages.
  3. Rest as much as possible. You have undergone a serious kind of psychological and physical test. If you have the opportunity to go on vacation, be sure to use it.
  4. Understand that everything comes to an end one day, and your grief too. Work on yourself every minute, repeating that you can handle it, as you have come to terms with the loss of thousands of other women.
  5. Monitor your psychological state, every day noting changes for the better, achievements, plans and goals.
  6. At the first thoughts of suicide, an obsessive restless state, hallucinations, immediately seek help from a specialist.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Physiologically, pregnancy after a miscarriage can occur within a month. However, doctors recommend that a woman postpone this issue for at least six months or a year in order to be able to psychologically and physically recover, because every time after an abortion, the ability to endure and give birth to a healthy baby will decrease.

Indications for which the expectant mother should be examined at the planning stage:

  • age from 35 years;
  • history of abortion;
  • infertility treatment;
  • threatened miscarriage or miscarriage in previous pregnancies.

During pregnancy planning:

  1. Give up bad habits - alcohol and tobacco products can degrade the quality of genetic material, as well as, if possible, from taking potent drugs.
  2. Eliminate stressful situations from your life, normalize your emotional state.
  3. Intense physical activity during this period is prohibited.
  4. Eat right, take vitamins and folic acid under the supervision of a doctor.
  5. Limit contact with viral and infectious patients.