A magnificent view of the river winding its way opened before us. Diagnostic work on the Russian language

Part 1

When completing tasks in this part, in answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1–A30), put the sign “× " in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

4) accepted

A2. In which answer option is the highlighted word used? wrong?

1) The counselor walked with a smart gait towards the guys who were animatedly discussing the results of the competition.

2) In the lower left corner of the picture, the artist made a surprisingly SKILLFUL and firm stroke.

3) Living conditions the families were very unfavorable.

4) On hot July days, when the STONE city was languishing in the sun, silence and coolness reigned in the park.

A3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) five kilograms of rice

2) vacuuming

3) over seven hundred fifty thousand

4) distant villages

A4. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

1) the structure of the sentence must be taken into account.

2) the grammatical structure of the sentence is important.

3) you need to take into account the structure of the sentence.

4) sentence structure is often not taken into account.

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) All around were meadows, fragrant with the aromas of flowers and herbs.

2) Everyone who has seen the sea on moonlit southern evenings often remembers it.

3) The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

4) Development of our industry for a long time followed the line of enterprise consolidation.

A6. In what sentence? subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) A unique phenomenon in the essay genre was the novel “The Past and Thoughts,” which was called “an essayistic novel, an epic, an encyclopedia of essayism.”

2) Nowadays, the volume of information that is transmitted over global trunk communication lines is constantly growing.

3) The purpose of the abstract is to convey the main, essential, new information, which is contained in the document being reviewed.

Read the text and complete tasks A7–A12.

(1)... (2) First of all, these include sea water itself, the reserves of which today are truly colossal and account for 96.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere. (3) Sea water is a kind of “living ore” containing seventy-five chemical elements. (4) Thus, the ancient Egyptians and Chinese learned to extract salt from it, which they still receive in large quantities. (5) It is interesting that salt mines on the Chinese coast have existed for more than five thousand years and occupy an area of ​​over four hundred thousand hectares, and the annual salt production here reaches twenty million tons. (6)... sea water is also an important source of magnesium, bromine, iodine and other chemical elements.

A7. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

1) Most commercial fish and animals in the World Ocean need protection.

2) The ocean is a huge storehouse of natural resources.

3) Scientists managed to unravel the mystery of the World Ocean.

4) The main wealth of the deep-sea bed of the Ocean is deposits of iron and manganese.

A8. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the sixth sentence?

1) Contrary to this

2) In addition,

3) On the contrary,

4) Therefore

A9. What word or combination of words is grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?

1) salt is obtained (sentence 4)

2) the Egyptians learned (sentence 4)

3) it’s interesting (sentence 5)

4) water serves (sentence 6)

A10. Indicate the correct characteristic of the second (2) sentence of the text.

1) complex with a conjunction and non-union connection between parts

2) complex with a union subordinating and non-union connection between parts

3) complex

4) complex non-union

4) adverb

A12. Indicate the meaning of the word GET in sentence 4.

1) mine

2) experience

3) acquire

A13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one letter N?

Some of the artist Savrasov’s paintings were small in size: he painted them in one or two hours, they are marked by the charm of inspired improvisations.

A14. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) long_long, wind_wound, burning

2) architectural, interview, talk

3) brilliance, remove, incident

4) collate, divide, update

A15. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) stop, prepare, unconditionally

2) without_taste, without_initiative, super_gra

3) un_captured, pr_silent, r_placed

4) ro_cherk, inflexible, and_subtish

A16. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

1) perekol_sh, studded

2) sawed, glued

3) hear_you, invisible_my

4) planted, built

A17. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. pace

B. mocking

V. bean_vy

D. withstand

A18. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

2) Since the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientists (more than) times organized expeditions to the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

3) The (in)comprehensible behavior of the hero is explained by the author in the last chapter.

4) (Not) everyone is able to behave naturally in a conversation with unfamiliar people.

A19. In which answer option are both highlighted words written together?

1) The eldest son, Anisim, came home very rarely, only on major holidays, (FOR) THEN he often sent gifts with his fellow countrymen and, just like the middle one, Stepan, short letters.

2) Sergeev knew his work and loved it (FOR) THAT it was given to him, (BASE) THIS is why they considered him a good craftsman at the plant.

3) (BY) WHAT do you judge a person’s culture - by his manners, tastes, habits? And (WHY) are you so demanding of him?

4) They were sometimes silent for hours, BECAUSE they each felt that they both felt good - and BECAUSE it was good that they were together.

A20. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Antiquity in Greece appeared in its pure form() and the artist perceived this country as a realized dream of great art.

1) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.

2) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

3) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

A21. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds (1) dimly blue through the foggy distance (2) through watery-green meadows, and a man (3) embraced by the bright breath of spring (4) grows stronger, he breathes more freely, his soul is happier.

A22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

In late autumn or winter, on the streets of cities (1) as is known (2), flocks of either melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear. It is (3) apparently (4) for this cry that the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb “waxwing” meant “to whistle sharply, to scream.”

A23. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) There were no decorations on the walls or windows.

2) Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

3) The powerful “coat” around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

4) Cases and cases are completely tormented.

A24. How do you explain the use of the colon in the sentence below?

In 1720, Peter I approved new rules for uniforming troops: the caftan received a small cloth collar, pocket flaps with three buttons, a cord on the left shoulder and 10 buttons on the side.

1) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to what is said in the first part.

4) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of occurrence of what is said in the second part.

A25. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Now all the living scenes of the journey were included in the poem (1) the plot (2) of which (3) was quite vague.

A26. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

He continued his journey (1) but (2) when only twelve miles remained (3) suddenly the tire whistled and sank (4) because a sharp pebble again fell under the wheel.

A27. Read the text.

When we look at a painted object, we see not its own color, but the color of the light that is reflected from this object. Most of the sunlight (which is a mixture of all colors) falling on an object is absorbed and remains inside. And only the reflected light enters our eyes, and we perceive it as the color of the object.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Looking at a painted object, a person perceives the sunlight reflected by the object as its color.

2) Sunlight is a mixture of all the colors absorbed by an object.

3) When we look at an object, we see the colors of sunlight absorbed by it.

4) Most of the sunlight reaches a person's eyes.

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30; B1-B8; C1.

(1) One day in winter, doctors addressed the audience from television screens in Omsk: an injured person urgently needed donor blood.

(2) People sat in warm, cozy apartments, no one knew about each other’s affairs, no one gathered, and could not control human actions. (3) Any person could later say: I didn’t watch TV, I didn’t hear the appeal. (4) But the majority still had a controller. (5) The highest moral controller is conscience. (6) But that’s all! (7) Yes, and that’s all. (8) But this “only”, this single selectivity turned out to be the main thing in the subsequent minutes when the person began to act. (9) People got to the hospital by trams, buses, and taxis. (10) The nurses on duty came out to meet them. (11) 3a 30 minutes later, 320 people arrived at the hospital. (12) The victim was saved.

(13) I wanted to meet at least some of these people. (14) I went into their houses, talked, finding out the motives for the action, painfully searched for words and felt how these words were missing not only for me, but also for the donors themselves... (15) I still feel the awkwardness of those conversations, clarifications . (16) The main thing was something else. (17) The main thing was and is that these people acted on the basis of their usual ideas about moral duty. (18) They had no other motives. (19) Moral duty is their main motive. (20) The action of these people is not a bright flash, but a norm of behavior, and to inquire into the motive of an action aimed at helping a person in trouble was truly absurd.

(21) In fact, it is necessary to study, first of all, the moral atmosphere, the environment that makes it possible to cultivate in people a similar understanding of the sense of duty, such responsiveness. (22) This is really necessary, because it is important that the manifestation of humane properties human soul has become a natural need for everyone. (23) For everyone!

(24) With particular clarity, I remember the faces of my long-time interlocutors at moments when their action was characterized by many journalists as a feat. (25) No, these people knew well that feat is one thing, but fulfilling a moral duty is another. (26) The journalist should have known this too. (27) As well as the fact that each of these people, in general, every person who is capable of transgressing personal well-being for the sake of helping another person, is capable of much more. (28) It is precisely such a person who will not allow a clash, a conflict between personal interest and public interest.

(29) One originates from the other. (30) The big is in the small, the great is in the big.

(By *)

*Gennady Nikolaevich Bocharov (born in 1935) -
journalist, publicist, political commentator.

A29. Which of the following statements is false?

1) Sentences 9-12 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 17-19 present the reasoning.

3) The 24th sentence of the text contains a descriptive fragment.

4) Sentence 30 explains the content of sentence 29 of the text.

A30. In which sentence is the phraseological unit used?

Part 2

The answer to the tasks in this part (B1–B8) is a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down your answer in answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. When listing words or numbers, separate them with commas. Place each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

Write down the answers to tasks B1-VZ in words.

B1. Indicate the method of forming the word CLEARANCE (sentence 15).

AT 2. From sentences 24-26, write down all coordinating conjunctions.

AT 3. From sentence 25, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among sentences 12-22, find simple one-part impersonal sentences. Write the numbers of these sentences.

AT 5. Among sentences 14-24, find a sentence with one isolated, agreed upon common definition. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. Among sentences 13-24, find a complex sentence that includes a subordinate clause of reason. Write the number of this complex sentence.

AT 7. Among sentences 1-9, find one that is connected to the previous one using an adversative conjunction, a demonstrative pronoun and lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text,

which you analyzed while completing tasks A28–A30, B1–B7.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should appear in the blank space, write the number 0.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review where there are gaps in answer form No. 1 to the right of task number B8, starting from the first cell.

Write each number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. When listing numbers, separate them with commas. Place each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

often expresses his thoughts using lexical means such as _____ (“atmosphere, setting” in sentence 21, “clashes, conflict” in sentence 28) and ______ (“public” - “personal” in sentence 28). A technique such as ________ (sentences 20, 25) and a syntactic device such as __________ (sentences 9, 14) help the publicist convey thoughts and feelings more accurately.

List of terms:

1) rhetorical question

5) personification

6) opposition

7) rows of homogeneous members

8) contextual synonyms

9) exclamatory sentences

C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting). State the author's position. Write whether you agree or disagree

Do you agree with his point of view? Explain why. Justify your answer based on knowledge, life or reading experience (the first two arguments are taken into account). The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Diagnostic test B-5

A1. 4
A2. 1
A3. 2
A4. 3
A5. 3
A6. 4
A7. 2
A8. 2
A9. 3
A10. 3
A11. 1
A12. 1
A13. 2
A14. 4
A15. 4
A16. 3
A17. 2
A18. 3
A19. 4
A20. 2
A21. 4
A22. 4
A23. 1
A24. 2
A25 1
A26. 4
A27. 1
A28. 3
A29. 3
A30. 3

IN 1. suffixal
AT 2. oh, too
AT 3. fulfillment of duty
AT 4. 18, 21
AT 5. 21
AT 6. 22
AT 7. 8
AT 8. 8, 2, 6, 7

Main problems
1. The problem of human action. What should control a person’s behavior, his actions and actions?
2. The problem of the relationship between moral duty and achievement. Is it a feat for a person to fulfill his moral duty? What determines a person’s readiness for heroism?
3. The problem of instilling fidelity to moral duty. What needs to be done to make highly moral behavior the norm?

Author's position
1. The highest moral controller of human actions should be conscience, and then helping a person in trouble will become the norm of behavior.
2. Fulfilling a moral duty is a norm of human behavior, and not a feat, but it is precisely the person who is able to sacrifice personal well-being for the sake of helping another who is ready for a real feat.
3. The manifestation of the humane properties of the human soul should become a natural need for everyone; it is necessary to explore the atmosphere, the environment, which makes it possible to instill in people loyalty to moral duty.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds (1) dimly blue through the foggy distance (2) through watery-green meadows, and a man (3) embraced by the bright breath of spring (4) grows stronger, he breathes more freely, his soul is happier.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's give the correct spelling.

A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds, dimly blue through the foggy distance, through watery green meadows, and Human, embraced by the light breath of spring, grows stronger, he breathes more freely, his soul is happier.

Commas should be placed in the first and second places: these are commas showing the boundaries of the adverbial phrase “dimming blue through the foggy distance.”

Commas 3 and 4 are commas before and after the isolated definition expressed by the participial phrase, standing after the word being defined - “covered by the light breath of spring.”

Commas should be in places 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Answer: 1234

Relevance: Current academic year

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

Rule: Task 17. Isolation of definitions and circumstances


In task 16, students are required to be able to see isolated and non-isolated secondary members of a sentence and place commas in isolated sentences. Given that all secondary members can be separated, this task includes only cases of separation/non-separation definitions and circumstances. Thus, in a task there may be combinations of two types of isolated terms, and the placement of punctuation marks will depend on the features of the isolation of definitions (see paragraph 16.1) and circumstances (see paragraph 16.2)

16.1 Separate definitions. Basic concepts.

Separate definitions are definitions highlighted in meaning using intonation and commas.

Hence, not isolated - not separated by commas and intonation.

Both separate and non-separate definitions are expressed most often* full forms of adjectives or participles. This agreed definitions, that is, it agrees in gender, number and case with its main word (= GS). Both isolated and non-isolated definitions denote the attribute of an object (main word).

*note: cases of separation inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns are not considered in this section, since Unified State Exam assignments do not contain such examples.

If the definition has no dependent words, then it is single definition.

If from the definition you can ask a question to another word (words), that is, the definition has dependent words, it is called widespread. The most striking example of a common definition is participle phrase (=|PO|).

Example 1. Car (what?) (GS)"Ambulance" , |standing across the pavement|, managed to attract onlookers. The definition of the word “machine” is expressed by the participle “standing”; from him we ask the question where? - to “across the pavement.” Both the participle and the words dependent on it are included in the participle phrase.

Example 2. In the same way, there are phrases with an adjective: On glass (GS) which one?, |silver from frost|, frost drew patterns. The adjective “silver” begs the question from what? to “from frost”, therefore, the adjective and dependent word make up attributive phrase(=|OO|).

Both the participial and attributive phrases are one member of the sentence - the definition.

If there are several definitions, then they can be homogeneous if they refer to one member of the sentence and there is (or can be inserted) a conjunction between them AND or there are commas;

and heterogeneous, if they refer to different members of the sentence and there is no or cannot be a conjunction between them AND or no commas.

Here are examples of common homogeneous definitions expressed by participial phrases:

Example 3: boy , | sledding | And |playing with little sister|, turned out to be the son of our neighbor.

To the main word boy There are two common definitions, each of which is expressed by a participial phrase: “rolled” + dependent words and “played” + dependent words

Scheme: GS + (PO and PO).

As you can see, a comma is not placed between two homogeneous terms, according to the general rule for using commas for homogeneous terms connected by a single conjunction AND.

Example 4: In the following example, common definitions are not homogeneous, since they refer to different parts of the sentence:

boy , | sledding |,(1) and |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son. The one who was skating was a boy, and the one playing was a neighbor.

Scheme: GS+PO, AND PO+GS. If you remove both phrases, the sentence will not break: The boy and the neighbor turned out to be father and son. Comma number 1, therefore, is needed not for homogeneous definitions, but for the boundary of the first participle phrase.

16.1.1. BASIC RULE for separating definitions

Let's go back to the example boy , | sledding |, And |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son.

Why is there a comma after the word “boy” before PO (=participial phrase), but not before the word “neighbor”?

There are a number of rules governing this. Let's define the most important, practically the only rule that you need to know when completing task 16 when working with definitions.

The participial (attributive) phrase is always isolated if it comes after the main word.

According to this scheme, separation always occurs: GS + PO.

Example 5: Human, |not remembering the past|, deprives himself of the future. Isolated myself participial phrase after the main word.

Example 6: Were heard sounds, |similar to the groans of trees|. Scheme: GS+OO.

The attributive phrase standing after the main word has become isolated

We swap the positions of software and GS in the given sentences:

Example 7.|Not remembering the past|Human deprives himself of the future. There is no separation, since the scheme is different: PO + GS

Example 8. Were heard |similar to the groans of trees| sounds. There is no separation. Scheme: OO+GS

Note: There is no such rule: the participial phrase is separated by commas. It is absolutely necessary to comply with the conditions for its isolation.

16.1.2. ADDITIONAL RULES for separating definitions

The rules below can be called additional only from the point of view of necessity for completing task 16. These rules are included in the school course of the Russian language, are required for study, but in tasks Unified State Exam writing regulated by these rules have not been encountered.

1. The participial phrase must be isolated in the position before the word being defined, If definition has the meaning of reason or concession.

Example 9: |Exhausted by days-long drought|, Earth greedily quenched her thirst. (Why did the earth quench its thirst? Because it was tormented by drought.) Scheme: PO + GS.

Example 10: |Decorated with shiny balls|, Christmas tree every now and then attracted the attention of the kitten. Why did the Christmas tree attract attention? Because it was decorated. Scheme: PO+GS.

Example 11: Growing up in poverty and hunger, Paul was hostile to those who were, in his understanding, rich. Why did you treat it this way? Because I grew up in poverty.

Scheme: PO+GS.

If there is no reason value, then the turnover as a general rule is not highlighted.

|Hung from a tree| birdhouse on the same day it turned out to be inhabited. (There is no reason, it cannot be said that he was settled because he was hanged. There is no separation, the basic rule applies.)

2. Isolation always occurs if the definition refers to a personal pronoun.

Scheme: PO+(GS=LM). , where LM is a personal pronoun.

Example 12 |Engrossed in conversation|, He listened.

Example 13 Hot and excited He ran into the room.

Example 14 Enriched with new concepts and feelings He I began to re-read my books again.

Very often these two rules are combined in one sentence:

Example 15 Tired of walking through the swamp, wandered in I into the barn and fell asleep deeply: on the one hand there is a reason (why did he fall asleep?), on the other - the main word - a personal pronoun.

The above rules related to the separation of participial and attributive phrases.

There is another type of separation that is different from the others.

3. Several non-common definitions are isolated, connected by the union And(or without it, with a comma), standing after the main word.

Scheme: GS+Definition + I+ Definition.

Example 16 Martovskaya night, cloudy and foggy, enveloped the earth.

Example 17 Spring spirit, cheerful and dissolute, walked everywhere.

Please note that in tasks there are very often sentences with two or three participial (attributive) phrases, which complicates the process of identifying their boundaries. In this case, it may turn out that the revolutions either follow each other sequentially, or are built into one another, or are located to the right and left of the GS. At the same time, there can and will be non-isolated definitions in sentences, expressed by single adjectives, participles and pronouns.

Let us give examples of analysis of the most difficult sentences with isolated and non-isolated definitions

EXAMPLE 1. From a distance he saw house, |unlike others|, |built by some Italian architect| .

EXAMPLE 2. Above still haven't calmed down after the recent storm endless by sea towered sky, festooned with brightly shimmering stars.

16.2. Special circumstances. Basic Concepts

Isolated circumstances are single gerunds and participial phrases. A gerund is a special form of a verb that answers the questions: What are you doing? and what having done?, always refers to a verb and denotes an additional action in relation to the main one. For example, in the sentence Having done a large circle along Newspaper Lane in Kislovka, Levin returned to the hotel again and, putting watch in front of me, sat down, waiting twelve. the highlighted words are gerunds, underlined as circumstances together with the words dependent on them, that is, participial phrases (= DO)

16.2.1 The basic rule for separating gerunds and participial phrases.

Unlike participles and participial phrases, single participles and participial phrases are always separated by commas, regardless of their location.

Cases when gerunds are not highlighted, that is, they are not isolated, are not included in the Unified State Exam tasks and are not included in the amount of information required to complete task 16.

16.2.2 Special cases. Placing commas with several predicates or several phrases (single gerunds).

The complexity of tasks often lies in the fact that a sentence may contain various combinations of separate adverbial circumstances and predicates. For example, with one predicate there can be two (or more) DOs or single gerunds; there can be two or three predicates, and each has its own DO. Let's consider these options in more detail.

1. There are two homogeneous predicates in the sentence, and the adverbial phrase refers to one of them.

From Guest

TASK: write down the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

1. Multi-colored thickets (1) formed by single (2) and colonial coral polyps (3) are clearly visible through the clear waters of warm tropical seas (4) on a quiet sunny day.

2. Ambergris (1) which has been in for a long time sea ​​water(2) or specially purified (3) has a subtle (4) scent of jasmine.

3. In Crimea, Vasiliev spent a long time admiring the mountains (1) directed towards the sun (2) and (3) trees shrouded in pink haze.

4. The glorious biography of the “Arkhangelsk peasant” Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1) who left the village with a convoy to Moscow (2) and (3) who eventually became the greatest scientist (4) is known today to every schoolchild.

5. Elegant urticaria butterflies (1) fluttering easily (2) or basking in the sun (3) can be seen in nature (4) already in early spring.

6. thundercloud(1) from time to time sparkling with lightning (2) and emitting a dissatisfied rumble (3) hurried to the northeast (4) increasingly revealing the dark starry sky.

7. Mixing with the salty sea winds (1), the smell of citrus fruits (2) creates (3) a healing (4) atmosphere for people.

8. Periphrasis is a figure of speech that consists of replacing a word with a descriptive combination (1) containing (2) an element of characteristics of the described object or person (3) and helping (4) to avoid unjustified repetitions in the text.

9. In the picture there will only be (1) a rain-washed (2) wet meadow under a huge sky, a few trees and (3) shadows of gray clouds running across wet grass (4) (5) driven by the wind.

10. The garden (1) thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow (2) descended to (3) a river overgrown with green reeds and willows (4).

11. Using a long, unsteady raft (1) made of three tied logs (2), we crossed the river and went to the right (3) keeping (4) close to the shore.

12. I saw all around me one boundless azure sea (1) all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and across it (2) triumphantly (3) and as if laughing (4) the gentle sun rolled .

13. One after another, horses approached the fire (1) slowly fading into the night (2) and stood motionless (3) looking at us (4) with intelligent eyes.

14. Graduates (1) are increasingly thinking about the upcoming separation from school (2) are looking in a new way at their classmates who have imperceptibly matured (3) (4) trying to see only the good in them.

15. Leonid Leonov (1) being a classic of Russian literature of the 20th century (2) was a tireless defender of the Russian forest (3) whom he called (4) “green friend.”

16. The sparrow (1) unexpectedly took off (2) disappeared into the light greenery of the garden (3) transparently visible (4) against the background of the early evening sky.

17. The steppe air (1) filled with a thousand different bird whistles (2) was hot, and hawks (3) stood motionless in the high sky, spreading their wings (4) and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass...

18. Low smoky clouds (3) gradually disappearing (4) in the blue were smoothly rushing across the clear sky (1) without blocking the sun.

19. Among the eccentrics (1) who lived in Moscow during Griboyedov’s times (2) there was a man (3) described in the comedy “Woe from Wit” under the name (4) Maxim Petrovich.

20. The road (1) turned right (2) went through a huge field (3) sown with spring crops (4) and went deeper into the forest.

21. A damp, cold wind blew from the sea (1), spreading across the steppe (2) the thoughtful melody of the splash (3) of a wave running onto the shore.

22. The ducks (1) frightened by the sudden appearance of the hunters (2) rose noisily and (3) somersaulting in the air (4) slowly and heavily flew away.

23. One can only bow to the genius of Marina Tsvetaeva (1) who created a completely unique poetic world (2) and (3) who firmly believed (4) in her muse.

24. There are countless virtuoso masters in the world who (1) artistically master (2) drawing, painting, composition and (3) create (4) magnificent canvases.

25. In front of us lay the Koishauri valley (1) crossed, as if by two silver threads, by the Aragva and another river (2) and (3) escaping into the neighboring gorges from the warm rays of the sun (4) a bluish fog slid across it.

26. A magnificent view opened before us: the river winds (1) dimly blue through the foggy distance (2) through watery-green meadows, and a man (3) embraced by the bright breath of spring (4) grows stronger, he breathes more freely, his soul is happier .

27. The “terrible world” of the city created by Blok (1) and his Stranger (2) frightening (3) and irresistibly attractive (4) suppress the poet.

28. And an hour later both were sitting at a shaky table (1) and (2) resting their heads against each other (3) reading a long list of jewelry (4) that once belonged to Ippolit Matveyevich’s mother-in-law.

29. We crossed the river on an unsteady raft (1) made of three tied logs (2) and went to the right (3) keeping (4) closer to the shore.

30. The pond (2) formed on the river (1), diagonally crossing the Abramtsevo estate (3), was the natural boundary of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) located to the southeast of the estate house.

I study biology and chemistry at Five Plus in Gulnur Gataulovna’s group. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject and find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives homework that is realistic in scope (and not, as most teachers do in the Unified State Examination year, ten paragraphs at home, and one in class). . We study strictly for the Unified State Exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects that she teaches and always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


I'm preparing for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna) at Five Plus. Very pleased! The quality of classes is at a high level; the school now gets only A's and B's in these subjects. I wrote the test exams as a 5, I’m sure I’ll pass the OGE with flying colors. Thank you!


I was preparing for the Unified State Examination in history and social studies with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant to talk to. It is clear that the man lives for his work. He is well versed in teenage psychology and has a clear training method. Thank you "Five Plus" for your work!


I passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with 92 points, mathematics with 83, social studies with 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thank you "Five Plus"! Your teachers are true professionals, with them high results are guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! In his group I prepared for the Unified State Exam in mathematics profile level, passed with 85 points! although my knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Exam, he himself is on the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thanks to Five Plus for this opportunity!


"A+" is an excellent test preparation center. Professionals work here, a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, passed both subjects with a good score, happy with the result, thank you!


At the “Five with Plus” center I studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilyevna. I really liked the classes, clear methodology, accessible form, comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted to the Five Plus center by good teachers, a convenient class schedule, the availability of free trial exams, and my parents - affordable prices for high quality. In the end, our whole family was very pleased. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a student at KFU on a budget basis, and all thanks to good preparation - I passed the Unified State Exam high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a social studies tutor; I wanted to pass the exam with the maximum score. “A+” helped me in this matter, I studied in Vitaly Sergeevich’s group, the classes were super, everything was clear, everything was clear, at the same time fun and relaxed. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was memorable by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) The work of some animal artists is devoted to the depiction of horses. (2) From time immemorial, horses have been man’s closest assistants, and the attitude towards the horse is the breadwinner and true friend– has been special since ancient times. (3) _____ the close attention of artists to these graceful, beautiful and at the same time hardy animals is quite understandable.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The attention of artists to horses is due to the fact that horses were man’s closest assistants.

2. From time immemorial, horses have been depicted in artists’ paintings.

3. Hardy animals have been respected by humans since ancient times.

4. Attention of animal artists to horses to modern man not quite clear.

5. A special attitude towards the horse - the breadwinner and faithful friend - led to close attention to it from artists.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

1. Apparently

2. Unfortunately,

3. Therefore

4. Because

5. Hardly


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NEAR (CLOSEST). Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CLOSE, oh, oh.

1. Located, occurring at a short distance, not far away. Close shots. B. path (not far). Close (adv.) to live.

2. Separated by a short period of time. Near future. The night is near.

3. FULL f. About kinship: blood related, direct. B. relative. Close relatives. Find your loved ones (noun).

4. With whom. Bound by close personal communication, friendship, love. B. friend. Close relationships (friendly as well as intimate). They became close.

5. To whom (what). Closely connected with someone, directly related to someone, dear to someone. Related interests. Appeals close to the masses.

6. For what, in what. Similar, similar. B. by content. B. to the original. Close in opinion.

7. To whom (what). Having free access to somewhere. Journalist, b. to theatrical circles.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.






One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. FRIENDLY messages are a very common genre in Russian poetry of the early 19th century.

2. Leonid Andreev’s descriptions almost always seem EXOTIC.

3. Shumeiko was the only visitor who, upon returning to Moscow, sent us a letter of THANK YOU.

4. Plot devices, stylistics, formal techniques that were relevant quite recently are OUTDATED for the new generation.

5. Velikanov himself noted this at the ANNUAL reporting meeting in his characteristic somewhat illogical manner.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


indirect cases

ripe apricots




Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) After reading this article, I became even more proud of my language. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) There are many works in literature dedicated to women 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) The author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” P. Ershov was born and lived in Siberia. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Walking through the seaside park, she heard the splashing of waves. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) I told and convinced the listeners of the reality of the events I described. 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

mind..be silent



Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

reproach, misdemeanor

in..mad, ra..doubling

pr..raised, pr..image

in..anxious, nor..thrown

pr..language, insufficient...


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.






Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.



hold out...forever




Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. I got out of the snow and, (no longer) arguing with the wind, turned back.

2. Dor is a field, but only a (not) simple field, but in the middle of a forest.

3. Good power is power that (does not) resort to cruelty.

4. An English street is (not) intended to be a place of meetings and walks.

5. The silence thickened even more and became completely (un)believable.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. I will ALSO have to tell him SOMETHING special.

2. (And) SO, despite our efforts, everything remained (STILL) THE SAME.

3. (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE OF SOME kind of delay in the journey, the horses fell behind, and we went ahead.

4. From here there was a view of a bend in the river with a rapids (IN) THE MIDDLE and a high arch of the bridge (IN) DALI.

5. (C) AT THE BEGINNING OF September the air begins to get (A LITTLE) colder.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The roof visible among the pines, more beautiful (1) with bright oil (2) paint, saved us from a long search. Along the leveled (3) path and sprinkled with (4) gravel we approach the house and knock on one of the shutters. “Well, master, welcome unsolicited guests,” one of us says jokingly.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Russia is a unification of races and a unification of peoples; this is free conciliarity and unity in difference.

2. There is nothing in the world more precious and sacred than human life and human dignity.

3. I slowly walked away from the thunderstorm, crossed a dense spruce forest and went out into a dry birch forest.

4. Based on a person’s attitude to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.

5. Lawns and flower beds are delimited by sandy paths and marble antique sculptures.


A magnificent view opened up before us: the river winds (1) blue through the foggy distance between green meadows and low hills (2) and (3) enveloped in the light breath of spring (4) a man grows stronger, his soul becomes more joyful.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

The epics about the glorious heroes are widely known: Mikula, Volga, Sadko and (1) of course (2) about the three famous defenders of the Russian land - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Of course (3) there is a lot of fiction in the epics, but (4) still (5) they talk about real events and people.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The hallway (1) where a mirror hung with a stand for gloves (2) and there was an oak trunk (3) that was easy to bump into with your knee (4) narrowed into a very narrow corridor.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

When he studied at the university (1) it seemed to him (2) that medicine would soon suffer the fate of alchemy and metaphysics (3) now (4) when he reads at night (5) medicine touches him (6) and arouses surprise in him and even delight.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.


(1) Seraphim – Chernivtsi veterinarian. (2) I emphasize, Chernivtsi. (3) And this means a lot. (4) Chernivtsi people are special. (5) Very similar to Odessa residents. (6) They love to talk, the sun, children and animals. (7) Therefore, Seraphim pronounces the phrase “Tell me who is your friend...” and further in the text completely differently from others. (8) And emotionally. (9) Gesturing. (10) And a little with a threat. (11) For prevention. (12) Something like this: (13) “Of course, I will tell you who you are when I see who lives in your house, in what condition and in what conditions.”

(14) Seraphim knows his patients by name, smell, color, voice and face. (15) Seraphim quarrels forever with those who mistreat their pets and stops greeting them altogether. (16) For example, Leva Gold. (17) He seemed like a decent person until a turtle took up residence with him. (18) Good girl, calm, undemanding. (19) Believe it or not, she ran away! (20) Leva opened the door for the plumber. (21) The turtle had been on duty in the hallway for a week, stomping around, waiting for an opportunity. (22) As soon as the door was opened, she broke through and ran away. (23) They were looking, of course. (24) Then friends said that they saw Levi’s turtle on the street. (25) It rushed along the axial road along the Kyiv highway. (26) And disappeared. (27)3a horizon. (28) But because there was no need to turn on the music loudly, to bring the girls. (29) And stomp. (30) And turtles, for your information, eat apples in slices and lettuce and cabbage leaves. (31) Not chips with bacon. (32) That's it. (ZZ) Goodbye, Lyova Gold, you are an animal. (34) You can’t even be trusted with a stuffed hare. (35) Live alone.

(Z6) Now – Margarita is at the Agosyants’. (37) Kitty. (38) Who said cat? (39) This is your cat. (40) And the Agosyants have a gentle, affectionate, proud, independent, touchy, charming, charming cat. (41) Seraphim warned: she has become fat. (42) Does he play with a ball? (43) Does he catch mice? (44) Who will let her! (45) But he’s losing his grace. (46) Yesterday I fell off the battery in my sleep. (47) In a bucket of water. (48) Confusion. (49) I stopped being interested in life. (50) In March. (51) Physical inactivity. (52) Moves little. (53) Excess weight. (54) Cellulite. (55) They fed me. (56) These are the animals!

(57) Tomik has a parrot. (58) A bully and a swearer. (59) Carefree reveler. (60) Likes to peck chocolate and young women’s legs. (61) That’s another education. (62) It’s time to register. (63) To the police special detention center. (64) Steals coins and jewelry. (65) Criminal element. (66) In this case, only harsh measures. (67) Parrot - on a polished surface. (68) So that he slides and falls. (69) And don’t listen to pleas for help. (70) He immediately becomes silent, sulks, and realizes his mistakes. (71) It’s more difficult with the owner. (72) This one doesn’t understand the first time. (73) It is necessary to repeat. (74) Educate.

(75) The Berdyanskys have a donkey, Socrates. (76) Very smart. (77) He puts on a hat and goes to the nearest cafe in the city park every day. (78) He is engaged in consummation. (79) Tricks visitors into puff pastries. (80) Doesn’t eat others. (81) When he sees Seraphim, he covers his eyes with his hat and thinks that he is hiding. (82)Donkey. (83) What will you take from him? (84) Although quick-witted. (85)3 knows that Seraphim will take him home. (86) And for at least a week he, Socrates, will remain under strict supervision and without “Napoleon”.

(87) The Osadchikhs have a young goat, Marianna. (88) Dreamy, stupid, amorous. (89) Annoying. (90) If they take you out onto the lawn, you’ll start thinking. (91) Stands, stares around. (92) Dreaming. (93)V good weather completely untied. (94) Wanders to the stadium. (95)Pesters people. (96) Begging. (97) Man, please treat me to a cigarette. (98)3a matcha can chew up a pack of Marlboros. (99) Got hooked. (100) For tobacco and football. (101) The goat was molested, the animals. (102) Now treat her for her addiction.

(103) The Immortals have a pig named Fyodor. (104) Inquisitive, inquisitive. (105) He looks out the window all the time from his shed. (106) Watching. (107) For birds, dogs, passers-by. (108) The owners, such animals, say: maybe we should kill him? (109) He eats so much, but doesn’t get fat at all. (110) And Seraphim: what are you really doing?! (111) Yes, he, Fyodor, is not getting better, because everything goes into his mind! (112) It’s better to teach him to read. (113) Otherwise he’ll start to get bored. (114) Because his, Fedorov’s, happiness lies in continuous knowledge.