Post-war system of international treaties table. Post-war system of international treaties

Sections: History and social studies

Lesson objectives:

  • To reveal the contradictions that arose during the preparation and signing of the Treaty of Versailles;
  • Show the inconsistency of the Versailles-Washington system, the germs of what conflicts in international relations lurked in the system post-war treaties;
  • Continue work on the formation of positive and critical thinking, the ability to find a way out of the current situation, to find solutions for stability in society.
  • Continue the formation of the ability to work with a historical map, historical documents, do analysis historical events and conclusions.

Main problems:

1. Goals of the conference. Contradictions between the participants of the conference. Did it complicate the environment in which the conference took place?

2. What were the basic principles underlying the new post-war international relations, and how strong was the established Versailles-Washington system?

3. Did the countries participating in the First World War learn from it, judging by the decisions of post-war international treaties?

Historical calendar (see Appendix)

November 12, 1921 - February 6, 1922 - Washington Peace Conference; "Treaty of four powers"; "Treaty of Five Powers"; "Treaty of the Nine Powers".

Questions and tasks


  • List the main requirements of the victorious countries.
  • What post-war conferences resolved the issues of a peaceful settlement of international relations?
  • Which countries benefited the most from the decisions of these conferences, and which ones lost?
  • What issues of international relations have not been resolved?
  • What is the Versailles-Washington system?
  • How does the Treaty of Versailles implement the principle: “Germany will pay for everything”?
  • "The international system, the order that is held up by the Treaty of Versailles, is held up by a volcano." Do you think that V.I. is right? Lenin?
  • What points in this document could cause future international disputes (conflicts)?
  • Exercise 1

    Determine, using documents, which countries correspond to the goal of a peaceful settlement after the war:

    1. Division of Germany into several states.
    2. Return of Alsace and Lorraine.
    3. Control over the industrial region of the Rhine.
    4. German colonies in Africa and Turkish possessions in the Mediterranean.
    5. Building a system of new international relations and the role of the “moral leader of the world”.
    6. Preservation of a united Germany.
    7. Partition of the possessions of the Ottoman Empire.
    8. Seizure of German possessions outside Europe.

    Task 2.

    Determine, using the documents, at which of the conferences the listed problems were solved:

    1. Territorial changes in Europe and the colonies.
    2. The balance of power in the Far East.
    3. The new position of Germany in the post-war world.
    4. Creation international organization- League of Nations.
    5. The ratio of the naval forces of the Pacific powers.
    6. Return of prisoners of war and punishment of war criminals.
    7. Solution of the Russian problem.

    Task 3.

    Continue the historical statements:

    1. As a result of the Paris and Washington conferences, a new balance of forces in the world was established, capable of leading ...
    2. Germany, which lost some of its possessions and was forced to pay a huge indemnity. could...
    3. The Versailles-Washington system could not solve all the controversial issues of international relations, because ...
    4. An attempt to organize a conference in the Princes' Islands can be regarded as ...

    Task 4.

    1. Explain what contradictions existed between the victorious countries? Could they have been resolved under those historical conditions?
    2. Is it right to say that with the creation of the League of Nations international relationships moved to a new level?
    3. What was the “Russian question” at the conferences and why was it not resolved?

    Task 5.

    Analysis of the historical statement:

    1. British Prime Minister David Lloyd George spoke about the mandate system, according to which the former colonial possessions were transferred under the tutelage of the advanced victorious countries: "Mandates are just a mask for annexations." Is it possible to agree with such a frank statement? How could you confirm or refute this statement?

    2. T. Dreiser in his book “America is worth saving” writes: “And now long-suffering humanity receives a dummy in the form of the League of Nations, which declares war “outlawed”. It took a long time to work out the rules of this wonderful game of hide and seek, but even before they were worked out, new wars began to arise everywhere. From then until now, there has hardly been a single day when there has not been a war somewhere.” Is it so? Prove or disprove this statement.

    Task 6.

    Work with the map "The World after the First World War".

    Follow the territorial changes according to the decisions of the conferences. Explain which countries they arranged and why? Which countries were dissatisfied?

    In conclusion, students express their point of view on the main issues.

    Summing up the results of the seminar.

    The state final certification in the XI classes in history is carried out orally by tickets. Each of the 25 tickets consists of 3 questions.

    The first question to test the knowledge of the course " recent history 1900 - 1939" (X class). The second question to test the knowledge of the course "The latest and modern history(1939 - the beginning of the XXI century)", studied in the XI grade. The third question to test the knowledge of the course "History of the Fatherland in the XX - at the beginning of the XXI centuries (1939 - the beginning of the XXI century)", studied in the XI class.

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    "Revisiting the System of Post-War Treaties in the 1920s"

    Ticket 11

    11.1 Revision of the post-war treaty system in the 1920s

    Financial and economic (29 states);

    Reconstruction of Central and Eastern Europe;

    The Russian question: the return of loans, the return of the value of nationalized enterprises former owners, the abolition of the state monopoly on foreign trade.

    The conference was attended by a Soviet delegation (they agreed to pay royal debts)

    Payment terms:

    The West pays Russia losses for intervention;

    Provision by the West of long-term loans;

    The Russian question remained unresolved.

    States refuse to pay war losses and debts;

    Germany renounces claims to pay the cost of German enterprises nationalized by the USSR;

    Establishment of diplomatic relations.

    The Hague Conference, Holland (June - July 1922)

    Financial and economic issues

    Discussion of financial and economic claims of Western states Soviet Russia;

    The Soviet delegation put forward its claims to the West.

    Failed to reach an agreement

    The issue of signing a new agreement with Turkey by the victorious countries

    Turkey became an independent country;

    The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire was legally fixed, and new borders of Turkey were established;

    Elimination of the capitulation regime and the establishment of international financial control over Turkey;

    Turkey pledged to pay part of the debts of the Ottoman Empire;

    A convention was adopted on the Black Sea straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles (free passage for ships).

    System creation collective security

    Participants: Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia


    1) Rhine Guarantee Pact:

    Germany, France and Belgium made commitments

    maintaining the western borders of Germany, which were established by the Treaty of Versailles;

    2) the signing of agreements by France with Czechoslovakia and Poland on providing them with assistance in the event of a German attack;

    3) an arbitration agreement between Germany, France and Belgium on the settlement of all disputes.

    Conclusion: Germany recognized the new borders of countries and joined the League of Nations (1926). The issues of war were decided by the League of Nations. Thus was created the system of collective security in Europe

    Briand-Kellogg Pact (August 1928)

    This treaty of renunciation of the policy of war

    April 1927 - Franco-American Treaty of Eternal Friendship and Renunciation of Wars

    August 1928 - 15 (+65) states signed the Briand-Kellogg Treaty

    Meaning of the pact:

    Peaceful conflict resolution;

    slide 2

    1. List the main requirements of the victorious countries.

    2. What post-war conferences dealt with the peaceful settlement of international relations?

    3. Which countries have benefited the most from the decisions of these conferences, and which ones have lost?

    4. What issues of international relations have not been resolved?

    5. What is the Versailles-Washington system?

    slide 3

    Determine which countries are consistent with the goal of a peaceful settlement after the war:

    1. Division of Germany into several weak states.

    2. Return of Alsace and Lorraine. 3. Control over the industrial region of the Rhine.

    4. German colonies in Africa and Turkish possessions in the Mediterranean.

    5. Building a system of new international relations and the role of the "moral leader" of the world.

    6. Preservation of a united Germany.

    7. Division of the possessions of the Ottoman Empire.

    8. Capture of German possessions outside Europe.

    slide 4

    Determine at which of the conferences the following problems were solved:

    1. Territorial changes in Europe and the colonies.

    2. The balance of power in the Far East.

    3. The new position of Germany in the post-war world.

    4. Creation of an international organization - the League of Nations.

    5. The ratio of the naval forces of the leading Pacific powers.

    6. Return of prisoners of war and punishment of war criminals.

    7. Solution of the Russian problem.

    slide 5

    1. Explain what contradictions existed between the victorious countries. Could they have been resolved under those historical conditions?

    2. Formulate the goals of the creation of the League of Nations and try to guess under what conditions the activities of this organization could be productive.

    3. Is it right to say that with the creation of the League of Nations, international relations have moved to a new level?

    4. What was the "Russian question" at the conferences and why was it not resolved?

    5. Was the Versailles-Washington system strong? Justify your opinion.

    slide 6

    Continue the historical statement:

    As a result of the Paris and Washington conferences, a new balance of power in the world was established, which could lead to...

    Germany, having lost some of its possessions and forced to pay a huge indemnity, could ...

    The Versailles-Washington system could not solve all the controversial issues of international relations, because ...

    An attempt to organize a conference in the Princes' Islands can be regarded as...

    Slide 7

    British Prime Minister David Lloyd George spoke about the mandate system, according to which the former colonial possessions were transferred under the tutelage of the advanced victorious countries: "Mandates are just a mask for annexations."

    Is it possible to agree with such a frank statement? How would you confirm or refute this statement?

    Slide 8

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    Lesson development for 11th grade

    Prepared by: Zaitseva Victoria Anatolyevna, history teacher, MBOU "Chernomorskaya high school№2"

    Subject: post-war system international treaties.

    Purpose: educational: to convey to students information about post-war conferences; developing: develop skills in working with a map, analysis educational material; logical thinking, visual and auditory types of memory; educational: in the course of studying the topic, to cultivate respect for states that, against the backdrop of a long military conflict, were able to get out of the war and continue diplomatic relations in a peaceful manner.

    Lesson type: combined

    Equipment: textbook, workbooks, projector.

    Methods of work: storytelling, dialogue, conversation, ICT, visualization, work in pairs.

    During the classes

    1. Organizing time
    2. DZ survey:
    1. What state and period are we talking about? He was elected before the adoption of the new constitution. He held the position of "head of state". Later he established a dictatorship and embarked on reforms that were called the "sanation regime" (Polish state)
    2. The Kingdom of the CXC was part of ... (Yugoslavia)
    3. Karl Seitz was elected President of which country? (Austria)
    4. This state has changed 3 countries in less than 2 years state structure: from the People's Republic to the establishment of Soviet power and the return to the monarchy. (Hungary)
    5. Which government was the Central Rada? (UNR)
    6. Which state was Karl Mannerheim the head of state? (Finland)
    7. From 1919 to 1933 this state was declared a republic. (Weimar Republic)

    new material


    1. Demands of the victorious countries and contradictions between them

    2. Paris Peace Conference 1919-1920

    3. Creation of a communist international

    4. Significance of the Paris Peace Conference

    5. Treaty of Versailles

    6. Washington Peace Conference 1921-1922

    7. Versailles-Washington system.

    Presentation work.

    Working with source: Charter of the League of Nations

    Summing up the lesson, it is worth noting that the topic of the lesson studied is complex, but we managed it together.

    Homework: P. 4, rep. P. 1-3. Prepare a report on one of the leaders of the Paris Peace Conference.

    Charter of the League of Nations

    Article 11. The League of Nations cannot remain an inactive body in the event of hostilities or threats of war directed against one of the members of the organization.

    Article 12 Any disagreement between the members of the League that poses a threat to peace must be considered by an arbitration court.

    Article 13 The members of the organization are obliged to recognize and carry out the decisions made by this court.

    Article 16. If one of the members of the League resorts to war contrary to all the obligations assumed, then he is considered an aggressor in relation to the rest of the members of the League. Members of the League are obliged to immediately interrupt all trade and financial relations with him, to prohibit citizens of their states from entering into contacts with citizens of a state that has violated the agreement.

    Consolidation: work in pairs. Students are invited to ask a question to a desk mate and evaluate his answer: it is hollow and exhaustive, deserving of a grade of "5", it is partial, but correct and deserves a grade of "4", it is short and characterizes a superficial focus on the topic and deserves a grade of "3"; the answer is not correct and needs further study.

    Charter of the League of Nations

    Article 11. The League of Nations cannot remain an inactive body in the event of hostilities or threats of war directed against one of the members of the organization.

    Article 12 Any disagreement between the members of the League that poses a threat to peace must be considered by an arbitration court.

    Article 13 The members of the organization are obliged to recognize and carry out the decisions made by this court.

    Article 16. If one of the members of the League resorts to war contrary to all the obligations assumed, then he is considered an aggressor in relation to the rest of the members of the League. Members of the League are obliged to immediately interrupt all trade and financial relations with him, to prohibit citizens of their states from entering into contacts with citizens of a state that has violated the agreement.

    Consolidation: work in pairs. Students are invited to ask a question to a desk mate and evaluate his answer: it is hollow and exhaustive, deserving of a grade of "5", it is partial, but correct and deserves a grade of "4", it is short and characterizes a superficial focus on the topic and deserves a grade of "3"; the answer is not correct and needs further study.


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    Slides captions:

    Topic: Post-war system of international treaties

    Consider: Why did France, Great Britain, the USA and Japan opposed the government of V.I. Lenin?

    Lesson plan: 1. The demands of the victorious countries and the contradictions between them 2. The Paris peace conference 3. The creation of the communist international 4. The significance of the Paris peace conference 5. The Treaty of Versailles 6. The Washington peace conference 1921-1922. 7. Versailles-Washington system.

    What is the purpose of the lesson? What is its relevance?

    What should be the most important and quickest demand in relation to the bloc of aggressor states?

    In c. 1918 - n.1919. the German army was withdrawn to the territory of the former German Empire and disarmed

    There was no unified Austro-Hungarian army. Turkish and Bulgarian forces were demoralized.

    In Russia, a huge amount of food and military supplies was concentrated on military orders.

    So, why in the first post-war period, France, Great Britain, the USA and Japan opposed the government of V.I. Lenin?

    France Prime Minister R. Poincaré President J. Clemenceau

    1. Maximum weakening of Germany 2. Return of Alsace and Lorraine 3. Control of the industrial region of the Rhine 4. Accession of German colonies in Africa and Turkish possessions in the Mediterranean

    United Kingdom Prime Minister Lloyd George

    1. Division of the Ottoman Empire 2. Seizure of territories dependent on Germany outside Europe 3. Preservation of Germany; its economic control

    USA Woodrow Wilson

    The role of the “moral guide” of the whole world

    Italy, Japan, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Greece, China Pursued their national interests and sought to annex the border territories at the expense of the states that lost the war

    Russia Was excluded from the development of a program for the post-war world order and did not take part in international conference, who worked in Paris from January 18, 1919 to June 28, 1919.

    Predict the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference

    Adoption of the Charter...

    Analyze the passage of the Charter of the League of Nations What is its main purpose?

    Describe the unofficial symbol Communist International and sample membership card

    Textbook p. 52 "The Treaty of Versailles" Reading and analysis aloud.

    Washington Peace Conference 1921-1922 Textbook P. 53. Treaty of 4 powers: ... Treaty of 5 powers ... Treaty of 9 powers ...

    So, in your opinion, was the Versailles-Washington peace system flawed? And if you had, then name them.

    Work in pairs

    Homework: P. 4, rep. P.1-3, prepare a report about one of the leaders of the Paris Peace Conference.

    Some time after the end of World War I, the victorious countries established a new system of peace. The main document of the system is the Versailles Peace Treaty, concluded at Versailles in June 1919, on the one hand by Germany, and on the other by the victorious countries. Its main part was the status of the League of Nations.

    The Versailles Conference began on January 18, 1919. Each of the victorious countries at the conference pursued its own interests, the attitude of nations towards each other was distrustful, they had to go through a difficult path together. In total, delegations from 27 countries took part. But all the most important issues were submitted to the meeting of the "Council of Ten". Representatives of 5 countries were present here: France, Japan, England, USA and Italy. The most stringent demands were put forward by the delegation from France - the weakening and dismemberment of Germany.

    After the Versailles Peace Treaty was reached, some peace conditions were announced:

    • Germany loses a significant part of its territories, which go to France;
    • Germany loses all her colonies;
    • The army of Germany must be reduced to one hundred thousand men, in addition, it is necessary to disband its general staff, aviation and navy;
    • Germany must pay reparations to the victorious countries.

    On the basis of this peace treaty, this entire system was built. But this did not guarantee the stabilization of relations. Civil wars continued in a number of European countries. Then the US proposed to hold another conference to resolve the conflicts in Washington.

    In 1921, the US made its agreement without mentioning the League of Nations. The American government put forward the "14 points" of peace, while the USSR provided the "Decree on Peace". Despite the fact that the treaty signed by the United States was supposed to rally the world community, because of it a lot of disagreements arose, which later gave rise to a new war.

    Treaties and results of the Versailles system during the Washington Conference

    In total, three agreements were signed by the participating countries of the Washington Conference:

    • "Treaty of the Four". Signed in December 1921. The parties to the treaty were: France, England, Japan and the United States. The treaty provides for the inviolability of the possessions of the participating countries in the Pacific Ocean.
    • "Treaty of Five". Signed in February 1922. The treaty provided for the use of a limited number of naval armaments of the countries.
    • "Treaty of the Nine". The principle of " open doors". Basically, the treaty was aimed at the problems of China.

    The end of the Washington Conference is considered the beginning of a new model of relations between countries. The result of the Versailles system was the emergence of new centers of power within states that were able to establish international relations. Post-war tensions between the great powers were removed.

    Principles of the Versailles Peace System

    • By creating the League of Nations, the security of European countries was ensured. Until that time, there had already been attempts to create such a body, but in the post-war period it received legal confirmation. Now European countries began to unite to protect common interests and preserve peace.
    • One of the principles of the Versailles system of peace was the strict observance of the norms of international law.
    • Germany lost all her colonies. France and England may also lose their colonies. Imperialism and colonialism in Europe was completely suppressed.
    • An agreement was signed on the observance of the principle of demilitarism: the state needs as many weapons as necessary to protect the territory.
    • The principle of individuality is being replaced by the principle of collegiality: all international issues must be resolved jointly by European states.

    Causes of collapse and crises Versailles-Washington system

    Among the main reasons for the collapse of the Versailles system are:

    • The system covered far from all world powers. First of all, it did not include the guarantors of the USA and the USSR. Without these two countries, it was impossible to ensure stability in Europe. In Europe, a system was established in which there should not be countries on the continent with more opportunities than the rest.
    • One of the main weaknesses of the Versailles system is considered to be an undeveloped scheme of economic international interaction. The new system completely severed economic ties between Eastern and Central Europe. There was no single economic market, instead there were dozens of separate markets. There was an economic split in Europe, to overcome which economically the developed countries so they couldn't.

    Test your knowledge

    When was the Treaty of Versailles concluded?

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    How many countries took part in the Versailles Conference?

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    What was the name of the treaty signed in December 1921 during the Washington Conference?

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    Which country lost all its colonies during the Versailles Peace System?

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